The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 27, 1891, Image 3

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Wholesale. Dtilin mid Jobbers Made
emire tram Losses by r.ylna Pul
Pramlunaa-How Hi. Diialnm In Car
ried On-A flample Cue.
Insurance la beoomlnu a science with
many Branches. Everythius.frornnhuman
life to an express pnokaKo, In protected hy a
follcy Rimraulwiiut pecuniary satisfaction
as a balm (or the urief of the -iiformnat
owner or bolr, Tim latent addition to the
Insurance (old i that much abused ohap,
tin oredltor. The Hat of contingencies,
whtoh began with (Ire and elilpwreolt and
grew to iuclndo death, railroad accidents,
land titles, wedding dowries, boiler explo
sions, window fractures, etc, now extends
to bndma (allurea. ,
Money and braina have been expended
for yearn in trying to apply the dootrinea
of averages and chances protection
JMiiilnst financial misfortune and "crooked
Jieaa." It waa readily Keen that If mann
iacturess and wholesale merchants, who
neoesaarilv rinan MmmnH. nt, K..ut.
ould be Infrared against loss by the va
garies of their debtors, the harvest o(
premiums would be enormous,
The dlflloulty waa, however, how to ad
Just matters so that the ae Her would not
become reckless in the granting of oredita,
knowing that he waa inaured, Bnd the
hurer careless of his oliligatlnm, knowing
that hia creditor was protected.
The problem ha lawn solved in two dif
ferent waya, and four or five different cou-
-: ecrns, big aud little, ire now competing
(or the business uf the-wholwiale houaea,
large jobbers and manufacturers. The
first general plan may he called the Indi
vidual or personal guarantee plan. The
second ban a general and irapereonal guar-
Jllltafl fill (til lixulu 'I'nn II.-.
jrunrantee Individual accountanptoaoei-J
tiuub, ub various raws, or premium,
, graded according to the nuderwrtter's esti-
mate of the debtor' financial respnnslbil
itv aud honesty.
The aecond plan la to Insure the creditor
airainst losses generally without refereuoe
to the debtors, ao long aa aaid tosses are in
curred while doing business within certain
stipulated rules. Another Hue of division
may be drawn between schemes In which
only eimwea over a stipulated average loss
re to he considered.
The individual guarantee plan la being
IIIIMNltati lit' A ItllmhAP nt .
nd baa been on trial (or many years, but
lias not come into general nee. The basis
of the system must be an onmnir.atir.ii
almilur to the well known mercantile
- agencies, i ne eompnuy must have accu
ral inforniatlnu as to the financial stand
ing of every debtor. From this they esti
mate the risk and Ax the premium which
they will charge In guaranteeing hia obll-
:. atlona. .
in the bookaof one o( the latest o( these
oouipaniea the mercantile world Is divided
into aeven olaaaes, like Shakespeare's seven
ages, first aiimi' claaa "A," wboae mem
liers have been uniformly successful In
business, never suffered from even a tem
porary embarrassment and are of undoubt
d probity.
Next to this "gilt edge" clam comes class
"It," whose members have had their liuan
flial gilding slightly taruiabed. And so the
scale desmnda until class "G" is reaohed,
which Include those who have failed in the
jiaat end aro likely to do no again,
This classification haauothing to do with
the extent of the firm's possessions. It la
qualitative, not quantitative.
KeXt OOUIBS the niHiwillr.Ht.inn n. f k
limit oi runts. At the head stand those
Jlrma whose obligations will he guaranteed
i w any aiuuuui. neconu, tliose who will
not oe guaranteed nevonU total of say
!0,000, and so on down to small amounts.
The company will not Issue any more poli
cies on any firm after the total of obliga
tions guaranteed lias reached the limit,
When a claim hue not been paid It Is as
signed to the underwriting company, which
wuai. n. can uub ui me wreox oi the
bankrupt business wherewith to reimburse
, The next clnaslllcation Is with regard to
n,ue nanara or tne nuauiesa which is in ques
tion. There are four gradea. Probably a
.powder mill would be put in tho fourth
grade, while the firm handling the staple
and nou-perlshable articles of food would
come in the llrat grade.
Again they are clntwlfied as to the gross
amount of business done a year. This is
called rating. Thus the Thurber-Whyiand
company would be rated at 114,000,000, as
-tboji amount Is about the volume of a year's
burliness of that modest concern.
All of these things win he taken Intoao
count In fixing the rate or per cent, of pre
mium when a subscriber of the guarantee
company says, "l'vcaold John Jones 11,000
worth of goods at sixty days, and I want
the account Insured."
After looking over the books the clerk
would say perhaps, -"The rata on Mr. Jones
. Is 5 pur cent., but be is limited to (9,000 of
risk and we are already carrying $4,600, so
wo cau only take 1500, or half youra'coount,
aud the proiiim on that will amount to
twenty live dollars. "-New York Trlbuue.
The city of the violet crown,
Alasl it boars no violets now.
Though fresh the walls of Olmon (Town
From the Acropolis's brow. :"
Though old Ureok tunic, old Greek gown,
On peasants yet the race avow,
The city of the violet crown,
Alasl it bears no violets now.
The Greek kixIb are spurned and down,
And dead the old Greek life, I trow.
Though ne'er again to foe should bow
Athena's fune, Athena's town
The city of the violet crown.
-Douglas Hladea In Harper's Baser,
How Jockeys Train,
It la no wonder that un minrr l,.l... Jl.
jwr.uj u9
young or mat ineir races have a pinched
and tortured look. I saw one of the boys
come ont of the Morris park track stables
few days ago afterundorgotuga Newmar
ket sweat. He was the most pltiabla ob
ject I have seen (or many a day. He waa a
biff boned lad. and ha hnrl itbmnii
v- , .. vu.m w
take off aeven pounds (rom an already
uierirraiDnu uouy in two days. He (ailed
by a rjonnd. and ha nriari lit Mt.i
In bis grief. Perhaps the tears were due
more to the nervousness of an overwrought
frame than to nrivthino' !u .it.
had slept only seven hours out of forty
eight, and be had taken three Russian
uaiua in mat time. He had remained In
the baths from two tlim kn,.H l
o( these occasions, had drank no liqnlds
except a little lime Juice and seltaer, and
bad starred himself cruelly.
On the final morning he bad pnt on a lot
of beavy clothes, including a thick pea
jacket, and taking hold of the tailboard of
an express wagon, which was used (or
nartlng supplies to and from the village,
had run five mites in the rli,t.v rr,a
lug on to the end of the wagon. The horse
moved at a brisk trot, so that the boy had
to do some hard running. When he got
back to the stable he was bundled up un
der heavy blanket, with all hia clothes
and even his hat still on. He drank a hot
lemonade aud lay there (or half an hour.
When they pulled the blankets off they
werealmostsaturatedwlthmolsture. The
lad was rnbhed rinwn wir.h nrvlrl i
then, weak and faint, with his (ace horri
bly drawn np, be went on the scales. He
WHS St.HI tAO hfiMVV tn rlna nn.l t.111.1-
'-r mi, un nur
ture was in vain.-Blakely Hall in Brook-
u juagie.
Tent of Society Leaders,
Society lniirltu ntw t l,n -....r . i
,u Huw Dnm nuuutrriUI
women In the world, though tbey are bsn-
allV B(!rt4lin,4i imrmrr l.ka Mia .r-
lesa butterflies of life. But every one of
ineir extravagant little whims aud likings
irivOH to the arut ttrn.w ..- i
netus In designing and perfecting the vari
ous handicrafts and employment in carry
ing out the designs. Hut the remarkable
thing aliout this species of woman, is not
what she wears or what she does, but what
she remembers.
In the lirst place, she Invariably remem
bers your name, aud j our hobby, it yon
have one, asks after your last book or pic
ture or poem, your sick baby, your gout
or your religion, your new bonnet or but
ler. She doesn't care a piu about it, bu' it
flatters VOU. aild Von li Itn it. A r.,1 r.n
can retain and call up at the proper o
ment your particular name, face and in
tereae. and nnvfrnulr l.liBin.,ur.nin-t.j
an how her baby Is, or the poet about hia
Duuinntt. is toe reniK.i-kHh nar nuiM...
iarlv when she rinns r ulrlt on n..-.
- - 7 " uv -i'jnwwiv.
effort, and never aeema to think of ny-
tuing at an wttn the frothy brain beneath
her stylish bonnet, 'The great secret of
social success Is to hurt no one's self love,"
and ft la a irrear. art. mrl t.lrn I.-
excela in It lacks neither intelligence nor
rsouiua. lUACIiauge.
with every sdssce of emigration Into the fsr
u, . "Wdemsnd Is ereetcd for Hostetter's
-T.. ii i """"f.peop'ea regions sro fre
quenUy less ssliibrlons ihsn older settled locali
ties on aeeonnt of the miasma which rises from
recently closred land, particularly along the
banks of Hvers that are subject to freshets. The
mrririir.imj nr mlnin- ... .
"hen he does not slreiidy know, that the WtlcS
11 a Tu i; . Miviwwm ARamsi malans
r , "'""''"tr """ "n'lnrvvn, nver ana
bowels, to which climatic changes, exposure and
anscenstomcd or unhealthy water ordlct subject
aim. tonwtiuently he places an csUmate upon
Ibis great household snecllio and preventive
careful to ;keep on bsnd a restorative and pro-
iz. .7 m, uuyuvmy vo oe reiiea upon
In time of need. .
The Maiden's solllonuy.-fflio-How can I ever
arr,thim ? He is rich ana sellable and I like
him, hut his hslr Is red, and rod Is so horribly
unbeoomiiui to me.
In Art,
Bellglon or Hclence Since the
world Began
Have at some time been called bigots, fa-
uaucs, renegaoes, Ann a people have
Stoned a -nrrmhot in . i
next generation has raised a monument for
nnBiu,,naui UlS UOQUB.
., Wash., Aug. 19, MM.
..n.v w wrwjuu buab i am
surprised to hnd myself so areatlv imnmvnd
in so little time, and am pleased to say that
I could not give your medicines too great
praise. My health was gone. I felt that
medicines could dn nu n wi i ....
hopeless of ever recovering. I thought too
utte to try your medicines, but with death
staring me in the face I determined to do
SO. I am nlAUnrl t.l.ut T AiA it
date I have received tenfold the price of
wo u,cuii.uibb. ii i suoum say one nun-
ArtA fn rl it unM 1. ...-...i..r -l.
ditterenoe in my health. I feel like another
Jamss H. Htbok.
Ivdward Colllnson, Queens, N. Y says:
"I commenced usinir RaiHnDrtra o
over flfty-five years ago. I first bought
them in IOndon, and have continued using
them since I came to this' ennntrv i., no
LT S? 75 oM. h' nd hearty!
persistent use of Bbahiii xth's Puis. Oo-
TZi t I ,ma x"a or "eve at-
Piitji o) wwowb UI X1RARDBBTH 8
r"".,D'"1,c n nenever my chU
oren have been mck with scarlet fever
digestion or coutiveriess, a few dow of
HHlwriatv-filla Us. . n a .1 . .
V'ki it t. .
..... nu ai,ifeoi a very common narftdor
SbetuBOHmall Uiafhe lHU'tnfrald oUbodJ:
the manufacturani of Stor pi
ruintvvu uilyv niane be. I, nit in tha Mn.A.i.
tobacco market in the
.. r dmo tnan is pro
duced by other manufMturcrs and alwavs
-B v.. ..uo v, DM,r iuii sixteen-ouiioe
pounds. It pays to study tho interest of
Tllfl fnniimai ns V.. I. iij.L- ii ...
iiinr '' Juugeana the
Ml First m., Portland, Or., bsvesssumerl the n
Ea" Hocro, Wash., Asg. 18, lwn.
It h ' iw-u rruuKt itnn. I'KAB aiK-
Si!?' on! I have been setting along so well that I
.......... ....... ,.,,cwnoij. j a.vnpwppoo UlKlDg
the treatment now, slid 1 believe I am entire?
well. Your mdlelnes have done what yon told
of me. I now feel like niviwlf sp.ln. .fi. ni.
lerlngfbreight years with catarrh of the head
nuu urum:ni, auo 1SI ven' pBUltUi Ullng neu
r.TJiii.y w and uj-s: t .tri " itt
r j "uu"" i was win near oi nr. tAf UIO wave uu juja
Jordan sad his most valuable medicines. Von rrnrl .t ., V,
uiwfc rariwcuuuy, mes. ij, AaastBONO
ralgla of the stomuch. 1 look three months' R,,lh -,-(t,,l , ,, ,
medicine. Both my husband slid mvself feel as ?T me"10I and WsuIU when
though wewnnot be tbankfulenongn to you for SfniD of Finn us to Iron, if in
lave clnne for me. I hope that evervlnAJ L.C f 7 " "
SUfietlUI BS I WHS l I hnnr of llr 111110? U thfl tstn
sently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Rnwela nUon. !,
im efleotually, dbpels colds, head
lines and fevers and cures habitunl
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
A Pure Cteam of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flak
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
Mo other baking powder does such work,
Coal Oil
Dr. Jordsn's office Is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James street,
Seattle, Wash.
Cnnnnltjit.irkn. nnrl .MulnHnH..U.,ni.
j - fwuijiuvugausuiuirr
Send for free book explaining the Hiato
genetic system.
tlAUTioM. The Hietogenetio Medicines
are sold in but one agency in each town.
The label around the bottle bears the fol
lowing inscrintion " Tf I h1.n.n Tn.
Idan, Histogenetio Medicine." Every other
devioe Is fraud. .
.m..-. .un. no. nmni ines I
ofl ail the children?, ColuinbusLeuox
-'Vbst was Herod's idea in killing
He bad
Bad Temper Larsrelv Invalnntsn.
Many people oouslder that "bad temper"
la entirely voluntary on the nart of the
person who displays it. Ab a matter o(
faot, it is often to a very great exteut in
voluntary, and no one is more angry at it
than the bad tempered person himself. 0(
oourso everv OIIO. wlint.ltnr. Itn 1. I.a... :!.
a bad temper or has acquired one from
sson, or nas oeen visited with one as the
reaultof disease or lidiirv nl,miM nt iA...t
try to coutrol it But bis friends should
also bear In mind that temper may be, and
often is. an ftftiinfini, t hn ........... i..i
... vw uv nj M.ijnvuljunS
with, not uu offense to lie punished. New
sura ijeoger.
Where the Savings Banks Are.
A larire number mora t.l.nn intiu.
of the wbole-of the savings banks o( the
United States are centum! fn tha nnntn.
aud middle states. I'ew banks (or aavinm
are to be found In the western and south
ern states: indnnrl in mm. u,ua. nn.
single saviuga institution exists. The to
tal deposits iu the savings banks of Wis-
cnnaln in 1HIS1 wnnrt l,,, any nun ji..rj-j
... "i.w vu,,uurr, UlTIUeU
auioug 010 uepositora, Dakota, the amall-
es. on tue list (New York Is the largest),
numbered in lNUO 4H1 rlnnnait .ni. .jn
OT to their credit,-New York lieoorder. '
For bronchial, asthmatic and nnlmriniirv
oonmlaijitB "iiroien'g Hranrhial r-oA'
niftnifwit. PmgrUI,ln oiir,illi.A a:
n. cr: v v" j"f"'"e.
bh muoieco. cm, f w ma, t.i.
If d- .; a u.
Give This Oil a Trial,
There seems tn bo no stopi'lng the onward
march oi lbs American hog. The pig le miabt
ier than the pen. .
Ijidy or gentleman wanted to represent asso
ciation of portrait psinters. Permanent posi
tion. For particular address Leonardo Asaocia
Uon, 181 West 21st, New York City.
ffl A DAY.
When Wouiau Malls a Letter, ,
Femininity tn the postoffloe lean amus
ing study. In the matter of droppiug a
iniile, ordinary; whlto, every day letter,
for instance, she affords an insight into
uie ouaraner 01 tne average woman,
: Thn InoJfAV on hurl tint.hittrr nlan mj.
the other day than to watch this little
oporauon tor uve miuutes. Out of thirty
young women who went to cast their
-epistlea Iu the slot, twenty-two, by exact
calculation, withdrew (lie letter beforo
quit Idling goof it to scan both aides of
the note to be "very1' sure the letter was
securely sealed, properly addressed,
BtnmncMl unrl tn rnmSnin n.....U
look through the envelope to road ilsoon
tonts. Out of these twenty-two Udies
tliree had forgotten to put a stump on
their letter, aud two had to add souie-
thing to the uduress 011 tlie enve one
In France a (find in,.. r,, nnt. i. i.i....
V not Onilfllinrl tn nln ...u(,lu J.
Kook. Thiwmhiln Ountla. L n. ...
. - ' -r wwMv4wi, cinuwia vuppee
and Baudelaire are among some o( -th
celebrated men who cherish pet oats, while
wblle another carried off with her the I ;. t UMC"B1P" net in honor of
letter she I1111I intended to mail.Rn.ion ' h.8 "f""'"! puas who la Kenan's
BttOTd. I teime tavonte.
v - v . .
Wilder1 Lnta, Strf.
'Oucfl UUOli a time " huIH Uinwlll TJ
Wilder to a tfrnnn nt lnfa.iuu.fai,. L?n,.u,.i.'
mm lu inn hotel, little -lugger sat at a
table pounding his thumb nail with a ham
mor," and the (anions story teller screwed
IiIh fane into isfimiftnl opimin.u ;
CI '""lO VA.LtV9BlVQ
01 reuurnug pain, wnue His bands went
through the motions suggested by the
"Proiieiitly,"he continued, "a man asked
him what Ire was doing that for.
" 'Uuae,' whimpered the nigger, 'it feels
ao good when I etopl' "-New i'ork Sun.
Forests and Temperature.
A OOmnrallnnfliVM stnnv nt ih. l..A,.-
o( (orests ou the dally variation o( the
wBiuijttrot.ur in uermany ana Austria
ahoWH that, tha nltnnhitn ..I.. lji..
.. ... wuauuv ,lun ui vun 1UUU-
enoe iu woods o( a given kind o( tree Is a(-
incunu oy uie uegree ot aeusity of the wood,
being higher the deusor the wood. The
fact of whether t,lin nlimat. 1.
contiuentul also affected the result New
sore, limes. ...
Lawrkncs, Kans.,Au. 9, '88.
Ceorge Patterson fell from
a second-story window, strik
ing a fence. I found him using
He used it freely all over his
bruises. I saw him next
morning at work. All the
spots rapidly disappeared,
leaving neither pain, scar nor
Humane, Strong, Visible, Ornamental. terEST
"yiDTUAUH Uflamv aw. a.
nv.i,..i.-.a".f?.iVf . f AntL FENCE.
to fitk':". PeS Harmim
W)BCrltjUV( rfn lair S...H 1'uiiltnnnl,, 1 i"- .
Tree aid Ho, ! ,.ntT J-KSSn VZ.12rm 01
Hartmaa" Steel Picket Lawn Fance,
Bate, WMOS Yi&he
Boy Tour Own Goods if Your Dealer Dees lot Carry fa
San Praholseo Examiner,
If yon haves claim of any desorlpllon wUstsoever
, against the United Htates Government aud
.wlsti It snserjliyBdJudioated, address ,:
SIS P street, N. W. Washlna-ton, J. o.
at and Ohapt in th WsmM.
Carts, SIS Dp. . Wagoas. SCI 1.
Unur"XFr?. 5SSft Hoa. sod
&aali. n r"Wa .Mu?t UWOI, n
atiul TaaallrlBalaaa aaasl B is a.
wta Brills iisallwS. BoSrtii.nS1 nglMBn4Br
II mm, M if fmim Krast, Ftmo. a
IHV TJOfiC TilWr-nn.... ' ' '
LHouonMisuY ji UK DATA HKH. Best. Kasi- f"1
est to use. Cheapest. Reli f is immediate. A I I'
Cure IK nnrtmn t'n. IUI I. ,1,. II 1 i, i. ,1 1 .
It is an (liniment, nf whlnh Dmll nu.,l,.
to the nostrils. Price 50o. Sold by druggists
AUUlVSa. Dy. 1. rtdKSlLTlME
ii-le is applied j i
ists or sent by I 1
, Warren, Pa, Kaisi
TUB CUII 1 tfT UU I IslTlirUinniM
a Iubtu nllthe virtue of thlriruiHW a
ctjtiiiJly HHttiVi, purely v ((ttUae.
Axitor Mitt suowd in uuh bartior.
Rllttha Cunnin.llaillL A VL
SoldHe UI1U1UL
iter i mm,
71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
address and receive by return
mail our faRndnomelY uiUH.
tralod Kail and Wiuter Cata
kgue. Dry Goods, Clothing,
v.... .wu iv ii wive money oyaoHinigwitb ua.
LreBt atocic aud lowant prloes ou the Coant.
BltltH . FRANK,
Portland, Or.
ipWght,3; Ivory Hd
"""""(aiiyriBe. Peeps uht,l3; Ivorv
Front Sieht.fl: Ivorv llimilSn K.
cenw. Sent by mail on rereiH of price
H. T. HUDSON, 93 First Strset, rMas S;,
v "" ,uuBmusi i ataiogue.
" siim, IvvwruninNIHIandas
llil rVaa U. Bu,l. .
N, P. Sf. V. Ko. -S.F.M. v.