The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 27, 1891, Image 2

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U. I. KIKKPAVRM1K. Fabllikor.
The Chino Sugar-Beet
A Roseburg Han Ohjsots to a Marriage
Ceremony Proceeding, and
is Bounded.
Parties have been violating the Ne
vada fish laws by catching trout in the
' nuiuuoidt.
The inquest on the body of Constable
John Teeter, killed by James Meed at
Trucks, finds the killing was done in
A bitter fight between Los Angolas
and the city water company has been
inaugurated over the possessory rights
us water source.
An Oregon woman haa invented
dish-waahing machine, and she will ex
hibit it at the World's Fair. It is re
ported to work aplendtdly.
Annie Campbell baa been indicted at
She in believed to be one of a gang op
erating in me narcnweeiera elates.
Southern California promises to have
daring the next few months the greatest
planting ot orange ami lemon orchards
ever known in the southern part of the
Tin ore that rivals the Temescal prod
uct has been found in abundance aixty-
nve muea east at Han Diego in the lor
gun Mountains. Nine locations have
been made.' .
A Tucson inrv has fonnd Gem-ire KamI
who killed James Farreli at Nogalee one
year ago, guilty of manslaughter. Heed
is SO years old, and hia age called for
sympathy trom the jury.
President John A. Kemp of the de-
lunct went ioaat insurance Company at
Tacoma has skipped from town, and ex
perts are at work on the books to see if
there were any irregularities.
The land on which the Shoshone Falls
in Idaho are situated has been selected
as school land, but will not be sold, as
other lands are. It is proposed to rent
it so as to secure a perpetual income,
Governor Pen never of Oregon will not
call an extra session of the Legislature
to legislate on a portage -road between
The Dalle and Celilo. He thinks the
next Congress will provide for the work.
The Chino sugar-beet factory is shut
down now until it can be ascertained
from W ashington whether it will be per
mitted to hold its syrups over until next
season before they are run through ma
chinery ana reaucea.
The inquest on the bodies of the men
killed in the Anaconda mine in Montana
resulted in finding that the cage was
overloaded and the shaft was in good
"oriditivii. jury rendered a verdict
xoueratmg me company lrom all blame.
A seaside hotel is projected at Santa
Cruz. It is to have 400 rooms, an opera
bonne, conversation house and casino,
swimming tanks and large bathing
houses. Cottage and villa residences
are to be let or sold, and handsomely
adorned grounds on a large scaie are to
be laid out, . . "'
8. A. Mallorv, D. T. Diamond. K. H.
Pry ce and ii, A. Lusty have been in-
dieted ty tne united Mates grand jury
at Portland for conspiracy to defraud the
government by fraudulently locating
parties on government land. They have
operated extensively in Seattle and other
cities of Washington.
A. J. Clave, who has returned from an
HjHxiitUininto Alaska, report that he
located the soiree of the Alaska river
about eleven mile northeast of Mount
m. Elias. and found that the whole of
the country east of Scwatka's field of
exploration M available for pack horses.
.He himself took and brought back four
horses in perfect condition. He will ask
the government for an appropriation to
open up trail.
During the marriage ceremony at Roaa
tmrg. Or., which was to unite Charles
Miiiler and Lottie Citizen, when the
minister asked if any one had any rea
son why the ceremony should not pro
ceed, a young dry-goods clerk named
Vina" stepped forward, saying he had
senous objections. He said he wanted
to see and Bpeak with the girl privately.
He iw put out of the house, and a pis
tol win iotmil in his pocket. He said he
had always wanted to marry the girl,
but had never gathered courage to toil
her of his feelings.
It is a singular fact that, while from
wenty to tiiirty licenses for the sale of
ajitiirjfariiie have been issued by lu-
rrni Revenue ;Co!iector Weidler to
' AFaflbiDgton parties during the past few
4nonth, not a license has been igmied
lor the aaie of it in Oregon during toe
a .-ne ii-riod of time. This is accounted
for hv the strinsreney of the Oreiron laws !
and comparative laxity of the Washing
ton mwH regulating the manufaetureand
"us of adulterated articles of foods,
'Tue-Oregon. law require ail aduilerated
nicies oi food to he so labeled that the
Wicomer shall knew what he is buying.
JThif! requirement applies to retail q'uau-
a well as whoi,e gekam la
, CsoMngton m Mh labeling fa required.
Mrs. Can, a Chicago Woman, Haa
Qenlus for Collecting Funds
Qrand Ducheai' Fad.
Louis Kossuth is now in his 80th year,
Bishop Phillip Brooks speaks 812
Lawyer McCurdv, who won the case
for the Tllden heirs, receives $400,000
lor nis tee.
Tolstoi's lean and cadaverous look at
tracted much attention while he was in
Pari recently.
Baron Arthur Rothschild, a nephew
oi uie neaa ot tne great nnancial house,
is serving his twelve 'months tin the
r ranch army as a private soldier.
Colonel L. L. Denninit ot New York
enjoys the honor of being the child of
parents wedded Dy tne poet, William
liullen Bryant, when the latter was a
Justice of the Peace in a Long Island
Cardinal Lavigerie was one a beau
tabreur. Cardinal Howard formerly held
a commission in the Life Guards, and
the Cardinal Archbishop of Perth was
in hi youth the smartest of Austrian
H. P. Cheatham of North Carolina.
the only colored member of the next
Congress, is a college graduate, and is
Ba'.a to oe tne nest educated negro, with
a single exception, that ha yet sat in
uie House.
Mr. Gladstone is almost the only mem
ber of the House of Commons who sits
uncovered in Parliament. Thus hia face
is more readily scanned by visitors, who
look at Britain's legislators at a distance
through a grating.
Senator Hale's family is moving into
his new mansion in Washington at Six-
teentn ana h. street, it 1 Hardly hab
itable, and the approaches are incom
plete, but work is being vigorously
pusuea 10 completion. ;
Alehouse Daudet is arowiiur verv fee
ble, and is now almost blind. His intel
ligent wile la his constant comoanion
and to her he is dictating a novel by the
iiiie ot " i ioujott," winch in an prob-
nuiuty win ue nis last.
Dr. Dumeenil is the name of a nhvBi-
cian of St. Louis, who declares that he
has discovered peculiar microscopical
insects in cigarettes. Now and then by
uie naceo vision peculiar lorm can be
observed pulling on one.
Geonte W. Childsof the Philadelnhia
Ledger entertained Sir Edwin Arnold at
dinner the other day at hisprtvate resi
dence near Philadelphia. Two Japanese
ladies graced the festive board, and the
distinguished fcnglishman fatrly scintil-
uueu ui wie i.igni oi asm."
Ephrafm W. Bull, who developed the
noted Concord grape, lives a mite out of
Concord village, Mass., on the Lexing
ton road and close by the old Hawthorne
farm. He is 75 years old. He grew his
Concord vines from the seeds of a native
wild grape in 1843. In 1864 he put the
grape on uie marxet.
General 0. W. Field of Washington
denies that he recently made a speech in
Kicnmono in lavorof unfurling the (Jan-
federate flag at the Chicago Fair. The
General was not at the meeting, and
does not sympathize with the sentiments
ol the speech.
Full Text of the President's Thanks
giving Proclamation Puyallup
Indian Reservation.
I was expected that the vexed ouas-
tlo si regarding the Puvallun Indian
res nation at Tacoma would be settled
by Je commission which was sent out
there by an act of the last Congress, but
it seems that this commission has not
done what they were expected to do,
and the question at issue Is as far from
settlement as before. .The Indians have
bargained away some of their moat val
uable lands. Their lands are needed
for the development of Tacoma as a citv.
ana tney are useless to tne Indians, ex
cept for what thev cab not for them.
The matter of the individual and tribal
rights of the Indians was ninnosed to be
determined by the commission, also the
rights ot tne men Who have bargained
with the Indians for their lands, but
the commission's report, now with the
Secretary, is far from satisfactory, and
win ue uute or no neip in aiatng mm to
make a recommendation to Congress.
The Puyallup matter will have to be
tought all over ogam this winter. ,
The full text of the President's thanks
giving proclamation is as follows: It is
a very glad incident to the marvelous
prosperity which has crowned the year
now drawing to a close that its helpful
and reassuring touch has been felt by
all the people. It has been as wide as
our country, and so special that every
home has felt Its influence. It is too
great to be the work of man's power,
and too particular to be the device of
his mind. To God, the beneficent and
aliwise, who makes the labors of men to
be fruitful, redeems their losses by his
grace, and the measure of his giving is
is as much oeyono tne tnougtits oi man
as it is beyond hia deserts, the nrsise
and gratitude of the people of
this favored nation are due. Now,
therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, Presi
dent of the United Stales of America,
do hereby appoint Thursday, the SMh
day of November, to be a day of thanks
giving to ttou tor uie bounties of his
providence, for the peace in which we
are permitted to enjoy them, and tor
tiie preservation of these institutions of
civil and relisrious liberty which he gave
oar fathers the wisdom to devise and es
tablish, and us the courage to preserve.
Among the appropriate observances of
the day am rest from toil, the renewal
of family ties about our Ameriran lire
sidee, and thougbtfulnes towards those
who suffer lack of the body er of spirit.
All the Coal Miners in
Indiana Strike.
A New Haven Tobaoco Dealer Saya the
Sals of Cigarettes to Yale
Boys Is Falling Oft
The uniform export bill ot lading is to
go into effect December 1.
Over 62,700 immigrant arrived in
this country during September,
The Baron Hirseh trustees have pur
chased ,000 acres at Woodbine, N. J.
Day and night shifts of men are now
worked on all the exposition building.
The remains of Jefferson Davie are to
be placed in Hollywood cemetery, Rich
mond, Va.
The Baltimore .4nuhcon says : Balti
more ha not had a bank failure for fifty
seven yenrw.
Heavy losses are being sustained by
stockmen in Texas, owing to the th se
vere drought.
About fifty of the released Tennessee
and retarned '
Arrangements an beint made to lav a
cable from Nassau to Jupiter Inlet on
the coast of Florida.
Out of respect to State law the Fed
eral government will not sell customs
liquors by auction in Main.
Pennsylvania's loss bv th dishnnnalv
of Bardaley & Co. was tgfi,072 instead
oi ti,90ti,37sYs am reported,
The earnings of the Denver and Rln
Grande for October are itW.OOO, a tie-
crease of 24,189 from last year.
The designs for the new fractional cur -
rencyof the country have been approved
by the Secretary of the Treasury,
A tobacco dealer in New Haven, whose
trade in the main Is with Yale bnvs.
says that the sale of cigarette is falling
Starts have been taken hv thA,Pham.
bear of Commerce in St. Paul to start an
immigration movement in that city and
State. .
Heirs of George Vf. Morse of Louisiana
will sue the government for I4.A00.0II0
tor infringing his breech-loading rifle the exposition, Barbadoea.Frenchtiui
patents. , ana, Ceylon and Corea have also joined
A column of masonry in Kansas marks
the exact geographical center of the
umtea states, evidently without count-
ing Alaska.
The success of the Brnnklvn hrH
has suggested to capitalist to form a j The Agricultural Society of France
company with a capital of $24,000,000 j has decided to offer a number of prenii
for the purpose of building vno more urns for the best French horse shown
DHUgee across tne tsast river.
The new Hebrew Orphan Asylum in
Brooklyn oost about 1125,000, It is to
be five stories high and to have a front-,
age of 130 feet. It will accommodate
several hundred orphan.
The retired commander oi the Seven-
teenth Infantry, General Mianer, has '
oeen placed in a private asylum under ,
treatment for softening of the brain,
The annual report of the Board of
General Appraisers of New York recom
mends that the right of appeal be vested
in the Secretary of the Treasury only, .
One of the big Florida hotels has the
great orchestrion which was exhibited
at the Paris exhibition. Telephones are
placed in each room, and are connected
with the orchestrion so that each guest
may hear the music when he wishes.
A New York fury has awarded Thorns
Fortune, the colored editor of the New
York Age, 826 damage in an action
brought against the proprietor of a
Sixth-avenue hotel for being assaulted
and refused a drink because of hi color.
W. W. Long, a member of the North
Carolina House of Bepresentatives, and
a number. of other huge planters in the
Koanoke bottoms are completing ar
rangements to bring to their plantations
some 600 of the expatriated Kuwiao
Jewish farmers.
Not for years baa the supply of drink
ing water been so low at New York, nor
has the danger of genuine water famine
been greater than at the present. Com
missioner Gilroy says unless there is
rain the water will last only fifteen or
twenty days more,
The Cherokee since Judge Green's
decision that tney do not own the Htrip
are now ready to renew the negotiations,
whicn were tiroxen on last year, lor the
sale of the land to the government.
Chief Mayes, it is said, favors the dispo
sition of the outlet. ,.
The miners of bituminous coal in In
diana have decided to strik for advance
of 6 cent per ton. The blockoal min
ers have already struck for 10 cent' ad
vance. The operators refuse to pay the
increase. All the miners in the Htaie of
Indiana are now out, and a long and
desperate battle is looked for,
The notorious Bob Musarave. who in
sured himself for $26,000 in an accident
insurance company and then procured a
skeleton, placed it in a cabin near an
Indian village, burned the cabin and by
means of confederate spread the news
that he was burned up, has been cap
tured in 8t, Paul by detectives.
Of the Tonkawas only oeventy-eiuht
remain to negotiate with the Cherokee
Commission. They occupy the reserva
tion set apart for the Ne Percea, having
been moved there when the latter tribe
west to Idaho. It embraces 90,700 acres.
of which about 7,600 will be remiired
for allotments. The test will be avatl-
bie for honifwleads.
Japan Has Just Opened a New College
Which Is Called the Harris
School of Science.
I ."-
There are 487 school in Irkutsk,
bsria. The population of Siberia
nearly 900,000.
Hereafter no girl nan graduate from
the public schools in liOBton until she
shall have successfully passed an exanii-
luuiuu iu coonery.
Prof. Harper of the new Chicago TTni.
varsity hoe found difficulty In securing a
acuity aoroau, owing to the operation
of the alien contract labor law.
A new collage ha been opened in Ja
pan, oauaa tne flams Mchool ol Science.
It was opened with elaborate ceremonv.
An American (Mr. Harris) contributed
the money,
Beliglous instruction i an important
part oi the elementary schools of Prus
sia. It is compulsory in both public
and private school and a part of the
ijuaiiucauone oi in teacner.
Dr. John Plente, the amateur telescope
maker, is now finishing a Wl-inch sih
ver-on-glass mirror for Alleghany Col
lege, which, when mounted, will give
mat institution the largest reflecting tel
escope in this country,
President Dwight of lata, while not
favoring the admission of women to
study in the classes with men, doe wish
Yale hod a woman's annex, and the onlv
objection he finds to its establishment is
that the university baa not the money
to put into it. ,
Th older buildings of Harvard Col-
have til following date.
chusetts Hall, 1720; H.-lden, 1734 ; Hoi-
a, 4iuo, jiNni, iuo ntouguwo.
IflfkL ITnlnHi.,, IQIO
stone ot Gore Hall was laid in 1813, the
books being moved into the library in
the vacation of 1814. There were 41,000
volumes at that time.
All the children in school in Prussia,
numbering 4,000,000, on a certain day
were examined and the color of their
eyes and hair carefully registered. It
; u M tk.i i' t v,,..i m...
eyes and 24.31 per oem. brown, while no
less than 72 cent, had blonde hair, 20
1 per cent, brown aud only 1.21 per sent,
"lack hair. Only 8.53 per cent, again
are of brunette complexion.
Mr. Palmer Highly Approve sn Idea
Originated by Mm. Price of
. North Carolina. ,
Paraguay has decided to participate in
I The State of Idaho has applied for 10,-
uuu square leet ol space in the mine
land mining building for a display of
; The District of Columbia has decided
j to ask Congress for an appropriation of
(60,000 to enable it to make a creditable
exhibit at the fair.
Wisconsin's building at the eximsithm
will be 80x00 feet, three stories high and
of the -Queen Anne style of architecture.
it cost is estimated at 120,000,
The upholsterers of Philadelnhia have
applied for 60,000 square feet of space
is the manufacture building for a col
lective exhibit from their several estab
lishment. .
The buildings of the World's flnlnm.
bian Exposition according to Section 0
oi tne act ot uongres providing for the
fair are to be dedicated October 12, 1802 ;
the exposition is to be open to visitors
not later than May 1, 1893.
Hassan Ben Ali of Morocco i seeking
a concession to make a Morocco exhibit
at the exposition. He saya be will spend
$50,000 in showing the people, manners,
customs, amusements, etc., of his coun
try and in bringing to Chicago a tribe of
Mrs. Potter Palmer is to drive the last
nail in the woman's building. The lady
managers of Montana at the auggestlon
of Mrs. J. E. Kichard are having the
nail made of gold, silver and copper. It
will be forwarded to Chicago as toon as
completed. .
The number of intending exhibitors
who have applied for space at the expo
sition reached 1,023 on October 24. This
is a much larger number than the Cen
tennial had at a correspondingly early
date. The number does not include any
foreign applications, all of which are
made to their respective national com
missions. L. Takaqtii and K. Ikeda, two repre
sentatives commissioned by the Mikado
of Japan, have been in Chicago seeking
detailed information concerning the ex
position. They were greatly pleased,
and said their country would make a fine
exhibit, and that in It would be a num
ber of the privste art treasures of the
Mikado. ...
Seventy-four oases of relies of the In
dians and mound builders have been re
ceived by the department of ethnology
of the exposition from Chillicothe. 0.
They contain a great variety of prehis
toric implements and utensils, such as
axes, arrow heads, pipes, bowls, Jars,
etc. They were exhumed by a party
acting under the direction of Chief
Ample restaurant accommodations are
to be provided at the exposition grounds.
The locations for restaurants thus far de
cided upon are four in the mines and
mining building, sixteen in the manu
factures building and six on the esplan
ade in front, four in, the electricity build
ing and two in the women's building.
Kume are on the ground floor and some
in the galleries.
The Peter's Pence Frem
England Meager.
Th Hunioipal Election! iq England
, ForeoaBt th Triumph of th .
London has 6,000 telephones. -
England ha 70,000 barmaids,
London has ton main railroad lines,
Switserland ha abolished
Serious floods nrerennrted in VuhmtU
Spain; alsoetCadix, '
The Potato emu in Northern Hm,,...
has failed, and a famine is feared,
Prince Bismarck opposes the law lll.
reduce the army service in Germany to
two year. .
Catholic prelates in Italv hn
donbt that Pope Leo's successor will be
an Italian. .
Tlie Argentine Senate haa nuul a
bill repealing the tax levied upon private
The Austrian polio hare mnfWu.i
the report of th Brussels International
Labor Congress.
Ladv Dtlke has decided on nnmirmin,.
her trade-nnion campaign among the
women worker. JE
Thirty thousand men are Idle thnSh
tlie strike of the engineers of the West
side Durham, England.
The municipal elections in
forecast a triumph for the Gladstoniana
in the coming Parliamentary elections.
The doty which France nroniiwa t
put on American nork i 2ft frn
100 kilos, equal to about 2' cents per
It is dally becoming more clear thai
French financial house are saddled with
mora Hussies stocks than they are able
to carry.
Th neonle of Afarhanlatan urn.,;,.
under the heavy taxes their ruler iui
poses, are skipping over the border at a
lively rat.
Bain has fallen in torrent In the n,.
inos of Malaga, Tlie lower-lying quar
ter of Golila and Perchnl
Karl Duffcrin'sannointment u War.u.,
of tlie Cinque Port is viewed in England
as a bribe to oauae him to adhere to the'
Conservatives. ,
The height of fashion in Pari u
have everything Hussion, the glamour of
the French-Russian nndentundinii m.
uetziuK urn inu, ,
A bill has been read the first time in
the Brazilian Senate, the object of which
i to close the coasting trade to ships
under foreign flags.
Birmingham has beaten Loudon In
the struggle for the possession of a great
water-shed in Wafes as a permanent
souroiCBf water aupply.
'There? are rnmora at St. Petersburg
affecting tlie lUbilily of ten binking;
houses, soma of which are considered
the soundest in that city, ,
" Inquiry is being made into tlie unlaw
ml extension of mining galleries at lien
tenan, endangering the safety of the-'
Bileeian Mountain railroad.
Eiuin Pasha ho written a letter stat
ing that he intends to enter the territory
of the King of Buhanda, which ha
never been visited by European.
Those Alsatians of official prominence
who attended a late Ferry banquet are
being dismissed from office or forced to
resign by tlie German government.
Th House of Representatives of Hew
Zealand has passed a bill granting resi
dential suffrage to women and qualify
ing them for election to Parliament.
In a recent report ol the municipal
head of Moscow it is shown ti.c i,u
corruption of the Court of Probate and
Publio Administration is very greet Moscow Vasetk demand the for
mation of a Ministry of Agriculture
which, it sets forth, would
conflicting policies leading to the famine.
, The .mpreaa of China has recently
been endeavoring to give an impetus to
the manufacture of silk in that country
by starting a silk-weavlnu Uno,,t, ....... ,.V
her own.
A new paper. Tlis trn,i.,, p.r.
will be started in London next mouth.
It will be published in the gypsy tongue
and edited by George Smith, the king of
thegypsies. ,.!,;,
The Danes do not require the makers
of oleomargarine to etamp the kegs in
which it is packed, but they do require
that it be nearly white la order to dis
tinguish It from butter.
. Much disappointment is reported to
be felt in Vatican financial
extremely meager results of the offer
ings for Peter's pence from KngUnd, the
amount being only about flWO.'
It is said the Russian
eating straw in their bread. The French
peasants were eating grass by the road
side not long before the Revolution of
1703. History mav reoeat itself.
With a ready market for an eiinrmnnu
wine crop and with its crops of cereals
considerably above the
ought during the coming year to enter
upou a new period ol prosperity.
The German government boo 1 AuiAaa
to entblieh a shin-bnilding vmi on '
small scale on the shores of" Litke Vic
toria Nyanna, and iiieai-tirns nr
I tk'n to put the design luw e cutiwul