The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 27, 1891, Image 1

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One ypiir , , ,..$ m
(II' Itli lu iu1! vntiuo, tl J0 Hir ytiar.)
R!x month-.......,,... , ... ,... 1 1
Throe moi-tlut .HI
BiiikIu ((jiioii,,. ,., ,?..,.,.. 06
DIl. a jr. duckett,-
Office Iu IVt Office Building.
i, 8 A ML. M. CARLAND,
",;. K. WE.1THF.RF0RD,
ir.y; dilyev,
ami nmtarv rvnuc,
Will iirurtlw tii-nll ttm mirt of tills Stale.
Ollltm, tnml nmiast ocr Imuk ol UrcBuu.
Attorney -at - Law,
Collections Kln immiil nl twrt-ful h?Bti,
W iUrri- In ttllll court ,it Uiu.
lotarj FMc and Collittbt Ifnt,
JiwLkw of tliB f tirtt. IlHUiua frsetoMiu
Lebanon, Oregon-
Notary Public,
Real Eg ate, in all Us bmoduts.
Ln. Co., of New York.
' Urc nit imnll Iranu of ftnit, rnruiln, i
GrtuliiK IsihV ' . ...
Money ta loan on Farms, Improve
City Hrliuefiy or Ouiltredge notea di
eouiited. LEBAKON, OREGON.
. S.H. Cowan,
Rn Elegant 1 Hisplay
of MlLimRY of all
Hats trimmed in . the
nmlay Law.
Editor Express: -Will
you please nutillsh the Hiiudav
Low of OreRon? Our state bus w,,
wholesome and proficient a law as an T
state in the Union; and if the mor B'l
and religious people will not we t'oi
our Inves are enforced, there is no 118a,
of further legislation.
AM nelleve in the oxif.teiioenf a .lioJ
anil if a child owes a duty l'i its
we consider that owe a high r ilmv
10 urn, ne who n w given us r'liitKl
tender nmiln-r ami father. ('
lieve that there is another life lltixn-thiA
nue; tfata life would not be wc Mliiirvlug
utiles there was. Therefore, ,'weiMJirlit
to net apart one day In the w ti to do
our duly to him.
We are all American elt'arnn. We
love our country, America, .ntiiiirare
ly w ish It a grand fulun.; 'tftK true
and real welfare of a state i in n he vir
tue of its citizens. A nat! u meeds ar
mies and Heels, but mure necessary is
honor and still more necessary virtue.
"When crime permeate.-, a state it i
goodbye to libt-rt.y, virt oe iiud honor.
All depends upon 'he tiiirtv and virtue
l ine nmawtanm oi ti' state. - Jive.ry
clli!n whorrpresseii v ieeanri promotn
virtue amv comiiieuuihiiie work.
RBC. 13110.' If any person shall keen
jwnsiy store.ehop, grocery, liall alley,
jmcfiiwe of lboi or or traillc, or any
jiluee of amusement on the first day of
we week, commonly cauea sunauy or
the Lord's di.y, such person 1113011 'con-
!vHloii thrrtnif, shall be punished by a
Ane of not less than $0, or more than
provided, that the above provision
iMiail not u pi.y 11 me heeTN ov urug
utoi-es, doetor shops undertakers, livery
stable keeiiera, barbers, bUKhera1 and
bakeiv, and all circumstances of neces
sity and mercy may lie pleaded In de
fense which shall be treated asquestious
of fact for the jury to determine when
the oUV'iise is tried by jury. '
8kc. JflWt. No person shall keep any
oiH'ii house or nsiiu in which intoxi
cating liquor is kept for retail on the;
first day of the week, commonly eahed .
KundHy, or give or ell, or otherwise
dispose of intoxicating liquors on that
day. Any person vwlatiug this section
shall be lined ill anysum not exceeding
ti'JH nor less than H for each oll'ense,
and such flues to be tor tile use of com
mon schools in the county in wiiich the
offense was coaiHiitted; provided that
this section, so far ax it prohibits heep
Ing 0eu a house or room, shall out ap
ply to tavern-keepers. ,
New Btlnl May of Oregoft.
The OregouUui, at great exeusea has
prepared a rjectional Map of Oregou,
aud oflers it us a premluui forsuhsciip
tionsjm the Weekly Oregoulau. The
map Is corrected up to date, is 40x5U
i luetics iu size; scale, six utiles to the
inch. It Is neatly finished and tin
rollers, ready to hang up on the wall.
This is the tiucst map of Oregon ever
Issued, aud should be iu every house
bold in the state. Anyone sending
(8.00 will seeeive the Weekly Oregon
iau for fifteen mouths (if the subscrip
tion is received prior to January ,
1902,) aud one ot these maps as a prem
ium. ' The price of the map without
IhepuperlsS&OO. Address '
Portland, Oregon.
, One Dollar Weekly,
lluys a good (Jold Watch by our Club
biystem. Our 14-karat gold-rilled cases
re wan-anted for 20 years. Fine Elgin
or Waltham movement. Hteui wind
and set. Lady's or Gent's size. Equal
Jottiiy $50 watch. To secure ageuls
a hei'e wu have none, we sell one of the
Hunting Case Watches for the Club
price $28 and send C. O. D. by express
with privilege of examination before
paying for same. .
Our agent at Durham, N C, writes:
"OurJtMVelorH iiivve dimlVwied llioy don't know
how J'm eiui furultth such wyi'k for the aiouey."
Our Agimt at Heath Springs, S. C,
"Votu vvftlclioH take tit Hilit. TJio sx'titH iutin
wIlOKtrttlw IiiM waU'li NlM l!l,u Iw cxitl:Uiiod
and prUutd liJt'Wt'U'r'H waU'li'H In Lmiruiiir. tlitu
were uo Musr limn yuui. Uut ilu piico wtuiC-l!)."
Our , Agent at Pennington, Tex.,
"Am hi reflelpt of the wnleh, mid m pleased
wll liuut smtwuro. All who htiw htwa tt iy IV
would lio uhtup at WO." .,
One good reliable Agent wanted for
each place. Write for particulars.
Kmimkb Watch Co., New York.
BeaWiful weather.
Mn. Ira Philips, ot Itoonniu, passed
thrrw,'li Mountain Hsno on last -Monday,
Prof. Arnold has charge of the slut?
ItigNchool at thin plnoe,
aSev. Mulkey of lEugcne has hrcn
holding meeting several nights thejiaet
Week at Mountain 'Home, but I tiearof
1MB" getting converted. Try sgain.
1u will catch tusm next time.
Miss EUa Fruit, 'af Rowland wss vis
'lfing ber Mia ttwpast week.
'Several ofourjwuntr folks attended
fhe meeting t itUley', last Sunday.
I understand tr.ere has Iwen sorne-l)od-tuieakiugtfmiud
in thia vicinity,
r.arryiugvarlisisi&rticles sueli as meat,
rsot.itoes, etc If the thief (rets caught
t-.he. people will Ji.nke it awful ttiropi-al
air nun
I lieariiiienmtilaintof owrsehool
""teacher, of laite,ot civiiin salis'inctlon.
nut 1 tlnaa II Mi tile people wit! attend
la their own bnr.ucss the tender will
Sim. L SI. CliWoer, of Sweet Home.
visited relatiresiin Mountain Hime, on
iaal jSaturday d Huuday.
Wh leru tb was a pinWd play
irtv , it iltuh iil Kmlfh'ti l.tct
party at Ot. ii). Bmlth:
: night.
Wm. I'hillitMfot an increaws of $2
p -r month 011 hie pension, whkih was
formerly 410 pecuuontb.
them vMiauu'f wide reuowu
. That csuk oue tare into ourtowo.
He went te verk.s they rejjort, '
., And nUtfted a pmie called, 'Daily K9rt."
It sailiMj alvut wdtt. cat-like tread
A week or Iws: intt Ala! It's dead.
The Editor, lie 4td:oura his lost,
And nied the pohlkher and paid theKt.
They brought Uie-qunj before Justlce.Hyie.
For aome cause or aier 'twas cast aside.
. TheejuettsstluvaajedberoreJiujlicebtt'tQ,
Who treats all theae attd Is partial tAuone.
He lixed the dautaimt at 1 12 aud cost,
go this is the reason e paper was lost. .
K e imtst live aud tasKi for surely ye can.
,0 the editor went hoaie a wiser uau,
W, H. H. Cuuiiuinia js digging po-
tatow this week; the Htvestever grown
at Waling Farm; which is saying a
J. A, Morgan is assisting F. A. G lea
son, this week, who Is moving from
HamilUau Creek to Waterloo,
Mr. Ck:. Cummiiiga has disposed
of his wu(jn and harness, aud Is con
templating entering the barber bus
iness at the County Seat soon. We'll
miss Charlie. , ,
Messrs. K Winkler, E. Sylvester and
Jake Filzwuter went to Lebanon Sat
J. S. Caldwell was at home Sunday,
and little Blight Eyes was happy.
There was preaching at the scboil
bouse last Sabbath. A great deal of
Interest was manifested, and several
joined the churclr : .
Mrs, G. W. Gee spent Monday after
noon ut Mouutaiu View. Come again
Aunt Mollie. ;
Mrs. Jennie Caldwell and little
daughter were at Spring F'arm, Tues
day. ;''
John Prior, wife and daughter, Ella,
were In Albany Friday last.
L08T Between the Joe Nick bill
and Lebanon on Saturday last, a small
umbrella. Anyone finding the same
will confer a favor by leaving It at the
Express office.
'.- , : . '..;: Pug.
A Ticket giveu ou the piano with
every $3. cash purchase at Klein Bros.1
limit & Shoe Store, Albany, Ore,
Polite attention aud good measure
glveu at Buhl & Pugh's. ' .
Settle Wll. .
All accounts remaining on eur books
due and unpaid on December 1st will
be placed in the hands of a collector
and collected at once,
CkusoN 4 Mknzik.
Have iieen having a good deal o
rain, lately, and the roads are very
muddy, almost Impassible In some
places. Every body Is behind with
their fall work.
Our school Is progressing flinely
under the efficient management of G
W.Calavin. There was an entertain
ment at the school house, Thanksgiv
ing evening. .. ' ,
It was rumered that Mrs. Loofbor-
ougb was to lie married to Mr. Cloy
yesterday. The boys were prepairlug
to eheverie tlient. There is talk of an.
other wedding in the uear future.
A U. S. Marshal passed through
our burg Sunday, looking for a man.
We did not learn whether he found
him or not. , ,'.
Play parties are all the go; two last
Friday night, one dance. It just pour
ed rain, of course! ' ;
Thos, Cree spent Tuesday In the
County Seat. The trial held in Juhge
Savage's Court on Saturday last, be
tween Laytou and the ClarkBroa, was
decided in favor of the latter parties.
Herbert Downing and wife, Marion
Downing aud wife are visiting friends
and relatives In Marion Co. -
The heulth of Use community Is verji
C.A. Nadian.
Teachers" Meeting.
Pursuant to a call of the County Supt,
the teachers in the vicinity of Lebanon
met at the school house, Saturday,
Nov. 21, for the purpose of organizing
a local teachers' association.
The' house was called to order by
Supt. Russell. After a few remarks by
various teachers the house proceeded
to organize with the following result:
President, W. A. SIcGhee; Secretary,
vr. oi. urowi;. rue followingcommit
tees were then appointed: Committee
on program for Institute work, Prof,
tatta, Mr. Wiley, Miss Griggs. Com
mittee on resolutions, Prof. Barzee,
Mre.Funk, Mr. Williams.
The subject "Language" was then
taken up and discussed with much en
thusiasm. House adjourned touieetat
I P. M.
1 P. H. A paper, "How to secure
order," was read by W. H. Latta, fol
lowed by a general discussion.
The committees on Program and
Resolution reported. Reports accepted
and committee discharged.
A paper, subject "Geography," was
then ret d by W. M. Brown, followed
by general discussion.
On motion the Secretary was asked
to request the Ijebanon papers to pub
lish Resolutions and proceedings of this
meeting. The house adjourned to meet
the 3d Saturday in December.
- W. A. McGliee, Pres.
W. M. Brown, See , .
WmsniiAS, the county Supt. has
called a meeting of teachers at Leba
non, and whereas the citizens, teachers
anil pupils of (his place have contrib
uted time and expense to make said
meetiug enjoyable and profitable, and
whereas Profs. Horner and Russell, and
Mayor Miller have greatly assisted in
the work, therefore be it
' llomlned. First That the citizens of
Lebanon be thanked for the kindness
aud hospitality extended during said
session. Second That Prof. Horner
be complimented for a pointed and in
teresting address. Third That the
teachers and citizens are grateful to
Mayor Miller for his address of welcome
which was heartiiy enjoved by all
present. Fourth That the touchers
of the Lebanon school are to lie com
mended for an interesting program pre
pared by them. Fifth That Prof.
Russell Is doing good and much ap
preciated work in I lie public schools of I
our county. ,,
Louis Barker,
Muti. FixiKA M. Funk,
A. M. Williams. j
Notica of Foreclosure Sale of
A Chattel Mortgage.
that liv virtue of a chattel mortgage
dulv ex ci;ed by Thomas Price to Mar
tha Laird, on the 11th day of May,
18111, to secure the payment of the sum
ofJHKJO, with interest thereon at the
rate of eight per cent per annum from
Mav 27th. 1801. and coat of foreclesing
said mortgage which said sum became
due and payable on July 11th, 1801;
that the terms of said mortgage was
broken in this that said sum or money
was not paid wfteti the same became
due as therein provided.
I did on I lie 24lh day of November,
1891, take into my possession tile per
sonal pn'peitj ucoi;in'. i ." . '
gage, to foreclose the same according
to the terms and conditions of stud
mortgage, and will at tha, hour of 1U
o'clock. A. M.. on Thursday, IlieSdday
of December, 1801, at A. Dodge's turn,
sittiatea in me town oi ueo:i""i
county, Oregon, offer for sale at public
auctieu to the highest bidder for cash
iu hand, to satisfy the. luiiount of said
mortgage the following descriiad per
sonal property, to-wit: One pud' of
grey horses about leu years old; one
pair ot Horses, one a rouo smi mcmnv.
a black, eight years' 'old; one pair of
horses one a dark brown and the other
a sorrel horse, seven years old; five span
of mules, the property of Thomas Price,
from seven to eleven years old, all col-,
ors; live lumber wagons; live hundred
dollars worth ot tools,coiisitingof drag
scrapers, wheeled scrapers, plows and
slip sertipMS, aud any and ail tools aud
teams, fondling one 'complete gradmg
outfit, aud aiV "ow n Ule poaaessiou of
tuesiiiU Thomas ytix
Dslcd tlirs Sith dar of 'Wilier,
Sheriff of Linn county, Or.
Pumps down to Albany piloes.
Black pipe 12 fts. . At F. C. Ayer &
Co. '8. , ' :
Don't go to the troublo to run all
over the (own for what you want, but
go direct to Buhl & Pugh and get what
you want In the grocery line. Their
stock Is iatge and well selected.
For the next sixty days we will set
tombstones aud nioniimvnr f,.- s .....
cent less than our regular price If
you need anything in our line, give Us
a call.
-u. v.
, Achihon & Co.
Shaving Parlor,"
IHrmt Door North or
, St. Cluirlom Hotel.
First-Class Artists in alUid,
anee. Hot and Cold Hat Its wUk
Shower at all times.
Your Patho.maoe Solicited.
Mrs. Geo. Ric(
has Tii in-
Largest Stock
, ;u; , , ,.
Felt Hate for fifty cents. (Jail tuut r
examine her stock before purchasing,