The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 20, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 37
(one year.. M 00
(If paid in advance, 81 50 per year,)
fix mum lis , I 00
"Mtrnf ni'mllK,....,.,..... 50
iBllitflo WIlH'li....... 05
Office nr. tnlr in Guy's Fuilding.
' " LEULKOK. OIUMffii.
Albany, (vitn.
Will im tier In nil Hie mrt f tnl Kale,
titlire, uut Asian over bank of Oregon.
A. F. STOWE, :
Attorney -at- Law
Collectltmitlveii praam! and nan-nil atU'iiliua.
Will pmtuee 111 ail Hie ctunii mi;
lotaryPuSlc and Collecting Agent,
Justine of the Ponw, Lebanon Prwiuot- :
Lebanon, Oregon.
Nota ry Pub l ic
.;; BKLIABLE ', .
Meal Estate in till itt brandies.
1KB. Co., of New York.
Unround mimll tracts or Fruit, Knrililng, and
Grazing lands.
Monev to limn on Farms, Improved
City Property or Guilt-edge notes dis
counted. . LEBANON, OREGON.
Mrs. S.-H. Cowan,
" An 'Elegant Display
o MILLINERY of all
Kinds,' 1 :
Hats trimmed in the
Mr. snil Mrs. K. Sylvester went teAlbany
Jumeu A. Morgan is one ol the delegates
totheScio Alliance, :
Comotoifce front, disgusted wfol 11
ns hear nKfie of your alliance, lifel
Messrs fcinitninip, anil Hurrvll have re-
turned from tlieir hunt on Bald fetor, and
report gaiao plenty and in good condition,
they bvhg killed 7 deer, 1 tmrnd wild
cat. '
Wiu iay, W. H. Cumuiittsu took his
wagwa t.l.ebaium to g.t it rquired. That
The tukiiy frieiiflsi of Mr. C Oalen will re-
girt Ut U-nnl ot the aceiilenl which befell
b&ni a short time ago, Whiletat work on a
bsiiliB'i, laying brick, in-fell, b euking both
1ra and otherwise seriously jnjurhijj hhii
wif. '
lir.dias. &ott is stedily improving his
jdaee, .which has a geiiJjjue home look, and j
nwsnaT energy, ixtswdooi ana ue-.
Mrrminatirm will arcoutpliah.
Mm .J. 8. Caldwell, has al iter home a
beautikd specimen ol' xltite &J green Ta
rieattj moss.
Whvifl the lone liatrli!or of the white
houKc? You tux I know "l'un bn't know.
WJft called for I alwaya Tt&pemd hycom
irif,' to.tiit hont, so here is
The blowing lines are writieui memory
of little Juhimy Fituwoter, who departed
this life Xoveinter tlieStli, ISM, uw I 2year
and dix months. He waft a biujhtjaiid lov
ing little child, and Oh, how true it i that
death loves a ahininK mark.
Cost, eti Nor FoEJOTra-t
Brighter, fMirer tar'thun living,
W illi no trace of woe or pain, .
Kolie-t in everiasling beauty,
We will meet hiui once atruin.
By the light that never fadyth,
I'nderiieHth eteniul skies,
Till.tlie dawn of resnrreclion '
Brinks the death like l'uradise.
Written by his mother,
. Mm. In Fmwtffav
We recetced anoitier poem, written In memonr
ol uie'tusjve muuca emiu,
gave tlio laotber profereuce. d.
New .Jteetltraal Map of Oregon.
TheOregrtiiian, at great expense, has
prepared a Sectional Map of Oregon,
and client if, as a premium for subscrip
tions to the Weekly Orcgonlau. The
map is corrected up to date,' is 4050
inches in siee; scale, six tulles to theV
inch. It is neatly finished and on
roller, ready to hang up ou the wall.
This is the fluent map of Oregon ever
issued, and should he in every house
hold in the state. Anyone sending
3.00 will eeoelve the Weekly Oregon
iau fur fifteen mouths (if the subscrip
tion is received prior to January 1,
and one ol these maps as a prem
luu'. The price of the map without
the paper is J2.U0. Address
OkkooniaK l'tlllUSUINO Co.
Portlund, Oregon,
One Dollar WeikJyV
Buys a good Mold Watch by our Club
Byslem. Our 14-kiirat gold-filled cases
are warranted for 2U years. Fine Elgin
or Walt 1mm movement. Htem wind
and set. Lady's or Gent's sine. Equal
to any KD watch. To secure itgenu)
where we have none, we sell one of the
Hunting Case Watches for the Club
price $M and send C. O. I), by express
with privilege of examination before
pitying for same.
Our agent ut Durham, N. C, writes:
"OdrJPkVolersliHveconressH thry dnn't know
how you osli lunilli micIi wurk for tlie mom!)-,"
Our Ageut at Heath Hprings, H. C,
"Vunr WRlehes take at silit, The (tcntleman
wiiosut Uw l.-t wtiU-ll silid Unit he examined
tvnd priced a Jeweler's wiileliiyi Sn liin-.isier, lliat
were no berler tlian yours, but the price wo. fi-ti."
Our Agent at Peunington, Tex.,
".tin In rwlpt of the wct?Ii, mid nm pleased
wltlumt nit'iisme. All who Jiavu seen it suy tl
'tfoind be clw-p at . -
One gcod relluble Agent wanted for
each phiee. Write for pal Uvular.
Kmciuk Wa'XCH Co., New Y'ork.
A Ticket given on the piano with
every -. cash purchase at Klein Bros.'
Bool k Hlioo htore, Albany, Ore.
K.l'olite attention and good measure
given at Buhl & Pugu's.
KntTK Kkuhm exeuMt . '
Thinking iierhaps a few items from a place
that is so well known as Tennessee would
interest the many readers of your valuable
paper, I take pleasure in writing '"" (w
Weare sorry to learn that Chester My
ers, son of Mr. Kd. Myers, is very siek. ,.
Goo. C. Davis has raised a crop of potatoes
this year, that ho thinks will average M0
bushels to the acre; a fact which shows that
Tcrmcssee land cannot lie excelled.
There is a younj; men who has learned
how to travel the road from Lebanon to
Tennessee at twelve o'clock Sunday uighta,
Iasi Sunday night as ho wended his way
don the muddy toad he was heard to sing
the . -song. "Take me bock to home and
Mother," and some say he had out the trem
olo ?op. ,
school is progressing nicely under the
nia.'f gementof Miss I.iblne Caro.thers. .
, Wis learn that Mr. C. i Bighee and fami
ly tore moved f,om Ten .lessee to their new
borot ten miles ntsive Lebanon, on tlie San
tiuK. I)nrinn their short stay in Teniieaiiee
theyiave nnwlo nianv Mends whose best'
wisws will go with ihem ui their newhome.
I 4e of the muddy toads our Sunday
S,W. t the Tennessee scbool-housei. weU
alXf-mlisl. Mi. Aaron Haltimoie has Un j
clioseiiAr snpeiiiiiendeut, a isisition for
merly -eeeupied by Mr. C. F. liigtiee. . .
Hop bnyeis have lieeu plentiful here 4his
wetii.-tiwsoveragingfrom twelve to fii'yieu
cent jsm jwund. . j
The wiuTng face of John Fox cn be leen j
each Su'nli'y mcning as he passes tiooiigh i
Tntmwsii his buggy. He kicks alwut j
the muddy roads but we ae inclined to
think he wit go if lie has to swim.
The Fronkjiros. have commenced digging
a rifleen aeresrop of potatoes, 'i'bcv have
our syinpatkw for we have bec$ thero oor-j
selves. - "-t.
Mr. Geo. iiosj had two sheep killed by
dogs lasr week. A ireody one dog has passed
over the shiningrireron accountof it, which
should be a warning to his brother-mitr-
Man is never satisfied, never was, and
never will be. ('haling in the soft
glow of morning, restless ainitt beauty
at midday, he fails to appreciate the
gentle twilight until It grows lot i the
gloom of midnight. We look upon
those who fill positions in life to which
we aspire and wonder why they are
not content, forgetting that every ad
vance In knowledge and personal pre
ferment but oiens up new prospects
and produces new excitement to a fur
ther progress.",. To this spirit of restless-'
Bern is due much of tiie onward march;
on It wo build for the future as a nation,
state, community. As individuals we
cannot stifle this Irritability, not that
we envy those anove us so much, as
(hat we fail to appreciate tiie blessings
that we enjoy ourselves. No condition
ill life but ha its disappointments, It
matters not our surroundings, let us
strive to make the best of thorn, the
common end is death, We can take
naught with us from this life except
what we have woven into our minds
and characters. Ex.
Sheriff Nolan, of Laue county, was
in this city yesterday en route toSnlem.
lie bad in charge M ud Fitch, a
young girl who was insane. The un
fortunate young woman bad been se
duced by a worthless fellow named
Hawyer, which, it is said, cuused her
insanity. The latter was at tho depot,
having followed the officer and girl
from Eugene. When he was espied by
he sheriff he was given five minutes to
leave the city, which he did, He ought
to be put In the penitentiary. Albany
Herald, . ' ' .
. IVtemon & Oarlanh were busy this
week writing insurance pelocie. They
have a fine line of foreign and domes
tic companies, and treat nil uf their
patrons fairly,
M is. T . L. Dodson has been very III
with malarial fever, but under the
special cure of Dr. Booth la last recov-1
crlng. 1
City Council.
Thecnunoil met lust Tiicailuy evening
In regular (union, with the Mayor and
ctNioriimen all present.
Ay nrdinnnee in regard to city elec
tions paused leeond rending and was
then refermd to the committee on or
diiiancen. There were also several a-
meiidinents to ordinances wh'cli were
referred to the committee on ordi
The Marshal was ordered to fix up
the aidewiilks on city lots and Bee that
all other sidewalks ure fixed up. - .
Mr. Elkins again brought up the
question .in regard to the city helping
in draining the sloughs in the north
end of town. The council requested
him to bring in a report of how much
he could raise by subscription, at the
next meeting. The Exi'HKsa thinks
the city ought to help in this improve
There were several hills presented
which were referred to the committee
on lbiaDcrs.
The council then adjourned to meet
K ' . , """""
"' orQIIiauce on Cliy elections aim up-
point Judges and clerks for the same.
I have sold to Buhl & Pugh my en
tire store, consisting of groceries, pro
visions, gent's furnishing goods, and
fixtures. In retirit.g from the mer
chandise business I wisli to tlmnk the
public nnd my customers for the liix ral
patromign that they have extended to
mc, and would ispeak for my succes
sors the same liberal support; as I know
them bo'h fo be honest, industrious
young men. Again thanking the pub-
lie. I remain, Yours Bespt.,
W.B. Donaca. '
Having bought theBtore of W. B.
Donaca, we desire to inform the pubHe
that we will always carry a eomplete
stock of groceries and general sapplies,
and that we hope to command the
same libera! patronage heretofore be
stowed upon our predecessors, guaran
teeing full and complete satisfaction.
Buhl & Pucm. .
' t -
Hain! Rain I Mud!
Grip the I Grippe.
Everybody is getting btiiiind with their.
Mr, Shook killed a fine bear up Cash
creek above here.
The river lias been as high at this place
already this iiill as It was at any time last
- Messrs. Potter, Shook and Whiteomb are
laying in a supply of hour meat for winter,
5Tr, Shook is niakLig beavers, martens
and Ashore aearcVby the uso of steel traps.
The weather here lias been mild and
ndny, without any sign of snov,- rr frost yet.
. u. k. w.
)on' t fail to give Buhl & Pttgh audi.
They have a tine lino of first-class
8ay, do you know that Buhl & Pugh
carr-' a wen seiectcq line otsueut s
furnishing goods?
Mr. M. L. Dodion is preparing to
give a grand ball, Christmas Eve, at
the Baud Hull, which promises to be a
success. ,, . -.
Last Monday Mr, B. O. Mesarvey
and wife, father and mother of W, D.
Mesarvey, of this place, arrived here
from Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. Mesarvey
expresses himself as well pleased with
tills country, aim ihjuks he will locate
Before purchasing holiday goods do
not fail to call at N. W. Smith's drug
store and examine his stock of plush
goods and novelties of every descrip
tion. He hits spared no pains in se
lecting his stock, and has a full line of
plush goods, toys, books, cards, etc.
Rev J. R. Kirkpatrick returned from
Seattle Friday.
The few days of sunshine this week
are duly appreciated by all.
Heating stoves away down to cod ut
F. C.Ayer&Co.'s.
Contractor! 0. Conn, of Albany,
was in town the first of the week.
Miss Bellroie Kirkpatrick Is spend
ing the week visiting in Albany.
Mrs. J, B. Thompson mud- a visit to
her relatives in the country, this week. .
TJuliUe our thriving little neighbor,
Sodaville. Lebanon has ninny neat
Pumps down to Albany prices.
Klack pluc 12" its At F ( Ay r &
CO.'S. ' - r ' '
Remember the ladies of the Bint'st
Church will give yon a go,d sup;, r at
the Band Hall on llianks.rlring eve
ning, for 25 cts. , Oyster soinr L cts.
Supper from 5 to 8 v. M.
. Rev. Lamar left, Monday, for. "t'tirner,
where he goes to hold a, meeting. He ,: ,
expressed a regr. m missing the meet--'
ing Wed-iay oviiur, but could not
Dr. Spencer Dudley left, Monday, for
Texas, where he goes to speud the win
ter with a sister that he has not seeu
for forty years. The doctor leaves "
many here who hope toseehira refurn,
Stephen A. Cocheli left in the office
of Peterson & Garland some magiiifl.
cent Irish potatoes. He has a hundred
bushels like them, raised ou the old
chicken ranch formerly owned by Mr.
If atany tlmetheteshouldn'tappear'
a locnl In the Express that you think,
should, don't blame Ihe Editor, bui
yourself for it; for we have asked time
and .time again that you send in the
news. -.
On last Saturday Mr. A, W. (irubbs1
family, consisting of wife, little girl
and boy, arrived here from Kansas.
It is useless to add that Joe wears a
broader smile than usual. ;
Don't go to the trouble to run all-
over the lown for what you want, but
go direct to Buhl & Pugh and get what
you want in the grocery line. Their
stock Is large and well seleoted.
Mr. A. C. Brown aud Miss Lula '
Whidbee were united In the holy bnTrr9---
ofWtrimony last Sunday, Nov. 15, at
the home of the bride, near Santiaiu
post-offlce, Rev. Boyd officiating. The
Expbess extends its congratulation.
For the next sixty days we will sell
tombstones and monument for fi nw
cent less than our regular price. If
you need anything In our line, give us
... , oeinim a i n,
The leper case at the McKenzie bridal, '"i
lias caused considerable comment. The
unfortunate man who Is (lie victim of '
me uiaensu tieserves unto sympathy.
Aware of his condition and the disease
that had fastened itself upon, him, he
was willing to link an Innocent girl's
life with his own with the probability
of entailing the horrible diseuw on li -r
and the offspring of the luurrlitgc E j
gene Quard.
Circuit court adjourned Monday
morning after settling one or two llttie
cases. Of the fifteen men bound over
to appear before tho grand Jury but one
was sent to the penitentiary. This
wasMcDouald who fraudulently ob
tained subscription money, nivl hewat
sentenced to one year. He was taken
to Salem Monday morning. One is
now serving a 250 days sentence in tiie
J nil , two have skipped, two were ac
quitted, and in four eases not true bills
were returned. The horse thieves were
not ready for trial and their case wits
continued until the next term of court,'
which will be held in March, and they
vill remain in jail until that time.
i'lieMcMnrray contempt eaBo was re
ferred to Geo, B. Dorrle to take testi
mony. Eugene Register.