Lebanon Express. CITY OFFICIALS. WHTOH ..............-..M. A.MILLER. f !,. i.hpSk ....OKO. RICK. IWUSCKItR J- A. ROBERTS. MAUSJdAL... I'Hll. SMITH. fO. W.CRI'SON, mrwi-n imrij I M- WESTF ALL, OO0t.ULsiKH c h. it ALSTON, . (.JOS. ELKINS. City Council meets on the first and third Ttieiulay evenings of each nwntji. ORDINANCE NO. li, AN OltlHKANOB to Wial OrdinanceWo. 4 and W Urease tax and rcinilate certain callings, trade! and oinplormetila, and tn iitoritte for the manuer of tasuing license thersfoc. Th Ti ovti or tb Cm or Lsbahok ik . Osuais as Follows: StcTinit 1. Auctionepre who follow their tocr tiuri viiiiin the city limit of the City af Lebanon. ahallpayaqnaniTlyiieonajorSSm Ami amy jerson shall Iw deemed au auctioneer who utters property lle at public out cry; provided that tttif benton shall have no aunlicalion to pernios mating alw of property mnlcrany orda or judg ment or decree of any court. fsuS. llaatenahall par a license of fSM not day. for each day in which they shall conduct their business within the Uinil of tin- City at Leb anon. Any person who oners (tuods for sale by ,' ou.-crv- on the siic-ta, or wl shall conduct kk or Uveir hiMine front a Hand, htaith or wagua, or, who shall ran i leuery, at lata) of hmuue or any lament claims upon the streets ha!l be deemed a hanker wltMn the moaning at tltia ordinance. But 9. Auj peddier i shall conduct hi braJnete within the corporate Ilmila of ttie city of Lebanon, shall pay ltKinJe therefor as follows: When travelling with two or mine annuals! .00 tier dm- or turn per quarter; when travelhnt one animal. S-'.W per day ar Htl.mW guar. W when travelling on fiat a2.de lr day or KiO.laJ act Quarter. All penults e jecpl petwits peddiin aaasuapro, Wbies. and rellaUws tracts, and far BCTor persons peddling tho prod" farm lardaa or mitt, rauehea or peddlins fish, who jell or offer to sell at retail. od wares, merchatHiiworothercoronjodiiitravellttlgfronl place to place within the city Urn shall he llvemed pcddleis under this ordinance. ate. i- Pawn-brokers ahail pay a quarterly - licenofSS..nll. Every person whuaehoslneas or anipatfon to tate or iccatve by way of pledge, yii or exchange, any good warts or merchan- or a-.-, tiud of personal iiropcrty whatever, (except notes, bonds, bills of exchange, shares of atock, warehouse receipts and uthor written evi-Hence-nf iinleMi-dneas,) lor the payment of money loaned Ua'reoti. shall be dsauwd a pawnbroker wider the provision of thisordinaooa. ' wet. 'lue keeper or proprietor of every eircns shall pay a license of SiMsl for each and every exiinii.tou given ty such etreus within the limit af mi city. The keeper or proprietar of any - liuestiow aecompauying any citeaa and chaoying an admission feesliall pay a UomMof I6.au forcacn iat 's oertoraanee and 16.00 for each nlght'a per luriaaiax. livery uuikliiut, tent, space or area ' where fcala of horsetaanship or acrobatic sjiorts are cxhil.lted. shall be regarded a circus under ttie provisions of this ontinonce. , 1Icl Theatrical troupes or the proprietors or xtsnaiera thereof, shall pay a license of loJJO for aach ami every performance or exhibition within the chi limits; two or more persons going from place to piece forlhe purpose of giving dramatic or operata' exhibitions, or entertainments, orper-turuiauce- for Ae entertainment or amusement at the public, where an admiadon fee is charged, Ijuill le dt-cnied a theatrical troupe. Mc-7. Jugsierssliallpayaliceiiaeoa.lner week oi tio.ui fur every day and nlulit of their exhthilioM; every nernon who performs by sleight of hand, shall he held to he a jussler wuhiu the teauiug of this ordinance. Kit i. l'lie proprietor or aeent of all other exhibitions, e.itertainmenta or shows of every kind f,.r ii(o:!ey. not nienlwued hereiiifnre in this - """wild nu. . t aeeme of sto.uu for each other hot, t w rf a,, the boar, but , , ur owner o: any hack, eun, .Jt. ufrianc, wagou, en, or otuer vehiL-lea asrtl lor the irausponauon of passeugem or any njticlc of trade, earth ballast, building materia! or otner substiuee wiihin the city limit., snail pay a yearly license of MM for each vehicle drawn by one bora; or other animal, andforeacbaddlliouul .a i ,irwuie such vehicle, the addi- tiunal sum of HI0.IK) per year; provided, that nuitii Mmed . forllttist t; her era or in p1 rails cur poraona drawiug din or gravel 'hwaya, or wood, gravel or " outside of the city llmiw : istljiie street, alleys, tieau.erpt'rsons pruduets a-.1", a , t is I faleti ynl pp!tite IX' count r. i v; auirintj Hi. lie or they shall have obtained a license therefor a required by the Ordinances of the city. BBC 18. That every person, firnt or corporation required by this Ordinance lo obtain a license ta engage in or carry on any trade, bitsltttss or pro feaaien, tor which a lieeuaeta required, ahatl nay to the City Treasurer the snn af money required by ordinance to be paid therefor; thereupon with the receipt of tho City Treasurer (which receipt ahall state the kind or businera for which license is dashed) they shall apply to the City Recorder, who shall issue a license to the party applying in accordance with the receipt of the City Treasurer, uiwm compliance by the applicant with the pro visions of all the Ordinances relating to obtaining liceane for the business, trade or prole&lou fur which such liceuse Is desired. 0KC.lt. That In every lieenaa taken out under this Ordinaaee, shall be contained and set forth the purpose, trade, business or profession for which such license is granted, and tike name and place of abode ot the panion or persons hiking out aneh lteense, and said license shall authorise, the conlinuauce of the bristncss named Iherein at the place named therein, for the term of such license, but shall not authorise the carrying on of said boRineas iu any other place, ttulees the place 11 eeiwedhe closed, and In such case the Reeoider shaU be untitled of ti,e ehanea, and he ahull uole the same on the ivcnnt kept by him for such li cense. If a peddler, such license shall state whether auLburizetl to trade on fool or with one or asore animals the time for which sueh ltcouac is to run and the date of granting the saute, and any person axereishui or carrying on such trade, hnsineasol profession, or doing any act for which a license Is required under this Ordiusrcc, shall, on demand of any dry officer, a: hi plaoe of taud ness, pnidure such U cense, and unless he shall do so. he shall be taken and deemed to have no li cense.; and In case any pertdler shall reiuse to produce his or her license ween demanded so to do by any officer of the city, said odlcer may aaixe the animals, wagnn and contents, or pact or bundle, pack or besket, of any such peraon or persons, and hold the saute until the license is produced. Sec 15. That In every case where more than one oTthe pursuits, employments or occupations fwwhichalkVDsttisrennrred, shall he pursued or carried on in the same place by the same person aad at the same time, license must be taken mil for eac a, accordi u to the rate severally prescribed. fiac g. irany person or persons exercising or carrying on any trade, bus-tncftor profession, or do any act far the Tarrying ou or doing of which a li cense Is required by this Ordinance, without first taking out such license as iu that case required, or . violate any of the provisions of this Onliuanee. he or she, aha!!, on conviction thereof, before the "Recorder's erart, for every such offense be fined not less than to.110 nor mote than f li.00 or be imprisoned therefor in the city Jail not leas than two days nor more than liny days. Bsc. 17. Skating rltiks shall pay lieense of t.io.tsj per quarter. siKC. 18. All Ordinance and parts of Ordinances are hereby repealed, which are tn eoufilct here with. . fjac. II). This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and After its appnivul tv the Muyor. Approved this 31st (lay of Oct., 1U. M. A. Mlli.kk, Mayor. Attest: G. W. Kick, City Kccorder. A Woman's Cnrtoalty. A Bcdalia (Mo.) Dispatch ettye: The secret Order of the Woodmen uf the World held a mwting lust night, uri while the; were engaged iu going through number nf interesting evo lutions a inline was beard at one of the windows, A Woodman quickly raised the ewh and threw the Wind open, when he wan astonished to see a wom an standing on the roof nf the adjoining building. Khe had climbed up through a scuttle-hole and had lieen playing the "Caul fry" aot by looking through the shutters, which gave her an exfivi lent view of whut was going on withiu the hall, Thealiinn was given at once, tiut tiie ludy had lied before the nimble Woodmen could an tut her. An iii vestimitioii wna at once itutvtl and the litdy's namt; wus aacortitincd, tiut the WotKlmeu dvcliiic to mtike It pul-lii- fur the prexent. Hlie had witnessed more thnu one initiation ill tho Icxlire of the Kniirhts of I'ytlri;ts, aw t liitt order meets iu the sume hull with the Wood men. Lust nit;litfH discovery is the talk of the town t'wlny. ' Jluy you an acre in EUlsloiig addi tion and huild your wife a nice house. Have rent and h iiuiuiy: I'tiTtiiMiM & Garland: aala of Mill. R. C, Finley, of ('rnwford-ivillc, tins . ' is mill at Uisilon to Mr. .Martiu of Turner and Kimnns A ve rt'iiKsicied said mill o and turning out a - '''uruters should : "PSOK. Mr. Jason Wheeler, of Albany, was In the oity Wednesday. Mr. M. Sontt, our efficient sheriff, wtts in town yesterday. Ik v. A. LeRoy, now of LaOrande, Is in town visiting friends, Mrs. Heed, of Portland, It visiting in town. The ladies of the M.E. Cfcuroh will give a Sociable af the Weeks, Tuesday evening, the 24th of Nov., at, ,ne Band HallJ Look out for our "lodgers. The remains of Geo. H. Kosney, who was fcrmerly of thsBna af Burkhart & Keeuey real estate doalars of Albany and wbo died at Malt LaVe, were bur led at Brownsville this week. FUKoBVTHlUAN. Tho Presbyterian church having been repaired will be ouened for service on Sabbath morning. Preaching by the Pastor morning and evening. Evening, a acrmon to young men. M. A.limer, the druggist, takes ett peclal pleasure In supplying his custo mers with the best medicines obtaina ble. Among the many excellent prep arations on his shelve may be men tioned Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a favorite during the wiuter months on account of Its great luoeaw In the cure of oolds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold to quickly, or so prompt! relieve the lungs. Then It counteract any tendency towards pneumonia. Itaa pleaunt and safe to take, and fully worthy of its popular "J- CoRVAMJS, Or., Oct. M, 1891. Aid. CoitfiiKXKD: . As trains Nos. I and S will be disonn tinued east of Halsted fter November 7th, we will not receive freight for, nor ticket passengers te poin'te east af there after that date, until further notice. C. C. Hoetrc, G. F.aVP.A. Insure your house with Peterson & Uarlunu: BUV VOUB HaBDWABE, BTOVK8 AND EaWOES FROM MATTHEWS 4 WA8HBTJBN, Albany, Ore. Bottle Vp. All parties knowing themselvM In debt to us are hereby notified to settle up by December 1, 1891, by money, note or otherwise, as I am going to square up my books. 6was Buoa. C. E. RANOUS, Carpenter & Builder. All Kinds Repairing 4 Jobbing Done on Shortest Notice. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY Shop on Main Street. Next Door to Tailor Shop. JTOTJCE FOB n'ULICATIOX. tahil OfBce Rt Or.goti f:itv, Ow fro, ih-L WJl, f Nfttiff bt hnitij-glvfto that ihc lulioviiiK-iuiiiiwl splllt-rhiu1 flk-l imtietMtf liic ititeutkm 10 umk final proof irt ii,hk (tf Imeintin. ni thr ttntrt pTMiL will le loiidc UeOrn- tht- itoKiMi-r bimI he-ft-ivfti uf tiw V. K. ahi llliit; at liiutm Or rjjpm, an Uvc.Vi. mit -ir i-brhwa j. Koi b, Pi pmjiMoit P. T. N.. ''XA, for tlip HE , of ft'd, 14. T LI 8 K I V. Uf tm.i. ttie UltmmK wit iifKM. io prove his coiiimuoupfrMiem:c unm Hint CtJl'ivu.ltui uf wiiU luiKi, vix: 11. I', (."HiHcniii, ArUiur fvrrm. M, J. (.'tiiiit'r.rK anfi J.f. Cmge, all of (Jftuiiw, Liiiu wiuuty, Ori&m. , J.T.Al'l'EIWiN, aUefuter. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hogg, Receiver, AND . Oregon Development Go's task? Line 22E Miles Shorten 20 Hours Lass Tlfnal Thau ti)1 any otliw llmitc. "T-OLASB THROUGH PA08ENOEB AND FREIGHT LINE -ti all ilm In tht- tvilimiKitlK - Sim Francisco, Oal, 'LROAD. DALGLEISH IB I WlALERSi IN ALL KINDS OF F URN IT IT-RE Y We carry a Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE and BUILDING MATERIAL. Tb Finest Line of CARPETS Brought to Albany Collegiate Institute ALBANY, OREGON. September 9, 1891. Jane 10, 1892, A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. INSTATE DIPLOMAS TO NORMAL GRADUATES Four Departments of Htudjtlollt-giste, Norml, Busiues,," Primary, Tyjie-W nting autl Wiorl-httud are taught. For ttlngu (ldri, Rev. ELBEKT N. CONDIT A. M.. fresident. AlbanyFurnitureCo H. R. HYDE, Proprietor. A FULL LINK OF Fiirniture OF EVERY DEFCRIITION, And ALL KINDS of CARPETS. We make a specialty nf UNDERTAKING. Calls aiin were night -or day. BALTIMORE BLOCK, ALBANY. OREGON. I have a LARGE fTOOK of BRICK, for tale at .my Yard, in the euburbs of Lelmiion, Yor Sale at Reasonable Rates. All kind of masim'g woik done with neatmidg and despatch. D. A GREAT SLAUGHTER "4U ; i, ' AT & EVERETT v AND WALL-PAPER Ever Lebanon. V. HARDEN. ' T ruuuin,; in full en- mm jfmm $mmp "1 IT S U (J wLIlI 1