"r rsvarttt.vvtJrerM H GOOD Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder is often called the Good-Luck Baking Powder. Owing1 to the fact that good luck always attends the use of Dr. Price's, it is not essential to use it the moment it is mixed nor is it required to have the oven always just so, as in the case with ammonia or alum powders. It is not luck after all, but the exact accuracy and care exercised in the preparation and combination of all the ingredients of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Competent chemists are employed to test the strength and purity of each ingredient. Nothing is trusted to chance. Hence; it is always uniform in its work. House wives never fail to have "good luck" in mak ing most delicious bread, biscuit, pastry -and cakes that remain moist and sweet Only Baking Powder that con tains the white of eggs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. Trvnl In Cktaa. Travel in northern China ii accom plished in a cart, a mule litter, or the addle. The first method is the most uncomfortable bnt the most rapid, toe second the most comfortable bnt the lowest, the third the most independent bnt the most onoertain. The cart need in northern China has two heavy wheels, with wooden axle, so springs, and a body abont four feet long, and three broad, over which is a light framework top covered with bloeootton. Two mules driven tandem by a carter seated on the left shaft take it along at a rate of about three miles an hour, and one can make in it an average of thirty five miles a day, even over the roughest country. It will, carry abont three hundred pounds of goods, and one or even two passengers; and the tighter one is squealed in the mora comfortable it will prove, for that, and that alone, will be a protection from the terrible jolting over the rough country roads. It is told in some old book of travel in the narrative of the inisdon of Lord Amherst to the court of Pelrin, if I re member rightly, that one of his attend ante died from the effects of the jolting he received during a short journey in one of these carts. Bnt this mode of travel being the most rapid, I adopted it Bev- eral years of experience of cart travel in Chirsa had made me bold, so that I did not fear the fate which had overtaken the Amherst mission man. Comfortably wrapped in my wadded Chinese clothes, I squeeted myself into my cart, feeling like a delicate pieoe of chinaware packed in cotton, and after a hearty farewell to the friends with whom i was staying at . Felon, the carters cracked their whips, and with a shout to the mules we were off. Century. A tuadarwltk a Country Doctor. Sunday is a busy day for the doctor. A good many people put off being sick till Sunday, especially in haying time, and the calls began to come in early, 80 the narrow buggy went down the road and did not return till late. Sunday school was in session and the children Sang: ; Day of all the week Che beat, , Emblem of eternal root, A group of young women in white came out into the little burying ground, and through my open window i could hear gossip and laughter, as they picked their way among the gleaming white headstones. Then a party of ladies dressed in deep mourning appeared. Standing apart was a young couple chatting in a sheepish way. A small girl, with curiosity abnot mally developed, pretended to read the inscription on a tombstone near by, while she absorbed the conversation. The cabinet organ was played again, and the children with the older people in the church, sang "He will carry yon , through." The voice of good Dominie Thompson rolled out in stirring tones at he sought divine guidance and blessing for the beloved children of his flock." Frank French in rjcribner'e, The Tblunees mf Geld. Gold beaten, by hammering, can re duce gold leavea to such minute thinness that 288,000 most be laid upon each other to produce the thickness of an inch. Yet each leaf is so perfect and free from holes that one of them laid oa any surface, as in gilding, gives the ap pearance of solid gold. Tbey are so thin that if formed iutoabook 1,6X10 would only occupy the space of a single leaf of book paper. A single volume of a gold leaf book one inch in thickness would have as many pages as an entire library of 1.SO0 volumes of common books, even though the volume averaged 400 page) ecu, rjt, Louis ttepubuc. LUCK. A FACE. Hope hut a tender daybreak in her eves, Thai owtfa a nappy niorutDfc on nor war. Her faue-it k. an Imaice of Uw day, Aa pure aud ninny aa the mitumer akiaa; And when she Mullen a halo round her ilea, When light Meatus burn of heaven's moat holy nr. Her kins are aweet a dainty flowers In Hay, TM ww a thouRhtfutnem that makes them wins. Oh, tuoiug face! God blew the everywhere; A little mm by day, by mam a Mar, To briug bright cheer where pom and sorrow are. Qod keep thy gentle forehead free from ears. Thine eye keep ever from the mist of tears, ' To wnlle a laetinx miuNhine on thy yean, burn W. KhurtlrsT In Boston Transcript Hlshwar FeataJ Locoaootlvee, In tlie south of France tlie government portal service is supplemented by the waram oust" of urivute contractors. who employ many hundred horses in conveying small parcels from town to tnwn, even along the railway lines. This business has became so extensive that several road locomotives have been or dered for it, and are proving very satis factory. Two of these machines are running between towns seventy miles apart, each making the trip one way nightly at a speed 01 t-igiit nuies an nour. Part of the road is very hilly, with long gradient up to as much as one in eleven The locomotive, with coal and water, weiglis fifteen tons, - and tlie loaded wagon from seven to ten tons, making tlie average weight of the train twenty three tons. At l"3 pounds pressure tlie ewoiies give about twelve horse power, and with fair roads use about lulf a ton of fuel for the round trip of 140 miles. These engines have been running over six mouths without interruption, Ar kaiiHaw Traveler. Quit a Traveler roe a TwrtU. W. E. Bellenbrand, of Oldtown.carne into possession of a turtle lately at Pushaw, which bore upon it the evi dence of having reached years of discre tion and of having been for a turtle quite a traveler. It was marked "J. V7. Bewail, 1871," and Mr. Bewail remem bers that when camping in his boyhood on Pushaw lake he found the turtle near the outlet and cut his name upon its shell The animal was found a short time ago in the "Thorofare," near Orson island, some sixteen miles from its former place of capture, showing that it had traveled on the average abont a mile each year. Mr. Hellenbraud'a son Wal ter marked it and released it for further adventure. Bangor (Me.) Commercial. Tha Oldast Place la America. ; "Do you know the oldest place in all Americar said Gen. John B. Hender son, of St. Louis, to a circle of friends. "I don't mean the oldest town in the country or on the continent, but the land first found on the western neroispnere. No? Well, I thought not tt is Mount Marty, in the Adirondack mountains. Agaasix aud other geologists have fig ured out that Mount Maroy was tho point of land that made its appearance first above ibe water when the western hemisphere was evolved. "Chicago Her ald. , - - Trua Uapplnosa. ' Mrs, Muggers I see a prominent soci ety belle is dead. If there ever was a perfectly blissful existence on earth ah enjoyed it while she lived, Mr, Muggers Because she was a 00 edety ..mie? ;- Mrs. Muggers No; because aha was engaged twenty-four times and never married. New York Weekly. ; A Rather Doubtful Aoooaipllhmait. Distinguished Foreigner I under stand tho United States hat built aome eit tha faHtaaf. ArtiiKMra Avar deshrned. American-Ye, airee. They oannur like a railway train. Utewa. FORGETTING WRONGS. Son lrrae tbdr Troup on marble; be. tarn lust. Stoop'd down mm and wrote Uiem on Iba dust; Trod linear root w spun or wry wtno, Swept from ibe earth and ototuwl from his mind; There, secret to Uw grave, tteoaue then) lie. And grieved Uwj cvutd ootttwapeUieAlmiglKy'i eye. -Dr. 8 Hodden, ."MAN Oil DEMON." It Is nearly forty years since all Paris was nocking to see Frederic Lemaitre in a certain grisly melodrama bearing the above title. Parisian dramatists have always bad a leaning to the ghastly lu melodrama, and Parisian audiences have encourarred that inclination, as wttuesB "UTourde Nesle," "L'Hotel de laTete Noire." and a good many other plays of me gnaty oruer; put uiis psycnoiogicai mystery called "Man or Demon was a new departure In the morbid and the ghastly, ana ine auditorium or tne Am bigu Comique thrilled and shuddered as one man at the performance of the great Frederic. There was a touch of the au perntural In the play. The damatist and the actor had adapted the old ma ehioery of "Ls Pilules du Diable to tragical uses. 1 lie story ox tlie play was simple; the plot turned upon one ghastly pivot de usonlac possession. A physician, a man of science and enlightenment, refined, in tellectual, or blameless lire and gracious bearing, beloved and respected by the world he adorned, was possessed by dev Us. In the broad light of day, in the ex ercise of his profession, In society, he was his own man. all went well with him; hut with night and solitude the demon came and took possession of his victim, and Impelled him to deeds of blood. Through the darkened theatre there thrilled a silent horror that held the crowded audience spellbound, as the man of science flung a handful of powder into his crucible, aud. In the lurid light that rose around him, was seen the awful change from man to monster. Tho tall, slim Uffure of the physician, graceful and elegant in his neat evening dress, swelled to gigantic dimensions, Drawnv, muscu- lar, the form of a savage Hercules, while the fashionable modern dress changed to the blue blouse aud blood red cap of the sansculotte. The face changed, too; tlie pale, refined features thickened, the brows grew penthouse-like above the lurid gleam of tne malignant eyes; while, with a cry that had nothing in it of humanity, tne transformed creature rush ed forth to revel in rapiue and murder. needless to expatiate upon the action of the play. The later scenes reeked with blood, the whole scheme of the drama was baseless and wild; but the glamour of Lemaitre's genius held the audience in a state of breathless interest, which Bagged not till the fail of the curtain. The play was the greatest success the Ambigu bad known tor many years. One fact gave an addl'jonal and ex traneous interest to the performance. Those who knew the celebrities of the city were able to recognize the curious and startling likeness which Lemaitre. in hiB make up as tne physician, bad con trived to present to one of the princes of modern science, Mara Avslon, the cele brated chemist a man who, at something less than 40 years or age. noa reacheti the very pinnacle of professional success, who bod given laws to science, aud had made discoveries which had advanced the prog- ress of chemical experiment further in bis twenty years or labor tuau his pre- deeessors had dune within a century, rio striking was the resemblanre as to be at ouce perceived aud remarked upon, both at tlie first performance of the play and m tne public press, it was even tnougnt tliat Marc Avalon would take offense at this appropriation of his outward sem blance, and possibly maxe It the subject of a lawsuit; hut the great chemist seemed amused, and even nattered, when heread the eommentB of the critics upon this particular feature of Lemaitre's char acterization. He went to see the play- was Interested; went again saw Lemai tre in his dressing room, and mode various auggestions, which intensified the grim realism or tne scene in tne laboratory. it was observed Dy and by that Avalon was present nearly every liiirlit durintr some period of the performance, lie generally occupied one particular avant scene and kept himself perdu, but those few persons who were able to see his face, , as he sat in the shadow of the curtain, remarked upon its intent expression and the keen delight he seemed to derive from the actor s masterly embodimeut of a most unreal character. It was during the ruu of this play that Paris was startled by a series of murders more hideous lhau any crime that had shocked society during the reign of the eltiten-king; murders which bore a hor rible resemblance in being to all appear ance motiveless, aud the work of a mon ster whose sole desire was to steephimself In the blood of an unoffending victim. Once, twice, thrice, within a period of less than three mouths was thecitv horri fied by a revolting act of butchery; ouce in the Hue fate. Marguerite, where a wretched inhabitant of that human sham bles was found stretched In the gutter. weltering in her blood; another lu the Rue de la Vleille Lanterns; a third In the Rue des reves- Paris aud tho police of Paris were on the alert, looking for the Cbourineur. It was by that grim name the murderer was talked of lu those circles where slang Is the only langi'age. Duy after day the Journalists of the gutter announced that the Chouriueur had been heard of and conversed Willi here or there; bad eaten or drank In this or that restaurant, from the Bocher de Cancalo to the Chat Noir. The whole flight of canards were on the wing, aud every morning and eveuuig there was a new one let Hy upon Pans; but those who knew anythiug at all about the matter knew that, so far, the police were at (nilt. No trace, 110 clew, no hint of the Uiourlnetir hai yet beeu obtained, Cauler, the chief of the secret guardians of the public safety, hod worked till he wr v.eiuy-, wearv of his own false lights end. jfsihires; weariar of ether people's fittiSo aometimi'iSldiotic MlM heAprU ra Joifli SOhe JtoSBvar j. not liiiftlV doitAfVmn!e eurastri Wlajvm; 5 de ' ttaWns. not kjfliV di' from Ue iavwra. uieauuuuai the little marble tables', taking his demi tasse after a temperate dinner, and listen ing Idly to the conversations oroand cud about 111m. ue was cu uuty, n jaded brain, yet the old habit of listening and putting two and two together at all times and hi all places was so strong upon him that HIS oar was eu tuo aicn unconsciously, aud his brain soou await sued to interest lu tho talk of two men at a ti.blo near his own. They were of the fkneur epeclcs both, oae young, cue middle ngoil meu who knew thclv Paris, evidently. "Ilore ho comes." said the elder man. looking down tho boulevard toward tho (hand opera. "1 felt sure he would pass os before 8 o'clock; he Is then every night." "Not every night, surelyr said the other. - "1 have seen the piece at least half a dozen times, and he was In the theatre every time Men have told tne the same thing. It is a Rina 01 mania uiseaeeu vanity I snnuose He likes to see him self 011 the stage the central figure, the cynosure of every eye. The man they spoke of approached and passed toward the theatre. Tall, slim. well dressed, with a light coat over his evening suit, pale, with a fixed look about the eyes, a curious mobility about the mouth. He looks harassed an.1 ill, eald the young man. Uverwora, orain pressure, saia tne elder. "1 should not be surprised If I were to hear within the next few months that Marc Avalon had gone off his head." Cauler rose and followed tne great chemist Into the theatre, followed him to the door of his avant-scene, and then went round the other Bide of the house, and got a stall from which he could observe the face in the shadow of the curtain as well 1 the lowered lights would al.ow. That Idea of this prince of science being on the verge of lunacy had started a cu rloua train of thought In the brain of the skilled detective. He hod some time since made up his mind that the murders of the Bus m. Marguerite, tne kuo oe la v leiue Lanteme and the Rue des Feves were the work of the same hand, and that the hand of a homicidal maniac; but it had never occurred to him that these ghastly, mo tiveless, Insane murders might De tne re production of something shown upon the stage of a Parisian theatre. To-night, for the first time, he, the busy workingman. whose hours were gold, saw the grisly play which all the idlers of Paris had been gloating upon for the last four or five months, ana ne also saw, or oeueveu mat he saw, the germ and suggestion of those strange and bloody assassinations which had convulsed the city. - Such a play, acting upon the prepared mind of an unrevealcd lunatic, might In spire a sudden sanjrninary Impulse, an itching eagemesB to taste those sensations and emotions aepiciea in su meir niaeous ness bv the actor. That which was ap palling and revolting to sane minds might exercise a morbid fascination upon the insane. The higher the education and the greater the refinement, the deeper mit'lit be the descent into crime. The detective bung about the vestibule till be saw Hare Avalon leave toe theatre, aud was able to keep him in sight without appearing to follow him. An elderly man, who looked like a doctor, accosted the aavaut as he went out, and the two men walked along tho boulevard together In the clear, mild ni'rht as far as Tortoni's, where they went in. Cauler had followed close enough to be able to overhear their conversation, which was upon indifferent subjects. The chemist's friend remarked upon his looking ill aud wearied, and remonstrated with him for ove agerness in his scieutilia experiments. You are trvine to tret a quart of water Into a nint bottle." he saidi "nobody ever succeeded in doing that yet. Take care you dont ourst the Dome, mere are very few meu of your age who have made as great a mark upon the century as you have. Can't you be content to rest upon "1 am not overworaing my orain, Avalou answered, doggedly. 'You talk to me as if 1 were an incipient lunatic. Do you see any signs of overwork about meV" "Yes, several hurry, pallor, dry Hps and a tendency to laugh at things that make other men serious. I am talking to you as your old friend, and with perfect frankness." !'My dear Pignon, this Is the common cry when 'a man devotes himself to bis profession and succeeds a little better than bis fellow workers. Overstrain, brain work, Incipient madness! That is what his friends say about him. Kindly meant, no doubt, bnt arrant twaddlel" They went Into Ihocafe, came out again In a quarter of au hour, when Avalou hailed a cab, ' The detective followed him in another. The rlv denoiiitod him at his own house lu the Hue tit. (Julllsume. Cauler drove to the end of the street, dismissed his cab and went back to Marc Avalon a doorway on foot. The house in which the chemist lived was a fine old mansion in a quad raniralar court, dull, diirnilied, respect able. It was a moonless night, aud the court yard was black as Erebus at this hour, save for one lamp which burned dimly over the porto cochere. There was plenty of cover for the detective. He saw the Ihrht of a lamp travel slowly through two rooms upon the second floor and finally, settled lu a third room. The external Venetian shutters were closed, but there wore no curtains drawn within, and the lamplight shone betwut the wooilen bars. M. Ciink-r took up his position In the embrasure of a doorway leading to the offices, on obscure doorway in a comer of the great, grave house, as if ho meant to atay there hulf tlie night. A curious waste of power, one might suppose, this night watch in the Hue St. Uuillauuie, but of late Cauler had been wasting mtcb power in limning will-o' the-wisp? oaros the morafcs of i'uris, tp& one ignuv&tuus I is as good ns.uxlinjer. Tj-iijEtitr it was CaulerVAytrW 10 warffc rtfP?indowa A 'SA""'- "8-". .16" iauinliffhtrytAMtinnea jimuetuayea In lm.,r nni. hnlf. JtVe. iikrT ouar- ilrtf quar- 1 tolled hpuw(&WW he towrtf other ehutru solemn measure. the : i wraater IKyVr Uame vajjll ;MHies rprs-antAvNte rWIJW 1 j L- floor grew dark. This lime the light not travel from room to room; it was f: ,-, tingulshed on the t pot. Tlie man of science nas gone to Dec, said Cauler, with a touch of disappoint ment.' "I may go home and gat ai r supper." , tie waited some minutes notwithstand ing, and, looking up presently, hf gave a cry of triumphant surprise. llieu ue uiem 1 uave uib .uu uiuv, . he muttered. ; Them was a lhrht shinlnc through toe- butters of those three upper windows a light more vivid than the shine of the domestic lamp, a fiery crimson glow, sucj as he had aeon In the theatre three hours sgo, hi the famous laboratory scene. it lasted three or four minutes, and then, came darkness' again. This time Cauler had no idea of goiug home to supper. Ho waited for tho ex pected opening of door or window, It came presently; 0 vindow on t!io ground floor was cauliouti'y lifted cud a man stepped out Into tho courtyard n man wearing a blue blouse find a rod ca;, a ruffianly looking brute, with 013. pro jecting teeth, like tho fangs of a wild beast, and long, coarse black hair, ULi , the hair of a wild beast. This brutal figure crept stealthily serosa the yard and out of tlie porte cocbers, Cauler following more stealthily; for in the walk of the blouse there was the over acted cantlou of the aovlce, to the walk of the detective there was the sabtletv of of the man accustomed to hunt his fellow men. "This Is Blneblouse, whom we have heard of from one lot; totals Redcap, who has been seen by another lot.- Tins is the man." , .. He followed that creeping figure, slouching across the road.doublin? wind ing, his lind clutching something in his breast. Cauler followed him from the Hue St. Guillaiime to the Quai des Graniln Augustins. across one of the bridges to the Cite, from the Cite by another bridge-'-to the region of the markets; never iost sight of him, yet on the way contrived to call in at a station of night police and to enlist a couple of policemen in the chase. The tnree contrived to keep Blue mouse in. sight, wind and double as he might: watched him as he accosted a night wan derer in a dark alley, and saw her dv from him, scared at tnatgnm race ana panther teeth under the "red cap. They followed him through the Intricacies of a labyrinth ot squalid streets which has long disappeared; saw mm stoptospeaK to a woman, more wretched perhaps than -she who had fled from him half an bonr before saw him bend to speak to her as. if in friendliness, then witn a sudden UlULIll 1 listen UUO 11VIU UU11U UUUU UCI i, - f,.4 nnA UwtiA Un-nA ww.i 1...T. throat, winio tne other hand was thrust, into his breast. . Quick as they were to spring upon him, they were not an instant too soon. An other second and that long knife would', have done it deadly work, as it had done thrice before in the streets of Pans. Tlie Cbourineur, the murderer of the Rue Ste. Marguerite, the Rue de la Vieille Lauteme and the Rue des Feves, was found. Vea, this was the solution of the mystery. Homicidal mania, the fatal outcome of a brain wrecked by overwork, day labor and night labor the too ardent thirst for knowledge, the too keen ambition to achieve. It had needed but a spark to Ore the brain, and the spark bad been found -In the suggestion of the drama at the Ambigu. Mure Avalon had watched and brooded over the play till it had become reality to him, and he had yielded to tho Irresistible Impulse that drove him to act out the idea in his own person. He died before the end of tho vear In a state lunatic asylum. In searciiing his laboratory the police found more than one set of fangs, carved In ivory, which the chemist had laboriously fashioned in lnu tation of the actor's hideous make-up. It was discovered, too, that, he had carried : hisexDeriments with themairnesiumlifrht. then little known, fur beyond the me chanism of the theatre; but confession made by him later to the doctors of the asylum revealed that be had firmly be lieved in his possession ol occult Knowl edge by which ho was able tos Doiicai attributes and diaboin . . 1 Cost of Living Abroait. - "v In England house rent, clothing, and nearly all the commodities of life are cheaper than they are in America. Hotel charges, admission to theatres aud rail way traveling are exceptions unless you travel third class. There is talk of abolishing the second class and give people their choice only between first aud third. As it Is, many of the Brat clans carriages run empty and only encumber the trains. For high charges In French restaurants and hotels there Is good reason. New York does not appreciate the great advantages it enjoys in in abundant and cheap market supplies. lu Paris three francs per pound (sixty cents i is charged for the same quality of beef steak which we buy In Now York for thirty cents. Good coffee In Purls costs the same price per pound, three francs. They grow some fruits In France and England that we don't raiso in the north, but on the whole the fruils of these two countrios will not compare lu abundanco and flavor with those pro duced even In our northern ststeB onlv; aud as for grapes and peaches their best specimens are grown uuder glass, but it must lie admitted that no grapes in t:i world equal for size aud beauty the Eng lish hot house grapes, cugusu not house peaches are pretty to the eye, but they lock the juiciness and rich flavor of the American peach and their cost is very great. The nlghta In England an I l, .... nn ...., 1. fnn. im la Ll t'. production of tine fruits in the tjiffeV b,i0 Ret oil deulers over there instftaA (itiin , vegetables aud frui IjNjjrf Irtish $sVi tumblo way.ArfawW, jfkV&Jft veryiuen-piiij TMnJualV o V Vt 14....! ., 1H--: , svxr r 1 HB aovercigus 01 i sovemirua of tinoisis-a," ie conjiy asLhfi tieVir y over which ne-rur' onga to a family tlut't ttve its oikirl taftlat country.- a .t-tVL.l'" ..V a t V ' - a V- ,wiVV 1 f a, Aaw1