THE RODEO. I lwn. down the dark canyons we ride 1b ft flurry, Tbe reilant sweep or In their mystical hurry. ! Atone inlellie wind are the Ituuniurenu worry l.troe into the wt with the phantom wnon. ' Ha? luere Is the lord of the bills aud the vat leys: It h. hv that leads in (lie midsunvmereaUiee xlilfh luto the steep where the gray chapar ral is: It V he tlial leads In the font; laenon. V here the wild mustard splashes the slope with yellow .fie has turned at bay. Ob. tiie powerful fee low! See the mas of his head! hear the breath and the bellow! How be tsars the ground with' his Riurpi hoofs! Jiow ue breaks a wUd path thro the deeti plumy rushes: A hmd bird hmh on a tamarack liasbesr, Kiplit on thro a aiory of orireson he crushes tin inio the eioom under leafy roofs. Oh, the Joy of the wind in our fanes! Vt fol low The oattle; we shout down the poppy none: hollow -Sea! out of the cliff we have startled the swal low, And startled the echoes on rocky fells. Be.' whst was it passed? were tbey pigeons or sparrows That whispered away like a hurtle of arrows? "The rose odor thickens, the deep forge nar rows. Now the herd twines down thro' the coated eU. fjpesd. spsed! leere the brooks to their pebbles and prattle; Sweep on with the thunder and enrge of the rattle The hurry, the shouting, the wild joy of battle. The hius, and the wind, and the open light, rlow on into osmp by the sycamores yonder, nvf o er the guitar let the light fingers wan der -Let tnoughb) in the high heart grow passive and fonder; Then stars and the dreams of a summar natnt. -r-Charlas E. Marknam in Overland Ssonthlf. Has Been ta Meeea. I fancy that it w not general? known that there is in this town a man who hat twice made the perilous jtmnwy to Here. Hadji Brown he is called in the earn, the "Hadji" meaning pilgrim. Mr. Brown is an Irishman by birth and a -traveler and journalist by profession. Hofhatraveled innch in Perms, Afghani stan and other oriental countries. He speaks Arabic like a native, and in Turkish costume he easily passes (or a Turk. It was in this character, of -course, that he visited afecca, for with out some snch disguise he would have been murdered long before reaching the satTrd city. Mir Richard Barton, whose ample visit to Mecca made him famous, would have been slain by a fanatic on the journey but' for the fortunate fact that Sir Richard was a bit quicker with his weapons than was the would be as KuKsin. Brown k taken for a Mussulmao in tin- east, and be says his prayers in ad mirable oriental fashion. As a matter -of fact, it is not a very difficult feat to ja as a Tnrk. even among Mussulmen, for Turks are of all complexions, and .even a blue eyed man who spoke the language and wore the proper costnme would not be challenged unless he aroused auspicion by some no-Moslem act. Sir Richard Burton's moment of danger came from a very simple eKglect to unserve a custom of the people with whom be journeyed. New York Star. Bear Hhootlng la Thibet. As I drew near i saw a large bear standing hi the river feeding on the car cass of a yak. Taking a gun from one -of my men I fired at it, breaking Ha anoulder. When my men saw what I had ihot at they turned and beat a hasty retreai, shouting to me to run, that the "wild man" might not devour me. An other shot, better aimed, put au end to the bear, but not to the fright of my Mongols, who even then would not ap proach. Our failure to skin my prize nearly broke my Tientsin servant's heart, for by it he lust bis chance to se cure the gall, a much rained medicine in China, and worth eight or ten ounces -of silver in any drug shop. Mongols and Thibetans attack a bear only when they are a strong, well armed party, if y hav ing killed one of these dreaded monsters alone seemed a feat of great daring, and the story was told to every Thibetan we jnet afterward as proof positive of my dauntless courage. W. WoodvilleBoek Jull in Century. Character Cress the Fingers. As far as the fingers are coucerned. experts in palmistry divide hands into three classes. Long, slender, tupering lingers determine the first, and denote delicate, trained perceptions. A subject with such fingers has an innate fondness for art, poetry, music and the higher forms of iterator!;, in the second class, the fingers are snorter, are nearly equal in length, and hare bloat ends. They denote a practical, material mind, thor ough and reliable, rather tban brilliant. A woman with such fingers would make 4 careful and efficient housekeeper, and a man with similar ones would be cau tions and thorough in business. In the third class, the ringers are snort, thick and square, ami have short, large nails, with cushions on each side of the nails. A subject having these fingers is active, acbletic, qpiniooated, selnsh, has strong appetites for the material things of life, and is liable to form strong prejudices. I. I. Bidwell in New York Ledger. , A Kolle Fellow. Pretty Girl Did yon see the way that " 'lan looked at me? It was positively in wuiting, - Big Brother Did he .ttare? IVi'y (iirj autre? Why, no. Be ' -n his even over me snd then glanced T .ft some one !. at as if I wasn't 'ttrir!'' -v'y - ;'fit. Kew Xurk ARSENIC AND AMMONIA. Remarkable Contrast la the Klteet of Two Poisons ea the Complexion. The alow absorption of many poisons changes in some wore or lens modified form the complexion, but arsenic and ammonia show their effect about as quickly as any. The popular belief that arsenic clears the complexion has led many silly women to kill themselves witn it in small, continued doses. It produces a waxy, ivory-like appear ance of the skin during a certain stage of the poisoning, but its terrible alter effects have beeome too well known to make it of common use as a cosmetic The effects of ammonia upon the com plexion are directly the opposite to that of arsenic. The Ural symptoms of am monia poisoning which appears among those who work in ammonia factories is a discoloration of the skin of the nose and forehead. This gradually extends over the face until the complexion has a stained, blotched and unsightly appear ance. With people who take ammonia ; into their systems in smaller doses, as with their water and food, these striking symptoms do not appear so soon. The only effect of the poison that is visible for a time is a general ouwholesomeness and sallowneas of the complexion. Many people are slowly absorbing am monia poison without knowing it The nae of ammonia in the manufactures has greatly increased of late, and it is un questionably used as an adulterant in certain food' preparations. Official anal ysis bae plainly shown its use even in such cheap articles of everyday con sumption as baking powders. The con tinned absorption of ammonia in even minute nnantities as an adulterant in food is injurious not merely from its el- led upon tne complexion, nut Because it destroys the coating of the stomach and causes dyspepsia and xinarea evils. Prof. Long of Chicago is authority for the statement that, if to fifty million parts of water there is one part of am monia, the water is dangerous. It Pays is G nimble Judiciously. The utility of grumbling is something to be considered. Perhaps the follow ing title may set forth some of its ad vantages. There is a woman over in Brooklyn who has the bad taste not to prefer tobacco smoke to fresh air. And us she is thrown among business men only when she is outside her home, she doesn't appreciate the fact that the brains of business men go by smoke power in these days, and that to snuff out the cigar of the ordinary man would be to snuff out his intellect altogether. And so a while ago, when she went to her bank and had to stand in hue to get to the cashier's desk and found a man close in front of her holding his lighted cigar behind him and a man close behind her holding his lighted cigar in front of bim, she reached the cashier's desk in a state of unstable eqtritibrrum as to her mind And the first words that passed her Hps were addressed to the cashier thus. "Mr. Jones, for years I have transacted my business with this bank, and I've been annoyed all these years by men smoking in my face. Now I ask you is there no' remedy for this annoyance: Can nothing be doner And the cashier answered sadly: "1 m afraid not, Mrs. Smith. Hen will smoke, yon know." And she went away. But the next week when she went back, over all the win dows were little signs, and tbey all read alike: "Smoking is not allowed in this place. And she went away triumphant All of which teaches that if you don't like a thing growl about it once in awhile. But growl with discretion and don't growl on principle. New York Evening bun. Hot to be Kadured. If the Federal government desires to stamp out the tottery evil, there will be little opposition on the part of the peo ple and the press ; but, if it gives irre sponsible underlines the power to stamp out tbe press when it exercises its right to discuss the law, the result will be not only opposition, but indignation and trouble all along tbe line. Just now the papers are having a good deal to say about the arrest of a Wiscon sin editor because be nubliahed a clin- ping from an exchange questioning the validity of tbe anti-lottery law. if the arrest "was made for nothing more than this, then it is putting it mildly to say that pur government bag become Rus sianized so far as its treatment of the mem is concerned. This policy will not work. If lotteries cannot be destroyed without also de stroying the freedom of the press, tbe people will be in favor of letting the lot teries alone. We cannot afford to yield our rielit to sneak and Dublisb fair criti cisms of public measures. If we yield the right in one instance, we may expect to be forced to keep silence whenever it suits the government to demand it. Fortunately it is no easy matter to bulldoze tbe newspapers of America. Tbe menace of fine and imprisonment will intimidate very few. No matter what Federal officials may bold, tbe newspaper men of tbe country will not change their conviction that an honest criticism or discussion of the provisions contained in the anti-lottery law cannot with any show of justice be held to be a violation of tbat law. If they are mis taken in this belief, then the law will have to be repealed or modified. In this Republic the government cannot array itaelf against the press and have the support of the people. Atlanta (Qa.) Cmttttutum. Man v of the valuable gems in the col lection of tbe Hohenzolieroa are to be utilized in the construction of the new crowns recently designed by F,mpsror William for himself and tbe Empress. Both crowns are to be of gold, that of the Empress a little the smaller of the TVs Faaaltj of Prise. He And so you're really going to marry that professor! You, the heroine of a thou sand angagenienta! How did jou ever some to accept him? Hu Cousin (from Boston) Why, yon ate, he proposed in Ureek, and when I refused him 1 got mixed on my negative and Me. hercuiet accepted him, and now I'm too proud to acknowledge my blunder. Oh, I'm us lor luel tale. ft Worked. a. SB ink if n '"-viet;-. 1 HL'f-sJ-.r 1 Mr. Oldboy Ply (professor of elerrrlrh- and practical mechanics)- Corns right in, m lkut be alarmed; It's only a tittle in ventioa of your poor old lather's You wt It off when yon opened tbe door. 1 thouziit yon were mistaken when you said you wen In the hones every night before 10 o'clock, and 1 wanted to be sure. life. ta a Oauaoi salary. arm a dakcx. Ha (nimoeetly)! Not ehios butt year! Bo glad kjtlTi to tlm) yrxr its often thought of that sweat piaue-and yon. 1 wish 1 dare of your hut words remind you Has Osngukilj): Yet. most boys dot Hk (esehedly)t kAttf Wiadersshen,' ere coprtce bereft me. "Boy!" aye. m years but firm ta manhood set i would bare banked on hopes your deep eyes left me. fin (oalmtr): Most fooa net! Hs (renroaehfully): How cruell I bare marked your erery motion, Have caught your least light amllaali oitfht. 1 think; Drank in each glance and grace with fresh dero uee Ban (demurely): Yea, most men drink! Htfbtuerly): Sweetheart, f or one brief moment let me f old yea. And on your fair, false bps a but kiss set; and then theaeoyee shsl! never more behold yon Baa (softly): Don't go-just yet! -John Moras In lata Ihe Key ef Death. The "Key of Death" is apparently large key which is shown among tbe weapons at the arsenal at Venioe. It was invented by Tibaldo, who, disap pointed In love, designed tub instru ment for the destruction of his rival Tbe key is so constructed tbat the han dle may be turned around, revealing a small sifnng, which being pressed a very fine needle is driven with considerable force from tbe other end. This needle Is so very fine that the flesh closes over the wound immediately, leaving no mark, but tbe death of the victim is ai- inoet instantaneous. -Detroit Free Press. A Oroap ef Statuary. This clever artist can play upon anything from a piauo to the sympathies of hai ad inirers. Munsey Weekly. Only a Brief Slay. Be was one of those dry old jokers, and as hs settled bis portly frame Into a Hurray rotunda rocker for bis after dinner smoke a dashing, fashionably dressed young man rushed up, held out his hand and exclaimed: "Well, 1 declare, judge, when did you get InP "Oh, t'other day; when did you oomel" re turned tbo "judge. " "Last night, over the Burlington." "How long are you going to stayf ' "As long asmy money holds out," chuck sled the young man. "Horry you're going to leave to toon, ob served the judge, without cracking a mule. Omaha Republican, Exposing Bar ttjnornnea. Tarmer Yaas, yesso that little enow. f?ai, the gives more milk than all the others put together. atita Urhis-Condeused milk, of Lawrence American. There Are Kiorplloos. Lover May i kue you, Fannief Sweetheart I make It a rule to allow no gentleman to kiss toe. (After a wnile) But, of course, there are exceptionj to every rule. Yaokae Blade, Men may say of marriage and women what they please, they will renounce neither the one nor the other. Fob- tenelia. ' TJCa w 4V : frm-lv If vA want til but the will to forget is not so much at our disposal. i It requires a good deal of aptitude to fi The Chorea af the Pntara. The churches of the future will be founded on the idea of righteousness. "Other foundation can no man lay." Any narrower church Is unworthy of humanity and of God, and will, in the natural course of events, be swept away. The gods of ecclesiHSticisni have very often been devils, but the true God is a perfectly good Being, and bis church must therefore be on-extenslve with the race. In righteousness, and in right eousnesa alone, we have an idea that we will unite all men by a common bond. In righteousness, and in right exnisnea alone, we have an idea capa ble of Indefinite expansion, of unoeaa Ing application to the ever changing, ever growing necessities of human life. A church founded on the idea of righteousness is a church which all wise men must approve, which all good men must love, for righteousness is abso lutely necessary for the well being of mankind. A church founded on the Idea of righteousness Is part of thai eternal and universal church which ex isted long before the Christian era, which will continue to exist when every exxnesiastlcal institution In Christendom has eoHapsed. Eocltmiaitticinn must be destroyed before religion can begin. The churches of men must be revolu tionized in order that the ohnreh of God may be saved. Key. Dr. Alfred Moinerie in Forum. They Worship a tog There is a log of yellowish colored wood standing just outside of Chi Hua gate. Pekin. This log has remained in its present position since the fall of the old Ting dynasty. It is in good preser vation, and has commanded the respect of all classes and conditions of people. Insects in China usually make inroads on timber in a very short while, but they are said never to alight upon this sacred tree trunk, and it is true that they have not left a single trace of their work upon It while the timbers In every direction area perfect honeycomb of bisect work. The Chinees people believe tbat the log is the habitation of some god, and on that account gather and worship at its base at least once a year. Among the higher classes the day for this unique species of worship is the first of each succeeding month, unless that day should happen to be a new moon day. On Oct. 1 of every year the emperor comrrtandssthe board of ocremonies to appoint a committee to pay their re spects to the deified log. St Louis Republic Southern Wit In War. "As we are reminded by the author of "Four Years in Rebel Capitals," the south, as well as the north, needed to 'exercise Its sense of bumor, whenever tbat was possible, to carry It through the terrible strain of the war. Borne of the puns, burlesques and repartee of that dreadful time have become locally historic. Colonel Tom August, of the First Virginia, was the Charles Lamb of Confederate war wits, genial and ever gay. ' Early in secession days a bombastic friend approached him with the ques tion, "Well, sir, I presume your voice it still for warf ' "Oh, yes," replied the wit, "perfectly still!" Always to be remembered ft General Zebulon Vance's apostrophe to the rab bit, flying by liitu from a heavy rifle fire: "Go it cottontail I If 1 hadn't 4 reputation I'd be with yon I" Having OIL A centrifugal machine is now used in engineering workshops by means of which 75 per cent of the oil remaining in the metal cuttings from drilling and planing machines can be recovered. Tbe gain In recovered oil is about forty to fifty gallons per ton of cuttings. New i ork Commercial Advertiser. 0990 99 0 e THE SMAU.E8T PlUtW THEWPBUI - o TUTTS TINY LIVER PILLS 9bnvnaUtthivirtueoftfM larsuimif a t:attt lmr aliowu In tlita tamier. OQOOOOOdOOO MORPHINE HABIT I SURE CURE Pacific Medicine Co., 099 Cly W.. Hm rruiclwa. JOHNSTON A LAWRENCE. Plgmbm' if GfrfllflMf' femfrt, Htnt and .VitMi P urn ft, Irwi -1tt. Ke. Plpt r9riftg, LBrw.fjtfr, Wat WnlofS, Fmm And TMrtilatro, Cm Rf isttri, Etn. Writ for pfloJw, t3t FIRST IT., PORTLAND, 01. !rniirrton on hmtltvg nnil vtmiialinc burlftujpi. Ketiuuslw- fiia-nlfjhad. Old Crolt. tail ihim Bougtrt: tMid ftw old Ootd rwul Htlvtv liy mail to the uW mvl ftllavtrk b-.m of A. ikilviuan. 41 Tliiid rtfwrt. Htm Krncto; I will tmS h Mwnnt nMtii tttt am. iw-Tdiitg to a; if tbe .wuniat mm liiiEo m m?x or wttiiiii. ration, to iMMiiil ttaiNw lWf?m!ttmiViii3 ItiK KrrtfiilJK Ivnr.J. AKHitf- fsmki.uf pt'r wtk. :-iiiLPLESS.i Chicago, III. WAS confined to ii bed ; could not i walk from lame back ; suffered 5 months: doctors did not help ; a bottles of J ! ST. JACOBS OIL 1 cured me. No return 1 11 1 m S years, 1 1 Francis Mauker. i'MLLflieHTI sTJAcoBsoiiy&iii!f I bio it: "August Flower" How does ha feel ? He feels blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed-in-the-wool, eternal blue, and he makes everybody feel the same way August Flower tha Remedy. How does ha feel? He feels 1 headache, generally dull and con stant, but sometimes excruciating August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? He feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomach after a meal, raising bitter-tasting matter or what he has eaten or drank August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel 7 He feels the gradual decay of vital power ; he feels miserable, melancholy, hopeless, and longs for death and peace August Flower the Rem edy. How does he feel ? tie feels so full after eating a meal that he can hardly walk August Flower tha Remedy. . g G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jane, 0. S. L K STANDS "i i MERIT . neMASTirrcuTFLuq Vlrmi'rs, I"1"1-' A pure Virginia plug cut smoking tobacco that does not bite the tongue, and is free from any foreign mixture. More solid comfort in one package of Mastiff than you can get out of dozen others. Packed in canvas pouches. J. B. Fact Tobacoo Co., Richmond, Virginia. Coal Oil BEST and SAFEST OIL Manufactured. Give This Oil a Trial, AND , YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. ifrBTmdt!t3iiii four day sou myWtKrtr)eOtir-t " unit Ht4rc!t6,ltin. 100 itr mint prom mid cttffii 1 1 1 LivkAr! I fttnuse a ciuio, ( N, P, K. U. tio. 4U -8. V. B. U. So. 400 J : J FT