The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 13, 1891, Image 3

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Th Wrmla City I. KairyLml fc; Night.
A Grrat Onldnor I'arlor. -
All Havana u in the park or oaf s or
oh the liuwlo at ninht. Aa tlie sun
gi- down it wx ms a ihnugh from overy
tguiirwr com thousands for the nightly
onling, The Wiwu, planaa and cult with light flaring from Uio quaint
M iif bimiera and frame, and tlie
brilliant colorwl glans, ki unireraally and
richlv rowl in decoration, adds a beauty
aiiilcliarm tocoiintlras pleasing arenee.
There in manic every vrlitro. Here in
a half lighted, richly decorated balcony
ts a group of men and women chatting
in low, mimical tonea, or listening to
! notj of the guitar. In this en
trarta, with a court filled with rich lights,
plants, flowers, and quaint corridors be
hind, in an almost oriental background,
are nprhana several families seated half
out upon the street, and among tliem
omewliera is music Hers, there and
everywhere upon the houtetopa, among
luxuriant gardens, are merry crowds
inging, playing or dancing. The half
lights of tlie night hide and reveal,
fconnd and light aud shadow mingle until
the ear and sight are ravished by what
it beard and seen, and wliat is listened
for and heard in thought. Melody in
word, laugh and song, and from musical
inatruruenu of every nature and in every
place nothing loud and sonorous, but
everything toft and dreamful pulses in
harmonious chords above and over and
through the street. i
Tht whole city is as a fairyland by
night. It is the more bewildering to the
- beholder, because there are in it one
muidedness and onebeartedneas that
make melody and gayety not only with
tlie well conditioned, but as truly within
tlie grimy walls of tbe charcoal man's
little stall; down at the waterside among
the swarthy botcros; over there in Keg
Is with tlie toil scourged stevedores and
lanchwos; up Balquarte, way among the
labor bent lavenderas; and in every odd
and moldy corner where human life
lasts in layers, it lights np all with a face
as free of care as if ever unknown. All
tins cornea to' you, and you know the
fart You leave these who like to quar
rel over the involved ethics. But all this
time, when an entire great city bat sud
denly resolved itself into a vast pleasure
garden, so completely that its innuenoe
teems even to have touched and trans
formed, without exception, tbe direst
conditions, tbe gayer and more restless
elements swarm tlie paseos and plaxaa,
and no European city presents more bril
liant scene. But in tins one city of the
world, this single rich blossom of the
tropics, all its people, in these hours, are
pleasure givers and pleasure receivers,
and that, ton, whatever the individual
condition. There is none so high and
haughty, or low end listless, as to think,
or dare, refusal of tins individual conces
sion, or gift of word and way, to this
universal something we would be quirk
to call sine inn our good selves true evi
dent of true lighUieartedneei and joy.
I do not believe the world has elsewhere
such a condition and study,
lu these nightly carnivals fully 10,000
equipages, tilled with richly attired and
merry occupants, may be seen. During '
tlie early evening tlie favorite drive is
along Calle Anclia del Norte, by the sea.
Later the CaUado de la lieina and the
Viueo del Tucon are sought. As the
night advances the great center of this
brilliant life and (usurious activity is in
the vicinity of the larger city parks, to
which the naseos and the Pr&do lead,
where military bands discourse the lively
or sensuous airs of Bpain. Here throng
boat of pedestrians; but, instead of tlie
rudcrow and churn r usual in such con
courses in other cities, every frequenter
of the locality only intensifies tlie every
where maniiek ciiirairous courtesy and
charming consideration that so dis
tinguish them. It is as though here
were a mammoth reception of tlie courtli
est of men and women. Indeed, it is the
great outdoor parlor of great city,
where every city is a noble guest. In
ilie pauses of tlie music promenading is
continuous. It would not then be uncom
mon for you to see at one time, and in
tlie one place on the globe where that is
poSHible, 10.000 women of surpassing
beauty, of wonderful winsoiiieness of
marvelous grace. It is not until some
dine after midnight that tlie crowds seem
to diminish; for at some hour of the
evening every gentleman and every
cenora and senorita in the city makes it a
social obligation or pleasure to be present.
But from midnight until morning, by an
unwritten law, the parka and paseos are
in possession of less dense gatherings,
though an mteiiBor and far more quea-
' tionsbh character of pleasure seekers.
Edgar L. Wuketuan in New York Uuil
ud Express. .
Cloth Mads Woo-Iuflammabie.
The usefulness of tungstate of soda In
imnartiiur. the quality of non-intuunma-
bilitv to various materials is now largely
utilized. Cloth, lien soaked in a solu
tion of this kind, say of 20 per cent., and
allowed to dry, will not burst into a flame
when brouuht into contact witn the Bre,
the simtile effect of the latter being to
cauie tbe cloth to slowly carbonize or
smolder. In preparing linen and light
musha garments in this manner tiro solu
tion It usua lly mixed with the starch, and
the addition of about 8 per cent of phos
phate of soda to tlie tungstate is also said
to be an improvement. Wood can be
treated in a similar manner, but it is
rather an expensive proaess when under
taken on a considerable scale, and as it
does not render the wood really incom
bustible, is not important. New York
r Safe advice to stock apeculiitora, pro
verbially expressed: "'If at first you do
succeed, don't tfj aual'1 Boston
Becvci r" '
Sa arMwte.
Mr. Qarman, in lectnre before the
Doston Society of Natural History, gave
an interesting synopsis of sea snake or
ana serpent literature, besides exhibiting
specimen of the real serpent to the as
tonished audience. The professor first
gave an historical resume of the earlier
literature upon the subject, going back
to the time of Portoppidan and review
ing it down to date. Further on in his
lecture he gave figures of some of the
queer marine monsters which have from
time to time frightened sailors and oth-d
era almost to death, deftly drawing each
of the figures on a blackboard specially
provided for the occasion.
Mr. Uarnian also spoke of a most re
markable recent discovery which hat
brought to light a species of shark gen
erally believed to hare become extinct
many thousands of years ago, the re
mains of the animal being now found in
the rocks of the Devonian system. He is
of the opiniou that this recently discov
ered tea tiger is the original of more than
one blood curdling sea serpent story.
The length and general outlines of this
should befossiled shark are such as to
cause any one except a bom naturalist
to take it for an immense serpent, an
opinion which would, of course, be
heightened by viewing dorsal exposure
of the creature through glass in a
troubled sea.
Professor Garman does not discredit
sea serpent stories, however, and is of
the opinion that there are many slimy
monsters lying far down npon the bot
tom of the sea, the like of which human
eyes have never yet beheld. St. Louis
FmfeMionml Mea May Advertise.
I am firmly of the opinion that there it
a profitable field for development in the
direction of advertising by professional
men. After giving the subject a good
deal of thought and weighing the ob
jections already raised and to be antici
pated I have a settled conviction that
the lawyer, the doctor, the dentist, the
architect or any other professional man
can call to his aid the limitless power of
printers' ink, and advertise in display
type in the advertising columns of the
newspaper or magazine to his advantage
and without loss of self respect or public
estimation. This question has received
the attention of professional men as well
as the advertising fraternity, and, with
due respect to those who have discussed
it, I maintain that they have failed to
approach the subject from its true point
of observatim.
I am aware that custom and sup
posed unwritten law, which is fostered
by the exclusive and super-dignihed ele
ment of all professions, frown npon the
mere mention of this subject. It does
not follow that their ban of displeasure
and sarcastic comments in any manner
reflect upon the enterprising and inde
pendent man, who, confident of his own
worth, his professional ability, moral
and social equality, trampling on cus
tom, appeals to the common sense of the
public for the correctness of his acts and
motives. A. L. Teele in Printers Ink-
A l'ert Barber.
A Persian barber works in a style
very different from that in vogue in this
country. A typical shop was a square
room, with one side open to the street
In the center was a tiuy bed of flowers
sunk iu the floor, from the middle of
which rose an octagonal stone column
about three feet high.
Tlie capital of the column formed a
receptacle for the water in which
the barber dipped his hand as he
shaved bit cu-:omer's scalp. In Persia
they do not lather. Tbe shop was very
clean. In two recesses stood four vases
filled with flowers, and the implements
of the barber's art scissors, razors, lan
cets, baud mirrors, large pincers to ex
tract teeth, branding irons to cauterize
the arteries in amputating limbs, strong
combs, but not t hair brush, for that im
plement is never used by Persians.
From the barber's girdle hung a round
copper water bottle, his strop, and
poach to hold his instruments. In his
bosom was a small mirror, the presenta
tion of which to his customers is sign
that the joo is finished and that the bar
ber waits for his pay. The barber shaves
the heads of his customers, dyea their
beards, pulls their teeth, blisters and
bleeds them when ailing, sets their
broken bones and slutmpoos their bodies.
' Tin Art of llelug EatarUlned.
Let everything dark melt away before
sunny nature. If yon go to a home for
social visit, be merry, be easy of man
ner, ready to join in what has been pre
pared for yon. Learn the great art of
adapting yourself to your surroundings.
Don't forever expect your friends to ac
company yon or show you around. Oo
off by yourself, even though yon hare no
special errand. Show your hostess that
you do not expect her or her family to
continually wait upon you. Enter into
the family circle. Be one of them In
spirit, to that, after a hearty handshake
at the station, it may be said of yon:
"What a pleasure the has been I How
easy to entertain!'' Ladies' Horn Jour
nal. '
StitMly TrutklaL
It was in a crowded Columbus avems
car that the following laconic conver
sation occorred, which caused a brisk
laugh, although the gentleman In the
case had no intention whatever of being
"funny." He got np and offered his seat
to. lady who was standing, "Dont
rise!" said she. "But I haver' said
Uoston Times.
With every advance of emtitnttoii Into the far
West a now demand It created (or HntiteUer'a
Stomach Kitten. Newly peopled regions are fre
iiuently less salubrious than older Bellied looall
Ilea on account of the miasma which rises from
recently cleared land, particularly along the
bankn of rivers that are subtest to freshets. The
agricultural or milling emigrant soon leama,
wnen he does not already know, that the miters
afford the only tore protection against malaria
and those disorder of the stomach, liver and
bowels, towhicb climatic clianaea,ex)Oitnre and
unaccustomed or unhealthy water or met subject
him. Consequently he places an estimate upon
this great household sjieolflo aud preventive
commensurate with its Intrinsic mertta. and is
careful to keep on hand a restorative and pro
moter oi ncann so implicitly to oe reucu upon
in lime ot need.
It Isn't enough tor a man to live honestly these
days. If he happens to carry life tnauralioe, he
must prove that no died honestly.
Religion or Science Slnee the
world Hessu
Have at some time been called bigots, fa
natics, renegades. And a people have
atoned a prophet to whose memory the
next generation has raised a monument for
the greatness of his deeds.
Bsohomish, Wash., Aug. 19, mi.
Dr. J. JhiqeneJordnn, Seattle, Wah. 1)KAR
Doctor: Will have to write you that I am
surprised to find myself so greatly improved
in so little time, and am pleased to Bay that
I oonld not give your medioines too great
praise. My healthjvaa gone. I felt that
medicines could do me no good. I was
hopeless of ever recovering, (thought too
late to try your medicines, but with death
staring me in the face 1 determined to do
so. 1 am leased that 1 did It, for at this
date I have recei-ed tenfold theprico of the
medicines. If I should say one hundred
fold, it would not be overvaluing the.dif
ference in my health. I feel like another
man. Yours respectfully, -JamrsH.
East Sound, Wash., Aug. IS. IR91. '
tie. J. Euaen Jnntan.Sfaltti: U,uh. Dr.iuSIB:
It has been some time since 1 have written to
you, but 1 have been getting along so well that 1
did not think itnecesaan
the treatment now. and
i navesioprjeaoiKiiiK
believe I am, entirely
w ell. Your medicines have done whuS you toll
us they would do they have mademew woman
of me. I now feel like meU egtiin, alter suf
fering for eight- years with cstarrh 01 the head
and bronchi, and that very painful thing neu
ralgia of the stomach. 1 took three months'
medicine. Both my husband and myself feel as
though we cannot be thankful enough to you for
what yon have done for me. lhone that every
one who Is suffering as I was will hear of Hr.
Jordan and his most valuable medicines. Yours
most-respectfully, Mas. C. Armstsonu.
Dr. Jordan's office is at the residence of
ex-Mayor esler, third and James streets,
Seattle, Wash.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute
ly free.
Bend for free book explaining the Histo
genetic system.
Cautiok. The Histogenetio Medicines
are sold in but one agenov in each town.
The label around the bottle bears the fol
lowing inscription: "Dr. J.Eugene Jor
dan, Histogenetic Medicine." Every other
device is a irauu.
Khe Whvdo theydescrice tt ss a generous
wine? He--Because, my dear, if you drink much
Ol ll, you win give youreeu away.
It Is the little things of life, the worries
of to-duy snd to-morrow, that make the
crow's feet around our eyes. So the little
pains of an hour or a minute break down
the constitution. Look after the little ills.
Hramibeth's Pills cure dyspepsia, or indi
gestion, headache, pain in the shoulders
coughs, tightness of tlie chest, dizziness
sour stomach, had taste ill the mouth, bil
ious attacks, palpitation of the heart, in
natiimation of the lungs. Pain in the re
gion of the kidneys and a hundred other
nainful svmutoms are the onuoring of dys
pepsia. One or two pills every night is
Hrandhrth's Pilm are sold In everydrug
and medicine store, either plain or sugar
coated. Vicarious. Teacher-Jlan you explain what Is
meant by vicarious punishment? Johnny Yea,
air. When ma gets mad at pa she spanks me.
Thr Throat. "Broum's BronehM Tro-
ehrt" act directly on the organs of the
voice. They have an extraordinary ett'eot
In all disoraera of the Throat. Speaker and
Simjm lind the Troches useful.
They say Have Hill and (iroverC.
Have Kissed and uiadt? up. Maybe,
But 'tis inore likely lirover saves
His kisses for the baby.
Revenue statistics show that most tobacco
chewera throughout the United States pre
fer Btar Plug, and when one oonaidera that
it U not only the best chew, hut the most
economical, everyplug being a full sixteen-
ounoe pound, It is not strange. Consumers
who study their own interests will take
nothing but btar Plug.
Rr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure
Blind. Bleed! uk and Iwhina Piles when all other
ointments have failed. It absorbs (he tumors,
allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice,
Rives Instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian pile
Olutmant is prepared only for PI las aud Itching
01 me private pan, aim nuiiiing wine, aver;
box is warranted. Hold by druggists, or sent by
li ou receipt 01 price, ouc auu 11 per aox.
Proprietors, Clevelaud, 0,
Krom California, Utah, Montana, Idaho,
Washington and Oregon to Portland, .
We will famish free round-trip transportation
to any person residing tu any of the above-
numnit Hiutim who rtetiirwi to till
realHUU. This otter will hold guod for sixty
ieo miw wan acmm w yim'iiunu ruinniii-
days, commencing November l, imi,
hvh. MMnmeuchiir November 1. m.
Write us at once and set Went Hirst ion papers.
Remember W will be the boom year for Port-
laud. Huy now while cheap, and sell at a bli
Sruflt when tlie boom comes. For particulars ad
No. 44 tilark street, Portland, Or.
TJat laAmellM More Polish; bo doit; no smell.
Tby Oibmba for breakfast.
Ladyor gentleman wanted to represent associ
ation of portrait painters. Permanent position,
Kor particulars address Ieonartio Association,
101 West lilst, New York City.,,
nJtl iLl Lit We want the name and ao
dressof every sufiercr in the
O. OTL" n U.S. and Canada. Address,
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome,
No other baking powder does such work.
Of all kind niid In any quantity whole
sale aud retailat bra-rock prices.
6S Front 8treet, Portland, Or.
: afaF send for catalogue,
As a rieah Producer there can he
ne question but that
Of Pure Cod Liter Oil and Hypoptiosphltes
Of Lime and Soda
is without a rival. Many have
gained a pound a day ny the use
of it.
at cures - - -
Be tun you get the geMuiiso as there are
poor itHfftirton.
San Francisco Examiner.
If yri have a claim of any description whatsoever
agaillSl me umiea niHie nuvtiriuuniii. uu
wlsb it speedily adjudicated, address
618 V street, N. W. WaslHnBton, D. C
casts no more than an nnllnary
muni In u hnrl llm. 'I'lin " H nrlnlHtt " FlH-fl Is
Uv 1
waling mem and Is (irai-tk'RUy KVKBLASTINU,
f Always mention
, 1 .lJ......- F"j- - - - -j -
l . a m umW v !ll AmBveiaiHL ft) 1A
est to ue, Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A
cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no eqnal.
It la an Ointment, of which a amall particle ia applied
tothenoalrila. Price 60c.
mail. Addreaai . T.
Buy Your Own Goods if Your
OheBBlaal fir Bnrlnes and KxtlnruUhera.
KaefaiaarTt Pumps ot all kinds, Braas 0004
r 'saw a. i asa
ss sniuim j , 1 umfjsa in mu uwu, uwua. ih aw tmiuaa, uumraa aiiai raiauria, WaWTijip
BeitiBf and Hoaa, Wrmnbea, Lubritttna Oils, Cburab, tehonl aud farm Balis, Kiiii - J'.'
KMWmJia DrlLla s lfocv, ftnKiea, Sartim, 8fiif and Kxprm Wons, Uia u . i a i .
tt Ouem im VvtiamL !eaiiiw, wrtae Sat arteas. fee butim tobwrnuta mUmm .,..--s '
1 1 132H W sf Esnka VtaA. Kmn.
Leading medical authorities
state that new and improperly
cured tobacco when heated in
the pipe produces a rank vege
table poison.
Tobacco like liquor oan only be improved by age.
This is the reason why "Seal
of North Carolina" is the most
popular brand of smoking to
bacco in the United States. It
is made from tobacco, at least
three years old. Its rich mel
low smoke has never been
feat vf North Carolina Is now packed in Patent
Cloth Poucbea, aa well aa iu toll.
Will be plenty widchetp this yetw, NewArncon,
Pi ax his, Nictaiihmj Apples, Camilla Buck
bbbriis now offering. w quota
ApricoU, fino................-...-.7, 8, 10, 12
Patches, choice . , 10, 12
NtcUrlnei, extn.. 8,10,12
Applet, bright h,h. mw 7. B, 10
Applet, aldendrwd ..., . 10, 12
Gripei, t8qo, good ......................... 8, 4
Raltina, 1 890, per lb 5, 8, 1
Prunes, 1800, good , , 7, 8, 9
Blackberries, 1691, fine. ...... , 12, IB
Otierrles, pitted, i8qi...hwim. 20, 25
Flgi, iSi, Uck CaU 4, 9
Otherfruitiihvariety. The eboreert for fine qtiality;
dark.old.otinferiorlrtsweofferlower. Smell ducounC
to Hotels, Boerding Home, Deelera, and other large
buyers. Canned good ire lower; see net peper. Me
offer a general variety of good for family tie
at clow prices, and want a share of your trade. Ask
for 40-page catalogue frees Address
416-413 Front St. Sam Psnsuttoiaoo
Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Prin.
Branch School : Capital Bub. Collkoe, Salem. Oregon.
&nme coune of ttudy, same rmlee of luitloa,
Business. Shorthand.
Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Dfparhat
krla seNi tWuuLout the r atudfiiifl adri
tea ei py time.
l uauui
ogue' froni
A Genuine Beautv. Ptirlor Ornament: Polished
Oak, Nickel Trimmings. I'setl for dictionary,
album, bible or atlas, music stand, etwel, card
table, Mower stand, etc. Affcmtn wanted lu
every town on tbeCottBt. Liberal terms, exclu
sive Held. Cash or Installments. Price, 17.00.
The J. JUewlna; Co., - - -
813 Market street. Bau.yiaticisco, Cat. ,
Sole Agents,
113 lourlh St., Portland Or.
Patent Inside Sliding Blinds
! clumsy wood picket aflalr that obstructs the view and win rpi or ran
artnmn " Fmit-e Ib artimic In denial., protects the grounds without ran-
artistic In UPH Itil. DHU
a aruunr
ll,J,UBi a iuu iaiauwu
Beaver Falls, Pa.
this imnor in writmpj.j
Bold by druggiata or sent by
Uazcxtink, Warren, Pa,
Dealer Gees fiat Carry Tii::
aat and Ohaapoat In i WarM. .
Carts, SIS Dj. Wagons. IIW
- r -3
Fin Boa and Depart
Buppllea, fttaaw lviyr
ripe and ftUlop, Uaoeoek Jnsptraiom,