TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ooeyrnr .. (K f'ttid In ndvanoe, $1 60 tier vw.) Bit mom ti..,1..,M,rt...J,,, Three iuoiuiw ,...,,.w, ..,..Mt.. &DKl iiIw ..-....-.......,.....,,' PROFESSIONAL. DA' C. IT. BUCKET $ DENT IST, LEBANON, ijlJEGOS. Office up suGrs la uuy's Building. SAML. M. CABLAND, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW I-EBAHON. Oregon, f J. K. M'Ed TEERFORD, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. W.R RILTEf, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. CEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney-at- La w AKil NOTAJtY PUBLIC, ' Allans, Ona. . Will prai-Uw lit nit un emir:, of ttij. state. Oflice, Jrout rijuinflr bunk of Otvsou. A. K. TOWE, Attorney -at - Law, TITLES KXA MINED. rtliuiB eires pnttupt and careful attmioo. Willaraeuoe tit all tint courn, of tlwrta. Ames i luxtAtug emcx, LUAKOM, OREGON. J.F.HYDE, lotarj Pu'olle ud Collcctlsg ient, JuKltae (if thr Peace, Lebanon FnwbKt Lebanon, Oregoi C.A.ELSOJf, Notary Public. KKLIABLE REAL ESTATE and LOAN BROKER. Real Estate hi all its bramahtt, .AUHNTI'ORTHj; CoNTJNKSTAI. J'lKK Ins. Sq of New York. few aud mh ttavu of Fruit, Farnilrtg, and Gnziiii; land. , Money t 1 oati'Mi Farms, improved City Projicrty or trtiilt-edge "ok oouutcd. LEJJAXOJt OREGON. Mrs. S.ff, Cowan, Rn Elegant Sisplay of MILLINERY f all Kinds,' : r V , Hats trimmed in the LRTEST STYLE, rBlNlCVILLE NEWS. IKron the Of bora Buvtew.l P" ties are Htm crossing the Cascade DidutaliM with teams. ' Mrs. Hill bus opened a restaurant in the old brewery building, . This week Mrs. Lewis relumed from Lluu county, whore she spcut tile sum mer. - Mr. Chittciiduii, who has been tend ing sheep near Snow mountaiu ull summer, bos returned to town. A person who would complain of the weather at present would not Ija ssttis fled with the climate of heaven. Sanders Logan and family have moved to town for the winter. They came in to send their children to school. Grant oeunty hue ordered seventy-six steel booths for her voters to cast tbeir Australian balluta in uext year, There li talk of a joint stock ornpa nylehig incorporated to take hold of and operate the Elliott mine on Ocho eo. Elder Holirian has left this plane, and we understand has resigned bis position as pastor of the Christian church here. .The town of Prlneville was out of debt on the 1st of October. This is somethings good many more preten sions towns cannot boost of. The seven-tlmes-a-week service on the PrlnevlIic-IHllcs stage line com mences to-morrow, and hereafter we will have n mail every evening. The new bridge being built across ( rooked river look like . su'jstantia'. affair, and Is somewhat more orna mental than the old structure. Billy Ross, of Heppner, Is here, nd to matched, to fight Jimmy Woods, of Prinevllle, on Nov. 2Sch fo,-JUOo aside The fight to take place. In (blaze's hall. The advertisement which lha .ir.nn. tlon City Times publishes for sclf reaas soniMiung liKe a circus aover tisement, and would indicate an early grave was awaltingfiie paper. Arrangement have been made so that connection is a-iade on the mall lines between Pririerilleand Lakevlew, and letter and tjiassengers leaving either pufat now j through without delay. The Willow croea cattle men .iy the Ma. nig ww urn aneci inetT oalves that haw tieen marked aud branded, butaniunlieroftheircows haw been found without calves, and they atlrib- l. Lu.. .1 ..m: : .. wi me .luKpnug w a uiacK- leg auu l good aws rope. ' A pelition Is being circulated nailing thep s!a1 department to cltaiie the mm' oi me rriiieviiie-mties mail line o as to ran nyitne wav of Cw (,'an yon. John Cla.vp.l has returned from the tui'ii-B ,u uaj,j' wuiiiy. Jie yayfi k.ciw we. tvn (swu cimiiis in ine new uiltirs, but only a few, and there Is ...... i mB iiihuit piiMjiectors to go there. Host of the excitement, he Ktys, lias uoee created t.y the uiisleaii iugarliclcs published in (he Harney Times regiiiding the new dlseoveiy. which he asserts are wide of the truth. The WRrm Spring Indians are fast assuming the ways of the whites, and enjoy comforts of life as well as do their pale faced brothers. Joe Cox died at the borne of John Kti'tsart, at Wowry post-oflicc, M tiS Holiday evening from the elTuels of paralysis of the right aide and con. gestlou of the bruin. The cireum luueounected with his deulli ate most sad, ami have cat u gloom over the neighborhood in which he resided. Ou Monday evening the A. 0 U. W. Lislge of this place celebrated the twenty-third anniversary of the order. The members and their families were present. Bamue! Kennedy and family former ly lived ou the farm near Park Place. About two years ago the family moved to Nestiuxai where they have since lived. The tw ) boys, Jeremiah and Jcsr;, were well known here. Last Saturday llie boys were in tiie woods hunting a bear. Jeese heard a great commotion in (he brush in which their dogs were participating, aud, supposing it in be caused by I he bear, he shot, it in-H his brother Jeremiah and the shot was fatal almost Instantaneously. : .-Oregon City Enterprise. I . OREGON. NOVEMBER 1.1 ' W '. CUOLL'S VKBCT. Editob ExpaRsa: I visited your enterprising little town not long since, and will say I was agreeably surprised at the extent of Its growth In the last rive jears. Five years ago I j bought Tiflew every one's face that Inhabited your village, but on my recent visit most ail were strangers, at least it seemed that way, and I could scarcely realize it was the old home of my former davs. It caused me to regret that I had left it to seek my fortune in a less prosperous place, but "such is life;" so as I cannot lirein your prosperous town I hope you will accept a few items from my quiet little town of Howell. Prof. W. J. Grimes, formerly of Leb anon, aud his brother-in-law, Mr. L. E. LaKue, have bought the general merchandise store of this place, aud bid fair to do n good business as both are well and favorably known ill this phicc, Mr. LaKue having beeh born aud raised ou the property that now constitutes our town-site. Mrs. L. E. LaRue returned last week from an extended trip to Woodland, Wash., and Portland. The continuous rain has caused some of the farmers to give up all hope of getting any fall plowing done. Rev, Corbley, of Wash., is holding successful meetings at this place. Mr. Blitt hm partly completed a building for a drug store. A doctor aud dentist arc needed in eur quiet little town but we have no ieed of lawyers. What has beeonieofourold friendsf?) "V. Kilie," "Brick Dust," "Green neter," etc.? Gone to the mines I supiHwe. Well old friends I'd like lo have had a shake of your paw before and talked over old times aud "spelling schools," but PI! know vour wrltinirs anywhere, no matter what your name iuuy ue. And now, Mr. Editor, If you would like to hear from me again, Just eijueui ami ru come. Y. E. S., I keard you were In the photograph business. Why don't you pick up some items for your barber uieuuf SawDdot. MOUNTAIN HOMB. Still we hear those gentle droppings from aoove. . C. V. Nye, of Opossum Hollow, visited in Mountain Home on last Thursday. Several of our young folks attended the ball at U h. Craig's on last Friday nignt. ah rejiori a good time. we learn that Mr. John Bewland, while crossing (lis Calaoola in a buggy with his wne, nau tue misfortune to upset tiie buggy and came very near drowning bis wife. Iiev. T. A. Yost, of Sweet Home, preached at Mountain Home, on last Sabbath. Wo t'flrn tliat an old bear has been trotlb. ling the people near llolley, by entering their orchards' ami breaking down their trutt trees. Mr. Marion Leach went to Ilarrigbuw on lant Sunday. Mrs. Martha Fruit visited Urownsville ia! Saturday. ' JIm Minnie Hawkan visited on Feni King, on last Saturday and Sunday. ' I. C. t'so. Harry saettiemau, a primer, who worked the "Uoublycrut," act iu this city a few years ago, tried the same game In Utah last week, but he'll ur do It again. His backers shot him square through the thighs with a 4i cnlibr Colt's revolver, aud he will sprint no more. When her he rau a race with Martin, the son of a Yamhill farmer, it was "llxed" that the "Jay" was to win, and the Yaruhiller mortgaged his farm to bet on his bo,-. Beveraluf Ills neighbors wagered, large sums on the country lad, but wheu the race c.'ime off Kettlcuian shot uhead of him like a cannon ball, Then he hopped Into a waiting hack aud hur ried from the grounds Welcome. Iu visiting U. A. Miller's store we were surprised to Dud such a tine stock of hoi llday goods that ba4 already ar rived. ' - J -w APrT BOIKB. Editor Exprkss: As there art quits a number who read your valuable paper, in this dis trict, will try and send a few items for weekly publication. More ruin, more rest, and lots of it this week, r F. Brrwibpton has permanently lo Snted ou his ranch, for the winter, at Brambplou Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Gee, of Rose ranch, are contemplating lue erection of a cottage ia the near future. Our neighbor, Mr. Edwards, we tin. rterstaad has sold his farm, and con templates moving back East. A young man In the neighborhood is almost disconsolate. The health of Elva Prior Is ImprOWig so much that she will soon tie able to resume her studies and lie once more in her accustomed place at school, where awaits her a hearty welcome from teacher and playmates. A little sou of Alec. Fitzwa,ter is quite ill. . General health of the community is very nood. j Mr. Chas. Cumm.ings is on a deer hunt in the moun'.ains this week, with some friends. Mrs. Floy Cummings is visitiug her parent ami frieuds on Hamilton Creek, this. week. The reads are very muddy and 'tis a a long way to go to Lebanon for the mall. We ought to have a post-office. Mr. W. II. Cummings had quite a lively run-away one day last week, at jpritig Farm. (See paragraph below.) J. W. Gee is laying the foundation for the stomach of the dwelling that is to be. F. A. Gleason, wife and family are guests at ripring Farm." W. H. Cummings had quite a lively run-away the other day. He harnessed a bunch-grass horse In with a colt, and went to J . A. Morgan's after his wagon. On his return, he drove through a gate into his pasture, put od i!." brake and as lie thought securely fastened the mi io me same, ami went to close the gate, when nil at once, somethimr IMKul till. I.l.i.nl. ... - I . . P p.v.. uuutii-gionii nurse, wnictl jumpcu, musing nie con to take frlirhl and away thev went, umn ii ?.n When near the turnip patch they ran Into and turned the wagon bottom up on top of the fence, doing a good deal pf damage. At this Juncture the noises uroae loose rrotu the wagon and ran up on the hill, where they were quietly feeding when the driver came up. Mr.vumniiugswillbentthe ex iiense of teu or flftem dollarsin getting ills wagon repaired, but was also fortu nate in meetinir with no d.mnu nimci iiniineit or itorscs. AIny Xtoss. ourelierwtin school ivda. iress, is uourainir at E. Bv vester's. Mrs. J. B. Caldwell Is in poor health, Have you seen that lovelv varleimlwl ai mountain viewy Kbeuld lie pleased lo hear once more from the pen of a disgusted wife," or "iiw" Mmy eurrespoiHient, The acreage sown In Fall grain Is large, alio loots well, lu tills vicinity. These gentle showers so warm will muae goou grass uud fat stock. . The topic of the week Is goose pick- mg, uuu wjuuwts are nearu on every UllllU. Kelly Gut touml. while ou a hunt In the Mouutuiu View woods, a pair of i"i. maa measuring eigut lllelies til length, supposed to be those of au enor mous wild hog seeu there a few years ago. Pue. Monday afternoon the pustors of the sevorul churches In this city met in itev, Jacka's home, and organized a "Pastor's Associatlou of Lebanon." Arrangements were perfected for union services on Thanksgiving day, The Services to be held In the Baptist church. The Sermon to bo preached by Itev. Huuleiter, at 11 A. M, Let the united prayer of the laity of this place rise as inceuse well pleasing to God in favor of this organization, Slit RETARY. NO. 36- ' ' CRABTCE Mr. Commodore Hauler and Miss Icy Charlton were married Nov. 1st, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Middlestadt are the proud parents of a little son, bom Nov. 1st. . The little two-year old daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. John Middlestadt died Monday morning, of concussion of the brain, the result of a tall. The sympa thy of all the people is with our friends in their sorrow. G. C. Moon recently sold fifteen acres of land to Joseph Poindexter. Fred Crabtree was so fortunate as o kill a large black bear last week. The schools are late in beginning here this Jail, Providence school, un- r teseuM af tta Jo. Bruce, belj- thf only Ohe how In session. Sftirettjufc of teachers is one of the Cni'ses. 'leach-, ers are lately required to pass a more y . rigid examination, and manv who. 4 , have hitherto been successful are fail ing to reach the requip'd percentage to . obtain certificates. Teachers, brighten, up your intellects a little! , The new school house here was pro gressing tiuely, and in another week would have been completed, but some of the residents of the district became"': dissatisfkd with the location, served an injunction, and ull building opera tions fir the present have oeascd. Mrs. Emma Cyrus. efScio, has dis missed her clasB in music here, after having completed a very successful term. Mr. WalterGoffhasgreatly improved the appearance of his premises by (he. addition of a new picket fence, Mr. and Mrs. Owei South, of Fern Ridge, visited the family of J. P. Crab- -tree, last week. Mr. and Mrs, Long, of Marlon coun ty, arc up on a visit t their daughter, Mrs. L. A. Tusker, and family. Messrs. Davis, Mundorf, Elliott and Moon were In Albany last week, as Jurors In the Ingrain nulrder ease. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gaines have gone on a visit to friends lu Qlackamap J county. -' Miss Clara and John Crabtree visited' Lebanon friends last week. F. M. Smith and wife have leased their farm, moved inlo tbeir new house, and expect to devote the re mainder of their days to rest and good works. - Mrs. Frank Crabtree and children eanie i"own to the farm from Lebanon on Saturday. ' Mr. Marlon Crabtree nut In some good work last week, .soliciting sub- ' scrlptlons for the new church at this place. Rev. G. 8. Hitnleltcr nreaohed Rn.,. day, at the school house, to a large and attentive congregation. His theme, "Building up the walls of Jerusalem," wua timely, aud well bandied. Auy observing person who has been in Lebanou any length of time oanuot but have observed the lack of hitching posts for horses. Farmers who come In to do business are often deterred tliorefroua, because they cannot find any place to tie their teams fwr a few minutes, Our business men should look into the matter and see that suita ble places are provided. Such a course would rlchlyrepay for the time and trouble spent, in the increased amount of business gathered In thereby. There will be a union temperance' meeting at the Cumberland Presbyter ln church ou next Wcdncday at 7:30 M. this is to be under the ausniees sf the churches combined, and Revs. tloyd ami juoka will address the pen. Ie. Mualowill bo furnished hv'thn uoirs or me several churches. 1 every one come out and join in the trcivioea io encourage the people t UmnA I. ft.. . J up iu, temperance, nnnio lli.rt Civility. : A Ticket given ou the piano will, every 3. cash purchase at Klein Bn ' H'Kt Shoe Store, Albany, Ore.