Lebanon Express.- CITY OFFICIAt-S. vwr 1 I Ol 1H I! 'III - I I 1 K ii.-U.MI.U. ...M. A. MILLER. ,Kj. RICK. J. K. KoBERTS, ....pint .SMITH. w.i;mK. , ' M. WKSTFAIX, I jos. EtKisa ritv Conavil uicc-k. on the first and third Tuesday wntnffi ol each nioirtfi. tii.MNAN't EXOU specify pMUnitarly the lot or tout r ireini se adjacent oo whH'h the work wan !., tht name or name of tin owner r wners thereof, aHdthc actual cost iid raneiiatM of tlx; mm dune on the wrrwn r the street, alley, (trade, sidewalk, ntwmient, sewer or drain, adjacent to audi lot wrt thereof or )remiw, mid the date when such work wo dons. Shi. 5. When the work shall have ee completed, whether hy the street cooiuii-; suuier, or Iqr a contractor or contrainora, the iok3 shall audit in a sumaiy way the actual ots of the improvement or work. Wbeu,the total actual cost of she improvement 4r work nan been aiwrtajiied by tiiecounrU.it .shall uroceed at onee ,in stmt arcanum with the urovuAina of c tion 2 and 0 of chapter VH1 of ilie dty AN OMrA AM E to provide bit awl reg-ntaii- the mtabUshmemawl alteration of the ira le of utreet and alleys or j charter, to mm by resolution each h or any part thereof, and jirariditift lor the frnuiiitg of streets and alleys or anv art thereof, and for the.cmiruC tion, imjirovemimt and repairing of idewalka. lavements, street, alleys, sewers, drains, la-Kip's and auuwiucl within tie limits of the city f Leha noa when, iii the Judimient of the eoumion council of said eifcf, such wrk ik naccwaarv, and to proiyde for tlte atsensinent and collection .of the co- and eten1. thevof. awl pro Tidiiiy for Ilie necniniR and enforce ment of hens U.m the pnrw adja cent to uch improvements and ppjiairs. The Vkocli or ths tm or I.Eaaitas i 0M4TJI a FOUaWWt - Hr-now 1 It slnill be ttie duty of Ihe aim t'oimntswimwr to superintend ihe j:miiiis rrav'llin& iniproviiipaiMl retaining as' .1 -tr 1 i- a id ail. i i ! to that the Milne is gruilMl. graveled, repaireil and ia jmsvci iii accordance with the ordinances -aii .ir'ief of tlie couw li providing tjierefor atui lo "tertutend the conMructKin of all sid'i..'i.s, cnallt-. undo a'ld culverts andaitaiiiHlmt,i, nruius and sewers aim ; otl,cnriw. a!! n jHii thereof ordered by tlie council, and to see thai they are constructed and re- I pn"-f'l iu'trict accordance with Ilie orders of the council and the ordinances id the I ei'v ji 'wiime the con-lructnin and rejiaiT of such crosswalks, sidewalks, culverts, I hri.k', 1. a iHduel. drains -.trecm, uUeys ! jind sd'wers. . : jtaB. 1 When, in the judimient of the council, ft iieconias necessary to establish or ; alter the erudc of anv street or part thereof, . or of any alky or pan. thereof, or to jrrjMie i uiiy s'TOt oraileT or fin lhmi(. ortn sifin t or improve any sidewalk oriventeiil or isirt thereof, or to improve or repair any , siree or ailey or anv part thereof, or to con ,tr : or reir am uruin or sewer within the -it-cts or alleys of said city at the cost and rcMiur "Ij""' liroiwrty own ers the mint ii shall br an order or resolo tl 'u dul; a.adi hi .! ewcntl on its journal, sea:y a follows'. rtasT With oiiiveiuent (Wrtainty, the stn et nr part tin nsif prolkiscd to ! im proved, or of which the snide is proposed to lie eslahlished or altered, or tlie sidewak, pavemeiit, street or alley or rt thereof y.hnswel Ki lie imprrweil, constructed or re fiaired and the kind of improvement, con st u. wn or rt pair linn is propjsed to be parcel of ground with its prosirtioii of sunk costs, and ever' rovisioii cotituiued in saud sections (B and fS! in regard to such asses meirt ahall lie sBtictly pursued, Sue. 6. As siwn as the ismucil shall haw asi-ertained and determined what pnierty of land as aforesaid, the niarshall shall Rive notice of tlie time and place of sale of such premises in strict conformity with Section 70 of the charter of the city and shall slate in such tiotfce tiatt sudi premises will be sold at public ancliun to the highest bidder for cash in hand iu sold coin of the Vnited States of America. When the hour for the sale shall have come the sale shall be made by the niarshull in strict conformity with all the provisions and reouircmonis of Hue. tion 71 ot tlie charter. lmnJediately alter such sale the marsliflll shall aiake and ex ecute a deed to tlie purchaser for such premises In conformity to Section T2 of said charter and shall state thorein that the premises described ill and conveyed by such deed are subject to macmption at any time within three years in accordance villi the provisions or Chapter Hi of the t jiartet. Sm-rnw 11. If at in time duriiijt the period of nslcniitiini mentioned in tins ordinance, tlie city treasurer shall sell and transfer all rigid title sud interest of the city of liCbanon, aiiiuinsl at niarsliaH's DALGLEISH & EVERETT 4, 0 shall lie liable fur .the mists and expenses of; under the provisions of this ordinance or such improvement or rejiair or work, the proportion thereof as lie siid by the owner : jf each lot or moti of KTound, and' shall have assessed uim A-aeh tanwl of ground its projiortioiuite al of such costs, by reso lutkui, as required by sections t and GS of the charter, tlie Kecorder shall inuuediately and without doluy eider a statement in the book of city liens, ef such asseesnmnt, in strict conformity with tke provisions of see ti.uis iti and of tlie charter of said city, and from the dote of sock assessment uism any trwt of land, the sum so assessed and entered shall he a ta& levied and a lien thereon wlietlicr assessed to the true owner or not, to the extent and effect inciitioiieu in section 66 iif said city charter. And said bonk of liens shall at ail times lie kept by the Recorder in a sale and secure place so as to be safe from destruction by fire or pt.ixD. A time when the council will car a.ii deb ninue all objections or rciuon--inoices which may be made by any adja- , , m hohier or tal-iier thereto. - i i'n.sl inteenii.F ls-tecn til date uf ; Ui n ak.iiKoiKuchonleruiidthctimespeei U d tucteui l"r swh 1 m.g haU I of -fliewnt ienfSh w allow not k than seven I? 1 i.n- l.o.i e hi piven Jl.ertmf. By the sauL-oaicrthe-eoulldUhiiU direct the Ke-vir...-! u five nu.ee of ti. time s;iheo i.,r.iub heaniiK. At iit seven davs notice of the time of suiji hearing sliall It a een by the 'js order l;h notIt'f sl,.i; .s. l!i',i in me n.a ou r, and contain all tlie matter ami thi'lp reuii'iwl by c-ii.ni- ' and Ihetiinrtcrof th !1V raii llu lo-tlsiKi-Uureor Oie state ) ofliwmii.criwfating said dry. When ! tnu - lii s"-11 ''.aril mid it pi:irs to the sa.wmc.tion of tlie - .un' U that due uotice has liecn given as J.r, , n.piP-1 a'. I frouoisl, tlie connpil .! Hi. '. pns "i mil. u' h hmrine stnef j, vn.,.lniirvitb hcpro.niionsof -tnKif-l,3i.terTin.ofBaulact. and de- tcrpdne whether -,sl,c1' l"1!""" ira ' ,r. . . no "I "F itu-r.ition or Maulishinetit of J..ai. ..r .mpr"vciM..t or snleuulk, altera tion or repair siss'ihcd in wl b" be mail or not i. .. . . after the licatWK nrentioned in 1" i) of this onin.i-ii "li."1 .... i. -hull determine by nssulutiun be proposed improvement or alleration wiuent f 'aJ r ' 1OTolk '" m iiicO in such ootiee be made, it wide by resoiution or onli ne and manner of domu the thus ordered and for letting - tlieriifor. . i In case the . ........lil, waiter the irnnle of any or a'ler or wrt thereof, or to (rwfe I ..ret "t I"''-? r l'att t,,em "r "' j ,,,r,iin sirect r alley v ai tbe coat an e..pen (h i n.jK-rty holders or owners, all j bH be uirnlonauui"i'." StEc. 7. If the council shonld at any time amkorixe the owiht or owners of any proj. ertv abutting on any street, the grade" of which is already established, to cut down or till Bp any streei in front of such projterty j according to the established grade thereof at the expense and cost of such owner or owners, such work shall lie done under the susirvision of tlie street commissioner and the committee of streets and public pros?r tv, and said enmnus'dntier shall fee that such work is done in accordance with tlie enter and direction ol' tlie council in regard ' thereto. Sec. . When in Ihe judgment of the street commissioner and the committee ou streets and public property, any street, alley, sidewalk, sewer pr any part thereof shal be so out of rejwir as to endanger ilw life ur limb of man orlieast. tiie commissioner ot streets umier the direction of the committee on streets and public jironcriy shall Imme diately repair the same and if tlie cost Ik nut paid on demand by tut street commis sioner by the owner or owners of the abutt ing or adjacent property, the street commis sioner skoll present tlas bill therelor to the coumiil, sncli bill shall sisniiy tlie lot, loss ! or fiart of lots adjacent to the repairs so ! made, the name or name of tin owner or 1 owners thereof and the acttial costs of the ! reisiirs made on that atrt of the siroet or alley or sidewalk and the date when such reiiairs were made and the costs of such re pairs shall lie paid by the city out of the general fund. Sectios 9. If the owner or owners of any tract or panl of land situated within tlie limitscirsaid city aftaitist which any state ment, assessment or delinquent tax shall be entered in tlie Issiks of city liens under the provisions of this ordinance or uf thecharter of said city shall pay to die treasurer of the city, within tlie lime provided by said char ter tbereliir, the sum of such assessment or tax so entered or docketed against or um anv such land, together with the costs or fees of she liM-urder for docketing tlie same and then present to tlie llccurder the treas urer's receipt therefor, tlie Kecunlnr shall at once cancel such lien iniou the diset by entering thereon full satisfaction of ,hii h assessment tir tax, signed by him in Ins otficial eoisieity. Hilt, if any such owner or owners shall fail or refuse to pay to the city treasurer any such assessment or delinquent tax together with the costs or fees of docket ing the same in tlie lien docket of the city within the time provided by said charter thewuilril shall iinmediately after the ex piration of such tin order a warrant for the collection of such assessment or delinquent tax to issue and forthwith thereuftcrthe recorder shall issue a warrant directe I lo the niarshall of the city, commanding linn the city charter, tin; e.xtnses irf the cxecu lion of the deed thereto shall be paid by the jmrcliaser, but in no ea' shall the treasurer of smd city make execution deliver, any stilier than a quit-claim deed for any prem ises sold by said trensurer under the provis aions of this ordinance or of tlie charter of said ortjynur shall the city of Lelsinon I held liable in any way for the failure of the title to any tract of land sold as Herein pro vided. . Samoa-12. - If the projwrty where sold as in this ordinance provided shall bring more than is required to pay such assessment and tlie interest and aecriiingeosteandexiw-'iises of suek sale, the surplus shall lie paid by the niarshall or (sirson making such sale to the treasurer of the city and the treasurer shall execute to the niarshall or person making such sale a-receipt therefor. Sectiox 13. When the niarshall has in all tilings completed anysaleof lands umlcr the provisions of this ordinance he shall immediately jay the proceeds of such sale to the city treasurer and the worraiit by virtue of which such sale was made together with the treasurer's receipt for tlie prweds thereorhe shall atouce return to the recorder with all his doings m the premises endorsed on said warrant. -..,.' m:ai,kii8 is ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. We carry a Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE and BUILDING MATERIAL. The Fim-st Line of t'AK'.'ETS AN'D WALL-PAPER Evrr r.riiiiL'lit to Lblmnon. i lAioany uoiieg SirioKl4. Tlie freuxuaT shall kel ftll rttunk jmkl over l him Uy tliu misruhnU under tlie iirovisitmtt of Seetiuti Uol tlnt! iinUiiamw tM)iurute frtin. ull other nHKy tliut may me mtu lim hmu from my otitnT trimnu Hint sliull imv uvur the mw i h tlif HrtKu ur (MrrrHiiiK eti titled ttivritv uin-n the prtW!iitatii.n 10 luni if a wurmitt drutvn hy the mionlff urnipr aiumlcr uf. tw vMmv. Tti treuniiriT nhuli tw kw t a book lit whit'li hewhnU etitor kum of money m mid him, the hit or unrei uf iunii Iron) tlie mivof which the nann anme ur icon tvaimtl with the number and Iwanun of the hhxjk iu whmh inch iweijiiw are Mituaufl and the flame of the owner, if known. , Hkc. & Thin 0nl111tu.ee shall be in full force aiMl vlh-rt froiu and after its aprova by th Mnyor. Apvnv(I thi 2lnt day of U., 191. M. A. Mii.LtR, Mayor. Auest: V,ia. W. KirE, Oty Kwjurder. ttl 4 p. AH piirtk know'Ufg tl.eniw-lvin iu dvbt ti us six fccri.-y tj:tifld to settle up t miLT an we bn-ve git lo luive our uioufy. I i I mie instuuie ALBANY, OREGON. September 9, IMl tliine 10, 1892, A Full Corps of Experienced Tcacliers. ESTATE DIPLOMAS TO KOIIMAL (JUADU ATKS.JPJ Four lh'partuienK of fitudy Cpllt'tfiuti', Nnriiml, Business, Primary. Typo-Writing and Kluirl-haml are luiij;lil. for colalojtue nililress, Rev. ELBEKTX. COXWT .V M.. frcsitot AlbanyFurnitureCo H. R. HYDE, Proprietor. -A Kt'LLLIJEOK Furniture OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, And ALL KINDS of CARPETS. We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING. CallH ans wered niglit or day. . i BALTIMORE BLOCK, ALBANY OREGON. NOTICE FOR PCIilJCATJON. lmi offlew at Urtftni fit)-, '.nrpnn. t .'rtce H h'ifbvirivtnltist the ..l.uwltitwiimt seiiiet tins lii.rtl "iie f ht iutei-ttun im mak tiu) mwmitort.il liUi-iitmi, ;md tai wid pr-!ir will iiKt'lv lieftm: the Kcqwlr awl K viwrol Hn-t h liitKKiflictu'i'i'iJi.iMJi), Ur- FtvraiMioti !. T- Sn. TSA, ftir the RF h H-. M, T U - H I K. He iiante the folluWiiiK wil lU'f t" iKuvt- lifc1 'mlntMwrwilii'T iim (! ffliHtvaEl"n if wMl lm. vU; H, P. r'uritKnui, Ariimr ';rrin, M. i. ("ionnii mid 4.r Ciukc U 1tf LMtlM, UllJl WtHHr Onilf-iU. Wn are. .wtrry to niort tliut If. Du-'kctl 111 iiml unable to uttt-ml li! offW. , An itriTiunt wuft trn a few tiny K0 BRICK! ..'".'.:'."'; . .uKUMtlH.ttllllK'HWIII.IMIIIIlH : I have a LARGE STOCK f RRICK, (or Kale at my Yard, in the ulurbg of Lelianon, For Sale-at Roas inable Half. A! kiinl of mafi diiiatch. n'c wmk done 1 with neatnt' D. W. HARDEN. -s and -n.-i ur im ... r.rt4i.u.ifi lew (imin nucn iraci in ihmu uikmi which sucli aiowomeut nr (lcliniiiicut 0f WO Dicn being arrested liy Wii-rifT taiitUl.mi.aul. Kucli aarrantaliallc.il. j (.fnl of n,,,,,,, f(r u,ylug wnm tain all tla: liiatlcr and tlnnpi rciiiirwl l.y I Ui.,i, i.,f tlie cliartcr of .aid city a,,l In to " alsoacoi'ToftacHtatemcuteiitOTwl in tlx hod two riu. On Friday Mr. T'pwn i I. .,f Unitu nf tti& citT crcatinfir Much lieu ! . . ... . ...... d ...A..i...,i : ,mril uliall under-! -"" " , , , had a liucK aim n " wo I (rtllllll I1H uiiut. , . - r 0r j.,.,,1 , ' ,. . , M i a 8.-I nf Imrni Ihi iilno, Hie tlcic , Bwrrilif 10- Within l . from tlie i " " ' " ! racei uftlw warrant proriilwl formal iiiiiii- eripll0 of Wliioll M IllilUif tlicoulllt j tiraiwl i rl1im V licrcf the wamliall j iJr (J.W W1.nt HtWm to (n If miuitJcvy Ujwli a.Kl mm tin- IfaM or rwi f.r laud aeaiiiiit which Biich warrant Ik m- A GREAT SLAUGHTER i thev wt-n their'. sued, T'. Kvy siiiii!! bff mailt Uy teHwriiiR to trm owner r owhcts mrrwti dft ner f owners a rstf-y uf jr.! I by the iatha slijill ai'ier tiue 4mii tjrovritcr of i'l iaf 1 , wr who ha w A bruiid new uoou in Utun! Mr, Ed. Ktrllei.lji'tgwr to in J'nrtlftnd 3 . . ' a .... 1 -.,.. .-arrant, iwtlfir.! I by the malmll, ...,L- ItiHL wi('JiV (in:r H"W luilflntJiOt't- iiiil:i(LjiJi!ir;;)d t J J LuJI luJl WJ U L-J Li Wat a. .... ..I Imc un atrccta ami , an" . , .,. ..- all n-.luti.m ia una 1 ' ;a" . . .1 . i nl.V MWCTlt l HHCl ' . .1. .11 I,- the out. ! nun or cut' l tl . r- u". Hun tm limit, ul n-r ,1 taiuae audi , the i .i i.v and if Uw ' thcrwu E. GOAN'S. cj of USam, If -t.l tl.cn . mg" '"! r.M hv iwtlnr n'r 4 "'t! rrnt : Mm. Mc.-saii utnt .-.,. ,.i.u-.n .la. m J -Jl .u. fil)(. ,B, , Cv.MEOSi?, Ct)MJi ALL. I'LAMXU .VILL running in full pa-titv. L:.Nu.l. BIAkLNU ixpwialty. ' fur ini'f me MA;r-i STfECT, tl LEBANON, OH.