TODAY :- . , B Bift 1o love ynnr own, &mr Your own who nwd yon so; Say to the aptwtlng hour, dean, ! will nut let tltee go Excwpt tbon Kiwi blessing;'1 : Forre it to bide and at&y. Love hM no mire tomorrow, it only baa today. Oh, hiwton to be Mtid, dean, before tbv time shall come Vi ben yon are left behind, dwra, in an all-lonely home; Before In late contrition Vainly yon weep and pray. Love Iim do wire tomorrow, ' . , , it only baa today. Swifter than sun and anade, dean, , Move the fleet winfra of pain; The chuuee we have today, dean, , May uerer com acaln. Joy la a tickle rurer. He brooketb not delay. Love hut, no aure tomorrow, It only haa today. Too late to plead or rrieva, dean. Too late to kiwi or sifth. When death baa laid bia seaXdean, On the cold lip and eye. Ton lalo our gift to lavish I'tKia the burial clay. Love baa no aure tomorrow. It only baa today. , -OontfttigaUonaltet. A STUDY IN JOURNALISM At first, when she came out of ber house, she walked quickly, with flushed cheeks and eyes sparkling with an unaccustomed light. A slight breathlesanesa made her delicate chest pant a little, aud ber pale lips, which thediatressof an aneurism kept habitually compressed, mnraiured strange, interrupted words. "Will this story takeF" she muttered. "I have put Into it so much soul, so much pasHionl I cried over It as 1 wrote, 1 re member, and when 1 came to the place where Lea dies In ber grandmother's arms, the sobs choked my throat as if it had been a question of a real fact! But" and be girl's step became slower "but will it please him? They say he Is so stiff, so severe in the way of art! There, why should it not please hira! The professor hns read it and is delighted with it. A pro fesMor as strict as he ttd "Ob, if they would take it, if they would put it in the newnimuert ifthe cheeks of the younit girl flamed "if they would jtay me well! How muchf Fifty Href That would be too much. Let us say forty, or thirty. Poor mammal Obliged to go out with nothing over ber draw waist in this cold weather! I wouldn't even take home the money. 1 would go at once to Forti's, in the Piuzza del la Signoria, to buy a ne market ready made. There are pretty ones for twenty five lire! Imagine mamma in it" , The young girl smiled with a knowing air. But she soon became anxious again. She had arsjved. Bbe must enter without loss of time, for at 11 o'clock tlie lemon tu Italian literature began at the high school of the Majistero, and woe to whoever was absent! The great door, with its haudaome plates of shining metal, was open, as if it ex pected her. Over the top was the famous sign at which she had so many times looked with infinite longing: j EDITORIAL OFFICE j j OF THE CREPUSCOLO. j She entered, mounting the stain slowly and looking doubtfully ahead. What should she say when slue weut inf In the first room, the profesKor had told her, wen the edihfej, all men, all young! And in a little separate parlor he, the chief editor, the hstndHome man with the short auburn buard, the mocking smile, that she bad looked at so many times, furtively, through the window blinds. Bhe uiurtt take cour age, turn the door handle with a firm hand, aud enter enter with reserved maunen, as became an honest girl, but frank and natural. Then, after all, she was not go ing into tbiwe rooms from a bad motive, from vanity or coquetry. fcbe wan going to sell her work, to give a proof of her love for her dear little old woman. Oh, for shame! She had been ca pable of hesitating ao mucbl She could think so much of herself, of her sensitive ueas of a timid child! She turned the door handle and entered with a firm step, saying, "Good morning." At first, near sighted as she was, aud blinded by the smoke of the cigarettes, she only perceived at the end of the room a large table, with several men seated around it writing. They all raised tltt-ir beads, aud one of them, a very young man with large, weary eyes, went attentively forward to meet her, "The chief editor?" asked Annina, with A thread of voice: The editorial staff began to write again, disaimuJaMug an equivocal smile, fortu nately Ounoticed by t he girl. 'He will be here fo a moment," replied the young man. "If you will wait for him" . And as Anniualooked around her, fright ened, he added hurriedly, preceding hen "Come into the chief editor's room; it will not be so oolU there." And he opened the door of a little parlor, richly f urniahed, where in the fireplace was crackling a I beautiful, lively iiauie. The young mau matte a low bow, tfcen re turned to his task of cleaning up the corre spondence, saying to hi owe if: "Where theUeuce have I seen that little face and those pleading eyes?" . No one permitted himself the slightest comment in regard to the morning visitor. They had seen others very unlike her. Theyouuggirl meanwhile whose breath had ooustautly grown shorter looked round her with ingenuous admiratiou. ilow warm one felt iu that beautiful little room, with a carpet on tbe floor and heavy plush curtains at the wiudowl Aud to think that all those furnishings, all those expensive trifles, out) could earn them by work with the pen, inventing beautiful ro mances, writing poems, making critical , articles upon hue books, foreign and Ital ian. Oh, if she could succeed in ail that! Then mamma The door opened softly, and Anderni, with a glass Ui his left eye, entered with a fret movement, placing ojj the writing table great packet of letters and Dews paper. "hi what can I be of use to youf he then asked the young girl, who had risen pre cipitately at his entrance. r "I came the said, trembling and grow ing still paler, "I came by the ml vice of my teacher of Italian literature, I'.iiwaHer Val tani. 1 have written a story tu it might, if you think best, find a place tu your beauti ful newspaper -in the appendix, of course." Anderni was not bad hearted, but that morning he lelt 111 disposed aud Irritated. His uncle had refused htm the two thou sand lire which he could not do without, considering the severe necessity of his trip to Berlin. The trirl who tood before him was rather plain, pate as a Rhot, and badly dressed;! so doubt she belonged to the inhuman i nha anx of women who writ romanr nrl , wear mourning a to their finger naiL Auffl AH her bones must be crushed at once, and at one blow. "I am sorry," he answered slowly, tear ing open nervously theenvelopesof the let- ten and wrapper and newspapen. "I am , Have at some time been called bigots, fa sorry, my dear young lady, but The Cre- natics, renegades. And a people have puscolo has pigeonholes fu,ll of stories ' which perhaps it will never publish. Yonn excuse me. what is it aboutf How is It entitled?" The young gtrt felt her throat com pressed as if by a hand of iron, and blamed a hundred times over the hour and the mo ment In which the idea had come to her of presenting herself to that discourteous mau; yet, since now there la no turning back. "It is a moral story," she stammered; "a lory where it is shown" "That virtue is its own rewardf" asked tbe journalist, laughing, while he began to make botes in regard to the letters which he was arranging in an elegant letter file. "Tbe theme could not be more amusing. And tbe title, please?" "'The Last Love,'" murralured the un happy girl, in a spent voice. "Believe, signor, that I have written it with soul witb feeling. There are none of the usual u,.... . I M' , uuucti di(1 uol tWnk it nereMwrv hHVe BU,,iped taking much the fashion nowadays; but yon will the treatment now, and 1 believe 1 am entirely see that in my story there is truth from Your medicines have done what yon told the firnt tf tint lnat niiu i ' j up they would do they bare made a new woman me nrst to tbtf last page, and of me. j now feel Uke mvwH after Hllf. I am perfectly convinced of what you ferlng for eight yearn with catarrh of the head tell me, dear young lady," aaid Anderni, 1 aid bronchi, aud that very painful thing uen ebseut mindedly, without noticing the vis- i nlK.oi f ,itmuHl'fa- J t,,,l ,tnrte ,mol,b8' n u r.1,.. i i .. ft i i l a L medicine. lt"th my huahaud and myself feel ua ible physical sufferings thatchauged her I though we cannot be thankful enough to vou for pure little face. " 15a t, you see, yours is 1 what you have done for me. I hope that every just the sort of story that does not suit a " bo is suffering as I was will hear of Dr. " Jordan and his most valuable medicines. Youra "Then you take away every hope from f iB1 t in- Dr. Jordan's office is at the residence of stinctively her hand upon her heart. !ei-Mayor Yesler. Third and Jainea streets, "i-or pity's sake, don't talk in thatsen- Seattle, Wash. -tlmcntal wayl We will see It some other 1 Consultations and prescriptions absolute time. These young ladies! All with the jfre. mania to write, while so many hands are I "d for book explaining the Histo ueeded in trades-in woman's work! More- j genetic system over"- He could not enntirm- Tim Ctior. The Histogeiietic Medicines J t J r i C0DUDa l are sold in but one agency in each town, joung g.rl stretchcKi her arms toward The label around the Lottie bears the fol himasif in search of aid, stammered one lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Kugene Jor word only one tbe first t hat we learn as dan, Histogenetic Medicine." Every other babies: Mammal And turning quickly, she device is a fraud. fell stiff upon the same divau where, a few I minutea before, she had dreamed of com- . "I don't like nuhnrbs," writes a lady-like sd fort for her Door old woman. ! to .' c,K'k"f' " " H Vm w.,Je Iiear Anderui gave a stifled cry, and rushed to her.1 The noor irirl breathed no more: her i eyes were wide open, glazed, and her lips contracted. "Quick!" he houtfl opening the door. "Quick, a pliysicmul" All the staff luu- tened Into the little sanctum, aud the young man with the weary eyes ran to the (sfrL-raising her poor lifeless head upon hit "J1"- , , - , , She is dead." said Adolph Levi, after havioK felt her pulse. "At any rate, 1 will run for the doctor" "She Is dead! she Is dead!" they all ex- tXtXJt, young man with the tired eyes did not speak, but busied himself with composing decently the dress aud damp hair of An- u" " Come!" cried Audemi, turning to Fablo Ijmul the nnortr of Tim ('rnnuvlo 7? V Pp"1' or ine repuscoio. 'Don't stand there spell bound before the girL Take this manuscript and send it to the composing room. It would be better that you should take it t lie re yourself. Have it set up at ouce, with a paragraph about it. Tell the facts briefly." And as Fabio Ijeoul remained dazed, looking at the girl: ''Look here!" cried the chief editor, atd- tated, convulsed, "Thin f'ir) Iixjk Urnnirlit. ; me a work of hers. The Last Love,' and has died while handing it to me. Do you take in the importance of this fact? It is '. a solemn, mysterious thing. We must get lHIH Iy w while eheap, and sell at a big out a double liti,,n nl tdo nn.r Vnti l'n when the booiu couies. tut partleulan ad out a double edition of the paper, iou !j(livmi (onkkkvahvk ksal Kktatk i Trckt to., cau autiouuue the story atonceaea refined, honest thing, deatiued to interest our fair readers but make baste the deuce I Ah, here is the physician! Doctor!" All gathered again around the corpse, aud the word aneurism passed from one mouth AoauoMier. "It is necessary to inform the coroner and the Misericordia at once," said the doc tor, beginning to write. Ail returned, wore or less affected, Into the editorial room to prepare tbe number which was to come out at noon. Only the weary eyed young mau staid, unobserved, to contemplate the dead girl. Oh tat last he recollected. The little waxen face that was before him resembled that of his only sister, dead of consumption a year before, when he had gone on The Crepusoolo at fifty lire a month. The brethren of the Misericordia came, in midst of a crowd of idlers who wished to learn what the facts were. But no one knew, not even a poor little old woman In Via Panlca, who had heard the three strokes of the bell, of the charitable com pany, aud had crossed herself with devo tion, praying for the peace of whoever, at that moment, was dying, perhaps alone, on tbe Btreet, mi ki.iwd, Translated by & Cavazza for Short Stories. . To Mult All TaatM. Passenger (arriving iu the ution)Can have a coupe all to myselff "I suppose the geutltmxan want to sleep." "No, but I am a misanthroDiat," "Oh. sol Thcu just step into this eattle car." ITliegendtf Blatter. ' -A Tovtai) IiiaiuuatioisV Crusty (to his nephew) Well, here's an other check, but re mem tier to take care of tt. A fool and bin money aya aooo parted. Hill -icitptraceside) 'ATini'sso; itouly too): tm ha.f an hour to ooai this out of vguiV-iiUiirtCvV Wteikir. SKKIOl'8 DANGKH Threetenii every niflii, women or child Itvtnjr In a region of wmiitry where (ever and nunc In prev alent, ntnYe the sienna af malaria) diwaw are in haled from the air and are from the WhWt of surli a rt'pion. Medicinal mi (eg mini la absolutely riemtnry to nullify thin (iniiner. Ana meana or f..rtlfiiiK and Hcdliutntitie the aywtem n an Ui te able to redm the inn iniuu in n i) imlitoii, Mou tetter a Stomach BitUTh ih Iiicohi Dumbly the Wat and the inoxt popular, IrrvmiiirltlcB of the HtnniHch. liver and rmwela encouraire malartA! but these are speedily recti Bed by the Bitten. The fiinctlona of diKcatlon Hud necreliona are unlit-tod by it nne, and a vlgorou as well as regu lar condition of the system promoted by it. Cmi ititutloti and physique are tnna defended KKiiinat the hintmiii of maliirta by this matchleaa pre ventive, which la alao a certain and thorough remedy in the worst caaes of intermittent and remittent fevers, Small Boy-Paiw.whnt makea you to bald? P On. that's beoauw my mother used to put wv ",uv" ""u KWU ALL KKVOHMKllS Vorld Hegaa stone, a prophet to whose memory the next generation has raised a monument for the greatness of his deeds. SxonoMiBH. Wash., Aug. 19,18ftt. Dr.J. Euaeiif Jorntin, Seattle, Wank. Dear Poctob: Will have to write yon that I am surprised to find myself so greatly improved in so little time, and am pleased tosuy that I could not give your medicines too great praise. My health was gone. I felt that medicines could do me no good. 1 was hopeless of ever recovering. I thought too late to try your medicines, but with deuth staring me iu the face I determined to do so. I am pleased that I did it, for at this date 1 have received tenfold the price of the medicines. If I should say one hun dred fold, it would not be overvaluing the difference in my health. I feci like another mau. Yours respectfully, James H. Htsom. ' Eiin torro, Wash., Aug. 13, IMtl. Dr. 3. Enatnt Junian.SenMe. MVmlDeak rim: Ithna been some time since I have written to yon, but 1 have been getting alouiruo well that 1 wont rejeetfully, iim. C. AhMjstboko. at ail, give me the city proper or improper." "Hnnrn's Bronchial Troches" are excellent for the relief of HoaraeneHB or Bore Throat. 'l'hey are exceedinely effective. Sorf nitty in buza. Price, 25 cents. The railwity uool aud nltuen bull pool flre '""" h"1 "like; the man who pockets the most j "lc"".- It is suid that the scales used by the ' manufacturers of Star Plug for weighing the tobocco for , , of gUr are . , , ., , r . , . , ,, . , istructed that, if anything less than sixteen J"".1 P"1.'"10 "H" 'crsThro Btar Hug, it Iwing the beat. inordertoimrwiuce the family gazette, th brhjnieBt periodica) In America, we oiler the following prlw 10 any person wiidine ua a cenw' Oliver; tor three months' auiwriptlon: fi.iuoto the piwjo makliiR the riowrt guit u th nnmlwr f quliia in aircupin: t5otoam.iKi ( wid t- to the third A-idrew, familv tiAKTT i VV-co-' tat, fit EE EXCURSION From California, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Washington aud Oregon to Portland. We will furniiih free round-trlji traaaportation liHUH'il KhitH uhn rtininm ti nii'n.hnui UnrrTiint uf w- This utter will hold gMd for siaty (lrlVti. CIHlIlTliMK'itltf NovPlllllr t. IK'll Remember iw will the boom vear fi n nw f ai ouce anu gei laentincatton papers. )r No. 44 blark meet, Portland, Or. ONE CXJOYN Both the method and results when (Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant jiuu reiresuiug to me taste, auu acts eiitly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head iches and fevers and cures habituiv constipation permanently. For sals in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CAUF0RHM FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FRAHQISQQ, CAL, (.outsviui. nr. vtw fim t. eeeoeooaaeo THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WOBLBI TUTT'S I TINY liver PILIS lmve all th virtues of t lie Hu-r't mm t tituKllr nwiWe pursvlr Vftable. V Jr.xut size tdiowii in tlila border. IOOO909SI TKLKGKArilEH'ft PAIMLYIMS. Following Is an in teres ting letter from W. S. CasHetl, one of the managers of the Western Union Telegraph Co.: " Bloominoton, lud., Jan. 12, 1H80. 11 1 have been In the telegraph business for more than twenty years, and for the pant live years have been troubled with what is called Writer's Cramp, or Telegra pher's Paralysis. At times my arm became so weak that I could not ue It fn sending dispatches, and tiad to use my left. Have spent many restless nights, the pain reach ing from my hand up Into my shoulder. Tried everything I could hear of, but with scarcely any relief. Having strained my left side a lew weeks ago, I got one of All cock'b Piasters, as I usually do in such cases, and accidentally happened to see where some one had cured a weak wrist by using one of these Plasters. I got another at once, and cut it in two and put one-half around my wrist. In leas than two days after the pain had entirely left my wrist and arm, and in two weeks 1 could send nearly as well an ever. I write this hoping it will reach the eyes of others who may be afflicted as I was, as I know there are scores of them." Judge How old are you, madam? Witness I've seen eighteen Hummers. Judge Aud eigh teen winters thirty-alx, Mr. Clerk. Use Xnamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell Try Oerhka for breakfast A Pure Cream, of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Ligtit Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. SEEDS Of all kinds and tnauyqnantltyr-whole-sale and retail at bedrock prices. E. J..BOWEN, 65 Front Street, Portland. Or. Send for catalogue, W1 URV rCICP CURED TO STAY CURED, nai 1. 1 tn We want the name and id dresof every sufferer in tbe &IQ.TUU A U.S. and Canada. Addreu, AO I nillH P.HuoldIij,II.D,BBl,.I. mm Baking Powder Have Been Imitated. But Never Excelled The? Are We Make SO per oenL 01 the Wire Hits , "Old in mil nmW3rwmmvitiritM: Amerios. wwmMmilU,?iiftM(. n that vour mat has onwa itu; niiuutimi iBiped Hi HARTMAN MFG. COMPANY, Works, BKAVER BAKER Sl HAMILTON RAN FflANCIRm Writ for our Tetlm-m lul Bnnklei hii.1 HestOouffh Medicine. L3 Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. C 7 4 CftlCHE8TER'8 ENQifSH, rEMRomriiS THt OHIGINAt AND QtNUlHt. The only BalV, Sure, tnd raM Pill fcr !. Ijaolfjuash UniBLilai for iMzhrtter't tintilitk mmninii llmitd In mni ti.JA mni.iu bote hwIwI will) bluu ribbon. Tuke nti 4. In auiijru fur n.rilnuliir ... m h iium,iiiu niBi'inin, rcuiiiinrayHcuuntern itii, At unjiia iti. or 1 Hl.OflO TwllmoiiUll. Nam Paper. ifdiiraauiftii, Buy Your Own Goods if Your ADVANCE THRESHERS. THE BEST IN AMERICA. 1 r- ' Chemical Fire Entfiws aud Kxtlngulshere, Fire Hose and Department Supplies, steam Uniiln MaeWnerv. Piimp. of sllUuds, Br. u,kk Pipe ad Klttli.K., tlank In.I.IrHlors, Mart ui ml BeltliiK and Ho, HreiwhM, Lnbrloatluf (ills, (Shureb, Bcluml and Farm Belli, Eu.liiesnd fcli J acksm tb l)ri la aial tma, Bumln, Surrlc, Bpring arid Kinreai Wagons, tiw largest aaeonSi of CaiU in Portland. Pealars, write lor prices. For furtber information call on or address VT1 L. I. mm, Foot of Karrisoi Street. POBTliD. Gl " In 15 Minutes, I suffered severely with face neuralgia, but in 15 minutes after applica tion of . . ST. JACOBS OIL was asleep; have not been troubled with it since. No return since 1882. B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo. "all right! st.jacobsoildidit;' HOYT & CO. Want an aicent in every town in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to sell , PIANOS and ORGANS On commifwion. No atock or capital needed. Music teaehera preferred. Special ratee on all goodi, Write for particulars. PORTLAND, OK. i J. McCRAKEN & CO., -DEALERS IN ' Roclis Harbor time, PorHantl Camtrrt, Gol den Gats and Utah Planter. Hair, Firs Brick and Firs Clay. LAND PLASTER. . 60 North Front Street, Cor. 0, PORTLAND, OR iNTHEPIPir Leading medical authorities state that new and improperly cured tobacco when heated in the pipe produces a rank vege table poison. Tobacco like liquor can only be improved by agt. This is the reason why "Seal of North Carolina" is the most popiilaar brand of smoking to bacco in the United States. It is made from tobacco, at least three years old. Its rich mel low smoke has never been equaled. . - Sesl of North Csrollns is now pocked In Patent Cloth I'oucbe,, us weU as iu toll. id Comparison 1 Whyf Because They are Odorless, Everlasting . And "Best." RTMAN."' FALLS, PA. ' 1 Kr y CALIFORNIA. l Must rut wl uuiiIoitiip 2..J Kmimraended by Physicians. RED CROSS ' F" DIAMOND BRAND olhttr kind. Rttutt Suit tit Mew and Imitations mi "mMiur 11. r LitiUci," in lMr. Iij rVtiirn UhIL wHICHKBTEII CHEMICAL CO., MuiUri,i 8auitrk l'lllLAUKU'HUVl'i. Dealer Does Not Garry lb. PARRY CARTS AND ROAD WAGONS, Best and Cheapest In the World. Carts, .15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up, 3