(.IS VOLV TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.' Oae yew....;. ........................ W 00 (1 1 f mhl lii urtvttwx, Si SO por j-'ar.) Mx bmwiUh ...,...............-.., I w Thnw tHHiitlm ,.......,., ,........... Smjfte'(aijiiwt.,.". " tROFrSSIONAt. c, tl duckf.tt, DENTIST, LEBANON, OKFAiON. 1 Office up t"i I" u.v's BuilihiiB. SAML. M. GARLAND. ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. UtlMVtti. llll&iuS. J. K.WEATllERFOhl), ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OTlF-tiO.W U-.Jt lllLYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKEtJOX. CEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney-at-Law AW) NOTAKV PUIIUC, ' A'lHHiy. OreRnn, , Witt vwtkp III ntHric wmrt (if mts State, lllliwii, imw rutmi over tiank of OMtpiu. A. F. STOWE, Attorney -at - Law, "titles EXAMINED. tftjlleftiimt civen iinnitpt nnd iufl attenUua. Wit! (traetitx in all tlie uuroi irte Mate. on'lt'C IK H&KHAllD'bXK, LKBANON, OllHfU. J.F.HYDE, lotarjMlic and CollstSng Agent, , . 1 Jiwllce of Hie Vmm, iolmmm Prcln!t. Lebanon, Oregon. Notary Public. J1ELIA11LK , . REAL ESTATE and LOAN BROKER. Heal Estate in. all it branches. .AOfcST KMBHilK CoKTISKNTjU. flBE Ins. ti., of New York. Uri!fmirtllKffl.-ui(if rmli, lantfw, mi traziiig laudn. ,.'1 V Moiiev to loan Karma, iuiproved fli!y Property oritruilt-edne nutiw dij LEBANON OJiEOOK."' Irs. S. H. Cowan, . - '- Rn Elegant Bisplay ol MILLINERY sf all Kinds, '-A : 1 Bats trimmed in. the f IMTEST. STYLE, . LEBANON, I'RINEVll.I.K KEWS. From the Onhoco Bvie.l . (Stewart's flouring mill is now run tiitig duy niui Henrvllahii left Inst Thursday for ilia home til IMist roriiniiu. ' Percy Davis went ffl his ranch on CronTtVd river la-it Tuesday. MrC L. Solomon has beencoufluod to her U't) during the past week. B. K. Allen is having a new Iwrn tmlll nn t lie property where lie is re siding. . J. M.BIakely left last Tuesday morn ing fr his home in Wallowa county. A half inteicst in the liowan More building was wild hist wei-ktoTom Jones tiir $5(10. , Distrht Atlomey Wilon, Judire licnuett, Judue Watkuw, and Mr. Mullen left last Saturday for The Dalles ' '''; : v'V. y -. .'" ( ('. Mallng Is having the old hrew ery boildiiiK renovated. It is reported Unit a nuturaiit will be started 111 thai i building. ' ' I M AHMED. At the residence of Mr. I ami Mr", ho. C'line, in l'rinevllle, Oetoher i", Mr. It. i'. UaiTington and j tiiattiiroui;ii8onieaiiieain-eot opinion Miss June I'ruiii, Justice Bell ottiating. I as to who should have the cost, the (!. H. Kmth nnd family moved to! eonsiable had tire piaintiffarrtsted or town this week to remain until -Mr. drawing his CTUnty warrant He was Suiilh has oiupleted his contract with1 tried and discharged in Justice Hunir tne Prlueiille Irrigation Ounipany. ' W'fy's court at Albany iext tame He has oeen employed to sumTintend 1 an old gelltleniaii and brought civil the construction of their ditch. , ' Mt" against his neighbor for wages . , , , . . , I of one or two davs work, a borrowed : Alinanaesare becoming qu te popu- , , d M He t lar with our ollicals. Last inter , , , . hRvA t ()f ,, a Beaver justice read a marriage eere-1 , A fn, vt ,,,L B1,w,i ::!,r'.ttLrir.:::!,t::!!..,!rnuciZ Booth summoned tberu with one of Jjr. Jauics' books. W. F. Elliolt and family arrived last week from I.iun county. They tried living In Webfoot two years, which was all thev could stand, hence thev returned to iwn.-liEram. Mr hi holt j ""J1" "' ."'!'" iiu .-w jcai-,.!.. mm,. - Judge lirailshaw Anished up the business of circuit court Monday evc-i nii.g, having disposed of all the "aaesl that were at issue. He is the most I active judge who lias ever held court! In this county, disimsiug of busluess twith rapidly and satwlactory. Wui. liHuan and family passed through tim u last Monday, returning from (Jorvatlis to their borne ihi Silver creek. Mr. iiogiun had with liiin one of the liiR"t yearliin colta that has ever been lirouglit to Kastern On'goiL The antrrod .is atout 1J hands higk and weighs lno2 ipouuds. It bids fair U) make the lt$et horse ill Eastern Oregon. . Hugli Fields, well known all over1 the slate as an extensive farmer, stuck raiser and speoalator, was married re cently Ui ii Miss (St ii I ii i an . Mr. Fields is credited with being worth about half a million, and can support his young bride In all the luxury she may wish. A Fat Frog, The Daily Astoriau, a usually 'truth ful paper, lias the following : "While a large fir log was being sawed at the VVwt Hhoe mills yesterday afternoon, Tom Tm I linger - noticed something very singular. The outside slab and one board hud been ut off, and the men were f.urulng the lor over prepar atory to Miliarias jt, when they were surprised to see large toad poke his head out of a hole where he was mi bedded, and where he hud barely eu. euped being cut up by the saw. How thatcreaturejerer got there is a mys tery, as he was completely encased in the wood, with no possible means of Ingress or egress. As the log was the third up from the butt of the tree, his position must have beeu about sixty feet from the ground. There is but one way of accounting for the fact that be was found in the position named. He hud grown up will) the tree from Infancy, and was probably hundreds of years .old when the saw awoke him frouiliie long nap. - The niiinuil was real fat and nearly us large aenws as u msii's hand, The tree In which lie was found was perfectly sound, , with tut exception of a decayed 'spot about afoot in length below, the hollow plane where he had so long lain. ;,, Buy you an acre in Kiilslous addi tion anil build your wife a nice house. Save rent and lie happy: -i'KTKHMiN St Oakland: OREGON, NOVEMBER 6, 1891. 11EAVEH ClISl.U. KihtmR Kxi'UKhK: J. M, Fluugher'a store is rumiiiiiron full lime. v.. Little Salt Luke sclimd now lnu 37 pupils. Supt. Rumell was to have toen hire (hia week, but we fear the storm has driven him to better shelter. Quite, a nuiiilier gathered at the school house to see him, perhaps us a eurios'y us It has been five years since a Kuperiuteii' di'iH hm shown his couiiteiniuee in this vielnily. A'. KHvajre ft Hun are fwding twenty head of enltle for the Albany market. Perhaps a little eourtship would be of interest to some of your renders; Alioul a year np one citizen eaused the arrest and arraignment of another in Judne Kavune'a court, for (alllug plaintiff "a white eyed euyuse" with a few "euss" words prefixed, with great lulirtr tv the ent)Kl.Hhle a ilirv seeured. wdieh brought In the verdict, no eause f(ll. action. i'laiiuiU'liad given security for costs, but through threat of an appeal-to circuit court the county was persuaded to pay the Cost. We hear men had traded their nne Arabian, mare which was highly decorated witli natural spots, for a "cultus" horse and brought aetion against the possessor of the mare to recover property, but the papers being irregular the case was thrown out 01 court. Tile lust case is tml f ,. neighbor trying three times in succession to bring civil action against anot lier to recover So pasturage on a it, but all three eft'ortti utterly failed to bring the crafty defendant's smiling eoutitenanee before the solemn visttReofa Canadian judge; however through the help of one of Lebanon's able attorneys, plaintiff succeeded in nlitaining judgement. This, like the great reliellion, is a ease where princi ple, and not cost, Is considered, as the colt is only valued at six dollars, and the case will be taken (o the circuit court. Attorney rHowc of LeltanM) has been in this vicinity on legal business twice within the past two weeks. Beavek. MOUNTAIN K HOKS. Marion Leach Is working on his woodshed this week. Mr. Torn Wright, the champion saw filer files saws on short notice. We learn that Mr. Chesbro, of Inde pendence is the guest of L. B. Hender son the past week. . , J Pete fml(h says white people'wont work in bis slash very long, they can't Is the reason, v Mrs. Martin Doughty visited with Mrs. Win. Phillips on last Tuesday. Rev. A. Nichols of Brownsville pleached at Mountain Home Sunday. The Mountain liomdtes are talking of organizing a church at Mountain Home. Be sure you are right, then go ahead. . ; . Lv.- Bill Fruit is up In the mountains hunting this week. : - K. N. Phillips went to ('ra.vforils ville Tuesday last. . Mr. Geo. Smith was the guest of Mr. John Zumwalt on last Sunday. It was very rainy this week and It washed out about all the news. This Is all 1 could pan out. I. C. UNO. Sale of Mill. ' it. U i'liiley, of (.'rawfordavllle, has sold his mill at )ios(on to Mr. Martin rhouiisou of Turner and Simons 4 Thompson have remodeled said mill to the roller system and turning out a high grade of flour. Farmers should give iMcm a trial. ;: '' -.' ; .,,. t :."'. -Hi wins 4 f jtounoK. . Stfi,ll lip, ;. :' All accounts reiuafnlng on our books due and unpaid on December 1st will be placed in the hands of a collector and collected at once. ' , Citi;so;! MKNiiiK. Insure your house with Peteraou & Gurhoid: ', . ; HAPl'V HOME. Editoii Gihor: Having seen no items from this place for some time, I will send you a few, hoping they will bo of Interest to the many tenders of your valuable little paper, Kxpkkks; Cedar of Lebanon, (8o-calIedJ, , , Grander October weather wns never seen, and fanners are busy putting in fall grain. Elva Prior, daughter of John and Fannie Prior is suffering acutely from poison oak, one side of her head and tlu- lower half of her face being in a verv iKilnful condition. Dr. Booth is attei.diug the little girl. Mrs. Taylor is slowly recovering and we hope to very soon see her among us again- . .. r- v:- Jake Fltxwntcr and family who have been rusticating at the ditch, moved honiK rjati'rday.. Welcome home old friends.'. :V;"..;..V;'; ' '-,''' '. "- '' (.'has. C'ummings, wife and little son Willie are stopping at Spring Farm, with the former's parents. . .. ;. -S. IS Westurii is liack from hiB val ley viMit and we are glad to have him home again, - . . ) Isiino Morris sojourning .with I'M friends here, M r. Mid Mi s. J. W. Gu Our-distinct schoel is progressing nicely under the very efficient manage nieiit of Miss May lioss. Just, rain enough to the grou' ,j ;,, good condition for plowing, r a little lnuddj; and lumber haUjng dis agreeable. , ' r' Im.hC Coleman and wile tnm Wyom ing, who have lieeii vlsi' jnf, lM friends here, has bargained fo t a plece of ian(j near Lebanon and moved thereon. Mr. C. is already ectiga dwelling. Kelly (Jay is s'jnjj witli Mr. and Mrs., I. ri. ('aid well at Mountain View tliis full and VinK r. Those lir,,u,.a at, Mr. Edwards' are delicious and cheap, only '2ft a pound. Oo buy you some. . i. H. Caldwell Is s(ill at work for Doc rcouth, where he has been a good deal of tile summer. We would like (o know why 'Rex" has been so long silent. Would like to bear from him or ker again. . We might have a postoflice here soon If our energetic neighbors would bestir themselves a little and circulate a petition. Moon the roads will lie very muddy and to do to Lebanon for the mail is disugreeble. Let us be op and doing, arouse ourselves and have a postoflice soou. You will hear again from Pin. Whenever a , wholesale house, re ceives a letter from a merchant written on a scrap of paper without anything to Indicate what sort of business he Is engaged in, or the sheet is ornamented with one 0' those hideous daubs called rubber slumps, his iiamo is immedt diately checked with an "S," which indicates sucker. This mark serves as a notice to the traveling salesman that the said merchant' is a fit subject On which to palm off all the. old, worm eaten, shelf-worn, shoddy goods that you possibly can. The poor merchant then wondefs why his customers never come back the second time to buy goods. Ex., Contractors Notice. The contract for' the building of ft church house In SodavlMe, Lynn Coun ty, Oregon, will be let to the lowest bidder. The specilleutioiis and draw lugs can he seen at Kev. E. E. Thomp son's, on Monday, Nov, 2, 1891, and until Bat., Nov. 7, 1801, at which lime the contract will be let. The commit tee retains he privilege of rejecting any or all bids. , ' E. E. Thiimi'son, - nry yoi'K IlARDW.VtiE,, BTOVHS AMI) RaNOKS MATTHEWS & WASHJU'IiX, : Albany, Ore. x .:-' .- For Ike next sixty days we will si II tonibstoues and monuments for 6 fu r cent less than our regular price. If you need anything In our line, give i.s a call. E. W. Achisok & Co, NO. 35 KovlfieA Oeoaraphy. Of what is the surface of the earth c composed? Of corner lota, mighty poor roads, . railroad tracks, base-ball grounds, : cricket Ileitis and skating rinks. , : What portion of the globe is water? About three-fourths. , Sometimes they mid a little gin and nutmeg to it. What is a town? : ". . v A town is a considerable collection of house- and inhabitants, with four or ... live men who "run the party," and lend money n 15 per cent ritereat. , What is a city? A city is an incorporated town, with a Mayor, who believes that the whole : world shakes when he happens to fall flat on a crosswalk. ' ' r What is coiiiinerce? : , r; : ;-'4;-fi - ' Bomiwing $5 for a day or two, and, dodging th.' lender for a year or two. , Name the different races;, ;i' Horse-race, boat-race,.: bieycle-rnce and racing around to And a: man to en-., dorse your note. . V-.'-' ..!4;;; v- ; Into how mtmy ejafeg )s nianUiud!. diviiled? - - ' ; Bis. being : fliligliteneii, elvilizcd, ;, half-civilized, savage, too. utter, not', worth a cent and Indian agents. s What nations are called cnlighteus! ; Those which have the most wars alf the worst laws audi produce, the mo v... criminals. ; How many motions has the earth? That's according to how you mix your drinks and which way you go, hems. .'. . ' What I iiiii woi'iii's Sxis'J . ;f The lines passing between Ke York tiud San Francisco. : What causes day and night? , ' 1 Day is caused by the night getting tired out. Night is caused byeverybody taking the street car and going home to supper. What Is a map? . A map is a drawing to show a jury where Smith stood when Jones gave ; him one under the eye. ; ' What is a mariner's compass? A jug holding four gallons Ex. : ' LEBANON CANAL NOTICE. , All parlies having claims agalnst-vrre'i construction department of said canal, either Tor material or labor furnished,' and not adjusted by due bill or other wise, will hand In their claims on of before the ninth day of Nov., Mil, to Thos, Price, Contractor, ' and JVt. A. Miller, Secretary of said company, :; .. Thqh. Phice. Lust Saturday evening was Halliw. e'en, and the occasion was appropriate ly clebrated with a candy pulling at the residence of Mr. E, E. Montague, ; All who attended reported a nice time, , Mr, A. B. Loveall and wife, rel umed home this, week from his ranch in lien ton county. Abe intends to (novo on his ranch this winter, Mr. Oiesy, representing the: States-;? man, Is In the city witli a view to pub- ' llshing a I'wriie-up'J of our thriving little city in the New Year issue of his ' paper,. . . - ,- .!;. '';:. :'..; ' V- ('lint Gordon has' been appointed deputy marshal and night watch.' Thi Is a good appointment and fllhi it' long felt want,, The city needs n night police. '. .. :'- ' -if The time card between Albany and Lebanon has been changed as follows: ; Beginning last Monday the train will ' leave Albany at 7:80 A.,M., arrive at Lebanon at. 8:18; leave. Lebanon at 9:06, ' arrive at Albany at i);50. Leuvts. A.lba. ,' ny at 1:50 i. M.t arrive at I,ehiinoii nt '. 8:rtt); leave Lebanon t g:S3 mid arrive at Albany at 3:45. Uev W, . M, Hauston, of Junction City, will preach In the Cumberluutl Presbyterian church, third Babbath at ' this n'outh at II o'clock A.M., on Ike subject, "A Call to the Ministry., VI , - 8 ' - 'jit', v Si?:' 'A it; ',SfVs ) i-." tSTiI'-f