Lebanon Express. CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR.., M. A. MILLER. iVi it'Ol" PER KO. kh'K. TKEASI kKK- J- A. liOUKRTS. 34Aii6HAU l'HEL SMITH. - ; CULNULM .0 .Ha HOUSTON, 1J0B..KLKINS. " City Cmmnil meets on the Hrst and ttiinl Tnnday eveitinps of each month, Uy OnUnsnM.Ho. U. RULE OF ORDER. KTLL x The icftnlar meetings of the council irtU he held upon the first. and third Twsttey evemnguf each month, at the caty Hall and the hour of meeting shall I as fuluvea: From Hqitember 1 to April at 7 o'clock p. m.t end from April 1 to Hepccmbvrl at 7:30 o'ctoek p. m The council may .a atiy maotiiig. adjourn over the aejtt regular meetiiiffhya majority vote, or dtnignate a different day .on which to meet, but such order ahall apply only to tho time named. itiTLE2.ThenuiyQrori.caseof hie ab sence tlm lueudxsni present shall wtleot one of tltoir i ueniberH to preside who shall call the meeting to enler at tlie tttated tiir.e or hour, Blioulil there not be a quorum pres ent it shall be the duly af.tUe.city luarshall to irnniwi lately inform thoabsentmemlwrs of Uw council (except those known. to bcab mtit Emm the city or unavoidably detained) that their presenile hi required n order to 'enable the uonndl to proceed to business, fjhould any ot'lheat'lail to.uppcar on such notice the members present, shall adjourn to the next regular meeting or an .earlier day. In the aleiwe of lioth the mayor and rwimlfir the members present shall Aig mite am of lheir nunilter to record their pTOtSMrtling. After tit calling of tlie. roll, if a quorum is found to be present the pre aiding officer abaJi cauMe the purueiul'uf tue previous meeting to be ad, wiwm it shall becorected oratnmeulHid if necmary and then approved. ... KITLE 3. The presiding ofticer xhall an mmwx at each meeting of the .council, the business in order an follows: 1. Calling the roll. 2. Heading the minutes f previous .meet- big.' 8. Keports of standing committees. , 4. Keports of social committees. 6. lleports of city officers. fi. rnhnilied ImsinvsK. 7. Petitions and remonstrances. 6, Intrtxhutiort and first reading of ordi : nance bills, , 9. fovoml reading and arnendmeut orL'oiii 'mitntent of ordinance bills. . - 10. Third reading of ordinance hills. IK ('oinmuuicHtioi 12. New business. IK Coiiimutiicaf ions and Keohmis. 13. Bills against thecity and otiwr finan cial business- , Alcssapwa and communications from the mayor shall always le in order, AH ques tions relating to Uie priority of business phali U' decided by tlie mayor without de late. ' 'r .. " BL LL 4. The presiding officer shall wre- serve order and decorum; lie majiiak on nil qiuuoiiH of order in pmferiinne to any sntner memner, ruing from Ms stat for that pufjpoBe.and be shall desde on all questions of cn-dcr, subject-to an appeal to thecoundl, 'IniUcatfesofanpealfroin the decision of tthe presiding officer, the appeal shall he ; stated o follows; "Bliall the decision of the presiding officer he sustained f' KtTtK5.Tlie ireBidin otttoer shall riae in his place to state motions and propos Mtions and. to put all questiuriK and morions. :iifsimf? and motions shall be Jput in ,ihe following form: "As many as favor tiie niiv vtion, nay aye;" and after the affirmative voW has been taken, "as many an an op- jKii&d suy no". If the presiding ottieer is in -duiiht aa to tiieivivsnli, or a division (; .called for before the announc-Bnietit of the T. voter-theeoaiM-il shall dcvtde those of affirmative first arising, ;and anward .Jhutfo of the Tiiitive. Tltt- Pradiiipoffleer : aha) luiTeoo vote cu-wt in cast' of'g tie Vit- tt the niemben! of tlie council. k;VHi The following standing commit-' stees sh:ili be.appohtteil by the mayor .at the! .flnst lucetin of ih eunl: fn.each ycur: 'X -Coffnuiltoe on ordiiiaiif.-t. i Coittnui-! on ways una means. . & iommifteeiJii aouiK and exiaew 4. Cwuitiiuw on etm a(d public pm; erty, .'.-.' " l -j. ..j..:- ' : , 5. i'Mmniitice mi license - ; :& fVimrnfttw on iieahh-ariti poKw,'-; All other wmmtttcf :tbaU be appointed f hy the pnwidmK otU0"rp l,uiiles-t othenvie ' " .orderxni and prfWkiwi by thftmji. . I'A'UIX comaiitif! to which any tiMust h.p-r fred Hiiail ref-ort tbjereou to -thiftouiH-il.tft .11 isesf i'jiHf meeting' ti.-:ft;ft. ryfCbff.thj'H; r,fr jtach n ;. H i t the rctnler nml ': flfiflint. v imtt t eonier, U objection be madkitto the tntao duction of au ordinance MU it shall lie oner until the next regular meeting of the eotuk oil except when the hill is reported by , commintee, oruuktuotlierviee dlrectatl ey tlie council. "RULE 9. Alt ordinances aiiall be read ba ton? the council three times, (previous to bo hig pA5ed. The presiding ofQcers shall irive notice at each reading whether it he the first, second or third mading. If tlte bill lw objected toon the ft est reading the presnhnp offlcer Khali inimed&atly state the qucHlion a follows :-"Hlml! tlie hill be rejec ted?" If on objectionm l)e med, or if the question to reject be lost, the bill shall be read the second time a once. By unani mous conwnt, or by a two thirds vote of the council or antrum present bill may be read the second time by title oniy. . RTLE 10. Tpnn tho leeond marling of a bill, tlie preiding oltivtfr lmll state: "This is the second reading of the bill;" it is now ready for commitment, a mendmeu in order for a third reading. No bill shall be amended or t orn ntit ted until it has been read twice. RULE 11 If a hill ha so amended a to muke it iiecoflsnry in the opinion of the majority of the council that it should be en grossed, it may be referred to the Ifaeorder lor that purpose, and be shall, at the next regular meeting thereafter, report acor rectlv engrossed copy of such amended bill. Ul'LK 11 No bill shall tie read the third time during the same session nt which it is introduced, except by unanimous consent of the council, expressed by an affirmative vote on calling the roll of the council. RULE 13. The final question after the second reading of a bill shall be, "Shall the bill he read a third time now?" No amend ment shall be received for discussion after the third reading of any bill, but It shall be in ordrr at all time before the final pusaagt of a bill to refer it, upon motion, with in struction to make particularly designated amendments. Kl'LE 14. After the third reudingofa hill the presiding oilicer shall say: "Shall the bill pasn?" The Recorder shall then call the roll and enter the ayes and noes in the journal. Kt'LK 15. After the pavsmn' of a bill the presiding ofhcer shall iy: uBIiall the title of the bill tftund as the title of the onli nance?M UL'LK It, Tin Recorder shall number all the ordinouce heretofore Hissed, that remains unnumbered, in tite order of their piitfsiipe, and hereufier each ordinance shall be known by its ftjipropriate uumlier, everr new ordinance receiving tlie nuintwr jo which it is entitled. . :'-, , MY LE 17. Alt onh nances shall be signed by the Mayor and Recorder before being published.. ,;'-. RULE 18. All unfinished business shall he attended to before new businesK is intro duced. ''':' Kl'LE 10. No motion shall he debated until it has been seconded and distinctly announced by the presiding officer; and it sliall be miuml to writing, ft shall be rejtd by the liecorder when mini mi, forin forniauon. A motion may be withdrawn at any time iH-'fure amendment, at the consent of the second. 1 , ;, Kt'LEiJo Kvery mendwr when nquefl tijn is uit ahull vote thereon, unlemi the council, for special reaitofis, shall excuse a member; but no member shall be permitted to vote on any -subject in which he hm a direct ecuRiary interest Two or more member may demuud the yeaa and imy on any (jucMion. ; w RULK21, When the reaSingof a paper is called tor (except ititiorm), and the same is olijecteti to by any niemljer, the question as to whether it shall be read, shall be de termined by o vote of the council, without debate. This nde is not intended tobeaj plicable to any bill, res4jhitiun or amend ment, or other propomdon which may be at the time directiyiunderconaidemtioii. Rt.'LK22.. Kvery member wheu hcarlae to make any remark, or otter any motion or other proposi tion, sliall arise in hi place and address thjpresidmg; officer, 'He shall then confine hiatiself b titc question and avoid H Mironaltth'M, Objection being madt', Jto member shall speak more than twice, on the same, dayj on-the eamequea tioii, without leave of the council; and a member who has mux spoken shall not again ie entitled to the Hour (except torcx- piaimtiofi), to the exclusion ox anotjier mendwr V-'ho haftiiot spokeii. , llVl.2$, When hvoor more niembcr fjbse-at'tbe same time, ; the presidiiij? oflh.'er ! aliail decide which one shall speak hrat. v 'iUUL2i When a member is called to order, he shall nit down until tlie presiding omir tdiaii huvtf dctitl'itdmrfl ivhutluir he ia iitoMwor.hot,AiUvavyfliieiiHiof onir., shall Us lifctiutt! by tue pnhiitiii .oitiwr, j .uttf :et If :tn iijiin'itl tf ithe council h$ any riM-'miwiri' il A ,it;iHlt;r .lie Ktlhtd to oi'do fur wnl iHf'ken ur luuuuagt tisl in th; eoujidl i;lmmtK;r wlit-n tUct-mincil is in e-: ifioii, tite estx'jrtioital language or, words - tmritif lie-' t -Um tH'. .a:ijuun. 1 "-. iv ii rail ot tiie QiiiitiKti: lay on the Utble. y.) i lM$i)m.iif s My cert cttmiiitt.-'i, " In UtKiHUiiL' i"m!l!'f!!.ii..,i' ftoon: "tfimll On Utmmi Its effiut slwll be totrrlng the eouncil to au Imme diate rot on the qubaUus then under dlicuaton. On motion lor toe tprevlou questuHi, aud pilot , t a voM thereon, a u o( the couuofl my be o dcred . bui after iwo moiuben ttaT sMondedthe motion (brthe provkeus question, no rail of the council ihaH be In ptoer prior to the decUiau on the main quMtfou. HULK 27. n ntouan for the pravioas qusitlon, and under the same, there shall be no cUbie. Alt Incidental queJitt4BB or order nririitg after a tnuthiii is niadu for tneipievkMinqueAiionlor while acthiR under It) hall tie deckled, whether on ap poal orotlwrwiM, wltbeul debate. . 4 KLM.JC L WhenaMMUon ha been onw put and tleeldtd, it ahatl be in order for any member -who voted with the majarity to move a recoustd ration thereof, and sue imotton shall take pnt eedenoe of all othor motieiu, except motion to adjourn. Mo motion shall be reconsidered more Jtoanenee. itULK m No motion to atrontsldar ihtll be en tertain! at a later poriod Xhati the uext regular meetlun or aexslou of (he eouncil after the votn Mi)thtto be ncoiMldured bas beon taken, but wbeu any vote ihall be recobildered by the emm ell, Uiu council may then pweeed to reeoiisider anyjwuviouK vote ororder in celatlon totbeuave Bubjrtt matter without any notltw In wk1 thoreu. KIIIj; 30. All notions, monition, ordort. bllli, petitions or other eonimuiHnaliaiui, shidl be en tered upon the journal, unleas itae -Council otlwr. wlteorden. HULK 31. Any member votin? In tho minority on any quotllon. and protecting alrsinit the rote of the concll, may have hlB protest entered on the journal. If the iaiignaRa Uicreot h mqwetluland parli&uientary anil Meruialn lo the auhjoct. Ul'LEK. The Kecorder shall prepare a general file of each meeting of the council, au which shall be entered tlie title or all onlhiancat. re ports, resolutions or oihur biutneis on I ho table, and any new bilnM that may be proper to bring before the council, : , ' RULE 33, Appointments of oltlcem otudllwby viva voce, and a majority of all the niemboreuf tho city council .nhall be decewary to constitute a choice, RUhKm. If the question under dobtto contain pvural points or propoHltlons. any muinber my have the nuie dlvidwl; but the merer of the qaentuin shall have (he right to designate Um which point the vote shall be flrct taken, RIJIJ; 35, A motion to adjourn ahal! be decided without debate, And shall always lw in onler, ex cept tliat when once put and voted down, it shall not be in order attain until some other business has intervened. , 1 - Hl'tiESR. The rules (he eoancllshaU be ob served iu committf of the whole to inr o HpplJ cable, except as to limiting tite lime of speaking, and except. &bo, that the ay w and nayKHhiilliioi be taken, - . :- RULE 87, In alt ctuen not provided for by thus; mien, the council shall be governed by tlie mle andpmcttcc m laid down in CuHhhia's "Law and Practifeof U-ftllative .Arsitiublief." HUId'. .No rule shallfie nupundd without the concurrence of two-lhtnU lim memta-H ot thecmmcU present, and no, additional rule or atnemlmettt haH be made without giving at toast two weeks' notice, and twothirdKof tlie members pmem concurring therein; rmvided. That no rale requiring unanimous eoneent thull be sus pends! by operation or thinnile. ttTLKSU, lipoii the final pafeMgn ofau nrdi nance It tbidl be enrolled by the Ktfconiijr pawed, hi a well bound book kept by him for that purpute, and then be prevented to the- Mayor aj te-iiiiTHl hy section 36 of chapter VI of the charier ol the city. Approved tins 14th day of Oct.. A. D W,. 31. A. Mili.ku, Mayor. Atlrat: fio. W. Cu:e, City Recorder, "For Hal." rf . 11 iiead calve.;, 7 fresh milk cowb ami cnlves, 0 brood murm 4 and five years old, 312 acres of land to rent or tor Side, inquire of lVten Si Garland, or A. Mlldmit at tarn 6 mho- wntb of : Settle lr, Al! purtnu knowing tliemwIveB in dt'ht to us are hyrnhy notified to mttv Mjnit oncouH we havt got to hnve our UlUltiV. I"'-:" ... :: . , HVAN BltOS. FOBTMILLER ft IRVING, DKAI.KI!-! IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, CAurrnv wall papf.i' axd lICTi;iij;FHAJIJ..ri. Undertaking a Social ty ALBANY, OKEOON C. E. RANOUS. I Carpenter & Builder.; AI1 Repairing & Jobbing Done on Shortest Notice. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY SJioo oji Main Street, Next Door to - Tailor yhop. ..; '."'pn'iii.i.-Mi-i" i.,; .ri,,..:.-.....,. h'n.-.-.n. ir .1. f. KA'U BAXKLHBAXOX, ; : ' X,EBANOK; OHEOOX . ; Transacts a Gsaeral Banking Business.. tliiCL'K. . . : - "Ese)ift.iMiNi New :i.Hd,: Vmuci; DALGLEISH i i . DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF F URN ITU RE . We carry a Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE and BUILDING MATERIAL. The Finest Linn of CARPETS Brought to Albany Collegiate Institute ALBANY, OREGON. September 9, 1891, Im 10, J) J, A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. 3BTSTATE D PLOM A S TO NOUMAL GRADUATES Four I)imrtinmit uf Study Collranle, Konnal, I!iiii'n, rrinmry. Typo-Writing ami fliort-imiid are iBiijrlit. Fur vataltigue mldrwia, Rev. ELBEKT X. C0NUIT A. M.. rresiilmt AlbanyFurnitureCo H. R. HYDE, l'roprietor. A Ft'LLUNEOK Furniture OF EVERY DESCJai'TIOX, And ALL KINDS of CARPETS. We make a sjiccia wcrt'il ui'flu or duv. ty of HALTI.M ALBANY. have a LARGE STf .. i Yard, in'ihc gsiblirb of Wwnoti,' Eor Kale ,af :Reas;)iialle Rales. AI1 kind cfmasonli - ! Awu A GREAT SLAUGHTER i i. '.. ; . a r r ; I s ! ! Lv hi 1 Lj 1j LjLLJJ L & EVERETT AND WALL-PAPER Ever Lebmmn. ... UNDERTAKING. Calls ans- OKI! M,OCK, OREGON. CK of f:j;.K K, for eale at my woik done with iiwitris aud D. W. HARDEN. nnn m I u GOAN'S. ok (-mi,i it. Rna w ww iiwiu i ,, , ' ' ,', ' 'i j MAIN b i Rfc.ii i ( : , . : - : .M,)niw.wiA!.c,ita"f ,,lH"Jl,P t: y .--' .V;