The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 23, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL V
One year..., -L 92 00
(If paid in uilviuKit, tft fio tr year.)
Six months tw. On
Tlire! inontliH , -..,., M
Siugta wiping...., ........... 8
0 1 .1 . stairs In Gay's Building
AMiiuty, Oreifiiu.
Will praetlw In all the eiiiirtK of tni Htu'te. ,
OUIee, bout HKinis nyur haitk of OreKon.
Attorney -at - Law,
Cu1IopUiiii l(leii mir '' .nirelnl KtU-ntlom.
Will iiruotulu all die minrto of the wle.
Botary Public ud Collecting Agent,
Jiwtliw of the l'isnoe. Lulnuum l'rotituct,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Heal Ettnlr in all Us brwiehrs.
; Ins. Co., of New York. "
1 , 1,110511 iiiol small Iraets or milt, farming, and
GriwhiK laii'ls.
Money to "ti i,,""si Jnip'"'Vftl
(llty Properly or Gullt-cdge notes dis
oim'n ttU.
. S;' H; CoYan,
Rn Elegant BiBphy
of MILLINERY jf all M
Kinds,' i ,:;; .-
-! Hats -trimmed "in the
- r
Health good except a (rw canes of
Sara Bawken and wife visited on
Fern Ridge on last Sunday.
Ben Wooden visited iti the suburbs
of Mountain Home Sunday last.
William Skeltons Public Sale on tbe
17th waBuoces., ',..
A little bird told ns that there would
be a wedding on Pern Ridge In the
Near Future,
Rev. Xlchols hold a protracted meet
ting tlit past week.
Some old Crank Farmer gives the
traveling Agent awful bard names,
don't atop to think that there are two
many people in the Farming business,
and then blurue tlieiu for choosing an
other way of making a living.
. I. C. UNO. '
Full rains are holding offso well that
wurk of all kinds in progressing rapid'
ly. Aside from the usual plowing for
the sowing of Full grain oomea the
gathering of the corn and beau crop,
tile cutting and hauling of the winter's
wood, etc..' Ho there is uo lack of work
to those -who are alive to the needs of
the situation.
Hunters have been quite plentiful
here lately, notwithstanding the many
"trespass notices" posted by farmers.
The game usually sought is the Ore
gon (?) pbeasan t, but some of the liu lit
ers si-em inutile to distinguish between
the pheasants and domestic fowls, and
,a a oouacquenoe Mr. Wm. Prine's
Mock of turkeys is not so large us for
merly. The location of the new school house
for Dist. No. 109 has beeu placed on
land donated by Ham Paul, near Crab
tree Station. The contract for the
building has beeu let to Mr. Joues, of
Albany, and work will begin at once.
Ot her prospective Improvements will
be noted luter on.
The family of Mr. Win. Elliott left
Us lust week for Eastern Oregon, their
future home. ,
Mrs, Rut Me CraWree and family
have moved into the bouse vacated by
Mr. Elliott.
Mr. George Glass and family have
moved Into the hitherto vacant house
of Mr. C. Gaines, on tiie North side.
The administrator's sale of personal
property of the lute . Jasper Crabtree,
oame off on Monday as pur advertise
ment. The attaidauce. was very good
anil properly brought a fair price,
Mrs. A. J. Rapp and Mre. 0. C.
Moon spent part o( Inst week in Port
land visiting the Exposition ami other
points of Interest, They report a most
pleasant liuiey and heartily agree in
tiie opinion passed by other passengers
Unit one travels fori her for the least
money on the "Canada" railroad than
on any other line, via: going back two
miles for every forward one.
The little two-year old sun of Marion
Crahtrue hud bis arm broken, by a full,
oil Monday afternoon, '
Buy you an acre Hi HnlsUns addi
tion and -build your wife a nice house;
Save rent and lie happy:
I)r, Lnniheisoii showed us a newspa
per which huNjitsI made its appi-aruuei
in Philadelphia, called "The. DaiU
Medical News."' It is. neatly printed
and would he a line paper for any doe.
tor to subscribe for.- . ' ' :
" Ill Y YOUJi '
Hahiavakk, Htovks axd Ranoks
,. 1KOJI ;
Albany, Ore,' ,
CnBell Proceeding.
Council met In regular aession on
Tuesday evening, all members being
The special committee of the whole
on Klkins' resolution reported, and it i
was laid on the table until the next
regular meeting. In the meantime
Mr Elides was authorized to procure
what assistance be could get.
W C Peterson, foreman of the fire
department, was present, and made a
report in regard to that department.
He was ordered to get one large hook
and ehane, and two small hooks.
Tbe committee on fire and water was
ordered to see that the engine was re
paired and in good working order.
Ordinance No 13, to protect the pub
lic health and to prevent the spreading
of contagenus diseases within the city
limits, was read the third time and
The following bills were allowed and
ordered paid: Cruson & Melizie. $39 75:
W C Peterson, $4 lo; H A Miller, f U t5;
uowingcros, fws;.
The council adjourned to meet-on
Wednesday night,
Council met pursuant to adjourn
ment, all members present except (j
W Cruson.
Ordinance No 14, to provide for and
regulate the grade of streets and alleys,
and the construction, improving and
repairing of sidewalks, was read the
third lime and passed.
Ordinance No 16, to license, tax and
regulate certain callings and employ
mew, and provide for the means of
issuing licenses therefore, was read
third time and passed.
Council then adjourned to its next
regular meeting.
Shooting At Lower Soda
Late last evening a man named At
kinson, who runs a boarieg house at
Lower Soda, came to this city and ap
plied to Dr. Davis to have a wound in
Ihe leg dressed.
He said that he had been shot in an
altercation with Wm. McKinnou, well
knowu in this city. His story is that
he was passing Mr. McKinuou'a place
on Tuesday morning, when the latter
came out of the house and hailed liitn.
He was driving in a bueklward, and
when he sloped McKinnon asked him
whul he threatened to thrash his Me
Kinuou's) boy for. Atkinson said
that he had not threatened to do so.
The oilier said that his boy told him
he had; Atkinson then suid that tbe
boy had lied; whereupon trouble began
Atkinson says thut MeKinnon came
after him with a stick or a club, and
struck him with it He retuened the
blows wUli a stout hazel whip-stock
McKinnou then drew a 88 caliber re
volver and tired at him, the shot tak
ing effect in the left leg,, just above Ihe
ankle He had remained in tbe buck
board, and when the shot was fired,
whipped his horses and drove away at
a rapid pace
. am.usuu wmo Ob IfllW III HUB CHV '
Ir ll.,.,lt.i,...l un uu..u I !tl I
V......V i.u, ituu j.c win n,icf
out a wan-ant for the arrest of McKlu
lion Albany Herald
In ilie circuit court at salem,' judge
Iioisu rendered a dieisiou declaring
unconstitutional .section 8of the fish
wau passed by the last legislature.
This is the "sawdust'' section of the
law to protect salmon and other food'
flsbe. Judge Boise declared it in 'con
flict with section 20 of the constitution
width says every net shall embrace
tun , .iil.i.t u.i.i..i. 1... .... lii lh..' tiil,. im Hm u..i 'Pi.;., i..
not the cuse with seel Ion 8., The decis
ion was rendered In the case, of the
ctate vs J.11I111 A Shaw for putting saw
dust In the at ,1ills City'.' The Saoti
am LunilxM' Ctinpany has already ex
pended about 3000 to prevent the inn
ing of sawdust into Hie riuer, Herald.
A warrent was sworn out before 1)
CavlileJ P in Corvallis Suturcuv,
,,,, ,r u o ,.n- ,,, ... , ,, 0 1 ' ' 1 0 -si .inmiuv, are iow situs-
h t RScnilord.ellyniai'sliall.iicen.,.:,,,.,,. ,e yttnug ,,, Wlj (tu,p
uig ji t, nut-oil, pi'opnelor or tne ouu
dav Meieurw of crioiina:! liinu in 1 .11 1
iisiiiiiit an 'artiole defamatory to his
character about two weeks ai:o 'I'Ue
sheriff armed with a warreuf for the
Mercury man's arrest proceeded to 1 , ,
Portland where the said Watson wu5 j r
tiikeu under his charge and taken to '1,000 to the Lick observatory forth"
Corvallis. He Was ai raigned and waiv purpose of publishing a series of cu
ed examination and was placed under lurged lielio-gravure plates of the moo t
MHi bonds to appear at the next eess- niadc from photogranhs taken with
ion of thecircut court.
Mrs. William Carotliers is very
sick with typhoid fever.
Mr. R. Hull has a fine lot of nice
sweet potatoes on hand. Call early.
Rev. M. C. Aldridge.of Browns
ville, was in the city Saturday.
W,: found E Ooau very busy to-day
Swan Broa are very busy putting In
pipes at the paper mill
We understand that a nice little
10-pound baby girl is a new-comer
at the residence of Robt. Michael.
Mr. ('. (;. Hackleman Is having his
shoe department fixed up in nice style,
making it second to none in our
Rev. Samuel E. Memlnger, pastor of
the M E church iu Albany, Is in town,
assisting in revival services at the M
E church.
Mr. P. J. Smiley, of Albany, spent
last night in town. Mr. Smiley is
foreman in the steam jeb printing
office of Mr. O.W.Cobb.
Mr. Isaac Coleman, a desirable citi
zen from Dakota, purchased a line lit
tle farm of Peterson & Garland to-day.
With every dozen photographs you
have taken at Dodsou Bros, you get
one large picture of yourself 8x10, with
frame This proposition is good for
two weeks only.
CAfclfi& Co have just closed a
sule with Ellis Allen for twenty acres,
at $60 ieracre. The land was a piece
of Mr Scott Wallace's hop farm, and
no doubt very cheap at $50 per acre.
W- J. Turnridge Is the gentleman
who has the neat stock of goods in the
postoflice building Mr. Turnridge is
late of Lucamb where he was in the
merchandise business, and is highly
spoken of by all.
Rev. Wallace was in the city
Saturday. He was en route for
Tennessee, where he goes to assist
Rev. Lamar in the protracted ser
vices being held at that place.
Revival services a e in progress tit
the M E church. The pastor Is assist
ed by Rev S E Memlnger of Albany.
A good interest is manifest in these
meetings. Good music. Gospel preach
ing. Services every evening at 7:80
Sunday at 11 aud 7:30, and next week.
Wm Davis, president of the Water
loo woolen mills company, paused
through town this week on lils way to
Waterloo, where he goes to build a
house to store the company's ma
chinery. He informs us that they will
begin to receive their machinery in
about sixty days.
Messrs. Walton, Wiley & McPhear
soii have moved their saw nail down
to the head of the Lebanon canal,
where they are now running it by
steam. They have a .nice lot of luui-
in hand. . . '
Eii.vai'il A Aiberlsoi). tile defaulting
cashier of the Fidelity Trust Company,
of Tiicnma, who was captured at Coiis
hay, after evading the officers of the
law for about three weeks, is now in
Ihecity He has been attlardinerover
month nursing wound Inflicted
when lie was captured with Chandler,
his iioconiphVe, by ji man named
Moore, a hotel-keeper atOnnliner Or.
euonian .
A wedding took' place in our
1 1lUCT 111110 mrS last Siunrlay about
k at the residence of the
bride I
s father, u. E. llrtrdv, J. 11,
Smith, of Tallman,sml Miss May
Hardy,' bcina the principals. Rev.
T. 1'.' Boyd officiated. Vicvernl fine
perscnts were given by their many
friends.- After the ceremony 11
nice Mippor was served, a
Chicago, Oct l)i-The brothers of
young William V Harrlsoii, who was
found dead in his room at the Wellimr-
. b pnotlz -d into eoiuhiiiling suicide ur
Miurilen il hy a mexiiMii who has
! ij city miller Ihe name of
iWiHimu Ellis and Willi whom vouu
j Harrison was supposed to be usi'jviutoil
in sonic iuler'sts'
the great telescope
NO. 33
Telegraphic News
Nkw Haven, Conn., Oct. 17. Hya
clnthe A. Ringrose, who claims to be a
nephew of Sarah Bernhardt, recently
went from this city to Boston to prac
tice law. He is the man who wrote
and directed to Cardinal Gibbons a de
fense of F ither McGlynn under the
title "of "The Poor Man's Priest."
Ringrose's first client was F. A. Roger,
who sought a divorce. Roger was ar
rested on a charge of stealing' a banjo
from Miss Eloise Robertson, a girl in
her teens, to whom Rogers said he had
been married. Ringrose defended
Rogers and fell in love with 1 10 girl.
He was so infatuated that be could
not cross-examine her, and the cise
was postponed. Last Friday he made
her acquaintance, rnai ingiiv ne pro
posed marriage to her aud to-morrw
he and Miss Robertson are to be mar
ried. TorEKA,Kan.,Oct. 17. Neanysixty
attaches of the Williams Sells circus are
stranded in this city. They have been
out all summer, but have received a
very small part of their wages. They
have continued to work In the hope of
getting a settlement in this city. The
crisis came when Sells wanted them to
join him in a tour of Texas with anotfc
er show. This they refused to do, and
in order to prevent Sells from going
they attached all his property. Yes
terday court proceedings began. The
men will get little if anything out of
the wreck. The utmost destitution
prevails among the unfortunates, a
number of whom have upplied to the
city officials for food and sheltet; Sev- -eral
of the men are dangerously 111
from exposure and lack of nourishment.
Washington, Oct. 17. The postmaster-general
is now preparing for
the establishment of a free delivery
service within the next ninety days iu
the following towns: Olympia, Wash.;
New Whatcom, Wash.; Laramie,
Wyo.j Riverside, Cal'.j Boise City, Ida
ho; Albuquerque, N. M., Port Town
send, Wash.
New York, Oct. 17. Deputy Coro-- , '
iter jeoKins tins morning performed
an autopsy on the body of Alexander -MnLeod
Agnew, found dead In his '
room at No. 24 East Twenty-first street
yesterday morning, and reported to ''
the coroner that Agnew had come to
his death by a self-inflicted bullet
wound. . :
Runeofiit by n IteautY
Frank J. Streibig, the well-kuowu
drdgglst, was;clcvei'ly buncoed out of
$4.99 yesterday noon by a demure lit
tle iady wilh soft, liquid eyes and a
silvery voice. The victim was riding
homeward on a Washington-streetcar,
and' as the conductor asked the falry,
like passenger for her fare, she handed
hitn u (!i gold piece.
"Can't change It now, I'm too busv." ;-
replied the conductor. 4
"It's all the nioicy I hnwyftnil J
must no home," pleaded the woman,
as big crystal tears came peeking .,
through her drooping lasle-s. "I T
nin-l "
"That's all 'right," interposed the
kind hearted druggist, as his hand '
went into his hip-pocket, ami br light
out a well filled purse, "I can change
it." .
Then Mr. Streibig handed tin? con
duetw four shining silver dollars and
with an anjolle "Thank you," the lady-,
dropped tiie gold plica Into Mr, Stvei
big's open purse. The wallet was ci ag
ed at once and reslwcd to the pocket,'
When the drujrgist reached home, he
found his youthful heir clamoring for
a 5 cent piece, ' Out came the piirse a- .
gain. It was opened, and the owner
beheld, instead of a 5 gold piece, a
pretty little 1-ceiil piece, and Mr. Hirel
ing says he wouldcn't know that
ly bunco sharp again were lie to meet
her face to face. Evening Telegram,