The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 16, 1891, Image 8

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    ,.p ....
Lebanon Express.
....J. A. HOHERT8.
1'Hlli SMITH.
mw1lnf 0. M. WBSTCAU
. , uos.ELKise. .
a. w.nmisfm.
City Council mwtoon the Brat and ttliirtl
Tuesday evnii'8HSJinch month.
City Drtlnwi No. 10.
AN OKDtNANCE tto provide for thejire-
ueirtion of llres,iand the protection of
pinoiu nd property endanger by
SECTION.!. That overy chimney or tuc
1 that may hereafter be louilt in any frame
buihlini; within the citjt, shall have wollfcof
arxxl quality of brick or stone at least hur
inches in thickness of ithe some material
a- " which sludl be laid In jjuod lintcmortarand
be plwtered therewith on the inside, and
when issinK through or near woodwork to
be plastered on the outside near and nea
to the wood; PaovmD, that when a chim
ney or flue is not commeiwid at the ground
, - 1 itshallbecomniencedonaaolidfoundation
i: and. PKOTiiaHi mantra, that patent chim-
V ncvs maT be ueed when denked. No tlue or
', chimnev shall be built whick shall have any
i joittts, or timber resting on or entering into
.tlwsamc. They shall be well secured and
aimlf extend jit least four Iret above the
I : : uwf of the building to which thejr art at-
$ . twlieri or belong, measuring from the place
. is jioint where each flue or chimney passes
through the roof of such building; ana
should such chimneys or flues be deemed
ttmati- to the buildings adjoining, by the
Marshal or chief engineer of the lire depart
ment of said city, they shall be built up to
such a height as may be deemed neceasury,
not to raceed tour feet above the extreme
height of such building or building adjoin
- fjFf "ft 0J 2, No amoke-pir or smoke-
atfk in any waaden building vrftl) woodeu
; v eiiiJiiijvsliai enter auy Aim unless
t floor ii. -.oluMrfvfc sliall ) Jit least
. sucn pipe t rjr)uWrwoaHlii(js
, eighteen mcnes iron, .. - .kjepjpea or
UIKl 111 U CUnra prt(,
BinoKe-stacKS pan i" 'M. 1r
j : tions of any una, nuki
' : plastered or not, they shall lie surioumletl
!' by a double collar of metal with at least 2
inches of air space and holesforventilation,
or bv ii soapstoue ring not less than three
inches in tliickuess and extendingthrough
the partition, or byusoliileoatingof plaater-of-paiis
three inches thick or by an earilicn
warciiuKtiireeinciiesthick. Nostove-pipeor
I any window, side or loof of any building.
J Koownei, jvwiirieior, Miriiilndeiit agent
'"X or occupant oi any building, or otlieroersou
' : using or engaging, or having control of any
Mflmt or nlanitifl-intU or factory of any
kind, or any fouudiy or mahine-shop, or ,
any othorestahlishment vflietc steam ixvkot
?'?'" a ii.d, shall use, or coiuinue the use of,
n:;tiiil;:ir; or erect any smoke-stack or chim
ney in connection with any establishment
. of less bright than twenty feet above thoml-
joining building or those adjacent tlieieto.
..5' All owner or ..occupant of any building
within li city limits in which there is a
ii ' emoke-nipe, chimney or smoke-stack or flue,
"v.;, shall .comply with the foicgoing' remiiie
V. rncnta, and also replace ai bad or dcl'cclive
f '. srookiMiack. smoke-pi(ie, chimney, or flue
?. ' .v. 'tl a PVW P'le when oidered so to do by
i ' thVity council. '
' ji(-'VI03. Whcnanyflue, smo'te-pipe
'L'.Vir.k or chimney shall be deemed
i. . ' bvinchicie-ip,'rof,ll';lire dt'''"r"'ent
; or till: Marshal .nusu'e. the JIafsnai man
,." nolifj in writing the owner or occuiwnt of
'if the building that the same must be fixed or
1 ta!wl or temoved wttbta five days from
( '- (t. cn keofsucb notice by the Marshal on
ueii i.c.son;ai:Uiflbepariy or pailies-so.
''"f.ff -.J-'no'li'mi shall ' l't in using any Hue.
em wi -i'ilie, chimney or smoke-stack which
Z-. .endioisen) tlie building W which H is at
tuciiwi or liehmga or odjoinhig bulldintft,
W the Marsha! shall cause the same to lie re
'h raited or icmoveil, all the cunt of such rc-
moval wtaii ue w "
1l,c owner or oi such building.
si;t TIO! 4. .So sievc-pi; shall ,du
- wiihin lewthantwo etot'nuy wooden wall
' or oloih ('iiriiiiiin or wall, unless such wall
is fully protected by Hu twzinc plates fasien
cd I hereon or Ijetweeu such sove-pii and
sticli call: and all person! "sing (ire in
stoves sluiil cause to Ire placed under such
stiiv... .incur other rion-iiitubnsluilc ino-
.lulii-ii-nt to p' olect tlie Hour irom lire.
TfdS 8. It shall be unliiwfdl for
cr.'on 'o deposit any galpa k any
u mrnti of " ''c "'sirin tlie
, ,;(.iOsii tiicin in any place on tliei.'
oilier p.-dtiiisos, that will lie nearer
-n fcot of any woodwork, v
tif :i.''
' " "T-iXH, .Sl:Y JiClTOll iiiakiitftf'rusifit'
jia .hull at tbc ciim- of m:h itoy,
: ' t'' -w;e te be saffiv tHouA or depos-
5' jt'-' i!-saic froin fiie. ; All bay,
S ,,,-iitlicrooiiibuiWc itiawnial tvittiin
j I ,1,','','. ; shall be ftorcd so as in In!
.? i. f i. (. iii-c. it-ii wilCii not so &,oit-4 the
v-. .jf.,...:.; ;jit;H i:it'fr tiic icimnal of tl.c
"-'. : ;r,i:e the tiiiuc to :l.e i-i-vniivci! or
"'ii ,'1'. ii., in lire, ami at the expcusa of
' .. m.!: u i lti'iiil may lie. Nof.'.vncr or oceii-
,- i.... , ,; . ..i-.y livery !ttilih-in aii: city, shall
-.' !,','- i, i:-:l!' or u:u' i Ms eiAfloy. '''
tseted by a lantern. KostrMniia laid city
shall bare pit, or keep, any aramor hay in
stacks or ttflea without haefaui Aha same
enctoaed or ncured so as tm uitatt it from
lire, and Hfaas sparks of Hn.
SECTIONS. Spark arrMianiari catchers
hall be ulanad on the tops of atliahimneyi,
inoke-pi(ies,iflues and stnataB-atadto of any
steam uoiBrr steam engine within the city
limits whend'iemed necessary fcmUtesafety
of the atfjtiiniiig property, bf Urn Mty Mar
shal ami ehiel. engineer of the flsn deatrt
ment of the, city, at the exinae of the
owner or pewon using or ill the, control
thereof. Taejilarshal and chief engineer of
the Are department or either of tfceru shall
at all timea lur'e the right and authority to
enter at aeawiable hours, any tuildlng
within the city for the purpose of lnajteeting
the arrangeinent of the same as to itsisafety
from taking oriconinmnicating flreiou ac
count of any dalectiveHue,chimney,anioke-
pi I or unokeataek tliereiu or cointected
therewith and fa ascertain whether ar not
any of the provisions of this oniiiuiiwc are
being violated tii'irem. :
SECTION 8. lit shall lie the duty ofumch
fireman In said ei'y to notify the eliiafien-
gineer or marshal of every violation .of
this ordinance which may come to bis
knowledge. ..
SECTION 0. Ti'iat every person wiu
shall willfully and maliciously moke any
false alarm of lire, .shall, upon iconvieUoii
thereof before the Bcorder'B Court be fined
not less than J20 nor more than $100, or he
imprisoned not less titan ten.days nor more
than titty days in the city jail, for each and
awery ottence. 1'aovtusii, that one-half of
any fine collected for the violation af-thi
section shall brpuid by the ltecorder.fu tlie
leeson matting the complaint.
8ECTI0N 10. All buildings hereafter
creaUHl within tlie city limits to be used
for public assemblies, in whole or in part
sbaU have doors that are used for the in
gress and egiess of tlie public, to iho portioi:
so used for such assemblages, so construc
ted tlmt they shult open outwardly or in
wardly, and in no case, shall they be so con
structed as to oiK'ii inwardly only, or .to
slide, and all such buildings hereafter to' lie
altered for the use of public usscmblugfc
shall ho made to confotm to tlie require
ments of this seciioti. And all buildings
hereafter elected, aliered or changed, and
intended for the above pit poso shall have
the main aisles live feet and passages at
least tluec feet wide.
HKI.'TION 11. No person shall keej-
within the limits of said city between Maple
K'et on tlie south and Vmesiieet on die
nnvn fi'd1 boeondS'Teet on tiie west and
Park s.iec " " 100 K11'
Ions of ke.-ose,? diennine t lift kept in
metallic cans or tanks. .
KI-'CTION 12. No wi shall keep for
iirivutc use in urv lmuM! in il'c pry of I-eba-
lion, more than iwo pounds of pin jowder
at any lime; and no istison doing business
in the cuvof Ubnnon, shall keep lor sale
in'any attire, house or warbfOfllll, or place of
business, except in a fim-proof ImllilliiS'
elected fov that pe'jKwo, moie! 100
tnnnda f. nMaer'at any oue.inicjaild
such powder shull lie kept hi nicUillic cans j
or kegs near the entrance of such house or
jilaceof business convenient to access, in a
secure tin or sheet iron bo", plainly maikcd
on the upiiersidc in letieis not less tlian 8
iiicfcs long "Oun-I'owder," and every ier
soii keenig iiowdcr iti a s.o'e "or sale, shall
reiim-t :o the eii'i-cei's' iccr aii(ithcio,e'iutii
of each lirecoinoany, the eracii Imdi y tif
theame a-id wheie it is krit, a id be slia'i
not ipuve ilie same, unless ttte'l, ivViont
the consent of tliech'ef'cngitieci. , . ' "
8ECTJ08 13. The chief. Teng'ncer ami
assistant engineer and the chy Marshal ai-c
veil'." cd -osce tl'at the lenuWemeiii.s nud
p-ovisions of tliis o.d'iinnce are enibiccd, :
and to make complaint i'l tlie Kecorncc's
court for all vio'ations thereof.
SECTION' U. AI v!le;ln of this ordi
nance shall be deemed it lnisdeniejitor, and
all jwioona convie'ed die eofbejoro the Ke
cortlci's court -shall Ire lined' not less than
JlUnnrmiBulhanllOOuflic ituiisoned in
the city jail no!, less than S days nor more
than 00 days. . "'.'
BKC'noN 15. All o dl-ittnct-s and parte
ol'oni unices in conllici herewnh uve hcie
by ro'iealcii. ,;
riEC'I'ION' Hi. This ordinance shall M
in full force mid eii'cct from null aucf iti
p,nimil liy ilie mayor;
Appiwed this Utli day ofOct., 18M.
M. A. Miu.kb,
' :" ... Mayor,
"Geo. W. Ilicn. City llccorder.
Buy vim nn aon- in Ualnltmn ndJi
tion inifl -bulla your wife a nice hutiMv
Httvu runt and In- liulMiy:
flAltllWAKE, Btovks anu Kawh
Ailiany, Oif.
The M. E. narsonaire wits movt-tl
buck yi'Btiirdtiy to make room ur
tl nife new -one tilo . built nt
once. '. ;.,..' .; ,; v.s' . :' ' . ',
Urn Joy Mouly, from the vincini'y
of Lower rjoila, i jit the t'ily viniling;
friends. "
J. K. Wtttthwfnrd.oiic of Allni
iiv'b most in)iiiiii!iit tittorm-vii, k
Mr - Statthewt, of the firm ot
MaUSiewa & Waahburn poptflar
mre8iant! of Albany, was in town
kit evening anl returned hon
thu ft. n.
Rem. J. R. Kb-kpntrlok returned
home (thia tnornlng after quite an cc
tended visit to frleiras and relutlveaiin
the Jyone Star State.
Mr. Thorp who has been '111 far
some tame at the Buar Reaturant la u)p
and araund today. -
We observe that-the new post offlee
building: owned by wur effivlenc poat
muster M II ler Is havlrtg annu fl ue shelv
ing done In that bulldttifr, title looks like j
buaineea. f .
M A Miller today sttld two mure of!
those flneilnta In his addition.
Mr. John Marslinll, sue of our pio
neers and well t do ttttriiior, was lit
town tfwiaal
W. C. jiiterBon, olikjf of Lebanon
Are departnaout, is having the engine
" trd of Llvlisai. .
On last Saturday at abtwit 6 o'olock
p. M. nur little town was thrown Into
considerable excitement by Andingtlte
body of Fred ltatau hittiKing stisieiid
ed with dish town Is in the store risim
adjoining tlie Star Ilestiiurniit.
Almnt eleven o'tihaik ur. RisUtu went
into this riMim where the bakery is, and
tat he wed coniplululug of not Ri'llng
well they never thought anything of
Itie not coming out until Inle when
they had snpicunc pry a plunk on" to
see what he was doing, an he had luck
ed the dtmr when he entered.
Mr. Ristuu twine to tills pint about
Muy, and sometime in June lie and H.
E. l'lirrish funned cn-purtnera and
opened tlicHtur Hcaniuriuit with which
lie was connected nt the time of his
death. '.''
Hu was thotipht well of by all who
knew him, was quiet and attended
strictly to ItiK own IttiHinesR itnd had
but little tosav, and there la no cause
known why he should commit suchiin
act He left ft note written tit (ienuan
which read nafnllowH! "lain tired of
living. nu will llnd $lfi In my Mk
ct fur buriul exM.'nscs. Make them as
li;lit as pisrtilc, Hee tlmt my body is
ttot usetl fur dissecting purposes."
Assisin ax he was fiiuntl, Coroner
t'ltrrcll was notified ttntl nrrlvcd here
ulmiit 111 o'l'lu-k mill then attuiiuniied a
lnrv coiisistHing of Mitm'l M liiirhnid,
l'lnl hmltli, J (; (.iiirdvn. John uiivor
null K h . .olierta lit lbsilli was the
I'xiiiiiiiiniR plivsicitu and rupnrtcd Hint
the dtHs'iisetl tstiiie lo his dcnl.1i by dis
1 i. ii t i in nf tlieivertolirtu, The jury found
their verdict '.in acoorthiiitte witlt (he
doctor's oxaiitiiiittloit ttud tllttt tlie div
ci'iiwl vmimittted suiclilo.
On Monday Dtr Llverniore of Oregon
City arrivcil in town to tnko uluirge ef
tlie hotly He lms the following to any
tllxiut Mr lilfitau
Fred Il'iMtiU Cftine to Oont!BO, 111.
iu and 'was with mc two aene
ous iimikmif" his hnme with me
most nf the fyme. lie cumo, tti my
hmist; nt Orlmm City AtiR. 2!W,
IHH'.l, ant hfis hcon with mo mtwt
of tlio time iinuo -until last Mny,.
whon ho cuiife'tn X,obnnoii, Pwd
litis eviir Uwi man of industrious
haliita MitI of -good morals. Wo
haVo rcetirdod,- Fred ur one of our
own lid rogrut hi untimely
dentil. N. J. LiVKii.MiiuB.
Bcttle I Ji. .
All partita knowing tlieiusclves In
debt to u tire iireby nntiW A to settle
up til. once an w htivc got to liuve out
money. ., . : j
V Swan linos.
Und2-t5kiln? a Specialty
- c. e.'ranous,
Carpenter & Builder.
All KindB KepatririK & Jobbing
Done on Shortest Notice.
Shop on Main Street, Next Poor to
1 aiior bnop.
J. I,.
v i ----- '
Transacts iJb&M BantfBl B
A.CC0UNX3 KEIT ;jL.ii.;i;C
: : ' "' i' iOHKCK. '.;
iili-liaiiae wf ton Kt
,1, ami fortlaftl m4
a Vfirh.Smi rrai
liftiny, 1 ti't'itoii.
We carry a Full Line of
The Fibwot Line of CARI'ETS
Brought to
Albany Collegiate Institute
September 9, 1891. s June 10,
A FuH Corps of Experienced Teachers.
Four bi)mrtniniita oi Bltitlv ('ulli'ttinli:, Nornial, Ilusinoss, I'ninary.
Typo-Writing and Kliort-hunil are taught. , For tstalogtva atidrvaa,
Rm. ELI1EKT X. CONDIT A M President.
H, R. HYDE, Proprietor.
We make a ppociulty tf .UNDJiUTAKING. ('alls aim
wortjd night or duy.
1 hove a LAROE STOCK oi' BRICK, for salt), itt 'my'
in the siiburbs tt Jjjbamin, i'or .Sale at lfetttioiiaMe ;
Hates: - A)
1 of iritiwiii'rt
) ill) 1 I f) I ) f P t fl f 1
!: . '.. " :-'..':' . ..' " ; " v-.:-.''.
rT0l,,: ,.v ilvUiH;b.
. .'j.nU '.4t l-V. ;l '-.1 -.1 i.''.'.'.! -"it; -Hi- ...'-4"
' jiJiauyi .UN'I;!.".'.'.;.: ,:V;.,:.i'i''.; .1 ' . " -''. ';:'; ; :
!''' CT. - - 1 I ,."J1M'1' I
vcoik tioiie with tieutncHs and
in tlie city lo-iiav mm 15 mnuuriuitg
i; i;i:,i '' or " "
X ''' '. .1""' " ' '"' ". .n' 'i "