The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 16, 1891, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY. OCT 18 1891.
iW-Aililltkmul UiciiIh on ilmt pagcM
Go to Bach ' for choice groceries,
Mr. Powning one of the firmnf
Downing Bros, iiaw mill wa in
the city to-day.
' l' M. French, the Jowulor, Albany,
Mr. James Eimthen of Salem is
in the city to-day, :
W. H. Booth M. D. hyniclnu and
lurgennXelmiwn Oregon.
Rev. Jucka hm returned after aehort
stuy from our city on pastoral duties.
For bread enll at the Star restaurant.
Mr. Thou. Price, the contractor, still
want some more team.. He h paying
J3.50 per day for good team".
A. A. Kees our popular Dnlryninn
has Just returned from Portland where
lie has been spendlnga week attending
the Exposition.
Crawford Paxton of Albany, are
making Cabinet Photograph for the
low price of $1 60 per dozen. Call at
their Gallery and see them when In
Albany. ,..
See Cruson A Monde's Tlmol by seed.
" Insure your house with Peterson &
Garland: .
l More matrimony. We have a good
' tip that there will lie a wedding In our
little burg-next Sunday this is the
town whore young people believe In
two hearts to beat us one. "Good taste."
Overman & Hunter the leading
harness and saddlery dealers, Albuny.
We learn from Dr. Court no- that
Mm. Follls, who bus been 111. some
time, Is getting along nleelj.
Mr. Samuel Stringer, .of Southern
Oregon, arrived from Grant's fuss
Tuesday. He Is a nephew of E. String
er, residing near Lebanon.
Mr. John- Burkhart bus his residence
near completion and will move Into it
before lonjj.
( llenn und fresh grass seeds at Crusou
it Monde's.
S. P. Bach keeps n line of boots and
shoes us well us Brownsville woolen
Son-loos ill M. E, Church next Sun
day at 11 mid 7:M o'elnek, Sunday
school nt 10. Kpworth Iieugue nt 3.
"you are lnvivlted to attend nil these
Hon, 1'. C. Hansard left H'edncsdiiy
for an extensive visit to his old home
: Mr. J. B. Cownn one of ourtliriv
ing fanners met with quite an ao
. cidout the other day. While hand
. ling Homo cord wood a piece struck
him in the forehead making quite
a wound. We understand he is
much better.
Miss Bcllroio Kirkpulrick returned
home this evening from Albany where
she lms ticcii visiting her sister Mrs.
A. (. Proust sawed 11 J cords of
wood in one hour and forty-five
minutes. . This is nt tlio rate of
''about 00 cords for 10 hours' work
at the same spued. I tell you
those steam saws run by practical
men are right in it. :
The Baptists will dedicate their
house Nov. 1st. Rev. C. M. Hill, stale
; missionary, and other .ministers from
abroad will lie present. Preaching at
11 K. M., S I'. t. and 7:30 !', M. . There
' will be a basket dinner at the church..
All are invited to attend these services.
The meeting will continue two or three
Home one took a large lot of advertis
ing cards belonging toutriivellingmaii
representing ljiRKCtt& Myers, a tobne-
co Ilmi of St. Louis, and very careless
ly distributed them in a maimer not to
lie appreciated by the geiit lvniau own
ing the curds..
H. P. Fogle, representing tlie,Al
btuiy Herald, is in the city to day.
W. W. Bock, well known iti this
county ns a prominent real estate
.dealer of Seattle, was in the city
: tsday. ?!V.:.:iw'
. The M. 15. Churoh will begin revival
services on October 18th..
Dr. H..A. Lenlngen, dentist, of Al
luvnyi will be in Lebanon every Thurs
. day, beginning Oct, 15th. .
Mr. Huston, dealer la pluuds and iw-'
gans ir Siileiu, was In the city jester
' day. . .,
Mrs. B. F. Sard well' and child
arrived from the Sound last .Sat
urday, Mrs. Bard yell is the daugh
ter it .vr. r.d Wf. J. (j. To?-1,
'!" - ... ". "" .
' (".--'rf--.-: "
other lornl mutter on fifth name jm
8. P, Bach (fives 18 cms. for pound.
3r. C. A. Znhn makes hls-wn taffy
which is flntrolass.
Remember your twine aocmnts come
due at Cruson A Menzle's . I, 1891.
Some of the toys have been hunting
In the mountains and report! fair suc
cess This is-fine weather anwl all pub
lie improvements ehouM: progress
I. A. Bennett, our popular S. P.
depot agent is meeting his many
friends to-day with a smile worthy
of mention, and from wnat we learn
he is daly rewarded for his plea'
antnoss, as we understand there
has been a fine baby boy sojourn
ing at the Bennett residence since
some lime during the-night, we are
informed that mother and child are
doing well at present speaking.
When in Albany call and see Hop
kins Broa. They are the sole agents
for the celebrated Superior cook stoves
and ranges, the world's best.
When in Albany don't fail to oall on
the Ladles' Baaaar. They have the
finest lot of Millinery goods ever
brought to the valley.
F.M. French, Jeweler, Albany, keeps
mige uuu uufuoiiae siocK or spectacles
ana eye glasses, and flts them by
"Johnson's patent eye-meter."
F, M. French, leweler. Albany, will
give you the benefit of the big cut n
waicnes. van ana examine goods and
get prices., , -
It takes cash to run the hardware
business and Cruson & Menzie want
your undivided attention.
Peterson & Garland can still give on
easy terms a desirable building lot in
Mr. J. C. Bilyeu accompanied by Mr.
Itobt. Blandhurd both of Brownsville
are lit (he city they are returning from
a trip from Mr. Bilyues brother Lee
who hue been sick but is mueh better
at present,
C. A. Zalin curries a fine line of no.
tions and confectionery. Give him a
When in town call at the variety
store, Kirkputrlek's building.
If you wish to ereot a monument
oyer the grave of any of your relatives
before next decoration, cull at once and
get. the reduction in' prices now oll'ereii
hy K. W. Acbison & Co., Albany Or.
When in Albany cull on Will &
Stark, the lending jewelers olid watch
makers. Will & Stark of Albany have the
tlnest slock of clocks and watches ever
brought to the velley.
Will & Bturk, the leading jewelers,
Albanyi Oregon.
When you want a nice gold ring, call
ou Will & Hlark, Albany, Oregon.
Mr. James Whitley who is in the
employ of Mr. Jjonoca met with quite
an accident Tuesday wnilc buikliuga
bridge caught bis hand between some
heavy limbers and mashed bis hand
very aeverly. He came to town at
once and had Dr. Booth dress and at
tend his hand, and says he feels very
much better at tins speaking.
Stowe vs. Hanson. While Christy
Martin Hanson and A. F. Stowe were
enjoyinga friendly bout scuttling last
night C. 51. fl. got bis leg broken just
above .the ankle, and he is not a very
greedy person either, for in Interview
ing him this morning he said he only
wished he bad got his neck broke.
After receiving his injury hist night
he was removed to the St. .Charles
hotel. D.r Booth w as at once dispatch
ed for and set the broken limb, and
ludgiug from Hanson's conversation
the Doctor did au excellent job, for
Hanson says he will be up and about
in a week. That's good work, Doctor,
It is said to be a singular fact that a
country boy will succeed in the city
alid become a parlgcr In our largest
linns nuu-h ol'tener than a boy born in
Sew York. The great secret of the
success of the average country boy is
bis perfect willingness to be Useful and
to do what be is required to do and do
it cheerfully, and, secondly,1 they do
their work well. A city boy. has many
acquaintances, country boy none,
mill the latter is not called to stop and
talk when sent out by the merchant.
Dry Goods Chronicle, '
' TheLodies' Bazitniyof Albany, keeps
clonks for Ladies, Misses and Children.
When In Albauy oall and see them. 1
For the next sixty days we will sell
tombstones and monuments for 5 per
cent less than our regular price. If
you need anything in our line, give us
call. IS. VV. AuHiaoM & Co.
Fifty bushel of seed client. Apply
lo(i. . . Wi. 'ikeu mold Le'igltt farm.
Ihe little child of Mr. and MnOay-
km ivnox a lea uiio-a.h. bout4oM.k
The child was nine months old and
wehlpped by Its. parents wh are
heart-broken over tfae less of tbefe- be
llied child. Them many friends Join
them In mourning-the loss of t-Httr llt
tlUnfant. We understand the Burial
will take place to-day at the- Knox
Butte cemetery.
A dispatch trom Yaquina says
tibat quite a serious accident hap
pened to Joe Brgs, a son off Thos,
Briggs, living, near Cape- Foul
weather, Monday. He was clJtaning
winchoter magazine, and, got the
Iiwu inBiouuu in ue c-arrei. AS he
was unable to remove it, he thought
ha, could shoot it out. . Putting
j some powder iaa shell he; made
the attempt bt instead of the
nod going tiie firing-jin was
blown back, strik-ing his cheek
bone under t&e right ye, and
enteriug the- head afeout four
inches. Dr Warren, of Newport,
was hastily sum-monea who re
moved the piece, fit last account '
Mr. Briggs was resting easily,
with a fair chance of recovery.
Yesterday George Harris and
Frank, his brother, wio live about
three miles from Scio went out in
to the foot hills about fifteen miles
from the town to hunt deer. They
camped and after dinner went out
in search of game. 1 George killad
one deer and was following after an
other which he wounded when an
other passed athwart his path. He
immediately proceeded to shoot at
this one when his gun exploded fil
ling his eyes and faceful of powder
and burning his eyes so that he
could see but little. He called to
his brother but could not make him
hear and after a tedious trip he ar
rived at camp. They then set out
for home on horseback, where they
arrived at midnight. Today they
came to town when Drs Davis and
Maston proceeded to repair the
damage. Georgewillnot be in good
shape for some time. Democrat.
C. A. Zabn, our enterprlsiug "notiod
mau" has fresh roasted peanuts at all
hours of the day. We gratefully ac
knowledge the receipt of a sample of.
his goods. Mr. z,uiin Keeps up with
the times. We hope his new cuter
prise will be a success, as it deserves to
be. ,
The grape crop of Jackson county is
not up to the average, $o far as quality
is concerned too mueh cool, damp
weather this fall for rlpeuiug.
Thomas T, Turner, of The Dalles,
who went to Jacksonville in the hope
of regaining his health by a change of
climate, died there lost Thursday.
J. B. Bullivan, the well known Echo
resident, who came to Umatilla oouu-
ty in early drys, died Thursday night
at his home in Echo after a short ill
neBs from pneum on
Go to 8. P. Bac . ' es.
OurTrl ,
The first of thi -, , a
quick trip to the eounty-nal, more for
sightseeing than anything else. A
mo'ng the first tilings that caught our
eye was the large display of Superior
stoves, both cook and heater, at Hop
kins Bros.' and of course we had j to
stop, and before we knew it we were
the happy purchasers of one of the
best. The price was the lowest and
the stove first-class in every respect.
Hopkins Bros, are the people. When
in Albany call and see them and see
whether you want to buy or not.
Fruit growers ill Josephine county
have disposed of their apples at sixty
cents a box. .'
- Sate and Races.
On Sat., Oct. 17, we will sell to the
highest bidder 35 head of trotting and
draft horses, also several bend of Jer
sey cattle, including the standard bull
"Gov. Woody." We will givo a trot
ting race for all road horses owned in
Linn Co., to be trotted on that day,
mile heats, two best out of three, for a
purse of $8. J5 entrance fee will ha
charged and added to the purse, the
whole to be divided into 1st 2nd and
3d money. Entrance fee -to accompa
ny each entry, which will close Oct.
16th. A good luucli counter will be on
the ground.
JIAcKnioht Bmos.,
." . Tallmau, Or.
. "I or Snlf." .
11 lioad calves, 7 Crash aiilk cows and
oalvea, 6 brood niaros 4 and five years old,
312 news of land tu rent or for sale, inquire
of Peterson t Garland, or A, MiWredt, at
tr - tl "entli o." ;.cU- -ni.
Eadies'snd Misses' Shoes,
Gents' and Boys' Shoes,
Gents' and Boys' Boots,
Fresh Groceries Arriving Constantly. ;
g&See the New Line of Hats for Men asd boys.
Everything' in Staple Dry Goods.
L. !:. JIT; AI?fS
Alscan Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor
ing Department with Frst-Clfts Tailoring.
Industrial Eositio
With its World of Wonders
Opens Sept. 17. 1881. Closes Oct 17. -
direct from the CITY OF MEXICO.
Art frm the great masters of Europe' and America', valued
at a quarter million. dollars.' -- Wonderful Electrical Adaota-.
turn's in full operation, A Splendid seriesof Mineral Ethibtts
Every Department filled with the
Novel and Interesting in ART,
A Greater Number of Exhibits than ever bel
, presented upon the coast.
, ' FEATUKE. $5,000 IN PREMIUMS. .
The largest Display of Fruit and the Finest exhibit of Ag
griculture ever made in the Pacific Northwest, . All nmnu"
factures in full motion.. .- Everything New. No Dead
Admission as usual. Greatly Reduced Rales for round
trirvon all nwRTr li'iep.