1 mMpi TIRED 0NE3. T Bo tired; Sich wpary mmlii'in, Invp Inspired Dut worn wltlt lovc'H (lumiinds Until ttw tiiliiiillim IihiiiIr Falun nhovM Hu'lr ttwkti, nml stay - Wlillo wlilt pray. Ho ftpiMtt, uwlmtn; On pnartl hIhivimw'Ii llttlt one Ah though ew-hilylug day CnrrltrU nit tired nmttiem fur away , From their fowl world, utul bo Tln?y fain would m BOHt t.0 IHVC'H It'UKl Irl'lMUt A oliiltl oliwpfil to tilt! Iwiutt. fin vmry; ttnnptaK low A bote HW(Ht, KlwpiiiK fi'u wi whim the jjlnw Of twiiltrhl fwlfH. Inlt, nut mo tired iut tliuy Who liuvc no airtt nil day For lowrl ninn, ymiiiK or old; tin olwtoks to toitfh With lwn, iw thi'y Blc'p.or sucb Ih'iir rlt'lnt) iw lovn hrinn Dtwur Until dliulcni of kinip. Tito wciirii'gt liand In empty, havloK im command Of lovliic HpH, no mre ol nn or youth; , No lipt to cull fur It, In triitn. From purple dawn till night no wealth to hold Dwurci' tlum rmti'd gold, (teorife KIIiirIc In Prank LesHo't, A SEASON'S SENSATIONS, SARA BERNHARDT AND PARIS TRIUMPHS. HER I AT THE LADIES' WINDOW. A i'Aly I'oittinuHttir TnlU A limit Hi Harm It TIneK Somo of the Good. Tim iifwttiiiiutor nt nun nf thn Miriw rrrpfit vitim tliut pmi!tical!y cnmpw Wow York ; buwwhh titui popularity she has played wnx Btvtkon to bv the fatlior of a modest 'lieniblno in Huuumarchairi' "Mamajre A RrliElit AmerlonEi Burleaquer Who In nln!K Urnmt Popularity Throughout ThU Country Ndll Brink and A(cnen lv, , A niece of 8ara Bernhardt Is one of the late aeiiMitions of the Paris stage. Her name is lirnek and nl.e has taken the 1' reach capital by storm, so to ptialtK. Mademoiselle ftruck has all tne attri buteof physical and mental perfec tion superb rows of pearly teeth, a marvelous complexion, adorable eyes which soern to change color as one gazes into them now soft blue, now dark as night a cultured mind, exquisite tuste, talented to the tips of her shape ly hunds, a voice that sounds like a silver bell, and, to crown all. the honor of being Sara Hernhardt's niece. After currying off the first prize at the Conservatoire, Mile. Hruck made her debut at the Comedie-Francaise. Subsequently and with ever-growing flKKIOUS PA NO Kit ThroiitPiiK ovrrv mini, wfrnmn or child Uvlnjc in tt rejffoliof (totiiitrv where fever rihI tttfue Ik prev alent. nini'0 the (forma of mRlwrlitl (IIhchhc itre in hnlcd (rum the Mir hikI Hrc MWMllowefl from the wutcr nf hiieh region, Medieiiml hf(!guard Is iilpwiliitely iiecefwiiry to nullify thin (Itmger. Ana meHiiHof fortifying and tiecli muting the ttyHtein my iih U be Hlile bi reuiHt the nmlnri al pukon, Hok U'ttcr's HUiirmch Itltfew lb lwoinimnioly the het mid the numt piipiihir.. Irregiihiritiiti of the Htoimich, liver itnd howcln encourngc nuilnriu; hut thew h- speedllv rectified hy the Bitten. The fimetioiiH ot digCMlion nml HecrelioiiK urc hh ntwtPd hy ItH u Wf, and u vigoroii hh well hh regu lar condition ol tint HVHtem promoted hy it. Con Htitut lon inid phyiqiie are thus defended HgnitiHt thu hirmtdH fit iiihIhHu IiV thiM nilltehleNh Y'Tt- ventlve. which i hIho r certiiln hih! lliorongli remedy lu the worst chbgh of intennittent ami remittent fevers. VTIUI vim rnntt the m-fntint of tho biff hone raw yenterdHy? Y No; J am not iiequaliitert with the liuidptiipc. HKIOi:U ABOUT BV A F KO SCRIP - T1VK TABOO. young girl, but u little inclined toward rebel lion hewuwo forbidtlen t4i oorrospotid wTth a young man of bur .acquaintance. Tho par ontH, MHiing uo more letters come to the house, mipiHjwd tholr duiightor wus all obe tlimicrvbut she had tiontawwd that buo was still ex(!hnnging letters. "Wall," said the Hwtmiifltert "there it is URttin that mitanic ludion1 window. You do not begin to appreciate iho lmrm It doex. But what can we duf Thore uuiHt be a window, call It what you will, whore men and women and boys and girls luivhig no pormaiiunt ad dross cun cull for letters addruwed limply in tho cure of the ixwtotlleo, It is ncccsBury and roiwI that tho convenience Im kept up, my dir sir. The clerk at that window in this otllceiK trying to hmn tho harm of that window, a 'id what ho Is doing has my ap proval, but every such utlort in unwurninUxl ut low, Ho Buys to tho glrla and umiTled women who givo different imnies to different persons m thoir own names; 'You ;un have the ItittoiM fur Hurah HUiwart, but you must always le Uarah Htowurt after this, if you take LlnMn. You cannot come, to-morrow and auk for letters for Haruh Watkins.1 Ho does that, and he holds back lota of tatters, but he luw no ri.it to. In your rnliitive'B cane, if alto ut uudur ago and her jxironts or guardian tiHkusnottn deliver lotti'rs to hop wo can hifld them back or deliver them to her ciders, but nil the women who urn of uge can keep on mlKtutiiiK tho government's xurvice, and there iH no lawful way to atop thorn." Tho Indite' wiudttw also accomplishes good In many canes. Woman are apt to muko conttdantM in the strangest miartvrs, and the constnpiuuco is thut tho grizzled meu at those windows hour many queer things when the ml lorn are few and there is time to talk and to lixtcit. Ono of them conililences wan that j of a sod visnged wile who UHtied that her : letters never on any account lie given t anyone else, "iHwatwe," she said, "thoy bring me the only money thut sLuikIh between starvation and my children and me. Aly husband does not work, hut drinks up all 1 can earn with my needle, even collecting my earnings before I can go to got them. -My brother in the west sends me what he can spare, and with that I make up the rent nml get food and clothing for my little ones. X do not want to desert my husband, but be must uever know of this fxtra money thut I get." Then there are the women who aro secretly en gaged or even secretly married, who tell the man at tlie ladies' window all about why they have token tho stop, and what terrible coustHpionceB would follow if it were ever found out. "I toll you this, though I have never toid any one else," one of tamn ex claimed, "because I must tell some one. I had to talk to some one about it, and I oonie to you, because you are the one 1 get his let-! tors from." One young woman on securing 1 a regular weekly letter remarked one day to thedlork: "What a Jolly row there would be if my folks knew 1 was getting these let ters. My sister lias married a (Jhristiun, and we are Jewish, you know, Hhe has been re nounced by all my family, but Hhe and I keep each other iMWted every week, for she is my sister just the same, and all she did was to marry tho man she was fond of, after all." Thus the ladies' window lends itself to the best ns well as to tho weakest and tho worst Impulses and motives, and thus, bo far as any one can foresee, it must continue to do as long as postotlices are public institutions, The Murk of Our OlmoH. It seems foolish for a murderer to bear about with him a proof of his guilt, but do we not curry with us the marks of our crimes, whether they are great or small f Tho girl who .is sweet ami charming In bo- otety, but shrewish, idle and selfou at home with horsistors, tho servants, and even with her old mother, deceives nobody. Uncon scious tones in her voice ami Hashes of her eve tell tho truth, Many boys and young men, who lead out wardly respectable and virtuous lives, in dulge in secret dissipations which they fancy .remain undiscovered; hut lines upon their faces appear, inexorable as the writing on the wall, which told Belsbazzur's guilt and prophesied his doom. The flush on the skin, the dull eye, the 'tainted bruttth, are proofs silent and unan swerable as the scarlet thread that convicted tho murderer. Jivon the deeds wo do but de Fiffuro." Junk? in 'itritannicus," Mathilda in "I n Caprice." Casilda in "Buy lllas, and created the part of Uenevieve in "Antoinette Higaud," A ew years later Kosa Hruck left the CATAKKH CAN'T UK VUKKl) With Wh APPLICATIONS, nn they cannot reach the seat of the dienHe. i 'HUrrh ih a blood or fonptltuliniiiil dfm'iiHe, and in order to cure It you have to take tntenml n-medle. IIhII'hCh tarrh (.'tire it tnken luteriisily, nml aetd directly on the blood mid miicoiiH tnirftu. KhII'sCh tiirrh ('lire in no qiuick niefiictne. It was pre nerildHi by one of the bent phvHteisns in thifi (oiintry for ycHrw, and is h regular preHcriptlon. It In coin posed "f the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purillerx. acting dl-m-tly on the mucoun surfHces. The perfect com bination of the tw Ingredient in what produces such wonderful recall In curing rHtnrrn. Send for tcstiinoiilals free. F. J. OHKNKY & CO., Proprietors, Toledo, 0. Hold by druggists; price, 7," cento. The Ksiser hss ordered a crown to exactly fit blshesd. Ii It is built the size he thinks his head in, it will go down over his earn. I urn not aiming to convince mental babies, ss indeed that would be fruitless without the nec essary cultured intellect that makes logic appli cable. Force, brilliancy and originality even are no weapons to attack r slave with. For many centuries the medical art was hedged about by a prescriptive taboo which it, hh yet, has not sur vived. The brand for murdering truth is the poimlty of Imbecility stamped upon the mental caliber of the average individual In relation to medicine snd medicine men. The sun of the nineteenth century has not yet dawned upon his intellectual horision. He, together with his ideal medicine man, still hibernates In the good old days of the dark ages, when It was bsjfl form to 1 inquisitive. He still " believes" In bleeding, blihterlng, vomiting, purging and sweating. He lfivm nnnimiH flnHct nt honu medicine. He de lights in aHHafoitida and calomel and carbolic acid, They are considered indispensable; no well-regulated family, witn pigmy liuenecwaiiu Hbdomidal development, considers itself safe without those family lares. These 1 do not Wish Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles when all other ointments have failed. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' India Pile Ointment Is prepared only for Piles and Itching of the private parts, and nothing else. Every box Is warranted. Bold by druggists, or sent by mall on receipt of price. Wo ao i l per box. W LLiLl AMO M AN Ur AU 1 UKIMU UU., Proprietors, Cleveland, 0. mmi'ej-t-. thev ure the Rio Van Winkles that will continue to slumber through this and prob uhly through the next century. They play no role tn the worm s nistory. j acy nvc; mey cue. No monument marks their forgotten sepulcher. Himiunltv was not enriched hy their entrance; it Iihh loot luithiiiff hv their exit. Thev are drift wood on the Khores of time, and float with the ebb and tide of opinions they have inherited fntni thoir urithrotMiinornhir ancestrv. No. it is not to these 1 wish to address myself, but to the thinking ones, whom u thought docs not throw into im epileptic paroxvsm; who love knowledge for Its own Hake; who are willing to Investigate the truth or falsi tv of anv projKmillou, and, once eonviueea, win Hiiuia oy uuirouKu uu wv hum hi'cn nf n flutt.U'riutf null delnved civilization To these not the chatterers, hut the thinkers I imimiud the II istogeuetic bvsteni lor invesuga- tlan. nml wilt eliieblitte with nleiisure auv oues- tlou not sulilcietitly clear in book, which will be hi; nt free to any address. jMeTtuTseTIeBrsiilC' I-'rancaise ana signed a new contract with the management of the Gymnase. There, free from that continual comparison with Hara Bernhardt which hud proved bo detrimental at the House of Moliere, she gave free course to her talent, ana from her de but at the (lymnane dates the enviable reputation that she enjoya to-day. She appeared in "b'roment .leuue et Risler Aine,"hnd shortlv following created the part of Jtlanche de Oygne in the "Countess Sarah,' and plavedZieka in "Dora." a role created by Mile. Kartet The mine of this clever actress is likewise a curioidty uf elegance and artistic refinement. Old tapestries, (uaint pieces of Chinese and Indian earthenware, a rare and valuable col lection of all kinds of Kastern bibelots and knick-knacks litter up her halls and rooms In u hopeless confusion that is full of charm. Once a week Maae raoiselle Hruck holds a petite levee for hftr Iftriv friends in her bedchamber, and receiTes in state like any royal dame. The bed itself is a magnificent affair. It is draped in blacK yelvet embroidered in gold, the coverlet being in black satin wih R. B. worked ; out in an elaborate monogram, also in ffold enrbroideiv. (in tuts sine oi tne Atianiic mere is mlso a sensation, onlv of lesser magni tude, because she is a miriesquer ana consequently a low cemedienne. She is Agnes Kvans of the Howard Burlesque company, who was born at Ht. Louis, Mo., in 1 HOT. Nature en dowed her with a splendid voice, which having been carefully cultivated, enabled her to make her deb .t at Uhrig's l!ave Oarden, St. Louis, in 18Hii, where she met with considerable success in the ohorus. In the fall of thut year she was engaged by Heinrlcb Dr. Jordan's omce is at the residence of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James streets, heuttle. n ush. Consultations and prescriptions absolute ly free. 6eud for free book explaining the Histo genetic system. Caution. The HistogtBetic Medicines are sold in nut one agency in eacn town, The label around the bottle bears the lol- lnwinir inserintion ' "Dr. J. Eueene Jor dan, H istogeuetic Medicine." Every other device is a traua. PILKSI PILKH1 PILES I BASE BALL, The safe cflrriage of dynamite ts now an ex ploded theory. Tbt Gkbmea for breakfast. Use Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smelL ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results wien Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and reiresuiug to the taste, aua acts gentiy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sy tern effectually, dispels colds, head tclies and fevers and cures habitua' constipation permanently. For sale in 50c and 1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN fuhcisco. cm, iouisviui. ft. Kt ion. r. Fains and Aches AND THE BEST REMEDY ARB INSEPARABLE. FOR THE PROMPT, SURE CURE OF Sprains, Bruises, Hurts, Cuts, Wounds, Backaohe, RHEUMATISM, ST. JACOBS'OIL HAS NO EQUAL. MIhh Jovoo Ych. .luck and I nn t become part ner, for life. Mint MeunH And you will be the Henlor imrluer. H ow niee ! . INVIGORATE TUB INGESTION. ISKiNURETH'e Pills invigorate the diges tion and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels; they cleanse the blood and impart new vigor to the body. One or two every uight for a week will usually be all that is required. For Constipation or Dyspepsia one or two taken every night will in a snort time enact an absolute cure. UaANnRETii's Pills are purely vegetable, absolutely harmless and sate to take at any tinie. , Bold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated. Wnntcd-The mime ot the goldsmith who made the welkin ring. CoUOHS. -"Brovm'f Bronchial XroeW are a sure remedy for (Joughs and Sore Throat. 25 cents a box. , To the indolent mun every movement ts a labor movement. SEEDS Of all kinds and in anv quantity whole vale and retail at bedrock prices. E. J. BOWEN, 60 Front Street. Portland, Or. (f Send for catalogue. rVirtt-Atil fnr ttift ntwi'ti. enmnnnv. Sh( nlan, and dure not mmmit, leave tUoir stain I mll(to her york debut at uuou us. Ijnly Mnehoth took no life, yet tho spot ' upon hir Imnd would not "out" until it drovo her to madness aud douth. Youth's Com pnuion, Minnie rinprec.'. the "onto'' souhrotte ot "llolo by the lini'my " will lie in tho citstot ou Vonson" dnrinff its next tour. '. ( '. Lexington. Ga.. has a marshal in town well equipped for his duties. A fow (lavs iipo, it is suid, ho bait .occasion to arrest tltrtie evil-doors in a bunch. He lathered ono under each ,arm, their leps dunfrlmir in the air. and drovo the : third along In front, and in that way .proceeded to the calaboose,1 U'hore all . thruo prisoners were locked Up. r , Baking Powder YOU WANT IT! OUR HOLIDAY CATALOGUE MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SEND FOR ONE. WILL t FIKCX. SIH FHtKCISCO, ttL DO 100 WANT A SAFETY BICYCLE? Any boy or girl can get a $35 Safety Bicycle, hand somely made, with every improvement, by sending to the San Francisco EVEN ING POST the names of TWENTY-FIVE SUBSCRIBERS WEEKLY POST For One Year, with $1.50 For each subscriber. The WEEKLY , POST is the best newspaper weekly in America. . There are two styles of the Safety Bicycle one for boys and one for girls. They are the most beautiful ma chines ever brought to San Francisco. Every boy who has won one is delighted with it. "tiim 1U. 'VICTORY.' Jlillm 1 I Dr. W.S.Hall, If "y.Tjffij"' . jfflT 1JM Market ut Mr jZs'S&s Dt room 'JO. H. F., KT, nil XltlSSSL Dr- H.Sanche, -iflfl ' Ul iVsSs.. vT" EP sole owner. eW t;ouvr u neu. 10 tU Wann.. I). C, Pocket Elec- treuolHe"VIf- TORy" will cure tiny disease (julckly, cheaply, iiHinru Hv wtillo ilkIohi). without BcnsHtlUilH. atM'Uirfl. driiifH. nifidtriritv or trouble. Kntlrely new force; bloiid tnuKiietixed: absorbs oxygen from atr; each dtawse sell-curing. Price, 3U; trial, 50 cent. Pnrtlon.l Aroofin A P. A rmitmnii. Prin. Branch Sciiool :'c vital Bub. Collkuk, Salem, Oron. Sume ooursos of study, same rates ot tumon. Business. Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Department! Win seseion tlnvuKbout tlie year. Students admit ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. DROPSY TREATED FREE PoAitlr ly Cured with Vegetable RhHm Have cured thousands of oases. Cure canes pro nounced hopeless by beBtphysiclanfl.Pronin'rHtdoBe symptoms disappear; In ten dayeat least two-thirds all symptoms removed, fiend for free book testimo nial! of miraculous cures. Ten days' treatment free by mail. If you order trial, send 10c. in stampr or pay postage. UK. ii.u.uhbbn woonAiiiuiwi,. II you oraerinai rouint wis auveruavuiau. v no the lirand oriera house. member of the chorus, in "The (iypsy Huron," lu 1HS8 she joined Evan. & Hoey's Co., with which she remuined two sonsons. In 181t0 she joined ..he Howard Hurlcsque Co., to plivy tho loading fema'e role. This, season she is pluylnir leading boy parts In tho burlesque with the oame ooin puny. 1 Asido fi'om belnjr a pood sinper arid ma)inilieent dresser, Miss Kvans possesses a tine si ape presence. She is also quite an artist with the pencil and brush, as well as a designer of costumes for burlesque showB. Miss Evans dosined all tho costumes this season for the Howard and City Club companies. " INDIAN DEPREDATION I PENSION I PATENTS LAND I HOMESTEAD I POSTAL CLAIMS The "EXAM1NKK" BUREAU of CLAIMS ItNDUB TUB PIBMCTION OX - San Francisco Examiner. If yo have a claim of any desortpuon whatsoever aUlilllNl Hit, UUIVUU OMIK" V.U,1.11H11U tu.w , ,! wlHli It Hpowllly adjutUuHtml, uiUlreHS JOHN WBODEKBVKN, Manager, 818 V .trout, N.W, Washington, O. 0. LET EYEEY BOY AND GIRL OH THE PACIFIC COAST BEGIN AT ONCE. The names must be sent in as soon as you get them, together' with the money. Do not wait till you get the whole number. Address the EVENING POST, San Francisco, Cal. Coal Oil BEST and SAFEST OIL Manufactured. FRAZER AXLE GREASE Bestinthe World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! FOR J.'EN ONLY! for LOaTor FAaiNQ HANHOOSf ItLtiid and NERVOUS DEBILITY) Weakness of Body and Hind, Effect! of Erroraor Euwaaei in Oldar Younv. Illftnn fnllT Rlirod. Hnw tn .hint.. . biwKthWKAK,IINniiVK.OPKUO(itNBPAlirHOFMlT. ibMlotclr anh.lllnt HOIK THEATHKN TBe nB u lulu tMlifr from 6U BUlM ud foreign CoMtHft. Writ thrih IkMrlpUW Book, tplM-tleo and proori mM6. (al4) trata auiw iRifi MebicAi. co.. ouffaLo, n. y. Old Gold and Silver Bought; mni yuur old Gold and Stiver by uiall to the old and rellabit home ot A. Utiloiuan. 41 Third street. Ban Franolaoo: I will lendbv return wall the oaah, aooonliag to auAy; U the atuount il qui sauniaoHUT wui muni nuia. N. P. N. V. No. 9-S. F. K. V, No. 488 "iff-inirti-H- Cive This Oil a Trial, , AND TOU WILL Ubt NO UTHtHi II IV tCVCDCURED 10 STAY cufiED lifll rtt UU want the naincand d dressof every sufferer in thc 8. 1CTUM1 U-SodOuiad,. AtldresttJ W nv I iimni i t Hit t M.'..;jf.;.,,;,V v:j.t: