The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 16, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL V
One yen... . .......KtW
Or aftirt lu iviiiii!ii,si fio pur yuur.)
six month ..-.,.... , ,...,.,.. f 00
Tlirl! IIIDlltllH.,...,.,,., , , .... AO
Single copteii... . .....,.f Oh
Offwni stairs In Guy's Building.
w. r miri u,
Attorney-at- Law
Albany, GreBvin.
Will pmntlefl in nil the ismrtS'nf tnis state,
OIHcti, Irani maun ovur haul; nl' Oreyttn.
Attorney -at - Law,
'Collcf'MiiiiH itlven r-nmiiit anrt wrrrnl attention.
, Will imictiiu! In all l)u cirarts urtlw units.
j. F. HYDE," "
Rotary Public and Collecting Agent,
JuhMw uf the I'ouoo, Lebanon rroalitot.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Heal Estate in all to towcia.
J Nil. CO., uf New York.
Larue anil small tracts Frail, Karnilnt,', awl
Qrtulntt Jni'lt, , ,.
Money to lomt on Farms, Improved
City Property or Giillt-udgo notes dis
counted. ., - ' v
Mrs. S. H. Cow,
:Rn Elegant Uisplay
of MILLINER at aii
Kinds,': ;; '' ::X--
. sMWrnmei'M "the
Santlam Whloper.
Dr. Matehett, wife and little daught
er were the guests (if Mm. James Mc
Danlel, Saturday awtt Sunday.
It In understood tTtiut Mr. Matehett
of Lebanon, contemplates moving on
his farm anon. Wr. Lee Matehett ie
climbing nwirer Sugar Home.
Mr. James Berlhain thi photograph
er did not leave'for Eastern Oregon as
wus reimrted, ou account of having
more call (or !hotographs. .
Mr. ftmnial 'Harris left a few dava
ago for the Mohawk valley to improve
bin farm.
Tim merry-whistle of the new saw
mill is hearb morning noon and ni$;ht.
Mr. MiiMr, the gentleman that
lmugfattrrekelton ranch Is expettting
the rest iof his folks the Inst of (this
week, .
Mewm Harris, Hrammar and Kirk,
have gone to the mountains on a 'hun
ting trip. ,
Therenrna a party of (lalifornians
cauipcd t the place of KM. Ikm, and
while Mere caught two foxes atl one
Mr. Harris was drawing a (tail of
water mid let the windlass slip ut of
liwhitud. It hit hiiu in the fane and
broke ills false teeth to pieces mid he
came near swallowing them.
Th was a load of people inter
viewed the steam fruit dryer at rSanti
tun Past office. . !
James McDanlel moves next wek on
hie own plac'e by the new milL
Mr. Win. Skcllon has purchased a
place near Sugar Home, ooueluding
this euuutry is good enough f hhu
Mr. James Hen ham sttirls next Mon
day for Eastern Oregon. Good luck
to him.
Them will be preaching at Liberty
next iiuiiday, October tlje 31th, at
elevi'u o'clock and at half past seven in
the evening. . '' . .
Quite dhowery weather at present.
H.81 Wooden has been working for
ilr. Fruit oil his new house the jiaat
T. B. Wright and Sam Huwker spedit
a few day at the old logging cauipvu
the Calapaoia lost, week, they .captured
seven nice deer while there'
Mr. Tom Arnold lias a Pot which
troubles him considerable, in the shape
of a' carbuncle on his band which
keoi s liimifroui his work on the Leda
11:111 canal.
The writer visited Jordan Valley
there I found a flourishing town loca
ted on Thomas Crock, with a nomila-
tiou not quite as large its Portland. It
lias more than doubled its size in the
last two years, Thev have good water
power uud good prospects of making a
large cily, the town Is filled with en
terprising people all of whom are work
lug to the .Interest, of thecltv. I stoo-
d overnight while there with 11 gen-'
tk-imui yho randes on Mount Avenue
and whs treated iu a gentlemanly
manner, who showed me through the
city and., explaine d tillthe principal
'Mr. Je'rrv lunks visit deil Urowna.
villi on last Friday, retuniingSunday.
' ',)!!'. Cliiorge!'Sraith'.l8. finishing up'
ids new house wliii'h looks suspicious,
like bo mijjM. be thinking pf gi'ttiitg
conipunlbn, : . -" . .'
The .'writer visited Liilwiwii this
woek.antl while there culled ai the I'ls-j
riiftiW oinee ana witoiign (a,:1 Kiiuine.'j,s
of the Editor wits .shown' their new
cylinder press and explalnedits merits.
.1. I .
1 .
Telegraphic News
London, Oct 14 The 8t James Ga
sette this sfhrriioon says:
At no time within recent memory
lias such a terrific storm raged In Eng
land, and alerrlble catalogue of disas
ter at sea is to tie expected. Great
damage was done In many parts of the
Eugene, Oct.14 L E Hussel, wlto
Is charged with a murderous assault
upon J"C Gray, was this evening ad
mitted m hail in tbewiin of and
will be released from jail.
Mkscsd, Cnl., Oct. 14. James
Sullivan a laborer in the employ
of the Crocker-Huffman Land and
Water Company, had trouhle yes
terday with James Shelley, foreman
of the same company. The ktter
beat Sullivan, and Sullivan tame
to town, bought a revolver, re
turned to camp this morning and
shot and killed Shelley,
, BUIftilo, N. Y- Oct. 14 -About 4
o'clock tins morning a young lady
passenger In a sleeper 011 a west bound
train of the New York Central was
seen to leave her berth and walk to the
rear platform. As she did not return
the.iwrter raised an alarm and the
train was sloped She could not be
fou nd, but later an an operator at Crofts
station , found her lying near the
track with her head cut open aad bad
ly bruised Toe police say her name
is Mary McLaughlin, and that she
was en route to Bay City Mich : The
supposition isshe was an somantbulist
San ,Fbanwo, Oct. 8. The stage
betwwn Linkville and Lakevlew, Or.,
was robbed lust -night by two men .
bout, a mile west of Lnkeview. The
news came to this city by private dis
patch from the Linkville agent of
Wells, Fargo & On.'s express. No de
tails were given beyond the fact that
the express was rebbed while tite anail
was not touched.
"Sakkr City, Of., Oct. 8. Atiout
noon to-day a man known as "Char
ley" was found dead with a pistol un
der htslwad near Huntingdon. An
investigation proved that he had coai
mitted suicide by shooting himsalf
through the right eye. ,
Montgomery, A14., Oct. 8. The'
I storage warehouse of Harter"' & Co.'i
compress at tho fost of Commerce
street burned this afternoon with 2500
bales of cotton ; loss, $120,000. -
New York, Oct. 14-Prcsideut San
ford, ot the Adams Express Company,
who was yesterdayjelected to supersede
Mr. Hoe.v, took charge this morning.
He is investigating the status of the
business. No change of officers or a
gents are contemplated at present,
' Ai.exandbia, Va, Oct 14 The con
dition of General W H F Lee lias taken
au .unfavorable change, and he Is now
considered critically ill
Lima, 0., Oct, 14.-At Holgate
last night,. Ray Burke shot and
killed his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank
Burke, mid then blew ; out his own
brain. Mrs. Burke gave the veting
man if 100 to deposit in the bank a
few days ago, but instead of depos
iting the money, ho wont to Defi
ance on a spree. He returned last
night and wound up his debaueh
as above stated.
Montuisai,, Quel, Oct. 14. Forty
smallpox cases are reported, and a re
currence ol the epidemic of I8S5 is fear
ed. ,
San FhancisCo, Oct. 14. The re
gents of the state university, at a meet
ing this tii'tcrtHioii' aeoepled the offer
of M ivi' 1'hmbe A. Hearst to 'establish'
(i ve tSOO scholarships tut worthy young
.women,.' and adopted resolutions ex
pressing their gratitude. Alelierfroni
Mrs. Hemt,stafed that she would pn.
the siiin si'mi-imiHitdlv fli'i'iiii!' her llfi.
lime, and had provided for a perpetual
. u 1,1 1, i l l after her death.
New Yobk, Oct. 14. Major Charles
B. Throckmorton, of the United States
army, commander at Fort Schuyler,
was placed under arrest yesterday and
relieved of his command, pending an
investigation of charges of issuing
worthless checks and duplicating his
pay vouchers.
Gainesville, Tex., Oct. 14. -Word
Is just received from Wynewood, I. T.,
that Monday night a farmer named
Smith was called to his door by two
staangers, who shot and killed him,
They are still at large.
Boston, Oct 14. The Record this
morningsays: "It is understood the
Searles will case is at an end, and that
Timothy Hopkins will get tietween
$8,000,000 and $10,000,000 of the late
Mrs. Searles' property. The result,)'
U said, was reached at meeting bela .11
this city last uight, at which counsel
for both sides were present."
Toledo, O., Oct. 14 There was an
immense rowd of people at the cen
tenial celebration today of the defeat
of Indians at Fort Recovery by Gener
al St. Clair. "This afternoon Governor
Cambell delivered an opening address
which was responded to by General
Fiuley. ,
San Fkahcisco, Oct. 13. The Brit
ish ship Arctic Stream arrived last
night from Swansea with a cargo of
coal, Captain Bowen reports that the
ship was struck by a terrible cyclone
that lasted thirty-six hours. Nearly
all the sails were blown away, and the
ship thrown on her beam end. Every
thing movable was swept from the
decks, but tJie ship was not damaged
Berlin, Oct J4 A sensational suicide
occurred yesterday in crowded Thiet
garten A lisapointed ' party, who
had taken several beer-garden waitres
ses out for a drive in a carriage, gave
each of them marks for a kiss On
arriving at theThiergarten he alighted
and, telling toe watchman to take the
gei Is home, drew a pistol, as his com
panions wene waving their adieus, and
shot hlnself dead A paper was found
pinned on the Inside of his coat, bear
the following inscription " Max Hil
debrand, Berlin: Having spent my
fortune, thisls the best end.
Macon, Ga., Oct: 15. Samuel
Wright, colored, was lynched on the
public road, near Helena, early this
morning, near the house where . Mrs.
lieek and her two daughters live. One
ol the girls went on a visit yesterday.
About midnight lost night Samuel
Wright broke into the house, knocked
Sin. Beek Insensible, and after a des
perate struggle with Miss Ada Beck, in
which one of her arms "was broken, as
saulted her, In the meantime the a
larm had been spread and fifty men
pursued Wright, They, found him
owering in ' the swamps. . He, was
marched back, ideutiftedbyiiissAeck,
and placed under aliilib, where he was
to be hanged. He confessed the crime,
after which he was drawn up to the
noise of firing pistols. Fully a hun
dred bullets were sent into his body.
When a body of negroes undertook to
cut the body dowii to-day for burial,
they were notified that ifthey removed
it they would share the same fate. .
Manx'iiestkh, N. H., Oct, 15. By
the bursting of a monster engine in the
mill of the Amoskeug Corporation this
morning, a portion of thobtiildihg "was
lorn away.,- It is reported six or seven
dead, bodies have been taken from the
ruins, anil many , other employes are
injured. Several: are not accounted
to ,, A large fur of men are at work
011 the rains. ';''.''..
Jahkut Lake, Idaho, Oct, 10. At)
nquest has b.'eit held over the body of
the late Hobt. 'Ray Hamilton, of 'ew
York, who 'as drowofl in Snake river,
more than a year ago as the result ")'
Investigation. The coroner is satisfied
that the remains are Hamilton'..;
Brussels, Oct. 15. The establish
ment of tho Societe de Steiine, at
Haerem, near Bois' lc Hue tilt
largest candle factory in Belgium
was totally burned. The loss will
be several millions of francs. .
Red Lodge, Mont. Oct. i5 Pat
rick Adams and Thomas Steward,
miners, employed by the coal com
pany, were instantly killed by fall
ing rock last night.
; Chambley, Quebec, Out. 15 A
paper mill at Richdlien and one
house were burned this morning.
Berlin, Oct. 15. Count Ludwig
von Ahrcovalley, (German minister
the United : States, h die.1
from on operation penormed up
on him last Monday. The oper
ation, which was upon his stom
ach, which for some time has re
fused to recicve food.
BuenosAyres Oct. 15 The sen
ate has unanimously rejected the
proposition in regard to the issue of
forced currency. ' ,
Guthrie, O. T., Oct. 15. Governor
Steel's first report is made public. He
favors the opeuing of the Cherokee
lands, and urgently recommends a.
different mode from that used recently
in opening townsites to settlement.
Speaking of opening the lands on the
western border, the governor soys that
unless arrangements are made to throw
then) open early next, spring in time
for settlers to put in their crop for next
year, it will nean hardship, destitution
sickness and death among hundreds of
settlers who have . been long on its
borders waiting for homes, .
Chicago, Oct. 15. News is received
here from the suburban town of Ren
sonvillethat Mrs. plnah Messman, a.
former's wife, while driving across the
St, Paul tracks in a wagon with her
two children, was struck by a train,
The woman and one child was killed,
aud the' other child probably fatally
null. . : ,
A Family Feud.
One (brother killed another last
Friday at a late hour in the vicinitv of
Tangent, and at the farm of Frank
Ingram, the victor of the feud, It
seems there had been some trouble
between the two regarding tho estate
and will of their mother, The Sheriff ;
and Coroner from Albany visited the
scene last night. The verdict of the :
coroner's jury was that Henry Ingram v
came to his death by the hands of bis ;
brother, that it was a deliberate nmr
dei and that Ingram be hold for mur
der. Frank Ingram was brought to
the city and lodged in jail. Both
brothers were unmarried and aged 35
and 3& -vvW ,..''
Mrs, II. Devine, mother of J. C.
Devine of Albany and mother-in-law
of our townsman and jeweler
G, E, Hardy, died last night about r
midnight. She was quite an old
lady and was afflicted with paraly
sis, The family and their many
friends will mourn the loss of a
dear parent and kind triend to all.,
Caddo Mills, Texas, June 6, lStll.-T-l'mm
tny own tier.-iontil knuwloiia'e, 1 can
(iliuinberhiiii's Oolie, llioleva tinii
Iliarrhoeu liemeily for ymnijts ni Hie stom
ach, also fur liiiirfliuea uud tliix. . in the
best medicine 1 have ever seen used and the
tics; scllifif; hecausc it atv.ilvs u'lvim s.ilimac-!-iiun.
, A. .SiiKltKii.L, i'fi and 50 cent butties
fur sale by M. A. .Miller.- ...
l''ur diarrlniai or sutniner coiuplanit in
any form, there is nnllnna' better Hum
i.'hanibei'liun's I'oiie, I'liulcni and iliarrluea
Koinedy. lira. Kiuicy Kerry,, ot Adams,
Lawrence Co., Kem.nekv", suvs .mediae of
il ciiredtlior of an attack ol dnuTlmav Two
or three doses will care any oiiimanly case.
When reduced with waierit is pleasant Ut
toko, 26 A 50c. buttles sold bv M. A, Miller.