The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 09, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL V
"Ouit yciir ..v,-...,; .',.. 00
(If pttlil IX til lYlll It'll, 01 ftO KT yuitt)
Hlx rtnujil,,,L , , ,.,.. 1 no
Thiw numihfl ... ,. , Wr
HllJKlC WIJittfN. . (Jfi
Otlleo.up Mt.itlnt in Guy's Building.
T r iri? irnvrvnnn
I!-, R lilLT'EV,
Attorneyat- Law
AM WVMSX I'lllllilO,
, , AUinity, Ou'tjon. '.
V.l'l pniflic" tn Hit ttii' i'o'idNiir ttiisHtnte.
t.lll !, li'iini nim aver I'tiliU of' tn:j?tJU.
aciin . and Surgeon.
OkiIiiiui' IViyjiJ l".iiU'ir or bnuton wiO lk!l-vui-
MwlI'Ml I'lift'iff. Maui
r.hi'.inlc oumw a n:t:inR? .
t'm.(HT ri'immiu ivjuuhi1. finlii or thu kiitl'K.
OIiF).'i:-Kl.-LitIrink'f'.iiill(Hiii:. L"!ui'J,l'r
A. e. STOWE,
Attorney -;at - Law,
CtiJii-fiiinc-dvtni jrivni'-i" ! i,itr'f"i ftt'stittun.
W(V.I pnn'ticc tiitn.iuirth at lilt- swio.
liVl'Hi: ilANs.vMi'rt iUili,
IjIChaxn, '.hmu:u.n.
Mm Public . M MIkH AW.
jgre or Mr Pbhcio, Ulianii I'moiili'l.'
.Lebanon, Oregon.
Nox a ry Public.
; ; KKI.IA !!!.':
Jttsal IC.ilmitrin all ii brand.
JtOBNt Fl'lt H ill! C'oN't'I.NJ'.'N'rAh
Inb. Co., of New Vrk.
lunavnuil smulii! runts ol' r"i uti ; f.iuiiiiiu,',
(jrnxinu land.1,.
Money to loan on Farms, l.mproved
City Fi-iiieriy or.'jtiilt-Mlge notes dm
counted. ' . . i
siciau and Surgeon,
ic,!!.--a' Ohio, ('law
"im'.iof .Wctncrt mid Ohiklroii
Of 1HV.S. ,
:4ii Siiei'iiihy.'i.t
SODAVILLE, OlUiUON., il Mters,:'. ;
Attorney and '
. Counselor at Law,
l ir.!Ui,4l'iTOH'iilfh-niuLl"
I$h't2 wwiithcr again,
A tin niirht-tMUitid tliHrM-lifrtr clmMmtirt
tlic hi'iMtin of Mr. ami Mi. II. C. Ilnoc
day, Hrpt, 25,
Wvik! Mi's. John IitMVL'i-K Intend tu ntart
for MSiitit'Noi, Mi)tKla,v.,'U(;i 5.
iiwsrft. John and Nwvtoii -HiKielwcm and
K WrCurtrv started fr Alsua Suturday laal.
Miiws Annie WoHgr-d ut-lelnnlwl her fif
tcnrtih liii-i.hduy 'Huimlny, Oct. 1, and a
lawro mwulit i' of younjr TulUs were invited to
tiju'iid Uie cvffiing With her. They owmed
Wuijny tlicm.sfJvow-vii-j- iiiSK'li liy plnyi
md talking, and about 12 oYiVk n nice lit
Uc siiiijir was jirf)f;ired fnr the ymnip; viff
th liy Annie Wtd ird and Olive Morgan.
They wormed to wijny their suppers and
U!ien kept on playing until 4 o'clock A. M,,
"1uid tlieu departed tor their homed. Xlie
hnMe Unattended the jwrtyw
Janulluwtt: Kmsu Myers, lifia (iarmutr.,
jj cimm WnlAml, JIuMuUKfih- and Oseor
iM tvijiu.'i,, viivt, iJiim mm- ui vui jhojiij,
Del liillliger, Juiliur and John Rtimdl,
CoriH'IiiiK and f'litra Kinder, Pngssie and
Hcrthu Iludclftm, Will and Alii Uilmn,
Lnke Jemiin Hol Ijindley, h, DMizimraiv,
David J lure lifwrge Jones, John and i
trn Itowers, und Annie Wolford, I. K.
Harry I'eed lin hecn very ill fwr . .wveral
dayn. i;
TdK Ui w-avav Atk.
TlicOrt'jti.iiit him licmi to i it J ' and
tile ruuiln iiiujriy, .but wlill the i wii'iil -sceiup
to iiiiivc juKt J,he mune.
I'Mlilc M'ojK'f Mvlilicc, thclotlLgufe Uitu
w, in on tc.sick ii.t. lloifiat liiy notitnv's
Mr, W. W. JLUiwtia. (,'lmilia J4ituiLmt!t. Ms
charge of tlieiioll-Kut(!. !
Ikti VJiiiWon jiiiHHi'il ova- ilie rosiil Ui
Oakiiaif, VVunliingloii, Ueif hr U gui,;u to
vitiithi!ijti.tln'. .
5!r. Nutluiu Fry' fjumly stopjKul m Wr.
J. Xieim!;-nt'r niKlit. 'J'hfc-j- on tbtir
way to JusUirii WnihinloiL
Mr. VV. H. .tlioitipfioi), ot'AHa:!y, wan lip
ttiul xjit'iit 11 ( Jays in thf mmimniuH. JJc
Was ilip guoi. .)f Mr. A. J. Xii Uujs.'.K Air. I'luirlic W'aluii'c, F. Wal
lare, ii. Wflkur, l',u:M- Wailai JVlnl Ki.iory
'n.llai:u wori'.itiiht! iriuiitdjiis. Tln.-y vm
nil wiutM-NI'JJr. A. J. Xu-ljn. We heerd
lluv hji.1 itcuty of veni.scH xvjiik' in tliu
mni. '
..J. Nicmtl" lfi lit tti'J)
a bin oul4.
V(f tJunk l'ii:U' liiMy ui! ji my got nit't
tjfcwet on Mutrr liunling tj'ii.
Vi liyv1 litsaifl thai oneofw.r fair hi-x f
'(lie inoinittiLiif i!l rtuofj Uiake .U-imnon hvr
bumi!. 'J'ho Lui'liiHailis nmy iiii-tfi i In-jjriiliti
one, Inu Ihvic i'.ii! Iwt no out to w icp. iWart'
-iell(ltm, ttod Uiitiiu!jiii go ivillKr. -'
SiiiiiKji jioiti:; o;j' ut Wiltoy.' ju-iirii! witt
I'rof. JloVant'yas ti'tvchvr. 1 .
KlBU .SNf'W-IiHoP.
Hon, M. J.'tanner has bttiU.unrjoijit-1
ed sleivard atHie Insane as.yluui.
There is to be a ball at the TTnion
Hall next Fi'idey night, Oct. Hi, under
the dltvetiuu of Jess rtiiiilu and i). Ii.
Ti'oulnian. "
Mr. J. (.'. Hjl.w-iu.of Browiwville Was
m town this woeii.
l')r liiggers ntl wife urn in town via
it'ing his moiilieiunil si.ttrs.
ttJwe or -tiKire surgeons of pacific
btvtncl' of National Surgical Institute,
810 .Hush Slrert, S. K., .ink'tMis to
visit the St. Oliai'lM Hotel, I.etiatton,
Out. 12lli, and iJic JJovero Houae, AI
tany, Oct. 13th, one day ouly. This
Itistiitute if. sii.vialiy devoted to .the
tivalmeut of curvai'iu'c of the sjiine,
diseases of the lsiji and knee joint,
crooked liiiilw, club foot and all bodily
dufortttities. Their auiwess in treating
these (loull as Well iis all clnoiiic
dsseases has made for the Institute I
national 'reputation. All pe:s ins wrs
are sntleriug l't'oni any .if-tlii:Si' totn
plaints sliikuid not full to take iidvui
taga of this ojiporiiiliinit.y for rdiif.
KelVrence tnuy be had (o the following:
Hon , Thus. J.. .Davidson, .Salem, Or.;
.Supremo Judge U. f, Jioise, Salem,
Or,; liuv. K. K, Coudit, Albuuy, Or.;
VV. C. Morgnn, AHiany. Or E, G
Vouug, Oaltlaudi W.r.
One ikw settler.
llain and nunshine.
A "very large crop of potatoes here.
Wiiry one salmon ea)tured this seawSn at
thin place. , .
-A party left Whitconib's the other day
flfti trout and returned in the evening '.itli
over 200, some oi them being over l(j incite.-
"The deer hunting has come to a close, and
the report for thin place is as follows: Deer
tilled, K3; deer wounded, (have not counted
yet); cougars killed, 1; hears killed one.
This is not quite m good as Jan year., " '
Mr, Potter was up to Quart sville list week
and reports everything progressing finely at
the works,
- s M. K. W.
Little Sali Lake is stoailliy iwjirovint;.
-Mr. Wt'ftkm'w house is up mid he expects
to move into it the hitter j.u-rt of thin week.
Itaveiijiort emitenjplaies hniidlnga
holme in the city. We hear that if i to lie
u drug anil groncry toreand dwelling lunisc
eiimbined. The sen'ires of our leadinBar
I'hileet, Mr. Catlier, were (jeeun'il in oiaking
out the hill onninbcr. Mu.njll. probably
silriiite!iil the eo!itjiK tiini of (he iraihi
' ' '
Tlte whoul (it this lilace iis rroe.wsinji
iiiecly ' under the mnnap'rncnt ijf Koliert
Mlehael. "WI juij-ils are ennilleil and till are
in attendants. Beveral more will eonie
next week.
5li: May Host has a full seheol in the
Hai'l'y Home liiKtriiit. about J6 iuiils,
Tlii! in the third tern, he lias taught at
llnliy Home., and she i well Ii?.ed.
Tliew: schools ?-omrat greatly with the
one we aieutioiK'd a few w eek.'; Egry as nei
thiT of th'.ci ivjiort -tv imiey children of
pi-hool ae. a . ,
Henry Wood, and wife, Mr. Mielmel's
liaientH. alo Duleeiia Vi'oimI n:;d her two
lHr t'httrlie. and (lea vie. of V-.mihill Coun
ty, are riwtiuR with Mr. Michael's fu mil v.
' l?r?ftM Htmshine, blue skies and
balmy air are sntMe of the bkwings we
have ejijoywi for ;tlie past week.
Tliere has lieen rainfall sutlicient to
enable tile tarnirrs to biTin their Fall
plowitijr, and many are engaged in
thut way.
If the weather continues fiivorabla
liters will bs an uuuouully large acre
age sown.
"Then1 has recently been a number
of iiouw-soekcrs through this section
looking foj land. Most if liiose inter
viewed are from Ohio, but Maine and
I Masseliusett hane also been represent-
I ed. - , 'f,
j ilr. and Mrs. B. H. Moon, of Moon'i,
Landing, Odifornia, are hereon a visit
I to his brother t;. C. Moon and family.
of the Elliott farm. Mr. 'Moon Is so
favorably imresscl with Oregon that,
he thinks strongly of iitvestihg in land
ihere with the intetition of making this
4 home in the not fur distant, future.
We are glad to report, that the sick
Mentioned in our last are improving.
Hev. (. S. Hanieiter is over I Ids
ttviek canvassing for suitseriptions
toward aehttrcli building, As that Is
one ot the real necessities iiere, we wisit
litm aUiadiint success. t ,
X.. A. Tucker had lively mn-away
will) his tcwti iast Saturday while
hauling cord-wood result, a good sup
ply oi kindling wood from the wagon
Mi.s Tilda Hiilveu has returned
ho!ue.t"rom (lie vicinity of Lebanon. ,
Mrs. Tucker, of Silverton, is visitlug
her son L. H. Tucker and family at
this, place.
Mrs. Henry Kinser is home nftor a
short visit at Scio.
Miss Clara Crabtrce has returned
fro'u it vifitr to lier sister Mrs. Jolin Mm. l'len were presented
Willi u baby viiiUgbter last Iliursdi y. -1
, J
Miss Josie irwford and Mr. Win..
Greuiwood and w ife, of liethiilto. 111.,
are vjcitieg ine iauiiiy oi iur. n. j.
uuy. w.iss .vrawjojo is an aunioi jiu.,
Coiinoll Proeeedlngs.
The council met last Tuesday In reg
ular meeting. , Mayor and all the
council were present.
Councilman Jas. Matchett presented;
his resignation which was accepted,
and C. PI. Kitlston was elected to fill
the unexpired time.
The treasurer read his report which
showed a ballance of $t!82.28 n hand.
' Phil. Smith wni, ttpi ointed marshal!
to fill the vacancy caused by (he resig
nation of A. W. Grubb. .
Hix new street lamps and new bur
ners for the old lamps were ordered. :
'Marshall Smith was ordered to in
spect and repair sidewalks. ,
, Dr. L. Foley presented his bond as
street commissioner hut it was not le
gal and therefore not accepted.
Councilman Joe Elkins ptesentcd a
bill asking for an appropriation of 8200
by the city, to be used in purchasing
tilclng to drain the low ground near'
trie Heard and McCauley property.'
On motion the bill was laid on the tar
ble until the next meeting. ' ,
The following bills were allowed A.
V. Grubb Salary $34.(iO.
J. V. Fleetwood hauling $1.25
C. E. 'Rannus making desk $6.00
( Ciaypool for sidewalk lumber Sfl.SO
(ieo. Ilioe fees and copyiugordinance
Couueil adjourned to meet Wednes
day evening.' , ' .
Fine weutlier at present.
ilr."Saimiel I-Twwken is working on
Mr. F. B. Knight's new hriuse the past
few days. "
We' learn that Messrs. Elley and
Craig are up at Snrltiirlield liaiilinir fir
the hitter's grandfather Mr. Trine.
We understand ir,i.I. V. Wright
killed 10 deer up on the Calapooia last
C. C. Cooper and wife of Sweet Home
visited Mountain. Home last week.
School at this place is progressing
nicely under the manngenient of MK
Jerry Hanks. . Wo understand he is
giving the best of satisfaction.
T. T5. WrhjhtnndSamHawken went
to Brownsville. Thursday last,
Martin Doty went to Craivfordsville
iast. Siuurdav.
We understand the potato crop was
light in this vieijiity this year.
, Mr. II. X. Phillips has returned from
Lane Co. where he has been soliciting
orders for framed pictures tile part
week. ' ,' '
William Phillips and wife visited
Mrs. 'Unity JTye of Opossum Hollow
on last Suuday,
The preachers must find Mountain I
Home a r.ico to board as they have
been biddings prolrneted meeting here
fer tile pas.t two weeks.
We learn that Mr. W. S. Skelton will
have a publicale at his farm in Opos
sum Hollow on the 17lli of this month.
Mr. Jasper .Fruit, who bus been
working near Halsey, visited his folks
of this place the past week.
We lean) Bill Fruit went to Harris
burg last Saturday on business.
We understand Marion Leach i'l
tendsAvorkiug on the Lebanon canal
this we"it.
. ..'.', ' ' ..' ''' ' ;'' '" 'l.C. Ujw. '
J. C. K(ty & Son, now in old post of-
,ur' """""""" ,MUU"
When in need of bcoks owstalionery
.,' .' ' " ', .' . ' I
the fl licit lot over brought t" Lelntnon, I
',, ,,i,l Pcebler , ,m,i., In .
,.i ,t,. (. i.-.'it.... i -
town this week.
Frank Skipivoi'th left yesPTtlav for
p, ad, wUere he iroos t attend
NO. 31
Elder Shea passed through town to
day on his way home from Lebanon '
or Albany where (I guess) he had been
to deliver a load of "Inyuns." ,
We learn Mr. llilev Is. worse, lie.
has been sick for four, or .five weeks
with kidney troubles. ' .
We learn that Mr. George-Miller Is
going to own the stage line from here
to Lebanon, as he, has bought the con-'
tract from Mr. Carothers.
. Certain parties from McDowell Creek
who owed a store bill here undertook
to pass through town Tuesday without
settling.. Mr. A, Hamilton, tliu .mer
chant, got a horse and overtook them,
informed them of their lull, and they .
kindly settled the hill by handiust Mr.
H, a double eagle, and went on their
way rejoicing.
, This is a very t'lduck-y place for doc
tor. Most df them for some cause get
into a ditch when they cime here.
One doctor mid his wife, while walking
along what they supposed was a street,
walked into a ditch and got acomplete .
'inciting, aim me inner tugni ui
lierson was prowling round ji resident's:
back yard,- who' raises a great many;
ehickeiis;-and walked' into a ditch and
got wet all over. He went out into the
woods, built a lire to dry iiis clothes. -It
being Jute at night, and he being
very tired or- Went to sleep and was
only awakened by the tin;, which had
come in contact with his coat tails, and
. it began ' to got too tropical for him..
'Poor better have gone to the
station house ami given himself up and:
paid his flue and saved his coat tails.:
...Will Iierlin and wife and: Ada Bas
sett, of Lebanon, attended the ball. at
Howell's hall Friday night. .
Mr. John Ames' children still have
the diphtheria..
Win. Ay res, who has been hauling
timber for the Lebanon canal, bloke
his wagon and came to Sweet Home to.
get It repaired,
Some of the boys have been hunting
in the mountains and report fair sue-,
cess. .. i ' '
Steve Co yleadorned the front sent (a
the mail buck Monday from Lebanon.-.
. We learn that Mr. Win. CnrotherSj
of Lelpiion, Miss Murcia Woods, .of
Sweet Home, are to be married to-day.
Miss Et a Wiley came up from Leb
anon in the mail hack to-day.
Jooi Amos returned from Portland
Inst week, where he had been in attend
ance to Die exposition,
.', . .' UNO."
Mr. TJ, H. Ambrose was in town this
week and a cuil.
Mrs. J. (1. Iteed Is. seriously ill tills
week, Miss Lizzie Heed is also ill.
Mr. Wm. Penick's lit lie boy Guv Is
ill this week, . . "
Mr. Geo. Alexander went rn trnn.,'
II. i. , I, ,. ;. ..!..:. .. . .. ' "'"S'.iio ui, visit to niei parents..
Dodson Bros, bought a tine building
lot of Peterson & Harland, for ?175, In
Kirkpatrieks addition, '; - ' v
F.M. Frentih, Jeweler, Albany, keeps
a large and eotnpietrftttoek of spectacles
and eye ghis.y.sfjniiid tits them by
"Johnson; patviit y'e-metor;"
F, M. French, ieweler, Albany, will, :.
give you the benefit of the big utit on
watches, (.'all and examine goods and
got prices. ...
3ale and Races.
On Sat., Oct. 17, we will sell to the
highest bidder 25 bead of trotting and
draft horses, also several head of Jer
sey cattle, includlnu the standard bull
"Gov. Woody." We will give a trot,
ling race for all road horses owned in
Linn Co,, to b,i trotted- t that dv,
lotle lleals, two best out of throe, for' a, '
piiiseot). so entrance fee. will bo
elniiOTil and added to the purse, the
whole 'to la divided into 1st 2nd and
'"".W...!':"'"."!'? fce.. 'la-
ny each entry, which, will close Oct.
loth. A gootl lunch counter will ha on
the ground.
. Jfi'KNKiiiT linos.
Tallmaii, Op.