The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 25, 1891, Image 7

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A Bmuhu of the Condition or Iti ttitv
fereirt Departments,'- !
,,,,. J-f
With the frnit dealer the littonnt ol
busliieHU done was much in exrwss of the
first part of the week. The glutted con
dition of the market ia for the present
over with. Watermelon! drag heavily.
The quantity of peaches in the market
is very small, and prices are oorrcspond
inttly stiff. Grapes are In over supply,
are iwrd to dispoBe of. Pears and plums
are plentiful, and meet with only fair
sale. Vegetable market is well supplied
with every variety, especially potatoes
and cabbage, the latter being a drug in
the market. The amount of oats on
hand is larger than at any previonstlme,
and a decline is anticipated. No change
is noted in the market for dairy produce,
figus are higher. Butter ia a little easier,
receipts of Oregon being on the increase.
In other lines of wholesale trade there is
no particular change as regards the
amount, til hlialnwlM Hnna I Wt.t!
w bnUUIltl
on staple articles remain the same, and
no uriauae i nKeiyto taae place until
wie regular urn oueineeB commences,
TnwIintF fa vnrv nniot nttl tl.n... 1. Ml
" " unco IB Jf
tie change to lie noted in the general
condition of the local market. The ex-
nort (limiunri' tu utifiA Vint V..
prices that are away above an export
basin and business is consiquently
ciitwiwu. rureign maraecs are dull, but
nut quutuuiy any lower, ;
. it A
Fall Pruning? Will Save
Much Labor.
Produotivepess and Value of an Or-
ohard Depend on Pruning
- While Young.
Froilnoe, Fruit, Et,o.
Wiibat Valley, tlMmi.VM
Walla l J-'U.ln 1 if. ...,,
Flock Standard, 5.ul); Waila Walla,
fi.tHf uni imi mi.
Oats New, 88S)40c per bushel,
llAVil'fljld llHr ton
Mihurriim liron,:M2!t; shorts 25
ffifli; ground barley, $.,0iitl!i chop feed,
per ton; barley, l.!fl)ffl 26 ier
liurriiB ()reon fancy creamery. 8()rti
39 fnnov riiMrtr 7L:.
- - 'v i ii hi mjim
&jc; common, 15(i; Eastern, 25(uc
m nmuu.
Uubbbb Oregon, 1212v'c ; Eastern,
r.a; our uuunu.
KmiH I Iruunn 'IK m, Anna
PlIiff.'I'KV l J If! l.hi.'lruttu F. llOrt; B en .
yo.uig oliiius,.i!.5il()H. K); ducks, a4.n0
wu.uu; geese, nominal, 7.(Ki;8.(K) per
dozen turkeys, l,,c ier pound.
Vkoutaiii.kb UalilwgB, 7"(tUK) per
cciitnl; cauliflower, l(u; por duston
vonun, 1 mrc?niui ; oeeut.fl.i'Dper
sank I turnipa, II .00 per suck j new put
ferns, 4fig flue per cental; toumtoas, 41
dud per iKiij untune, IZtac perdossen;
giuen peas, 8(0 4c nor Bound: atrttio
beans. 2(,Hc pr ponnd; rhubarb, 3c per
i"'" i iniuiiiimin, UK! per U'wen ; ear
rots, 1,1c iwr suck ; corn, 7&Ht: per doaen
BVVCUt IKItHtfM.H. iliffilWn r..r ..,..,..,1
if'iiiil'is Bicily lemons, 7.0U(u;8.Q0;
vuoitu oia, f.l.uvisiu.w Mir IK)X ; apples
BOwHic per fang; liarmnan, 3.Ml(iM.(KI a
bunch pim!apple,aii.(KI7.tHlperdren ;
peuclieH, U76e pw box; plums, UlratiOc
per box j watoriiielons, $l.iH)(if2.U0 per
dozen; can taloupiiB,1.0t'f1.60prdiraen
2 per crate; grapes, Tokay, fl.80 per
box, H.OOgl.ll) perorate; niuBcat and
hlHk.6t)fio7!c per crate, boxes 76c; pears
75c; ilnrtlett, KmOe per box; nectar
iiibb, UUW7nc per crate; crab apples, 8c
per pound; pumpkins, $1.60 per dozen.
Ji UTe California walnuts,lltji(ail2c:
hickory, 8c; Braxils, lOfflllc; al
monds, lflfailHc; fillKtrts, l.S14c j pine
nuts, 1718o; pecans, 17(i8c; cocoa
pound8"' b"Ml' 8i P""lut"' 80 P8'
Staple ClriHwrles.
Mocha, 80c; Java, as.Wc; Arbuckle's,
rJumi uastm, aic per pound.
NllOAH (jolrlwn t AH:.... urt.. n A1
I0nnl.ttj.4-c; confectioners' a, ttie per
""""-Small white, ac ; pink, 8,
'yf c( putter, )fe; limas,
4 t" ui; (mi puuim.
"-"verpool, i,il(i.r,o17 ; stock,
tm;a (mr w, 1u citrioaa lots.
Cannw) Oooijh Table fruits, $1.85,
fW peaches, 2.tlt) ; Bartlett pears!
tl.Ho:ii nine at U7l. . .
cherries, 2.6o.u0; blackberries, l.W);
ni.'wrnni.fii.w; pineapples, I2.60f8;
apncot,1.75. Vegetables : Com, 1.36
; ""g " quality; tomatoes,; sugar peas, 1.26; string per dozen. Pie fruit' A
' 'W'i Peaches, ii.tlO; plums,
1.V--"""; "ornes, n,oo par doaen.
i ah: Sardines, ti5efel.tlfi ; lobsters, 2.30
()8.50; oysters, 1.60(;ii3.26 per dozen.
Salmon stttiidurd No. 1, Ud()1.6U per
v, , 4 ej.oo. uonuensed milk
J1.MVIA hpiln.l itu 10. n ... 1
11 , ,; r i vi-own, (; mgn
S' ' (J1"""l,ion. Wl Monroe,
J.i r T ,. - "'eaw: uorneo Beet,
fi.maj.if; chipped beef, 2,40; lunch
bvbi;p Eaateni, in barrels, 47(?i!55c;
per tralUm- a. o rw. I... . ii .t.
loriiiH, in barrels, 80c per gallon; $1.76
Kum $5,26 per cental.
I'amuKaiiii'B luiiian prunes, 10llc;
J-eute andUermau, HioilOc ur nomid:
raisin,, 1.7(,(ie2.26 per box; plummer
i-,.niB, iiniriim; aun-drietl and lac
tory piums ll(i2c ; evaiorated peaches,
JHWue; hiuyma tigs, 20c; California,
tigs, Uc per pound.
The Moat Market,
Bunif-Live, 2a'3c ; dressed, WBt,
i lodsi ve, do; dressed, Oo.
.. Vkai-o(0j7c pur pound.
i Bmokbd MKArs-Kastorn ham, lW,n
Vks; other varieties, i0(m 12c; breakfast
m' 1-''1:k'i "Boked bacon, lo
teUc per pound,
1il-mV7 Co"llH""1(,l JOeTilSc; pure,
pound. 60i 0reg0"' lu Wi" P
It Will flnvn mnnV. 1V.. !l 11 a , .
,. : imi 11 uieeuectoi
fall pruning is thoroughly understood.
tader(T,f!rr"t!',',b. ? cnt off-
"j,1; -" cm win next season
push w th greater vigor and become the
main shoot if the highest left on the
tree. 1 he more vigorously a young tree
le limned m fall nr ,ui
growth of wood it will make next year,
ami ilia (ViniiAnMi.!.,. -i- . '
wnhiuumiuu ui sap in a lew
only pruning that can promote fruitful-
neSS 18 that. rtf,nnn,hiU , . ..
, 4, . bino mill ieai,
and this rean t t,w..t..A t... '
w iui via IbB ft! U Will, '
It IB II invid nlftn tn naa
r7 i hv win ouiULimr
n;Hde munure sr ft tn riraDCi ...
l . , f vaamiL 4Ur file
poor places in wheat fields. A very little
wnym nucn cases.
In our experience, when the ground is
driving over it with loaded manure wag-
- uidb uih uo not cut in
deen v. If on nrA;.,...
. wuneifl are
vised, defer drawing until the surface is
..., . ,j nm uear a ioau, or wait still
later and draw nn the annu, j
. n wnu a eieu.
In this case some marks should be put
r ..... I1UW wuere uie ma
nure had better be spread.
It is not often that a .B.u..l
will allow sows to breed so as to drop
their pigs late in the fall. It costs more
to winter such niim thn thuv n. ,n.,i.
?'j "i i impossible, however well
uuubbu, to aeep tnem from be
inc stunted. But the
wholly lost, l'roliably the best use of
them is to fatten rapidly and sell for
roasters about holiday time. Roast pig
is better liked by many than roast tur
key, and if it were offered generally in
fall and early winter, it is probably the
best use to whieh riiiu Ann,A n.
, r'P" """Pr n nils
untimely Beason can lie put.
The future shape, productiveness and
Va Ue Of an nri'hnrrt rtatr,A
. . ." - v.n,u ijiauiiv uil
the way it is pruned while young. It
requires Knowledge o the habit of
Srowtb of difl'erent varieties to know
ow to prune them to advantage. A lit-
w.. r. n.,c bue wee is small sets it
tt vrftwinci. in tlio pl.l.. at.n..n 1 :
the need of sawing off large limbs later
which can never lie done without infiictr
linr wounds likelv in Hunt,, i,A
of the tree. It is in pruning, more even
than in anything else, that a little done
at the right time saves the necessity for
doing much more afterwards,
j Although hops can be grown from seed,
thia is not the usual way of propagating
them. The best time tn nlant i.n,.D ;n i
the spring, as early as the ground can
lie worked. The rows are made about
eight feet apart and the sets planted in
these at about the same distance. Each
set has two eyes, is planted about an
,.u untju aim ureewea nrni v nnmn
The first year a hill of corn may be
planted each way between the hops, but
the second year the entire ground is to be
ketltwellimltivnJo,t Wliaru ,l.a knn I
lias not made its appearance the crop is
generally a very profitable one.
Many fanners who have practiced the
plan recommend cutting corn fodder and
Mum; it in eiiiHu cocks to cure, in a
urw Htiinlr tltn hoot!,.. nt an i i
v..iB v. mriuuij net
..yU.u wiwHuij uiuve UljliriUUS,
but m small-sized cocks the fermentation
is just enough to furnish heat to dry
them out. It also softens the stalks,
which are eaten with less waste than
tuose set up in atacRs and dried by ex-
nnNllra fri the air Pain Jw. .. t .
, A.H,u ujen jjyb pene
trate these cocks to any great extent.
Farmers have ofien noted that the dam
pened stalks kept in mows, even when mrtllv urara . ,..., l ,
.-n" u. dokiu vietuier Liiau
those thoroughly dried. : . .,
Roots of all kinds are better kept in
Dlts than in eellAm whoiv, tl,aaKU
, f uv.u ui.v,, niD EA-
posed to currents of air. Some earth
should be mixed with them to fill up the
uwu,. w,u. picvcui. Lue evaporation
that usually makes them dry and taste
lesB before spring. UeetB and potatoes
at-O nltftx anailir itiinnnr) I,., f '
other roots and require a double or triple
wvoiiug wruiuuet:u(u. lurnipH, ruta-
tiftifiui nurmtji onrl niiamiinn -II i
n, - mh.i7u.jjd wail nu I Hill r
a temperature nearly or quite down to
the freezing point, provided they are in
contact with the soil. Faroips with a
above the aurfatie may be left in the
jt-ruuHu uhu. epniig wnnout injury, and
nvin with hnnttHt f.-:..
them better flavored than they will be if
UUg ill UUC 1UU,
fiavAiWl itrlal. 4n -4wa
shown that the pine leavetf-or needles,
tin uiey rn uauea irom our oommon
niriu fitcuatc ata iralim11n nH n 1 i.
anil Tf t.hft rvi-niiif-Jiiio anaitiaf'
uuui loouiuuB wuuuh m general can De
T-V-Wl-.C XllO,,l,piO niiuiwuu
ana applied to the soil with 1bs regard
wj nn wi ik'" t'w uivio iui lira unoutDj 11 IS
quite likely that many farmers would
find in the fine forests and groves a val
uable addition to their scant supply of
bedding and at the same time furnish
the Hindi-needed vegetable matter. One
man rnbH nn flip niia Jaiwiu mitl.
decayed vegetable matter there waB un-
liur i-.liam nnH mivnH tlio mou rUu li...,.
and let it be in a pile a few weeks and
I results.
How the hwmnu 8,vntem ever rppoveni from the
bin eftwrU) of the iihmwiib roodieinwi often liter-
.tj piuiwiiiiwiHUi me oufunmnw rtflH! OI
UyKpermm, liver ooimnfnt, coiiBtjpiition, rheu-
mtltiellll (ind nthur JiHrtlHilt la at niVnlarc Thn
niitichlof done by bad medtclneii in wwrccly leti
tlinn Unit cfiimed by diseHMO. If thoy who nn,
wunk, bllioUH, dynrwiU!, miiBtijmted or rhu
miitie would oftenur be KHidcd by theexpflrk-nco
ol iuvalidrt who bitve thoroiiKhlv U-stcd Hostet-
- .wunr-.u uivwiB, ui) rYuuiu in every in-
HtMiiceobuifiitho HjKitdleHt nld derivable from
ly, derived from wtable mmcA hik! doh- I S i iHLu. m"90U', rlacee
it. i-oiinuiiiiuiirrtH ilmiihiuhw JHire Hpir-
hh, prorertlPf( tin u mertieirml mimiilnut nott o be
found in the flerylocHl bittern and itimulHnts
llflll PliHl-IPtnil ti-i (ia .liiV.411..l.1 f
ad languid ' "
HhA Vn,.,.. TTI. ,i ,lri..k , ... ..
llfl(; ! tiskfl Fiinilllmy of MiHK Hoiuldb. " I think
It mum be tho cllratlnit," replied hc.
I am not olmlnji to oonvlnoe mental babies, as
indeed thHt would 1 fruttleiH wtthout the nec
onHniy cultured Intellect tbat malten lmrfe appll
oatile. Force, brtlllnncy and originality even
are 110 WOUDOnB to attack A HlttV0wlth V.,pmunv
eenturleii the medtoal m wan hedged about by a
proncrlptlve taboo which It, a yet, has not ur
vived. The brand for murdering truth Is the
penalty of imbecility stomped upon the mental
caliber of the avcruge Individual In relation to
medlctne and medicine men. The mn nf ,hn
nineteenth eentnry hn not yet dawned upon hla
intellectual horizon. He, together with hl ideal
medicine man. atill hlhepnatH In tho
days ol the dark agon, when tt was bad form to
! iniiinuvs. lie mill " believes " In bleeding,
WlBtcriog, vomlling, purging and awnotliiB. lie
llgliWln nwafretlda and calomel aud carbolic
acid, fluty arc cnnahlercd Indisijeinable; no
we 1-regnlated (oiuUy. with plgmv fulellecM and
abdominal develnuinent, emmidere ltmdf ante
without thone family lares. Tlieae 1 do not wish
Ui convert; they are the Kip Van Winkles that
will continue to slumber through thla and prob
ably through the next century. They play no
BTiTi or Ohio. City or Tomm,
ljUCAS (JOUNTY. ( -i - ,
Fba nk j. chenjiy makes oath tnat he Is the
senior partner ol the firm ol F. J. unialy A Co .
Btate aforesaid, and that said firm wilt pay the
sum of oxs HiTNiioi,'!, noi , ,u t'?I . !
wvoi ATAaaH tnat cannot be oured by
-my.. ..nui. u.lUM t.lKI.
8wom tn before me and subscribed m my ures-
ADIU fh lu Ath A... nl 11 -.1 .......
. u.j w weueutuer, low.
l"'l A. W. UhKASON,
u.i. , . L . ninary rtwitc,
V 1, ., Hrrh Cm 11 t,keu InKrual y. and
.k . ' " . u,,u llu mucous am
Of theSVSUm. Hand fnr menial.
mm o.,a S-i WW" & CO., Toledo, 0.
MdhyDrugglsKi 75c.
We talk about the energy of Americans, yet
there never was an American who has not felt
onilly all night rather than get up formore cover,
?Jir"('"Lblld' Wee'na and Itohlng
niea One bos has oured the worst case ol ten
years standing. No one need suffer ten min
f,t!,K,"tiu"ln8: Klrk'" 0an PheOintment
a poultioe, given relief. l)r. Kirk' German Pile
wiiiiitioin ib umuarea onir ror fmab una th n
. kv w m mm m k 1
... pm ii wuij iw i n am
of the private parUaWd nothing else.
Sold by UruKglstt and Vent by wailon rewipt
of price. $j.o5 per oox. J. j. Mack fccS,
Wholesale Agent, iten Franoiioo,
Centrally located; American & European plan;
flm-class; reasonable rHtei. C. W. Robv. Un.
ntle In the wctrld'H hintory. They live: thev die.
marks their forgotten wpuieher.
N() !tlfllimri(.it
Huinunity WHBuot enriehod by their enlrauce
.v ..m Uy iimn wxn, i ney art! uriit-
,., " -" turn iiini who me
ebb and tide of opinions they have inheriwd
not to theiw 1 wish to address niyneif, but to the
tmrilHtur i.mia, it. l,i,... .k .i . . . , .
into au epileptic pnroxymn; who love knowledge
foritHowiimtke; who are willing to inveNtlgate
the truth or fiilttity of any proposition, and, once
Tti.iBwuiu uj n uiroiigu aiitnegiim
-'-" ucJlleu uiviiizauon
io thew! not the (diuUerers, but the thinkera
1 0(jmmud the HiBtogi-uetic H-nteiti for inTestl
gutiou, ami will elucidate with pleasure am
will be Bent free to auy addreun.
ftT.Mntrf.i- Vauil T 1 A r
Cousultatiouu and preecriptionB abaolute-
Send for frm hnnV PTTiloininrF 4ka Tr.niA
. vj,.WmIalt iiud j.1 1DWT
(ranatii-i m,ein,..
Cadtiok. The Histosenetic Mediciue
rTuT i T , "uv V"f "p" eacn town.
lnwinir iiiBfriTti..n . itl.- t -l- t
dan, HiBtostenettc Medicine." Every other
Siol M8utotov,mUM,:0' t" thenuU9t,d 14 for J)0tat0ee with good
I)nllvIn vfiti (iittiV thai n,t i.. j 1 1
iiiir fiiKtitution? JVIaud-o; but refuKing
ehanoeH to marrj' in.
Coii lid erat ton
of Ruptured
Our knowledge, experience and financial
standing enable ub to give a bond in all cases
taken iir t.itniTn..n wr
with kiiii'eorH.vringe,nornelliiiKtruri8eB( hut
BUOueHHltil results in men, woinen, children,
. . iuw,in mc puni. live years, v e
m yite peraonul correspondence, in which we
will be able to decide whether or not you
can be permanently cured.
The o. E, Miller Company,
Corner of Fif'Ui aud Waeihington streets,
OI all kinds and in any qiuuilltv-whote-sale
and roUtil-at bed-rock (irlces. .
65 Front Street, Portland, Or.
fJT Bend for catalogue. 1
TryOermea for breakfast. J
ni .
vrallAches rf
Seasoo Opens for Trout April 1st
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work.
. , 33.
, , . O
. a
3 Flnt Street, Portland, Or
DaUiiE nr
Send for new lllttBtrated oataiofftie.
914 rgTBKBr WAHInVM"ii5, D.T.
-.nwim i-Hicni oitbi. PICKET FENCE
tnem and is practically kvkkl.
.i,pCL.aa,, lu uuntruciH me view am! wiu rot ot Tall
... iVL,.1 1?' F0lclB uie RfounrtB without con-
TINO. ILLUBTHATKf) 1'ATA fJiaill.' WITH Kureuu a it-ra
MFC. CO., Beaver Falls. Pa.
1 Always mention this paper in writfnft.J
Mrs. Sarah M -Rlact nt fiai,oa
MO.. dlirinP" tllP nnt turn wore linl
been affected with Neuralgia of the
xieau., oiomacn ana womD, ana
writes: "My food did not seem to
strengthen me at all
o - j w.v-
tlte was verv variahlp . fana
was yellow, my head dull, and I had
sucn pams in my lett sme. In the
mornmsr when I cnt nn T
have a flow of mucus in the mouth,
ana a oao, Ditter taste. Sometimes
mv breath heramp slinrt o1 T
such queer, tumbling, palpitating
ocuoauuBs arouna uie neart. i acnea
an aay under the shoulder blades,
in the left side, and down the back
of my limbs, It seemed to be worse
in the wet, cold weather of Winter
and Spring; and whene'erthe spells
came on, my feet and hands would
turn cold, and I could get no sleep
at alL I tried everywhere, and got
no relief before nsinc Aiicnst W17.r
Then the change came. It has done
me a wonaenui aeai o: good during
the time I have taken
ing a complete cure. ' '
u. U. UKiitN, Sole Man'lr, Woodbury, NJ.
,-AN l!',NICK(iKTl: MAN. WHO
mi luriilsli ttood MVronia, to rup-
. v , JL,a.jrtiAJJ iJiit,JIIl,t AiNW
U)AN ASSm:iATlOK,Nu.i!U Montgomery street.
8)in ITiumihco, (Jul.
with bloe rlbboo. Takeaoih LinH ZJZTZ 2uu uo"t "
wa j u xavtw irrncuu.
. fuilaWuhiaTa?'
plbO'S REMEDY FOK CATAKUti.-hcst. Essi
est to use. Cheapest. Kelief is immediate. A
enre is certain. For Cold in the Head it ha no pniml.
Ii IS ATI rHntmPnt. nf urhinh .mall naatinL i .nnKJ
, , nu,v.. nouiun liuiuwu in opjuieu
to the nostrils. Price 60c. Sold by druggiuts or sent by
mail. Address: E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa.
Buy Your Own Goods if Your Dealer Does Not Carry Them.
PIRRY riRTS inn Riim winnwo
uiui, vuuiu auu uuai uauuill
Best and Cheapest In the World.
Carts, SIS Up. Wagons. S5D Up.
m . ii mm 3H .
r .u.uKimwu,, UHii mi (jf HUUnMfl
Z. T. WRIGHT. Foot of Morrison Street. PORTLAND. OR.
Woinvi. Hid P.l,,,, . jj . .. .
m original rust's. Prtmimncud by U:a drinkt'rs
Dupruuv w iiii.v ui ims imtrKet, rrloe 0 Cents
pw lb. Any qntintity not ovwr 1 lb bv muil poHt
puid ut per tb. Cheaper ttiau chetip tea. Try it,
416-418 Front Street,
N. P. N. U. No. 400-s. F. N. vm ZSl S SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
Rocha Harbor llm, Portland Cemont, Ool
den flats and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fir. brink
and Fire Clai. LAND PLASTER.
60 North Frout Street, Cor. 1,
Music U'nchera prelerrei , Bmcial rales on ill
goods. Write for Bartlcalar.. ou