The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 25, 1891, Image 6

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    It u
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An IiiteTMitliur Artlnla nn tha din' I
Healthful sud BeNettclal of all
At hie tie Nport The Train I tig Pro
cm frum Ktavf in S?iilU.
"That rowing is the mint healthful
sai,,he most beneficial of all athletic
: - not be denied by any one
4iaviiift a knowledge of the subject.
City toys who have started in as strip
Imps t$ work for a freshman crew,
and have kept up rowiug through
their college course, have developed
into strong, symmetrically formed
men, such as they never would have
been had they not gone in for this
branch of athletics. Especially is this
true in a few of our leading universi
ties, where the training and couching
of the men are systematically and in
telligently managed.
If you are a boy who intends to go to
college you ought by all means to "try
for the crew." Even if you fail to get
on your freshman eight, fthe itime is
far from wasted, as the work will do
you incalculable good.
In this article 1 will tell you how a
college crew is trained, from the first
worktili the finishing touches are put on
just before the gi eat Varsity race, and
you will see what you would have to go
through if you should take the advice
given above. f ' ' '';,
As a rule the freshmen ctowb supply
the material for the 'varsity eight, the
best men of the former filling the
vacancies in the latter boat each year.
(Sometimes, however, it happens that a
man will row two or even three years
on his class crew before getting a place
on the 'varsity, aud once in awhile a
man who has had no previous rowing
will have that honor, but to accom
plish this he must be exceptionally
good in every way,
,)uat after the Christmas holidays
comes the first work on the set of men
from which the crew is to be selected.
Sometimes twenty or thirty me a pre
sent themselves as candidates to the
captain, who has been elected by the
crew of the previous year just before
disbanding. He takes them to the
gymnasium, where they are to work
with him tor two or three months.
He directs their exercise, their
diet and their hours; in fact, he
has complete control over them from
the time training is begun until the
crew breaks up after the race. It is
easy to see that the success of a crew
the b.ade'is not put in straight up tmd
down but at a bevel, the lower part ot
it being turned slightly toward 10 bow
of the boat, . -
The sliding seats enable the men to
vet a lonirer stroke and to utll ze the
great power of the legs. On thw "full
roach' the seat is brought toward the
stern of the boat, and it is held there
till the shoulders have come up a lit
tle on the puil. This is done to giv
the body u good position beiore the
hard push is made with the legs. On
the "recover" the body.handsand slidt
are started at the same time, aud area
care is taken to make the last part oi
the "recover" slowly and smoothly
else the force with which the eight
heavy men come against their
"stretchers" or foot rests when stop
ping the slides on the recover will stop
the headway of the boat.
This then is the 'Stroke which the
coach tries to teach the mon. He fol
lows close to their bo it on a fast steam
launch, first on one side, then on the
other, and again behind, and Bees a
great many im perfection This man
benus his back instead ox swinging
from the hips; that man does not swing
straight fore and aft, but leans to one
side of the boat when he pulls;
one drops his shoulders forward
the full reach; another
An Bleetrlo Lighting Plant on
WheelsA Novel Idoa Air a Letter
Opeuer High ftervlee Stand Pipe
lor mills, etc tMe a title Notes.
The scissors shown hi this illustra
tion ate adapted to do the work of or
dinary scissors and shears, and are
alito so made th.t letters may be
rapidly opened by them without dan
ger of mutilating the contents. The
improvement forms the subject of a
patent issued to Is nth tin A. Wheeler.
The cutting blades are curved on their
back sides, and one of them is Bonie
whut thinner than the other, to allow
it to close beneath a guide carried by
the latter. The thinner blade also
has, near its pivot poiat, a semi-oirou-lar
recess, terminating on the inner
side in a shoulder adapted to en
gage a letter guide and throw
it from the pivot pin. The figure at
the top in the illustration is a sectional
edge view of the scissors, aud just be
low Is shown the guide attachment used
in opening envelopes. The screw by
which the blades are pivoted together
has an angular flange or rib below Its
head, forcing a wusher whLh bears
upon the upper blade, and an annular
recess between the washer and the
Bcrew head adapted to receive the letter
guide. J. he latter is thin and flat, and
curved to conform with the tianged side
of the thinner blade, so that when the
, blades are closed together it will fit the
flange, the guide being secured to the
other blade, so that 1 g inner edge will
be a little in advunceof the edge of the
blade. The guide is doubled over at
right angles near its outer end and
settles down in a bunch at the end of
the stroke, as if he had no backbone;
others feather their oars under water,
kick down with their legs before their
bodies are in position to stand the
strain, rush their slides toward the
stern, stoppiug the boat, and in fact
seemed to do everything wrong. The
coach works hard and persistently,
however, and soon has the satisfaction
of seeing some of these faults begin to
At about the time the crew goes on
the water for the first time the men go
to the "training table," where they alt
take their meals under the eye of the
As soon as the crew have improved
enough, they give up the barge for the used in the ordinary way, but with
shell, generally an old one. the new the guide xn position the end of an en
one not being used until a short time
beiore the race.
Earn day after the row a shower
bath and a hard rubbing is given to
the men, From five, to fifteen miles
are gone over each day in greater or
less stretches. 1'ieces or lour miles on
time are rowed about twice a week.
On these rows and during impromptu
races with class crews or local clubs
the men are watched very closely.
nVettrs impmA Sbmatts.
perforated to receive a stud on the
outer end of the blade on which
it tits, the Inner end of the guide
being rounded to tit the semi'
circular recess in the other blade, near
the pivot point, and being slotted to
nt closely upon tne screw, wnen the
guide is not in place the scissors are
velope passed between the bladoB is
stopped by the guide, as shown in the
small sectional figure at the left in the
picture, so that only a narrow strip
will be cut from the extrome end of
the envelope, without danger of cut
ting anything it may enclose,
iteodore Hmith, ot "Jersey City, at A
st of 5,IM)i).
A Croat Hlsst.
A great blast whs to have taken
ace at Mr. 1 ('alia nan's quur 'ies, at
ulh Itethlehem, N. V., on .nme ,
L.t It failed, owing to imperfections
n the electric wir ng, and was a dis
imuimment to thousands of people
vuo had congregated to witness the
xnlostnn, and to many who ex tie!' ted
it note some Important results f om
ie method employed in charging.
lie failure was due solely to the
Mlioienov of the electric ian who had
argo of the wiring, and the greatest
sympathy was felt. by all with Mr.
aiiunan, who had spared nopalnB nor
expense to make the occasion success
ful and impressive.
The quarries are situated at an ancle
in the great limestone ridge which
passes through this suction. Previous
excavation has given the quarry a very
uniform face, orescent shaped, aud
about 4H) feet long, with a perpendic
ular height of 100 feet. About HO feet
from the base of the oltrT Is a ledge or
onset, so that the top of the olitt Ib set
uacK some ao leet. The blast notes
were drilled on the ledge and at the
top, being at an average distance of 13
feet back of the face. The holes were
drilled to a depth of 3fi feet, and were
charged with from 30 to fiO pounds
each of 75 per cent "miners friend
dynamite. The entire charge amount
ed to 5,000 pounds of dynamite, di
vined between laa holes.
The circuit was connected with a
dynamo situated in the crushing mill,
close to the quarry. At 4 o'clock in
the presenue of Uov. Hill and his staff
and about ft. mm spectators, Air. i alia-
nun s pretty daughter turned the
switch, without result, as the wires
were somewhere grounded. Mr. (alia-
nan, however, succeeded In connect
ing up three sections of his blast, dis
charging them separately at intervals
of fifteen to twenty miuutes by a hand
At the second discharge the high
cliff, ,'tOi) feet long and tf cut high, was
seen to fall over to an angle of 4l de
grees, and then drop, completely crum
trenstn f Anchor Bolts
From a number of careful tests latelv
made to ascertain the precise strength
of anchor bolts set in Portland cement
in the ordinary way, the fact appeared
that the joint was really stronger than
the stone. In this demonstration, two-
inch iron rods were set into the stones
some eleven and one-half inches, and
then subjected to the test.
The first rod had a screw thread
to improve the grip of the ce
ment, ami the cement began to yield at
a load of 32,oou pounds, the breaking of
the stone taking place at fi0,ooo. V ith
a plain, smooth rod. It was found that
the cement began to yield at a load of
:n,(iuo pounds, but the rock broke at
il?,oiM pounds. Thus, though tlie
strength of the cement joint was not
developed, It was Inferred that, in a
suitable setting, the cement joint on a
smooth rod might be matle to break
the rod.
depends greatly upon the captain.
A bove all he must have good judgment,
and he must be firm without being
overbeartng. Besides this, he and the
coach must agree perfectly, else, should
a point come up on which they do not
have the same opinion, one or the
other loses the conhdence of the men.
or wore. perhaps there comes a split
lu the crew.
, HP Via nfimlr n tKfl mrmniieinm Tr"ri l Vl
Hurts two or three hours each day, con
sist of hard general exercising on all
the apparatus, but principally on the
heavy pulley weight, the object being
to bring as many muscles into play as
possible, and to develop the body sym
metrically. Look closely at the next
good university crew youseeand notice
the depth of their chests and how
beautifully their muscles are rounded:
note their carriage and their springy
walk and you will see the good of this
Each day after the gymnasium work
the men row for about twenty minutes
. on rowing machines or in the ' tank.
In the middle of the tank, which is
filled with water, is a long narrow box
fitted up with sliding seats, "stretch
era" (foot rests), and outriggers (the
irons which hold the rowlocks). A
large hole is cut in the middle of the
blade of each oar, so that when the
men row the water rushes through
these openings, giving the crew a very
good indoor substitute for actual row
ing. After the row the men take a run of
two or three miles, which develops
their staying powers and enables them
to stand hard, sharp work without get
ting out of breath. This routine is
gone through day after day, until it is
warm enough to row on the water.
'J'he men take hold of the oars with
bout a band's breadth between the
hinds. The stroke is commenced by
reaching forward toward the stern of
the boat with both body and arms and
putting the blade in the water, great
care being taken to swing forward
from the hips without bending the
middle of the back any more than .pos
tble. The shoulders are kept down
and back, as there is notsomuch power
in them when they are "haunched up,"
nd when thev are allowed to move
' "ward too much they make the chest
' lessening the lung and heart
i the oar into the wator.
New High Hervlne Maud Pipe.
This stand pipe was erected for the
Ah bmi, ne iha r.niiofra hiH,a um 1 puroose of forcing water above the
over the eight goes to the scene of the nrat floors of houses on Jersey City
great contest. The rows are made heights. The pipe is 100 feet in height
shorter to allow the men to pick up a i,,u " lu " f"u
littio in at;it hnt thu nhnrt n,u. I twentv-two courses of wrought iron,
are taken at the highest possible speed. f different thicknesses. The
At last the duv comes, ana u yon
ever sit in a boat at the starting post
of a great college race as the referee
steams up toward your shell, theee
thoughts will perhaps nit through your
mind: "Is the result of all this work to
be victory or defeat? We must win."
Are vou ready?1 shouts the referee.
The three seconds seem an age. "(io,"
comes to your ears at last. The
boat jumps, you remember to
make the first three strokes
short to get a good start, and then you
settle down, alt nervousness gone, on
tne journey whi'th is to bring to you
and the whole college joy or sadness,
according to your boat's position at the
finish line, and if you win well, few
will ke the events of your life to make
you happier.
Walter B. Pbet.
NorthneNlem Amateur Association.
The annual regatta of the North
western Amateur Kowing association
is fixed to take place at Detroit, Aug.
14, 15, immediately following that of
the Mississippi Valley associution,
which will come off on the same water
Aug. 13, 13. The program is made
up as follows: Junior single sculls.
senior single H'.'Ulls, junior double
sculls, senior double sculls, junior pair
oared shells, senior pair oared shells,
junior four oared shells, senior lour
oared shells, four cared gigs and ten
oared barges. All races will be
one mile and a half with a turn.
Entrance fees: Four oars, 810; pair oars,
810; double sculls, 810; single sculls, 85.
The fee must be paid to the secretary
at the time oi entering, and will be re
turned to clubs which start boats in the
races for which they were entered. In
addition to the valuable gold badges to
be given to each winning oarsman,
handsome certificates will be given to
clubs of winners. Arrangements have
been made with the railroads, and
Bpecial rates granted.
first seven courses are made of
M inch iron, seven of the
next out of i-H inch, and the last eight
out of .Vlfi inch iron. Each course was
put up in two separate pieces and
riveted together. Each course is four
feet in height. The stand pipe is
riveted at the bottom to an iron cast
ing, eight feet in diameter. The cast
ing has one twenty-four inch inlet and
two twenty, fonr inch outlets. One out
let connects with the street pipe and
the other to the overflow pipe.
The overflow pipe, which is erected
inside and running up through the
center of the main pipe, is HO feet in
height and t feet in diarnet r. This is
connected to one of the outlets in the
casting and runs out into the reservoir.
The casting is bolted to a briok
foundation 15 feet square. The
bolts are eight in number and !SH
inches in diameter. They run through
the foundation and are fastened on the
Portable Electric Lighting Plant.
We illustrate a portuble electric light
plant, constructed in London, England,
lor a large ' dock company. It is
mounted upon a frume carried by four
wrought iron traveling wheels, and is
fitted with two bullocks. The
boiler stunds in the center,
the engine Ireing at one end and the
dyn i mo at the other. The boiler Ib 0
fee II inches high by I! feet inches in
diameter. The firebox is crossed by
two tubes 8 inches in diameter. The
I f"Zj 3mm
She Knew Him Well
"Have you a very stylish young girt you
could recommend mef said a gentleman lu
an employment bureau.
"Excuse me, sir," replied the affable man
ager, "but do you live in the corner house f
"Yes, but why do you ask"
"Because your wife was here only a mo
ment ago to see If we bad a tow beaded girl
with a wart on her nose. "Judge.
An exchange tells of the finding of the
nude body of a man who gave two gasps and
then died. This U a case where a pair of
pants could not serve as raiment.
. Bf1frt.
underside to iron washers, two feet
square. The weight of this casting is
12.0JD pounus. xne weigni oi
nine is 32,000 pounds. . The pipe.
when full of water, will hold
2 1,000 gallons. The water is forced up
into the stand pipe at the bottom
through a 24-inch pipe connected to
the casting, by ft Worthlngton duplex
mgine. The four iron supporting rods
or the stand pipe are 1 1-2 inch in dia
meter, The Urn d pipe was erected by
AH throiiffh the frown land we sped,
ThrouKh cuttings white and uu-rohes
TbrmiRh black plantation, grim and dead,
Aud forest BianU darkly sure.
Tho Isnditcapo find and passed holow.
And itastuR Btllt, wo wir no more
Than oue great uhoorliw waxte of snow,
An ooeau with no farther shore;
Until the mountain" row around,
Bo Hteruly from the toy earth,
And beauty, though rejeeted, found
A homo In her own very dearth.
Cold thoy were, pride tntenHlflnd
In every line so Riuint and grim
A mantle and a nail of prldo,
That lingered when all ulau grew dim.
The rooky bead all pnwdored o'er,
And lu the valley tar below
A forest tantrle, and onou more
A Iuuk and eUdule&H slope of hdow.
Thoy eeenied aa mmirnlnu for tho past.
In uopoluiw mourning for an age
Bo iliHtant now, Ita record oaHt
but mystery on earth's dim page.
They seemed aa frowning nn tho eye
That arrogantly dared tn read
The secret thought they laid an by,
And to mioh uUtmoe had deoreed.
They Heemed an wrapped tn vnlocless soora
Too poiwlonleiw to Hlnp to bate.
That anything of mortal horn
fihould dare one thought to penetrate,
1 met them, and t left thnm en,
HUH watching from their fortress white.
Their cold, vaat citadel of euow, ,
To see the Unit approach of night
Longing to feel Its shadows glide.
Ami veil their grief and hide ihetr pain.
With eager longing, even pride.
Though nioariuruloHB, could not restrain,
Lilian VYiustanloy lu Chambers' Journal
A hidden chotr of dear southern hlrrii
Hive ma'le thei home In ner fair throat.
Voicing in tender pontoon of uunpoken words
In many a Rweet Heart Mining note
Bometiiniw th aruh and trioHxy mucking bird
LaugiiM iu her nappy, jnuniid tone;
Again, die yearning of tlmdnve w Heard,
Ah when Mite mourn her mate alone;
And now the red bird with HI vltiraut trill
Bhoweni a rain of minor ot. tite sir,
Or the ewainp rohin inaKe tha point thrill
Like mime xnul burdened choral prayer.
Our pirit'n wing, meet y her voice, will be
Attuned lo heaven'H fullest harmony'
Mel. a Colquitt U) New Orleans Timea-Demo-
The BhrewdneM of Detnetlves, t
While 1 am in the buninen myself, I am
free to admit that detectives are often ao
credited with a shrewdness to which they are
not entlttud For inxtmioe, a man will lose
valuable piece of poruonsl property and n
ply to a detective to recover It for him, Ut
will unbosom himself to tho officer, tell him
where he waa and what he was doing when
he lost his property, aud then what s simple
thiug tt is to recover It In the majority of
cases the victim was robbed to cimi)aiiy be
would not wuut Ut recojiniae tn daylight Be
informs tho detective of those who were in
his company, aud thu detective goes to the
party or parties, makes a grand bluff about
knowing who has the goods, aud In the ma
jority of cases came bis point The de
lighted owner upon buving his property re
turned says: "What a emurt follow that de
tective ut!" while hi fact he is no brighter
than the ordinary run of humanity, and has
limply transacted a piece of buninesKfor hia
cuiitomernn businw principles, Detective
in UiobfrDeruocraL
engine has a cylinder Inches in diam
eter by u indies stroKe, ana is oi tne
inverted tpe with I'ickering governor.
rtv means ot a belt it drives tne
dynamo. This is compound wound
to give 20 amperes of cur
rent at a pressure of 10 volts, when run
ning at tt.'iO revolutions per minute, it
supplies four incandescent lamps of
300 candle power each. Each lamp is
provided witn a strong .enameled iron
reflector fitted with a wire guard, and
a length of twin flexible cable. A
plant of this description will be very
usetul in many kinds of outdoor work.
One Cuttnn tn a Hlnse.
Gun cotton conntitutes tho best military
explosive known, fur, whils Its explosive
force vastly exceeds that of gunpowder and
approaches that of nitre-glycerine, it is the
latest and most stable explosive we possess,
since ft con be stored aud tranitported wet;
and whim tu thin state, though ft may bo de
tonated, It cannot bo exploded fn any other
way. As much as two thousand pounds of
wot cotnpretwed gun cotton buvo been placed
tn ft tltirce bonllre. where it lias gradually
dried, layer by layer, and been consumed
without exploding, hetwles, guu cotton is
tho only military explomvo which can be
detnnnhHi with certainty whun froaou.
Charles ft Muuroe tn Hcribner's Alagaziuo.
Two Mutt Is Day.
In spite of what our Elizabethan fore
fathers said and did to thecmitrary, and not
withstanding Che opinions of some eminent
physicians of recent tunes, evening is the
only rational time to dine. There should
only bo two really substantial meals aduy,
and those should be break! Bat and dinner. A
solid and highly nutritious meal ought to
begin the day's work, an equally solid and
equally nutritious meal should end tt What
is token in the course of the working hours
may bo such us merely to satisfy the urgent
cravings of the appetite, and to maintain in
A condition of steady movement the ascend
ing or descending course of thu nerve energy.
The Hospimi,
Good Form in Carrying Paresis.
In London it is not considered "good
form" for a gentleman to carry through
the streets a parcel, bowever small or
elegantly wrapped. He may carry a
book. If it is not too large and is not
wrapped up; for a book is a book, but
a parcel may be a pound of cheese or a
dozen red herring. The restriction is a
foolish one, a form of class distinction
that is Inconsistent with the highest
civilization, In whfeb every man will be
a gentleman If lie Is thoughtfully con-
sidorate of others, whether he Is a la-
AU There TVns In flight.
An English barrister was lately summoned
before thu benchers of his fun, charged with
the serious professional olTonse of accepting
a fee of half a guinea when his brief was
marked with a guinea, The offender was
severely reprimanded and Informed that be
had departed from "the best traditions of
the bar." Me respectfully urged that be had
imagined that be was following "the best
traditions of the bar," inasmuch as he had
taken all be could gut Ho struck were the
bonchers, either with the force of this obser
vation or the forensic ability displayed by the
culprit in bis own uuiunse, that they let him
oil without further remark. London Truth. -
Clubs or All Sorts.
There are clubs of nil sorts and charac
ter In Now York, The tall men have a
club called the Titans. Tlio-mon who
wish to show themselves superior to
superstition have formed themselves into
a club of til i neon, The southerners club
together and so do the New Kuglandors,
the fut men and the Scotchmen, The
athletes and the artists all meet together
In associations for their own encourage
ment and improvement. It is even re
ported from i'at'ls that anear sighted club
has been formed tliore. N. V, World
Anent the Wales silver wedding, It Is ob
served that the nrincess' debt bridesmaids of
borer or rides In a carriage. Youth's . twenty-five years ago ore ail living, all mar
Companion, -i t ' I rled and nous divorced. ..