The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 25, 1891, Image 5

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Lebanon Express.
Fill DAY, &KP 25, 1S!I.
JTKrA(MiltOtllll I'K'ltl (III lirsl )'!'.'!'. "(Vs.
(i In Rik-Ii'h fur uliiiino uinci'i'ii,
I''. M, French, Ihti Ji'WiOw, Albany,
koriw I'tplroiul linn.
V. II. I'.ih'IIi M, II. pli.vttlcltm niid
fcui'cnii LrUtiiiiiu Orison.
I'orwins dishing roul (istiite will lo
Woll to will on M. A. Miller,
Jim. Jiurtermlniw him returned lioine.
For brentl cull nt the Hlur iinlnurtiiil,
Cli'iiii imil JVcsli gruMHwrdu lit t'l 111111
HeuC'ruson &'Titiiolliy need.
Work m Iho ditch In imigrrssing
Insure your houmi with Peterson &
Oiirl mid:
There In to lie a wedding; the 14th of
next iiiuiitli.
The Hteiim mv hm begun lo tiling u
round town,
Work beguu on the new bunk build
ing thin week.
Sheriff Hcott and wife were In Leba
non Tueaduy.
Bay Jackson will build a neut bouse
on Grove street.
Orva Thompson, of Salcni, cume up
this wuy lust week.
Justine J. F. Hyde visited Albuny
one day laat week.
The M. K. Church wmtcmphite en
larging their puisoiiugo.
Mm. Houston, of Albany, visited
Mm. J, W. Burkharttlila week.
H. M. Steele, Esq., tlie live Albany
real estulc men were over Tnescliiy.
Mian Llhbie Curolhenj commenced
ber school tbls week In the Tennessee
Mr. Thm. Trice, 1 he ion I motor, still
wunts some more tenuis. He is paying
$.60 per day for good It imm.
A new puper Is lo lie published In
Lebauon. Hev. O. H. Haulelter will
begin the pulilicution of a Incul church
pupcr about Oct. 1.
Mr. C. P. Pinrh and family, of Suliha,
Kunsus, are viHttltig the family of Joe
Nixon, his Uncle. .Mr. I'ugh Is liiplily
plcusud wilh t li it country iimi !liiiil
lie will locate here.
M r. Fled ('Brothers li ft, Tuesday, for
Monmouth to attend the suite norma!
Married, in this city on September
2!!, 111)1, by Jlvv. K. It. I'rlebard, Mr.
A. J. Howard, and Addle Knilth. The (
newly married couple tool: the noon '
train for Portland where they will re
Bide. Albany Herald, j
M r. M. Lounberry has moved to j
Tollman. We are sorry to lose him. j
The new Baptist Church we arc in- j
formed w ill be dedicated soon. '
Work was beun on Mrs. Jtice'M new '
building on Main street lust Monday.
Digii. Kldon, Infant son of U. M ;
and Livonia Weslfiill, died on last I
Monday A. M. und was burled at 10 j
o'clock Tuesday, in the .Masonic cemc-;
tery. We extend our profound sym
pathy to tbo bereaved mother and '
father. i
Hei'vices at the M, J. Cbuieh, Woulh
on next Nililmtli evi-ninn at. 7:,'IU
qjcluek Qospul sermon. All eoidially
We are ple:::.ed to learn that Dr.
Skipwortb is Improving. ,
Crawford & l-'iixlou of Albany, are
lnnUiui; t''iii:tt'i t!ttiUy;tl!i for tiie
low jnii t of Sl ,30 per do.':''!!. Vali at
their Gallery und see llictn when In
8. P. Bach keeps a lino of bonis
Slm..S i;n V.tfll U; ljl,..v,'ll;,vii;i
Kugeiie (iimrd: (j W,
was tried for threatening to kill , I I'
Hohonling, at .iuneiieii ir.ti nliiy, was
bound over by Jibiiiv, n:
sum of $'J.'io to keep ilie je iu.o (-e
furnished bonds.
bis bonilsnniii On u elniif,.-i.l e; .ri.y
lug it concealed weapon, lie Vim din
chaiged, iiUlioiijrli be suited Unit bo
bud u pistol on ills person ami deili-d
any ne to take the mm fwni bim
tleo Pcubler lias by oareful attention
to business gained u pruiuottou to the
position of Baggage Mister on the
Koseburg Local, from Portland to
JIIsb Jessie Kulston was visiting
friends and relatives In portland this
M r E R JHoutague left this morning
for a vlait to Vancouver
jtfmjoe Jfajerand Mr Jtwl itfayen
loW this morula); for a rl!l to th
B"ftoo other ImiiU matter on flrtli iv-a Jim
8. P. Bach gives 16 or,, for a pound.
Mr. J. Wassom visited Salem on last
M. A. Miller's addition to Lebanon
It a very desirable part of the city to
Chandler and Albertson, the Fidel
ity bank robbers have been arrested,
E. M. Tate, editor "Echo" and Ev
erett Moore, cdilor "Alliance Vlndi
enter," rival' newspaper men of Bid
phur Springs, Texas, attacked each
other recently, with (lie result that
Moore was killed, being shot four times
and Talc in Jail shot once.
Kevs. Wo illy and Blair, of the C. P.
church, are conducting a protracted
mcclliigat Albany this week.
Dr. E, L. Irvine, who has been quite
sick at Albany, Is reported better.
The Oregon Pacific employes get
their pay In "time." The manage
ment will get theirs In eternity. Klay
ton Times,
!r. aud Mrs. V. V. Chamberlain,
of Alliui;,v, celebrated their twentieth
wedding anniversary lust Thursday
The W. II. C. entertainment given
at Judge Miller's, new ball on Friday
tilght was very successfully conducted
affording much enjoyment lo all pres
ent. Fran k and George Wills, aged 13 and
15 years, have been arrested at Tangent
for breaking Into a Chinese house.
They are now in Jail at Albany.
Mr. Enoch Cyrus, wife and twoaona
W. H. and John Cyrus, arrived from
across the mountains last week. Tbey
are visiting friends and relatives near
Lebanon and Hcio,
The Phil gle Boclal, to be given at
the residence of Kev. B. C. Jncka Fri
day, Hep! . th, will be postponed until
Oct, 2nd, 1091.
Remember your twine accounts come
due at Cruson Si Mensle'a Oct. 1( 1881.
It takes cash to run the hardware
business und Cruson & Menzie want
your undivided attention.
Mrs. A. J. Adam and daughter re
turned home Inst Saturday altera visit
of two months In Prlnesvllle.
Prof. MolMiee and family have
moved Into the Bilyeu house.
Evci'clt Parrish and liny Jackson
have gone lo Kugeiie to the State University,
.May i Mlil r'.s New addition to
Lebanon bus been platted and he is
now "tiering it on the market. It is
desirable property.
T. Ii, P.oruui and wifj were in Alba
ny one il.iy Ian, week.
The Council passeri an ordinance at
tlu lrlar-i rvgukiriiuwling In regard to
:di;u'all;a aud which appeared last
week In the Exiuiksb, und it would
b weli fr all to read, as they intend
to put the sidi -walks' In firnl-elusa or
ner before the rainy weather.
V 'j '. -ml belter lix up your aide
walks or the luar.-diul will cull on you
At liie adjourned meeting of the
City Council last iihrlit a petition was
presented by Parker & firiibtts for
Ii jtior license fur six mouths which was
Messrs ji vln & .Norman Smith re
I liinicd home yesterday from their
trip the mountains.
Mr. John Dodge and Miss Maggie
J'.uby was m.-iiTiod at Philomath Sept.
, ai.
, Mi: Jurray has opened a fish mar
! feet near Cruson & ien.ies Hardware
Mrs. II.. V. Kirkpatrlck and the edi
i lor eivin J'.iriland Hie lirsl. of the
week atlendiii the fair and enjoying
i Uw priviiejios of "Press day." Mrs. K.
i r niiiiiied several days visiting relative-,
j J'eierson & ( i.'irlaud can still give on
I easy terms a desirable building lot in
' Uirlipatricksaddltion:
j ' be ineiubers of Ilie Jiaptist coutrre
g.itiiin at Albany bud a reunion on the
2;ld inst. A nice supper was served
noli upimeiriule exercises followed.
Willjiii the next few weeks the
CoiitiTejwtiuiiul Association, the Miuia
l. iial i.loiil'eroiicc of Disciples, the Dap
list Slate Convention, the Synod of the
United Presbyterian Church on the
Pucille coast, unci the State Conven
tion of the Young People's Hooielies of
Christian Endeavor, are to hold their
meeting In Albany. The Message.
The contract for finishing the wood
work and plastering of the basement
and lower story of the Orphnus Home
and Hospital of Albany has been let
to ilrj 0 Campbell, aud the work
will he pushed through to completion
at once.
All persons kuowiug themselves in
debted to me will please call iu and
nettle up as I need my money,
Mm. im. lttcr..
Any one desiring to go out of town
on the Southern Pacific will do well
to remember that the time of train ar
rivals has not been changed only the
slay here has lieen lengthened 16 min
ute's. Building makes our cfty move live
ly and when tbo ditch is finished
Lebanon will go ahead with a great
rapidity. .
Buy you an acre In ltalslons addi
tion uuc'l build your wife a nice house.
Save rent and lie happy:
fMr. Phil Smith has bought the de
livery business of Clint Gordon and
his son Henry will hereafter run the
Dr. J. H. P. Hope brought us some
fine peaches for which he has
our thanks. They were as nice as wc
have seeu here.
Services at M. E. Church at 11 and
7:.'I0 Sunday. Subjects for morning.
"Where shall wisdom be found."
Evening. "Jesus, the Christ-a por
trait." Sunday school at 10 A. M.
General prayer meeting Thursday
evening All welcome.
CYmiiekIiAND Presbyterian
G'JimiCH. Morning Services at 11
o'clock, Subject "Kight Views Correct
Errors." Evening services, 7:30 o'clock
Subject "Apples of Gold In Pictures of
Silver." Y. P. 8. 0. E. meets Friday
evening, 7:30.
Prkshyterian Church. Next
Sabbath the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be celebrated at the close
of the morning sermon. Baptism, and
reception of members before the ser
mon. Morning subject, "The Exami
nation of our Faith." Evening Lec
ture, "Mineials." Sabbath school 10
A. M. Christian Endeavor Monday
evening 7:80.
Card of Thanks.
To the many kind friends who were
untiring in their help during our late
affliction, we desire to return our sin
cere thanks.
G. M. Westfall,
Mrs. Livonia Westfali.
'7 l '
FJaESH from manufacturers '
Ladies' and Misses" Shoes, 0 S '
Gents' and Boys' Shoes, X
Gents' and Boys' Boots, s
Fresh Groceries Arriving Constantly.
See the New Line of Hats for Men and ky 1
Everything in Staple Dry Goods.
Unci Ottide ul Oregon Clly. Oregon, 1
Aim.-ii. iniu. j
Notice U lifivtiy (,'ivcn Miat the I'ullimiiijf-iiiiriied
M'ttlci in lik'ij ikiI iff f ( lii" iineniuw to nmfcc
tlnit! (ir: ;n Mitt,""! i''" iHM'hmti Htiti iliiil snitl
pnml wi'l lie iioi'li' IwMipe Hit1 Hi-ifi-iei iinil lkj
(vtvm uniM' U. n. I ultldd al (tu yoii City, Or-
tr . tf ,
At Jo
ai. 'I'. t;i . k.
JTc Itrim
, u. iJ i. o.
i-4 ft &.':
rit'.nics ,C;t tiiid ft--1 ,-li'M, a-t u i
Mnint!, L'.im I'tuniiy, OiYfiOii.
xoTjris run vvimwatiqs.
L;iiH Oll.r:- n( (),. oi "' ..-.(, I
Ki,Mcf I- Ik- l.;-i; lh;if vl d
St'HkT llll' iv.'l 1" C. Ml' lit'! fttii'li. l. In liuiM"
timii ii-oni in ; nj.ii'i t't Iht '''. ti--i.M'J liu ., jiii. i
cliiiui. iiinl '.ti:i: - h i'l l.c niiif'f 1'. .ino i l.i.'
ItfUli-KTlUlii t;.-i:i-,V. Jif i S. (Jili.'C 111
On-you Cliy, Uit-m, n Weill, f ii. js.u, k;
(.'AUKIISA. 1!':!.'K.
Widow of 3hn A, V...u- .ir:v;. . fTrtiJit'-J'-.n!
cm -y Nst. s t,.i . w. s. w. v;
(i ,. I-:. ! . i: 1 ,':.-vli w, . v. ii or .
15. !4tii'si'i', T, K.
iin miiiio l.i" i.i'i-iH in': v i' t''!li'inv(hdr
wtliilii!iirti- n I'l'turr i , ' t ti 'I citiiiv.' :n:i ul', sitifl
lini'l. y.' t .'-'ii .; A , :; 1. 1 WwVj-v . iWhWr
man, (. i,nV-1 niL.ii--, ntu! .). riy .MU'ii.ulMji' twl
Homo. I. in. i Umr.iy, M!V;:nii.
J. r. A.'TWtsnN.
Toys, Stationery, Baskets.
Kirkpatrick Building. LEBANON, ORE,,
Tti Mn!;e Jtuuni tor My
i p, rinMMnn
Knliri' Stuck of
Boots & Shoes
wui: viNi'riTvcs- a.liia.ay
i'ow is (lie Tiiii'i to
I Propose to have
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor-"""
ing Department with Frst-Class TailorinR.
Leaainff Dry uooas btorc
in ine vaiiey,
Promptly attended.
Lebanon, Oregon.
l'lNlflild tMjmfflLlNft