The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 25, 1891, Image 2

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H. T. KIKKPATKIVK, l'obll.her.
Forest Fires Raging in
the Cascades,
Sealing Poachers Are Reaching Vic
toria, B. C, Every Day With
Fine Catches.
A (6,000 ice plant for Riverside, Cel.,
it projected.
The Alaska aalmon pack exceeds that
of lastBeaBOn.
Santa Barbara, Cal., has voted to build
an outfall sewer Bystem.
The entire system of Portland street
railways is now owned by one company.
Coal has been found at Hollywood,
three miles onteide of the city limits of
Los Angeles.
Terrible forest fires are racing in the
Cascade Mountains in the vicinity of Hot
Springs, Wash.
The carpenters at Vancouver, B.C.,
are striking against the employment of
non-union men.
Frank Chaves, Sheriff of Santa Fe
. connty, N. M., is said to be short about
$33,000 in his accounts. ,
Portland hae inst voted (30,000 for a
municipal building, (45,000 for sewers
and $55,000 for water works.
Koseville, five miles from Ban Diego,
is to be the site for the new iron plant
so long talked about in tbat section.
Low wages and poor food are causing
large desertions from the railroad gangs
at work on the Great Northern extension
in Montana. ..
Coal of good quality has been discov
ered by aecident at Cbemainus, a little
village about midway between Victoria
and Nanainio, fi. C. - ; j
The Washington militia is to sue the
State to compel it to settle the pay rolls
lor services auring tne late troubles in
the mines in Jung county.
The news from the Pine Nut region by
way of Carson continues to be of an ex
citing nature to prospectors and miners.
Hew strikes, all rich, are reported.
lhe Union Pacihc instituted a suit
against the Oregon Railroad Commission
to annul the rates adopted by the board,
wnico are w per cent, lower tnan those
fixed by the railroad.
The owners of the Bonanza mine at
Tombstone have come to no conclusion
concerning the resumption of deep min
ing. The Contention-mine people have
we suoject under Deliberation.
Prof. George H. Bryant of the Ala
bama Polytechnic Institute has been ap
pointed director of the work shops and
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engi
neering in the Stanford University.
The steamship Zambesi df the Upton
line has been libeled for $20,000 at Vic
toria, B. C. Damages are claimed by
the schooner Fanny Dutard, with which
the Zambesi collided in the Straits of
. Fuca. :: V
Sealing poachers are reaching Victoria
every day from Behring Sea, and some
of them have fine catches. Tbe Sap
phire has 2,435, the Walter A. Earle
J.Ozl ana the schooner Carmelite 700
skiiiB. .... ..
Tbe midsummer harvest number of
the Los Angeles Timet is brim full of in
teresting reading and statistical facta of
a reliable character about the progress of
Southern California and its great re
The Portland Council, which was I
elected on a platform of economy and
reform, is attempting to increase the sal
aries of city officers, including their own,
some $39,000 over the old list, and their
conduct is severely criticised.
The customs authorities have selected
a site on Mary's Island, Alaska, near the
British Columbia boundary for a custom
house and other government buildines,
A schooner leaves Port Townsend in a
few days with material to construct the
buildings at a cost ol $80,000.
Charles Raskin, editor of Le Gauhm
at Los Angeles, and J. P. Goytino of Le
Progrei have not been friendly for a long
time. Raskin left for Europe, but pre
pared an edition of his paper for circula
tion, charging Goytino with innumerable
crimes., (joytino got out a warrant, and
the officers arrested Raskin at Barstow.
He was taken to Los Angeles to answer
the charges of criminal libel.
The following cities in the State of
Washington have over 1,500 population :
Seattle 42,837, Tacoma 36,006, Spokane
Falls 19.922, Walla Walla 4,709, Olympia
.,oimf rorc xownsena 4,000, fairhaven
4,076, Whatcom 4,059, Vancouver 3,546,
Ellensburgh 2,768, Centralia 2,026, Sno
homish 1,993, Dayton 1,880, Puyailup
1,732, Sprague 1,689, Colfax 1,649, Aber
deen 1,638, Montesano 1,632, Blainel,503,
North Yakima 1,535.
The Yuma Sentinei claims that at the
mouth of the Colorado river and the
upper end of the Gulf of California are
to be found sea base that weigh from 250
to 750 each, clams as large as a common
dinner plate, millions of sardines and
smelt, oysters small but delicious, mill
ions of soft-shelled crabs and other shell
fish, myriads of wild geese, brants,
lucks, cranes and other sea fowl and
birds. It is a paradise for fish and game,
Or the Five IflirliMt Graduates at West
Point the South Him Kuur,
3 He Fuu
le in
Out of 250,000,000 people in all India
less than 11,000,000 can read and write.
The receipts at Chautauqua this sea
son were 25 per sent, above those of last
year.. .
A high school is to be established at Oat
aadaga Lake, X Y., in connection with
spiritualistic views ol emulation.
The gain in school enrollment in New
Mexico in 18W0 ib 2n3 percent., while the
gain in population is only xtj per cent.
Throughout France gardening iB prac
tically taught in the primary and ele
mentary schools. There are about 28,000
oi these schools.
About 1,400 members of Cambridge
University, England, have signed reso
lutions protesting against the admission
of women to the university. .
The University of the City of New
York has just added a school of the sci
ence of education to itself, and hereafter
win corner tne degrees ol Master and
Doctor of Pedagogy.
The school census of Louisiana shows
that out of a total school population of
370,226 only 85,000 children attend the
public schoolB, and many of these attend
two months in the year.
The Universitv of Unaala in Sweden
during the present term bas an attend
ance of 1,658. Of these 254 are in the
theological department, 740 in the philo
sophical, 443 in the law and 221 in the
medical. '
Of the five highest graduates at West
Point four come from Southern States.
counting Maryland as of the South, and
the fifth is from Pennsylvania. Charles
S. Hines, who stands the highest in tac
tics, is also from the South, being a Vir
Eight institutions have each an enroll
ment of over 1,000 students, and seven
report from 500 to 1,000. Nor is it the
old colleges in the East alone which draw
their pupils by the hundreds, but Har
vard's 2.271 students and Yale's 1,645
are paraiieiea Dy Ann Aroor s x,ua and
Oberlin'e 1,709.
The head mistress of the high school
for girls in Birmingham, England, sug
gests that parents who are anxious as to
the career and future of their daughters
should train them to be teachers of cook
ery. She finds from the Liverpool cook
ery school that there is a constant de
mand for qualified teachers, and that
more applications were received than
could be satisfied. The remuneration
varies from $7.50 to $15 a week excel
lent wages for England.
MisB Susan B. Anthonv iB authority
for the statement that there is a project
w Dana in rtocnester, n. i.,n new uni
versity, which will be co-educational for
the sexea. Miss Anthony says : " There
are many wealthy people in Rochester
who think it is a shame that daughters
of workingmen cannot obtain a college
education. The wealthy people can send
their daughters to Cornell, University of
Michigan, Wellesley, any of the State
and nearly all of the sectarian colleges
in tue n est. u is toe r,ast wmcn is
conservative in closing the doors to girls.
Even the wealthy, however, prefer to
nave tne university training at home.'
A plan for furnishing a technical edu
cation to the boys who have to work is
to be put into operation by the trustees
of Bell-street chapel, Providence, the
free-thonght institute which James Ed
dy's money founded. The scheme is
alter that in use in England, the science
classes, which are carried on under the
direction of the government and the
guilds in London, and which are doing
a large work in providing proper tech
nical education. James Tribe, mechan
ical engineer, graduate of the science
classes and of Central institute, will be
instructor, and there will be a committee
to overlook the work, consisting of Isaac
Whitehead, Robert Grieve. J. Bowie and
George Whitehead. The first course will
open Tuesday, October 2, students Jbeing
required to pay only $5 for fifty-two
Rlotinr Chinese Destroy the American
Jftisalnn at Xanana;.
An additional proclamation, signed by
President Harrison and Assistant Secre-
tary of State Wharton, has been issued
in regard to the timber reserve in Yel
lowstone Park. The boundaries are the
same as described in the first proclama
tion. It concludes with a warning to all
persons not to enter or to make settle
ment in the section reserved for Yellow
stone Para.
The Department of State has received
a telegraphic dispatch from the Minister
at Pekin, reporting a riot at Ychang, on
the Yang-tse-Kiang river, in the prov
ince of Hoope, and that tbe establish
ment of the American missionaries there
has been destroyed. No further partic
ulars are given. Ychang is about 200
miles above Hankow, which is about as
tar up the river as vesssels of war can go.
The Board of Managers of the Na
tional Home for disabled volunteer sol
diers has concluded itsquarterly meeting
in Washington. At the last meeting a
provision was made for the creation of
medical boards at each branch to exam
ine tbe inmates and ascertain what pro
portion of them were able to maintain
themselves and not disabled. These re
ports are now under consideration. The
board at the California branch reports
there is not a single inmate who could
be properly excluded. In the Central
branch the board found thirty-three in
mates who should be excluded, because
they have a sutlicient income to main
tain themselves, and seventeen because
they were physically able. The Milwau
kee branch has not reported. The board
has not yet determined upon a line of
policy to be pursued in these cases. It
is the desire to rid the home of inmates
really able to take care of themselves in I
order to afford room for deserving veter
ans, but so many considerations arise
that it is not practicable to apply the
general rule.
Coinage for the Month
of August
Valentine Scrip Cannot Be Used In the
Looation of Tide Lands on
Puget Sound. - -
Indiana saloonkeepers are forming a
State union.
Chicago unveils her Grant monument
on October 7.
The Vermont Legislature voted $15,000
to tne worm s rair.
Old Crow, a Cheyenne chief, is trying
to set up a MesBiah erase.
Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton's theatrical
venture has gone to pieces.
The North German Llovd Com nan v
will run a line of steainerB between New
York and Genoa.
The Cincinnati tax commission iB nn-
earthing millions of securities not Disced
on the tax duplicate.
Typhoid fever has broken out in the
State idiot asylum at Syracuse. Impure
water is the cause for it,
Only 5 per cent., or 18,270, of the total
immigration to this country during the
last nscai year settled in tne south.
It iB estimated that 20.000-horae power
will be required for the electric-lighting
plant of the Columbian Exposition.
The Delaware fish commission has
placed 4,000,000 shad in the Delaware
river at Bull Island during the present
Additional instructions concerning the
smuggling 01 lottery tickets into the
United States from Mexico have been
The substitution of the cable for
horses on the Broadway and Third-avenue
lines will throw 6,000 horses out of
The Navy Department will at once
issue orders concerning the survey of
the Pacific-cable route. The Thetis will
probably do the work.
Some of the roads in the Northwestern
blind passenger pool have been furnish
ing erroneous statements of the business
to the Advisory Board.
An electricallv illuminated cross is to
be placed on tne spire of a Methodist
church in Minneapolis. Fifty-two in
candescent lamps win be used.
The South Dakota people are so jubi
lant over their big crops that they have
set about the work of raising a huge
" grain palace " in celebration thereof.
The land office refuses to restore San
Clemente bland on the southwest coast
of California to the public domain, ow
ing to its futnre availability as a naval
The Secretary of the Interior decides
that Valentine scrip cannot be used in
the location of lands lying between tbe
high and low-watermark in Puget Sound
district, Wash.
Already apprehensions are beginning
to be expressed at the possible fate of
Peary in his Greenland explorations.
There are fears that he and his party will
meet me late 01 tne ureeiy party.
The Boston Advertiser gives the partic
ulars involving $1,000,000 worth of stock
of the big Quincy copper mine in Mich
igan and serious allegations reflecting
upon the honesty of the managers.
The census returns for Pennsylvania
show that the unfortunate city of Johns
town has increased in population since
1880 from 8,380 to 21,805, a growth which
makes it now the thirteenth city in the
Conservative estimates place the yield
of Minnesota and the Dakotas at 125,
000,000 bushels of wheat, against 90,000,
1100 last year. It is asserted that the
wheat crop of the three States would fill
a train 250 miles long.
Black ants threaten to take possession
of Boston, and State street, the citadel
of Boston's moneyed men. is literal) v
swarming with them. They are on the
streets, on the sidewalks and crawling
up tne sine 01 Duuuings.
A rumor has been published at Win
nipeg that the Grand Trunk is about to
extend its line to Winnipeg via Sault
Ste. Marie and Dulutk, and that when
the former city is reached the line will
be extended te the facitic Coast.
The coinage of the United States mint
during the month of August was : Double
eaeles, $1,000,000; eagles, $120,000; half
eagles, $00,000; standard dollars, $1,180,
000; dimes, $584,000 ; 6 cents, $74,200; 1
cent, $40,200, Total coinage, $3,718,400.
The Tennessee Legislature has decided
that it is unable to abrogate the present
lease 01 convicts, t ne session was called
for the purpose of breaking the lease,
and the call was necessitated by riots at
the place where convicts were employed
in the mines.
All the reports received at the internal
revenue bureau indicate that the pro
duction oltaugar from beets, sorghum,
maple syrup and cane will be up to the
original estimates oi the producers, un
der which the bounty was estimated at
about $10,500,000 per year. ,
The local directory of the World's Fair
has formally confirmed the nomination
of J. M. Samuels of Kentucky, chief of
the horticultural department: L. w.
Kobinson of the United States navv,
chief of machinery, and H. S. Pealiody
of Illinois, chief of the department of
liberal arts.
Oounlims of Caithness Is the Bxaot An
tithesis of Mme. Hlavetakr,
Austin Dohson thinks of coming to
the United States in the autumn to give
ruauiugs irom me own wonts.
The King of Italy takes great interest
in raising camels when he is not occu
pied in tiying to raise the wind t any
rate 01 interest.
Judge H, K. Douglass, who was a Ma
jor on the staff of General Stonewall
Jackson, will be one of the speakers at.
the New Hampshire soldiers' reunion at
The Weirs.
Oscar Wilde frankly entitles his new
est book a study of ''Christianity from
the Outside." Home who consider'them
selves in it could give only a real view of
the subject.
Mr. Kuskin thinks the English people
ought to love the apple tree, " not for its
fruit, but for its flower" a sentiment
with which the parents of the American
small boy will fully sympathise.
The oldest jockey on the turf and still
one of the best of them is William Hay
ward, v? ho rode Preakness in the famous
dead-heat race for the Saratoga cup in
1875, He Uvea at Eatontown, N. J.
It is always a pleasure to know that a
King is of some practical use. King
Humbert is a cook of no mean order,
and can boil a potato or broil a steak in
a way that would make a dyspeptic feel
Gray hairs continue to crowd about the
temple oi Will S. Huys, editor, poet and
song writer, bnt his ebony mustache is
resplendent wilh youth and vigor. He
writes better than Joe Howard of New
1 ork, and tells more truth.
George Haven Putnam, the New York
publisher, has received from the French
government the cross of the Legion of
Honor, conferred upon him lor Mb serv
ices in helnine to secure the nasaace of
the international copyright law.
The late Empress Augusta of Germany
was very rigid in her onnosition to lieinir
photographed. There is. however, a
picture to be Been in tbe shops of Berlin
representing a group of the royal family,
with the Empress Augusta seated on the
left, holding a book up so as to hide from
view her imperial features.
The Countess of Caithness, the new
high priestess of theosophy, is the exact
wiiitiiesis 01 ner preaecesBor, Mme. ttla
vatsky. Her figure is slender, her man
ners elegant and her tastes refined. She
dresses in great taste. Her only resem
blance to Blavataky lies in her fondness
for diamonds, but that is a pardonable
womanly weaaneBS.
Oliver Wendell Holmes enters his 83d
year with his characteristic good humor
and cheerlulness unabated. The genial
' autocrat," who thought it " better to
oe 70 yeare young than 40 years old,"
has the same feeling as to his eitrhties.
except that a partial failure of his eye-
eigut causes mm Borne trouoie.
Captain Georse Dewev of the nun
has lived for the last live veara with onlv
half a liver. The other half was cut olf
by an Italian surgeon while Captain
Dewey was lying ill from liver disease at
Malta in 1880. rora the day the opera-
was performed his health bwan to im
prove, and he has enjoyed life ever since.
Ex-Judge John Erskine. who retired
from the Federal bench about five years
ago, is ranaeo as one ot the greatest ju
rists in the South, and when he retired
the bar of Georgia gave him a great ova
tion. He was appointed by Andrew
Johnson. He lives moat of the time
now with his daughter, Mrs. Ward of
New Yerk, and spends a few months
each year in Savannah.
The President's salary is paid to him
in monthly installments of t4.16A.07.
The warrant is brought to the White
House by a Bpecial messenger of the
Treasury Department, and alter the
President has indorsed it as he would an
ordinary draft his private secretary de
posits it at the Columbia Bank. When
the President is out of town the draft is
mailed to him. The same method is
pursued in paying the Justices of the
supreme uourt.
Young Man Fatallr Stub. Bin Brother
With a Fenkulre.
Catttlemen in Custer county, Mont.,
have captured and lynched several noto
rious cattle thieves, who were caught
changing brands,
David Douglass, Township Treasurer
at Youngstown, O., has been arrested on
a charge of embezzlement, it having been
discovered that he was short in his ac
counts. At Alleghany, Pa., George Ott, aged
22, fatally stabbed his brother John,
aged 19, with a penknife, driving the
weapon into his left lung near the
heart, the result of a quarrel.
Burglars broke open the safe of the
Sloan State Bank at Sioux City, la., and
secured nearly $5,000. The (jorrection
vtlle postoflice was burglarised by the
same gang and $150 worth of stamps
taken. The burglars stole horses, and
At Haverhill, Mass., two masked men
loreeu their way into the house of Mrs.
Elkms, and demanded her money. She
nanueu tnem $40i:; but, presenting a re
volver, they tore open her dress and
seized a bag containing $HO0 in money
and $400 in notes. Both escaped.
Charles R. Ege and E. L. Magnire,
formerly individual ledger clerks at the
Keystone Bank, Philadelphia, have been
arrested and charged with making false
entries in the ledgers and making such
otatemente as would tend to deceive the
bank examiners.
Louis Bulling, the St. Joseph (Mo.)
wife murderer, was hanged at Savannah,
Mo, Bulling had obtained a pistol just
before the execution from the miniNtAr
and shot himself twice. Tbe wounds
were not mortal, and he was taken blas
Dhemimr and screaminir for uifrnv 1 ht.
scaffold, held up by deputies long enough
for the rope to be fixed and then dropped
through the trap. His neck was broken.
Revplution Anticipated
in Hayti.
German Journals Disouss the Proba
bilities of War as if They Are
on the Eve of One.
France claims 1,000,000 Socialists.
The condition of the crops In India
has taken a torn for the better.
Flour has risen 3 shillings a sack at
London, owing to the wet harvest.
The Bank of England has nearly $20,
000,000 more than it bad a year ago,
It is said that there are now twenty
two ships of war under construction in
Russian ship yards.
Masons and bricklayers who build the
mills of the Welsh tin-Dlate trust re
ceive $1.44 a day in wages.
Organised collections are being made
in Russia for tbe relief of the starving
and destitute in that country.
tierman journals discuss war nrnlin-
billties as if the country was on the eve
of a gigantic strnggle for its very life.
Smokeless powder is being used in the
French and German military maneuvers,
and the evolution! could be easily oh.
The Sultan of Morocoo has directed
that young girls shall no longer lie pub
licly sold in the markets of Fes and
other towns.
The announcement that the Prince of
Wales will revisit Tranby Croft this au
tumn evokes loud outcries from the re
ligious press.
John 8. Durham has been appointed
Minister Resident and Consul at Hayti.
He is a eolored man, and is now Consul
at oan toimngo.
Peasants near Vilna, Russia, have
murdered the wife and family of a Rus
sian Jew who bought up several million
roubles' worth of rye.
Tea-growing is becoming one of the
leading industries of Fiji, and it is an
ticipated that a large traffic in the arti
cle will soon be developed.
A matrimonial alliance between the
Czarowitu of Russia and Princess Marie
o( Greece, his cousin, will be formally
announced iu the near future.
The London Cnontnfe savs that the
Prince of Wales has all but decided to
go to Chicago and is likely to be accom
panied by Emperor William of Germany.
Emperor William, anxious not to
wound the South German feeling, will
attend tbe Bavarian maneuvers under
the Bavarian tlag as a guest, not as a
sovereign. ,
Gladstone's objection to a labor party
is on the ground that, " if every class (if
the community exercised the right to
form a party, we should have a queer
Emperor William is fully confirmed in
his determination to have passed at all
hazards at the next session of the
Reichstag a bill to diminish and cumuli
The Emperor of Germany has lie
stowed upon Dr. W. J. Hoffman of the
bureau of ethnology, Smithsonian Insti
tute, the decoration of the Royal Urdu.-
of the Crown.
There are said to be about 22.000.0(10'
acres of forests in Hungary. Of these
the government owns aliout 8,500,000
acres, huys more each year and refuses
10 sen any cnat It possesses.
The United States Consul at r,m
denies the sensational reports to the ef-
leciinai yenow lever prevails at Gnav
maB and on the Pacific Coast of Meiim
There has been no yellow fever there
since 1887.
The commerce of Italy, as oonmamd
with the same period last year, shows
the imports have decreased '$20,800,000
in value and the exuorts 4.000.(kk.
During the same period the revenue from
customs fell off $4,3il0,000.
An attack unon Porkau-Prinne la Iwl n
prepared by the Haytiau exiles at King
ston, and so strong is the belief that a
revolution will soon break out that many
foreign residents have moved out of
Port-au-Prince or are Bending their fam
ilies awav.
The announcement is made that tlm
Sultan has dismissed the Grand V
and the President of the Council, Kia
mil Pasha. Djerag Pasha, Governor ot
Crete, succeeds him. Six members of
the Cabinet have also been dismissed.
The Paris Team distinctly inrlieatoa
that the Fremih government intends to
support the Sultan's right to enter into
a special contract with Kussia nermit-
ting the entrance into the Dardanelles of
armed vessels outside of the articles of
the treaty.
A largely increased trade is now being
developed in the waste slag of the basic
steel works in Staffordshire, England.
The demand for this product from Ger
man importers is extending rapidly, and
they are buying up all available supplies.
Iu England also the demand is increas
ing for fertilizing purposes. Slag, which
was formerly sold at 2s 6d per ton, is
now realizing 20s.
The German Minister to Chili notified
the Admiral on the German steamer So
phie at Valparaiso that he might lie re
ouired to deliver the political refugees
on his vessel over to the Junta. The
Admiral said he would not comply with
such a request unless itcanie direct from
the Emperor or the Chancellor. A re
ply to a diapatoliio the Emperor elicited
an approval of die Admiral's aotion.