The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 18, 1891, Image 5

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    Lebanon Express.!
FRIDAY, OCT 18. 1891.
fJVAlilltional locals on flrat ixik.A
.4)0 to Bach'a for choir froocrlit,
y V. M. French, thi- trwehir, Albany,
.kwin railroad time.
Mirffron, ixuaiiuii urKirmi.
I , For bread rail at the Mar rcataurant.
' Cluan and friwli great i94aatCniKoii
A Mcnalc'a.
fl Gruxon A Monaie'a Timothy nerd.
E. E. TboBiimnn will preach at
Bodavllle Sunday at kW H. m.
Mm Rowel and daughter, of Sweet
Home, were In Lebanon Tuenday.
The hotel and rvaturanta are doing
a thriving fcusines by all appeai-an-
Mr. Harry Htieklcniau ha been
" Tialtiug relativea. in the city this week,
i Mr. Winfield Irvin, of Murry,
Idaho, fnraierly of thin place, waa visit
ing friend in town thi week.
Metwra 3. C. Frcy A Ron have rented
eneof Klrkp&tricka buildlnga and will
Move their barneaa al) Into It thia
Mr. Fred Carnthera, who has of late
keen visiting In Nebraxka, anlved In
town thin week. He is a brother of
Jfiaa Libble Carolhen.
'Mho Libbie Uarothera haa lieen
vlaillng relatlvfi In Albany this week.
Mr. J. W. Mentlc la the proud
father of another girl, it arrived at hia
kouav taut Friday night, and weighed
eight pound. Mother and baby are
doing well.
The flrat kiln of brick haa been
burned' for Dr. Courtney' new build
ing, and before long work will oom
' nience on the building in great ahape
There were a great many drunks In
town thia week and among them were
arveral boya.
Mr. Weatfall'a Utile eon Elgin la
very nick, the little fellow'a life Mng
almoat deapalred of.
Mr. Thoa. Prloe, the contractor, "till
wanta Mime more teama. He la paying
1.50 per day for good team.
There la to be a grand Alliance ball
at Waterloo, Friday, 8ept. 8. A good
lime la promised.
Mlnule Brown, aged !"., who waa
ne of the vintima of the fire at Oregon
t'lty Saturday, died Monday from the
effect of the burria and the ahock to
her ayatera.
Wm. Penick lately from Idaha haa
bought Frank Crahtree'a Interest in
the Nichola, Weatrall Co. livery
atalili. Mr. Penick la a nephew of
Mr. Weatrall.
We received a copy of the Hillaboro
Democrat, thia week. It la edited by
Phelpa Hanford and la bright
eway little alieet.
Pbbsbvtrkjak CHOBCHIervioea
next Kahbath, 11 A. M., I'M r. M.,
Subjeeta, morning, ,'No Temple In
Heaven." Kvenlng lecture, "Rlae and
Ml of Babylon.,, Christian Rndevor,
Monday evening at 7:80.
'The foundation for the vault of the
sew bank building la onmpleted and
preaente a solid appearance.
Peddlers are not enamored of Ih
anon'a big maralml. One poor fellow
bad to put up $1 Hi in cash and hia
watch as security fur the other f 1 25,
before the marshal would let him
In the window of Peterson & Oar
hnd'a real estate oftloe can be aeen a
magnlfloent looking watermelon,
raised on John Iteed'e ranoh.
The Kxpki4 employee have been
very busy this week eettlng up the
mw cylinder press. Rev. O H. Han
ieltcr showed his ability aa a practical
news-paper man by the services ren
dered in placiug the puzzling blta
of machinery in plaoe.
Tbe last of many campers are mak
ing their way homeward, after months
pent iti the mountains.
Crawford A Paxton of Albany, are
making Calnnr.l photograph for the
low prloe of 1 SO per dozen. Call at
their Gallery and see tbem when in
Joe Wtwaoiu has begun to operate the
Lebanon Mills und la prepared to do
wueat cleaning auu cuoppiug.
, 8. P. Bach keeps a line of boot and
aboea aa well aa Brownsville woolen
26 bread tickets or 1, at the Btar
aS-awMlwr total Heron Mthpaca .
1 8. P. Bach gives IS ot. for a pound.
J. C. Frcy A Bon, now In otd post of-
floe, make oollars and other harness.
The price of wheat la mighty uncer
tain these tlmca, changing from 'day
Work It progressing rapidly on the
Corvallla wagon and carriage factory
building. It la expected to be com
pleted by the 1st of December and will
give employment to about S00 men.
It la probable that the wagon factory
will be of more benefit to Corvallla
than the recent gold discovery.
The number of fatal accident that
have happened in Oregon during the
paat three or four months la aimply
astounding. It is a rare thing to
pick up a paper but it contains an ac
count of some horrifying accident.
J. B.Tbompaun, the former popular
proprietor of tbe St. Charles, left Mon
day for Texas, where he wifl give the
enterprising Texana a chance to make
a fortune with his famous washing
machine. " --
Mr. Ayroa late of California baa
rented Mr. Holts house on Main street
and moved Into the same. -
Mr. Penick haa rented and moved
Into 8. P. Bacha residence.
M. E. Church. -Sunday School at
10. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P.
M. Subject (or morning: "Spiritual
Geometry." Evening: "Satan at
ChurohJ' General Prayer-meeting
Thursday evening.
Mr. Thompson, brother of the former
proprietor, has leased the Su Charles
andi will continue to run it on the
most satisfactory terms to the peo
ple. The City Treasury and also the
officials of George Rice's Court, were
oinohed a few dollars last -week. The
pugnacious propensities of tbe children
of Isiral got two of them In trouble
bi tbe tunc of (18.
The Cumberland Presbyterian
Church: Subject for the Sunday
morning service, The Darkened Glass.
The evening service will be changed
from 8 p. M. to 7:30 p. M. Wednesday
and Friday evening prayer meetings
will also meet at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday
School at 10 a. M.
E. K. Thompson. Pastor.
Last Thursday evening about 10
o'clock, RufTHlatt'a dry bouse took
Are from an explosion of Sulphur
which was being used In bleaching the
hops. The house and contents were
consumed in the blaae, leaving Mr.
Hiatt about fflOO dollars out, he hav
ing no Insurance.
Wells Fargo 4 Co's Express brought
a handsome rocking chair to Mrs. E.
E. Thompson a few days since. Tbe
chair waa a gift from J. W. Stilwell
and wife, of Peora, Illinois.
W. B. Donaca left hia entire profit,
from his hop crop, in the yard. Tbe
lice spoiled about 10,000 pouuda.' Mr.
Douaca will stay with the business
another year, and thinks he can head
the lice off by spraying.
Married, at the C. P. Church of this
city, at 730 Tuesday, September 15th
1801, Grant Dodge to Sarah Williams.
Both parties are well known In this
vicinity and highly respected. Tbe
happy oouple will spend a few days In
Salem and then return to their home
near Lebanon. Rev .E, E. Thompson
performed the ceremony.
The famous vermin, famous for de
stroying bops, are now turning their
attention to tbe fruit crop In the vi
cinity of the hop yards. Several
parties are using pepper and auch like
preperations to check their blasting
warfare. These little peats that have
heretofore disturbed only the hops
promise to become an enemy to al'
The average cast of running a pas
senger train on the railroads of the
United States is 83 cents per mile, and
the train earns Just f 1 00 in doing it
The profit, therefore, la only 23 cents
a mile, but it foots up $300,000,000 on
all roads in tbe course of a year. The
roads get 2 cents and two mills per
passenger per mile, and it costs them
2 cents to carry him. It Is this two
mills per mile, multiplied by millions,
that make the vast sum of $300,000,000
profit, The roads get a little less
than a cent for carrying a ton of
freight one mile, and it cost them
slx-teuths of a cent to carry it. It
coals more to run a freight train a mile
than a passauger traiu, the figures for
the former being $1 06 and the train
earns U 66 per mile.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted tome will please call in and
aettle up aa I need my money.
Mhs, Oko, R-rpr
PelUlM Fr Msjuar Lie.
I.ESANON, Oaa.. Aug. 22, 1M1.
T the honorable Mayor sad city council of the
city of fjehMMn, Oregon;
Wc your petitioner, Hflaena and voters of the
city of Ubannn, On., believing that the open and
public sale of lntoiteatuig Itquon as regulated by
Law and Ordinance Is better than the unlawful
sale thereof which Is mire to follow a policy of ab
olule prohiblUou and believing Ellal Parker and
A. W.Onibb suitable persona to engage in the sale
of spirituous, malt and .vinous lltitan and that
they will In eveiy respeet obey tbe Law, and ordi
nance or the city of Lebanon. Now TiiaaKFoaB.
Wc do sort earnestly petition and pray that, after
tbey have oompuod with the Law and the Ordi
nance of the city of Lebanon relative to the pro
curation of License to aell said liquor your honor
able body grant to the Mod Parker and Urubb (co
partners) a lloense to sell ltQuon lu quantities of
lent than one gallon. In the city of Lebanon, Ore
gon for the period of six month, for which your
petitioners will ever pray. Subscribed:
8 P Bach, C H Ralston, J a Robert, 8 Dudley
Chas Miller, G. U. Lovclee, W W Hale, R H Bode,
2un Reynold. Jacob Arn, KoM.McCancy.Oeo. W.
Rice, E B Knapp, W H Klcpuer, J. W. Surkhart,
LFolcy, Kllltt,Jotph Nixon, B t podge, Kd
Kellenbeigor, 8. 8. Robert J C fiorden.8 C Mick
ey, Prank Unburn:, C A Bead, t A Lambenon, D.
I) Shaw, 8 P Ooyle, ParrUb, Vha Wllaon, E G
Can-, L, W. Keith, W H Reed, H E Parrlh,C W
Stoke, H Pram, David Gentry Wm Rilea, B a
Ponaca,C. It. KUnbrougn.G. B. Mansard, E. M.
Boiler XB Crouch, a D Wheeler, John Luiu,W.
Caratbert, Joe Mayer, John 1. Mcuowan, Wm.
J. Royas, A, a. Kees, P. O'Neill, I. T. Huyck, K.
L McVlure, a iMUbeiry, J a Wiley, Prank Bottle,
A H. Cruwn I. B. Devi., John Dodge, George H
Dodge, 1 1 Uendrlckaon. t W McLain, G. E. liar
dy, Johnnon Went, John Mayer. Geo. cberoheri P
Hsnson. E. B. Vroom. C. Coi. W W Fleetwood,
H Cross. L 11 Knox, Will Elklua, G D Millet John
Nlckol. Joel mayor, M.J. Weisner, Otto Adrian,
George Buhl, M. D. Wheeler, E. 8. Pearson, Bam'l
M. Garland, Geo. H. Hale, W. E, UwU, Chu.
Hlndman, P. Klstau, W. K? Maiden, Uay Leonard ,
Jo. Leonard, Asa H Peterson. Jaa. Sharp, C. E.
Kanuus, A. W. Marks, L. Jt Peterson, W. Hay, J.
Koliler, H. Boyle, L. A. CraMall, A. McCurdy, B.
M. Brash, Will W. Lines. John Settle, June
Whiler,CA. ftnlth. ' '" . ".
To Whom It uay Concern;
You are hereby notuied that In accordance with
and pursuant to tbe foregoing pelltlon I will on
the 2tthdyuf September tlpf,.Hntsslilpelllluii
tothedtycounoilof Lebanun linn county Oregon
for a license to sell plrltuom, ,iult and vinous
liquor in less quanUtles than ode gallon, for the
period of six months.
To Make Room for My
Entire Htodr. of '
Boots & Shoes
Zow Is the Time to
I Propose to Have
Leadincr Dry Goods Store
In the Valley.
Promptly attended.
Albany, Orejfon,
p a w. ft
Satifaction Guaranteed. Si 3 lebIS; 2
svTrrT"TTTTTTTtTTiivTTTTrrrrTTrvrrTf I FMTtv"t ?TT TIT "?"""" """"
Address us at
Industrial Exposition
With its World of Wonders
l ., IV. , ,
Opens Sept. 17. 1891. Closes Oct 17.
direct from the CITY OF MEXICO. -
Art frsm the great masters of Europe and America, valued
at a quarter million dollars. Wonderful Electrical Adapta
tions in full operation. A Splendid series of Mineral Exhibits.
Every Department filled with the
Novel and Interesting in ART,
A Greater Number of Exhibits than ever before
presented upon -the coast.
The largest Display of Fruit and the Finest exhibit of Ag"
giicultiiie ever made in the Pacific Northwest. All manu
factures in full motion. Everything New. No Dead
Admission as usual. Greatly Reduced Rates for round
trip on all passeHger lines.
AVI LI o A iNi rirs o ALBAN y
L. 13. BLAIN'S.
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor
ing Department with Frst-Class Tailoringr.
New Horses,
. iir
We solicit a share of the patronage of the public generally,
Special attention given to Draying and Hauling.
HAY & PETERSON, Lehanon.O'
W. J. Hay,
L, J. I'etersun
Hew Harness.Hlcest Turn-onts In Town.
i in vii i ii w wr f nn nair nt rvi avi r u
- . ..