The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 18, 1891, Image 4

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor.
It is not difficult to understand
our duty to men, but our prejudice
often foreotallg us in the discharge
w K.
Every time you do a thing that
u worthless you fulfill the prophe
Meeirf those who dislike vou.
It is a very rare man who can't
lay itl his misfortunes and mis
take on Providence or his kin.
A newspaper, like yeople, gets a
black mark for its sins of omission,
but little credit if it really does a
commendable tiling. In that case
it is only doing what it is paid for.
Phil. D. Armour is said to be the
largest commercial individual op
erator in the world. His transac
tions last year reached the enor
mous aggregate of $(53,000,000.
President Diaz, of Mexico, has
ftppWted a plenipotentiary to ar
range a reciprocity treaty with the
United States.
It is said that the late Geo. Jones
editor of the New York Times,
when offered 15,000,000 by Wm.
Tweed's emissary not to publish
certain documents, peremptorily
refused. -
If you wish to increase the siie
and prominence of your eyes, just
keep an account of the money you
spend foolishly, and add it up at
.the year's end.
If the editor should die and find
himself a ghost, who could he more
justly haunt than the man who
has been reading his paper for
years and never paid the small
Colonel Webster Flanagan, the
Texas gentleman who immortalized
himself by the query, "What are
we here for?" is at last almiit to get
.a satisfactory solution of bis ques
tion. He is to be appointed col
lector of customs at El Paso. -Ex.
A dollar dancing through the
country is a constant blessing,
making all things move, and keep
ing up life and health. It is bet
ter than a million dollars tied up
in" a vault, to lead to congestion
and stagnation.
The government rainmakers
lately expeiimenting in Western
Texas, have about despaired of
success, and private enterprise and
capital will further the test. The
parties undertaking the matter are
eaid to passes means sufficient,
and are determined to demonstrate
the success of the enterprise or
prove to the satisfaction of the
world its failure. If a man could
Vecome so scientific and inventive
as to produce rain at will he
would come nearer revolutionizing
the worlKthan the efforts of Frank
lin, Fulton and Morse combined.
To be courteous and respectful
to older personB, ladies, ministers
nd teachers is an evidence of self
lespect and good-raising.; and is
nothing lees than the consideration
due them.
How is it with our people? If
there is a lack of respect, there is a
cause for it. This principle of
eourteousness must be among the
first lsssons to the youth. Yet
there is duty encumbent upon
those persons who are set before us
as leaders. Those of them who
have not respect enough for digni
ty to cast off pinafores, paregoric
and pantalettes in names ought to
be reminded that the quality of
intellectual force thus indicated is
not quite enough for the teachers'
The marvel is that women do not
themselves feel the danger of in
viting familiarity by tolerating pd
names after they are grown beyond
the age of kittens and doggies.
Ao woman of high 'breeding
Ollffitt 4
n au
ame. lany
It is a familliar saying: "Bless-'
ings brighten as they take their
flight." But is it not equally
true that blessings brighten as
they are delaysd? Is not the ex-,
pected good quite as sweet s
the departing good? Would we
not loose somewhat, even of this
worlds happiness, if our desire!
were granted as soon as conceived J
uu uur prayers answereu as soon
uttered? It is what we may call
the sunrise effect of happiness that
constitutes its Bweetest charm.
Jim Eili, of the Great Northern, has
a dear head. Being asked at Seattle,
where be would make the Pucifio
court terminus of bis road, he replied:
"These qucatioua are of very little im
portance. No matter what crack In
the mountains we come through the
rates will be the same for all plane.
It will make no more difference than
If the wind blows fifteen points more
or lees to the northwest It's the
country that Is going to make the
elties or its natural wealth converted
into money. You can't eat logs, ore,
r-vs A
We carry a Full Une of SHELF HARDWARE
The Finest Line of CARPETS A SI) WALL PAPER Ever
Brought to Lebanon.
About FALL and WINTER CLOTHING; and while you
are thinking about it dont forget that
Is the place to get it. We are now receiving daily large
Shipments of Fall and Winter clothing
For Men, Boys and Children,
From the Largest and Best Manufacturers in this and
Foreign Lands. Not being Brilliant Writers we can hardly
do these Grand Garments we are offering
We are Sh wing the Very Latest Effects in Everything that
is new It matters not whether you want to bujr or not.
We are Always Willing to
, ! , " Show our Goods,
And if you use your Best Judgement you will say that for
That's Made Well and at Reasonable Prices,. We
are the People.
T. h. Wallace & Co.,
gTRAHAN BLOCK, Albany .Oregon.
The foltewint extract from a letter
received by J. , Adcox, llie watch
maker at the City drug store, explains
Itaelfand Is certainty very compliment
ary and shows that his old customers
place great confidence in blm as a
workman. Ed.
Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 8, 1891.
' i 1. E. Adoox, Esq.,
' ' "' Lebanon, Oregon.
I send lo you twiny
per express, my wife's watch fur re
pairs. H is a long ways to send a
watch but knowing your ability as a
watchmaker, and the universal satis
faction you have always given I had
rather pay express oliarxce and have
my work done right.
J. H. Ckane.
Undertaking a Specialty.
lililililiJJMsUii I
rf IT f TT Ttl TYtT YT
; The Prices, The Prices!
Not the man 'that brings the INCREASSING trade
at the One-Price Cash Store. We d not claim to
sell "at cost." Every man is worthy of his hire;lut
our Cash System enables us to get down to BED
Our Boot and Shoe
Department is Complete and none lietter for the
the price. We make this line a secialty. We have
bought largely in Eastern markets, as well as on the
Coast, and can suit all.
In Our Dry Goods
Department we endeavor to carry whatever the trade
demands. Our main object is to get what the peo
ple wtnt. We are dailv receiving goods. We carry
a line of GROCERIES, TINWARE and Crockery.
Hiram Baker's
One-Price Cash Store.
Htnte B'mrri uf Kilui!iiOtiit; ix-iI1iihi, HI.
Excellency, Hyl'wIiT IVmimi'i. liiiviT
tinr; Hem. O W. McBrMt-, i-icticmry of
8tp;Hmi. K. B. Mi:l''.iiii.v, Snwrinipd
eiil nt" 1'uHir limtnwtiim: )t"iijtttiiti Soli(
IHfld.l'nMiilrnl; J.jl.V Biillir, S eri'ttiry.
Exkmitivk ItiiAKii H-tii J J. Ihilcy,
Him. 1'. W. Hnlcy, J. Ji V BiilK-r. Hlk;
JiiohIi V'Kirlie, MariiHi;.l. ('. Wliiic, Polk;
Alfred Ijih'V, MttknmHM; A. Nnltiier, Mul
tixnuuli; W . H. Hiiluic Mill ion.
Kir Cntnliigtit-, Adrtnun,
P. L CABFB2LL, A. B., President or
-i rr 'r s'r rt'W
Dry Goods at cost, at the
Maminotli Store.
othinjr at cost
Grcjeeries at cost at the
Mammoth store.
The whole stock of the Mam-
. moth store at cost for
. cash or produce.
Mwnmotith, iiwgnm,
Tin? Leading NoruiatHchooI ofthfr
Morthwwt Bmw(irull)' and
Healthfully Lneatfd,
No HalootiH,
tiv litiil'liiijrH, new aipratiiM, Full
fanrfly, lilit mul lurrt'titt(h(l-
min. Niiriiuil, Advunivd Nurmitl, Hiwi
itwMArtaiHl Munk IfejHtrtint'itUi.
HfHtnul nttntioii xvn to liyiijU
ttillurt' Vuluiilifr titilitur) orvaiiuut
tiiNt. TlmiH' ni-ri t iiijr (itjilonmn aw
BiilhoriKiHt In tt'ticli in any natinty ii tho
HUhrwiUiuut furilir vxauitiiutitiiifi,
Tuition in the Nnrtnttli and ItiiHinoHH
dpftartmcntK lm iwt'it mliicHl fnim fW
to iffltr )-!; umi hi thf Huir-Nortnal
tnnu Ui $21).
A Jpprfr in Htiimol lor JW ixjhiiw
Tuiiiim Xormal ami tktrtiiii.'HM,$fi 5ht
Ivnit of tt'it wutilcn. hith-Nnrimil itt 5
Imr tvrtit. Hoard at Ntiriiitil tlinintr hail.
1 JW'ti vt('k; fiintii-liiii uitli liht uiui
H t wwk. lituinl in jtrivnle fam
ilip,$;t Wt per week. Kintt iurm iikjmh
Hrjit. fml, IHiij. Shtdt'titx tuny inter
anji time.
1. 1. POWELL, A. I., lice-Presideit
at the
Mammoth stores