-I- lxbanonExpre H. Y. K1RKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor. Frequently in political straggles i.;hf 'hhirtVr is tha lowest fcliO lili..'" Wdder. It is as hard to please some peo- '.. . .. -.1 Kn iWll DV i e US It IS 10 incuse . doing nguu . tpi. ,',nle nrast learn tome oconomv. Extravagance is Jivaatntion than war. VUbUi w ' - , r.i. i: f oafish man is a conspiracy agoinst the rest oi Humana. We hear it asserted that fte "world owes every man a living. ! . . . . h man This is true uy - - . , eives a livinss worth of faithful service fur the living. n honest dollar is a dollar hon ctiv earned, honestly paid out and l.onwt'.v taken for its f value. All dollars arc honest when bon esth used. . l.,. nt ikn fnrm The aRgn-cuK; w ------ products of the IV.ted States for .,. j l... ofvoml hundred million dollars the highest figures ever before reached. j j:. ..,,v is not IDtEOOauic -- tint it is the w,e reason w-, reason tnev are gu"- r - . , :..; rfm voune. not because they are good but that they 1 ..v.inft rrA. may escajw wwumms -v. Mf arrived ft) OUT me jjwik , midst Tuesday aua xn " The car is a unique jr "" Using. It waflrat gotten up y Lek for tlie purpose of advertising his famous gloves, but was afterwards en- larged to emnrace ouro - - The display of fruit, vegetables and other tilings -- -politeness of the colored attendants to ref! easing as the cocoa be serves to all. The fruit display of Placer county, Ul- , . .1-u.ot i&atant fnr ifornia, is a strong . -- the county. It will bring hundreds or men aud thousands of dollars into the conntv. We tasted the fruit-pea espechilly-and they were delicious. . -r fiiA ruiHui manaeer, roe cpurtrar " r " .. ... . kin amninV- Mr. Myem, will wen r ira r er. A pleasant journey to the car and its occupants. l-pou the arrival of Bishsp Puncan, D. 1)., he was met by Kev. . cv leiter, and conducted to the latter gen , . wiiovn & mition iteraau s uumw. - dinner was served, aiwut iuir.,-.. invited guests uemg pn ju. v. ...l Kn.l hMIl erable espense aim made in the preparation for a tea mi Thursday, it being thought that tne Bishop would come wh uv . . I..U- in more Tnere nas pruu'j successfully and pleasantly conducted social event In the history of Lebanon. ... i( .laHnr nrjved him THeUlSMllgumu. r - . AnnvAnulllr.nsll.St. sen an imer u and the excellent dinner " to make happy simis . mi ing the hour occupied iu its serving, . . mi.. -..., Mimnrined veceta- alieasu lire ui- 1 r bles, roasts, eimiwu . , i.w.utA t milk, mes, cakes, ...j fMiir vntermelons, and roe CUBUUU, .w.v, - j .uh it, nvir&rd totaBte. cream, servru i . . i... ....trimiue in the way An lllgeu"" . -- . An un hv Bev. Han oi a lOUUUll", Sv.,v- -r leiter, was arrang the table, whicn tnrew "j . " ' 4 ,...n, tasterully ar- or waier; . .. rrnged made the diulng wm one of those places when we want to linger The ii-oit satisfactory way of pettU.gUdontofaturnipisby feeding the turnip to a beast, ihe most satisfactory way of getting f:1vors ont of a stingy maa is by feeding Cattery to the beget. There is probably no place in where a this cruat luuu ck1 living can be had for as li tle ; r , w;nn.tte Vallev, tnd there is likely noplace where rii.. ..latifn are idle tie man oi iuc pv" i .. so niucn as uno- The oueftion of whether or net Bmiet Herman will allow his name i a canoidate i-Hinai coo v - -- . fr rrnomination, is agitating the prese tirc-Jm. , , . ...vaueinfr steadilv. ... ,i .-n..r Imiises are being erected nuuVsoftbecity. The ww t.a f advancement inaugurated in lhS9 keeps p with unabated vigor. iflSl WtER im h,, aniwarance of a specie nl Urge herring in Yaquina bay, larger . ,...ir.i.. tto anrinir run. and dv oiie-u" mo" -i , vervfatand of a superior quality of . a ..,,.v. KMiAnttiHnti: flesh ana navor, ii . . , 1.1 run in ereat tnaioi uimKJici. w 1. ..! nnrflnnS of the bSV BO! lit- WUCKIIB 1"' - i-u t.un. Thrftpeful V erun v a i c .... ... - - up to the famous noiiauu u.i.u commerce. Springfield, on the Oregonian branch ... , r. .. 1... Innvn 0 8. r. K. K. will neremitii u as Henderson, the company having changed the name. One of the settlers on the . ortn han ,. . , r .,,ri Roulder creek nam utrirc" on the Oregon Pacific railroad, last . ,i.nm lini-h -t Friday put oui ine iuot "" r Rway from him aod lias fpng -ith frio-htful rapidity. During this season of the year one can not be loo careiui iu semim " t tj.- ih 'T)rv-made's Kon XWIIIWTH-1 venshuu" to-night (Friday). no.. fn.iii exTract lrom a letter received by J. E-Adcsx, the watch- maker at the City arug su.n:, itseir and is certainly very compliment ary and shows that his old customers place great confidence in him as a workman.-'0. Waterloo, low a, wp. J. E. Adcoi, Esq., Lebauon, Oreg(n. Dear Bin T .rt , vou to-day per express, my wife's watch fr re . t. ,.. . nn to send a 1 . r ahihtv as a 1 watcn o y " . wstchmaker, ana me "'.-,' rtlony(,uhavesgivenIh rather pay expre- my work done riguu. J . AA . The Prices, The Prices! Sot the man that brings the ISCRE A& Mi ad at the One-Price Cash Store, not . cla m to sell "at coft." Every man is worthy of his hire.but our Cash System enables us to get down to MA ROCK TRICES. Our Boot and Shoe better for the iwmenr i : ;;;.itv. we have bought largely in Eastern markets, as well as on the Uoast, anu can sun i. In Our Dry Goods . ...I,irar tha Irafta Department we enaeavor xo cauy - demands. Our main object is to get what the peo iv ,in friMids. e carry 1, line of GROCERIES,' TlXWAIiK nd Om-kerv. Hiram Baker's One-Price uasn irsiortj. " FORTIIUEfi S IM18G, AIL KISBS OF FUKHIBKE, OUtPETPWAlA- PAPER A.MJ PltTUKEFKAMES. Undertaking a Specialty ALBANY. OREGON. AVe Lave little patience with the perfunctory newspaper that has !,n!y for merit that its ntterances arouse no antagonism, and trtate ,. adverse eomment ' tquaU) . . for the sensa- tvm-J kind which seeks to make a rtir at all hazards. . " " ...it-far anv man l ucre mitiiK"j f Une o-it of work in any part ot T... ... it- t nresent. There is no reamm for the scores rf and towns p l'" , ,, Thrcisa demand for hands al. ,vor this county. Checks and note to the amount - ..... -, -.J -nnnP-F tfl till nmonnt of $28,642 were found in L-tters which reached tke dead-let- t-:r oince last year. .;,...: ..n rnonri WAS 'i lie Atlantic " c.ut d.m recently by the Teutonic I,,,.,, nd thirtv-five min- This brines the passage ;... little over five days and a halt, snmetnnig j - n would have been redded as nnfK-isKiblc. It isdonbtfu whet Mr ' the present century will see the record reduced below five days, nn electricity be utilized as motive Tvnri-ron ocean steamships. M. st ofthe'wheat is threshed. Tiere is general confidence iu a l,'-ttr price than has yet hcen paid. The more tne newr. M least one appreciated by business to sell on tne men, ii i"1 ... i ..nnll-'ll to DttV CUr r,.rt debts, and it is agro-able to ,h.U that quite a number aid this . e5 nnnta when wheat was oi Our readers are doubtless farnil- V,r who threw aUof h.s pat.cn " into fits because he could ... .. ' .A0 nhenomena "" . , f..r itber d.B- There are m?n in this little .. . ...t. isof him. Ihe ,;,.rtv of his resources resen.b e ,bn b utterly mcapal-.e of niakin" room in their minds for ' """" .7 ;,iM .t a time, anil more man t ' jti)fl , when tney ueconw a!Vv particular subject, lose 'riprother matter. rrr. IT IS TIME TO THINK are iniun.ig OREGON STATE PRMAL SCHOOL, Mt.mnnnth. Oirfon. Tlie Leading Normal School of llw Nortbweot Beautifully d Hcaltiifully Located. No haloiins. Kcw ImiUl'u-.c. ' apt;"'"1;, f"' ,!. Surnml, A.lvamml Ni.rii'ui. Hi n, Art mid Musk Ir.arreu'"t. ."liKTial utti'intim given to jiliyciiMl I'turc. Viilimlwr ntmiuri ,..,..,. ,i Tlnwe miivm iU.linm rp ji'tli'irizwl to tro' i any r"."y " nam without lurtlierexaaiiiiaU'tis. Tuition la t ie ."iomta nnu nmnni . on rv REGENTS: . lnkw" .i i fi,...! no State Board of Education; ex-offlclo, His 'S'r vr; ai.ii ui tl. 8ul-Nmwl Kxwiiency, Kylvester Pennoyer, Uoer- lri,.;,..u. ji iK4, j ..lHU SUiTetlirV of . . , i i ti.l mimhW Stale" Hmi. E. B. McJSIriiy, Superintend- TNoV l-. . Held.Pn.deni;J i " . - 1 . -,,, W:U, ,.! ..! Hon. P. W. Hal. v. f U- 1" r. V Ik, l , J. ,,M ,. J,.ni.VMorlie..Mariou;J.C.Vl e 1' 'K. ",,1 ,,,. ,, ,ni,r Alfred Wi'JM iiwui""-". Uhif. tm.nml.;W'.H. Holmes Marion. P. L. UIPBELL,' I B., PresluEBt, or 1 1. POWELL, L l. tolWtal .... l.Tl., Is the place to get it. We are now receiving u,, thipmeuts oi ran anu i. o large AT COST! i -i For Men, Boys and Children, . t ... ..j Tr.t Mannfncfiirfirers in tins and do these Grand Garments we are ohenng CfWWw rTvTTrTTT,rT r''T'TTTTT T,TTr THE JDSTICE THEY iBll Ve are Sh w ne the Very i-aiesv x-nucu. iu j t - is new It matters not whether you want to buy or not. rtr Al'.ivc Willing to KJIiUf VU1 xwvv, And if you use your Bent Judgement you will Bay that for RICHLY TAILORED CLOTHING That's Made Well and at Reasonable Prices, X arethereopie. T. h. Wallace & Co. Albany .Oregon. Dry Goods at cost, at the iUamnioin oiore. Clotliins at cost at tlie .mt -' Mammoth store. Groceries at cast at the Mammoth store. The whole stock of the 31am- moth store at cost lor cash or produce. ?TRAHAN BLOCK, MAM1TH STORE if