The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 11, 1891, Image 1

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    VOL V
4)no yenr ,..., , J2 oo
( I f paid in advance, 11 60 per year.)
nix months... -,........ 1 00
Three months...... ,.......,.. SO
Klnglo copies lb
Office up Malro In Utiy's Building.
Albany, Oregon.
Will practice in nil the courts at tuU Slate.
Ultioe, Iroul rooms over bank of OR'SOll.
Physician and Surgeon.
liradnale of Royal College of Londou and Bell
Vue Medical College, Maw.
Chronic eases ft specialty.
Cancers remove without pun or Hie knife.
OrTICrV-Klrkpatriek's building, Lebanon, Or-
Attorney -at - Law,
Otleotlons Klvcn prompt and careful attention.
W ill practice to all Uie courts oi the state,
ornci l haxsauVs ulock,
notary Public and Collecting Agent,
Justice of Hit Peat, Lebanon Precinct,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Krai Estate in all Us tranches.
Ins. Co., of New York.
Urire and smaUtiwIs of Fruit, Farming, awl
(inuuig loa.
Money to loan on Farms, Improved
City 1'roperty or UullUxlge notes dis
C.K. HAl'l",..,
Physician and Surgeon,
A graduate of the Medical College of Ohio, Class
JH-Ohmctrlcs, Dlseasesof Women and Children
and Chronic Diseases a 8lieclally.-b. .
M)1)A VILLI!, 0KKG05.
Ill, fl. H, UIRTERS,
Attorney and
Counselor at Law,
Rooms!!! Friars Block, galcm, Or.,-J"w"l v'
Contributions to thin Department are solicited
on matters of interest to the Agricultural and La
boring clashes, tlur space is necessarily limited,
therefore, lie brief and to the point. Write plainly
and on but one side of the paper.
L, L. Polk, president Farmers' Alliance and In
dustrial Union, at 344 1) Street, Washington, n. c.;
Hen. H. Clover, vice-president, Cambridge, Kaa,;
J. H, Turner, soc'y; J. F. Willitts, lecturer, Oska
loosa, Kas.
National organisers forOregou:
J). J. (Vile, address .looms office, foot of Mor
rison street, Ponland, Or.
W. A. Sample, Halll. Or.
M. V. Kork. Hulem. Or.
John Rmvan, Coqullle City, Or.
K H. Denton, Mtllcr a. Linn Co., Or.
r. Blrutiaum, uillluu, Columbia Co.
Depnttes for fVjtmnes:
J. H. Heimlnger, for Marion Co., Salem,
Samuel H. Holt, Phoenix, Jacltson Co.
W. D. Ingram. Eight Mile, Morrow Co,
X. C lleach, I ukm Co., Loallue, Or.
iriunm, so. ao.-Thoa. Glan, President', J. A.
Jouoa, Secretary.
no. so. 26. T. M, Mansers, President: John
Sinallreau, Secretary.
nuarttct. so. IS. J. A. Peery, President; E.
Tailor, Secretary.
Hamilton crre, ho. .12. J.Newman, President;
J. E. Trcaddell, Secretary.
bock nn.L. so. 27. J. w, Wilson, President; C.
0. Stern, Secretary,
jiwnoK, w.18.-Jocot Cober, President; Frank
Tliayer, Secretary.
swart noraB. ko. 102. W. B. Thompson, Prcd
Went; J. P, Archer, Secretary.
omtiKiiTAi.. No. P. Lewis, President.! W, L,
Jackson Secretary.
TheExPBiSH prepared to com
pete with Portland or Han Francisco
in matter of style and finish In busi
ness anil visiting cards.
Harvesting is about over in this
vicinity. : ...
All the surplus population are out
picking hops.
The new hotel is well underway.
Mr. Ilajward is fixing up his new
saloon. ' '.
Tiie Leak Advertising Co'b Car was
in town Thursday.
Mr. Peter Hume fell from a loud of
grain and was sarlously injured riatur
day. The Misses Coshow who liave been
spending a few weeks at Newport re
turned ItiHt night.
Mr. Rockwell, who has been sick for
some time, is slowly convalescing.
Hev, Mr. Hluir, of Louisville, Ky.,
preached In the Cumberland church
morning and evening. We consider
hi in an able speaker.
We are to have Electric lights In the
near future.
Whole troops of West Spring Indians
thronged our streets Saturday, and
they made the town look both pictur
esque and lively. Scar-faced Charlie
and his dusky bride corralrd. a big
water melon on the side-walk near the
printing oiHoe.
"For Rale."
Tea room house and large bnm, four
lots, nice shade trees, will be sold very
reasonable if taken Inside of 30 days.
If not sold In next 80 days will be for
rent: location Main St. Inquire of
C. A. Elsim,
Lebanon, Oregon,
Hotel Barber shop.
Btriooth shave and a clean towel.
Hair cutting and Hhumpooiiig, Hea
l'oum add Dyeing all Hist class, lia
aira honed, 1, 11, Hokum, Prop,
Carpenter & Builder.
,.A1 Kinds Repairing & Jobbin
' Done on Shortest Notice.
Shop on Main Street, Next Deor to
Tailor 6hop.
Wo chronicle in this manner tlte arrival
of two new comers since our last letter.
Rom: Near Crabtree Station Aug, 29th, to
the wife of Albert Knmin a daughter; also a
son to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gotf Sept. 2nd.
Quite a ripple of excitement was caused
Inst Saturday near J. A. Crabtrce's by a
ninoway team attached to a wagon belong
ing to Klltott, Arnold & Co.'s tlircstiiiigout
fit. No especial damage was done excepting
some breakages about the wagon.
Mr. John Smith came near having an ae
cident with his thresher last week. In go
ing down a hill the engine (which is a trac
tion) got the better of the engineer and ran
away. Fortunately no one was hurt, and
the injury to the enguie caused only part of
a day's loss of time.
8iaking of acwidentar we wonder that
there arc not more bridge accidents, from
the very bad condition of a number of
bridges in this section. . Such a dilapidated
condition of public necessities docs not re
flect very creditably upon the great county
of Linn.
We note a decline in the rage for base
ball here lately and instead some of our
young men (and some not so young) are
keeping their muscle In training by pugilis
tic encounters. As a result of this very
manly ( !) pastime black eyes ore becoming
unusually fashionable.
Only a few parties from here attend
ed the Lebanon Camp-meetine; last
Sunday, the rain of the morning preventing
their going. Those who drtl go enjoyed the
day, and were greatly pleased with llishop
Duncan's most excellent sermon in the
morning, as well as with bis talk to the
children in the afternoon.
The new dwelling house of F. M. Smith
seems neariug completion, and is a great
addition to the beauty of his farm.
Mr. Dan Hart is remodelling his residence
to some extent and when iinished it will
present a very neat appearance.
The most comfortable looking new bam
we have seen has lately been built by Mr.
Sum Uuypool, on his farm on the Lebanon
Mr. Lyman Pomroy has just treated him
self and fajialy to a-new hack. ! . -r
Mrs. Frank Crabtree, of Lebanon, spent a
few days hist week at the old home here.
Mrs, A. J. Kapp is visiting old friends in
Lebanon this week.
Sept. 9th, MM.
More rain Sunday morning.
Threshing is nearly all done in this neigh
borhood. Ko Sunday school yesterday on account
of rain.
Hop-pickers are in demand here. '
We are glad to see Mr. Hasler out again
after a temporary illness.
Hops have taken a rise at Mr. William
Loofnoro's; it is a ten pound boy, and Mr.
L. can furnish bis own pole puller.
Mr. John Turnidge started to Lucomb
with a load of melons for Hurdin k Turn
idge but sold out before be could get here.
They went in Scio like hot cakes.
Mr. J. C. Hardin has been apiointed Post
Master at Lttcomb in place of W, J. Turn
idge (resigned). Mr. H. has executed and
forwarded his bonds.
Sept. 7. Dblta.
It is very smoky weather at present.
Willie Smith lias been very sick the past
few days but is convalescent now.
William Phillips went to Lebanon Satur
day last.
lien Wooden is home from Lacomb.
The Mountain Homeites ait- all ut IJruwns
vllle picking hops for Tycer Iiros.
Sarah Fruit has teen very sick the past
There is plenty of land for sale in this
Noutii Ameiucak Pie Biteb.
Mr. Wru. Stltes, of Albany Democrat
Is In town,
Intelligence reached here to-day
that Mr, J. R. ftuiitu is 111 at Elder
Shea's much near bweet Home. Dr.
Foley and Mr. Norman Smith left tills
morning to attend the sult'erer.
T. C. Pcebler and family returned
from the mountains to-day (Thursday)
The Post offloe will be moved Into
the new building to-day (Friday)
From tho Ochoco Review.
Jack Summers Is still ou the sick list.
County court convenes next Monday.
John Circle returned Sunday from
Mies Anderson, of Silver Lake, Is
visiting Mrs. M. A. Moore in Prineville.
Mrs. Will. Palmer has been quite
sick for several weeks, but Is conva
lescing. D, T. Boynton, of Camp creek, has
gone to Willamette valley, to remain a
Some wool was sold in The Dalles
lust week for 17 cents, but the market
still remains dull.
The Willow creek cattle men Intend
making another ride uflcr beef the lat
ter part of this month.
Win, Myuatt has bnusrht im interest
in Paul Orebaugli's barber shop, mid
hereafter the tensors of Prineville will
he Orebaugh & Mynatt.
John Vanderpool Is putting up an
addition to the south end of the Cary
House to be used in connection with
the saloon which Mr. Smith Intends
The farmers on Willow creek have
about finished cutting their grain, and
arc ready to commence threshing. The
rust has not damaged grain hi that
vicinity, therefore it will be of good
One doy last week Steve Cudle,
George Slayton and- Hurry Douthtt
killed a largo bear near Mr. Cary's
place on Mutoles. They fired about
twenty Bhots into bruin before he gave
up the ghost.
Abe Hackleman passed through
town last Saturday, going from his
ranch on Camp creek to Albany with
a number of young horses. While
here he sold four young Autocrat
horses one to Dr. Belknap, one to Si
Siclicl und a flue span of blacks to Mi
nor Lewis.
Linn Woods intends going into the
hog business quite extensively. He
will send a wagon to tiie Willamette
valley in a few weeks lifter a loud of
young hogs and expects to have them
ready for market a year from this fall.
He will keep them at his brewery on
John Claypool has sold hiss hind at
the crossing of tiie O. P. survey on
Deschutes to a capitalist of Philadel
phia, whom, it is said, is connected
with the O. P. Co. When capitalists
begin buying laud along the proposed
line of this road, it creates u hope that
the rood may yet bo built.
Mrs. Odcll, who has been at Dufiir
the past four months having a cancer
removed by Dr. Vanderpool, arrived
here Tuesdav on her way to her home
on Heaver creek. The doctor removed
a large enncer from the left side of Mrs.
Odell's none, and pronounced tl to case
a permanent cure.
A private com niunlontion too gentle
man In this city gives t lie Information
that (ieoi'gc Uunt, well known around
here ana Prineville unit also In Coryal
Im, lis an iinportt rof Clydesdale horses,
was instantly killed try lightning at
I'rntl, Kansas, on Tuesday the 18th.
Dulles Chronicle.
Cuttle men feel a little uneasiness re
garding the demand for beef this fall.
The supply of beef being greater than
was expected, there is no certainty
that there will be a market for ull (he
beef in Crook county this season, and
cattle raisers may have to carry their
steei'B over another year.
On Monday morning the Express
force was most agreeably surprised
when friend F. M. Smith brought In a
basket full of some of his flue delicious
peaches and prunes. It made the
"devil's" eyes look like two new
moons, and ho shrieked out, "I suy,
Mr. Smith Is a regular printer's
M. A. Miller will receive this woek a
large supply of stationery uiitl echo 1
hooks direct from Chicago.
Owners of threshing machines are
requested to furnish this office with a
statement of the amount of grain they
have threshed, when harvest Is over.
Dr. J. N. Kedpath of Stellacoom,
Wash., was in town this week. Dr. B.
Is still assistant surgeon In the asylum
of Wash. He intends to go to Phila
delphia this full to take a post graduate
Mr. N. P. Payne, County Clerk,
passed through town this week on his
road home from Sodaville.
Mr. J. S. Morris and family, of Scio,
passed through town last Friday on
their way home from the mountains,
John Windsor, aged 17, was run over
by a wheat wagon In Polk county,
near Salem, Saturday afternoon, and
died from the effects of his Injuries.
A myrtle log shipped from Cons Bay
to Poitland sold for (50. The freight
on it WU3 SIS. ij
Mr. C. V. C-an, who is employed
at the Farmers Warehouse, in Albany, :
cleaning wheat, was severely kicked
by a horse Monday afternoon. lie was
passing by a farmer's team, when one
of the heavy shod horses kicked him
viciously. The blow fell upon his hip
and he was knocked several feet away
where he was picked up Insensible.
The extent of the Injuries is not fully
known. Herald
More persons talk of moving to town
this fall for the purpose of sending
their children to the Lebanon public
school than any former year since the
school has been established. And as :
tiie reputation of our schools grow the
number will steadily increase, and it is
only a question of time when It will be
found necessary to employ four teach
ers to accommodate all who will apply
for admittance to the schools.
Mr. Geo. Wilcox, the photographer,
has invented a machine for measuring
cloth, which promises to be u big thing
for bint and Messrs. Hollenbeok and ,! ,
Wendall, of the C, B, E. store, associ
ated with him in its ownership. Very
simple in its operation, It will measure
cloth of all widths, or ribbons
even, with accuracy and great
rapidity, au Indicator showing con-.,
stantly the amount reeled off, together"
with the total price, at any amount
desired, never missing a cent or an inch
in length. It also has a special at
tachment for measuring goods for an
invoice, one that will save a great deal ,
of time. Its capacity for general use ;
is "tl yards, which of course is more
than ordinarily needed. , The machine
is a remarkably iiigenitis one, displays
ing considerable study und Invcstiga- :
tlonitiltscon8truetlon, The owners will
go East aftel awhile and Introduce it.
As there is nothing In the market or t
ever Invented covering the field there ;
Is no reason why there should not be av .
fortune in it for the owners. jJemo
erut. ?..
Lebanon publio school opens Sept. '.
21 and remember that M. A. Miller has '
a large stock of school books. ?
Go to M. A. Miller's for your schoui i
Wednesday four . teams passed
through town, having driven from
Nebraska. They were headed for
Poi Hand.
Rev. Mr. Hanlelter is returned to his
old charge where he has worked so
faithfully and successfully. . Under
his care the beuutifull little ehnpel was
built and paid for. His uiinixierutl
energy is untiring.
Mrs. fiodley, of Hulsey, hrw been
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Nixon, at.
this place the first of the week.
MuaT sTiircowAN's
Emporium of Fashion
la roplctc with the Latest Stylos nf Hute, Bonnet
tuid uvery vnrioty of lit'iul-geur known to -,
ttiu i'li&hioutiMti,
A Fiifif-ClftUB OreKMmaklua Whop in ooimppliiin,
which s iirottidud over by Imficn who uuiku
. Culling mid Filling it styuflluUy, .
Okr Pooh Bourn op th 'Kxpke" 0w,