The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 04, 1891, Image 7

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1 "!"'
How to Utilize Salmon
Left Over.
Hew Invention for the Purpose of
Remedying Projecting Ears
in a Child.
Bnt termilk will takeout mildew stains.
Water tanks or coolors In which drink
ing water la kept should be lined with
porcelain, and should be emptied and
thoroughly t'leariBed every morning be
lore the fresh water and ice are put in.
For a cnt take powdered resin, pound
it very fine and spread or sift it over the
cut ; wrap a piece of soft linen around it
and wet it in cold water quite often.
This will prevent inflammation and sore
Bees. For severe hemorrhage from the nose
try holding the arms of the patient up
over the head for five minutes at the
time. ,'A small piece of ice wrapped in
muslin and laid directly over the top of
the nose will usually give relief.
If the eves are tired and inflamed from
loss of sleep by sitting up late or long
travel, apply in the morning soft white
linen dripping witn not water as hot as
you can bear it laying the cloth upon
"the lids. You will feel the eyuB strong
and free from pain or diplraw in half an
A dehcions dainty for hot-weather
lunches is asparagus salad. After the
stalks are boiled they should be plunged
utonce into iceu water, which prevents
them from losing their natural color and
also keeps them straight. Make adresa-
uig 01 on, sail aim pepHr, fluoxmuung
for vinegar a generous amount of lemon
juice. 1 Ins sumilent vegetable is never
eaten under more delicate and appetiz
ing auspices man these.
A new invention lor the purpose of
remedying projecting ears in a child has
recently appeared. It is an open cup
made in the form of a light skeleton of
elastic tapes, which converge over the
ears. It is worn at night, and presses
the ears gently down. Being tied under
the chin, it is said also to prevent the
haottni sleeping wilh the mouth open.
which produces that sonorous breathing
inelegantly termed snoring.
It is not natural for vouug chicks to eat
soft food. Their gizzards are adapted to
breaking up and digesting hard sub
stances, and nuleps given something to
do this the power is lost. After the chick
is a week old whole wheat is as good
food as can be given, and before that
cracked wheat should form at least part
of their ration. Whole corn should not
lie fed to growing clucks at any time.
Corn is not very good feed for chickens.
anvwsv : hut, if given, it is better to be
cracked than fed whole or ground into
hne meal.
Making Butter In Winter.
The following address was delivered
at the Owrgo (N, Y.) Fanners' Institute:
ferfect neatness must accomuanv
the whole routine in making butter
from the surroundings, food and drink
of the cows down to the packing of the
nutter in a clean ties readv for market.
Then the market not one's particular
taste must determine the quality ol
butter made. If you contemplate winter
lairvmc. you should never -lie sal lulled
to furnish a poor article of butter, hut
should make it a iioiut to furnish some
thing far above the present average qual
ity. In changing from summer to win
ter dairying we should choose our cows
from a butter stock or breed. We want
the breed which will change the moat
food into butter fat instead of beef or
beef fat.
"To make winter dairying profitable we
must have warm Btables have them so
warm that the windows mav be filled
with plants. Do not have the old-fash
ioned stanchions. I here is less butter
in them than in a more comfortable fas
tening. The stables uiUBt be kept clean.
Behind the cows we should have slats
two inches wkb and two inches thick
and one and half inches apart. TheBe
lats will let the greater part of the ex
crement through into the drop below
mid so keep the cows clean, I do not
leave the milk standing in the stable to
become MM with odors, but have it set
for creaming as soon as possible.
" I prefer having cows come in in Octo
ber and November. When they do this
and are well cared for, at least 6D per
i:ent. more milk and butter can be made
from them than when they come in in
the spring. The tlow of uiilk should be
kept up all winter, and when they go to
irum they will go right on without
fhrinkiiig. The first part of the summer
is the best, as then the flies and heat do
not deplete the cows. The cows keep in
L'ood flesh in this way. The " spritig
lor" period is done away with, and
more money is had for the butter. 1
prefer to rear uiy calves in the winter; I
have more time then, and the milk is
worth more. The best calves 1 ever
reared were those born in the autumn,
IThere are some disadvantages, such as
i he extra work of keeping the cream at
the right temperature. A warm room is
essential. The higher price will help,
find does make up for this. We can
nake more manure, and this is a large
"My experience with ensilage as a
"ilk and butter food has been verv sat-
tsfactory. Oar cows the past year aver
ted 248 pounds of butter per cow, which
wnu ai mi cents per pound. There
profit in the dairv, but we must make
lie butter good and make it the year
A Rnme of th C'nnrtltlttn of It Dif
ferent lrtiu.Mitft.
Fruit 'leslers have theii stocks pretty
weil cleaned up, Kecelp are light. A
few watermelons have arrived. Very
tew peaches have been received. Fears,
apples and plums were quite plentihii
and met with good sale. Tomatoes are
about the only fruit that can lie called
in good supply. The stock is of fair
quality, hnt is not in good demand. The
market for country produce is weaker.
Receipts of poultry were large. Butter
is coming in freely, both Oregon and
Eastern, and dealers do not expect to
maintain present prices any length of
time. The egg market is by no means
overstocked. In other lines a good traoe
was experienced.
Cables report cargoes very strong, ow
ing to wet weather in Engiand and on
the continent, and quotations have ad
vanced from fid to Is per qnarler, Walla
Walla prompt shipment being quoted at
44s Udgi-irH. There is a firm tone to the
Liverpool market and considerable ac
tivity on a uasis of lis Sd per cental for
No. 1 California. Trading in futures wss
fairly brisk, and closing prices showed a
gain over the previous day, ranging from
Prndno, Fruit, Etfl.
What Vallev, $1.6i(9il.57M; Walla
Walla, fJl.45ft l.fW per cental.
Fuh k Standard, 5.UU; Walla Walla,
(4.(kl ir barrel.
Oats Old, 45fo50c; new, 24c per
Hav $12'14 per ton.
Mu,!.KTtTFFS bran, $22(223; shorts,
nominal, $25ffl2(; ground barley, f'Oig
;12; chop feed, 22i2tl per ton ;" barley,
fl.aiwl ill) ier cental.
Hi'Ttkb i Iregon fancy creamery, 30$
112 c; fancy dairy, 27 jc ; fair to good,
2 ic; common, 15ig2uc; California, 22,'
(u24e per pound.
Ciibbe Oregon, 12l2!c; Califor
nia, 12c per pound.
Euos Oregon, :0c per dozen.
1'oii.TKr old chickens, f5.(IO(S.5..r)0 ;
young chickens, ff2.6Ufc(4.uU ; ducks, $4(4
ii; geese, nominal, tK per dozen; turkeys, M;r pound. Cabbage, $1.50 per
cental ; cauliflower, $1(1 25 iter dozen;
Onions, l!4'c per pound; Iwets, $1.25 per
suck; turnips, $1.1X1 per sack; new pota
toes, tkl (Hljc per cental : hi'natoes, 75ci$
Hue per box; lettuce, 12'cc per dozen;
green peas, 3v4c ;er pound; string
Iwans. 2yi.1c per pound; rhubarb, 3c per
pound; cucumbers, lUc per dozen; car
rote, $l(i l.2-i per sack; corn, 0c per
dozen ; sweet potatoes, 2,Vu.3c pel
Fitt-iTs Sicily lemons. $7(58; Califor
nia, $i(tti per hoi; apples, 7oc(a $1.25 pel
Ivix ; luitiaita, $it iAHiH a bunch . pineae
plea, $..((i7 per dozen; aprioota, eViciit!
per Iwx ; peaches, uofa'Wilc per box ; black
tarries, ttj7C per pound; plums, 25(jGUc
per box; watermelons, $l.6(l(2.5J per
dozen ; cautaloopeH,$1.60(( 1.75 perdozen,
$2 per crate; grapes, sweeiwater, 75c(fr$l
ier box, $1 (Hiial 10 per crate; muscat
and black, er crate; pears, $1. 26;
ISartlett. Uml.Hj per box; nectarines,
$1 .2'i per crate.
N i-T. Ca'i lornin walnnte.ll ' (ffl2)c ;
hickory, Braiils, lOYmllc; al
monds, KSui8c; tiltierts, l:W14c; pine
nuts, 17(S 18c; pecans, 17(18c; cocoa
nub), 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per
Staple Groceries,
Coffee Costa Rica, 21c; Rio, 23c;
Mocha, 30c; Java, 26Uc;" Arbuckle's,
100-pound cases, 2d?c per pound.
Si oau Ooiden C.4V; extra C, 47a'c;
granulated, 57Hc; cu lie crushed and pow
dered, (itc; confectioners' A, 64C per
KtASs Small white, 3lc ; pink, S'f
(S 3,'i.c; bayos, 4?ic; butter, 4,'jC ; iimas,
IdMe per pound.
Honey 18(a20c per pound.
Salt Liverpool, $10,$lti.d017iBtock,
$1 1 (ri 12 per tou in carload lota.
Cansko Goods Table fruits, $1.65,
2.s; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears,
$i.85;plums,$1.37 ;strawberries,$2.25;
cherries, $2.o(iM2.00; black berries, $1,011;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.50(3;
apricots, 75c. Vegetables: Corn, $1.35(4
1.05, according to quality; tomatoes,
$1.10(8.25; sugar peas, $1.26; string
beans. $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As
sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.05; plums,
$1,25; blackberries, $1 65 per dozen,
t'wh; Sardines, 8feitl.(i5 ; lobsters, $2.30
("3.50; oysters, $1.6il(.i3.25 per dozen.
Salmon, standard Jio. ), $1.25(31.50 per
case; -No. 2, $2.55. Condensed milk:
Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High
land, $0.76; Champion, $0; Monroe,
$0.76 per case.
Svaup Eastern, in barrels, 4"(?B5c;
hslf-barrele, 60(86 ; iu cases, . .SOc
per gallon; $2.25(8 2.60 per keg. Cali
fornia, in barrels, per gallon; $1.75
per keg.
DaieDFm'iTS Italian pruneB, 10(8llc;
Petite and (ierman, H(ft 10c per pound ;
raisins, $1.75(2.25 per box; plummer
dried pears, loiallc; sun-dried and fac
tory plums, 11 (oi 12c ; evaiwrsted peaches,
8(ii2iic; Smyrna figs, 20c; California,
figa, 9c per umd.
Kick $5.60 per cental.
Should any one ask' your opiniqi. about
the Himtogenetic sytrtfm of medicine, jut
answer boldly that it is no good. Should
he ask yon the reason why it is no good,
tell him just because. If this answer does
not confound him by its profundity and ho
still persists, tell him that it is a new-fangled
idea. This will probably prove effect
ive, as it bankrupted the first iron plow es
tablishment. Should you fail in that, too,
don't give up, but insist with the powerful
argument that your grandmother never
heard of it; that you can't see how mer
cury, arsenic, strychnino, etc., can be im
proved upon, and that the old schools of
medicine must necessarily have exhausted
all the Htork of wisdom, and thattherecan
not possibly be anything left to learn. And
if all your powerful arguments have failed
to convince him of the reasonableness of
your position you have still one Parthian
shot tell him that you (ire simply aston
ished; that you thought him an intelligent
And still there are men and women, too
unon whom such arguments have no ef
fect, but they are thinking people who are
willinir to investigate before they form an
Mojavk, Kern County, Cal.
Dr. J. Enatnt .hn-dan. Seattle. HVwk Dear
81 h: I am glud to tell you that my wife
still continues to improve. Iooks like a
different person. Skin clearing up; eyes
look brighter, and is feeling better gener
ally ; no pain in stomach, and has good ap
petite. We feel glad that we have found
some one who can do her good, and you
will iiave other patients from this section.
ery renpecuuiiy, Joseph uowan.
Ir. Jordan's office is at the residence of
ex- Mayor Yesler, Third and James.
Consultations and prescriptionsabsolute
'frce. Send for free book explaining the Histo-
genetic system.
UAimoH. ute mstoct Bene Meaiones
are sold in but one agency in each town.
The la 11 around the bottle bears the fol
lowing inscription? "Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dan, Histogenetic Medicine." Every other
device is a fraud.
The man who wlhes he were dead la first In
the Ctillur when l tie cyclone comet. .
A number of Russian Polish immi
grants at iierlin in the poorhouee. held
to be returned to their country, refuned
to work aud attacked with knives the
otlicera who endeavored to make them
work. A tire engine and reinforcements
tiuel ed the not.
AI. JatiHsen, who last year proposed to
build an observatory on the top of Mount
Blanc, announces that his appeal has
been responded to by BisdiofTsheim, the
banker; Prince Koland llonaparte, Jiaron
Alphonse de Kothschild aud M. Eiffel.
Its building is still problematical
The German government has decided
to form a marine station and torpedo
harbor at (Juxhaven at a cost ot z&,0(i0,
0(H) marks. A bill will be introduced in
the Heichstog in November making the
necessary appropriation lor the work.
The locat ion of this important improve
ment at Gux haven is a recognition of
Hamburg as the leading port of the Empire.
Dr. WilllamB' Indian Pile Ointment will cure
Blind, ElerdiuB and Itching Piles when all other
ointments hvt- failed. It abwiros the tumors,
allays the iu-hitiff at once, arts as Toul11ce,
(rive iiiutaut relief. Dr. Williams' India Pile
Ointment lit prepared only for Piles and Ithlnn
of the private vartg, and nothing else. Every
box 1b warranted. Hold by driiKpists, or sent by
mail ou rceehit of price. .VV rim 1 per box.
VV lLLi A 41 D HAM) r At..' 1 U It! ft U tU.,
Proprietors, Cleveland, 0.
(tare care for bll nd, bleed.DK and ltchlne Piles.
One box hu cared the worst cmk of ten years'
(tudmg. Kooneneea Buffet ten minaret after
firfift Kirk Uennan Pile Ointment It ataorbt
tumors, ailavs the Itching, acts as a poultice.
gives relief. Dr. Klrk'6 German Pile Ointment
is prepared only lor Pi lei ana ltemug 01 tne
private parts, and nothing el&e, Every box ii
Bold bv DrceirlrtA and sent b? mail on receipt
of price, 11.00 pr box. J. J. Mack A Co., Whole
sale Agents, ban Francisco.
Merchant Hotel. Third and D streets.
Portland. Or. First-class accommodations.
Kates, $1 to $1.50 per day. Jacob Haas, prop.
Use Knameline Btove Polish; no dust, no smell.
Try Oermea for breakfast.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes ,
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flikjr
Biscuit, Griddle Cukes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work.
AIaYS Takes
Smoking Toqaccc
Packed in patent canvas
pouches, which retain the natu
ral moisture of the tobacco and
insures a cool, sweet smole to
the end. More solid cornfort
in one package of " Mastiff"
than you can get out of a dozen
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia,
Statr of Ohio, City or TonnoJ
U'i:ahh'nty. (
Kbask J. chunky maket oath that he
itthw niorrartnrof the firm of K. 3. Cmkney
4 Co., dolus banlneM In the city of Toieilo,
eoanty and State Hdwalit. m that laid firm
will pay the mm of ONK HUNDItKl) UOLLAItS
fnrtarh anilMveryeaswof Catahkm tht caunnt
be cured oy the use of Hai,i,'h Cataiihii ci hk.
KUANK .1. CIIKNKY. before me and mibscribed n mv nr-
ciice thin nth Jay of leceuibr. A. 0. 1!W6.
S'otarft Public,
Ha'l'a Catarrh Cnra in taken inifniallv. ttnii
actn direr My on thn blond atm nim'oua itiirfaees
of the 8um. Send for tehilranntals, free.
r. j. cm ...-; v A C(J., Toledo, o.
Sold by DruKgiBlB; 'w.
A elnrk I alwavs an atntronrlMln woddfrnoHt.
It meaua ou Its face tint tbere la ifu time Tike
the present.
A alight cold, if neirlectcd. often nthtckA
the lunfiR. "lirovn'n Jironchial Trockct"
give immediate relief.
No matter how mnrli a rnun tinto a rvAtar.
he liiMiriably ankn him t eall HKin,
We DorttivelT cure nmtnre and all rectal dli-
em without palu or detention from buslBes.
No otire, no pay; and no pay until cured. Ad
dresfi for pamphlet Drt. Porterfleld A Losey, 838
No man can come out bright who hasn't expe
riciiced many nihs.
Centrally loeatod; Amerlcen A Europetiu plan;
flrst-clanH; rwmannble rates. C. V. Hohy, prop,
Of all kinds and in nny quantity whole
sale and retail at bedrock prieeu,
65 Front Street, Portland, Or.
fV 8e"d for catalogue.
Cures Aloorl
B u r n 8 ,
Frost bites,
All Aches.
Chas.JL VojetoCo.,
Baltimore, Md,
iCuresallnnnwtHraldlscharResof mon
I vnilUP1"" "ian''ro, ll"w lti"K sutixiinff, Pre
I I U UrS LC,v,Jtw Strl(-U1,'c il twing an Internal
Ih&Hiaiiwl. Price, ijs.OO. Circularou
I jai)licatiin. bold by Druggists or sent
Ion rec Ipt of prtctf by Tlio A. Schoeu-
Ihclt Mtuildno Va) , San Jose. Cal.
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Piano;
HeaninK the Bent Pi.ako &Iaik, and the Utorit
tbnApvr Pianos; all Musical IiiBtrumontB; Bunds 8uj
plied; Urge stock of Sheet Miuio. Hteintay H i.i
XH and 309 Post Street; Maituiaj OnAY Oo. 0
dA iw m www ronrtm n vV
V91 8 aJ l -no' LQaT or TAILING MA'in00D
VA I n I UkMOiiim! and NERVDUfl DEHX 1IT Y t
HOeaerai and KKRV0UB DtBIlIT Vt
'IWoakseuof Body and Mind, Effflotl
lAJof ErroiiorExoesMi in Oldar Yousk
Bobud, Aalile SANHOflDfollj ntorfd.
BimfiDtannnK, inuiMiurAuuiiut.iBrnioui duui
IhMlDlrlr mWllnr H0)IK TK8TBKNT-Bntlt In a Jij.
mi Uiltry from SO olt Rod t'trtlpi Coontrln. Writ tbeca
Deirrlptl'A Book, irUnlloQni pnwfi natlrd TwhIm) frtM
Esst in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
BICOOKI.V W HOTEli Buah Bt, bet. MonV
gnmery k BauBome, 8. P.; conducted on both the
Euioi&n and American plan, this Hotel Is under
the nianaffctoeot of Charles Montgomery and is the
best Family and Business Men's Hotel in Ban Fran
cisco. Home comforts, culnina nnexcelled, ftrst-olass-scrrice,
highest aUtidurd of respectability int&rante&d.
Board and room ir dav, 81.26 to 2.00; sfjiKle room, 60
cents to 1.00 per night. Free ooach to and from the-H.U1.
Have Been Imitated, But Never Excelled They Are fieyend Comparison!
Wfe Make
90 per cent.
Of the
Wire Mats
Sold in
i .... : it't.'h
They are
And "Beat."
tar Se that vonr mat hs brass tajr attached stamped " TTabtmak.''
Write for our Testimonial Booklet and Illimtrmed CattilOKiie Mullud Free.
nt6.00 AND $25.00 BREECH-LOADi
Firearms, Bicycles and Sporting Goods,
168 Second Street, Near Morrison, Portland, Or.
Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeahle to the
taste, umidren taite it witnoat objection, liy druggists.
Tisolain haekchakrmvi3
Iris & solid c&Re of scourindsoKp-
-Try it1 Inyour nexbhouse-cleekning
Even the little pig In the picture Is a more
agreeable companion than a man with a dirty
collar or a woman who presides over a tawdry
house. Eut nobody wants the reputation of being
avDiar under any circumstances.
Buy Your Cwn Goods if Your Coaler Does Hot Carry Them.
Best and Cheapest In the World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wagons. S5Q Up.
Belting and Hone, Wrenches, Luuricatlui
tusrf'Kuraim uniuand Forge, BiiKKles,
SI MIS Ul ruiujuiu.
mb, r
rcouiira tuuMuuMni. nre nw sua uewinmeni Httppnet, Bteam Laundry.
KMhiuery, Fumpi of all ltluds, Bnws Oowis. Pipe and FlUlnKB, Hancock IiiHi.lrKtors. Marine Wm
nuvm, uuvtumuuk uns, unurKu, wDooi huo rami Hells. EiiKluesand Bollerfc
Furiiix, BiiKirles, Hurries, Hvrinu and Ei press Wagons, tue rtmt umttamm
un vi jumms. jufuw uuormauou cau on or addrwa
1 1 MIGHT. Foot if BorrissB Strut. P0BTUKD. 1 r