v--" v v- r;r MM.-4"(V.,-fK'.B Lebanon bx press. FRIOAV, CUT ( , IS'tfl. fVAddltirnal locals on first Go to Bach's for choice erocerlcs, Mr. Wtu. (Suy mill family returned home from Upper Soda Tuesdny. F. M. French, the Jeweler, Albany, keeps railroad lime. Mix (I. II, Rjilston and Jack Ralston wore visiting in Albany this week. W. H. Booth M. 1). physician and surgeon, Lebanon Oregon. . Albany Public school opens Monday. For bread call at the Star restaurant. Rev. IX Atkins, D. D., president of Corvall Is Collee will preach to-night (Thursday) at the camp grounds. Dr. Atkins is one of the leading preachera uf the state. There will lie a meeting at the camp ground Saturday at 4 o'clock for the children, Ulshon Duncan will address them. Mr. J. M. Ralston and wife spent Saturday and Sunday Id town visiting friends and relative. Mr. Joe Nixon returned homo Tues day from a visit to the sea-side. Mr. J. Wasaom visited Albany this week. j Mr. Hiram Baker and wife are visit ing relatives lu Oentralia, Wash., this week. Contractor Trice visited Salera thia week. , After going to Cruson & Menzles' hardware store and getting prices, we find that they are selling goods as low as any place in the valley. Prof. Dodson has returned from Up per Boda, bringing with him a fine lot of views of the Cascade mountain. While at Upper Boda he stopped with Mr. Foster, the hotel man whom he found an excellent host. Mr. John G. Burnett has purchased And will hereafter manage the "Sunday Welcome," of Portlaud. Crawford & Paxton of Allany, are making Cubiiir.t Photograph for the low price of $1 50 per dozen. Call at their Gallery and see them when in Albauy. "The Leak advertising Co's Car," or "Placer County, California, on wheels," will arrive in Lebanon Monday, Sept. 7, 3:20 P. M. and will be open to the public 9 to 11 30 A. M., 2 to 6 and 8 to 10 P. M. Mtwr. H. C. Watson, R.B.Btrahan, C. W. Watts and T. L. Wallace of Alba ny, on their return from a fishing and hunting expedition to Fisli Lake, spent hort while In this city visiting the faper mill and eight seeing, Tuesday. We wish to announce to the public that we have a large stock of wagons, buggies, hacks and carts, direct from the factory In the East. We have elited theae goods to suit the climate, roads and people of thia vicinity, and we cordially invite all those wishing to buy anything in this line of goods to cil on us before purchasing else where. C'BCSON & Mknzies. Joe Wassoin has begun tn operate the Lebanon Mills and is prepared to do Wheat cleaning and chopping. Lou, the China wash man, has bought the lot where Mrs. Itlce's milli nery store is situated (20 feet) paying $800 and will have a laundry there. Mrs. Rice will build where the laun dry now stands. Mr. S. P. Bach ' bought 22 bet next to D:,,,,, r-ffiue. and Mr. jj, bM 22 feet where J), Lamberson'i office H1W stands. These gentlettien pons template building uext spring. H. f. Bach keeps a line of boots and shoes us wel) an irowusvIe woolen goods. At the eonfercuoe of the M. E. Church, South, held In Roseburg, the following appointments were made for the Willamette district: D. C. McFar laud, P. K.; Albany station, to be sup plied; Corvallis station, to be supplied, Tangent station, T. Thomns, W. H. Howard, Buperunuuted; Dallas and Dixie, J,. W. Craig; Independence and Lewisvllle, to be supplied; Lafayette, J. W. Bhreue; Tillamook, C. U. Cro&s; Oregsn City, W. L. Malloy; Browns ville, J. M. Turner; Junotiou Olty cir cuit, W. L. Blackwell ; Corvallis college, D. Atkins, president. Lebanon and Spicier are made one charge, J. M, Parker, pastor. Rev. 0 8. Hanleiter takes Crubtree and Mill City. There li much dissatisfaction expressed a uiwig members of the church here that Rev. Ilautciter was not returned to Lebanon, 20 bread tickets for SI, at he Star restaurant, ' . Thrown from mil ifcl:n J S. V. Kai-h gv, lfi . for a pound. Mr. W. 5!, Owe m siek. We arc gl4 to Irani that Mra. tir ic beKw. J. C. Kroy &. Son, now in o!d post, of fice, malic colli,! nr.d oilier harness, Rev. J, M. Parker, the new pastor of the M. K. Church, Bouth, arrived here Tuesday. The following Is the list of letters that remain uncalled for In the Leba non Post office Sept. 1. 1891. Mr. Max Maywold, Mr, A. J. Shelton, Mr. Oasln Martin, Mr. Orrin Martin, J. A. Morgan, Esq., Benjamin W. Denny, Kmnia Punch, C. M. Fnlrbank, 2, Chas. M. Bauer, W. L. Compton, Mrs. A. C. Daniels. Rev. J. W. Craig of Dallas is in this town, and is assisting at the camp meeting. Through the efforts of Mr. D. P. Ma son and others some beautiful Masonic furniture has been added to the Mason ic hall. It consists of two pillows costing about f 100, an altar valued at nearly as much and three finely wrought candle-stick. The furniture Is adorned with heavy gold leaf and la an ornament to the lodge. It was made In Columbus, Ohio. There Is no finer lodge furniture in Oregon. Al bany Herald. The time fixed by the court for the payment of the Oregon Pacific railroad employes, August 31st, expired Mon day. Mr. Wm. M. Hoag by earnest solicitation succeeded in inducing the men, through their attorneys, to post pone the payment until September 14, when the assurance is given that the money will be forthcoming. Mr. J. C. Bilyeu of Brownsville was In town Wednesday. Rev. Aldredge of Brownsville was in town this week. Mayor Miller and family returned home from the mountains this week. Prof. Torbett moved to Albany yes terday. We bate to see the Prof, leave our town. Isabella Park will surely be a plate of fine residences. Buy a lot then of Peterson A Garland on easy terms. A few more acres in Ralstoni Add. House for rent and choice reaidenoe for sale by Peterson A Garland. Mr. Ben Kirk and wife returned to Albany Wednesday, after atwo weeks' stay at Sodaville. Mr. Jack Ralston will start to school in the Albany college which opens next Wednesday. There are a good many strangers in town now. Miss Minnie Hamilton, who la visit ing C. H. Ralsttm'a family was quite sick thia week. Mr. C. A. Elson has been quite 111 this week. Peterson & Garland make quick col lections and prompt returns. PMESBYTERIAK CHCRCU. ServlCM next Sabbath, 11 A. M., 8 P. H., Mam' ning subject, "Responsibility Accord' ing to the Trust Committed" Eve ning, Lecture; Bubjeet, "The Deluge." Babbath school 10 A. M., Christian EwletVor, 7 F. M. E. C. Jacka, Past'- 1 Monday hurt, t Alba- Mr. Chat. Rlmhmi roa a sudden &ih In a way thitt was horrifying to lh beholder He was Aiivlrt down Klcst street with a four horse Uatu, and two wagons, when he whipped up the lend team. This started the teams at a fooler speed than w as inieuded, and the hind wag on breaking loose lightened the load so much that the horses began running' Mr. R. was thrown violently to the ground striking on hlshead, the wheels of the wagon then passed over his breast fearfully crushing him about the lungs. When the unfortunate man was picked up, he was dead. Drs. Wallace and Whitney who were summoned gave it as their opinion that death was caused from the blow upon the head, concussion of the brain resulting. The crushing from the loaded wagon weuld probably have caused death. Mr. R. had been cultivating part of the land of Rev. D- C. McFarland near Tangent, was a man of good habits, unmarried, about twenty-six years of age. His parents reside at Sweet Home, and he also has a brother at Brownsville. The cruel waters of the Santiam claim another victim, and Gus. F. Juhnke is among the number gone out upon the highway unknown to the animate. Sunday afternoon Mr. Juhuke, ac companied by a number of his associ ates, was bathing in the river when he found himself . unable to reach the shore. Aid was rendered at once but not sufficient to save his life. He leaves a wife and, five little chil dren with but little to live upon. Mrs. Juhnke had not seen her hus band since July 8th, at which time he left home to go with a threshing crew; and when the sad news was broken to her she was oempletely overcome with grief. . . The time came for the family to take their last look at the remains, Monday afternoon, and many tears of sympathy were shed by friends as the mother took her little ones, one by one, and lifted them up that they might kiss the cold and pallid cheek of their once loving and indulgent father. The funeral sermon was preached in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church by the pastor. Later we understand that the clti- eens of Lebanon have contributed 60 to help pay the expense of burial and assist the mother and her babes. Hakdw BUVY 9V'B ARE, tuv1W Aitp BiMara MATfPSWS & WASHBURN, Albany, Ore, The Kji'kehi publishes ten quires (240 copies) more Paper this week than when the present manager took charge, June 1. Wednesday night the little 7-year old girl of Mr. C. A. Zabn was tr-k and her mother gave her some home made cough medicine and when Mrs. Z. was al sent the little girl got the bottle and drank all lu It. Mrs. Z. dis covering thia fact upon hir return summoned Dr. LamUereon and later Dr. Foley, and under their skillful care the little girl was brought safely out of the difficulty, The phyiicians say that there was poison sufficient taken to kill three men. The little girl Is feeling all right to-day. It Is reported that we are to have another drug store In the near future. Dr. Lamberson bought 22 feet on the corner where bis dwelling is and will eommeuoe building on It next week. Por. Nice two story four room house, uioe lot, gaud well and out houses, nloe location. KOO If sold lu the next 80 days by V, A. Elion 4 Co," . GRAND KQrVENSHUN OF LIN KOUNTY DARY-MADE'S . AT Band Hall Frldy Sept II. at 8, P. M. Kum 1, kum awl, Both old and yung, By a tlckit: And C the fun. MrsBusannar Peterkln. Pollv Do-Ilt- lie and about twenty othei'Milk-made'B will take part lu the Eonvenshun. Kloses with the tablo of "Tne Madeira Soloqy." Kold Dafy Vitt'lcB. Orihge Ise, tee Kreme & Kake. Admlsshun 25 els. Children IS ct. Kold W" Ch- Atrf. ' -mut for awl. All persons knowing themselves be- hln1 nn UAI. ....oouan,.,.. nn mtor.k ill the Lebanon-Bantiam Canal CO. Will pieaae call upon ttie rjecretary and pay some at once. The money is needed. g I p ' g S? I ro 3 ML W & 2 ' . D0W1NG BROTHERS, .! Jj U jSI B IL R jDX B-ai. HHfirWrHitrfWfrmfHWf)ffrmWHfWfWHH CHOICE CLEAR LUMBER OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES. HfHffrWHWmHftWmHfmWWtMlilMtMtrtm Satifaction Guaranteed. 'X7i ' 7 v Call on us at Mill, 12 East of LEBANON, or HiHWrHWHHTrmttTWHWHmmtmW Address us at LACOMB, OREGON. WILL & LINK, (Successors to Will Bros.,) DEALERS IN Pianos and Organs, Musical Merchandise & Sewing Machines, - Invite the people of Lebanon and vicinity to acquaint them selves with h. r. HILLEK AND V06E 4 SONS' SPianos. SjOrgans. These instruments they keep in stock, but solicit orders for "Steinway" and "Weber" Pianos. Our prices are the lowest. Bheet Music, Bonks and Small Instruments a specialty. The best Sewing Machines In the market on aasy terms. Write for catalogues. Second Street, Albany, Oregon. WHEN VISITING .AJL-BAJVY DON'T FAIL. TO SEE THE MAMMOTH STOCK OF- SPRING CLOTHIM -AT NEW STYLES! NEW PRICES 1 AISA -err Elegant Stock a Cloths in Merchant j ing Department with Frst-Class iduunng. W. J. Hav, L. J. Petebbon NEW MEN1 New Horses, Few Harncss.Hieest Tarn-onts In Town. Reasonable Rates. Wiw-lf Stock boarded by the day or month. We solicit a share of the patronage of the public generally. Special attention given to Braying and Hauling. HAY & PETERSON, Lebanon, Or I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at m Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Salo at Reasonable ; Rales. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness ar despatch. D. W. HARDEN, 7