The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 04, 1891, Image 4

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    Lebanon Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor,
K.'ep ont of politics and if yon
can't tio uny better, steal hoga.
Hold up your brother's hand,
bat not w ith a can.
The devil is an experienced dem
agogue and ought to belong to one
of the political parties of this day.
The man wbo bothers tie when we
are busy to a bore; the man wbo won't
be bnthered by oa when he In bus)' la a
The snccessful newspaper man
must write something the people
will read whether they like it or
Men boast of their independence.
We have a few of these fellows in
mind that a little flattery will
make frisk around like a spaniel.
Don't repeat slander about your
friend nd neighbor if you will
listen to it especially when you
believe it to be false.
It is a happy thought hit upon
bv the Koyal Institute in Great
Britain, which is training itB deaf
mute occupants as barbers.
Some people use their imagina'
tion for their own good and that of
mankind, borne people s imagina
tion use them, making liars, slan
derers, and tale bearers.
No man or woman is equipped
for life wbo has not learned to sav
No; but it is to be said kindly as
well as firmly, if its lesson is to be
be made impressive.
Never be afraid to own the truth,
let the consequences be what they
may. Ever keep truth for your
motto and guide, and you will
surely be the gainer in the end.
Perseverance and tact are the
two great qualities most voleable
for all men who would mount, but
especially for those who have to
step ont of the crowd.
Never condemn your neighbor
unheard; every story has two ways
of being told, and justice requires
that you should hear the defence
as well as the accusttion.
It is a great mistake to imagine
that success without effort will ev
er make a man or a woman happy.
What we cease to strive for ceases
to be success, and gradually be
comes more and more worthless.
You must be sun- of two tilings. You
most love your woi k, and not be look
ing over the edge or it, wanting your
p ay to begin; and the other in, yi u
mu-t not be ashamed of your work, and
think it would be more unnnroulv to
you to be doing something lse-
When you have a mind to rep& t
some dirty story you have beam
about your neighbor, stop, think
twice before you speak, and then
knep your mouth shut until you
reconsider it. You mav not do
your neighbor any harm, but you
will yourself.
Oregon is being filled with new-
p: per grave-yards. In the lust ycai
nearly every county in Oregon has had
a burial, and several mori severe ouien
of consumption are reported. Among
others Jeflerann, Junction, Drain,
Eugene, Hprinefield, and even Albany
have bad their experience in this line.
Albany Democrat.
The people of Lebanon cannot
give too liberally of their means
and energy and influence in the
furtherance of educational interest?
here; but they can expend too much
money on the snide shows such as
visit small towns. They ought to
get the kind ot cold comfort that is
not refreshing ev;n in summer.
The city ptpcni are ail rlitlit If you
want them, but it's the local paper
tiiat adv.rtiocs your tiueinewi, your
acuooln, your churches, your numerous
siwieticH; ayiirmlhizes with you in your
affliction and rejoice iu your prosicr-
Ity. In (short, it i the local paper that
meiilieiiH the thnuwmrt and one item
In which you are Interested during tin-
year, and which you do not find iu the
Caaae and Kffwot.
Depression and discontent pre
vail to greater extent now than
for many years in the history of
our country. For these there are
causes and the effect naturally fol
lows. I lie people nave cea-sea 10
practice economy in private os well
as public affairs. 60,0U0 expended
by congress m tne dwiuj, 01 one
Senator, but gives the tax-pavers
of this country an inkling of the
prodigality and excesses practiced
by those in authority, a part of
whose statesmanship should be to
set for the people examples of reas
onable expenditures.
When a millionare senator dies
his family should bury him at its
own expense. This is the practice
followed by the families of the pri
vate citizen and poor man. The
people of this country cannot
be justly nor legally taxed for
such expenditures and it is an out
rage on justice and reason that
such are made. If Congress can
legally appropriate money to defray
the expense of burying one of its
members then it stands to reasen
that it appropriate for the burial
of a private citizen, and if for one
private citiien then as justly for
tke burial ot all.
Mr. McKinley goes before his
republican audiences and without
blushing boasts that while the last
congress. is called the billion dol
lar congress that this is a billion
dollar country and can afford Buch
congresses. These are causes they
tend to depression and dissatisfac
tion. Appropriations by too legis
latures of the several states are, in
many instances, prodigal in the
extreme, hven in those states
whore there is such an array of
Alliance members, in whose assert
ed platform is economy and reform
in private as also in public expendi
ture. Take for instance the legis
lature of Texas, largely Alliance
and reform men, where 15,000 per
year is appropriated for a state en
campment that a useless and pom-
nous militia may have an opportu
nity of displaying to the public
gaze a red tape inutility; and 4,000
expended for one picture. These
are causes.
Then nine-tenths of the people,
regardless of their vocation or
About FALL and WINTER CLOTHING; and while you
are thinking about it dont forget that
Is the place to get it. We are now receiving daily large
Shipments of Fall and Winter clothing
For Men, Boys and Children,
From the Largest and Best Manufacturerers in this and
Foreign Lands. Not being Brilliant Writers we can hardly
do these Grand Garments we are offering
We are Sh wing the Very Latest Effects in Everything that
is new It matters not whether you want to buy or not.
We are Always Willing to
Show our Goods,
And if you use your Best Judgement you will Bay that for
That's Made Well and at Reasonable Prices, We
are the People.
T. L. Wallace & Co.,
JsTRAHAN BLOCK, ' Many .Oregon
m-ans, coa'a tv wo p'scuce u
economy reduce their annual ex
penses VIS per cent. To many
people economy is a stranger they
seem to be ignorant of the first
principles pertaining to it.
Many expend money recklessly,
buying things on a credit that are
absolutely Useless, and ot necessa
ries they often'buy more than the
demand requires, and waste much
after getting them home. They are
recklosB in the use of articles after
so purchased. Tnesc are causes.
The effcits are depression, dis
content, scarcity of money and
hard times, such effects as natur
ally follow such causes as water
seeks its level.
There are a great many men
born in tle world who imagine,
they were born with genius and lie
down on the sofa and wait for an
inspiration until some other fellow
who thought himself a dunce
rises bv hard knot to a competen
cy, buys the Bofa and leads the
waitine ccnius out by the ear.
ThiB iB not a joke; it is a fact.
The people's party of Kansas ex
pended 1100 in a campaign which
resulted in the election of five
congressmen, eighty-four legisla
tors and one United States senator.
This party has decided to expend
tlO.000 this fall and if success
keens pace with the money expent"
ed the party will elect every officer
in the state.
Compared with other nations In size
of debt the United States stands eighth
on the list. Fracee heads the great
International procession with a debt of
16,427,000,000, or over four times our
own. Italy's debt nearly trebles the A-
merican, and amounts to Hw2,non,000.
Itumla, with adebt of $3,781,000,000, and
Great Britian with 3,440,000,000 are
not far behind. As enmpared with
European nations the United Suites Is
one of the most economical govern
ments on earth. In wealth, popula
tion extent of territory and moderate
taxation It excels all others, and as no
nation compares with It in the extent
of its resources, none can equal Its ca
pacity for annihilating Its debts.
Lebanon people know the Express
has a good job printing office and
should give it all of their work.
The Prices, The Prices!
Not the man that brings the INCREASSING trade
at the One-Price Cash 'Jtore. We d not claim to
sell "at cost." . Every man is worthy of his hire; hut
our Cash System enables us to get down to BED
.Our Boot and Shoe
Department is Complete and none better for the
the price. We make this line a seci&lty. We have
bought largely in Eastern markets, as well as on the
Coast, and can suit all.
. In Our Dry Goods .
Department we endeavor to carry whatever the trade
demands. Our main object is to get what the peo
ple wanU We are daily receiving goods. We cany
a line of GROCERIES, TINWARE and Crockery.
Hiram Baker's
One-Price Cash Store.
BOARD OF REGENTS: Tuition In the Virtual and lliwinem
rilaet Board of Education; ex-offlcin. Ilia department. Iibh been reduced from w
Excellency, Kylveetor IW.oyor, Clover- ?'&Z'; mii ""' Ml-N"rl""i
nor; Hon. O. V. Ncltride, Herniary of '"""WUiiai.
Hit,.-w, F Tt Mi-.'!rov Sum-rililend- tllm'1 ,or lli0 "I"
. ; n Vi i . T'n..- fn ii Tmtioii-Nornl and Bum e.(i Sneer
ent of 1'uWlc liiKtruotioii; ii- iijninln Mi u,rw (rf Ml WMk) Sub.:;rlmll , w
Ifteld.Preiudent; J. B. V. liutli-r, hecretary. twm j,(llml , ,lrll, .jimi.e: hall,
EXWTTIVB Hoahu Hon. J. J. Daley, so a week ; (uminhed with liitht and
Hon. P. W. Halev, J. IV V. Butler, I'olk; lire, 1 per went Hoanl in prirute !w
Jacob Voorhoce, Marion; J. C. White, Polk; Uica, $.1 50 wr week. Firnt term nn
Alfred Lacy,Cla-kaiuiui; A. Noltner, ilul- Sept. ffind, mi. Student, may enter
tnotnah; VV. H, Holmin. Jlaaloii. "J' Ul"e'
For Catalogue, Addreea,
P. L. CilPBELL, A. B., President, or J. S. PfiSELL, A. I., Yice-PresldcnL
Dry Goods at cost, at the
3Iammoth Store.
othin at cost at the !
Mammoth store.
Groceriesat cost at the
Mammoth store,
The whole stock of the Mam
moth s(o?e at cost for
cash or produce.
Mwnmoatb, Orerna,
The Lending Normal School of th
Northwest. Beautifully and
Healthfully Located.
No Hnlouna.
New building, new apparatus, full
fiicntry. liprht exiuie, and large attend
ance. ' Normal, Advanced Normal, iiutti
neaa, Art nnd Munic Department.
Hl'iiil attention given to pliyairui
p'tltuni. Voluntwr military orgumza. Thow reviving diploma are
anlhorixed to teach in any county iu the
suite without further examination.
city papers. ,