The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 04, 1891, Image 2

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Cocopahs Seeking Work
in California. ;
Southern Paoifio Declines to Aooept
the Reduced Freight Rate
of the Commission.
An expert in the Davie will case t
Butte, Mont., holds that the will is of
recent manufacture.
The caring and canning of Pnget
bound hemng is becoming an industry
of some importance.
A company to construct a single-rail
and saddle-truck railway system has
been incorporated in Oregon.'
The creditors of the big cable company
of Los Angeles are crowding it. A suit for
a foreclosure on the second mortgage has
just been entered.
Portland is thoroughly discussing the
proposition to overcome the CoSumbia
nver obstructions by a portage, road
around them at The Dalles. .
There is trouble threatened at the Gal
lup uV II.) eoal mines. A proposed at
tempt to put in colored workers; it is
thought, will produce a riot.
The Southern Pacific Company will
not accept the reduced freight rate fixed
by the Oregon Railway Commission, and
a test case will probably be taken into
the conns.
The Bear Valley Companv has com
menced its work in San Bernardino
county, Cal of building a new and ex
pensive dam. Two years' time will be
required to finish the work.
Artesian water has been struck near
North Yakima, Wash., at a depth of 400
feet, and the flow increases as the bore
goes down. The large body of arid land
in that section has consequently aesnmed
valuable importance.
Southern California proposes to fur
nish the Eastern markets with winter
vegetables. There are three months in
the year when the Southern California
producer will have comparatively no
competition in the Eastern market.
An art picture was ordered from the
show window ot a store at Los Amcelea.
and the proprietor substituted the por
trait oi timet tiiass, wno is tne Anthony
Uomstot'K oi coat city, ana oy wnose or
ders the original picture was removed.
The latest news from La Plata, the
new muling town in Ogden Valley, is to
the eflect that the hrst reports are fully
confirmed. An immense body of ore
has been discovered, which assays no-
ward of 70 per cent, of galena and 44 to
eb ounces ot silver.
AH the region neighboring to Otrden.
U. T., is excited over the discovery of
lead deposits aboat twenty-five miles
northeast of Ogden at the head of Para
dise Canyon. The ore is found in enor
mous quantities, and a second Leadville
is predicted by the sanguine finders.
Captain Pasqual and Captain Jose of
the Coeopah tribe of Coiorado-river In
dians, with forty-seven tonowers, are at
ban Bernardino, Cal., for the purpose of
getting work for the Indians, whose
crops and homes had been destroyed by
the great earthquake in their country.
The discovery of gold on Soldier creek,
four miles west of Harney. Or., consist
ing of quartz and placer, bids fair to cre
ate a little lever, lor it is now evident
that there is gold to be found in paying
quantities. Miners of experience say
the placers will pay (10 or $12 per day
and expenses to the man by sluicing.
The City Council at Victoria, B. C,
has decided to submit to the people by
laws appropriating nearly $3,000,000 for
railway subsidies, line minion is to me
Victoria and North American Railway,
or Northern Pacific, and the other to
connect the Canadian Pacihc at New
Westminster with the roads atBiaine.
Indian Agent Cole has completed the
work of enrolling the Camr d'Alene In
dians entitled to a share in the distribu
tion of 1600,000 paid by the government
for the lands recently ceded. It is found
that 426 Indians are entitled to a share
of this money, and that each will receive
11,100. Many of the Indians are already
well to do.
Considerable stir is being caused in
Wahkiakum county, Wash,, over the re
cent demand of the government for an
additional pavment of $1.25 per acre for
patented land within the confines of the
Northern Pacific land grant. The gov
ernment now holds that the lands in
question were double minimum lands,
and that the price should have been
(2.50 per acre to purchasers.
The State Park Commissioner of Min
nesota in a report to Governor Merriaiu
shows conclusively that the true source
of the Mississippi river is in the great
reservoir nine miles above Lake Itasca,
making the longest surface channel of
the Mississippi river from the Gulf of
Mexico to the extreme limit of this res
ervoir 2,855.25 miles. The first surface
flow in this great reservoir is a tiny
brook connecting with Whipple Lake, to
floating Moss Lake, thence to Nicollet
Upper Lake, while sai leet west toe
channel again appears in a continuous I
surface flowage to Itasca Lake.
An Abridgement of New Collected at
Washington Cttr.
Governor Toole of Montana has in
formed the acting Secretary of War that
in compliance with a petition of the citi
zens of Custer county the cavalry de
tachment at Tongue river is ordered
from its camp there to the Indian agency
on that river. In the opinion of mili
tary commanders thiB force will be suf
ficient to gnard the interests of both In
dians and settlers.
Acting Secretary Nettleton has
signed an order dispensing with the
services of Mtb. Catherine McGuire. an
assistant keeper of the light station i t
Marquette, Mich. A singular feature ot
this case is that the woman's dismissal
is based on complaints made by her hus
band, who is keeper of the station. Me
charges her with inattention to duty. In
reporting on the case the inspector of
mm; uisinci suggests mat tne appoint
ment of a man as assistant keeper would
be best for the interests of the service.
Information has been received at
Washington of a very important change
made in the Mexican Custom-house reg
ulations. Under the old system all goods
imported were subject to two examina
tions one at the port of entry and an
other in the Custom-house where the
goods were delivered. By the rule juBt
adopted tne last inspection is dispensed
with, the goods thoroughly examined
upon their entrance into the country,
sent to their destinations with due pre
cautions and delivered to consignees
upon presentation of proper documents.
Statistician Dodge of the Department
of Agriculture says: " The year prom
ises to be one of abundance in almost all
lines of agricultural production. Pre
liminary returns of acreage made the
wheat area about 40,000,0110 acres. On
that basis the crop should not fall below
525,000,000 bushels. Oats are the least
promising of any cereals. Acreage in
rve is little changed, but the August
condition is better, promising a larger
crop. Barley acreage is apparently the
largest ever seen, and the present condi
tion warrants that the crop will be con
siderably above the average."
For some time Sir Julian Pauncefote
has been anxiously endeavoring to ar
range a basis of negotiation with Blaine
with respect to reciprocal trade between
Canada and the United States, but with
indifferent success. Premier Abbott
sent a secret commission a few weeks
ago to make an effort to establish an en
tente cordiale. This agent when at Wash
ington submitted Sir Julian Paunce
fote's memorandum to the effect that
the present Dominion government was
willing to have a reciprocity trade with
such articles as are not imported into
Canada in largeqnantities from England.
Sir Julian now feels in a position to offer
the United States reciprocity in coal,
grain, meals, cattle and live stock,
leather of all kinls, glassware, agricult
ural implements, flour and meal, paper
manufactures, kerosene oil, cars, car
riages, tinli, metal goodB, fertilizers.
earthen and china ware and a number of
other important articles.
fcrptlan Ophthalmia Prevails in Some
sections of ilennan?.
Verdi, the composer, will endow with
$80,000 a hospital at Milan for poor and
aged artists.
The German government will estab
lish a telegraph system on the German
East Atrican coast.
Sir Julian Ponncefote, British Minis
ter, thinks the Chinese situation more
serious than reported.
Belginm consumes nearly 4,000,000
cartridges and forty tons of powder a
year in testing firearms.
The crofters of 8kye in the Scottish
Highlands do not take kindly to the idea
of emigrating to Canada or America.
Egyptian ophthalmia has prostrated
half the children and many adults in
Arbergen, Mahndorf and Uemeiingen in
Tbe German autumn military maneu
vers will be postponed on account of the
condition of the Emperor, who cannot
mount a horse.
A. Stanley Williams of Sussex, Eng
land, has just discovered three delicate
but distinct markings in the equatorial
region of 6aturn.
Brazilian capitalists have secured the
services of several experts from Pitts
burg, who will bore wells in the hope of
obtaining oil or gas.
A movement is on foot in Norway for
the raising of funds to provide visits to
tbe country during the summer for poor
and bard-worked women,
M. Henri Lecomte, the Director of the
Meteorological School of Aerostation at
Paris, proposes to endeavor to cross Af
rica by balloon, starting from Mozam
bique. The German government proposes to
prohibit clergymen taking fees for bap
tisms or marriages. The government
has set aside $6,000,000 to pay the
The movement in favor of Roman in
stead of Gothic type is rapidly gaining
ground in Germanv. Many medical and
scientific periodicals are printed in Ro
man characters.
Die Gennan method of dealing with
Turkish brigandage is complete. 'The
brigand is paid all he demands, and
then Berlin draws on Constantinople at
sight for the bill.
Lord Donoughmore recognizes the
malady of which St. Kilda children die
as one well known on the west coast of
South America, where medical skiti has
been totally unable to grapple with it.
The India press is greatly worked np
over the execution of the two principals
in the Maninar massacre bv the English
government, and are endeavoring to s-
tabush a sentiment unfavorable to the
Mexieo Will Make a Big
Exhibit at Chicago.
1,000,000 NEW VOTERSIN 1892
Arizona Wi!l Ask to Be Admitted Into
- the Union as a State at Next
Session of Congress.
Chinese immigration is being solicited
py Mexico.
Alligators have appeared in the Mis
souri river.
Mexico will have a $2,000,000 exhibit
at the Vvorld'BFair.
There will be eighty-five buffaloes in
the World's Fair oo.'
Kansas papers speak of the corn crop
as practically assured.
There are to be 887 polling places in
New York city this year.
The agricultural building for the
World's Fair will cost 1800,000.
A million young men will cast their
first vote for President next year.
At the next session of Congress Ari
zona will ask for admission as a State.
Complete census returns give Iowa a
population of 1,011,806, a gain of 287,281
since 1880.
The irrepressible George Francis Train
proposes a tour around the world in forty
days by a party of 1,000 petrous.
Connellsville, Pa., will drop natural
gas and use coal for fuel. The gas is
nearly all exhausted, and rates are high.
It is reported that 000 acres of land in
Cape May county, Md., have been pur
chased on which to colonize Russian
A German doctor, advertising in New
York an "Institution of Euroean Staff
Physicians," has been prosecuted for
Senator Warren thinks the United
States should rale the arid lauds under
proper restrictions to the States and Ter
Bellew is fnrions about the report of
his alleged marriage to MrB, Potter. He
says she cleared $100,0110 on her Austral
ian tour.
An advance of 15 cents per ton on an
thracite coal has been ordered from Sep
tember 1 at New York by the producing
There are more boat" now running on
the Missouri river than at any time dur
ing the last ten years, and every one of
them is making money.
More than 3.000 clerks, salespeople.
teamsters, porters, janitors and other 1
wage earners are oat ot work because of
the recent big tire in Chicago.
The drought in the Lower Rio Grande
has put all the ranchmen in debt, and
the great scarcity of money is causing,
the sacrifice of cattle and sheep.
According to the recently published
statistics there is one pauper to every
643 inhabitants in this country and one
to every thirty-eight in England.
James Pbelan of San Francisco has
sold the historic Stevens House, 21 to 27
Broadwav, New York, to W. H. Mairsof
Brooklyn for $1,000,000 partly in cash
and partly in Harlem property.
An estimate received by the Bureau of
American Republics places the value of
wool which will be available for ship
ment to Europe in October and Novem
ber for the Argentine Republic at $30,
000,000. Charles 8. Wolfe, who was elected
Executive Commissioner of the World's
Fair by the Pennsylvania State Commis
sioners, dropped dead within an hour
and a half after his election from heart
The new chinch-bug remedy by inocu
lation discovered in Kansas has been
tried with Bpparent success in Wisconsin,
some of the imported infected insects
causing the death of millions of the bugs
is a wheat field.
One of the little bands of Russian He
brew refugees sent out from New York
to homes in the country by the trustees
of the Baron Hirsch fund complain that
they are starving and have been swin
dled and abased.
The emnleves of the Union Pacific
having entered into a contract previous
to tne passage oi tne eigtit-nour law in
Nebraska and the contract still being in
force, they are not taking part in the
struggle to enforce the law.
There has been a great deal of exag
geration regarding the dismissal of vet
erans from the New York Customs
house. Out of eighty-three employes
dismissed only sixteen were veterans,
and of these three have already been re
instated. Poetoffice Inspector Stuart at Chicago
iff in receipt of many letters which show
that the National Capital Savings, Build
ing and Loan Association was even a
greater swindle than at first supposed.
Victims are being heard from all over
the country.
Owen Murphy, a former Tammany of
ficial, who stole $5!!, ICKI of the funds of
New Y'ork citv and fled to Canada in
1877, turns up as one of the principals!
in the corrupt dealings that have been
brought to light by a legislative commit
tee at uttawa.
Amos Howard Fiske of South Frnm
ingham, Muss., bos been appointed chief
engineer of the Leland Stanford, Jr.,
University. Otto Willweber, late man
ager of the Southern Pacific restaurant
at Sacramento, has been appointed stew
ard of the boarding ball of the university.
Baron Kruno nenltates About Showing
Hla Bis Cannon at tbe World'e fair.
The King of Sweden is a great swim
mer, and wears gents de Suede in swim
ming to keep his hands from tanning.
Sara Bernhardt lias promised to con
tribute a painting to the women's gallery
of pictures at the Chicago Exposition. '
Austin Dobson, the poet, is likely to
visit the United States next autumn and
give a series of readings from bis own
Carl Streitmann, who now seems to be
the king tenor of the comic-opera stage,
is a Viennese, whose family fortune was
lost by a bank failure.
Officer Rollings of Philadelphia is said
to be the largeBt policeman in the United
States. He is 6 feet H inches in height,
and weighs 340 poundB.
Ingalls receives $500 for each of his
lectures. Financially, at least, be finds
it more profitable to lecture the people
than to scold the Senate.
Kate Field, who has made Washington
her home for the last eighteen months,
calls both New Y'ork city and Boston
" idiotically Anglomaniacal."
Fran Wagner will probably he invited
by certain people in Milwaukee to hold
a musical festival in that city in 1803 as
an annex to the World's Fair.
J. Lamb Doty, United States Consul
at Tahiti, is the youngest Consnl in the
service of the United States. He was.
only 20 years old when appointed.
Baron Krupp is hesitating about ex
hibiting some of his great cannon at the
World's Fair but there will be plenty of
big gunson hand there, notwithstanding.
The Marquis of Lome is said to cher
ish a secret passion for cock-fighting.
He is never so happy as when a groom
gets up a rattling set-to for him in a sta
ble loft.
Jules Simon, the celebrated French
economist, detests tolmceo.and savstluit
he is an inveterate enemv of alcohol. I
Jules appears to be quite a simple Simon
in ins nuuits.
Edison is now at work on an electric
motor to replace the ordinary locomotive.
It iB designed to take up electricity from
a central rail and to develop nt least
1,000-horse power.
Channcev M. Depew is in Athens en
joying himself in seeing the sights. He
says it is all stuff about Demosthenes
having practiced after-dinner oratory
with ids mouth full of classic iehbles.
Ex-Senator Ingnlls tells a Chicago re-
reporter that he is reallv and trulv out
of politics and is not even watching the
course of events. He is quite absortiod
in agriculture interspersed with lectur
ing. Mrs. Langtry owed some of her popu
larity as well as one of her soubriquets
to the late Frank Miles, the London art
ist. When he was in Jersey he painted
her portrait, and named it " Tbe Jersey
Dr. Frederick M. Fling of Biddeford,
Me., has been elected Professor of Eng
lish History in the University of Ne
braska in place of Prof. Howard, who
has gone to the Leland Stanford, Jr.,
It isn't often that two members of one
family are Governors of two States at
tbe same time, but it seems to be the
case in WeBt Virginia and Florida, in
each of which States the Governor's
name is Fleming.
The Queen of the Sandwich Islands In
her passion for music has organized a
band of trumpeters. There are a few
street bands and piano organs in this
section of the world that she is welcome
to if she wants them.
A Church of Englund clergyman was
recently asked why he engaged iu out
side rrork. " To increase my Btarving,"
was the odd reply, which lie explained
by saying that he called an income of
fOfi ($478) a year a "starving" rather
than a "living."
A very fine portrait of Henry Clay iB
on view at 40 Pall Mall, London. It was
painted in 1850 by David A. Woodward
of W?shington for Dr. Chapin of Balti
more, Cluy's medical attendant. The
Portrait is said by those who knew Mr.
Clay to be ac excellent likeness.
Jesse D. Grant, the youngest son of
General Grant, who has recently been
living quietly in California on a large
frnit ranch and farm, has lieen given
control, with a large contingent interest,
iu a group ot silver mines in Mexico,
from which over $1,000,000 have been
taken in five years.
One Man Kills Another Because He Per
secuted Ills Daughter.
Edward Lambert, Jr., bookkeeper of
of the San Juan Smelting and Mining
Company and Mayor of Durango, Col.,
is a defaulter in the sum of $I10,IW0.
Antonia Carasci, a notorious bandit
chieftain near San Antonio, Tex., has
just killed his ninth man, a Deputy
Sheriff, who attempted to arrest him.
Dr. J. E. Clements, who was arrested
in Memphis, Term., charged with chlo
roforming and robbing Colonel Dudley
Frazer, has been discharged, Frazer hav
ing failed to identify him.
John G. Howell, who killed Robert S.
Colvin, the young stenographer, for the
alleged persecution of Howell's daugh
ter, was held to answer the charge of
murder without bail at Oakland, Cal.
Thomas Gillespie, who was mixed up
in the row which resulted in the killing
of Sailor Brown of the cruiser Charles
ton at San Diego several weeks ago. lias
been held to answer before the Superior
Court. He is out on bail.
John Zwald, who a lew months ago
confessed to the authorities at Sacra
mento that he had murdered two wives
in the East and was locked up in the
county jail, has been released, the East
ern authorities having taken no action j
iu tile uuabwji .
The Hyppolite Cabinet
in Hayti Resigns.
Munioh to Be Lighted by Eleotrioity
Alexis Angry at the Fuss
Made Over Him.
Russia meditates an increase of duties
on importations of fruit.
It is believed in Berlin that the Rus
sian rye ukase will be rescinded in Octo
ber. The forest fireB Bt Toulon, France, have
been extinguished. The damage will be
The tower to lie built nenr London will
be only sixteen feet highor than the Eif
fel tower of PariB.
The present plans of the Japanese
government will double the navy of that
country within six years.
In Paris a panorama representing the
fall of Yorktown is tieing painted for ex
hibition at the World's Fair at Chicago.
The Eastbourne (England) authorities
will not permit the Salvation Army on
the streets Sunday with its brass IjhikIh.
By means of pnenmatic tnhes letters
dropped in a letter box in Paris reach
Berlin often within thirty-five minutes.
The European powers have demanded
that China take immeiliute steps for the
firotection of the Uvea and property of
China has just coined a silver dollar,
which will lie accented in trade iu pluce
of the Mexican ami Japanese coins here
tofore used.
The Jaffa-Jerusalem railroad is alsiut
half finished, and tourists will lie able
to travel to Jerusalem from the coast by
next summer.
It is denied that Countess Caithness
has been elected "successor to Mine.
Blavatsky" us the head of the Theo
sophical Society.
Mrs. John W.Mackay has inaugurated
a serieB of river parties on the Thames
during the summer months. They have
lieen very successful.
The city of Munich is to be lighted by
electricity, the power to be furnished by
the river Iser. Nearly six miles of streets
are to lie illuminated.
Tea-growing is liecoming one of the
leading industries of Fi ji, and i, is antic
ipated that a large tratlic in the article
will soon lie developed.
The metric system for England is fa
vored by the Geographical Congress:
also the compilation of a geographical
pronouncing dictionary. .
In a survey of the business situation
in European journals they find no pros
pect of immediate betterment anywhere
except in the United States.
The lalnr market in England iB in a
disturlied condition. The demand has
fallen off in the ship-building, engineer
ing and iron and steel trades,
Rome now sits upon her seven hills
with what is positively a hrosd g in.
King Huratiert sayB with emphasis that
she is to be Italy's capital forever.
The. French wheut crop is estimated at
90,000,1100 hectoliters, a deficit of 32,000,
000. The customs tax on wheat will
therefore lie suspended for one year.
Another scientific observer publishes
a pamphlet to show that the European
jaw is narrowing through the lesser se
verity of its labors that accompanies
civilized food.
An epidemic of malignant malaria is
afflicting the inhabitants of Ulogau,
Neisse, Loewen, Kasel and parts of llres
lau, and is supposed to have been caused
by the recent Hooding.
The members of the Cabinet of llvp
polite in Hayti have resigned. They felt
themselves iiisul'ed by the National
Chamber refusing to grant a telegraph
concession that they bad indorsed.
The Manchester ship canal, which is
to make that city a seaport, was expected
to have been completed in August of
next year, but the contractors have asked
for an extension until the close of 18H3.
In the Salisbury-O'Brien case an agree
ment has been signed by which O'Brien
promises to pay his debt, with the costs,
into court on Salisbury's undertaking to
facilitate, an appeal to' the British House
of Lords.
There will lie 70,000 troops engaged in
the Austrian maneuvers, which begin
shortly. Smokeless powder will be used
exclusively, this being the most exten
sive test yet mode of the efficiency of
that invention. ,
The articles of George Kennaii on
Russia have been translate! into the
French, Danish, Dutch and Ifreek lan
guages, and have stirred pub ic opinion
in Europe more than any otlnr writings
which have appeared.
The London Newi says: H is not
many years since Europe'ivas practically
inde)iendent of American snppies. This
season it is clear that without America's
help Europe would be on the verge of
starvation before the next harvest.
According to recent Russian advices
from Fjust Siberia the Russian sealers
have already captured a conaiuerabie
quantity of skins in the watflrscomrolled
by the Russian government, and there
is no apparent cessation of their tpera
tions. The Grand Duke AlexiB, angry at the
fuss made over him iu France, askid
Ribot to stop the demonstrations At
Vichy. Ribot was unable to do so, but
had a telegram posted asking the people
to strictly respect the Grand Duke's incognito.