Labanon t. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 18$t, Express Supplemen AKTIAIt ACAUEMV. Lebanon, Oregon, Auk. 28, 1891. Dkak Express: lu leaving Letw ' mm, I feel I hut lam leavnlng my friends; f ir wlien I cull to mind tlie maimer nf my reception on my arrival )) i're, the many murks of approval of my course during my stay III your midst, tLie kindness shown my family 1 ii the time of of our affliction, nil these mud other ihlim show that I aiu leav ilug friends. Itruly appreciate your friendship and am aware that your ' motive wire good. I truly desired to remain a piTnuuent vitlznu of your beautiful town, and may return to ' vou some day, but before going, I wish to state publicly why I leave you. In G. LOVELEE, MEEGEANXTAIIOE -sGLEANING AND REFAIEING.S Lebanon, Oregon. fine aenteiiit it might tie stated thus: , , Almost a total laek of interest iU edu- ""'eiwmiwi, navmg seven z lie new ivsutmp mm ir uie ovu lational uiatUirson the part of the lx!lul teaehera for srial work, but tiara mines has arrived and will be board of trust, ia the real oause. I Inanon Is tne losw all the aamie. I t t , tried and tiled for mouths till I was llJ "jot have written this article, but 1 ','., , , almost ashaiii to agui u mention the donate to seesuch beautiful grounds The editor on account of financial mutter of gctilng a meeting of the unused for public gocid, and I see the embarresment was not able to attend hoard to transmit Important business. l"ctivi y that will, I fear, bring about the Editorial association which met at 1'rof. Cundit of Albany the while ask- J""' ucu alt ? roused In time! Astoria this week, lug me to eome to Albany, aud offer- . Uaviu luRligr, GE Hardy has been sick the past Inu me more than I oould get here. , , , , , " , week. 1 told li I in I would rather remain here Papers have been filed for the lncor- Croft a much esteemed l.nt th hoard alihouirh urmid and pnralliig of a, Free Methodist Church ,r- cro mucn esteemed but tlie taiaru auiougu urgoa aim HuJm- u w MeEboes A P Flaw cltiaen of Brownsville was buried at urged to meet oould uotbe got together J ... , MCll"m' r navy till after moat good places asking fur and Wi in Incorporators that place last week. leaohers had been ulkd, and even im A Mitw b had th Welch A-'"nHy pwd through town Tues- .hen they refused fact UIH could pJjS, "wilM to pljri . i3JZjfcll,1 put oir i'ror. Ooudit . in longer. The , au addition uLebanoD !?JZu !io wLSLi ?JZi' bourd at their meeting did do some constantly since. Fleetwood traded g.aid w,irk, and it Is realy a pity thut R p Bach is now In his new store for one of the mules driven by the even that was not permuted tj stand, with a choice selection of new goods, Imlgrants. I urged the necessity of (liatributiiig better than ever before prepared to John Walker stepped Into our office I he trustees among all the churches of peuse his customers with good goods at with the bit of news that his son John t ie place, and of liaving as many as tru bargains and nephew Carson Boebe captured a possible men of families residing in or . . . , fine young bear Monday, near his mill near Lebanon for trustees. Thereasou frank Miller has returnea nome on ifa,nUm freek. These young men f ir those steps are apparent, and the from a trip in Eastern Oregon and are becoming quite noted for their ex- lioard showed their good sense in fol- Idaho. pertness In capturing game, lowing In the main these suggestions Bam'l M. Garland, City Att'y, had a hut uulu cklly for Lelauion, some of air. K. H. Liggett ana lanmy win ot of )otiws uri,, ufa ,ve and our most stirring clliteiie and honors- start snon for California where they tle , Marshal is now busily en- hie men, oitinens of Lebauou with will spend the winter. They will drive gaged in serving said notices. It seems - families to educate, were thrown out lu wagons. as if a successful warfare of extermina-. Wy theCoiifereuwat Halem, and men , tion Is to be pushed against all nul- wlthoul fiimlliea and living at a dis- Mr. E. E. Montague and family, ganoue In our city iZiVljLiT Miss FJiia Wal- Me81)r8. Lile Parkerand A. W.Grubb "wLlhn 'T n" ""- .ve purchase,, the saloon husiucs of rJalem in our aeademv? Will he tains this week. fro".J!r""" "'"'?.. and circulated ever meet with the Imp Will he 8ufveyr O'Connor ha. moved bis 'UJSVl jeclion to thefnmii as such, but why where they will remain until the ditch married At the residence of the . not appoint Biihnp Taylor? The man Is oouiptetcd. ,bhde's laioui -two miles south of Ijeha- appointed did uol suck .the flace ud j ,h VMai w h lion, Mr John Miller to MissOllie Bland, uiuy not serve. ., ' , . R Kev Martin Hickman ofllciating The rter from here got done P marriage took place at 7 o'clock Thurs- Cito.knsop Lkranon: foralsiutJMat the circus lasl week, day morning and thehappy ooupleleft Hantiuni Academy Is weak, very L()U myt rilat d d jje1(,an mau 0n the morning train for Wasco Coun- weuk, and the narrow view taken by . ' ty their future home, the educational coninilttea at Halem nP uai p. will make it weaker still, unless you T. C. feebler Is building a uew house "The Dairy Madesof Linn Co," will riae in your might and resume the bat- juat ea8t of c H- iUMm,t residence, hold a Convention at Hand Hall Friday lie with the next conference and next eve, Feptll. Mrs Busan Peterkln, Miss legislation to secure an academy ruled Teams have begun to haul straw for Huldah Marigold and many other nota- hy local hiHllea. You cannot ait'ord to the paper mill. 0 my! what a pile of I'les will be present and take part in the lose tlie academy, and It Is In real ,traw there Is getting lu down there. venUon. An enjoyable time prom- d inger now: for when it ceaaes to ex- e 8 ised. 1st, the piopiTty will revert to heirs, M. Follls and family who moved to Interesting communications were ro und the town will be flfi.WlO poorer, rorlli ud from this place a few weeks celved bv us this week trom Browns Look at the hundreds of dollars about eiuce, returned to the ctlv of theli first ville and Beaver Creek hut so late that togoto.',,gt,,,vMhatwoulil Tlie work and airof the "wy could not he gotten in type In luvcsla e rithtlieiiaiIoeeiiretalu lve nils went, ill work aim atror the tl,e rr ,he isue We are always too edalcvc. wji) salarj , Double Una a- metropolis did not suit Mr. Follls who iac togetas much of this kind of mat imiiint will be spent in Albany this h-w boen accustomed to more country- B possible but corresnonde,, a year bv pupils from Lebanon. True, fled environments. From this on they ptiiir mail their contribution so ti t the Albany school is faratiperior to our will live lu Lebanon. d1Py na).it u by Tuesday eveni