7 Lebanon Express. CITY OFFICIALS. HAYOIt......... ......M. A. MITXKR. i:Kroi;iKii (-ko. kick, TUBASUUEU J. A. KOBKUTfl. A. W. (iHUItllS. rCLW.UIHTMON, I JOS. ELKIKS. City Council meets on tlwflr.it ami third Tiimtoy vemnR8 of wich month. City Ordiimmie, No. 4. AN ORDINANCE tollman, tax and rcflulate certain callinjja, irmiea and employments anil to provide for ttw rmuiiwr of issuing li cense thrcftn TUB PEOPLK OF THK CITY OF tEIlANOX DOOItDAlN A8 FOLLOWS: BKCTIOK 1. Auctioneers wha follow their to catwn within the city UmthoHtw etty of Leb; noo shall pya qmirterly lleeDMiof ?o.00mni ev en person shall be tkemed an auctioneer who offers property for mle at public mit-ery. Pro vtdkd, that this Seelion nhall have no application to persona mnkinK ealwa of pmpersy under any order or jiutgineiit or decree of any court, Km0X 2. TlawfcffwshaU pay u license oftK.OO per day fur each day in which ihi y (hall conduct their bufcmess wtihin the limits of the ctly of Lob anon. Any person who oflt'ra goods for sale br onteryoiit!iettreetsorwhos!irtllcoiuluc( hid or Uieir biisincs. from a stand, booth or wagon or up on the streets shall be deemed a hawker wlithiu tho twinning of tow ordinance. 8KCTION 3. Any peddler who shall conduct his business within tho corporate limits of the city- l. shall pay ttanw) theretor as follows: When travelHugwiihtroor mora aliitnnls &.00 , per day ortso.ooperquarter;wltentnittlliiigwitb' V one nnunal !jiO per day or &W.S per quarter; ' when travelltutr on root $.) per day drSlf.00 per quarter. All persons except persons peddling newspapers, bi jles and religious tracts, and farm- . eworuersonspiKldlinittb'jproductsoJtiieirfarnn, aniens or milk mncno, fish peddler aud all per sons peddling tisli or vegwiablea, who iell or ofter to wllat retail, goods, wires, merchandise or oth er commodities, travelling: from place to place Within the city limits, aliall bo deemed peddlers under this ordinance. BKCTIOX4, Pawnbroker sliall pay a quarterly license of 5t.).W. Kreiy person whose busintss or occupation is to take or receive by way of pledge, pawrf or exchange, any goods, ware or merehan dine or any kind of personal property whatever eicout noiea, bonds, hill of exchange, rthares of (Hock, lYarehotiwreceipbt and other written ovl deuce e jridehtednev) for the payment of money loaned tbrreoti, shall be deemed a pawnbroker under (heirovfeloiifl of thiaonUnance. BKUTlOlfft. The keeper or proprietor of every circus shall pay a licence of JS2aJM for each and every exhibition given wltb ieh circuswlthin the llmihof iaid city. The keeper or proprietor of any ifcte show accompanying any circus, and charging an artralMion fee, shall pay a fee of$f.00 lor euclreTfoTmance. Kvery buflding, tent, tpace or area where fait of horeaiatubip or acrobatic por are exhibited, -dull be regarded aa a circus under the provMoni uf this ordinance. H&CH0X 6. Thoatric.il rroues, or the propria-toTforin-uiitfemthumf, tiiall pay a UteDof fc.flO for each ami every performance orexhibttion witniu the city limits. Two or more pcraons go-1 itiK ftiiro place to place for the purpose of glviuc if ; dramatic or operatic exhibitions or eitfcrlainmeiiw :: or performance? for the entertainment or amuse ment of the public, wb?re an admission fee is charged, shrill be deonud a theatrical troupe. SKCT10K7. JnlcwshaUpayaliwnseofSap.iio per week or 35.00 for every day and night of their ejtbilMitoue; -very per-uni who pel tUno by sfcif.'iit oL hand Ptiitll bo held to lie a jugier within the meaning of thfe ordincnee 8& T10N8. The proprietor or agniofalloiher exhibit ioaft. etitertalutucnts or shown of every kind for moiwy, iot mentioned heretofore hi ibis Oidinan---!! pity a license of $10.00 for each wij, a daily license of $i.0o; pntvideri that uo UjienhaHbecIiitnr'.drorauy sxhlfcition given torftnyrelow:. ed.iiIioiiuI or Iwnevuleat pur kw;, whertiiu the csiiibitow ami performers ore riMenisof the city of Lebanon. SIC:TIOK9. JmrTpc-rwneuaajfrtd In mimUig a shooting ftallery wiihin the city Iiuitt 4zll jy thcrt'ibr a licciiiv,' of Aio.OO per day. Every nUice or building whem guia or pistols re k-jpt for skwthtg At targets whether for bin; or not, sliall .by deemed aphootlng gallery under the provis- ioiw of tiiia (riliiiance. SRf'TIDN 10. The owner or keeper of any ' bovvliiigahey or billiard hom slml! iu a quarter ly iictiuifl tiieroforoffe'j.Wforeacli alley or table belonging to or used in the buildiog or place to be Ifciiwed. Kvery place or imiioiim' where bowli or balia are thrown, or billiards, pool, );wm hole or other iftiino' pUyed where balU a;id cues are uwd shall Ik held tobia bowling alley or billiard-room or pool room respectively under the j.rovkions of thi" Ordinance. Provided that thi proyHora of thU Action sliall not bo m construed m to aiijdy to wilwoint licensed under the ordimueot of the city whure the proprietors or Jteeiwnt thereof arc .allowed to keep certain tables mentioned hi the ordiauuee under the provision of wliieh nch per mu obtained liceiw therefor. SEirriON 11. So ix-rion, firm or corporation shall bo engaged in prosecuting or currying on any trade, bitsinewf or jtroleRsion wUbin the cor portte liinita of tha i;y o: Lebainai for v.hieli a li eairn b required by tiii or any ordinance uf add city, until lie or thoy Hlmll have yhtahjed a liccna; tberprbr atmitdred by tiie ordinancw of lite city. dEiTlOXtt. ThatcYeryperuOH firm or corpo.' ration nupjlred by thia ordinance o obtain a 11 eeiwe u eagaee hi or ciirrj- on any tnale, inn-hie or proitwlou, ibr wiiich & lK'enc riiquircd, hhall pay to the city Treo-iimrr tho awn of money re cuiml by onihmiwre tidteiaild tt'ireforitlictx-utn with the receipt of the cliy 'freaiuref (which re ceipt shall state the kind o.' bnsine. for which II cvtwe w desired; they fihiiU imply to llio city lle--coritcr who nhali iastie a Lciffua; to llio party apply ing in Dceordance with the reetript of ih city Tttisiwer, l"t' cornpiiance by the applicant with Inn pnjviiuiw of all the ordiiirtjKv; rotating to oi ' tabling liceiiKe furtlie biisinvst, tnuie or profes tion ir wliiciisuch lir;;n- Is desired. ' ;' JKCTIOX , .nt ill everv' -Uniito t::kon out under thihOrdiuatjce, i).ill lj contained mid pet furtn the purpose, trade, buihtwu or ;trft'ion ibi width wicli IKvoko Is granted, nm! il?- name and p'.wj (ffat'ooe offfH- t;ron or perratis taking on; ma-h lixti.t;nod wvld Itcju-; .dull iiiitiiot lae tha CKtitiiJ.i'tueeof tin.- biiAiu'."ut uuuntt therein nl the jrtiw named therein, for the terra ol unci Y.vewv. but, tiiall nut antiiorin: the enrr.-ing uii of wid biiiuMiuauyothurphuu, u;iivi the place hV cenMod bo ohvwd, and in such case the Hecorditr hall be notided of the change and he shall note the same on the record kept by him for such li cense. If a peddler mich license Hlmll state whether authorised to travel on foot or with one or more animals, the lime for which sueh license into run and Uie date of grantiug the same; aud any person exorcising or carrying on such trade, business w profession, or dolug any act for which a ltonse i retiulred uuder thU onlinunce, shnll, on demand ol any city ofllcer, at tab place or buri ns. piTHluee suvh licence, and uutem he shall do so, ho shall Iw taken and deemed to havii no li cense; and iu cbhj any peddler shall refuw to pro duce his or hor license, when demanded so to do by any ofli wr of the olty, mdd ottieer may sei w the aninmls, wa:;ou and eoutenta, or pack, or bundle, pitek or basket, of any snob person or iu'wons, and hold the same until tite license is produced. SECTION 14. That In every ca-e where more thati one of t he pursuits', employments or occuim tions for which a Keen.? U required, shall be pur sued or carried on in the same place by tno same person and at the same tune, license must be tak en out for each, according to tlte rate severally prescribed. SUCTION 15, All licenft: tested as quarterly liceuw ahull expire on tbu la-rt day of eaeh quar ter, to-wit; 3lst day of March; SOtb day or June; i)t h day of September and tlw 31st day of Decem ber of each year; and ll quarterly license shall be dated lttm the first day of the month in which ttic liability therefor accrued, and slml: be fcwued H on the (uyment of a suns to be a propvrtton of the whole amouut required lor such license per quar ter. SKOl'fOX 1. If any por?on or persons oxercia lng or carrymg on any trade, business, or profes sion, or do any act tor tae carrying on or doing of which a lieenso Is wjuint by this Ordinance, without lirst htklutfii sueii (i.!"nsif as In that case required, or violate tinjr the provisiona or this Ordtuancc, he, or she, sluli, wi conviction thereof before the Heconler's court, foreverysueh oifonse, be nnei not less tl:anSW.' nor more than tfu.M) or be ii.nmt.med tlierefor in the city juil not lew than 5 days nor more than Si days. SECTION 17. Skating rinks shall pay a license of&.SOpor nifrht, -BKtTION 18. All ordinances and parts of ordi nance arc hereby repealed which arc in coutlict herewith. 8KCTI0X 10. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect ftum aud after Irs approval by tho uayor. Approved this Wth day of August, 1891. M. A. MiLLJin. Mayor, Attest; Oeo. W. Rics, City Recorder. provul by tlie Mayor, Aimvcd tliU Oth day or Annual, 1801. M. A. MIlXEIi, Atttst Jluyor. OHO. W. HICK, llwonlor. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. Land Uflion at Oicgoh lltv, Oitrou, 1 KottlHi bi hmbyRlvuntlint thu lufvvliif(.tinitiMl HiihI pruof in HiiutMirt ur lib Klami, kiu! Uihi snlii prtNil' will 1m) uiiuIo belbm llw kenUlvrtlnil ( urivur ur tlw r. s. IjiiiiI oiMoe nl onuuu CKy, Or v(uu, uti auk- ioui, vi.; WALTER A. UILDKI1MAH ' IMinciti-ml rain' No. Mffi! fur Ihffl. orB. K. M N. K, M . K. k mill K. U. Vt ol X . t J of Hoe. M.T. K.H.H.2K ill' iuimt'8 the UillowliiK wttntNKV (n nnite Ills oiiiiiniitoiiK iwiaeiicy iiiHmntiuuiiiiivutioii m, ami litiiil. vu; Air,. Carried Hulk'. (ii'tiruu A. flliirlclmrl. Cimrle-i A. CtilkliK. mill .lorry HUl'm, all ol Hweul jiuum, 1.IIIH i.uuuiy, un.'gon. J. T. APPEIINON, MoKtstor, NOTICE FOK rUUUCATION. Lmid OlMco lit Ort'SOll Olty, On'iion, 1 Alii -i"i ism. I Notli Is hi-rwhy Riven Hull the lollolvliiK-iimnt'd BVtllv'r hu llkil imtice ol tmr inlimlimi to uinkcp liniil uruil In Muiport ol hi-r I pooiwu iiimhiih vlallii, mill thm aoiil nnxirwlll be iiiuiIl' bulm ho Hi'Klcler uitil Krcoiverol Hie L'.B. Uml Otllw) m unrgoii uiy, urutiim, on winner ai, 1S-J1, vu; t'Altlllli A. KOhKE, f. WMow of John A. Rolfe, ilereuawl, Homesteail Ulilry No. 67JI, for the S. E. of S. W. dj, S. W. h .h . n. i,. e.. y. oi ei, ii . .mi ft. m , u I E. k of see. 20. T. 1.1 8. of 11. 3 K. Btie ihiuiex the folluwiilK w Ituewn to prove their coiiimuoiiK reNlilenei; iitiiii mill eiilllvutlon of, mill liiiui, via: Oeoruo A. Miirklmrl, Wultor A, tllliler mini, t:iinrlerulliiii. miit.li'm'Slie,llol'H'eel uoiue, lanu ,.ouuiy, ureKOH, J. T. Al'l'KllKOX. Iteiiinier, City Ordinanne Mo. 5. AX OUDINANOK to create the offli ol Uty Attorney: to dcliiic his duties and regulate the nuluriai and fee, of City Otticcra. THE 1'KOPLE OP THE On' OF LEI). ANON DO OKUAIX AS FOLLOWS. BKCTIOK 1. It sliall bo the duty of the City Council of said city to appoint a suita ble perron to serve as City Attorney, who shall hold his ofltec duinrg the pleasure of tha Council and shall receive for his services the following rompciination: The City At torney ahull receive a iiunrterlv salary of 15.00, and for each conviction secured bo fore the City Ilecorder the sum uf 2.S0 ad ditional: and be reimbursed for all expen ses necessarily incurred hi attending to his duties as City Attumcy. His duties shnll be to attend all regular meetings of (lie City Council: to (rive atlvice to any City officer in matters jwrtniniut; to their official duties: to write all complaints ami prosecute nil suits or actions wherein the City of Leba non is plaintiff: and io dcl'eiidall iicttonn ur stiiw therein tlie City of Lebanon is de fondant. SECTION' 2. Tlie Uecimler of the City of Lebanon shnll receive for his services the folloirinxconiiwuKitlon: For iMiiing a warrant or writ f .CO " " "sutria'iiaorsiimiiions .25 " taking d bon.i, rmipiiiion or otii er uiiticrtukiii,' ,05 rorcntcruigatiycauscon docket " " j.ulgiiieiit in any cu.se " " ilbjroiitinuaiice or satis faction , For cnteriiis appeal to circuit court " swearing tvitness or juror taking alliilavit " " uekiioivledKmeiitordeoilor other instrument for iiittking copy or transcript of any preeeedtitg or trial, w lolio i'or making out osacssuient roll ami delivering liamo to the .Marshal per fulio For mukiiiK ciliibits of tlie receipts and disbursement of the city, jwr folio KoriuakiiiK each order on the City Treajurcr . . Korinakiiig each receipt " issuillf; any iirtnsc (to be paid by the jwi-son obtaining it) Fortilingany patjrreiuireiitobeiiled " Cincellinu any order returned by the Treasurer For copyiiiK u:iy onlinunce. nor folio " usaessin, each day employed " jnakin each notice and piwting same For each certificate of election " making, ruling; and heading poll book.',, each sheet For atteiulii.geach Council meeting HELTWXS. The City Marshal efffiff re ceive the following compensation for his ser vices: For each day's attendance ifpon the lieeorucr s court $ j.fjo For each jurorsnorn iiithc llcconler's court .05 Ivor cuch v. ritor ivunBiitsorvcd by hint ,67) " -' mibpujiia served by him . .25 " " sumnious or notice served by him ,2fi For each arrest made by him too WECTIOX 4. All ordinances or jiartsof or dinances in cijuilict with hit ordinance are hereby rejaled. KKC'i iOX 5. This Onlinunce shall bo in full force and cllcct from and after its hp- .60 . 1.00 .. .26 1.00 .15 .15 .15 .16 1.00 i.U) .10 .15 8.00 .25 3i .50 ,50 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION, iand OBlee at Orcson Cltv, Oregon, I AnimM IS IK'M I Notliv Is hereby urlvnu tliftl the I'ollowlnK-named settler has tiled noliiH! of his lnteillion to atiike thin) pnwif 111 siiijHn of his ehilin. tiiul that ulil urooi win m.' inline iK'ioreillei;ooillyi;H!rl: 01 Mini (ouiity, Unison, at Albany, Oregon, ou Oelolior 10, mi, vu: JOHN SrHINO Pre I. 8. No. 7556, lor the 8. W. at Bee. 13, T. 13 S. K. 1 . He miinoh the following wltnr uses to provo his .wiiiiiuiims n?snienee ii)iin anil Clliliviuionol.fcllil lmiil, viz: Hcrmaii Kwhn, John Christian, Ohiinlo cieHensano can Klaehort, au 01 tiweut lioaiu, Liau County, Oregon. J. T. APrEHKON. ' KesiKler, NOTICE FOR PUltLICATION. Land Olace otOrexon f'ity, Omimn. 1 AllK. 19, lS'Jl, f Notice Is lu rvby riven that the liillnwlna-nained sclller hns tiled notice of hh liitentliiu to make Until wool In mtoiiort of his claim, .ml tluit m.1,1 proofwlll be niiule before the County cl.rk of 1,11111 eHiin', irrexon, at Aioany, ureaoa, on ueto- JOHN ClIltlffttAN Hi!, en ry No. BIO, for the X. W. W of Bee. 3t T 1H M II i V. He names the foilowhiir wltnesras to prove his eontiiiiioiui rcMuciicu uniii auo eiunvauon or, saltl ihiiu, vu: ami neon, ni AiiMnv, i.mn i.minty, or eiton. John Hprliur. of 8weet llouni. Mini Conntv. Uivsou, Thomas Lewis, of Sweet Home. Lino coiiiiiy, uresoa. ann u. 1. nisliue, or Hweet Home, Liua Chanty, Oregon, J. T. APPEB8ON, Hearstcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon f.lty. Orrann, 1 Aim. is. istn. f Nntlee Is hereby atren that the rnllnninK'iuuueu: settler has tiled notice of his Intention to mnke final DnHtf In soonort in his claim, anil that taiil pnsif will be msde before lite Counly Clerk of i.iiiiieiiiiiiir inegiai, a, Auiaay, oa'goll, on Octo ber U,lstU,vti: BENJAMIN F. B1TRNCTT IM. entr' No. asm for the 8. y. of 8. g. W and 8. E. (4 of. tV. 1-1 01 Sec. is, T. PI'S., K. 1 K He nanus' the tollowtnir wltnw, to hrove his eonlliiiioii. reiiilenee upon ami eultivallon of. saltl U111I, vis: J. 11. (ncliaril. J. H. l'.-lnee (loss Kran wraiul 1). W. Huniliauiili, all of Sweet Hume, Linn County, Oregon. J. T. AITKIWON. lliijtlster. AT COST! To Make Room for My SPRING SUMMER STOCK. " ' ' OF ' ' ' DRY GOODS, FDERISEISG GOODS, A11D HOTIOKs, I WILL CL0SF OUT MY Entire Stock of Boots & Shoes uJF COST. W. B. DONACA-," -DEALER IM- Groceries and Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco, and Farm Supplies First-Class Goods at Reasonable Price GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Country Produce Taken in Ex- f change for Goods, I A Stock of SHINGLES, POSTS, B0AKXS ami I'lCKETS. W utJN YOU GO TO ALBANY BBVKMBKR Knapp, Burrell & Company A HE TIIE LAtMilBT DKAI.E1I8 I.V jricoltural Implements On tho Pnciflo Cousit. TflKV AIU3 AlJiO AC1KNT8 FOR Bain Vagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows, Deer Ing Binders and Mowers, Lljhtnlng Hay Preas, Etc., AND IillAl.KRB IN Fine Buggies, Racine Each, Road Carts;Wagons Aud VohlclcD uf Every I).ci l)lion, Bwb Wire, Etc. Call and Examine Their Stock. Orders by Mail or Telegraph Promptly Attended To. R II. ROSCOE, Manager V 11 AU Aiftanyooile giate institute ALBANY, OR GON. SeptemterO, 1891. Jnne 10, 1 A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. iBTSTATE DIPLOMAS TO NORMAL IJIUDU ATESJ Four Department of Htudy OolleKiate. Niirmul. Btisinoss. Primurc Typo-Writing and Kliort-linnd tire tutiglit. 'or cttliilogue addrosn, Kev..ELBEKT N. C0SD1T, A. M lTcsidait. AlbanyFurnitureCo Now In the Tim? to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store in xne vauey. MAIL ORDERS I'rotnptly nttended. W. F. READ, . Albany, Oregon. MUS. S. H. COWAN'S Emporium of Fashion Inreplot" wllh tftp Utent Htvlwof irnle, KomieM mill uvery viineiy of UvmIat known 10 , I fie iltsliiuimtilv wtirkl, A Flnr-riftc nrewninkliijr Shop in PonnwHon. wiitdi pruvldufi (f.'rr by Imlfun h(hj muku Cutiing mill KittiuK u (jpecmliy. OMR Dooit SotTii or tiii "Kji'KEw" Office FP4 M.R. HYDE, Proprietor. u -. A FULL LINE OF - re pF EVERY DESCRIPTION, And Am KINDS of: CA1IPETS. We rjiak'e a specialty of UNDERTAKING. Calls ans wered night or (lay. ' 'f ' "f liALTI MORE BLOCK, ALBANY, OREGON. C. A.ZAHN, - DEAKKE IN Toys, Stationery, Baskets. Kirkpatrick Building. LEBANON, ORE,1