The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 28, 1891, Image 7

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    m fefc . !. r '
Hints for the Good Wife
of the Farmer.
How to Make Delightful Muffins loe
Absorbs the Flavor of Meat,
Cuoumbers, Eto.
Wlien potato are freshly gathered
the ekin its beBt rubbed oil' with salt in a
coarse cloth. Wash very clean, and let
them remain for about half an hour in
salt and water.
There are many simple and effective
disinfectants, among which are coffee
pounded and burned on an iron plate,
sugar burned on hot coals, vinegar boiled
with myrrh and sprinkled on the floor
of the sick room.
Kice is the least nitrogenous of all
grains. It is a good addition to breed,
and is especially serviceable to combine
with highly nitrogenous foods, such as
peas, beans and lentils, it is particu
larly adapted to invalids, as it is one of
most easily digested substances known.
To cool your face and prevent an ollv
appearance pnt a few drops of aromatic
ammonia in your morning nam. vv nen
the face becomes overheated and "shiny"
during the dav. wet a corner of a towel
with alcohol and mop it softly, letting it
dry by evaporation or with little rub
The moBt delightful muffins are made
from the fine flour gronnd from the
whole wheat, This is a dark flour. It
differs from Graham in that the bran
mixed through the Graham gives
coarse texture to any bread made from
it. The flue part of Graham flour is
coarse like a meal. Entire wheat flour,
on the contrary, is as fine as any bolted
flour, all parts of the kernel being pow
dered. Tne brown bread and muffins
made from it have the sweet, nutty
llavor oi tne Kernel.
Do not lay meat, fish, encumbers or
anything else directly on the ice, as it
absorbs flavors readily and will impart
them to the drinking water. The com
partment for ice should be so constructed
that no food will come in contact with it.
The refrigerators should be kept entirely
for milk, butter and water, though sealed
and air-tight cans even of salmon, lob
ster, ham, etc., may be kept in the up
per part without spoiling the butter or
milk, and of course without affecting the
water, nnless one should be stupid
enough to put them in the water tank.
Flowers should be gathered early in
the morning while wet with dew or late
in the evening after sundown. It is bet
ter for the plant and for the flowers cut
that they be removed by scissors or a
sharp kiiife than wrenched off with the
hand. It iB far better if they are kept
for some time to change the water daily
and clip the ends of the stems each time.
Rare roses and valuable flowers should
lie covered with paper and set in the ice
box at night. A few drops of ammonia
or a little salt in the water is said to ma
terially asBiet in keeping flowers fresh.
It is not everybody who can make a
bed well. Beds should he stripped of
all belongings and left to air thoroughly.
Don't, however, leave a window open di
rectly upon the lied and linen, with a
fog or ruin prevailing outside. It is
not uncommon to see sheets and
beddinir hanuimi out of a window with
perhaps rain not actually falling, but
with no per cent, oi humidity in (lie at
mosphere, and the person sleeping in
that lied at night wonders the next day
where he got his cold. A room may be
aired in moist weather, but the bedding
and bed must not absorb any dampness,
Ashes as a Fertiliser,
i lie value ui uhiidb uupcuuo, ui wm nc,
largely on the com position of the burned
substance that produces them. They
may contain more or less of potash or
phosphate of lime, according to the kind
of wood that is burned. Wood ashes
are generally valued according to the
amount of 'potash they contain, but
some kinds of wood contain appreciable
amounts of phosphate of lime, and are
therefore more vulnable. Pear-tree wood
and trimmings of grape vines are said to
contain more nliosoliatee than woods of
other fruits, and all fruit-tree woods
have more nhosnhutes than woods from
forest trees. Burned bones have their
chief value in the phosphate they con'
tain, but burned bone, unless it is dis
solved bv snlnhnric or carbonic acid, is
not available as plant food. Caustic pot
ash has, however, some power to make
other mineral plant food available, prob
ably by its effect in making it ferment
anu liberating carbonic-acid gas.
Leached ashes after long exposure to
the air absorb ammonia, and thus make
them often a bettor fertilizer than before
i their potash was leached out of them.
1'lant fitrawberriei' Early.
There is no need to allow the new
plant on strawberry runners to attain
large growth before transplanting it. In
tact, the emaller the set the Biirer it is to
live, and the quicker it will begin to de
velop fruit buds for another year. The
early-set strawberrieB require a good deal
more work to keep them free from run
ners, but they well repay extra trouble.
It is proposed to hold a convention in
Septeuiber next at one of the cities on
the Tennessee river to consider the beBt
means for securing an amirotiriation
from Congress for a canal around Colbert
fthoala, an obstruction in the river below
Mlielheld, Ala. The coat of tin work is
estimated at (2,500,000.
A Resume of the Condition of Iti Dif
ferent Departments
An unusuallv heavv amormt of trad
ing was done in the wholesale line. Busi
ness in every line wan very good.
Receipts of fruits were heav mr than at
any previous time this seanm. Water
melons, cantaloupes, grapes ana peaches
are plentiful, is coining in
freely, and the market is in much better
condition than it hue been. Eggs are in
sufficient supply to satisfy the demand.
Butter has declined 6 cents all around.
The drop is occasioned by large receipts
ol Eastern stock. From now on Eastern
butter, owing to the superior way in
which it is packed, will lie carried in
heavy snpp y, and the Oregon product
will be forced into the background. If
farmers would use more care in putting
up their butter, it could easily control
the market instead of inviting Eastern
competition and thus lowering prices.
The local market has a firm tone in
sympathy with foreign advices, but
trading as yet is very quiet. Public ca-
oies report cargoes nrm, Din not quotaoly
higher. Liverpool spot wheat is firmer
and options fractionally higher, with the
exception of October.
Trodnoe, Fruit, Eto.
Whbat Valley. 11.45: Walla Walla.
$1.35 per cental.
uil'r Standard. 14.85; Walla Waila.
$4.H) per barrel.
Oats Old. 45(B50c: new. c per
Hav 1214 per ton.
Mili.htwi's Bran, .222!; shorts,
nominal, $252H ; ground barley, $ho
itil : chop feed, fcawMl per ton : barley,
ji.aiw j zo per cental. -
bixi'EK Oregon lancy creamery, z,
27cj fancy dairy, 26c ; fair to good, zl)
WTiW, common, l&Baic: (Jalitornia,
223ij(a 24c per pound.
Chkbme Oregon, 1212Xc ; Califor
nia, 1-c per pound.
Eoob Oregon, 20c per dozen.
Poultry Old chickens, t.00(a6.50;
young chickens, (2.504.0U ; ducks, f4(3
0 ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys,
15c per pound.
VEtiETAaLES Cabbage, $1.00 per
cental; cauliflower, $1 125 per dozen;
Onions, 1 '4c per pound ; beets, $1.25 per
sack ; turnips, $1.00 per sack ; new pota
toes, 50iiiiU0c per cental : tomatoes, 75c
HOc per box: lettuce. 12fee per dozen:
green peas, i)(a'4c per pound; string
beans, iln'M: per pound; rhubarb, 3c per
pound ; artichokes, 4Uc per dozen ; cu
cumbers. 10c per dozen ; carrots. $l(if 1.25
per sack ; corn, vm'iuc per dozen ; sweet
potatoes, 3i4c per pound.
Fkitits Kiverside oranges, $3.50,
Sicily lemons, $7(18; California, $5(aj(i
per box ; apples, 75c(i $1 .26 per box ; ba
nanas, $3.50(6 4.00 a bunch; pineapples,
$5.OUCi7.00 per dozen ; cherries, $1.10
1.25 per box ; apricots, 85c(ij$l per box ;
peacheB, Alexander, 75c per box;
Ualiiorma (Jrawlords, lKlc(oi$l ; mack ber
ries, uwicper pound; plums, zowwc per
box ; watermelons, $2.00(ii:3.00 per dozen ;
cantaloupes, tl.50igcl.7S per dozen, $2.00
per crate; grapes, Sweetwater, yocaifi
per box. 11.0011.10 Per crate; muscat
and black, $1.25 per orate ; pears, $1. 25 ;
Bartlett, $1.50 per box; nectarmeB, $l.Zo
per crate.
N era California walnuts,lls (ii.12))C ;
hickory, B'.jc; Brazils, HKnllc; al
mond"., ltlfi18c; filberts, l.'l('14c; pine
nuts, 17(o 18c; pecans, 17(a18c; cocoa
nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per
pound. . .
Staple Groceries.
Cohere Costa Rica, 21c ; Eio, 23c ;
Mocha, 30c; Java, 26,c; Arbuckle's,
100-pound cases, 'M'-.c per pound.
Si'uab golden u,4?c; extra u, 4,'c;
granulated, oc ; cube crushed and pon
dered, tJJc; confectioners' A, 5c per
beans small white, 8?ic ; pinx, sjj
tfis'.jc; bayoB, 43.c; butter, 4)Bc; Umas,
4?4 i;5c per pound, .
jkinev lHia aic per pound.
Salt Liverpool, $l,$16.60(ajl7 ; etock,
$ll(a:12 per ton in carload lota.
uanneo Iyoods lauie iruits, Il.OO,
2lcs; peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears,
$1.86 ; plums, fl. 37 ; strawberries,$2.25 ;
cherries, $2.60(:2.oTj i blackberries, $1.90 ;
raspberries, $2.40 ; pineapples, $z.50M ;
apricots, 75c. Vegetables: Corn, $1.36, according to quality; tomatoes,
$l.L0(ii;3.25; sugar peas, $1.25; string
beans, $1.10 per dozen. Pie fruit: As
sorted, $1.50; peacheB, $1.05; plums,
$1.26; blackberries! $1.65 per dozen.
Fish: Sardines,5cri)l.U6; lobsters, $2.30
(ii3.50; oysters, M..50(!l).25 per dozen.
Salmon, standard iSo. 1, $1.25(1.50 per
case: .No. 2. HV2.55. Condensed milk
Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High
land, $0.75; Champion, $0; Monroe,
$0.75 per case.' .
Syrit Eastern, in barrels, 47S66c
half-barrels, 5058c; in cases, 66(oi80c
per Ballon; 2.26(2.60 per keg. Cali
fornia, in barrels, 30c per gallon; $1.75
per keg.
Dried Fat'iTS Italian prunes. 10(Sllc ;
Petite and German, 9C10c per pound;
raisins, $1,7512.25 per box; plummer
dried pears, lOd'llc; sun-dried and fac
tory plums, ll(12c ; evaporated peaches,
18(!2Uc; rJinyrna nge, iiucj liainowiia,
tigs, 9c per pound.
Kick sd.bu per cemai.
The Meat Market.
Bebf Live, 3c ; dressed, 66c.
Mutton Live, sheared, 83.Vc :
dressed, 7c.
Hogs Live, tic ; dressed, 8(89c.
8mokb Mkats Eastern ham, lS1
13c ; other varieties, 10to)12c ; breakfast
bacon, 12;'ii13cj smoked bacon, IO
liyc per pound. '
Lard Compound, 9llc; pure,
1212iicj Oregon, W12)41 per
Darius Norris, who mysteriously dis
appeared from Astoria, and whose prop
erty waB subsequently claimed by other
parties, writes from Dunkirk. France,
that he had been ehanghied, and there
is poBBibly an interesting story yet to be
to u about the man ana tne reasons ior
I bis sudden and unlooked-Ior departure,
We rambled through the meadows greet
Ulce children at their play,
He told tne of the wonders seen
In distant lands away;
I prised the more oh longer grew
The stories he would tell
1 found him good. 1 proved him true
How oould I love too well !
Tweet Sweet," from the apple tree,
A little bird sang to him and me.
W gathered flowers In the lane, ,
For 'twas the month of May,
And one year hence he'd come again
'Twould be our weddlog day,
Obi swiftly did the hours fly
And happy waa my ueart,
He told me "after this good by
We never more shall part."
"Tweet, Sweet," from shrub and tree,
The little birds song for him and me.
The east wind rose, the sails were spread,
FUs ship moved out to sea;
My sailor boy climbed the mast head
And threw a alas to me.
'TIs twenty years ago since then,
And once aeain 'Us May:
The sun shines blight, the flowers bloom
My tresses all are gray.
"Tweet, Sweet," sing the birds In giee,
But never my love came back to me.
Deaths from Lead Poisoning.
In the list of deaths from poisoning In
Great Britain fill in a single year
ninety-five, or over one-sixth, were caused
by lead. The people of all civilized coun
tries are In need of special caution con
cerning the use of lead. Lead pipes, lead
faucets, lead solder, and in many other
forms, lead is a subtle and terrible dan
ger. Thousands suffer from lead poison
ing who do not die thereby. It should
never be used, when by corrosion it can
become an element in food or drink. The
symptoms are so easily laid to other
causes that it can do serious mischief be
fore its presence is suspected. Its use in
red precipitate as a nolder on pipes is
aneciallv dajiperoua. Next to lead, the
caBes of poison most numerous were from
opium, then from carbolic acid. Bella
donna and alcohol, aconite, chlorodyne
and hvdrochlorio acid follow in the list
with nearly equal pace. For suicidal pur
pose carbolic acid was used in forty-two
cases, morphine, opium and laudanum in
forty-one. The fashion in suicide is very
variable. Globe-Democrat.
A Keoullar Love Charm.
In the south of France they make a
very peculiar love charm in a very pecu
liar wuy. Under certain ceremonies which
I do not understand very well the young
woman catches and boxes 'up a frog in a
box with a lot of Little holes bored in the
wood. The casket is then buried in an
ant hill and left there for two weeks.
The ants of course attack the prisoner
and eat up all bis flesh, and all that is left
ts the creature s hones. Among these Is
a shield shaped bone about as large aa
one's thumb nail, upon one end of which
is a little hook. The girl takes this bone
and has it blessed surreptitiously by the
priest without his knowledge that is,
she exposes it during the benediction at
the mass and then she hooks it on the
clothing of her sweetheart that is to be.
i was gravely assured that the charm,
when properly prepared with all due cere
mony and care, had never been known to
faiL Chicago News.
Copy for tha Editor.
Most editors dislike pencil copy. It is
hard to read aud bothers desk editor and
compositors alike. News paper paper
like tiiat on wuicn newspapers are pruned
should never be used for anything but
newspaper oopy. If it iB used, the sheets
should never be larger than commercial
note size.
Editors may not complain of pencil
ftnnv. hilt tliev nrofer nen and ink ftnnv
every time. Of course, if ft writer has a
retrular and assured nosition. he mav con
sult only his own convenience and disre
gard the wishes of those who handle his
copy; but if he is sending his matter to
an uncertain market tne neater ana nana-
somer he makes it, the more likely it ia to
sell. "W. 11. H. in The Writer.
Manufacture of Chinese Cash.
A large number are engaged in molding.
casting and finishing the "cash" used as
coin ail over China Mexican dollars and
Bycee silver being used hi large trans
actions. The cash are made from analloy
of copper aud zinc, nearly the same as the
well known Muntz metal; and it takes
about 1,000 of them to answer as change
fur a dollar, somiuuteand low do prices
riiit;. this country, of which 1 will only
gisuue instance. The fare for crossing
tne fefly on tne reiho was only two cash,
or one-nf th of a cent. Scientific American.
What At Woods For?
"The hardest question I ever had to an
swer," said a gentleman who had just
come aown from tne l nousana isianas.
"was put by my little boy while the train
was passing through a small. strip of
woods. 'Papa,' he shouted, the roaring
oi tne train making it aimcuit to near,
'are there any lions an' tigers an' bears in
these woods?' 'No,' I said. 'Well, if
there ain't no lions an tigers an' bears in
woods,' he shrieked above the din, 'what
do they have woods fori Utica Ob
The Mouse and the gage.
Once upon a time a Mouse went to a
cage and said:
" leu me, u, wise Man, a ttemeay ror
my Trouble. I am so small that people
looK upon me witn contempt.
"Be content, O, Mouse." was the reply
of the Sage, after Ketlection. "If your
size was increased ten fold men would
simply shout "Ratal at you.
Moral. There are worse Corns than
those which come to us. Detroit Free
Not the Assistance He Wanted.
"You look ail broken up, Wilkins."
"I am. I called upon old Burkina
last night for a loan."
"Wouldn't he help you outt"
"Yes. He did help me out with his
left foot too. That's what has broken
my back and spirits. " Munsey's Weekly.
"The idea of a man of your ago begging!
Why don't you go to work V
"Go to work? Pshaw, slrt The idea of a
man changing his profession at my time of
lifel" Muusey's Weekly.
One llecommendatloa.
Pair Young Creature (after some recita
tions) Do you think 1 would do for a Julietl
Manager (anxious not to hurt feelings
Urn r well, you'd look very pretty in the
tomb.--New York Weekly.
Not a Secret Society Man.
"Are you a Masonp asked one citizen of
"No, by the powers," was the unexpected
reply. "Oi'm a hod carrier." Washington
Copyright, ISM,
Which will you have,
sickness, suffering and despair,
or health, strength, and spirit ?
Vou can take your choice,
All chronic diseases and de
rangements peculiar to women
are permanently cured by Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It restores the female func
tions to healthy action. It
removes the obstructions and
suppressions which cause
trouble and misery. For pe
riodical pains, internal inflam
mation, ulceration and kindred
ailments, it is a positive rem
edy. The system, is invig
orated, the blood enriched, di
gestion improved, melancholy
and nervousness dispelled.
It s a legitimate medicine, the
only one that's guaranteed to
give satisfaction in the cure
of all "female complaints."
Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is very
well known to the citizens of Apple
ton, Me., and neighborhood. He
says: " Eight years ago I was taken
sick, and suffered as no one but a
dyspeptic can. I then began tak-
" ing August Flower. At that time
"I was a great sufferer. Every
" thing I ate distressed me so that I
" had to throw it up. Then in a
tew moments that horrid distress
" would come on and I would have
"to eat and suffer
"again. I took a
"little of your med
" icine, and felt much
"better, and after
" taking a little more
" August Flower my
" Dyspepsia disap-
For that
"peared, and since that time I
have never had tne nrst sign ot it.
" I can eat anything without the
"least fear of distress. I wish all
"that are afflicted with that terrible
"disease or the troubles caused by
"it would try August Flower, as I
am satisfied there is no medicine
"equal to it." S
QMnuiuf ThRACCO-
Wl lvtt",a. i
A pure Virginia plug cut
smoking tobacco that does not
bite the tongue, and is free from
any foreign mixture. More solid
comfort in one package of
Mastiff than you can get out of
a dozen others, Packed
canvas pouches.
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
U. P. N. U. Mo. 402-S. F. N. U. Uo. 471)
Of all kinds mid In any quantity whoie
BHle mid retail al bed-rock prft'es,
65 Front Street, Portland, Or.
Send for catalogue.
Tented good u and caah iirlceu. Our ciititlrimie
tella the ret.
iforciana, uregon. ,
Our plan of dolnfr business In to sell everybody
on the same banls; if one person buys carloads
and another single Items, of course, the large
ouyer saves in me cost oi nannmiK, 0111 we muKe
the same per cent, of profit an on the one who
spends a blngle dollar with us. Both are our
friends and equally welcome.
Why Hhonld small buyers be ohaiyed more
than organization, associations, combinations
and aggregations of capital except aa to quan
And those who look out for your interests io
small or great matters, and you will profit bv It.
Ask for our list of 10.000 article at wholesale
priccK (free). SMITH'S CASH STORE, 416-418
Front Straat, Stn Francisco, Cal.
Handsomest Wheel in the market. Btrlctlv H1h
Grade in every particular. Cushion Tires, Tan
gent Spokes, from V35 to S115. Send lor IUua
trated Catalogue, fret.
Pacific Coast Agts., 15 First St., San Francisco, Cal.
BHOOKI.VN HOTEL, Bush St., nt. Mont
(omen' a Ssnsonie. S. P.; sonducteA on both the
European and American plan. This Hotel Is under
tke tnagement of Charles Montgomery, and Is the
best Family and Business Men's Hotel in Ban Fran
cisco. Home comforts, cuisine nnexceUed, first-cl I
Bsrrloe, highest stand d of respectability guaranteed.
Board sod room per dar, 11.35 to 12.00; single room, 60
cents to $1.00 pes night. Free coach to and from the
. Plumber' and Engineers' Suppllei, Hand
and Steam Pumps, Iron Pipe. Rama, Pipe
Covering, Lubricators, Water Motors, Fans
and Ventilators, Cash Registers, Etc.
Write forprfceB. ,
Contractors on beattDg and ventilating
buildings. Estimate furnished.
rerfions mterehwa, aa
f drees for full aud frue in- 1
Tlieosophlcal Society,
Room 35, No. m Market
ritreet,a Francisco, Cal.
Portland, Oregon. A. P. Animtronn, Prin.
Branch School : Capital Bug., Salem, Oregon,
game coursea ot study, aame rates of Lultion,
Business. Shorthand,
Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Department!
fIn smlon throughout the yesttv StuilenU admit
ted at any time. Catalogue from either nchoul, free.
Portland, Oregon.
A Boarding nnd Pnr School for fllrls;
Founded 18110; the ltlght hev. B.
Wistar Morris, D. 1., Keetor.
ThorouKh lnstroctlon; a larire and carefully se
lected corps of teachers; students prepared for col
lege; new and elegant boildlnij In the rhoxt com
manding and beautiful part of the city. For. cata
logue address the MIHtK3 HODNEV.
Near ftileni. More and liirger prc.miu..8 oflfcred
thin year for exhibits of stock, Huricultural prod- .
uctt?, fruits, floweru, mlnuritls, meohimios, works
of art and fancy work. Kplundirt racing each
day. The Pavilion, lighted by electricity, will
be open lour nights and a mma concert each,
nlirlit. Reduced rates on all triiUBportatlonlinea.
Send to J. T, GKEiiiJ, Secretary, Eortlaud. for a .
premium nut.
iCures all unnatural discharges of men,
no matter of bow long standing, pre
vents stricture, it Denig an internal
remedy. Cures when everything elaa
!hn failed. 3.00. Circular on
lapiilk-tion. Kia by Druggists or sent
Ion rec-lpt of price by The A. 8choen
jhett Medicine Co.. Ban Jose, Cal.
Rocha Harbor Llms, Portland Cement, Qol
icn Date and Ulak Plaster, Hair. Firs Brlok
and Fin Clay. LAND PLASTIB.
60 North Front Street. Cor. Df
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
Bin- G IsthoarknrmledK'wl
IpnilinD rtmriv Itir all th.
I unnatural discharges and
private diseases n! men. A
corlaln cure lor tne deblli
tatlng weakness peculiar
w women.
T tireacrllMiltaTid tfll aaf
iTHEEvAHSCHtHIMlCo. in recommending it M
a. a. oilmen, si u.,utuNiosiiu.
bolrt bj DrDtncUUk
'lea Jb Chicken Live Kilter,
Auk your dealer for it. or Bond (or Free Circular to
Petaluma Incubator Co., Petaluma, CaL
Old Gold and Silver Bought; send your old Gold
and 811 er by mall to the old and reliable house of A.
Colemaa, 41 Third street. Ban FTanduo; I will send by
return mall the cash, according to atuyi U the amount
U uot wt-ifoctwiy will return gold.
! t
f jTUures Iny
m JrUnUHtMd DDtt. 1
w -.M sauw sma
Wm Nl'dosKbr
V mi nKiiTi,o.nn
t- 1 BIT iwtm