The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 28, 1891, Image 5

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    ' ' ..'""r,. ; i,-, i-.- -..--'-i"t:. .Vii BTvT -
lap-Ailtlltioniil locals on first nana-"
(Id tn Buch's f"f ulioie groceries,
p, D. Wiuw bus renteil and uiovofl
Into I). Andrews dwelling,
f. M. French, the Jeweler, Albany.
lieer r.iilronl llnm.
VV. 11. Hi'iitli M. 1). physlc-iait unci
HiirRoon, Lebanon Oregon.
Fur brt sul call at the Star restaurant.
prof. Diivld Torhct visited Buteni
tne first of the week.
Mr. C W. -'"llb wl" '""vo llis
f:initly to Albany next week, .
i ii TCliUiiutrkiU will leave for
VI. V . IH v, . .... (.
Texan In about two weeks, Ho goes
,ii h business trip.
.t. Williams from "P
Hamilton creek made no a pleasant
mil this week.
i.l in renort Mrs. C'leve
VV I. "I- '
lnnil liiivenll conviileicont after a verj
. mi f . mk.
Mr W. W. Williams of Indepew
dene,', Of., stopped "'K1'1 " '""
way tn tipper Hmiit.
-hu. I. Montage tok lader "
hyelcle to week which bruised
l,im ii., considerable from whleh Urns.
ws unable tn work for several days.
M..NKY-IW V.U.UR ASl) 1"
.r!NS, will be tbefwl.j.ct C, I.
Cluireb Sunday at eleven o'clock. A
i., .-' hi to nil. . I'ASTOlt.
t'lliumi i" . "
Mr (' C TTacUlcmiM returned home
,,vtH ..verylblni! lively l
mountains now.
The 'l'ty nrt'hriillan T-'.c1c..vor
. wcry Friday '" '
. . i.. T lnirh. AH the
Vo.inn-"'Pl-' are cordially Invited to
ntttind. 1
A Lelmnnn precinct man recently
WptMnys nt a rtrolch.-Dcmocriit.
. ., .n Iibii correct state-
. . ..... t..r..w.1 "hv in.m of
lll'nl Hilt WU are "" . " " ,
voraeUv that of
A!l,i,v are considerca past waning
x Mollis and Miss Nettie
. ,i (...mi Portland Tuesday
.Amosreii.n.' - -
Miss Not! la bus been quite rick while
ilown Ibere.
.. . tt in,.., nfSu-ent, Home shit
. , ..... ..... (,,u nf ehltlem burl:
... Tnlnv from here. (.atherlnK
pUltlem bark haa been quite an Indus
l the foot hills tliin year. '
'wcni'knnwledRereceliJt of n ticket
. ,. .Mi., fnlv which com-
to ine uff " , , .
.. .. .i.. nth Th h vcar's lr
promises to be (be best fair that flie
Htutc hiiM ever had.
...... ...i tn (Irnson & Men.ies'
Hardware store and KettlnK prices we
(hid that they arc selling gnoda as low
b any place In the valley.
Crawford & Paxton of Albany, are
maklnif 7fte' Photograph for be
low price of SI no ! """'
their Gallery""1 see thorn when in
Allmny. (
' M,. Dibble, a ymmn man who has
reeentlv come to our city, was over
c by -the heat Hi.tnrday, wblli
iindFolcv were called to attend, and
report him out or (langei.
At Rein lust week there died Mrs.
Sarah ln.ncan, who has lived on ins
: earth lonK above the peuendlv a loUc
time of man. j
Mit seven months of bcimr c-nlc na-
rluu tain war J'"1" kl "l tll(
time of her death.
We wish to announce to the linhhc
Thecruel waters of Korlli
l,wr Gloria has claimed another -vic-tem
H 1, libitshnm, a prominent,
a'torncy .of Portland, Jl,9,'l,h
, .....ii.,, mil- ni'iiward. ilicy
' ,.,i. ,fl' Mr.B neliam dnfted
': nto a danKerus place, known as
Hill, " , rf,.WMlPtl.
. "Bead Jfen'swoic" a.,"
Knott reached the shnre. Hugh I
IHughamwasoueof the best known
lawyer of Portland.
Oo to H. P. Kaeh for boots nuu u.-..
rte,tl)nrui ,r- . W(l
Frst IMiinouiu Portland
frit&k tickotw tor li'A.t '1
Jne WwjBom hm begun to operate the
t ,.i Miiiu ,infl is nromtrt'cl to do
wheat cleaning and chopping.
There is considerable new nunainu
going on In Ijcbauou at this time.
8. P. Bach keeps a line of boots and
slioes as well as Brownsville woolen
Clias. P. Montague has moved Into
the Cyrus house.
i. u. ,M i.lnii. never before have so
many people gone recreating up In
the mountain as tins season. vu..
tlnunHtvingof teams is coming and
The opening sermon at the camp
meeting will be preached at 11 o'clock
Wednesday morning. There will also
be afternoon and night services.
TheHulcm Journal says that the
Methodist ministers attending the
confrrencc In Bnlem eat brandy-sauce
with their pudding at the hotel Will
amette, and take It with a relish. Well
why shouldn't they.
u,.v nnmnhed to a very ap-
. ...... .-v r-" . v
(ireclative audience at the M. K
church Hotilb, Sunday evening. He
accompanied by Kevs. Hanllter and
i ......... ,..i,.,l f,,r nnseliurg Monday,
to attend tlie annual conference of
their cluirch, which will convene
Mrs. S. M. Liggett, the only daugh
ter of Mr. Cowan, our worthy towns
man, come in from Camp Creek,
Eastern Oregon, Saturday to visit her
Miner. . .
Iter father hud already started on hi
isit to Missouri. .'
t- r t n hnn was m i n
tvj- lu t iP ocnerai uuuin iu
the Brownsville Eagle Woolen Mills
in Portland. Ho has many u."
here, and expresses himself greatly
surprised at the growuioi,, ,
. .... , .L.. -PUMrt
Mrs. Annie wmsiow "-"
.... r,.nfl,ed at tlieC. P.
church Sunday mgnv w,
.t wr.iri.iii Monday. Mrs.
Wlnslow was well pleased with our
city, and will protnuuy revui n
nRSist in a revival meeting.
The Baptist church is assuming me of a finished stmcture.
j lid riii-i '
lathing is about on. When the house
1. .ompleted it .will ben very nu .
comfortable house. The main auui o-
rlum will seat alsmt am peop.e. v
congratulate' these people in be ng
able to have so nice a piuee w
The hon louse is a detestable tittle
cuss. He Is making his ruvaces Id
the hop fields of the valley ami
considerable damage. The alarming
....., . u,i,inti he is multiplying and
... ...... -ii
replenishing; the eann ."
Hattcring to the hop prospects of the
country. Cannot a mode be .liseover
cdto prevent his Inroads before it is
too 'ate?
Willie the elements are playing
thunder and lightning In the custom
Ktatee, we of the Willamette valley are
sheltered by .the dome of a peaceful
8k v and the harvest proceeds unmo
lested by the fury ofi lie storm cloud.
, i in nil verity a secondary
paradise, rich with the spoils of fruit
rl seasons that never know what a
failure is. V ,
dreamed Hint he Ottllrd
for ft toddy at a popular resort. The
bar-keeper asked if be wouiu .nave i.
hot or cold. "I'll wu in
said Fat, with much euiphasls. "
then he awoke from his slunihern, and
turning over in bed he muttered iu dis
Bppointed tones, "And, be gorry, I'm
sorry I didn't take it cold now."
Thomas A. Sutherliind, editor of t he
uo...wl. VVulnnlllf.
land, met death by drowning m the
Willamette, t the lootoi rMora
Portland. The particulars have it
that the .unfortunate man being late
for the ferry -heat attempted to jump
aboard and 'missed his fooling .-and
landed in tne river, wun me i
., .i..i.rfi Mr. Kutherlaud was an
1UHIVI- i.. ". . ---
old settler on the coast aim niiuiij'
upectod as a journalist.
Mr J. A. dross, who is well known
to the traveling public as the genial
boiilface of the Depot, lias sold
i...;iu ir Ms. Cnsuer Vandrom.
111U i'wi.'."
The latter is tliorouKniy i''"-" n,n hiiHiness. and'unrlcr llis man-
ngement tlie hotel will lose none of lis
old-time popularity.. Mr. and Mrs.
(irons will spend a few weeks in the
mountaliisou severing their connec
tion with the business, In which they
have been Identified so long on Kept, 1
m i,lunnnnteilll)lat ft tl'iptO KUHipO
foriliehttiwntof Jlr. .ro' h'-altli.-
M-A,. fATMvlnpal mftttorou aflbpacc
T nxh elves 18 oi. for a pound.
. a.w2u Vint. Viwich rolls for ten
'jiiSiitSjiat tiie Htar restaurant. Leave
Thnmlaft eddlnaon the program
a little bird told us so.
tr iin'r. find what vou want to
do, do something. iJout be a clam.
ini.u ,r,i-rviiiii. business Is lust like
misfortune! weddings liefer come
There arc thirteen breweries and 395
saloons in the city of Portland.
J. C. Frcy A Son, now In old post of
fice, make collars and other harness,
The warehouse men are fairly
"in it." The farmers are bringing In
the grain at a lively rate.
u M T.lnes and family of Indepen
dence are visiting their son Jf . W.
Lines of this city.
Mrs. W. II. Wheeler is slowly Im
proving at Sodaville.
The base ball game between the
Salem and Independenc nines was
won by the latter 10 to 8. ,
Town full of strangers from all parts
of the Union. This means well for
this whole section.
The Ihertnoineter has touched a
trifle above W in the shade nearly
every day for a week. This is unusu
ally warm for Oregon, but It is the
best, kind of weather for narvesnng
mid we are contented to endure It if it
comes for the benefit ot tne liners oi
the soil. :
They have been trying several
months to elect a new night watch
iv.i.wulliu The TitnMi tries to
settle the matter as follows; With all
the burglarizing that has,been done on
Mln ,iwl It. ta RfrnliGre that the
officers have never made a detection.
Ti.iu mttf.r ! ni-nvnlihiir bilter com-
mer.t, and it hue been suggested that
we do away with the office of night
watch altogether, and UBe the $7(10 per
.mnm fur nniTlinsioir new safes for
business men who may have thvlr's
broken open.
i tt HHnn. formerly editor of all
TorlettH ndence and se.'en or eight other
newspapers, will start a newspaper at
Whiteson. The McMiniiyille T M
says Whiteson shows up fine on all the
maps etc, but there is no denying the
fact Unit it is a very small town, in
fact so small that you hardly know
whether it. is a town or not when you
pass through it. What a newspa;er
will do there 1b a conundrum.
The preliminary examination of J.
P. Schooling, charged with adultery
with Mrs. Ueo. Howard, was nem at
Juuction Monday morning. The
state was represented by Prosecuting
Attorney H. w. C'onnon aim tue ue
fendant'by Hon. J.K. Weatherford.
T.T.. t.,in to nvvnil the aetiou
nf iiio irnuiri lory ill the sum of 81,00!)
bonds which lie promptly luraisueu
and was set. at liberty. Mrs. Howard
bus returned and has been reinstated
in the home of her husband-
In the vicinity of Salem several hop
growers huve commenced picking, and
by the first of next week hop picking
will be in full blast. In spite of lice i,t tho nvi.i.fiL,fi eroii. One
grower flooded the iiee.all on" the vines
u.i ii, vvnU.r. and then buried them.
Thin ,. Hone several weeks ago and
there are scracely any lice to be found
Another had Chinamen
to pull all the leaves off the vines
,,iiv in ilies 'iison. He did this on
thirty acres a id they are uow leauj
for nicking. He lias but a few lice.
H is tin! clean 'wt yard iu t'ie couuty.
Where the Ho, are, in plckl.ig, growers
liud cimslderaole n,
AHSiefriert eas' vpresentatlve,
of the ( iiicngo tW4 !'' ,vA 111084
able ail tress be;'uru the K.itiomil Kdi-
lorlal Asaociulh-a reeently. in session
tit St 1 mil. in course or nw min
hcuaid, "i--.. li '"' WW"-
( need u Ivoi-.i. buys so much space
in a newspaper .w; fills it to the edge
with e.;rav'n!aut pui s of his wares,
vvn.teii in superl.i! i-snd priiited In
silliest inieioscrrii. tyi-c- Fevy n-ad
hlsadv-rfisement, and n :body buys
,.t. i- Tiw.ii h,. is ansri'V and cries
IIIO ft,'." i. . " " '
out in bis Mind w a h that anvei using
does no! n ,v, or other idiocy to uun.
eflk-t. I'M the w!- and expeuencca
ndverti,-, buying .'be same amount
of space,' dvvoieu the larger portion of
it lo clearly written, cleanly printed
modest au'd reasonable statement, of
it. ,.f iu mi,,.t such a ttute-
mentiis ho Is willing to stauuwyv
that man's advertising pay".
Satifaction Gnaranteed. . SLTr
Address us at
(Successors to Will Bros.,)
Pianos and Organs, .
Musical Merchandise & Sewmg Machines,
Invite the people of Lebanon and vicinity to acquaint thcra
1 selves with
InstXicifts ascbiU dewing Machines in the market on easy
i lerli)8. VV YIW li tauuio.
Second Street,
Albany, Oregon:
OK . ' ' 1
Also an Elegant Stock of Cloths in Merchant Tailor
ing Department with !-rst-waba
. V, . J. 11 AY,
, ; NEW MEN! y P
'iWX Kerf Horses, New Haruess,Hicest Tura-onta, ia Town.
ffl$m$$$m ,i nl -positively:'
WmmMm .Stock boarded by the day or ; niontu.
We solicit a Khare of the patronage of t rmUi generally.
Special attention given to Dtaymg and Httulinfe. e ;, ,
HAY & PETERSON, Lebanon, Or
: ;'v' v. Albany, Ore.
I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at my
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at RonaLk
Rales All kind of mason's woik done with noaHiees and
despatch. D. W, HARDEN.