!, Lebanon Express. H. Y. KIRKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor. A railroad to Hie tup of Tike's peak Is -now in BuccMifiil operation. Fifty years ago tlwru were 8,000 Jews in hiiiMtine; now there are 100,000 of whfi h 40,000 live in fc-UMileni. The press of late is writing not a littl about tlifi free coinage of ilvi'i', and tariff. No small num-licr-of best plans are advocated, and if the people should commence experimenting with each, the pres ent generation would not Bee the )!ul. Tlic Impress dun't -cluim to lie anything great in the way of a newspaper. Its manaiorg have done and are doing the beat they can but thev are not satisfied. They are piing to do better in the future. They propose to always keep the ftxi'i-.iiss the third news 4jter in the coimtv and some .improvements are now under way that will add much to the paper's tijipoarance and usefulness. One of the longest and most cosily i .ihvnv bridges in the country Is now iiamg erecttrt in the newest portion of the United States, almost at its cx treine western boundary, the great sh-el bridge which the Union Pacific Is einiding across the Columbia' river at anconver, 'Washington. The length from the Oregon to the Washington shore will l e (WOO feet and the draw pier will lie over 400 feet long. The n-t of the structure will be over four Million. A very queer incident occurred on irwlii at Oregon City last Thursday evening. There was a family of five or ' eiwns on the train among whom v a girl perhaps 10 years of age, who m iitiltd the same seat with a brigliU v d little fellow r.bout six years ofage. - ') ! family had tickets for Oregon City ttml when the train stopped all alight c.ii except the little fellow, who was entirely forgotten even by the sister v, ho was with him and under whose dire he evidently was placed. The h, Jtake was not noticed forsmnethne, i. ii! upon tlie train's arrival ut the first station aliove the little fellow wus put .ill and the agent at Oregon City wired ne circumstance. It isseldom parents will forget their children. Tiie plutocratic press scoff at the idea of asserting that there is a money power and that it has power to do evil. We think the follow ing is a good answer to such doubt ing. It comes from Chauncey M. Ijepew, one of the foremost .repre sentatives of that very power which ire wish to restrict. It is ae fol lows: "1'jfly men in tins United States ; have it in their tamer, by reason 1 r irl'-jhe woulth which they control, I. . -.-;-q:ome together within twenty I , I'jiir hours and arrive at an tinder- .-Handing br which evcrv wheel of ,'ruue and commerce maybe stop ' jkv! from revolving, every avenue i ' of trade blocked and every electric ';, key struck dumb. Those fiftv w...iHeii can control the circulation of stoer i ,i .. -..:., v.-T.I . lie (.ill , iiiiu ciuuie u uamu emcfk vlienevcr they will." tweu Kei'il nr.d re-read it and see it hou vou clo not agree that the money ..power car. be as autocratic as the OPEN AIR MEETING In Isaliulln T'nrlc. Hun.'lny at 11 o'cioek A. .M. Free for all. Evening nieetiiiff at '1 V. M. 'fhort aiidress l.y H. M. thirlainl, Esq' uiilijeet. "O-iirin ofl.uw;" F. M. Miller, Ei;., "Oheilieiire to I.iiw;" Prof. Da- viilTortett, "Obliitnlioii tolhe Divine iMW.' Sirs. SI. Miller, Organist.. J. I-COW AX. J. M. KALSTOX. 7 BANKZlLEBANOX, u:banos, orhoox. Triancts a Gjasral Biniing Basinsss. wi'WOl'XTS KKIT hl'BJKCT TO . V CHECK. .- V.n-k.Snii Francis- 0 CHRIST, TOT II EE I CJiiT O weary, weary hours, And weary days unit yjtMWj'' The sorrows that oppress, w. And slmdowH dork with fears! O come, dear Lord, and bid The shadows all to flee; Turn sorrow into joy, Aud night to morn iti Thee. O wenry, weary life! O restless, storm-tost soul! No human friend is near, On whom my care to roll. Come thou, O Christ, and make Mv heart beat glad and free; i)id every burden gone, And let me rest in Thee. Give me thy grace and peace, Sustain me while I live; In every trial be near, And strength and counsel give. O guard and guide me, Lord, Be everything to me; And to the end of life, Give me true faith in Thee. H. S. C. Don't send your money abroad, but patronize home Industry, by having tmirnrintinK done at the Bxi'iussh job oflice. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hose, Receiver, . AND Oregon Development Co'sStcsxlip Use 225 MIlM Shorter! 20 Hdurt Lou Tlnwl Thau by any other Kouic. first-class through passenger and freight line From Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to und from Ban .Francisco, Cal. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SCHEDULE (KxfljUt Sundays.) LWiiqtilim 7:00 A M Lv OorVHllis .ty:.16 A 51 Ar AlUmy.y.P.atoA M 1 Affiilny .U20PM Lvt'nrvailis lttll' U Ar Yaqutiw-.. i:3f ? M O. ft C- trains connect at Albany ami Corrallta. The ulmve trai ti connect at YiuiQinu with the Oregon Development ijnDii-nny'n lino of gteaiu ships biitwecn Yujntna tuttl 6aii FraucUco. SAILING DATES. ,ir S. S. Willamette Valley WILL FromYRqaina '.. Aup. 4, 13, 22 and 81: From Sail Frauciaoo...Juli ill, Aug. 9, 1, 2ti: This eomoany reserves the risht to chnme sall ing dates without uoiiee. WM. M. ITOAG, C.C. HOtH'fi, (ient-rul AUtmger. O. F. i P. Agent, CorvaUls, Or. V-m") ll Turn IT ISTB1ETO THINK About FALL and WINTER CLOTHING; and while you are thinking about it dont forget that 3?. 52. S?aZZa ( omana , Is the place to get it. "VVe are now receiving daily large Shipments of Fall and Winter clothing For Men, Boys and Children, From the Largest and Beat ManufaPturflrors in this and Foreign Lands. Not being Brilliant Writers wo can hardly do these Grand Garments wc are offering THE JUSTICE , THEY DESERVE. TTt TTTTTirTTT'VTWf TTT''TTVTTrWVTTTTTTfTf TTTTTTTTn"f TTT TTTTTTTttTTTTrTTf tT fTTM I TT rtTTlTfT We are Sh wing the Very Latent Effects in Everything that is new It matters not whether you want to buy or not. We are Always Willing to Show our Goods, And if you use your Best Judgement you will Bay that for TTTTTTTT TTT'TTT ATffyftfffTY(TVTT' TTf HTTTTTTTTtffTtTTTTTTTT TTYTYTTTTrT f TT T 1 IT f Ttf T IT I TTVfT RICHLY TAILORED CLOTHING rfrr '(( rYrWrtTTT TTmifmf nrmTrrfiimnf nrmrm w 'mmmrt ft'mrrf fnrnTTfTT That's Made Well and at Reasonable Trices, We are the People. T. Lt. Wallace & Co., '-tl'.ah.an vAiC'Ck, . :ltiitIon-'porXtitU(r t.tou. . . T'ihe houowtik1 layur and city council of the eity.df Mwnau, Oregon: 1 WoyourpetUtonen,clttieiinKud rotcrs of the city of Ibniton, Ore., bellovitifi that the open and public nale onmoxteatlng liiuioman reirululeil by Uw aud Onlinimee 1b better than the unlawful tale thereof wtiicli U sure to follow a policy of ab solute Prohibition and bolluvlni Eltul Purker and A. W. flrunb suitable persons to engage In the nle ofspirltuous, mult and vtnoiw Utniors and that they will in ovory respect obey the Law, and onil naneiwofthecUyor Lebanon. Now Thekrpokk. Wo do most earnestly petition and pray that, oiler they have complied with the low and the Ordl luinceaofthoeity of IjjUmon relative to the pro cumlluii of UcewK to aell Mid liquors your honor able body grant to Ihe-siid Parker and Urub(co partners) a license to sell Uqitora hi qimtitUieM of less thui one gallon, In the oily of Lebanon, Ore gon for tho period of six months, for which your petitioners will ever pray. Subscribed; SP IJaeh. C HlUlston.J a Roberts, 8 Dudley Chan Miller, U. (1. Iivelee, W W Hale, K U liode, Zim Ueynolds, Jacob Arn, Kobt. Mcralley, (Jeo, W. KIce, 11 Kimpp, W II Klep,er, J. W. Iturkhart, L Foley, H Utatt, Joxeph Nixon, It F Dodge, Kd Kellenberavr, S. B, Koberti J C tiorden.H U Mack ay, Frank (Jrabtree, C A Reed, J A Lamberson. i) D Mhaw, B 1 Coyle, a Parrlsb, t'haa llsftu, E O Cut, U W. Keith, W H Ileed, H K Parrbtli, () W Siokea, a H Frum, Havid (Jentry Wm IttloH, B Donaca, C, H. Klnibrougli, O. B. llansanl, K. H. Btwler KB Crouch, A D Wheeler, John LuiU, W. CaratUers, Joe Mayor, .luhn I. Meliowan, Wm. J, Royae, A. a. Kees, F, O'Neill, I. T. Huyek, R. L McC'lure, m Uiuberry, J Wiley, Frauk Kettle, A II. Orunon I. R. Device, John Dodne, (ieorge If, Dodge, F J Hemlrlcksoii. J W McUin, U, E. Har dy, Johnson West, John Mayer. Ciea Chersiier, P Hanson, E. Ii. Viooui, C. Cox, W W Fleetwood, H Cros. L B Knox, Will Elkina. U MUlor John Nlckok, Joel mayer, M.J. WeUner, Otto Adrian, (ieorge Buhl, M. 1). Wheeler, K. B. Pearson, BanVl M. Uarlund, Geo. H. Hate, W. E Lewis, L'haa. Hmdman, F. Ristau, W.K. Hurden, Ray Leonard, Jos. Leonard, Aa U. Peterson, J as. Sharp, C. K. Itanous, A. W. Marks, L. J. l'eterson, W. Hay, J, Kohlor, H. Boyle, L. A. Craidall, A. Mctnly, B, M, Bribh, Will W. Lines, Joku Buttle, James Wheeler, C. A. 8iullh. To Whom It may Concern; You are hereby uotiiied that In accordance with and pursuant to the foregoing pv.it ton I will on theJttlidayofSeptembirlsui.prewimsttid petition to the city council of Lebanon Uun county Oregon for a license to sell spiritous, malt aud viuous liquors iu lean qnantltiea tlian one gallon, for the period of one yean PARKKR it GUUBB. FOETIilLLER S IRVING, DEALEHS IN' ALL KINDS C'F FURNITURE, CARPKTHWAI.Ii PAPER AKD riCTUKUFKAMEB. Undertakinf? a Specialty ALBANY, OREGON. ALB) ,CrfjOii. The Prices, The Prices! Not the man that brings the INCREASING trade at the One-Price Cash Store. We d not claim to Jjj sell our "at cost," Everj' man Casli Svatom enables us ROCK PRICES, Our Boot and Shoe Department is Complete and none better for the the price. . We make this line a seehdly. We hare bought largely in Eastern markets, as well as on the Coast, and can suit all. In Our Dry Goods Department we endeavor to carry whoever the trade demands. Our main object is to get v. hat the peo ple want. We are daily receiving goods. Wo carry a line of GROCERIES, TINWARE and Crockery. Hiram Baker's One-Price Cash Store. BOARD OF REGENTS: Slant noard iif Etlucntiim; ex-ollloio, H1k Exit'llctnoy, Hvlu'stirr Voiinnvor, (iovcr inir; linn. G.'W. Mi'Iiiiilf, Bwreliiry of Htitti?; Hon. K. 11. McElrny, HuiTiiilpnr). i!iit of I'ulilln Iiwtructlon; IlRiiJuiiiiii Kdio IHol(l,rre8idi!iit; J. ii. V. ilntliT, St'cridnry. Kxhci-tivk iioAHD Hun. .1. .1. liiili y, Hun. P. W. HnlfV, .1. '. Iiiitlcr, folk; JitcobVoortiei'S, luarinn; J. C. While, Plk; Alfivd Lficy.Olankaniiiiij A. Nnltiior, Mul tnonoili; W. H. Holmw. Muulnu. For Cutalogui', Addrent, P. L. CASPBELL, A. B., President, or ry Goods at cost, at the lothmg at cost Manunoth store. Greccriesat cost at the : Mammoth store. f ha wliole stock of the Main moth store at cost for m ifi wortliy of his hire; but ! to get down to I!E1- fe OREGON STATE pRHAL gCEGOL, Uli-nmonlh, Or eg tin, The LendliiR Konmil Huhnol of Ihtr KortliweHt, Ik'tiutlfitlly umi Ht'ultlifulty LocutcU. bulooim. Now buiMinjw, new aipnmtim, fttlt faculty, lijlit exieuen, mid lurt'iitti'iMi i icy, Nuruitil, Ailvuiirt'd N(nni-iiuii-iiphs, Art iiihI Mimi- I)ui(irUnCiiltt, S wfial attention pvi'n to iiliywinil u.nrv. Vniuiitwr military tirgummi t, 'Jm. Tlnwc renoiviiif; (liiiimiHt urn (uithorit'd to tfiiclt itt uny oLinty in tlie BtHtf wit limit furflior exuniinutimii. Tuition in tliu Noniml and llnsiii'"s (l(!'iirti)ii!iils iiiti lit'fti n-ducfMl t'rnm H In $6 Hir vciir; uiui in llio Hub-Nuniml front $;iOW?:U A yrnr in srhoiil for (winnw' Ttiitiuii Noriiiiil timl nmwt, (i SApcr term of ten wc-ckn. Hub-Nornuil t t'b lKr term. Hmnl ut Nnrnnil tlininic Imll, $1 (Wftwei'k; (iirnirtliwl ritii Jiylit in.il tire, f I XT wt'ck. itourd in privtitt- l'mn ilii'h, W Wt u,ir wiiuk. .Kirnt lurui ti'Cii Hupt. li-'mi, 1HW, Htudt'utM limy uutir liny I in it1, i. U. PQWELL, A. I., Yice-Presldcnt. Manunoth Store, at the cash or produce. ATT1