Otic Iff tlm Crnft Mke Public tlie Diary of One liny with tlM) Mimu,mt-r"- Wliim itlrefynMi wate'ln ruthlnwly 'jlimpB III! (Jootio elTi.ru Mkl""7iiiWtl think of the eiroumstftnces wnieu may com bine to malts some versos worse so mucih worn than others, Now, for instance, take a poem on sleep. Go to work on it In nu Dfllee whora the community in general UkeB to drop In every once In a while nnd assure you that there wasn't anything that offended them in tills morning's paper. Thoy come in one and two at a. time, The first two lines are easy: When through the west the drowsy sun Is busteuiiiB to repose "Hullol Howureyou! Qot any exchanges that you're not longing at)" "Helttvomnelf." From the other side of tho room: "No you don't; I can't allow those papers to be curried oil: before I've looked at thorn." Wlwn through tho v tho drowsy sun lsdiustenlng to repose, When liowors their task or beauty done "Ah, w.'lting, poetry, I see. I knew a fel low in Colorado who could write poetry by the yard. He was a good one." When flowers their task of beauty done Their weary petals close "DoRgone these wooiens. A man can't tell what the weatuor to going to be (our hours ahead." When every passing breose murmurs When every breese os it pusses (Confound the meter). When every breosse that passes sings "I Just now drank some hot beef tea and my tongue hasn't any more skin on it thau an eel. Lend me your pen a minute, that passes sings A lazy "How soon'll vou be through?" "Next week, it I'm not luckier than I have been." A Insy lulluby, How sweet the kiss that slumber brings To seal the drooping eye. ' (Now, lot's see If It fits together.) Whon through the west the drowsy sun Is hastening to repose, When liowors their task of beauty done Their weary petals close, When every breeze that passes slugs A lazy lulluby, : now sweet the kiss that slumber brings . To seal tho drooping eye. Ought to be more than one verse) Maybe there ought; muyue tnere ougui. nnsiuug ton Post. ' , He Didn't Iluninctiliie the Poem, Now Editor (to Old Bohoolinnto) It hurts me, old fellow, to wound your feelings, but ronlly wo are so overstocked with poetry that it is useless to road yours. Wo can only ac cept what shows unmistakable genius. Old Boliooltnnte Wolljustruodthatpoem, and tell me what you think of it It may prove bettor than you imagine. New Editor (having read the poem) It is as I feured, the jKtem bIiowb no promise what ever. Pardon me. but It Is simply absurd. Old Schoolmate (with a broad grin) That's Just what 1 thought It's a copy of some versos vou wrote in my autograph album. while we wore at school together, Munsey'B Weekly. ... Money Knoitgh. Agent Here is a book, sir, every gentle man ought to have, "nilltsou vuuiiooi,ure, Mr. Bmallpurse I have no ose (or It, "Hut. sir. It teaches you how to build i Aoautlf ul villa, a regular palace, fur only 5.(KI0." "I haven't 15,000. I bavont over 8Gto my name." "Well, the book is only l."-Ncw York weekly. The Tools He Needed. "Whv tlou't you work!" said a charitable lady tho other day to a traiiip, before whom she had placed a nicely cooked meal. "I would," roplled the vagrant, "if 1 liad the tools," "What sort of tools do you wautfaskod tho hostess. "A knife and fork." New York Ledger. A Disappointment. Mr. Jenkins Uncle John promised to send us something for the parlor, but I nover ex pected anything of this size. Mr. Jenkins ufur half an pour's work) Mo, I'll be liaugod if I did lMunsoy's Weekly. A Considerate .Debtor, ' Collector When are you going to pay this Win i oau't be coining here every day io the Debtor Well, what day could you come on, conveniently? "I oould call on Saturday." "All right from now on I shall aipoot you avery Baturday. ''-Texan Sittings. The I'oor root. ; Stubpen-Why do you always write with ' blue ink, Scribbler! . Scribbler (sadlyl-It's the way I feaL-Bar " llngton Free .Press. ; : . :. . il F 13 0 1 PASSING. Thnwrt Um auk,, valler tlinn will put W fo mhrtm&'my medicine, Just filiWffttftiaas BlirhH, Itie unaVftllliiR toara. t law the end grows slowly Into sight. Doat.li doth but wull for day's retreating llsht. Fur that trunuucl hour wiiea eve's first beacon peers. - Ami vespers gently fall on Jurtorl ears, Tit give thy soul the signal for Its flight. Thou, with a brow unoloiiileil as of old, A heart no longor southed by Sorrow's soars, Out of Ufa's mists and vaimrs manifold, Into that elimeuo shadow ever mars Thon wilt emerge, and rapt oommunlon hold With the bolovod, long gathered to tho stars, -William Toynbee In Murray's Magazine. The Critic's True I'unotloa. Your individual self perfection is the most laudable thing in the world to strive for, but as the nucleus of a gospel it is insipid. Frequent the busy haunts of men who occupy themselves with kin dred pursuits not literally, of necessity, but sympathetically and in imagination. It is in union that there is strength. Remark tendencies, try to sum them up, to tioint out their significance w direo. tion. Few men can be Ruskins et en core! And do not imagine that you can per manently attach and benefit your kind by the mere force of correct, gentle and chaste diction on the one hand, or of set ting an example of repose and Berenity on the other, because nowadays warfare of any kind even literary criticism is acoustomed to weapons of more robust ness and reality, and in this sphere preaching by specific precept is far more efficient than preaching by general ex ample, And the most important of all things is to be in harmony with onei time and environment, Be sure, 0 critiol there is something magical in this, how ever it may transcend consciousness. See, for instance, how much finer is Mr. Woodberry's essay on Browning apiece of real criticism than are his lucubra tions about "the ideal life." Scribner's. Demand for Larger Dynamos. Professor Thomson, in speaking before the National Electric Light association, culled to mind the great work in the electrical field which has been accom plished in the tost few years, and, refer ring to the ever increasing business and the call for lurger machines, said that dynamos up to 500 to 1,000 horse power are now frequently called for, where a few years ago it was thought an unusual thing to speak of a 1D0 or 200 horse pow er machine, and the tendency is toward machines of much larger capacity in future electric installations. With regard to heating our houses by electricity, Professor Thomson thought it not at all likely that we will ever lat extensively by electricity, unless we can find some way of converting the energy of coal into electricity far more directly and less wastefully than is done in steam engines of the present day. Boston Transcript. ' Tit for Tat The following story is told of Dr. Ma- gee, the archbishop of York designate. Some time since the biBhop was dining with a total abstainer, who provided only water as the beverage of his guests at dinner. The host, however, leaned forward and whispered confidentially to the bishop: "You will find some wine in your bed room." An amusing look passed over Bishop Magee's face, but his thoughts, such as they were, were kept to himself till the fitting time should come. Not long after this same gentleman was dining with the bishop in return at the palace at Peterborough. This time the only bev erage was wine, but the bishop leaned forward and whispered confidentially to his guest: "You'U find some water in your bed room." London Tit-Bits. Minute Collectiuua. There is a naturalist whose hobby con sists in collecting the fine dust with which the wings of moths and butterflies are covered and forming them mto artis tic and picturesque designs. He mounts each single grain of dust separately, so as to make koquets of Bowers and fern leaves with butterflies hovering round. Tins he does in a space occupied by the eighth of an inch. In another design he has a vase of passion flowers made of np- ward of 000 grains of dust; and again he has represented a pot of fuchsias, with butterflies and birds, in three-sixteenths of a square inch. Illustrated American. Something Greek. Modern literature, so far as the old fashioned scholarship could misguide it, has imitated the Roman imitators of the Greeks, so that we have not even had the advantage of aping at first hand, and we are only just beginning to feel the true Influence of the Wrecks, which is ul ways toward the study of nature. Wher ever one of us succeeds in representing life, he ib seen to have done something Greek; that is, something true, some thing free, something beautiful, some thing novel, something temperate. William Dean Howells in Harper's. . With Her It Is a Siiceem, "Do you think marriage is a failure, Mrs. Choker," asked Mrs. Sinieral of the minis ter's wifo. "No, indoedl" was the roply. "Mr. Cho ker gives uje his fees for pin money." Har por's Bagar. Give and Take. The Duke of Mudbury Now, Miss Man hattan, I'll wagor you know your Burke bet tor than I do. '. : 1 Mine Manhattan Ah, but I dare say your grace could stump ate on flradstreet. Life. WHAT IN TOTJIt OPINION? Should any one ask your opinion altout answer. boldly tM'it to.geid, he ask you the reason why it is ho :goo, tell him just because. If this answer does not oonfound him by Its profundity and he still persists, tell him that it is a new fan gledidea. Tills will probably prove effect ive, as it bankrupted the first iron plow es tablishment. Should you iail in that, too, don't give up, but insist with the powerful argument that your grandmother never heard of its that you can't see how mer cury, arsenic strychnine, etc., can be im proved upon, and that the old schools of medicine must necessarily have exhausted, all the stook of wisdom, and that there can not possibly be anything left to learn. And if all your powerful arguments have failed to convince him of the reasonableness ef vonr nnsitinn vou have still One Parthian shot tell him that you are simply aston ished j that you thought him an intelligent man. . Anrl still there are men and women, too upon whom such arguments have no et fect, but they are thinking people who are willing to investigate betore tuey iorm an opinion. Phocnix, A.T., July 80, 1891. Dr. J". Euqhie Jordan, Smttle, W mh. Deae Sib: Having used your remedies in my family for more than two years with won derful success. I feel that no other remedies con give satisfaction, and I inclose symp toms of my nephew's case for your consid eration. Fbaucks A. Cbetis. Dr. Jordan's office is at the residence of ex-Mayor Kesler, Third ana .lames. Consultations and prescriptions absolute- Send for free book explaining the Histo- ffpnettc svstem. Oabtioh. The Histogenetio Medicines are sold in but one agency m each town. Thr. IfthAl around the bottle bears the fol lowing inscription: "Dr. 3. Eugene Jor dan, Histogenetio Medicine." Every other devioe is a iraud. Men mav be lords of creation, but some women beat all creation. ., CBAMl'ION H AIM M Kit THROW EK. James Mitchell, champion hammer thrower of America and holder of the world's reoord at throwing hammer and flfty-six-pound weight, Bays: I have used Alxcock's Porous Plasters and found them without an equal. In the early Bpring, when starting in to train for tiie field events, 1, have always found that still ness 'in the joints and back set in. As booh, however, as 1 applied one of All cook's Porous Plasters, pains and Btiff'nesB departed like magic. When I am affected Wltll pains, etc., uie result ui a uuiu ouu trne.ted while in training. I always use Ai.Looi'K'B Porous Plasters with good re sults. I can sufely recommend them to any one who is anectett witn pains or sun ness, the result of any kind of exercise." Alwsys forgive your enemies especially those you can i wiup. For allaying hoarseness aud irritation of the throat it is daily proved that "Brmtm't lirtmciimi irocncs are a uiiiu reiucuy,yct very emcacious. The modern girl often longs for such aBoaz Buthhad. RUPTURE AND PILES CURED. We positively cure rupture and all rectal dis eases without pain or detention from business No cure, no pay; and no pay until cured. Ad dress for pamphlet Urn. Porterfleld A Leaey 888 Market street. Han Francisco. When a man discovers hlu neighbor devoid of virtue never ponaeesed by hiniBelf lie is Bhoeked. Mbhchant Hotel, Third and D streets. Portland. Firet-claaB accommodations. Kates, 1 to $1.60 per day. Jacob Haas, Prop. Use Enameline Stove Polish ; no dust; no nnell. Tby Gebmea for breakfast. BASE BALL, Pains and Aches THE BEST REMEDY ARE INSirAKABI.1. FOR THE PROMPT, SURE CURE OF Sprains; Bruises, Hurts, Cuts, Wounds, Backache, RHEUMATISM, ST. JACOBS OIL HAS NO EQUAL HUNTER S EQUIPMENTS FIshlnffTackle.Etp. Great Variety. LowPrlces. OiilO 'iifllaeii in trade. Bona tor uuaiotrue. wku. W. gHREVK, 525 Kearny gl. , San Francisco. STEINWAY, GaWet and Pease Pianos Mouutnn the Bkht Piano Madi, and the fotorite phtmper Pl&uoa; all Musical Instruments; Bandflftup nlliid; Urge stock of Sheet Music. Steinwait Ball, mmi 90S Post Street; Matt m ah Quay Oo. Gal) ,ud hm onr new roomi aud atm nook. , . m fJEtJ 0I1LY! OetunU and JSF.KVOl'S DEfiUXXT; iweakaeMQi Jfoayanaama, fctnoti K.,lil KuriHIHtlifiillY HfXlnrtTil. Uuw to eolarsn aiTl -.!,.nWt(iB.ISKkLtiPKlOlitlANSPiHT8F'flOD1f AbolDllr anlaillnt HO SB TKKA'l 311 NT-BhBU In a da Han tHttt tram ttVBtMMRnd Krel(ni'iiontrlM. ITrlU thMtt bmrlpil B;ktMilBB4lli and ptyofs jusllwl (tJMUiJ) fratv IIIjlFJtS8 CAN'T 11 K CIJHKI) By local applications, ss they cannot reach the dlsciised portion of the ear. 1 here is only one way to cure dealupHS, Slid that Is by constitu tional reincrues. ut'timcss is earns! oy sn in flamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Kustechlan Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed vou have a rumbling sound or imnerfect bear- IHSr-aiill wheu It is entirely closed, Deafness is tne resilll. nnu tlmo! uie liimimiiMuon can oe taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; uine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing hut an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of lleafncss (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEV fc CO., Toledo, 0, flold by druggists; 75 cents. Where there's a will there's very often a law suit. -- MILLIONS OF MONEY. There is millions of monev in aud around New York City seeking investment. If yon have a farm, ranch, mine, we can probably sell it for you. 11 you nave a mercantile ousiuess lorsaie, or If voo want R ottrtner with eaoltai for anv legitimate business, we can help you. Address 1. A. PEAKCiS & CO., 239 Broadway, Iew Vorlt sukb"cubb"for piles. Sure cure for blind, bleeding and itching Piles. One box has cured tne worst case oi ten years' standing. No one need suffer ten min utes after using Kirk's German Pile Ointment It absorns tumors, aiiays me ucoing, aout aa a nntiltica. irives relief. Dr. Kirk's German Pile Ointment is prepared only tor Piles and itching or tne private parts, ana nouung eise. avery Dos is warrantee, Sold by Druggists and sent by mail on receipt ie, ei.uu per oox. , i. jubuk k w., wle Agents. Han Francisco. OXE BIVJOY89 Both the method and results w&ea Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, jiver aud Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head iches and fevers and cures hahitun! constipation permanently. For said in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. Mti FUmtSBO. eL. louifimic. Kv. hew row r. isrTHE COST IS THE HARTMAN PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE Costs no more than an ordinary clumsy wood picket affair that obstructs the view and will rot or fali apart In a short time. The " Aartinan" Felice is artistic ill design, lirotects the erounds without oon- I'aiiiie mem anu is iirauwL-niij muubi.kw JSHT1MON1ALH MAILED FKKK. HARTMAN MFC. CO., (Always mention P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easi est to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure ib certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. It is an Ointment, of which asmall particle is applied totheaoatrils. Price 60o. mail. Address; E. T. '1 w$rt when I wa3 lmSa,poiiois rHlfflJ oFscourintTso&D usedmr w oFscouringvso "Ah! Ah!" Cried the house wife, "The Beoret I knowi no DIET can resist SAP OLIO." Buy Your Own Goods if Your MCE THRESHERS, THE BEST IN AMERICA i 7 I unemicfti nre nnineB ana r;ximgMBner8, nre moh ana uenartment biippiieB, Btearo Laundri Machinery, Pumps ol all kindB, Bniss Goods, Pipe and Mtliugs, tlant'ock Inspirators, Marine Work Belting and Hohc, Wroncheu, Lubricattnu; Oils, Church, School and Farm Bells, Euginen and Boiler. Blaukmnith Drills and Forees, BuvrKiee, siirritjs, Spring and Express Wagons, the lrgeet aBsortJueiiti of Carts in Portltuid. Dealera, write ior prices. For further iuioruiatiou eatl on or a4dres j I T. Umt Foot of Karriscfl SW, MfflUSS, Gl Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable 4 and Wholesome. .... Ho other baking powder does such work . BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. Founded 1870. Academic, Preparatory and Primary Departments. Five regular courses, in cluding the commercial In the Academic Department. Discipline not harsh, but Btrtct- No bad bovs admitted. Refer with confidence to patrons and pupils through out the Northwest Coast. 21 teachers, 2.14 cadets, 17 graduates last year. Fourteenth vear under present management will be- tfin Mum ( iMfti. Vnr (tataloflnie and other Lv information address J. W. HILL, M. D.f Principal, Jr. U. Drawer a, Jronianu, m Faber's Golden Female Pills,. For Female Irregular ltles; nothing like them on the market. . Never tail. Successfully used by prominent ladiei monthly. Guaranteed to relieTe suppressed menstsuation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! ' Don't be numbngE! Bare Time, Health, andmoneyitake no oth er. . Sent to anr addwM. secure by mall on ra ceipt of price, 12.00. Address, THE APHR0 MEDICINE COMPANY, Vottem Branch, Boz27, POBXLsVND, OW gold by Wisdom Dm Co.. Portland, Or. law tCVCD CUREI) T0 S"Y CURED. Dill r 1 1 Lll We want the name and ad dressof every sufferer in the &ICTUMI U.S. and Canada. Address, MO I tlllln r.BroldS.ju,M.D,Bof,.I. THE SAME, o - - .. ---- Beaver Falls, Pa. this paper In writing. 1 , SoW by druggists or sent by HaZELTiNE, Warren, Fa. bpm,8.nd every day & sol id Hiin 'CLe&ning purposes "Oh! Oh!" Cried the DIET, "At length I most go, I cannot withstand 5APOLIO." Dealer Does Hot Garry Them. PARRY CARTS AHD ROAD WAGONS, oesi ana vneapesi in ine worm. Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, $50 Up.