The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 28, 1891, Image 1

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Ono yettr , M 00
(If In lulvuni'i), 31 fiO pur year.)
Hlx month , 1 Oi)
Three mmirlid , , :
UlllHlOUopll'S.,,,, ,.,..,...... Uo
'- OffltK up stairs, in Guy's IiuiMlmj.
9AML. M. GAR LAN"1,.
Atto rney-at-Law
Albany, Oregon.
Will practice In ull tho I'ourtu of tnl Hlato.
UUiue, Iroul rooain ovot buk of uresou.
'Physician and Surgeon.
Hniilimto of Hoyul College of luudou and Hell-viioili-iiirul
Ohronlc own. specialty. .
Coiimb femoral without lMln or the knlto.
OFFI('B-Klrkiutrl!k building, Uihaiion, Or
Attorney -at - Law,
jlli.rtl.MWTrlviivnimpt nnrt rawM ott.-ntion.
Will pnwllrt) In all Hit courts ui tin' ntntu.
notary Public and Collecting ftgont,
JtwUa! of tin- I'oucc, Ilianou ITocluiit.
Lebanon, Oregon.
O. A.. 1331-W OX,
"Notary Public.
Real Estate in, all Us branches.
Xhb. Co., of Now York.
I,wi!oniulra.illtrocl or Fruit, r'nrmhw, and
GnutnK luudtf.
Mtinuy to loan on Farms, fin proved
City Property or Uiiilt-odgu notes dis
Physician and Surgeon,
A TOhmlooftho ModlcalOollwcof Ohio, Cla
s-rlul(!trl, niwnsmof Womon mill children
uud chronic Utewt 8Mwlnhj,"W
Attorney and
Counselor ai ww.
......, .,.,. TitaV. C!l A,.
nnrifrlMttlotiH In thin Department are solicited
on tiniitfTH of interest to tins AKrleulturil and La
tiortnir ciuNMw. Our hiimpc it necessarily limited,
thereinre, be hrlnffLiirt to the, point. Write plainly
and on but oho side of the paper.
L, L. Poll, prtiuldetit Farmers' Alllnnee and In
flii'.irliil Union, ai :il4 f Street, Wanl.1111ri.on, f. C;
Itcn. II. (.'lover, viiKi-prcHitlcnt, Cam). rid go, Km.;
.1. H. TuniL'i', wiu';'; J. F, Willitts, kreturur, OKka
Ioohu, K(1H,
Nfitioniil organ Iwt for Oregon:
i, J'.'Culi, ndiliwn Junriuii ollleo, foot of Mor
oirtouHtri'i't, I'tirllunt', Or,
W. A.Hninfiki, Mi-lix. Or.
JI. V. Itork, HhIcio. or,
Jnlin Itowan, ('o!iil!e City, Or.
K. II, Denton, Mlllor 'n, I.lnu Co., Or.
T. Jitrubmim, Oilltoii, Columbia Oo.
Dcinitli'H tiir Cnnnhoii;
J. It. Hfuiiiinirfir, for Marion Co., Sulnm.
Haunml H, Holt, I'tKDiiix, JuukMiu Co,
W. I), Ingrain, Night Mile, Morrow Co. -'
r. C. JkMiuli, Union Co., l.oHtiui!, Or.
(till-ALI.lAN('K, UWB fOL'NTT.
txumm, no. 80. TIiob, Glazo, Prenirlcnt; J, A.
Joiiu, buoretury.
kcio. no. !!. T. M. Mtmkcw, PrcwWeiit, John
Similimun, tivurutary.
niiAirriiEK, no. 68, J, A. roerj'i PwnUenti E.
Tuylor, tiucretury,
Hamilton ciiKr.K, no. J. Newman, Proldent;
J. . YreMlilull, (Hjcretarj.
noTK mi,f ko.27.-J, W. WiUon, rrenkleut; C.
J), Worn, Htjcrotury,
ji-N(Tion, no. IB.-Jooot Cubor, rroulilent; Frank
Tliayor, thiorutary,
mvKRT nomK, no. 102, W.B. Thompson, Prod
ldunt; J. V. Arulior, Buurotary.
txTjuKiiTA!,, 5o, V. Lewis, President! W, L.
JuukHou bt'dreliirj-i
Profnunrtly ImiirLwd tlmt wc, the Farmprtf
Alltaiii-'u, united hj Btnmc and full hlul tle of (1
imiicinl and homv Interenti), should nut forth our
dwlurationoi intfliitioimiwo thcreforu rewlvc
FniKT To labor for thu rducation of the airrl
oultuml lilurWH In thu wiiotHie of economic Kovcrn
inuiit In a Ktrifiy iion-pimiriHii uplrit.
WmrND Toondonntho motto' "In thiuffi ea
wntiitl, unity; and In nit thlitim, oharity."
Tiri-T( develop butter Ktato, mentally,
morully, mx'iaHy, and tinancially.
F('rtii To orettte a better nndunrtandtag lor
MiKtaluLng civil omoow Id maintaining law and
Fifth To prmntantly strive to ueoiire entire har
mony and guod will 'Binmig all mankind, and
brnthfirly love among ourwdveH,
rStXTit To mipprewi perwunil, local, noetlonal,
and nuilimnl prejudge, all unhealttiAil rivulry
uud Nflthh amliitioii.
Hiiventh Tin1 brPxhlt'tit jeweln which It (Turners
aw t lie lourwof wklown and orplmns, uud hh im
bcMtiVf t-iiiiimandri are to vilt tiie liouieft where
mceiuiftd huariK are bietidiiig; to awiuajre the BUf
leriu ui a.nrotiieroi' rilHt.-r; bury the (lend;
Ai? long uh tiie AllittMce was willingto stay
in tlie iiuik-rouiKl uud ttilk about liinniiig
n.itl kuep tiieir tongues lill on all other
ftietitlis, they ivere culled nil kintlH of fiet, Haltered and eollrted by the boss
IHiliiiciima; but wiien it bepintoinvestigute
eetuioieie sul,jeet then it wus eufled und
kicked by all out-sitiera. Kow bunkers and
riit; boiines tmll tin nil kinds of hard numeu
anil jtoMiiug is too ineati for tin to do.
We are glial to b.: thus advertised and we
weleoiue nit their eritieism. Ail of the op
poititm to t he Alliance is from one of three
MiiurecH. 1st, the poiiticiatiH nrc ut'ruid tlmt
all their pliins will be ujiset; they are ull at
sea without eiuirt or rudder uud can muke
no certain plans tor the future. 2nd, the
bunkers who have solougbeeti exempt from
taxation, see the bund writing on tho wull
and know their doom is sealedmoney m list
be taxedit shall perform its part of the
public burden. !kl, wldakcyites and sidoon
nabobs have no bt nor part in this matter,
and wc intend by. the help of our wives,
mothers and the pood Lord to kick .them
out of the way.
A Memiikb.
The Exi'RUSS is prepared to com
pete with Portland or San Francisco
in mutter of style and fluish in btisl
uom and vialUug curds.
"For Solo."
Ten room house and large barn, four
lots, uiee shade trues, will be sold very
reasonable If taken Inside of 80 days.
If not sold iu next SO days will be for
lent: locution Main St. Inquire of
C. A. Elson,
Lcbauon, Oregon,
Jlotol Uiirber shop. slmvo and a rloun towel.
Hnir cutting and Hhampooiiijt, 8e
Foam add l)yeing all tlrBt class. Ma
nors honed, J. H. jluBUM, Prop.
Rev 8 K Memlnger has been rotuni
ed to Albany l.y the antiual conferenoe
uud Kev F H C alder to Brownsville
Mr 0 H Parks of Tacoina was mar
ried to Miss Elfriila Auuusta Ewert of
Ainunyon mo zmn nisi, ivev a
... ,, .. -. A ,1... i.i 1.1
.PrlcUafd being the officiating clergy
It farmcni would all save their straw in
stead of burning it, there would tee less loss
of stock when the hard winters come.
Fruit drying is claiming the attention of
all who are not otherwise engaged, and
there will ho a largo amount dried if the
weather is favorable.
There arc two or three good openings here
for parties who would like to dry plums on
Mr. Lyman Pomroy begins picking hops
next Monduy. We understand that pick
ing begins this week at the Frollit hop yard.
Mr. R. t.'armlshael, an old time resident of
the "Forks," but now of Eastern Oregon is
here on a visit of business and pleasure. He
is aeeonipainod by his wife and daughter.
Mr. Carmichael intends purchasing bogs to
drive across the mountains.
Mr. Sliultj of Albany was out Tuesday
looking for beef cattle. :
Mr. D. T. Crabtree and Mr. Adamsof Leb
anon, attended church here on Sunday.
Rev. 0. S. Hanleiter preached hie last ser
mon for this Conference year here Sunday.
He lias given us a yearof hard and faithful
work, and has done much good. We sin
cerely hope he will bo returned to this place
by the conference now in session.
Several parties from this neighborhood
contemplate attending the camji-mccting
near U'banon next week.
Miss Iila Gaines of Elliott Prairie is visit
ting the family of Joseph Poindcxter of
Crabtree Cretk.
All the sick people mentioned in former
communications from this place are rmprov-
Aug. 20, 1891.
Everybody busy.
Some people work to make a living; oth
ers work to make trouble.
Mr. A: Is Sweet Home improving anyf
Mr. B: Yes. Mr. A: Inwhatwayf Mr.
Bl In the way of a saloon.
Some people will wonder what the Post,
master is goingto do with a post aueer as
i,e lias had en i made.
There is considerable Dintheria in this
part of the county. Mr. Mayniird lost a
child a short time ago and Dr. Lnmberson
has been onllod to attend a cose at Mr. John
Ames' the patient being a small child.
r. Odell came down from Upiier Soda a
few days ago and started this morning
(Wednesday) wc hear, to Indiana. The Dr.
looks well and from all appearunce his Btay
at Soda has helped him.
Ribelin the travelling photographer is
with us and will probably remain a week or
so. If bis camera stands it to sketch tho
people in this vicinity he may feel that he
has one that will stand the test and tuke in
any community.
Wc ore glad to lenrn that the children of
this community who have the diptberia are
The Farmers' Alliance have an order here
w'th several members und wchope thejr ef
forts will not be fruitless.
Iii to-duy's' "issue" of tiie Express
will I found the advertisement of C.
A. Zohn who has lately opened a
stock in the Kirltpatrick building.
Mr ' carries tt uilBcclaneous line of
useful articles and intends to treat his
customers well. Call on liiui.
Misses Bimpson and Miss Price loft
on this morning's train for a brief
Bojourii at the seaside.
Miss Rutherford, who has been en
gaged In teaching music here the past
few months, has gone to Michigan to
to the sorrow of her friends in this
Miss Ida Wallace left today (Thurs
day) for Roseburg, her sister Miss
Liza accompanied her as far us Al
bany. For SMe.
Nice two story four room house,
nice lot, good well and out houses,
nine location. $500 if sold in the next
UO days by
C. A. Elson a uo.
Free show ut Band Hall tonight
Dr. Odell is in town.
Prof. Wright and wife,' Mrs. C. C.
Hackleman, Jlsses Ora Ballard and
Jlumle Swan returned home from
IJpner Soda Wednesday evening. All
report having had a fine time.
C H Ralston was at the County seat
The New Machinery Now on the
Way-The Outlook Very
(From Albany Herald,
Plans and specifications of the Alba
ny Mining Milling Company's new
quartz mill, which was shipped on the
steamship Willamette Valley and ar
rived at Yaitiina Monday, is to he seen
in the office of the Secretary, J. V.Plpo,
In this city. It is a complete plant and
will cost when ready for work in the
mines between $25,000 and 30,000. It
is a ten stamp mill, each stamp weigh
ing 850 pounds, and Its capacity Is 30
tons per day. The mill and machinery
will go direct to Gatcsvllle, and from
there will be hauled to the mines on
wagons, the contract having been let
to B. M. Huston & Co., of this city. .
The company already has a small
mill and retort, and a saw-mill, driven
by a 40-horse power engine, now in
operation at the mines. It will require
about a month to get the new mill into
the mines. In the meantime the com
pany is working three shifts of men
night and day, running a lower tunnel
in on the ledge. A good many thou
sand tons of Ore are in sight ready for
work. Thirty tons of ore that will be
crushed in a day will be reduced to a
bout three tons of concentrates which
will be shipped to the smelting works,
probably to San Francisco, or the LI Hil
ton works. The gold from the plates
will of course be reduced at the mines.
The company has had accurate teste
made of the ore, and know what they
are doing. They have enough paying
ore in sight to justify this outlay, and
before anyone hardly realize it a big
mining industry will be in operation at
our very door.
Other companies are arranging to
put in machinery to work their mines
in the same district The Albany
Mining & Milling Co. has erected a
two-story hoarding houseand has sawed
over 100,0110 feet of lumber for other
buildings at the mines, so it can be
readily seen that a thriving camp is
already springing up in the Bantium
Mr. Joe Keehle took very sick Wed
Miss Mima Hamilton of Portland,
is in town visiting relatives.
Died. Mary Shelley, wife of Rasuel
Shelley and daughter of James Tutoni,
departed this life Aug. 25, after an ill
ness of two weeks, of typhoid fever.
She leaves a husband and three chil
dren to mourn her loss.
Guy Elson of Unionville, Mo., has
engaged in the real estate business with
his Uncle C. A. Elsonof Lebanon.
Presbyterian Church, Rev. E. C.
Jaeka Pastor. Morning subject next
Sabbath, "The Madness and Folly of
Religion." Evening Lecture, "The
Inseparable Companions." Sabbath
school 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor
7 v. M.
Mr. John Srille, proprietor of Leba
non warehouse, Inform us that he has
already let out wheat sacks for 06,000
bushels. He is paying cts. and will
always be found at the top of the mar
ket. Thu wheat crop is not half har
vested Mr. St'i tie thinks. The Lebanon
warehouse is a very popular one.
The machinery is about all in place
nt the paper mill. Mr. O'Neil informs
us that he vill probably be ready to
"start up" In about six weeks and be
ready for businitss a little later on.
A'onduv night a farewell party was
tendered 'Mr. S. B. Jarks, at the resi
dence of his father, J. M. Marks, hefore
his departure for Walla walla wuere
he goes to attend business college.
Tne foundation for the bank build
ing is completed, and that for the
Courtney building Is being laid
Mr W D Hardin has the contract for
the former job and Chimiborlain Bros
of Albany, "the latter As soon as this
work is done brick laying will be com
menced and ic will not be long before
a nice brick block will he seen upon the
Bite of the old shacks lately burned
Tuesday night at Union Hall an
elocutionary entertainment will be
given under the direction of Mm.
Worso than a Flague.
Archbishop Ireland says:
The evil is the drink plague. Plague I
will call it, not ilnding a better name to ex
press its inhuman hidcousncss and its demon-like
power to barm men. It bus sfiot
through tiie land its poison bearing arrows.
It holds in cities pompous courts, riots and
wild revelry in burg and village, breaks in
witli savage howls upon the quietness of
rural homes. Tho poor man'B garret, the
marble palace of the wealthy, open equally
theirdoors. ,
Not the ignorant alone feel its d 'udly
touch; over highest minds it casts its Styg
ian shades. Wherever it enters, the plague
debases and degrades. It scatters broad
cast disease and death. Poverty and vice
form its retinue. It demolishes homes,
blasts the hnppincss of -wife ' andchi
laughs at the purest aucction, uengnis
tiie mill of virtue und innocence. It tills
juils end iisyhim., carts victims to morgues
and gibbets. It annuls the potent mlliistr
tions of religion by locking against them the
minds and hearts of men. All forms of evil
and misery are its allies and inarch in its
track. . ' -: ': - m
The rum-seller is the root of tvil, and un
til it is made a crime to sell Intoxicating
beverages intemperance will continue to ex
ist. .
Prohibition is wise, because it is the high
est practice of wisdom for government as
well as men, to do right, and it is their low.
oat act of folly to do wrong.
Hon. Jeff Myers was up to Sodaville
this week and stopped over In Leba
non upon his return, and after an in
spection of the paper mill and a look
around town expressed himself as be
ing astonished at the remarkable
growth of the city. Mr. H. has but
lately returned from an extended trip
through the East.
The question of a good flouring mill
for Lebanon is again agitating tho
minds of some and the probabilities are
that the long needed enterprise will
soon be engaged in turniug out this
staff of life. Rev. W. C. Crawford was
in town last week to see what could be
done. He proposed tiiat be and his
associates would take half or therea-'
bouts of the stock necessary if citizens
of Lebanon would tnko the balance,
and that a first-class 100-b:trrel mill be
built here at once, power to be obtained
from the new ditch.
The house at Appomattox, Vu., in
which General Lee surrendered to
General Grunt, has been sold it is said
to representatives of the Grand Army
of the Republic, and that a gram) en
ciimpuiciu is to be held at this historic .
spot. . ,
It Is i remarkable light to see a blind i
man hewing the timbers which aro j
placed in tiie tunnel at Spring Hill.;
He does his work equally as well as 5
could a person who has sight. -.
In speaking with Mr. W B. DonaoaV
he stilted that his hop yeild this year
would be larger than last year and bi;' '-
tor than he thought threo weeks ugiii
would be. Tho liee have not dona
damage ho feared would he done.
expects to begin picking next TJmi
Mrs. W. B. Gore, we are sorry
i '1
learn, Is dangerously sick,
Tho Citv Marshal rings tlreWlro
two tap.?, eaci evening at 10 o ; . ;
p. M., which is to warn all minor.
keepofftliesireet. Goto bed or Vi
the risk of a nijiht's lodging ut the eit:
jail. r ,(
Rev. T. P. Boyd has been returntX
to the cure of the M. E, Church and Jy .
people as well 11s good folks outsid,. j
his church will be glad, that b M
been sent here ligalu.. He is no
sent on a two-weeks vacation.
Sabbath morning
Martin Hickman will occupy the u 1
pit ut that church anu on the toll,-.
ing Sunday there will be no sevvici ? .
account of the camp-meeting.
Boriu.-To Mrs. Fred B. ih
20, a girl. Weight, 9 lbs. 7 oit'
SiissWest was tendered t
social at the residence of Ml'
ust Friday evening.