The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 21, 1891, Lebanon Express-Supplement, Image 9

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 1891,
Lousy Hops. . Sodnvillo 8tnm IHotor.
The Oregoiiiaii eays the hitter
A correspondent to the Eugene Jour- A member of the Hoard of Director, W amm.g two nets of CiimtnltstH
lial tukesa gloomy view of the situation. nhe Sodavillc Motor Line company 1 , .V'e Iwi.m ;'f
llesays the hop louse has already bt- lfmw us that Mr. Uieadle U v.illh.p 0 )re?'' V1?" n"
gun working on the hops and growers 'K' to rlght-oNway, which " 1 1 u,1 .,H T 'K;
tell .thnt they huve found hop. tnrp. "HI .very hlnderanee; and nt 1 !" h " t'.m tn
Ing black and nrtllm from the effects t work will be begun in thirty day, hC H0 1 "f compl.-tod roac
of the louse. If such Is the ease the t.wnto building between Lebanon "J1 M,,e fn,t're '
chances for the hop growers are very .a Bu-hvllh. .. S " ""r'n
poor this year. Last year the lou did U of no little concern to St,'".r "I U
not begin working on the hops until LrtftMl ami .T ,,11 H ?i ST "f
about picking time and then a large for the building nf the Jrl:1
uuantltyof hops were spoiled before H"e will, as we have before hd oeea- , 1 The hcavi-
Ihoy could besaved, and as the louse ' to observe, enhance real estate ' ""Lj' ' !)f r ;
l-"h-cdy begun worklngon the hops
this year the chances are that the hops .""u" u,,u u" uuuurcas oi people to , ' . .
will ue spniiea ielore tliey are reotly to ' . ui
pick. Mr. Jas. Hubert tells us that ho Seville, neighbors in the fa, tJu.t " Mrj.8, H. (Wm 'will leave next
found hop lice away up the McKenzie tllHt Ulwn "'ready far fumed usuhealih week for Han Kruiicltar. where she will
onalonehopvlnetwenty-nveorthlrly ft, uecniulug o easy of iccm will be gone about a month. She gmn on
miles from any hop yard. He also sa vs. 'e the most po.iuhir pleasun -and-h.e lili n pleasure and business trip conud icd.
he has found them on the leaves of fl'hng town of this valley, If not In Mr. Crdg Miller of Iveosaumm, Iowa,
miipletrie.. If the hop louse has come 0,eB""; duot the town will grow lsvis!ll lia Uu(-1 F jj Miler at
to stay the hops must go. much faster thau heretofore aud wj ,)lh Iooei
, hope it may. ,
State Treasurer Metschan lias just ' '"aster Miller tnf.irim iw that
finished the distribution of the IntcivHt . "r Brker- ,'WPIJ the Halo he has received ihe blll-o.'-iading f.,r .
on the common school fund. Douglas Brew, utartcd for the mountains Wtd- the new bus w, and thought Mint they
county reports 4,4118 children of schuol 1K'8lay. - w uld be he.e ab ut th.- firt of next
age and gets M,G14.80; Coos gets f 4,- Some of our sports brought some fine month.
M7.MI; Juckeon ffi,024.7i; Josephine $2,- fowls totown Monday. Mrs. George F. Burkliart, of Spicer,
KM.oo, Tills shows Douglas county J. H' 8tl:ie has sold the St. Helen M''Tuesday with friendsiii Lebanon,
still at the head of the Southern Oregon "Mist" to J. U. Becgle. Miss Kate Cheadle left Wednesday,
columu.-ltiwehurglievlcw. The lee cream sociable which was for her home lu Portland.
Itoaduuister Lawsou, who was up eu'el1 ly the young people of the Kap- Mr. V. H. Leah and wife of Porl land
the road last Hiinday, reports that the ti6t t-,l"reh last Saturday evening was Mrs. A C. lieeken, of Chlc ig- ,-uid -M s
railroad folks are contending with a w'" "tletifleil, iintl all that attended L Hu:i' ey o Jolnift nvn weiv In tou i
b'g slide about two miles aud a half "'Hort Iwvlng a good time. Tuesday night on their way to I'pp r
North of West Fork, that Keeps 100 W acknowledge a pleasant call from Sitlii.
men busy to preveut It from covering Mr. Cret, tliis week, of Laoomb. Mr. A. R. Lovell returned from B. n-
the track. There are several acree of Mns. Ansie Winsi.uw, a member , f ton County on Monday, where lie had
earth that are Inclined to slide aud of the Friends church, will occupy thu been finishing up a ranch house f..r
unknown depth. However, there is pulpit at the Cumberland Presbyterian himself and Harvey Lovell. On Sal
not much danger of the trains being church Sunday evening. Mrs. VVins- urday lie will move Mr. H. Lovell ovir
delayed by it, but as 1IK) men is all lhat low Clinics to us under Boodreconiuieii- lJ the ranch.
can be worked at a time, it Is giving dations. JC. E. Thompson, Pastor. There will be an open air meeting i.i
them ""''"'What of u steady Job.- Jo Wassom has begun to operate (he Isabella park on the fifth buiida.,
Ashlaud ridliign. Lebanon Mills and is prepared to do August SO, 11 o'clock A. M. Kvei y
During the past few days a public wheat cleaning and chopping. body luvl.ed. Kuslic seats will be pro-
examination of Linn County public The Lebauan Mills now ready to do vided, and thuee who will can bring
school teachers has been In progress at chopping and cleaning. 1 Jo VV'assoiu lu"eli and have a good time,
the courthouse. Tlie following named 111 charge, . Sale Poutpokuu; The loreelwiirv
persons were granted certillcutes: Mrs. A letter was shown us from K. II '''" lots S ami , block 0, li dston's
W. J. Steel, Mary Porter, Mrs, Ida Denton one of the State Nat'l Organ- '"hlition to Lelaiuoii to satUfy judg
Hwanu, Julia M. Taylor, llwi 13. izere In which he stated he will beat ent .against 8 Wand Mary Moor..,
Moore, Lena, Williamson, Amanila Lacomb on Saturday, Aug. 21, to or- has again been poslp med, to take place
llrandon, W. M. Blown, C. V. Tilton, gaulze a Sub-Alliance, at' 'o'clock Wednesday, Aug ai,, at 1
H. 11. Kldgway, Hva Itassett, M. K. P. M. o'clock 1' n at court house door In A I-
Weavers, Ina Itarclny Laura II. My- Tll,., ftiw Risuniit'TioN', will be b"" : : TT, Sheriff. . " .
era, Cora A. Oarber , Mary Hellinan. (Ueduhjectat the Cumberland Piesbyte The adwtlsement of the Collegia!,,
It. W. few ink, 11. .(.. Jorden, b. . Cluirch Sunday mornlus. livery- Institute or Allamy makes Its Hn,( ap-
Longbottom. . , ' one cordially welcomed. . pea ranee In to-day's issue of ilia lix-
' Mr. (1. V. Wheeler Is erecting a nice ' Hauleiter Is suffering this week "" Tllia is Ici"'"'l! fl't.'..
dwelling house near where ho lives. wltl1 Whuuole on Ills baud. t,atlm"'1 X'Wtltutea of Oregon, and the
He has also opened the street Just east V Messrs. Jf. II. aud M. Burlev, of Sa- l,enl''u I;"'i ought i.o feel locil
of his house which adds much to the le n passed through tuwu Wednesdi.y l" '""'''' to pair,,, z. It In p.vb r.
appearance of things in that locality. J.r the mounudns. f ' e,"l'e " eaJi" 1,1 ''' b ' ' irl
J he City Cnuneil grunted a saloon
Mm. Rev. Whltcomb of Tangent, Is license for the term of one year to . T. L'DtlgjWr, the !to nf the
visiting the family of Mr. S:il-eli in Messrs. Guy & Mayer, at their "regular "Seio Press," oyer t!i- way
our e'.ty this week. uniting histTiiejdny evening. , Thursday.