The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 21, 1891, Image 8

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LetaBon Express.
MAYOR.., ...,.......M. A. MIU.KR.
MARSHAL...... A. W. ORl-lBBS.
CUt Council meet on the first and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
City Ovtllisasiaa, Hss. .
Ait OKOIKAMCEconeeralnc etTanaes and ill
orturlx conduct, ttotatasr what shall const!-
tula the amn, and aravautng for the pun-
SECTION 1: That any perron who shell be
sul Uy of say vtokat. rtatssia or disorderly conduct,
v wrwailaAlus6anyabtiBtve,profase or obtotne
Unii(elnuyilKet,hoaaeerplMe within the
city of Lebaaon whereby the onus or quiet of Ike
e fry U or saav bo disturbed, or ahall he guilty ef
any Indsssmtor imruoralat r prattles ta mi
eKy. dull bn deemed guilty of eifeetemeenor end
uaoo unTtetkn thereof befete the acorder'i
ewm ebell be fmed not lees then t& not satire then
100 or be hnnrtmed In the eity jail not kne then
two daye nor more then fifty deye
SECTION J. Thel eoy person whoahall commit
any aaeaiitl. or assault aodeattery In eny Unset,
houeorelanertlhuiUMeoriorele Ilmlu of the
city of Lebanon ebell noon eenTletton thereof
to the Recerder'a court, be fined not lest then
nor more then 1100, or hnprlaoned In the dry Jell
not leaf then two days nor asere than dfty days or
both at the feeretlon ef the court.
SECTIONS. That any eeraon who ahell draw
nyaeeleeoflrearmi,oranydlrk dantererknln,
or any other deadly or denferau weapon upon
any nenes trlUIn the conmeulimltiof laid city.
ebell he deemed roilty of a mssdttseaaor and on
eeuTtetm theieef befoie the Recorder'! eoort
ahell be awed net lea than tlOwor sun than 1100,
wtmnrknaodlntbe dry (ail not leal than an
days nor atere than ifty eats.
biCTlOIl 4- Xhatataf ecraoo who ebell realet
any pesos oOcer, or who shall refine as assart any
euchotanrin the dtacharte of his duty, er whe
ahall by any mean whatever eld or assist any Par
ana m ousuxly orm a chars efvtolaltoc ef any
city erdlnanoe In bis eudeanr to escape frosa
eucheostodT.wbatber each eocene beefrected or
not, ahal! be dwined (ullry oramtademeanorand
on eonrlcUon Ihereef before the Recorder's eoort
ball be nued not less than $10 nor re ore than 1100,
erunprteenedBBthe etty Jell not leas than five
days nor more than arty deya.
BkXTTIOK 6, No oerson shall ride or ditre any
aunae or horses, auue or mules, or any beast ef
bordea, nor shall any person or corporation, run
or oatjas to be run. anr railroad loromotiv sr car.
wit bin the corporate Units of said city at a Me of
apced greater than ant () miles an hour; and any
person or corporation who shall Tfeiata the pro
visions or this Section shall he deemed guilty of a
mtHiemeeuor and upon conviction thereof before
the Recorder's coon shall be lined not less than
If, nor more than I00, or Imprisoned In the dry
jeiinotleie than two deya nor more than flfty
days. ,
BKCTION 4. Any person wbo shall throw or de
posit on any street, sidewalk, alley, footpath in
the etty of Lebanon, any broken glees, bottler,
crockery. uslltiuouiorotlteriuraMnoewhereby
' t he feet or limbs of hones, pedestrians, or sny beast
ofbnrden may be injured, or throw or deposit or
sweep mto or uion any street, sidewalk, alley or
foot path or asm city sny paper erotber euhstaaee.
except auow or dirt resultin- from travel, er throw
or deposit into or noon any street, alley, sidewalk
or foot path or any vacant tot in said city, any ma
nore or refuse matter of any kind, ahall, upon con-
vtcttou thereof before the hecorder'aeoart be fined
not less than 85 nor more than WW, or Imprisoned
In the city Jail ant teas than two daya nor a
than Ofty days.
CTION !. Thai any peraon who ahall carry
any dearly or dangerous weapon of any kind
whatever in a concealed manner within the cor
porate limits of the dty of Lebanon. sswJL neon
eonvtenfin tnereoi Delete ine Kecuroera court be
flued not less lAsn$aar mote than glen or lm-
prUoned m the city Jsll not less than two days nor
more thsn fifty daya; noviDCD that peace officers
shall be exempt from the prorlsutnor this section.
BKCTION s. That any peraon who shall Ire off
or discharge any ordinary gnu, pistol. Hoe or other
firearm, within the corporate limits of the city of
lsjuanoo or snail ignite, nre or explodo, ar cause
to be igniled, fired or exploded, any Ire crackers.
tombs, torpedoes or other fire or detonating works
01 any description wnatever. ahall, wpon eonvlr
flontrreof before the Recorder's eourt be fined
not k-ss Ihsji t'i uor more than 36, Of imprlsMied
In thedty Jail not less than two daya nor more
than twelve days; raonoto that the Mayor may
permit on national holidays and other fcts-dart,
the discharge of amnon or anvils, drs-eracaen
and fireworks; awl Frovkded further, that the
Mayor or Marshal may permit the firing or guns
lor purposes ueeraea necesasry or expedient.
BH.TION . That any person who shall blow a
pom wnisue, or any whistle the sound of which
reaenbleaapoliot whittle, within the corporate
limits or toe cur or uoaaon, ihsIL upon eonvlo
Ikm thenar before the Recorder's eourt; u fined
not less than ts nor more than , or Imprisoned
. h Jn the clly Jail not lest than two days nor more
than twelve days; nuvinio that a person mav
; blow such whistle when in distress and ueediog
MiejMu oi a policeman,
BamoNW. Thatany person or persons who
.jmaitat jouuo roaming about the streets at nlgbl
after the hour of twelve o'clock at uhrht withuul
having any lawful business upon the streets at
that time, ihall, upon conviction Uiereor before
the Recorder court be lined not lew than 15 nor
more man n; or impriiuoed to the city Jail not
Km iBio usys nor mote man twelve days.
gnrriONIl. Thst ao minor shall be permitted
to go abroad upon ar wander about upon any
street or slier or other public plane in the dty
after the hour uf nine o'clock at night, during the
mvuwsoi mrrsmuer IKCtmber, Jauuerv. Vehni.
ary end March, and after the hour of ten o'clock at
igm outuiK me moniot of April, May. Joks,
July, Aiu.l,Hcmlersod Oewticr. unlessaieb
minor sball have the pennlssiaa of his er her
parent or guaraian. or shall be acoompanied by
auch parent or guardian, or unless such minor
shall have twcriary bullosas urn such at reel
alky ar puUk plau, and any minor who hall vi
oiaretne movklhis of this Section. ahslL umn
esmvlellimllwa'l4ihettect.lel'sctiurt, be
uuau not lata man a nor more than ID. er unn-la.
asifdlii the nty J, il not Ima than two days aor
UtM Ihan tcti ,Uya. . '
SUCTION 11. That any person who shall nut a
bell upon, or permit or allow a bell to be worn by
any animal kept or owned by such person hi the
corporate limits of the city of Lebanon, shall, up
on eonrutlon thereof before the Recorder's court,
be fined not lea than so nor eiorc than tiO, or ha-
prisonsd in Ihe olty Jail not less thsn t wo days nor
mora thau ten days.
SUCTION 13. Thatany person who shall, be
tween the hours of ten o'otook P. M. and five
o'clock A. M. of the following day, make any
noiat or disturbance ao as to disturb the peace or
quiet of ihe occupant or occupants of any dwelling
or place or residence adjacent to where such noise
or disturbance is made, shall, upon conviction
thereof before the Recorder's court be fined not
tew thau ? nor more than 9100, or Imprisoned in
the city Jail not less than two daya nor more than
arty daya
BECnONU. If any person shall exhibit or
cause to be exhibited upon the streets or in any
house or public place within the city Ilmlu, any
crippled, maimed or deformed person or persona,
such peraon, shall, upon conviction thereof before
the Reconler'l court, be fined not less than Kb
nor more than 1100. or imprisoned in the dty Jail
net lam than twelve days nor more than fifty days;
raovtexn that the Recorder by and with the con
ent of the council, may issue license for the pub
lie exhibition of such persons as may be deemed
BKCTION U. Any person who shall hitch ar
fasten any awns, mare, mule or any animal to
sny awuing-port, shade tree, ar to any case or
box smund sny shade tree, iu said city, Ihall, up
on conviction thereof be fort the Recorder's court,
be fined not leas than K nor mors ISO, or Impris
oned in the city Jail not leas than two daya nor
more than twenty -five daya,
BKCTION tf. That no peraon having ar using
anyanimalor anlxaals, unless the same ha at
tuned to a dray, truck or wagon, ahall leave snob
animal or animals standing in any street or alley
or public plsoe in aald dty, without first fiutenlng
the same securely; and no person or persons hav
ing or using any animal or animals attached to a
dray track or wagon, shall leave the same stand
ing In sny auch street, alley or puhlir place with
out first locking the wheels of such dray, truck or
wagon, and fastening the line to the vehicle to
which Mich animal er animals are attached; and
sny person violsling any ef the provision of this
Section ahau, upon essnvteUon thereof before use
Reorder'a court, be punished by s fine of not lam
than aor saeee than 11 CO, or by Imprisonment
in the city Jail not leas than two days nor more
than any days,
SECTION 17. That any psrson who shall haul,
put or place on any of the public grounds of tat
city, any limber, brush, rubbish or refuse matter,
or place any obatrucUoti or material thereon for
any porpose, shall, opon conviction thereof before
the Ueconler's court, be fined not less than tf nor
more than fc, or Imprisoned in the dty Jail not
lew than two days nor more than twelve days:
moviogn the Mayor may permit or grant in writ
ing the privilege to eny person to use such public
ground for storing purposes.
SUCTION 11 If any person, unless sutborised
so to do by the committee on streets and public
property, shall place any obstruction in any street
or alley In said dty, such as fuel, lumbor, or build
ng material, and refuse te more such obstruction
when ordered ao to do by Ihe Marshal, auch person
shalLuponconvietloo tnereor berbre the Record
si's eoort, be punished by a fine or not leas than IS-
nor more than gv, or by imprisonment In thedty
Jail not less than two days nor snore than twenty
fire days; raovmtn, that Ihe person making such
obstruction in such street or alley under the au
thority of the committee oil streets and public
property, where they are likely to endanger Ihe
passage of loot passengen or teams, shall at night
dlace sufficient light thereon to properly point
out the same and goard agaiutt danger,
SECTION It. No person shall suffer to go or
shall lead, drive or ride any borne, mule, or beast
or burden, or any cattle, the property of , or In the
possession of or under the control of auch peraon,
upon any sidewalk within the corporate limits of
said dty, snd any person vIoLsttng the provisions
of this Section shall be punished by a fine, upon
ermrretson ttssreor before lbs Recorder's eourt, of
not tern than 95 nor more than fJS, or imprison
ment in the dty Jail not less than two days nor
more than twelve daya
SECTION 30. All sidewalks and every part
thereof, within the city limits, shall be kept open
and In all respds free from incumbrances or ob
structions of any kind except as herein provided;
and any peraon perm Ittlng.allowlngormalutalulrig
any any incumbrance or obstruction on any such
-ajssswalkor part thereof contrary to the provisions
of this Section, ahsll upon conviction tbeteof be-
fuce'lhe Recorder's court, be punished by a fine or
not less than so nor more than 125, or by Imprison
ment In the dty Jdl mt leas than two daya nor
more than twelve days; ntovtoin, that where any
sidewalk it eight feet wide or wirier, the owner or
occupant of any building adjoining auch sidewalk
auy occupy, for the purpose or advertising hli
trade or business, two rest of such sidewalk ad-
JoinlusT ami nearest to such building, and where
the sidewalk is six feet wide, or lea, the owuer or
occupant of any building adjoining auch sidewalk
may occupy, lot the purpose or advertising hit
trade or business, one end one-half feet or such
sidewalk adjoining mid nearest to such building.
BKCTION 31. Each and every owner or occn.
pent of any bouse within Ihe corporate limits of
mid city shall keep the back yard adjoining such
house free from tilth and garbage of any kind, and
any person violating any ol the provisions of this
section, shall, npon conviction tliercof before the
Ueconler's court be punlalted by a lluu of not less
ihan$5 nor more thanfi2f, or by ImprlMminent in
the dty Jail not loss than five days nor mure
than twelve days; raovtniD that the owner or oc
cupant ora barn or stable may tlmiw upon the lot
the manure aceumtilating in such bam or stale
and which may he desired to use upou such lot as
a fertiliser.
SECTION & Any person who shall stand In or
upon any street, alky or sidewalk wlthlu Ihe cor
porate limits of tile dty of Lebanon In such a man
ner as to obstruct Use travel upon such street, alley
or aidewalk, alter being ttotlfied or commanded by
anypoUreorhcajroriaidcity tomovoon, sliall, up
on couvk-tltm tnereortierore the Ueconler's court
be punished hyaftiieofiiot less than IT, mr more
UuusUO.orbyintprisonmentinlhe.clty Jail not
less then two tlayatmr mora tluuitendeys.
SECTION 23. If any person shall use or cause to
be usul asty uvsn sluxKsr, or euros rags the use of
tlmiNsnse.woUirrtrtintrivwaee or invention need
in shoottrut K throwing besiu, si ones, nebbkM or
dher mbasauoijer things, In or npon any street,
ssdewalk.eommon.alluy or public grmind or place
uitlMtimlinofsalddty, he ar they shall, upon
cotirw-lhmtlsereidlsefon., the Uerorrler's court, be
fined ltd Ism I tat lb nor aura tiun If), orlrn pris
oned In the elty Jail not last than two days nor
SECTION 24. Any jjertun who tliall cut,
spilt or saw attT wood Unn any sidewalk
or crrxuwelk wklilli the corporate limits of
the city, aiinu, upon conviction tnereoi oo
(orethe Recorder's court be punished by a
Ane of not lea than In nor mure than 111), or
hy imprisonment in the city Jail not lean than
two nor more than Ave days, or by both, at
the discretion of (lie court.
SUCTION SfJ. Any person or persons
who ahall within the limits uf the city of
Ulwnon, tTespaM upon, or wantonly or
maliciously duinage any real or personal
property, hloiiriiig to tlio city of Lebanon,
or to any public or private corporation, or
to any individual or individuals or who
shall insult any person upon any street, al
loy, sidewalk or thoroughfare In said city,
hall upon conviction thereof before the Re
corder)! court Isi ll cil not leas than tlvo nor
more than tlftv dollars, or be Imprisoned in
ihe city jail not lean than two nor morn titan
twenty-live days.
SUCTION 26. That any person or par.
no uil.n bull ill SUV atrset. allOV. Or ill
any private or public place in the city of
iienanon, en.iirorropnat.niiy wsm wow.,,
word or wordB, or make in any manner any
obscene word or words, llRure or ligures,
picture sir pictures, upon any building, wall,
fence, walk, or post, or upon any thing
whatever, or who ahall sell or oiler for sale,
as circular, nr lii anv manner disnoae of any
obscene literature, including books, paperal
nsinia nlntiiem. or anv thina of an obscene
or Ttilgar nature, shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, anu upon conviction wiere
of before the Recorder's court, shall be pun
ished by a (Ine of not leas than ten nor more
than one hundred dollars, or he imprisoned
in the city lall not less than live nor more
than flfty daya.
SUCTION 27. Anvpersonnrperaonswho
ahall erect or onablish any oflenalve trade,
manufactory or business ol any kind, or
shall continue the same alter it nas occn es-
lakliahsMl nr ahall neelect to nurifv attV Un-
wholesome privy, which may be on his or
their property, or snun uo any muhk sums i
injurious to the health, or indecent or of
fensive to the senses, or any act which la an
nhstnirtinn to the free use of property, so as
to interfere with the coni'ortablcenjoyment
lift, health nr nmnertv within the limits
ol said eity, shall upon conviction thereof
betore use ttecoroer a court ue nucu ir
than Ave nor more than Ally dollars, or be
imprisoned in the city jail not lea than two
nor more wan iwenty-nve uays.
HRrrriiiKM. Anv neraon or ncmona,
who owning, controlling or being In the
possession of any house or building, or any
room or rooms in anv house or building in
the corporate limits of the city of Lebanon
shall use the same or any part thereof as a
bawdy house, assignation house, or house
of ill lama, or house of prostitution, shall
upon conviction thereof before the Record
er's court, he fined not leas than tmnty dol
lars nor more than one hundred dullare, or
be imprisoned not Ism man ten nor more
than flfty days in the city JaiL A house,
building or room occupied by any woman
or women and which is resorted to by men
or boys promiscuously for the purpose of
soxual intercourse with auch woman or
women, or which is kept by any person or
used for the resort and unlawful commerce
of lewd people of both sexes, whether such
intercourse or commerce ue lor stsmi or nut,
shall be deemed a bawdy house, assignation
house, house of ill fame, or house of prosti
tution within the meaning of this Section.
BKCTION 29. Any person who shall re
side in a hawdv house. assiKitation house,
house uf ill fame, or house ol prostitution us
dclinetl in Section 2ft of this Onlinntice, and
any person wno snun visit or emer into any
such house for the puriose of sexual intercourse-
or eomm Tec with a jrerson of the op
posite sex shall, usin conviction thereof be
fore the Hexrortler's court bo punished hy a
line of not less than 125 nor more than $100,
or by imprisonment in the clly jail not less
than 13 days nor more than SO days.
SUCTION 80. Any person who shall de
mise or lease any house or building, or any
room nr mums 111 nnv house or building.
within the corporate limits of the city, to te
used as a bawdy house, assignation holist ,
tioiite oflll fume or house of prostitution, u
deAneil in Section of this Ordinance, or
any person, who having aemiaca or teasea
anv such house, building, room or rooms,
shall, alter notico that the same are used or
occupied as a cawuv notise, assignation
hniias. hniiso of 111 fame, or house of prosti
tution, fail or refuse to cancel such lease or
contract o( rental and eject the person or
persona occupying such premises for such
purposes aforesaid, thereupon, such person,
shall uimn conviction thereof before ihe Re
amI Must lis, niuiisliMl hv a hue of not
less than 2u nor more than 60, or by In-
pnsonmeni in the city jnii not sees uiun h-u
uor more tnau ineniy-uvu unys.
AUCTION ill. It Is herehv forbidden and
declared anliiwful lor any person, either as
owner or proprietor, manager, employee,
lessee or otherwise, to play, deal, set up,
ouen orenmse to be opened, to carry on or
permit to bo carried on or engage In. or
permit to lie engaged in, III any store, shop,
building or hotel, or any room, para, street,
or public or private yurd or place, within
the roroorntc limits of the city of Istuanon,
guy game of uiro, inimte, roulette, rouge et
notr,, rondo, twenty -one, poker, draw-poker,
bluff, brag, tan, fan fan or tan tun or any
game plavtil with cards or any other dovice,
nr anv ininio of anv kind or nature wnatao-
vr. 'for or with aiiv thing of value, or for
or with any tiling of the representation of
value, whether such game or games or any
of them bo played or dealt, act up, carried
on rsr enirasred in with cards, checks or anv
other device, or in any room, park, street
or in anv public or private place, yarn jrtotj
ml It ahull lie unlawful fur anv rjerson.
within the coniorate limits of the city of
ls3lnon, III any room, nouse or ouuuiiig,
or any public or prlviite place therein to
play or engage in for any thine of value or
any thing the representative of value, or to
net at or upon ony game mm, niouiv,
roulette, niuire et noix. rondo, twenty-one,
Hiker, dratv-imker. bluff, brag, tan tan, fan
ran, or any game played with cards or any
device, or any gurncof any kind or nature
whatsoever; anil any twrsonnr persons vio
latinir anv of the iiTiivisiciiis of this Section,
shall, upon Conviction tliiireuf before the
Recorder's court, be punished by a flue ol
not less than ten dollars nor more titan one
hundred dollars, or by Imprisonment in the
city jail not less than Ave days nor more
man nity tiays.
SECTION 82. It shall be unlawful for
any horse, marc, jack, or Jennet or mule to
run at large within the corporate limits of
the city uf Letsnnon. If any uf the animals
mentioned in this Section be found running
at large within said corporate limits titc
same shall be taken up by the Marshal, or
any person anil aeuvereti us me aiarsnat
who shall keep such animal in a safe and
secure place.
SUCTION 88. tt shall bp the duty of the
Marshal, alter the taking up of any of the
above animals, to immediately isist up no
Ikes in three iniblic pluree In the city lor
Ave stiocesslve days, giving as correct anu
full a daaetintion of such onlmiil at may be.
lulodlng natural and artificial marks nr
brands thereon and its color, size and prob
able age. Said notice shall alto contain the
Uluo, place auu terms, ui sisai so it ui aut-u
Cigars, Tobacco, and
First-Class Goods at Reasonable Price .
Country Produce Taken in Ex
"cliange for Goods,
a r. st -,-rr-r.vsir a .O. -v tt TVI 1 k - a T. V O J 1 TtT.r TTsT1
A Stock ol M-uwuLifisd, ruoio, jjuaivho anu i ivi.nuq.
Knapp, Burrell & Company
On the Pacific Oouast.
Bain Wagons, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows, Deer
InR Binders and Mowers, Lightning Hay Press, Etc,
Fine Buggies, Racine Hacks, Road tots, Wagons
Anil Volilcli's nf Every
Call and Examine Their Stock. Orders by Mall or Telegraph ;
Promptly Amended To.
F.Jl ROSCOE, Manager.
animal if not claimed as hcrcliuiflOT provid
ed, but such sale ahull not take placu within
lass than six days from the date ol posting
such notice.
BECTION St. If previous to the sale pro
vided for in Hvction 33 of this Ordinance,
the owuer shall claim and prove the animal
so taken up antl advertised, as his property,
he shall l entitled to the same Un pay.
ins; to the Marshal Ihecliariresiinil expenses
thereon, which shall boonedollnrlor taking
up each animal, anil seventy-rive cents per
day for keepiuif the same and his fees for
ixiatiim the notice provided lor in (Section 93
SECTION 56. If the animal or animals
so taken up rctniiin unclaimed previous to
the sale thereof, or If the owner thereof fail
or refuse to pay li, the Marshal the characs
auainst the same as provided in Hectlon 34 of
tliis ordinance, the Sliinlial shall then pro
ceed to sell such animal or animals at pub
Ik auction to the highest bidder for cash in
hand on the day uf sale, at the time and
place sw2i'i!ied in such notice, and after de
ducting his kiral fees and all costs and ex
penses of taking up, neeping and selling the
same, shal I iy the remainder of the proceeds
of such sale into the city treasury.
HKi.TION 86. If the owner ofanyanimal
sold under the provisions of this Ordinance,
sliall at any time within six months from
the date oisucli sale, make proof of his own
ership thereof to the satisfaction of the com
mon council of the city he shall be entitled
ta receive the net proceeds of such sale or
deposit in the city treasury; but if no such
proof be made within six months from the
date ol such sale, such proceeds ahall be the
property of the city of Lebanon,
BKCTION .17. It Is hereby declared to be
unlawful for any person or persons to cast,
throw or deposit, or sufler, permit or allow
to be cast, thrown, or deroslted In or upon
any street, alley or any public pliu within
the corporate limits ol the city of Ubnnon,
any manure, flith or ofl'al of any kind what
soever, except dust or snow which may have
accumulated upon the sidewalks; and any
lieraon vlolaling any of this Section, shall,
upon conviction Ihcreof before the Record
er's court, be punished hy a line ol not less
than live dollars nor more than fifty dollars,
or by imprisonment In the city jail not less
than two days nor more than twenty-live
days; fboviiied, thatany person who has a
stable or barn adincenl to any alley, muy
build along thu side of such stable or barn a
plunk box nf good sound und siillkiently
strong lumber, extending into such alley
from said stable or bam not more than
three feet, and along the side of said stable
or barn not loss than six feet, and at least
four feet high, into which such person may
throw the manure from such stable or barn,
hut such person must remove the manure
from such box before the same becomes so
full as that It will fall therefrom into the
alley, and keep the same In such a condition
that no manure shall escape therefrom into
or upon such alley.
HKtJTION 38. Any person, who, being
the ownT, or having the possession or con
trol of any house, building or room within
the corporate limits of thecity, shall permit,
sulfer or allow the same or any part thereof
to be kept or used, or ahull keep or use the
aume for the puriose of smoking opium, or
as a pluco of resort where cither males or fe
males, adults or minors are permitted to
ami do go and indulge in the smoking of
opium in any tortu or manner, shall, upon
conviction thereof before the Ueconler's
court, be Hind not less than 120 nor more
than liuo, or be Iuipriionl In the city jail
not less than ton daya uor wore than nlty
IX'surlptlwi, l)urb
stiMrruiN un v..h i
be conclusive taken and deemed to lie u
deadly weapon within the inuuning of the
provisions ol'Bectlotis and 7 of this Ordi
nance, to-wlt: Any pistol, whether loaded
or not. any dirk, dagger, howk-ktiifc, slung
shot, brass or lion knuckles, and any ami
all othor weapons which the evidence maw
snow to de dangerous to life or limb sliall l
considered and deemed to be dangerous)
weapons within the meaning oi said rkciiotta
8 and 7 liereol.
BECTION 40. Anvpersonorpersoiiswlits
may be found loitering about the streets, or
begging, and who Iras no visible means uf
stipiwrt, shall be deemed a vagrant, and up
on conviction thereof before thu Keeordef
court, shall be punished by a flue of not
more than U, or by Imprisonment in Ilia
city Jail not more than tun days.
SECTION 41. No person ahull ride a by.
-cycle or tricycle on any sidewalk in the city
o Lebanon eaoviau,that this Section sball
not apply to any cripple who ahull use audi
vehicle lor titc purpose ol truvol. Any ner
aon yiolutmg the provisions of this Section
shall UjHin conviction therefor betore the
Recorder's court be punished by a line of
not less than 6 nor more than 150, or by
imprisonment in tlio city jail not more thai,
twenty-live duys.
BECTION 42. Any person who shall he
in or upon any of the streets or alleys or
sidewalks ol sutd city in an intoxicated con.
dittoti arising flora the drinking of spiritu
ous, malt or vinous liquors shall be punish,
en therefor upon conviction of such ollense
before the i Recorder's court by a fine of not
lets than 5 nor more than k or by ini
prisonuieut In the city Jail nut more that,
twenty-live days,
SECTION 48. In all cases of conviction
for any of the ollensee mentioned in this
l)rd nunce, the court shall adjudge the of
fendortopay the cuts f uui prosecution
and in delault ol the payment of the line
and costs adjudged, commit the ottbtitlcr to
the city jail at the rate of one day lor eseh
two dollars of such line; ruoviuin, that
such mpnsonment ahull In no cuse exi ted
tilty days; and it shall be the further duty
01 the court when any one is committed Us
the city Jail by its Judgoinom lor uny nlteiiae
mentioned in lis liniininu'.. ... i'.. ' .
order to the Marshal requiring hitu to work
such pnsnnor on the streets oi the eitv or
upon any city work necessary to be done
during the term of his imprisonment. 1
BKCnOK 44. If any prisoner, during the
term of his imprisonment, sliall refuse tn
work when so ordered, he shall be sectiietl.
by a bull and chain and given only bread
and water to cut during the time lie so re
fuaos to work. . . T
SECTION 46. All Ordinances and parts
of Ordinances in ion II let hfteivlih are hi'ieoy
SECTION 40. This Ordinance shall go
inioeilect now aud ituer Us approval by the
Mayor, f " ,
Approved this, the 18th., day of Aug. 1801
M. A. MUXKll,
Atttst M(1yor.
GEO. W. KICK, Recorder.
The fair sex Is wanted, to lake notice
of the Downs. Pulent Bclf-Adjust-ing
Cornels, in lilnck or drab. Price
M 25 to fl60 . Find thetu at Btsker'n,
The One Price Cub Store