The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 21, 1891, Image 7

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A llennii or Mm Condition or Iti Dlr
' femit Ilfiimrtiiituita.
A good (lertmnd wan felt In the fruit
line, mid proiluws whs hIbo in demand.
Watorniuloni are very plentiful. Re
ceipts of peaches were light. Blackber
ries are still In good demand, and are
arriving in somewhat batter condition.
The market for vegetables Is well sun
plied, and prices remain firm under a
good demand.
rriMluoo, Fruit, Ktn. .
Whbat Valley, 1.42$ ; Walla Walla.
' fl.31!i, percental.
f 1.0UH Standard, (4.86 ; Walla Walla,
4.(10 per barrel.
Oats-OW, SCKSSa's'c; new, 42e per
Millstukks Bran, $222." ; shorts,
nuiiiiiiai, ffjifo; grounu oariey. f vtg
112; chop feed, JiBwSl per ton: barley,
l.2irl 26 ner cental.
Biittkk Oregon fancy creamery, 80
S2cj fancy dairy, Sllcj fair to good, 26
(27Hc ! common, 1622)4C ; California,
yi'U.fii VAix nor nmirt1
Ciikhhb Oregon, 1212)c; &tlilor
nia, 12c per pound.
fioos Oregon, liUfif 22'c per down.
1'omntY old chickens, fH.M)(rB.S0 ;
young chickens, 2.6ll(o 4.1HJ ; ducks, 4
li ; geese, nominal, fH per dozen ; turkeys,
liic per pound.
Vkuktahlrh Cabbage, $1.00 per
cental: cauliflower, l(o I 25 ner dozen:
Onions, 1 '4c per pound ; beets, 1 .26 per
saca ; turnips, i.uu per saca ; new pota
toes, oOtaililfc per cental ; tomatoes, 76c
$1 per box; lettuce, 12(,o per dozen;
green peas, 3(4c per pound; string
beans, SiiiHc per pound ; rhubarb, 8c per
pound ; artichokes, 40c per dozen ; cu
cnmhers, 10c per dozen ; carrots, $1(0)1.25
)wr sack ; corn, 20c per dozen ; sweet pota
toes, 8liK4' per pound.
F'hmth Uiversideoranges,$2.50(ii'3.50 ;
Sicily lemons, ."(; California,
per box ; apples, 7iic(n $1.26 per box ; ba
nanas, U0(n4 a bunch ; pineapples, $6
(7 pordoz ; cherries, tl.lOfti 1,26 per box ;
currants, tk' per pound ; apricots, $1 per
box; raspberries, $7('Hc per pound;
peaches, Alexander, 76(rflt)c per Ihjx;
California Crawford1, $lwl,26; black ber
ries, 6m7r. per pound; plums, 2l((f(Klc per
box ; atermelons, fli.ullui 4.0(1 per dozen ;
cantaloupes, fl.75Gt2.25 per dozen, $2.50
M.OO per crate ; grnpes, Sweetwater, 90c
Ml ierhox,1.10io:1.26percrate; black,
2.60 per crate; pears, $1.25; llartlett,
$1.75 per Ihjx.
Minv California walnuts,ll'!.12lt,c)
hickory, 0,c; Brazils, lOfrllc; al
monds, iu18a; tillwrts, Ulfi'Hc; pine
nuts, n&iBc; pecans, 17(18c; cocoa
nuts, He; hazel, He; peanutB, 8c per
Ntuple flrnnerlfls,
Cnrrm Costa Rica, 21,'ui", Rio, 2!lc;
Mocha, Ullc; Java, 25k,c; Arlmckle's,
lllO-pouiul cases, 20'c per pound.
Hikiau Uoldon C, 49,1! ; extra 0, 4Tc ;
granulated, 5,V ; cube crushed and pow
dered, u4c; coniectioners' A, oe per
Bbanh Small white, 8?4'ci pink, 8l4'
(S a'c; bayos, 4it; butter, 4c; limas,
4 'i (afic per pound.
Hiinkv 182tlc per pound.
Salt .Liverpool, $lti,$Hl.oll(S 17 ; stock,
$11(ii'12 per ton in carload lots.
Cannkd tioons Table fruits, $1.(15,
2'sSI peaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears,
$1.86 ; plunis,$1.37 ; 8trawbcrries,$2.2() ;
cherries, $2.uOftf2.W); blackberries, $1.00;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.60( 8;
apricots, 76c. Vegetables: Corn, $1.86(s
1.(15, according to quality; tomatoes,
$1.10(n;8.25; sugar peas, $1,25; string
beans, $1.10 per dozen. 1'ie fruit: As
sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.(16; plums,
$1.25; blackberries, $105 per dozen.
Fish: Sardines, H5c(if 1.06; lobsters, $2.30
df 8.50; oysters, $1.50(53.25 per dozen.
Salmon, standard No. 1, $l,2o(n'1.50 per
case; No. 2, $2.55.' Condensed milk:
Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High
land, jli.75; Champion, $0; Monroe,
$t.75 per case.
Hvki'1' Eastern, in barrels, 47(S'55c;
half-barrels, 50fn5Mc in cases, 66rOc
per gallon; $2.2i)(r2.r0 per keg. Cali
fornia, in barrels, Site per gallon; $1,75
per keg,
Dmrni Fbuits Italian prunes, 10..;(S
12c; I'etite and (.ionium, 10c per pound ;
raisins, $1.75(f,2.26 per box; pluinmer
dried pears, lofn llc; gun-dried and fac
tory plums, 1Ko12c ; evaiorated peaches,
)8:2ilc; Smyrna llgs, 20c; California,
figs, Be per pound.
Kick $6.26 per cental.
The Meat MarkAt. 1
Bum' Live, 3c; dressed, 6(S0ti. ' s
Mutton Live, sheared, SgS'jC;
dressed, 7c. : . ,
Hous Live, Oc ; dressed, 8(icDo.
Smokru Mkatb Eastern ham, lSSj
Viie; other varieties, 10W12c; breakfast
bacon, 12!L.(dl8c; smoked bacon, 10
11 ''ie per pound.
Lard Coin)ound, 9XUc; pure,
lS12jj$Ci Oregon, lO&jiac per
Column, of Very Useful
:'" Information.
People Who Are Subject to Giddiness
or Faintness Should Not
' ' Bathe Eto.
In choosing meat selent that of a fine,
smooth grain and of a bright-red color
and white fat.
If pork is young, the lean will break
on being pitched ; the fat will be white,
soft and pulpy.
Delicate-colored silks should never be
laid away in white paper, as the chloride
of lime used in bleaching the paper often
draws out the color.
1'eople who are subject to attacks of
giddiness or faintness, and those who
suffer from palpitation and other sense
of discomfort at the heart, should not
llitB of soap which are too small to be
need shonld be carefully laid aside for
laundry days, when they can be melted
up to add to the wash boiler instead of
scraping up a new bar of soap,
Butter in small quantities may lie
made bv StirrlnO tliA fraam in a larl .
and tliis is done every day by some good
uuuneKeepers, wno preier nutter made of
sweet cream and are willing to perform
this extra labor that they may have it
fresh daily.
When decanters and enrAfau hpunma mn
discolored inside that shot or fine coals
will not cleanse them, till the bottle with
flnelv chopped potato skins, cork tightly
and let the bottle stand for three days,
when the skins will ferment. Turn nut
and rinse. The bottle will be as briirht
mm ciohu us wnen new.
When von feel the nri.-kincr nnln n
the eyelid that announces the coming of
u oiy, use as an application very strong
black tea, or simply the tea leaves moiB-
lenea witu a little water, put in a small
bag of muslin and laid over the eyelid.
Moisten again ne it dries. This, if UBed
before the stv eets well nnrler U'hv will
generally drive it away.
Opening the window in front of a stove
win stop a smoking chimney. The smok
ing is sometimes caused bv an inanfli-
cient supply of any Oftentimes simplv
fanning the fire vigorously will stoD the
smoking. Nothing is more annoving
than a smoking chimney. Two openings
mi uie Bame Hue will cause this trouble;
therefore, it is necessary to make sep
arate flues for every fire. A tree above
the chimney may "stop the draft; this
can lie remedied only by cutting down
Lite iree.
Iuarit uf Vuderreedhir.
Underfeedinir ruins more live stok in
the West thoh overfeeding. Grave as
iB the objection to pampered breeding
animals, yet where there is one beast
ruined by an excess of heating food there
area dozen well-bred ones suffered to
lapse into a state of hopeless degeneracy
by a failure in the case of young stock to
keep them growing or bv neulectinir to
provide a sufficient ration to support
u.ucituig nuiiuaia aanlllHl Uie UtXCS 01
nature. Feed the yonnsters generously
on proper food Btuffs, and when they are
matured, if of the right stomp, thev will
iiui require exiva care, rrol Sanborn
argues that there in even more in feed
than in breed, and the facts are not nil
against him. Whatever is worth keeo-
..11 i . . . r
.it n ii in tue way 01 larin stoca is
worth keeping well.
' Should any one ask your opinion about
the Histogenetic system of medicine, Juxt
onswer boldly that it Is no good. Should
he usk you the reason why it is no good,
tell himJust bemuse. If this answer docs
not confound him by its profundity and he
still persists, tell him that It is a new-fan
gled idea. This will probably prove effei t
Ive, as It bankrupted the first iron plow es
tablishment. Should you fail in that, too,
don't give up, but Insist with the powerful
argument that your grandmother never
heard of it; that you can't see howmer
oury, arsenic, strychnine, etc.. can h im.
proved upon, and that the old schools of
memcine must necessarily have exhausted
all the stock of wisdom, and that there oan-
noi nosnniy ne anything left to learn. And
if all your powerful arguments hai fnilod
to convince him of the reasonableness of
your position you have still one Parthian
shot tell him that you are simply aston-
mud , mum yvu uiouuTii mm an intelligent
man I , . .,
And Btill there are men and vnmon.ijw
upon whom such arguments have no ef-
inci, nut iney are thinking people who are
willing to investigate before they form an
WoJAVtt. Kern flnnnlv. f!nl
Dr. J. Eiutmr. .Iimlnn f&atll Wn.k rw.t.
Sik: 1 am glad to tell you that mv wife
still continues to improve. Looks like a
Hillaw... -.a .1 .
cnuu, own uirariiiK up; eves
look brighter, and is feeling better gener
ally; no pain in stomach, and has good ap
petite. We feel glad that we have found
some one who can do her rood, and you
will have other patients from" this section.
Very respectfully, Joseph Rowan.,
Dr. Jordan's office is at the residence of
ei- mayor lesier, iiura and James.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute
ly frm. :
Send for free book explaining the Histo
genetic system.
Cactiok. The Histogmetic Medicines
are sold in but one agency in each town.
The ialiel around the bottle bears the fol
lowing Inscription: "ftr. J. Kngene Jor
dan, HistOKcnetic Medicine." Every other
device is a fraud.
The world ntres all a living, vet no mm onti
colleel the dt'lit iinluw he iulln off his coat and
taki'Ktt (mm the world's hide.
Hides, Wool and Hois.
Hmas Dry hides, selected prime, 85j.'
('ft)c; leBs for culls; green, selected,
over 65 pounds, 4c ; under 66 pounds, 3c ;
sheep pelts, short wool, SlXmfiOc; me
dium, (IO(S!80o; long, lHlc(& $1. 26 : shear
lings, 10(20c; tallow, good to choice, 3
(3,!c per pound.
Wool YVillamette Valley, V(We;
Eastern Oregon, 10Ul)gc per pound,
according to conditions and shrinkage.
Hoi's Nominal ; 20c per pound.
Miss Gaswell Pop, did you see the
Prince o' Wales while you was in Eu
rope, BD' did ye tulk with him?
Pop-I saw 'hp, but the orowd waa
so big ho didn't see mo. Deiuarest's.
It is stated that the lnuskmt is en
abled to travol under the Ice of a frown
river or lake for u considerable distance
by respiring nguhmt the ioe roof, where
the bubbles of gas collect, and gutting
a tresh supply of oxygen,
Treatment of Butter.
Acliurner in Hmat Lije holds that
granulated butter can be washed and
cooled to a better advantage if the water
Is allowed to percolate through the mass
of butter while the churn is at rest. To
revolve it, he holds, has the tendency to
mass the granules ere the chilling effect
of the water has taken away some of the
adhesive nature of the globules.
We think he is sonnd up to a certain
point ; that is, practice his method until
he is sure the whole mass is cold enough
to keep it in granules then they call be
washed thoroughly without adhering to
each other. After so nuicli is secured
the right temperature to pack can be ob
tained by using water warm enough to
raise the mass in a few minutes to about
60 in summer and 00 in winter,
Work for Kalny Mays,
It is so often necessary to work over
hours in pleasant weather that when a
rainy day comes in summer the farmer
may profitably devote it partly to intel
lectual improvement. He can at least
then take time to estimate carefully what
needs to be done and plan as to the best
wav of doing it. This will remiirp sl.nHv
and prove the best poBBible intellectual
exercise, it at least requires as much
executive ability to keep everything on
it large farm in order and working'
smoothly as it does to manage a lnanu-
lacturing or commercial business.
Comiiellliiv Stuflk to Kat Food.
Animals can possibly be wintered or
kept at other seasonB on food that con
tains barely enough nutrition to sustain
life. But whenever thiB is the fact no
profit need be expected from stock thus
ieu, ah tue auvuntage to Uie larmer
from feeding stock ,eomes from feeding
more than iB needed for barelv retaining
the same condition. There must be in
crease either of tlesh, milk or wool be
fore there can be any profit, and this re
quires generally good feeding.
Cuai: fob Oouhh ob Cold. As soon as
there is the slightest uneasiness of the'
ohest, with difficulty of breathing, or indi
cation of cough, take during the day a few
"Jinntm'iiJiroiickial Troche. Mi oents a box.
By lorsl sppllimtlnm, ss they Mnnot reach the
(JiwHseil ,ortloit of the ear. There Is only one
) m euro nearness, ami tliul is Ov cnnatltu
tmiial remedies. Ileal'iiesn Is caused bv an 111
named enmlitton of the mucous lluluir at the
Iwistiiehlan 1 aba. When Ihla tube neuiiiflauied
you have a rumbling snumt or Iniiierfert hear
ing, and when it Is entirely closed, liealness Is
ivsiiii, iniii unless me lunannnatlnii can be
tiikeii out ami thia tube restored to its normal
"iiiiiiiiiui, Hearing will be destroyed lurever;
nine eases out of ten are caused bv e.iturrh.
ivhlch Is nothing but an Inflamed couutllon ol
the mucous kitrfnca
We will give Due Hundred Dollars to:- any caso
of Deafness (caused by camrrh) that we cannot
,' o uy wining nan s i;aiarrn i:ure. send (or
circulars, free. F. J. CHEXEV 4 CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists; 75 cents. .
Good laws are of little avail when bad men
are depended upon to enforce them.
There (a millions of money in and around New
1 ork City seeking investment. If you have a
farm, ranch, mine, we can probablv sell it for
you. if yon have a mercantile business for sale,
or If you want a partner with capital for any
legitimate business, we can help vou. Address
J. A. CliAKCli ii CO., Broadway, Xew York.
MercbaxtHoiki,, Third and D streets,
Portland, Or. First-class accommodations.
Rates, $1 to1.50 per day. Jacob Hass, prop.
Dk Eaamellne Stove Polish; no Unit, no smelt
Tby Gkrma for breakfast.
How it 'OToxOx.t. -
Ur.6 Orleans St., .
Bo'.to.,5M..Fob.26, 'HO.
1 was confined to the
house two weeks with
liimbaao.hiitst. Jacobs
Oil cured mo j no re
turn. Mm.a.Goetze.
Fencrsvlllc, SIo., Fob. 7, MM.
"St. Jacobs Oil Is without a pe r for pains,
bruises, aches, Ac" Bey. T. O. Hawkins,
; : '- Pastor Baptist Churcll.
Clnclhnati, Ohio, April 1, 1891).
I suffered with a sprained ankle which
swelled verf much: Found great relief In use
of St. Jacobs Oil and swtllii.s disappeared.
' K Mollis Hicks.
The Great Remedy For Pain,
BllFtrlHr Whtit would rmi khv If !w tt. 1,1 ai..
vuurhi'iid oft' fur nit telHiiK where your inoimy
j ; mr. junt;r ioi u worn, eir, uot a word.
We ponltlvely enre rnptHre and all rectal dig-
eaueB wuiiont pain or aeteunoo from buuHeuii,
Nooure, no pay; aud no pav until cured. Ad
drt!H for jmmphlet Dm. Porterlield b Louey, 888
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
. Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work.
"I have been a treat
sufferer from Asth
ma and severe Colds
every Winter, and last Fall my
tnends as well as myself thoueht
because of my feeble condition, and
great distress from constant cough
ing, and inability to raise any of the
accumulated matter from my lungs,
that my time was close at hand.
When nearly worn out for want of
sleep and rest, a friend recommend
ed me to try thy valuable medicine,
JJoschees German
Syrup. I am con
fident it saved my
life. Alinost'thefirst
dose gave me great
relief and a eentle re
freshing sleep, such as I had not had
for weeks. My cough began immedi
ately to loosen and pass away, and
I found myself rapidly gaining in
health aud weight. I am pleased
to iuform thee unsolicited that I
am in excellent health and do cer
tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's
German Syrup. C. B. Sticknby,
Picton, Ontario." .
sill I ILI Lll We want the nuineand stl
drcssofevcrysoflererinthe Si A QT U lyi R U.S. and Canada. Address.
(X HO I nSHsH P.HutHBM.s.D.BuWo.H.r.
Both thn metlin1 .) .,li I...
, - " ",J'A I""", n Uvll
Syrup of i ICS 18 taken! it is nlcnann
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
iches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
uuismu. nr. row, .r.
Portland, Oreifou. A. P. Annrtronjr, Prin.
Braiich tk-hwtl : Capitai. Bub. Collh.e, gRlem. Ureiron.
Same courses of ututiy, same rates of Uiltion,
liusiness. Shorthand,
TyfinnrtUng, Penmanship, and English Depart ntrnit
ttg-ln m-mion thimiifhom thv vear. SfudfiitP admit
ted M any time. Catalogue from either niiool, free.
Our t)1mi Of rlollitr hliHlnAu B tn noU
on theeitmebflHi; If hk rmn buys wloiufH
""ier MiiKie.ju'mH, 01 oounse, tho lurne
buyer naves in the coTf-iiirniiil(f( but we limke
theBmeper eenl.of imflir.n 011 the one who
Hppi8a sinRle lolla,rwitU ub.- Both are our
11 iviriiD flliu CUIIHIM.U eivt'tlljt.'.
Why Phould small buyers be rhnrpnd more'
than orsanizfltioiiB, aM-irttioiii!, KJOUibltiHtioim
jJJJ Kgregation of CMiiital exeept h to quan-
Ami thotie who look out for vour intereBts In
mniill or urest matlew, and vou will profit bv It.
Afk for our list of 10,000 articles nt wholestile
prifleB (fn-e). SMITH'S CASH STORE, 416-418
Front Sfrett. $n Francisco, Cal.
Season Opens for Tront April 1st.
3 Flnt Street, Portland, Or.,
Bead for new illustrated cauloga.
Beautiful ami healthrul tte near the oitv. ExpeiweH
as reasonable as any oilier tntjiituilon of teariilniruu
the Coaxi. .'iBMHical, Literai-y- Brieutlflu, Tlieoiog
lciil. PFt imralory. Normal and Businetis l oursca
Slndentfiof all unules reoelvHt. t'arefn! overHlgiit
aiiiUlim'Mo!iKivHitoallttnlent8. Ladi boHi'flliiK
hall under espt'iieiiceo: suwrvwloti. Profr-ssocK lit
pxellfiit wntilitrship and miieh e.xpcrifnce cin
pliiyncl. For inionnHtlon adtlieiiw V. O. Kl'HA'fTON
1. 1)., PreHldeiU.or THOU., VA XKi W. h. ii., JJeaii
of Oolli-t', Porilaud L'nlveriiUv, Portland, Or,
Portland, Oregon.
A Board in r and School for Olrla-
founded JKHfl; the Hi;ht Kv. it.
W lotar Morrl, l. b Keetor.
Thorough inaiructlon; a lar and eareftillv se
ecied yorps oi teudiera ; si uckuta prepared for col
lejp1: uewanOelKunt hnildliiB in the most eom
niaiidiiiK huiI heamiliil par! yf aw citv. For cata
'K'les a'IdreHsihHM iSKS li- lUNE V. .
Lower than any hnnse Esst or West. Write for
rtlscouiiui All latest sljies of Type and Print'
Cor. Alder aud Front St., Portlaud, Or.
flFor 10&T or FAILING MANH00O
JJof Krronor Kiuhih inninJ Vnnn.
Rubait, Noltle MANHOOD foil; Hetiorrd. Hon to evlm 4
fiiradKlbfnttftAK, I'NUKTKiXll'KDOHliAXSJi PAitTSOFfiODTi
IbulnlelT anftlllnj HII1K TUBi'flKNT-Bf.fei, lo dir.
ea ttillfr sVutn fit) 8U( urt Frl(ti CoontrlM. Yftil tbtm.
Bettiilht Bnuh, fiplBaaUtiaanri'brocfkuillrdfiMlMlirriis
t'aber's Golden Female Pills.,
- For Female Irrepilr
1 ties: DothlnirHke them
on the maritet. Nevet
fail BtiocesifDllvusei
oy prominent UMm
monthly. tiiiainteed
to relieve Buppresied
Don't be humbninreit
Save Time, Health,
andmoney;ukenooth .
Sent to anv addreM,
iecure by mail on re
ceiptofprioe,(2,oo. .
Western Bnuch. ox,rOKlXANU, on
told hw Wtsnoir 1 lana no,. PnrrlaM o.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
. JnrDlel not M 1
MUM aravwi
leadtntr reined? for &11 tha
I unnatural dlBTbsrgei and
privatedineuesOf men. A
certain cure for the deblli
tatlny weakuew peculiat
lfi! anil hw lnruoski,U..4(u1ta
I THEtvH8CnEHl',lt(lo. In recommending it W .
t GriCIHNMI,0.W.i'iJB u Bimerera.
Bom v iirnviruif
B HOOK I, Y ft HOT;i,.Biwh St., bet. Mont.
Bmery t Hwtome, B. F.; couduoted or both the
Kuiope&n and American plan. This Hotol U under
the management of lUiarlea Montgomery tni it the
bMt Fuunlj and BialiieBa Meu'i Hotel in San Fran
dBOti, Hooia oomforta, oiiliilne nnexct'lled, flrsUlaw
wjjvioe, hltfheet eundara of respoottthllity luaranteud.
Board aud room uer d&v. 21 afi tn 9 itfi- Jnolo m
not u.
Pree ooacb h and from the
Roche Harbor lime. Portland Cemant. Ool
den Gate and Utah Plaster. Hair, Fire Brick
and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER.
60 North Front htreet, Cor. D,
STEIN WAY, Gsbler and Pease Pluoa
Ueaiiloi the BT Ptiso Hade, and the faTerlu
eheaper Piauas: all' Musical Ijitriuuer.t; BanoaSuii.
SOU aud m P.t Street; Mmtmm OniS flo. oil
aud see our nttn ronms aud new .fen-h
Firearms, Bicycles and Sporting Goods,
1(18 Second Street, Near Morrison, Portland, Or.
ueBtuotum Medicine. Ker-iiniipnHJ he PhVD;..;ana
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. BjrdruRKists.