The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 07, 1891, Lebanon Express-Supplement, Image 9

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    FKIDAY, AUGUST 7 1891,
Butioaw minimi, ai tuis piace last itan- ping av me m. i; nanus, exchanged
balh..........Kodaville mm two prayer a ample of empty bottled for a
meetings; Hunday and Thursday even- lmvi!,'r 'pnlhir ; rf ,;i
Iiikb respectively A. P. Flory b'mt ui r fl collar and tic. If said .
has been hauling luinlier from the ror;svill horn blower will do
Mr Thog.Prico to wh m the con- midm ii.i.ic kw. ; sale r ,,,, i.,h.,B,(I1 rr1I ,rty,
tract for the ditch work : ' -
was awarded is a gentleman of S" , ,,,,, H, ,. The bouse and two lots of Mr. S.
. .considerable experience , in that tl.m U . 8 T W. -Moore, well situated in this .:
line, we are informed, Lost year Prof liaraee's new cottage Is almost c'ty, 'H be sold ot Sheriffs' sale
he had a contract on the Union flllil- for cash in hand, at tke court howe,
Pacific By. between Portland and t'fit. X" '"Hli Tv f"'k''' dm,r in Albany, on Tliuralav at
Seattle. His former home was w" P- UA,im,
Lincoln Jiobraska, where be has Thus Met'uelock is now completed. It This property should sell well,
long been engaged in railroad wark "ice one. The good, are now be lug ,
He was in to see us and states P'""''-""I" and, will soon be ihos. I rice, the ditch contractor,,
that he wants the mod will nf r,'!i,f yt"' 1,18 wsnts UO teams at the upper end of
inatne wants the good will of the The ter line from godaville to the ditch earlv Mnnd-iv mmi.
people xi Lebanon and expects Lebanon will l,e built in the very nar I", e'l J 1 ",olnlg
when his labors are closed to go (ton . . . to begin work. U00 per day for
away no less thought of than an Boduvllleis full of people now who tu"ns ''-a per day . for men,
honest capablo man ought to be. h " ieioy the sparkling bev- prompt pay. , 1 he wages are eon-
Hesays he will prefer Lebanon "Zn'"V, a nota'ud neoole were "dc -quired is a
people and ptople living along the MmA J '''d't " r ' f""0',
ditch in hiring hands. , UM. These springs are fimtcoming to men,and, ma. "vl"8 on !"' of
. the front as a watering nlace. canal preferred.
Mrs, L. Folev returned home The public school will commence dr. no i r
Monday from a week's visit at the about Hept. Hth with Louis ISaruee as o.00 per day for teams, U.5
sea-side teacher again. per day for laborers paid bv Thou.
" - , "'"'"wT .y.11"41 ,")' been I'we, ditch contractor. Kcp,.rt at
Mr. Owen South, we are glad to ''l"'" ,luri" tht' """ upper end of canal next Mondav.
say.isconvaloscent. J C Kobernon, of Turnw Is hauling w., ,,,, .
- lumber for his new house. b V e are informed thirt some mem
: , ' - A little over loo persons attended the hem of the Brownsville band stop
City Counoll Prooeecllnga. Bahbath school, at this place last Hal ping at the St. Charles, exchanged
. , , nam..... nonavuie
l lie ciuzons committee on mo
tor line was present and tho ohair-
ii... t.Lfi.i...:i: has tieen hau llnir
r . ,. , Jeiinlng's mill to Lcuaiion lor neveral the right thing now he will return
""" "'rom weeks, but will soon emmem-c haul- collar and tic to (J. L. A of Euiicne
Lebanon to Bodaville and the coun- lug for his house which he will build AHvin
cil a"ked that the motor line com- ' " Hill adIIMii A larce : ,
pany make their statement in writ- P"l'' i 'be school m At tdrawl.iBatMe,arvej'sp,,lIery
ngindthey won.d act upon i, 31, SX
Tho council generally seemed in Dr. J. L. Hill of Albany i frenuent ' m 1
favor of the motor line. caller at our city which moan motor MwrveJ piopoes to coniinue
City ordinuco No. 2 relating to ' :--"V"A m:w chuH. will be l.uilt " popular method of advertising,
the abatement of public nuisances, I ,'n' J), 'VrS cou""rf'8 ''"I'i'"y " ,k'k"
published elsewhere was passed !u- WVH L t beuV Jmnnod"'"' lie d,K, fl,M class work.
lianiinously Preaching at I he Presbyt rian church
. The propriety of having a night tut F,'""1( 1J"rk'r "f cbima, 'de next ,,bl,aih, 11 a. ni and 8 p. ,. by
watch..' a wa5 discussed, but it "7"ta' !" -t Ujb Z
wasdecided to have none at present. fr"", ,,ftl"-"""' ftt " nl.hZ.'- ffiigMrte. n!
Bam! M.' Garland was elected height VMf 25(10 fecit, he cut nature aud ilisii. Sabbath school
citv attorney loose fulling about ir() feet before the 10 a.m. Hoeicty of Christian Eiuieav.
' In the nmVlnr of uniiitinff rnn Pruohute op.sned, and his deoeilt was ! Hun.iiiy instead of Monday
ci ft 3K: -p" - ' nc con- 8t:TrM rc'' y "1V u'i
cided to consider the Kolev hrono. of ll ''Iniosphem. The hal- R?;-(;.A.ldrldgo will preach ill
The position oi tl,e Expk.s -r ,Mr. Follis snd wife have moved
on the publication of the city ordi- OVBr a tei,.grapli wire just before to Mt. Tabor, Oregon,
nances was accepted' 'reaching Hie ground, sliithtlv brusing
Tlie following claims were allow- The assensin was quite successful, Mr. Jonathan Watson returned
. ed- . t'e belloon blig well inflated, shot home from the sea-side Tuesday.'
'i -n i r tn ui up like a bird. It is the lanjest ever
B. 0.vone, lees IS) W ,,, thisaecMoii ineasuring 75 Teet Our gonial friend F. M. Smiib, .
F. M. Miller, att try fees 2 50 in height and U feet in cuiofereiiee. called on us last week.- Ooine a-
Lonis Marccllus night watch 1 00 Therewasaerciwdcqual totiiatbrought gain Uncle Frank.
K. H. Montague nigot watch 1 00 by the average circus. Prof. C. aayt ..
W. H. Donaca, Hall lent 8 !0 wi'' llrol"lM-y re,u"' ",1l,wa.v 1,1 ." , Mr- DAUvt was llWMhy
T , t- 1 1 i r iu. bont three weeks nud exhibit again, last.
Juke Kocbler, hauling , : 5 00 all(i expressed himself as grateful for
Niceols W. & Co., drayage ,. 1 80 the'treatnient received here- E. R. Bkipworth, Esq., of KcgRiic,
Both Dodsons are here" now. and , Mi" Mattla- Nixn returned pawed through our town on Tues-
re eapalile of doing a groat deal bf home wday last from a vwit at ora " P"g- ... ,
work its well as the best. Try them. Mealy. . The damp weather this week will
, ' ,, '' ' ' Mr ,J. 8. Courtney .'returned throw a check on the mountains
Doc son Bros, consider Lebanon hrmie ,liwt ffliek from ft visit at travel.
a good place lor their business be- Vancouver, Wash. ' . Mr Knrmkn amuy'-xt,r P.,Vlt'
cause it is a fast growing town, .. ' . ., ,r.5 R"r"'a!,f nn,:1' f '?
With daily increasing business. ..; Mr. IJ. C. Miller, family and Misses Ada Miller and Lulu,
. ' Ceas. I). Montague returned home tall, on Jloiidiiy, tor tba i,n')u:.-
Dodson Bros. Photographing. from the mountains 'yesterday.. . tains. r:,: , ';..-.'.' :