The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 07, 1891, Image 6

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plore the extravagance, the lute hours, o( xn ciet l'.ld or my.
iociety, the wanton dressing, the utter vanity When you are particularly anxious to at-
and vexation, o( the social treadmill. And tenil tn0 ).. or party ot the season, and
lo! a little courage, little spirit, . a little ,i ,unt nrhlnc mill and see the fiuul little
NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO BAD AS good sense, in practice upou the part of a ,pot ot red on the eyelid that surely foretells
" The Woma:i Who 'Works Too Much.
Hardship of poverty Don's Hear
. Everything Woman's sense of Com-
iwlesl.ip education of Oiris.
There h nothing In this world so bad aa ni'li one seldom hears of in this day."
-Tritunl motion. What a Messed thiiig that .See are we righteouslv indlgiuult at thocoin-
rm.m has ever vet oulte mvenieu. perneuiui ... -.-,,... ,
very few sensible persons, would relieve the the tomlrur of a sty, have no fears for the re
pressure. Ueorge William Curtis. suit, hut put In a small bug a tenspoonful ot
. black tea, oil which pour enough boiling
Old and New Fashions in Marriage, 1 water to moisten; as soon as cool enough put
We may feel a twinge of regret, but we t 0u the eye mid let it remain unt'l moruiug.
buvecmsed to bo shocked when we hour the X(18 sty will, In nil prohability, ' gone; it
marriage ot two aiMeitt young peoplo spoken not, ono more application will be certain to
of as "a genuine old fashioned love match, remove it 8t. Louis republican.
A Child's First Awakening.
There are many bitter awakenings from
How to Clean Marble. '
To clean marble, brush off the dust with a
niot onl Yet I know some little roomers 'i wur. ....... piece o( cliainois; tneu apply wmi a ortisu a
thm are ahnost that; they never come to a ibVect question will prove the truth ot ml o Rlm mbiu ot ahout the on
full stop-not till death trips them up. I do assertion. Whnt do we mean when w sistency of thick mucilage; ejio It to the
uot wonder these little bodies think of the mv tmt a girl has "married Weill" Given a sun or wind to dry. In a short time It will
tnture life only as rest-rone great eternal .ibiy sllitablo ago, fair character, health peel oft. If all the gum should not pea off,
rest That word involves all tliat they can &m1 dispnitiou, the commendation has but wash it with clean water and a cloth. lithe
tsjnceive as desirable. Bo this life becomes m.uaraiiv accepted interpretation, as any Urst application does not hove the desired
tolerable because it points toward one huge ramija reader will admit, effect, It should be tried again.-Buston
stop. It is their fate here to go on. If it be j heurd m emjnent theologian use the Budget
not a broom it is a ueedle; ana ll not inese n ora, MiKr d11Vi jn miswer to cougratll
is a pun of dough. Up in the morning with tjons on his daughter's marriage; Bhe has,
a...t ll nt niirhr. nrithasiirh. . . , ... :u 1...
Su.r; puithe -mothers SS ToU can. lading sleep or. the way through this
never could stop. Yes, I know some babes 'nothing better for her, thank God!" world, but none qnito . d a hi ibst
.? i'ih!L"111 ig Z M,h...awilue,,,,y, the ttlZ
Z ZZZ.rim TtZTZrtXZ tothe Werot his agree- Pw.M, he hasher an,, falrarw.,
d; but with frett nervesey go ZSZl'ttZL ZTX ,
-trotting on through life, hoping for rest herited the millions of aself made father, ar.d ' ui a pasteboaid box and are applied iieeansen lk-oB.mJ.;urlln!ltmm0,
temuter. nat can a genuine iniuu- tuning enough to turn them over to att- with a chamois' skin. It seems a smnll thing
woman do about itl She inherits the go Tailtage. llarion Harland. I toyouuo doubt, and perhaps you laugh nt
ahead of a doan generations. Bless usl but , the child's look of wiile eyed wonder when It
she knows no more how to stop than she j 1)on.t n,r Evervthini. heai-syoutelltlieservaiittosayyouare"uot
knows how to fly. , I The art of not hearing should be learned at home," or watches you disputing somo
Ann now is a anou. me ooys uuBub . .. It j. f,,nv illllMrM,lt to domestic stipulated bargain, but verily 1 say unto you,
Love os me to the door of the rauaoa,
And tee door was opened wlrle;
There wasn't a tluug lo hinder,
Ann trVy needeil him much Inside;
But he rallied Ule quiver, and snti! with a sigh,
"Can I anisr an open doort Not I!
Not 11 Motl!"
Love osme to the oaslle window,
Aod ot round a area! broad stair;
There wasn 't a unoa to hinder,
And he ought nave mounted there!
But he hutterao his mow, and said with a sigh.
"Can I plod up a slalrvaxe No. notll
Not II Notll"
Lore eame to the shore of the ocean,
And Ma far over the strand
An luaeuessioie fortress
Ob a sea Kin island stand.
"Who cares for an ocean'" he gayly cried,
Aad his rainbow wings went quickly piled:
"Notll Not II"
Love came to a louely dungeon.
Where window and door were barred;
There was none who would give mm entrance;
Though be knocked there loos and hard.
Then "Who cares ror a boll'" said the saucy elf,
and straightway the warder was l.ove himself!
"Noll Notll"
-Kva L Ogilsn.
The pmiluotlOR of Petroleum.
In the Revue de Doux Mondes M. da
themselves, born of such stock! They come
happiness as a cultivated ear, for which so there is nu now made grave beneath all the
into the world as some actors come on the mucn mouey allrt tim0 eIp3ndei. There sparkling stars so sail in the sight of heaven
'stage, with a leap and a halloo; and they , . -hiAit i. nunf,.! to and the anueU as this Mrst blow aimed ot mi
never stop till they die. Borne one nas te- m-TwhiohweouLrhtnottohenr.verv corrnntedhonoi'aiidieriotttruth.-''Aiuber" a Yankee as a man who cannot sit still.
"You do not know why he whittles. It is
generic action. It is not he, Jonathan Tar
box, who whittles, but the whole of New
lingland, for SOU years the whole Yankee
ualion represented by Jonathan. Every
hear, many which we ought not to hear, very corrupted honor and perfect truth,-
many which, if beard, will disturb the tern- in Ubicago jouruul.
per, corrupt simplicity aud modesty, detract
from contentment ami happiness, that every
one should be educated to take in or shut out
sounds according to his pleasure.
lteauty of tbnitherii Women.
As a rule southern women have small and
orettv feet Ormiiiivtheydonotspoilthcru
If a mull falls into a violent passion and in walking, for in uo section of the country Is
Because her smile Is a vision of lilhw;
Bw.mse en h-r ml lips trembles kiss:
Because of nil that, met becniwe nf liils
I know my darllug loves me !
' Reejuien the toneh of her dear hililil thrills me;
Because her thought lead and lierndU'l wills oio;
Because her sweet presence with love nils me
1 know I love my darling;
Because she makes my poor lite wonhlls pain;
lleeauso a soul's strivings seem not in rniu ; :
Because with dear lov 1 llv nguln
I know I love my darling ;
. Eugeue Field in Mew Urinous VL'syuoe.
nation thus gets its features, its type, its mannumKro( names, at the first word little physical exercise indulged in by the
cut. its characteristic. An Englishman emi
nently knows how to stop and when to stop.
He is stubbornly constituted in the words,
'I wont." The Yankee's stubbornness is in
"'I wiU." Bo a baby, born in this line of
we should shut our ears and hear no more gentle sex. Thoy, too, are large of oyo and
If. in our quiet voyage of life, we find our- soft of sneech. To muko themselves agree-
selves taught in oue of those domestic whirl- aDe is a canon, and their flattery Is seductive
winds of scolding, we should shut our ears as because apparently unconscious. They are
a sailor would furl his sail, and making all strong not only in family feelings and the
restless aggressiveness, is nervous a an en. . . . . , If a hot and tu. f kiiediin. hut have an unbounded nride
I do not think you ania do restless man begins to inflame our feelings, i their particular state, and an affection so
collect a gallery of child Portraits, token of WB ,uould co,, Bliat mi8clltef thea, ttery strong for it that If the old Issue had tie-
the common people. .on would flnd I thean, ks do jn om. ine w wncn) Ambm (l evw
tSSXSSlS? "-I- " vuld have been be,tteu.-ew York rress.
phlegmatic a. then - sires, and the latter aa ( Uvn romarMi the tty K,m v,.
Trr a or- storing raTnrXinl ,dler8 were to 1)6 brou8ilt home aim, he t ,,, that ttte les8 are talked
riwtoare Sedto novey Poof would became a nre winking pincushion. id noticed the first year the better. All
ZT'lTrluSTlZ ftuek full of sharp remarks. Jtwe would be m trainillg tllenli imleal, dopena,
As ships becalmed at o o that lay
Wtlh canvas dnsipln;. side by side.
Two towers of sail, at dawn of day
Are scarce lomf leagues upart descried.
When fell the nluht, up sprung the braes.
And all the darkling hours they piled;
Nor dreamed but each the self sumo seas
By each ra cleaving, side by side.
E'en so but why the tale reveal
Of those whom, year by year unchanged.
Brief absence joined anew, to feel,
Astounded, soul from soul estranged.
At dead of night their sails were filled.
And onward each rejoicing steered;
Ab! neither blamed, for neither willed
Or wist what hrst with dawn appeared.
To veer, bow vain! On, onward strain,
llravo burksl in light alio uarkueaa tool
liiliiitdinf, whom It would probably
safe tu take fur a I'.inwittn, has a strid
ing article tin the stuhloii two of Kussiu
nan competitor of the United Htatea in
production of liorosone. Komo abute
Burnt tuny properly lie mmlo from ha)
conilili'iit predictions n ainuint of t ho
unciinorailnd imrtisun biua with which he
writes: and his liciin-a leave enmethhig
to iKHleslri'd on tlio sroroof entire Rolf
coiwlsti'iiov and riTi'iitness, hut what ho
lms to say 'in nevmUiol. wull worth the
nthmtiini of our oil produoim. Ho nuikes
it eviiliMit, in tlio llrst tilutw. that the
only rival of tlio United Stilton ut prtsmit
in sight U Itussin. Following a lute
French estimate of the world's produc
tion of trolenm, putting the total at
100,000,0111) hiH'toliturs, it apimtra that
thu United Htatea furnish 114,000,000,
tain So.000,000, and ull other countries
only ll.tllKl.OlH). In fact, while donomta
of till have Iwen found in ninny pirtri of
thu uarth as in Hiiriuiili, China, Puma,
Kgypt, Now Zealand and most of tlio
Eu'roican coiintrlm their oxtimt l no
limited and dililciilt of arsnitioit w
gri'iit that the race bun narrowed down
to tlio two coiitcstiiiitu named.
Tbo nriiiiiisd oil lldlila of Uuasuv tiro
found within a limited territory. H")
fumoiiB wi'llu are nhiiost all situated in
tlio poniiiiHila of Aspkuron, which runs
out into tlio Cnnniuu m'a at a point not
far from the soutliorii KusHiun boundary,
Baku is the port whence BhipmunW lira
mmlo. The Rreut uutural ailvantugcH of
tlio Ilaku liold uro tho couinuot terri
tory to Ixi worked, the small depth of
the wcllii. and thoir great BteadiuoKB of
How. Tlio wholo area worked does not
exiwvd 1.100 mpuiri) uiilin. Hot tliis over
uKiiinst the area eBtiuuiti'd furlho United
Hhii.4. k;i.U0 Biiuuru mill's and
the rifhiicsa . of tho RiiHsiun woIIb
wluoh product) at leiiat one-third
muiii ok those of tlio uniieu
Hiatal, will bo nt onco pomnveu.
The depth of the wells runs from VM to
oio teet. line iiimoiw wen i ui niiir
threo feet tli'i'p, vet out of it the oil jets
up to tho hciglit of IMU feet. M. de
'Inhiliatchi'f nsBorts ulno that thu average
How in tho Uaku region ia HB.OOO pounda
pcrdav,nn ajjuiinit 115,1100 in the United
Suites! New York Times.
?,t to l lied.-"E. P P"taGlobe- ofxa 00r Mrai whett bad men, shut the mrre8 uwrouglit upon, and allowing Through winds and tides one compass gaiiies-
fiOnjei-Uj U 3tii Jitxi. mww i.m Tf. to nnt. worth whi a fcn hear W iftt 1L. 1.-. , i ... i
EDe 11UI IIUIUU bllllU Wl WWJIIKOUtuawui . 1V UIM Mai JUur uwu pihw w h
our iwisawra Buy auuui, uur ciumreu, nuui to the g,, upon it ot aajuaintauce with
our rivals say about our business, our dra 1, rjoting wori(i 0f ourfc-Dema-or
our affairs, rest's Moutlily.
l uc an 01 not neanng, muugii unuiuyoi ui
The Hardh.pfl of Poverty.
Poverty is no discriminator of persons. It
la ttw nirliwvl tt-nninn nnrl the ivcmrtit4.ica '
woman in the same chains that rest more ' or schools, is by no means unpracticed in
.ii,.i..nnrl.a hmsrl shoulders of a verita- society. We have noticed that a well bred
Hair Dressing in Paris.
Feminine bair dressing In Paris now
ble Bridget or a peasant born drudge. To woman never hears a vulgar or impertinent strictly follows a code according to tho color
live in comfort there is more work necessary remark. A kind of discreet deafness saves of the treses. Fair hair is to be turned back
in a household than mere onlookers ever one from many insults, from much blame, loosely from the face, so as to form a golden
dream of The routine of good housekeeping '''on not a little connivance in dishonorable aureole; dark locks mast be parted down tho
But O, blithe breesel and O, great seaal
Though ne'er that earliest parting past,
On your wide plain they join again,
Togother lead them home at last.
is like the steps taken by a sheep on a treadle conversatioa-Treasure Trove.
it is walk, walk, walk all the time, andt
- ,,. ulv-nn In iwff irmnmi. Then. Woman's Hense of ComeradeShlD.
arc more martyrs in the kitchens than ever The greatest need at present is for con- the forehead. Chicago Herald.
vet oerished at stakes. Hnnle at their discom- certed action among women, riever nun-
center aud smoothly arranged; chestnut
tresses may be piled high on the head In Jni
aneee style, witli a few curls straying over
Children's Remarks.
Often parents with all good intentions re
prove their children for making remarks on
forts and their sorrows if you will, but the gling together as men have done, they are
woman doomed to do kitchen work, who has in general as ignorant of life, its tempta
no taste or adaptability for it, is a sight for tions aud possibilities as of their own capaci-
tears rather than scorn. ties. That womeu are harder upon each the nature of the food placed before them;
There are only two remedies for her lot; other than men are upon them is the wicked- but when children are at home thoy ought to
one is patient endurance of it; the other is to est lie ever taught and one that the slightest be encouraged rather than otherwise to be
get out of it To endure it, lift it as high as observation explodes. It has seemed to keep stow well merited praise or blame, as It indi
voucauout of the shadows. Cultivate if tbemapartand prevent iudependent,straight- cates a refined and acute condition of the
God has not mercifully given it to you an : forward action. , When they begin to get ac- senses of taste and smell. Olfactica.
appreciation of the ludicrous. Agoudlaugb quainted, as in clubs and societies, the Din-1
will put to Sight more cares than a shotgun tual surprise and delight at fiuding so much Cleansing lledsteads.
om scatter blackbirds. Draw a deep line earnestness and sisterly feeling is something Concentrated lye is the best of all contriv.
One port, methought, alike thoy sought
One purpose hold where'er they fare;
O bounding breese, O rushing seas.
At lasU at last, unite them therel
Arthur Hugh Clongh.
For a Hiilrllual Bong.
A poor country ootigregation found oil hor gloves,
A Manicure's (Jlieer Experience.
Wo have some very (pieor experiences
In our trutlo. Wo could not help it.
But tho Btraugest ono camo under my
notice tpiito recently. A bill, aplundidly
formed woman cuuio in to have her
"baud . ilxi'd," and while waiting her
turn attracted great attention by hor ex
treme beauty, which woe of thu creamy,
oriental style. Uuzzlingly white teeth
and great, sluniberuiiii eyes aufttmed un
otherwh too coiirso cast of features.
But her toiletl That wa Bii!rb, in euch
quiet elegance and taste. As soon as ism
Bible 1 biiKtened to attend to her, but
other customers having come in in the
nienntimc, alio expressed a decided
disinclination to have her hands arranged
until tho rooms worn vacated. 1 told
her that would. perha)B, lm not for houm,
hut If she preferred I would attend to tint
imml ilnMii!7 in un nlcovu. which wiui
! curtained oil at tho extreme end of the
room. To thin olio consented, and when
' mv toilet urtick'H wore reudy she drew
What wan my Biirprise
u.H lyuilv In want of livmn books to boo a ciKii-uiat'K nanii, ououy in neon.
Hself badly hi want of Iiymn rKs Muvd ,, wu)1 tt ne((ro
The clergyman uppbed to a Iindon or mlt(att,,( fmm New OrlcaiiB. lly
firm and asked to be aupplied at the ovory art ofthi' luce il;oratorundw'uHlnn
lowest church rates. The firm replied she had become whitened an I aw hor,
that on condition the hymn books eon- but her linnds wen. jiorc dillicult to man-
tahied certain advcrtlW1neU the eon-
gregation should have them for notll- KbKr iWIUm oh deftly us xlble uud
big. Necessity knows no law, and the B, yvould have her maid urrango the
minister sorrowfully complied, think- blistering protres) ut home. I did so aud
big to himself that when the advertise- ehe left in a fow momenta closely gloved
nits came they could be .moved ClSSt
uum em ,.. - mense wciiiin. uuicriteu, nw. a voiy
OH.... v....6 I (JlUCeilil alvU 1 U W kllv uvaif v. uu vmhh- . . ., ... .
between the essentials and non-essentials. 1 really pathetic. Many a shy. stiff, narrow anCes for cleansing bedsteads. Never keep nveu, unu-joyoi juye ui...y goon, nu. viuii vrouiuu,
Never neglift the hygiene of the home, but woman expands under the sense of comrade- either lye or any poisonous substance in a ' no interleaved advertisements. At the thing that alio wished except what she
never muni t: frills. Tossa pound of cop- ship and syihpathy like a flower brought bottle or pitcher or cup that may be drunk j thaiiksgiving service the good parson niu-f dssired. wliltu nkiu, and this she
peras down your drain, use ammonia and from the cellar into the sunshine, and bios- tram by mistake. Iu a tin box or china soap joyously gave out the Christnias hyinnr f 1 ;
" j x... .1.. n-t wiwvia,..
Tnire caroolie freely, but let your windows soins out in a way as surprising to herself as dish, nolxxlv would mistake them for any
and your silver go without cleaning when it is delightful to her friends. Like Ulortaua beverage. Boston budget.
von are tired. Dont care a snap ot your ; fn one of Mrs. Whituey's stories, she knew
finger f r any caller who will look down upon there were "good times in the world, but i Hint lo. Buyers. '
you because you do your own work. Take never expected to be in them," and now she ! Vaka you navo a long never buy
delight iu shocking all such. Never let your learns how to contribute her own share to anytmng because itischeap,esiecially gloves
work drive you. Better sit down a minute them. More than all other means of growth miliinerv Huch purchases are always
with the work undone and play a Jig on the are these assocmtioiis, and the iniluenoe of dsar m tn6 lou nu A mmaa who dresses
'piano, or read the newspaper, than yield a the many acting as the oue will be the most
ave's to the work that awaits you. 1 powerful factor in that enlightened woman-
Paste a lot of your favorite poems all around hood which will be the salvation of society.
the walls, over the sink and in the pantry
-closet, so that the words shall greet you like
' -an eneouraging voice, aad keep your soul,
at least, out of dish water.
And now about getting out ot It. Buy a
Hester M. Poole in liood Housekeeping.
well on a hundred a year says, "I am too
poor to buy anything but the very best"
New York Commercial Advertiser.
To remove mildew from linen rub the spot
with soap; scrape chalk over It and rub it
well; lay it ou the grass In the sun; as it
The Education of Girls.
The education, the life of today's women,
hn. nniltted them to be mothers, but the . i. a lu.u. it 111 ,a M,r r ith
v. writer and tret iobs to do at home that .; Ae-viavWiri.iiah-mmtiv.'iu . ' .. .. . '
-j. , . . .. wiubmuu wvj v..ui.ufi uv two appucaiions.
will pay at least the wages of a girl ; or open . w(OTanhood more perfect specimens of their I
two hours senooi tor urn imie ioi wnose Uml phygjcally as well as mentally, strong ,0,. of nearly all kinds of Ash is Int
end the congregation sang the first
verse with fervor. When they reached
the lust line they found that this was
what tbey had been singing: -Hark!
the herald angels sing,
's pills are Just the thing;
Poace on earth and mercy mild,
Two for roan aad one for ohlld
London Star.
Poetry In the Newspapers.
There aro comimrutlvoly few weekly
papers in tho country tliat pay for poetry.
Ono can almost count them on onus lin
gers. Theso puiwrB require Unit contri
butions ahull reach a certain standard of
excellence, and oven then the poeniB
must bo "timely." it is singular tiuit
papers Unit puy nothing ut all get very
excellent work. 1 have kuowu poems
rejected by thu "pay" journals to date
an almost worldwide reputation from
The Oldest Tree on Karth.
The oldest tree on earth, at least as
far as any one knows, Isthe "Boo" tree, j their publication in the gratuitous col-
in the sacred city ot Aniampoora, our- uum.
mah. It was planted, the record says, , The lJSJZ
, ii ouu u n ii .i for poetry, but much that they publish is
in the year 28 B. C, and Is therefore far j,.. m.try tu tlia which np-
nearly 2,200 years old. Its great age is p.,-, (n the weekly press ut scantier
proved according to historic documents, ' rates. The most vultied contributor sel-
says Sir James Emerson, who adds: dom gets moro tliuu three poctus n year
"To It kings have dedicated their dt SAi
minions in testimony of a belief that it ' i rfce. do not prove a bonanza.
Never let the whites of eggs stand during Is a branch of the identical flg tree Writers of newspaper poetry fall Into
mothers dread to send them to the pubho nea,lbv m roiu ami body, able toendure vrmd b removing the skin from them be-
hool and earn .enough m that way to hire a theifteringof motherhooil; willing to give they are cookid. The skin ha. a dis-
wrvant, or take ... a moderate amount of a tew ym , ute to producing new Ufe, agmiab flavor, as does the fat is between
enhig, If you bavea machine. Ifyouhavo reasoning with well developed faculties how tta) skin and the flesh,
taste, paint inenu cards and the like, aud earn to mljie tt new life stronger and more Ut
a bit. Whatever work you oan uo that is to take yet another step forward. I
.rLtto moncv "earnReln In "he ! , Kthi"? JT' "T" beating process, even for a moment, as j under which fiuddah reclined at Drum-1 nits, which, ii.gly. -t them for
5Si&s Ssst rtir!j :t 'ir; s.T4?
your scrapel "Amber" In Chicago Journal. tfon for tBe raind. Little use Is there to dhv ' '
' valntivu M.lfl ui'A ff thrt '
Its leaves are carried away by
pilgrims as relics, but as It is too sacred
A Pew Sensible Hints, ( culine and feminine brain. No arguments In butter or lard, furnish the most delicious
If Bophonisba's father is worth a great pTO m oa can prove anything; those people food. Btill, thoy are generally thrown away,
It is stated that tho livers of whltedsh, fried ; with a knltei tiiam ieftVecan
only be gathered after thoy have fallen,
many millions of dollars, and chooses to All o 4ne jgtter half of the next century will as very few persons know of their value.
bis house wnn wonuenui uriv-n-unu., suu ui ,n,,w wuat we can only speculate on, lor the
wash it every morning in Tokay-should are burst.-"8. S. E. M." in Chicago
tliat be his fancy why should Bophonisba's
young friends hesitate to ask her to a merry
dance, with no bric-a-brac and no Tokay
whatever but plain mahogany aud ices,
salads and sandwicbesl It is the fun and the
cuol refreshment after the dance, not the i
ormolu and the malachite, aud the marvel. . between the lips, and a drink of water will
ous masses of orchids, and the solid gold and j carry It down with no trouble. If disagree
ailver service, and strawberries in January able to the taste, it is better to place the pill
aud peaches in March, which make the as far back as possible on the tongue, and
Bow to Take I'ills.
A writer gives tho following directions for
taking pills easily;
Never speak loudly, or whisper impres
sively, or talk continuously In a sick room,
above all don't gossip about cases of sickness
that have come under your observation.
Dieesiire of the evening.
Besides, if rich people entertain as tbey
please, why do not poorer people entertain
as they please! Will you refuse to ask your
friends because you coiuiot serve ortolans
upon Dres leu chine and gold,orpM)'bchlosi
Johannisbereer lor all tbo boys in Venetian
glass, as your neighbor does! To put a truth
in a homely way, you are as good as he, If
not as rich, and why should you permit him
luiconscivusly to bully you because he il
-richer than you! Mothers aud fathers, da-
T ;nAn .m nr other rmrmetiut wilt retain
If the pill is tasteless, let It bo taken lightly i thelr coior If washed in water in which a
quantity of hay Is placed; boll and rinse the
goods in it, using a little soap.
The newest thing in mourning is that the
girl whom death bereaves of her accepted
lover may weur a black ribbon as a testi
monial of her grief.
For a sore throat there is nothing better
Minn tire white of an egg beaten stiff, with
all the sugar It will hold and the clear juice
of a lemon. ;:
A bam, for boiling should be soaked over
night in tepid water, then trimmed carefully
of all rusty fat, before putting on the Are.
then take a good draught of water or any
light beverage. Let the most inveterate ot
pill haters give this simplest of methods a
fair trial, and he will bo quite an exception
if he does not own hisdilUculties gone.
.Bhould be, however, remain obdurate,
another plan may bo tried: envelop the pill
in a small piece of rice or wafer paper, plaos
this in a tablexwu, fill up with water, put
the spoon as fur back in the throat as possi
ble, and the whole mass will be swallowed
with ease,-Youth's Companion. -
St. Louis Republic.
appear almost weekly elsuwhero. Tlio
young writer, who baa hut a frull hold
on tho paying papers, finds that ho sends
in too much poetry, and too often; und
when ho has overcrowded one pigeon
hole of Uio editorial desk, his occupation
luniniishes. Editors, us a rule, will ac-
I.ltlle Lamp Tables, cent iust so much of one author s work,
Tables are now bought on purpose and writers learn, by experience, that
n. , . i,..,,ni wl.Mi, iney must not mis mo cow too oiwm
:z, x wr: : .. T : :z i t. c. u-'-augii tho writer.
UBCUl IT IJllU 1.-1111,1111,1 HUIW IWUIIII
knee high, are used for the delicate
colored porcelain lumps, and ebony ta
bles are used for the various kinds of
iron lamps. Some of these tables have
a space underneath for a piece of bric-a-brac.
New York World.
1'ermlsslon by Postscript.
"Ma, can I go over to Bailie's bouse
and play a little wlillof asked four
year old Nellie.
'"Yes, dear; I don't mind if you do,'
Thank you, ma," was the demure
reply; "I have been."Now Uavea
No llellso in Night.
Thoy were twenty miles from the Missis
sippi river, liolind east. "Conductor," said u
passenger, "when do wo reach Kansas City!"
"We're them now." "There now! Why,
there isn't a house in sight!" "No houses,
no, But look at tin. building lots! The
prairies are full of 'em." Life.
Senator Heagan, of Texas, prououucea nil
uuiueus if It was spelled iuiygau.
Lithographers will bo pleased to know
tliat Uthographio stone Is fouud in Hallos,
Tex., fully equal to the stone imported from
j Europe.