r ... f U.M. KIKKI'ATKIOK. 1'ubhillier. LEBANON OREGON PACIFIC COAST. The Charleston Ordered to Go to Honolulu. A BREWERY FOR SPOKANE. Another Break in the Colorado River Sends an Immense Body of Water Into the Desert. Tacoma will soon have its cable can running. The Los Angeles city directory has 23,' 700 names. . .-, Spokane is to have a brewery, with $10,000 capital. The Charleston hae received orders to go to Honolulu. A Rpokane ordinance forbids cigarette smoking Dy minors. A disease creating blindness in among tne cattle along me miniooiut river in Nevada. The Southern California Lawn Tennis Association meets at Santa Monica, Los Angeles county, August at. The contract for the construction of the Chamber of Commerce building at rortianu nas oeen awarded. The Itata has paid the $500 fine. It is said bonds will be given and the vessel go to Ban Francisco tor repairs. The Bradstreet mercantile agency re ports sixteen failures in the Pacific Coast iitntaa ami 'Pawl f aa fin- tKa ruiat tuaar The work of improving the entrance of Huniboldt Bay by extending a pro tecting wan along tne norm spit nas commenced. - ' , The Lone Fine group of mines in the Vipond district, Beaverhead county, Mont., has been sold to an English syn dicate for $725,000. There is trouble between white settlers and Indians along the Kootenai river in British Columbia. The Indians are driv ing the settlers off. ... The trouble with the miners at New castle, Wash., still, wears a threatening look. Both sides keep armed, and eager ly watch each other. All bnt one of thesis Superior Judges in Loe Angeles are on a vacatien. This involves an unwelcome delay in some important litigation. Reports from Frazer river and the Northern canneries are that the salmon pack will fall fully 50 per cent, behind that of the two previous years. Another break in the Colorado river is epmlincr an lmmenM hnilv nf witter intrt the Colorado Desert. The break.it is 1 thought, can easily be repaired or shut off. The art museum and picture gallery at the Leiand Stanford University is rapid ly approaching completion. A part of the roof is already on, and many of the iron girders are already in place. The conrt-martia! to try Colonel C E. Compton of the Fourth Cavalry for neg ligence in permitting his men to leave camp the night A. J. Hunt was lynched hae been convened at walla walla. There is a rumor at Victoria, B. C, that the Wellington collieries have been eold to an English syndicate, and that experts are now an the ground taking an inventory ot the stock, seams of coal, wharves, hunkers and other property. The Alaska travel is at its height It is greater than the accommodations. A gentleman who forgot to engage a pas sage before he reached Tacoma offered a bonus of (176, but it would not command anything more than standing room in tne steamer. The Southern Pacific alone hae earned on freight on potatoes going E-tst this mason from Los Angeles over $200,000, This business lias all been built up within three Years, previous to which time potatoes were received from Kansas ami Missouri by the trainload. The last of the Riverside orange crop was snipped last; wee, une total crop this year amounted to 1,375 carloads. which, considering the shortage in the crop all over Southern Califoraia this reason, is a larger shipment than ever bciore. Xhe total value of the Riverside orange crop for the season of 1890-1 is put at $1,230,000. The internal-revenue officers seized the Plantag & Heyer brewery and the New York brewery, both located at Hay wards, Cal., for violation of the revenue Jews. The combined value of both the establishments is about $30,000. The olieiwc consisted in not destroying reve nue stamps on empty barrels. The gov ernment has accepted an offer of $2,000 niitde riy the Hayes Valley brewery as a compromise for the frauds recently dis- wend by the revenue officers. , The verdict of the jury at San Diego which investigated the killing of the gaiiorBrown is that Brown died from the enacts of a blow on the head from a po liceman's billy, causing a fracture of the iNull, at the hands of C. W. Breedlove; t.iat Charles H. Wilson, A. M. Coatee, w, w. Webb and l'eter Gnrrie were present and aided and abetted the kill ing, 'inn jury also finite that the same parties clubbed other Charleston sailors snd caused the false imprisonment of tvi.i1 of them. : - ' THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. State Department Iliur Learning- DetnlU uf the l'aMMiuMiuotlily Buy Aftblr, Commissioner Carter of the general land office has directed the Register and Keceiver of public lands at Lewiaton, Mont., to receive mineral applications to allow mineral entries in the abandoned Fort McGinnis military reservation in Montana under the same conditions as when made for other public lands. The same rule will apply to the abandoned Fort McDermitt military reservation in Nevada. Advices received by the Bureau of American Republics state that a specific duty of 11 cents a kilogramme (2.2 pounds) has been imposed on all iard imported in the Republio of Peru. It bus been decided that all .packages snippea, discharged ana re-emirked at ports of the Republic shall be marked with the gross weight. . Oases, barrels and crates must also ue marked with the measurement of their dimensions ac cording to the metric system, and fines are imposed for mon-cbmpliance with HUB MW. The State Department is quite busy learning the details of the seizure of the East port fishermen, so as to be able to act intelligently when the time for ac tion arrives. The United States CohbuI at the Canadian town next to Eastport is investigating things, and when he makes his report it will be quite coiuna- tent for the department to take some very interesting steps towards obtaining an explanation of the case from Great Britain. There is no danger of a repeti tion of the "outrage,' as it is being U.IICU IU HCU Ol UlUIB UBIUllttt M)rttl, and the department feels that haste in such an event would be unwise. Several letters have been received by Poatniaater-Genoral Wanamaker from Messrs. Brooks and Porter, delegates from the United States to the Fourth International Congress at Vienna. That oody completed its labors on June In. Perhaps the most important of its re sults is the admission of the Australian colonies to the union, to take effect July 1, 1802. The only civilized countries now remaining outside the union are Cape Colony and the South African 'Re public, which will probably come in at the next congress, making the postal union ' universal " in fact as well as in name. The other interesting changes noted are the proposed issue of postal cards with a paid reply lor international service, in the reduction of the registry 4 centimes (5 cents), in an increase in the maximum-sire package of a sample irom ox4xz inches to 12x4x8, an indem nity for lost registered articles and inter national co-operation in the prosecution oi counterieiters ot postage stamps. CABLEGRAMS. Merman Military Circles Iiilreiitel In tliv Mew Exploitive Ualleil Eernitt. Prof. Rossander of Stockholm thinks he has found a remedy for cancer. A new feature in Germany this year will be the trotting meeting at Baden. The Prince and Princess of Wales are to visit Germany in state in the autumn. Count Minister has again asked to be relieved as German Ambassador to France Pure chloroform, something hitherto unattainable, will now be made by M. Pictet, a chemist of Geneva. The Chilian cruiser Errazuriz, which recently lett Havre, is lying at Penzance. She is unable to procure firemen. The Rome Tribune announces that Cardinal Camutelli is to replace Cardinal Rampolia as Papal Secretary of State. A Lucerne (Switzerland) cablegram says: Stanley and his wife have sep arated. Their natures are too positive. The failure of the English Bank of the River Plate will cause widespread loss to small and comparatively poor investors, Energetic measures are devised by the government for the development of cot ton culture and industries in Central Asia. Director Canet of the artillery at Paris is believed to have been selling the smokeieae-powder secret oi the govern ment. The Prince of Wales will go to Carls bad instead of Homburg this season. His health is said to be somewhat im paired. English Hebrew authorities in London nave taken steps to relieve the great dis tress among the Russian refugees u Palestine. The Medical Board of the Province of Hanover has prohibited the use of the Koch lymph in hospitals under their m- risdiction. Domestic service and service in agri cultural nema in urazu are much demor alized. The former slaves will work for neither love nor money. Edward Decobain. member of Parlia ment for Belfast, accused of gross im morality, will face his accusers as soon as his health will permit. Bismarck has aged much lately, and his form has bent. Physicians do not think he will live much longer, as he is attticted with heart disease. Mr. Flammeron believes that certain lights which have been seen on Mars may have been signals to us, and that we may ultimately discover a means nf answering them. Venezuela refuses to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity with the United States, claiming that there would be no com pensating advantages under the terms proposed by the United States. The police of Berlin have demanded the opinions of phvsicians on the sub ject of prohibiting the wearing of long, trailing dresses by ladies as outdoor cos tumes on account of thedust thuscaused to rise, imperiling the health of the peo ple. Y' . EASTERN ITEMS. McGlynn Will Probably ,.- Be Reinstated. THE SUB-TREASURY SCHEME. German Capital Seeking Investment . In the Unitsd Status Monu meat to Hamlin. .. The Empire City Electric Company at New York has gone into liquidation. A piece of No-Man's-Land has become part of the Territory of New Mexico. The National Educational Association will meet at Helena, Mont., next year. The new City Hall of Philadelphia will have a $30,000 equestrian statue of General George B. MoClellan. Pension-Commissioner Raum promises to hurrv the work in his office, when hn can cut down Ins force of clerks. A movement Ib on foot at Bangor, Me., to erect a monument bv popular sub scription to the late Haiinibal Hamlin. It is believed that Rev. Dr. McGlynn will return to the church, and that the excommunication bull will soon be re voked. Six thousand saloon licenses have been issued in Chicago for the nresent nuar- ter. That means a revenue of $8,000,000 a year. The White Earth Indians are declared to be perfectly peaceable. Rumors that tnev were turbulent are without faun- uation. , Judge D. M. Kev. Poatmiiater-fienenil in President Hayes' Cabinet, has been maue Dean ot Grant University, Nash ville, Tenn. . , Adisnatch from Atlanta suvs Tinv Sum Small has accented the managing editor- snip oi a new evening paper to be estab lished there. Wealthy corporations in Illinois are to contest the law which makes incorpor ated bodies pay their employes at least once a week. After attending the Grand Armv en campment in Vermont in August the President will probably virjit Mr. Blaine at Bar Harbor. The Dominion Secretary of the Inte rior, Pierre, has been suspended as a re sult of the disclosures before the Public Accounts Committee. German capital is seeking investments in America, and a large amount of Her- man money is likely to come to the uuueti stales this year. It is proposed to utilize the steel masts being removed from the Philadelphia aa masts for the new armored cruiser Maine, they being about the size required. Tile bond-endowment schemes which promised $3 for $1 are collapsing right and left in Ohio. lour with a large membership have just gone to the wall. A resolution in favor of unrestricted reciprocity between the United States ar.d Canada has been adopted by the Provincial Legislature of Prince Edward Island.. Revenue officersjit Washington. D. C are on a still hunt for violators o! the liquor revenue laws, and expect to cause a sensation when they have ended their search. Most o( the Alliance lecturers in Kan sas have dropped the sub-treasnrv scheme, and the sub-alliances are voting on the proposition to take it out of the Alliance platform. A girl has been born to the Chinese Minister and his wife at Washington. and rejoicings have been kept up at the legation lor ten days in accordance with the Chinese custom. The Indian authorities are landing in Texas hundreds of destitute intruders who were refused admittance into Okla homa. These parties are being driven ou tne uneronee strip. Collector Phelps lias been sustained in requiring a duty on the wreckage of the Trenton and Vandalia. which was presented to Samoa and was sent to a San Francisco firm to dispose of on snares. Correspondent Crounse of the New York World has been indicted for crim inal libel on Dr. Hammond in stating that the doctor charged an extortionate fee for removing a wen from the iiead of Mrs. Htanlord. . . Considerable excitement exists at Eastport, Me., over the seizure in Pas samaquoddy waters of seven American fishing vessels by the Dominian cruiser Dream. The- boats were taken to St. Andrews, N. B. The number of gold and silver mining claims or locations," commonly ca led " mines," in the United States is practi cally beyond computation. Those mines making production returns number 0,004 according to the census bulletin. - The total internal-revenue collections in Chicago for the fiscal year ending June SO were $13,004,833.21. an increane of over $3,500,000 over the collections of tbe previous fiscal year. Most of the taxes collected were from spirits. Minister Fred Douglass has a hand some home in Anacosta, a pretty suburb of Washington, and he says lie would much rather live there than in Hnvt.i There is every probability that he has come home to resign his mission. District Attornev De Lancev Nicnll of New York lias made known his intention of selecting one paper which published an account of tho Sing Sing electric eye-1 cution ill violation of the State law and my the case beiore the grand jury, PERSONAL MENTION. St. Louts Hhn the Only V ale United Ktafes Marlial, . The pout Whlttier will spend a por tion of the summer in New Hampshire at Wakefield, The only woman who Is a United States Marshal is Miss Olive Buchanan of St. Louis. All the men like to be arrested by her. , Mrs. General Ouster, who is spending a short time in London, is meeting with a very cordial reception in English liter ary society. Professor R. L. Perkins of Boston has a copy of Horace that is more than 8110 years old. It was printed in 1570, and nas an index to every word, James lliiird, for many yearB Consular agent of the United States at Munaos. State of Amazoniis, Brazil, has arrived in New York ou sick leave. President Dins of Mexico, though 00 years of age, is said not to look over 40. He shows great tactin receivingvisltors, and is a gentleman of much refinement. George Smith, king of the English gypsies, is to edit a paper In the Romany tongue, to lie the organ of the wander ing race. Ue expects to get 20,000 snb- scripers lor it, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain will visit the United States in the autumn. Later i hey will go to the Bahamas, where Mr. Chamberlain intends to make ex tensive purchases. Queen Victoria now rules a population of 307 000,000 a greater number ol peo ple than ever acknowledged the sover eignty of any other person in either an cient or modern times. Alexander Rankin, the Scotchman who succeeded John Brown as Highland ser vant to the Queen, has obtained almost as marked inllnence in the royal house hold as Brown possessed. The Queen of Portugal, who is a splen did horsewoman, may often be mot whilst riding in the open country about Lisbon at an hour when most of her subjects are still aBleep, Sir Edward Arnold is coming to the United States next October with his son and daughter. He has been engaged tn deliver a series of lectures on Japan hi toe various cities oi America, Queen Victoria's daughter. Princess Christian, employs a woman as her phy sician when her nurves trouble her. Her attendant at such times is a well-known specialist, Dr. Julia Maitland. Henry Irving epigmminaticallv char acterizes an English scheme for the re generation oi the theater as missions which propose to save the player's srnil by pointing the way to the work hours. Mrs. P. T. Barnum before she suited for Europe sent the comfortable rolling chair used by Mr. Barnum during the last few months of his life to the Bridge port nospitai lor use in that institution. Bessie Bellwood. who lived a long time with Viscount Mandeville, who married Miss Yznao of New York, is about to sue him. now that he has become llnke nf Manchester, claiming that he owes her money. General Anson G.Cook. Secretary nf tne united Btates Donate; is a strongly built man, about 50 years of age, and has dark hair, mustache and eves. He is one of the most agreeable and popular men in Washington. . Mrs. Logan has left the General's li brary just as it was when he last occu pied it, untouched, except by the (lust brueh, and unchanged. His arm chair still-retains its customary position, ami nanny a paper nas been moved from his desk. Oliver Wendell Holmes' library in his Boston home looks over the Charles river, and furnishes a superb view of the distant spires and towers of Charleston and Somerville. Just at sundown the prospect is Ideal. Baron de Gondoritz,' the Brazilian In dia rubber merchant who is trying to corner the entire rubber output of the Amazon region, is an energetic man of Portuguese birth, 41 years old. He is of short and very portly figure, with light complexion and red hair. The great statue of Pope Leo XIII., which Count Joseph Loubat is to pre sent to the Catholic University at Wash ington, will be shipped to this country in a few weeks. It is reported to be a fine piece of work, and represents the pipe seated upon his throne and wear-1 nig the triple crown. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. An Epitome at the HttlittonuMlal Doing or the wicked. Robert Howe has been arrested at New York and charged with a $10,000 dia mond robbery committed last February. Lord Beresford's alleged nephew, Wal ter S. Beresford, has been arrested in New York, charged with swindling citi zens near Rome, Ga. George Anderson, a saloonkeeper of East St. Louis, shot and killed Dennis Ryan, another saloonkeeper, and then blew out his own brains. Dennis Johnson, the keeper of a noto rious saloon near Miildleborough, Ky., while resisting arrest shot two police men. A crowd ot 100 men soon gathered and destroyed the saloon. Judge Sherman in the Superior Court at Greenfield, Mass., sentenced C. Mason Moody, the defaulting County Treasurer, to five years in the State prison at hard labor. Rev. Henry F. Sutherland of the H- zleton M. E. Church of Erie, Pa., was convicted in the United States Court, upon a charge ot sending obscene matter through the mails. The itirv in the cast nt Mnvn P.ro,l field for killing Joe Dye at Los Angeles. Cal gave a verdict of not guilty, The ground of the defense was Dye's mur derous record and continuous tlm.nt. 1 caused the partial insanity of Bradtield. 'FOREIGN NEWS. The- Educational Bill in the House of Lords. RUSSIAN NAVY INCREASED. Gabriolle Bompard, the Aooomplice of Eyraud the Strangler, Dying of Fever In Prison. France has 1,000,000 Socialists, Young King Alexander of Servia will visit the Oaar, The deaths from cholera in Mecca av erage fifty daily. Russia will lie a largeimporterof grain thiB season, owing to short crops. Berlin is delighted over recent evi dence of closer friendship with England. The educational bill has passed a sec ond reading in the British House uf Lords. Lord Denman has been suspended in the British House of Lords lor the re mainder ol the session. It is said that "shares of paradise " are sold by the Salvation Army through out France at a large profit. Baron Hirsch now owns the house which Lord Revelstoke was building previous to the Baring failure. Gabrielle Bompard, the accomplice ot Kyritud the Wrangler, is living of fover in the Clermont prison, France. A dispatch from Rome says the Pope is apt to full into a profound sleep even when taking an airing in the Vatican garden. . . , . The women in several provinces nf Italy are sorrowful because so miinv of the men born in those provinces are rushing to America. Mrs. Parnell claims to have compro mising political correspondence with Gladstone, obtained while Paruull was in Kilmainham jail. The Russian navv is lieing increased by twenty-two ships in process of con struction on both the Baltic and Black Seas, besides others ordered. The women in Prussia according to statistical reports far outnumber the men. ilie latest estimates show a dif ference of alwut 000,000 in favor of tho women, - A scheme has been successfully inaug-' urated by the Royal Institute 'of Deaf and Diimbl i Great Britain to train up the inmates as barbers, Comment is unnecessary. In consequence of prevalence of chol era at Mecca pilgrims from that place have lo undergo a quarantine ot twenty days at Eltor before proceeding through the Suez canal. The Central Statistical Society of St. Petersburg has published data estimat ing the population of -Russia in I tecum her lust at 1 HI.IXIO.OoO. the annuel in- crease lieing 1,500,000. The Irish peasantry have Won to boycott and stone the bonnes ol those who refused to join the plan of cam paign in Ireland. The outrages are coiu niitied during tho night. Fltteon thousand marks have been im propriated to induce 6iHI German chil dren of tho weaving persuasion to quit the trade and become farmers or snr. vants to the feudal barons. The Roval Commission annoinled to investigate Westminster Abbey with a view of considering the enlargement now needed recommends two plans, which will have to bo determined. Miss Gladys Evelyn is to tell the lirft. ish public from the rostrum how she was wronged bv William Henry Hurlhurt The evidence the Court would not per mit mm- vo give win ne produced. Sir John Pender stated In London tlmt. there was a decline in cable correspond ence, and he attributed it to the McKin ley bill, though he admitted depression in trade had something to do with it. The Emperor of Germany hue sent a nmnlior of costly presents to the officials oi tiiieen victorias household, foreign office and the Guild Hull and also to the chief ollicere of the police department, The Manchester canal has had the wa ter ot the Mersey admitted to the finished eastern sections. The work between Ellesmere port and the river Weaver is well advanced, and water will be admit ted soon. , . The city of Santiago, Chili, has just been visited with the severest fire ever known in South America, the loss being estimated at more than $2,000,000. The British legation building was entirely consumed. In conversation with Dr. Arondt, a member ot the Prussian Landtag, a lew days ago Prince Bismarck declared that he intended to take his seat in the fall in order to oppose the commercial treaty with Austria, During June there wsb launched (rum Scotch ship-building yards forty-three vessels, aggregating no n 7 tono i n,. : total the Clyde contributed twenty-eight steamers and ten sailing ships, measur ing 37,200 tons. The Kaiser has on foot a Ncbomo i in troduce into Alsace-Lorraine a strong German element bv -indncinv w,.i,iti.S Germans to buy large estates offered for sale in those provinces and settle them with German tenants. - Rev. Taknsa 1 laradn of ,T,i,, in the International r!ni,r.,.,a.unn I Council at London that Congregational ism In Japan, although the youngest child of the church, had seventy-one churches and 10,000 members. .