The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 17, 1891, Image 6

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    ' , a
Jgitacn tfxpwss.
B. Y. KIRKPATR1CK. Fabllsher.
A Jewish Rabbi Works
Foreign Masons. '
... .. ... -',',
The Cultivation Of Bew Zealand Hemp
Being Advpoated in South
ern California.
A railroad from Port Ballona to Santa
Monica is contemplated. i , V '
, ..." "IvT" i . reported favorably to the reciprocity pro
A mill to grind 1,d00 barrels of flour a TUn011 0f the tariff of 1880 of the Con
day is projected for Spokane. j Rrc8B 0f me United States and has con
The Port Town send Y. M. C. A. has ferred upon the President of Venesuela
raised $900 for their new building. jfull authority to enter with the President
The Seattle authorities are taking steps ' tue L'nited States upon a commercial
to fence in the Whitechapel district. arrangement, and put it in operation
The Olympia assessment roll for this "out further delay
vear is $6,3ij4,tli, against $2,363,420 last The Commissioner of Pensions has re
year ' wived a number of dispatches from pen
The cultivation of New Zealand hemp 1 f I a"" ""exPfded baJ
IjJ, advocated in Sthern U -J- ftf
.... , , , . . have not yet reported, hut theindica
Olympta'e harbor needs dredging out, ! tions are the balances will be about $5.
and the Board of Trade is moving to 000,000. Tbis, added to the amount in
that end. the Treasury unexpended, will make
James Bell is a claimant against Los $6,000,000. i'nder the law the balance
Angeles county for the site of the new .unexpended is turned into the Treasury,
courthouse. j which will be done at once, and will in-
Mayor Hazard of Los Angeles has ve- creMe tn Treasury balance by about
toad the retrenchment ordinance recent- 10,000,000.
ry passed by the Council. i Advices have been received at the
The United States Examiner of Mints Navy Department from Admiral Belknap,
has expressed much gratification at the commanding the Asiatic squadron, to
audition of the Mint at Carson Citv. e mple precautions have
The schooners Mascot and Otto have tjJ'
ailed from Victoria for Behring Sea, "f"1 JLP "
! their eantain. will mn the c.Ln. ,n th ng-tse-kiamj nver, and that no
"7" v r trouoie is teared at present. The report,
capture. ; the Admiral save, of the outbreak near
Portland's citizens' committee of 100 Shanghai had its origin in the maltreat-
has permanently organized to procure ment of a native by a policeman at-
puriheation in politics as far as possible taehed to the French colony. The police
and destroy ring rule. ' man was spirited away before the day
A petition to the San Jose Council and set for his trial to the great exasperation
Supervisors asks for a franchise to ex- of the Chinese, who threatened the
tend the iiaden road through San Jose
to the line of San Benito. " Thin ib be-
heved to be in reality the Santa Fe line. (
The steam collier Willamette will take '
a oarnn nS BiinTiIiiM fmm ben Vptaniiiiuvn
for tbeGermaiwar snipe Leipzig, So-
phie ana Alexandnne that sailed about
v - L . ( c-n V (..
lquioue. " '
n u P.,l.,,. wij
borrowine money from the overnment. !
Although he paid it aU back, the offense
wiU probablyaUihim the loss of his
The Tacoma (Wash.) Water Company
u th. Mnu.n Sr., '
.Wh . Hail. rinl u iumi .
n, n TkJ
air fine from the bity, and water will be
piped by gravity. . i
The Needles Eye says: Seedles has a 1
tandem team now. A tiny burro works
in the shafts, and a huae Moiave snnaw
in the lead. They draw well "together,
too that is, they draw the atteution
vervbodv in the neiirhborhood.
It is stated at Los Angeles that com-' forrd in Anm,. and
k'ew Mexico who will ship coyote scalps i Counterfeiters at New York have sent
to friends in California. The County out large sums of money for Brazil in
Clerk of Los Angeles bat nearly 400 imitation of the paper money recently
scalps filed, and from ten to twenty are printed by the New York Bank Note
received daily. -Company for the Argentine.
Tnited States Surveyor Royal A.1 The German foreign office attaches
Johnson, now at Plwnix, A. T.j states considerable importance to the coming
that the real cause of the Moqui Indian i vint of the young King of Servia to the
troubles ia over the survey of Indian ; Czar and to the arrangements made to
lands recently begun to establish the gi the visit a distinct political signifi
Indians on land in severalty. The tribe ; cance.
ia divided in favor of the proposition. A dispatch from Buenos Arres aavs
Miners who have crossed the divide .
tntwmn the Cascade district and tha
Okanogan recently pronounce tlie pass
tatdly obstructed nv snow and very difr KVU "reeieu aim mrceu to sign nis res
ficnlt of passage. They made some dia- ignation.
coveries, and are having assays made, i Kibot, French Minister of Foreign Af-
The ore is of the same character as that
found in Cascade and Silver creek, with
she exception tbat the percentage of gold squadron at Cronstadt August 3, and
is higher and lead lower. i that the Czarowitz, on his return from
William C. Graves, one of the Donner 8iberi. ' the fleet,
party, visited Tmckee June Hi to make ' Minister of the Navy Yice-Adiniral
a formal demand for the money recently Saint Bon is producing an excellent im
fonnd by Edward Beyn)de and Amos pression in Italy by his energy in en
Lane. The coins are rec gnized by him forcing discipline and improving the
as being of the same character as those standard of the navy. Italy's nvay
buried by his mother in March, 1846. was never in as good condition either as
He went to Donner lake and pointed to vessels or men.
cot the spot where his mother and the;. The chief of the Chilian insurgents,
second relief party camped on the nieht 'ex-Captain of the Chilian Navy George
before she concealed tlie coins. It was Mount, has notified the American Ad
wry close to the spot where the money mini gt Unique that crews of American
was found. Mr. Graves will consnlt the : TeSael oogut not to go on shore, as they
ther members of the family as to the I would run the risk of being assaulted by
advieabiuty of instituting legal proceed-. revolutionary mobs.
"The Supreme Court of California hash Pf"" to inquire
decided that corners in commodities are , J"10 th P,1" "i typhoid fever in
against the public policy, and tbat con- $he 3 f' r.kre'. ltal7. con
tracts for supplies to form a corner , exiting supplies of water in
aot binding. The decision was the re- lo" . fd recommended that all vis
salt of a suit of the Pacific Factory Com- "" fniJ dnnk blled wte. ."f
pany against A. A. Adler for breach of ! " not d"re "'tract typhoid
contract. Adler entered into a contract j
to sell to the company all grain bags in
his control op to a certain date. He
broke bis contract, and was sued for !
damages. lie claimed that the company who fled to their homes, which they bar
was endeavoring to secure a corner in Headed against their persecutors. As a
grain bags so as to increase the price, result of these attacks an edict baa been
The lower court decided in his favor, and issued threatening a declaration of mar
ine Supreme Court affirms tbat dacision. 1 tial law for excesses against Jews.
rrtj ztasnlnyM Dlsohanrea FroK thf
8aa fnuKilao Mini.
The President issued proclamation
providing for granting a copyright in the
I united State to citizens or subjects of
Belgium, France, Great Britain and
Secretary Foster baa announced to a
Knights of Labor representative in re
gard to the labor trouble at the bureau
of engraving and printing that Superin
tendent Meredith would not be dis
missed. Forty employee in the TJnited States
i Mint at San Francisco have been dis
charged by Superintendent Diamond,
Secretary of the Treasury Foster having
ordered the discontinuance for a time 01
the coinage of silver.
Assistant Secretary Chandler has di
rected on the report of a snecial awnt
that an investigation be made ia the
limner una entry ot Martin r. Kelly in
I the San Francisco land district A tim-
; ber patent was isened to him, but a spe-
cial agent who investigated the case re
port the land to be agricultural, which
is corroborated by several affidavits;
hence a rehearing.
The Department of State has received
a cablegram from the tnited States Min-
1 ?" 9':' conveying the infprnia-
x rencn colonists,
tB' faTaIT Loot Jewish Booths
Bec4nB of tD bad condition of crops
in Russia it is proposed to prohibit the
exponauonoicom.,!u, lndlcte tnl,t H.vppo-
iHe'" ." "i"?8' 01 Maeln"'"1.
,,eehn a m against him.
I American agents in Wales are said to
f Af h '"-r.
double what they have been receiving.
L famotlfl Cuban bandit, Antura
Garcia, is said to have been found dead.
J" bullet and BUb womld8 on
.General Williams of biwearat notoriety
once had an income of ,lo0,000 a year,
M"?00""0" w"h m hM P,uPer'
1,80 nim
Consul-General King learns from lead
ing champagne houses in f ranee that
?" wi" te higher thieautnmn, owing
to a tiireatenett scarcity oi the vintage.
tbat bloodless revolution has taken
place in the province of Santiago, and
that Senor Delestero, the President, has
fairs, has obtained assurance that the
Czar and family will visit France's
The noonlation attacked and lnotiuf
the Jewish booths in Scherwifska near
Odessa, and maltreated the oennnanta
Mrs. General Logan De
. nies the Report
A Soheme on Foot to Transnon the
Entire Population o: loeiaiid '
u Alaska.
Logan C. Murray has resigned as Pres
ident and Director of the United States
National Bank of New York.
George C. Gorham is engaged in com
piling tne private papers ot Secretary
Stanton, preparatory to writing his life.
Farmers are traveling by the score to
Mystic, Conn., to get a lo-'k at a grape
vine on wnicn a potato vine is growing.
The wheat harvest in Oklahoma is al
most complete. The yield is estimated
at not less than twenty-five bushels per
Mrs. General Logan denies that she is
to marry Pension Attorney Lemon.
uumip uau nut leu uiai uie marriage ar
rangements had been formed.
Harvard will not accept Oxford's chal
lenge for a boat race on the Thames at
London. The Harvard's crew is, of
course, out of training and disbanded.
Since the beginning of the vear twelve
New York fire insurancecoinpanies have
gone ont oi nuBiness, ana many ot those
remaining in the field are laid to be los
ing money. '
The Chief Quartermaster of the De
partment of the Platte has been ordered
to cut down the civilian force of em
ployee in his department by a reduction
of 25 per cent.
The American Bank Note Company,
New York, is printing $12,000,000 worth
of paper money after the style of the
American " green hacks" for President
Balmaceda of Chili.
Texas by a ruling of its Supreme Court
on tlie right of railroads to land grants
on account of Bluings and switchings
will recover over ,00ii,000 acres to which
patents had been improperly issued to
A company composed of New York
and Southern capitalists has just been
organized, with a capital of $1,000,000,
for cultivating a farm of 112,000 acres in
Florida. Sugar cane and cocoanuta are
the contemplated crops.
The deplorable condition of the streets
of New York can be inferred from what
the World says : There are no signs an
nouncing Broadway as a street closed,
but in view of that thoroughfare's con
dition there ought to be.
Tlie Secretary of Agriculture has re
yoked hie order imposing a quarantine
affecting Canadian sheep and swine.
Sheep and sine may, therefore, be im
ported into the United States from Can
ada, subject only to tlie regular inspec
tion. The Bureau of American Republics re
ports that estimates of the Brazilian cof
fee crop of 1KW-1, now coming in, con
tinue to diminish. The first estimate
was ,000,000 bags, next 3,500,000. and
now it is believed that the crop-will sot
exceed 2,200,000 bags.
Orders have gone forward to the New
York navy yard for the preparation of
two new wooden masts for the cruiser
Philadelphia to replace the steel masts
on the vessel. The ship is top-heavy as
at present rigged,, and rolls to an uncom
fortable degree unless water ballast is
Experiments are being made by the
Agricultural Department at Washington
by exploding balloons charged with gases
at a considerable height in the air, the
object being to determine the practica-
uiuiy oi expioaing uynamite in a uae
manuer and its enect in producing rain
in cases of drought.
Hereafter a board of promotions, eon-
Bistuig oi cieras oi tne various depart
ments in the Postmaster-General's De
partment, will inquire into the fitness of
clerks for promotion whenever a vacancy
occurs. The examinations are to be com
petitive, and the findings will be reported
to the Postmaster-General.
A reign of terror exists among the col
ored population of West Philadelphia,
who neueve inui tne medical uouege ot
the University of Pennsylvania has a
paid gang of powerful men whose busi
ness it is to lurk about the streets at
night, with hoods and chloroform, and
capture negroes for subjects to be dis
sected by studenta.
Judge Gary of the Annellate Conrt at
Chicago has rendered a decision which
denies the right of the city authorities
to permit pool-selling or book-making
upon the race track and not allow it
elsewhere. He decided that there can
be no discrimination, and if the oitv
insitta upon prohibiiing pool rooms it
must stop betting at race tracks.
Chairman Smith of the Tranamisaonri
division has oidered the Atchison road
to divert to the Bock Island 000,000
pounas oi salt irom tne Atchison Kan-
and tbe Missouri Pacific to divert
1,570,000 pounds to the Kock Island.
Atchison has applied for a division of the
bullion at Pueblo, and Bock Island for a
division of the bullion at Denver.
Ludwig von Dolcke. a noted Icelander.
who has been living in Detroit a number
of years, is on his war to bis native
country where he will interview the
government authorities upon a scheme
of transporting the entire population of
Iceland to Alaska and there establish a
colony nnder the government of tbe
united Slates. It Is understood a num
ber of capitalists are backing the scheme.
Laar MaertoBtlfl, Widow nf tit CaaaHlaa
, I'malar, Kals4 to tbe Peerage.
Henry Irving expects to visit America
this summer.
Prof. Lebaron Russell Briggs has as
sumed the duths of Dean of Harvard
College, succeeding Clement I. Smith re
signed. Prof. Smith bad been Dean
since 1882.
The Czarowitz has been a most indus
trious student, and is now one of the best
informed men of his age in Eastern Eu
rope. He is especially well versed in
the higher sciences.
F. U. Keller has resigned from the
postnuuttership of Centerville, Mass.,
after a service of fifty-two years. The
surprising tiling is the resignation not
the length o( service.
The King of Ashantee is allowed S.333
wives. Many of them are the daughters
of the chiefs of tributary tribes over
which the King has jurisdiction, and are
sent to him as hostages.
P. T. Barnum left a personal estate
which inventories $1,585,500, and 6 per
rent, of that snm, less the $1,000 limit,
amounts to $'t4,220.5, which tlie State
wilt get as its share of tbe sum total.
Jonathan Trumbull, the famous Revo
lutionary' hero of Connecticut, is now
honored with a souvenir snoon bearing
his name and statuette of " Brother "
Jonathan for its chief decoration.
Pierce N. Welch of New Haven is tbe
donor of the proposed new dormitory at
Yale. The building will cost $180,010.
Mr. Welch is not a Yale graduate,
though interested in the university.
Juat now Oliver Wendell Holmes
seems to be a favorite topic with the
magazines. The current issues of both
llarprr'i and tortbner'i contain articles
about him and also portraits of him.
Archbishop Tascbe, who for two dec
ades has been the head of the Roman
Catholic Church in the Canadian North
west and the foremost Canadian prelate,
is lying at the point of death at Winni
peg. General Butler's "Autobiography and
Reminiscences" will lie published in
French, English and German ; but not
more than one language will be really
needed for tbe General to make himself
Hon. Stephen Coleridge, son of the
English Chief Justice, is an artist of no
mean ability, and has a collections of
paintings of the Lake country on exhi
bition just now. Uimkfu commended
some of bis landscaiea.
King Milan recently won $35,000 at
baccarat at one sitting. He scooped in
the Parisian gamblers of the Cercle de
la Kovale in a kingly manner, and would
have had no scruples about clearing out
a Tranby-Croft comfiany.
As a reward for his services in explor
ing the Mackenzie and Yukon river dis
tricts in the far-away Northwest William
Ogilvie ot the Dominion survey has been
awarded the Murchisnn medal by the
British Royal Geographical Society.
John Burns, the British Socialist and
labor agitator, is a man of wide reading
and great cultivation. He was educated
at one of the famous English public
schools, and was an early and profound
student of Raskin, Carlyle and Adam
Princess EUzalieth ot Ratihor defies
aristocratic prejudice and confesses her
purpose to niary Carl Miller, a forest
keeper. Berlin society is shocked to its
foundations, wbiie the father of the dar
ing Princess is compelled to give bis
consent to his dsughter's marriage to
her choice: The old Duke of Ratihor ia
bead of tlie bouse of Ratihor and Corvv
and brother of Prince llohenlohe, Statt-
n alter oi Aisace-ixirraine.
An Abhreylated Amount ef the Weekly
Uuingt or (he Bad.
Daniel Bnrch. a negm. was lvnci.ed by
a mob at Port Gaines, Ga., for attempt
ing to outrage the daughter of his em
Tbe latest development In the Brook
lyn tragedy is that Theodure Larbig, who
was xuieu ny jiarwin Heaerole, was
heavily insured.
J. H. Doane, a well-known clothing
dealer of New Bedford, Mass., has left
town, and it is said be is a forger to the
extent of $15,000.
The jury in the case of Hugh West,
charged with the murder of his brother.
Major John West, returned verdict of
not guilty at Raymond, Miss.'
At Lawrence, Mass., John Ranscbe
shot and killed his sweetheart, Mary
Burket.and then killed himself the same
way. Jealousy was the cause.
Two men who had been arrested near
Freeport.Cal., attempted toescape while
handcuffed together. They were fired
upon. One was badly wounded.
Charles Bigelow, assistant cashier, and
Norman Perry, chief clerk of the Amer
ican Express Company at St. Louis, have
been arrested and charged with embez
zlement, !
John Baker (colored) shot and killed
hie wife at Huntsville, Ala, He then
mutilated her with a razor in a terrible
manner, and cut bis own throat. Jeal
ousy was the cause.
Hale, who assassinated Mrs. Lottie
McDowell and was recently convicted at
Merced, Cal., of the crime, has received
a life sentence toEolnom. An appeal
win ue inaue in nis case.
Clarence Busline. Assistant Treasurer
of the Buena Viala Saddle and Harness
Company of Lexington, Va has skipped.
xue auiunuiMi uissiionageisnotKnown.
He is a native of North Carolina, where
he is said to be highly connected.
Charles Sweeney, formerly a Well-
known baseball player, and a street-car
conductor named Leek came to blows
e ver a worthless girl of 16 in San Fran
cisco. Jek was so badly beaten that
he is now lying at the point of death, 1
England Annexes An
other Island.
The French Senate Aooepts July 10 as
th Date for the Grain Rate Re
duction to Take Effect
The coats In the baccarat case were
It Is proposed to bnild an underground
railway in Paris.
Wales reads the American papers to
see what Miey say about him.
Paris is grumbling almit a plague of
mosquitoes, due to wet weather.
The harvest in Austria and Hungary
will be helow those of late years.
An underground railway for Berlin ia
being discuased by German engineers.
8ix-lmndred-yar-old Switzerland, old
est of Republics, will celebrate this year.
It is said the Princess of Wales has
never uttered a word of reproach to his
Royal Highness.
The Jewish persecution is extending
to all foreigners in Russia, especially to
Germans, Poles and Tartars.
According to the last census the pollu
tion of Hamburg, is K2J,5,'I0, a gain of
more than IUO.OuO since 1885.
Tbe Sultan has prohibited Turkish la
dies from wearing French costumes in
the streets of Constantinople.
It is stated in Tangier locusts fall in
the streets like rain, and the sound of
their falling resembles a heavy shower.
Dispatches received at Madrid from
Manilla say that England has annexed
the Island of Hi buy an, which is claimed
by Spain.
The Marquis of Lome, who has alwavs
been snubbed by the Prince of Wales
and has the Queen's ear, sympathizes
witn summing.
The Duke of Edinburgh, who is said
to be too mean to gamble, laughs at the
scraiw into wliich his extravagant
brother has got.
A commercial treaty with the United
States has been signed at Madrid, Spain.
It will be published August 1, and goes
into operation September 1.
The Tribnnal of tlie Seine at Paris has
sentenced a German named Schneider
to five years' imprisonment fur taking
photographs of French fortifications.
Coal in the province of Allneria in
Kpain is so dear that there is greai
joining over the discovery of an inferior
quality in large vein near Albanrhea,
The French Senate has accepted the
bill of the Chamber of Deputies fixing
July 10 as the date upon which the re
duction in grain rates will go into effect.
The Hamburg authorities have de
cided to enlarge tlie docks at Wandrahm
Island. The work will cost 20,0.10,000
marks, but will be of immense value to
tlie port.
De Lessepe is to be prosecuted for
pushing his Panama canal scheme, and
yet his Suez canal shows by its last re
port a-profit of $i,25,000 on the year s
The Germans recently captured by
Turkish brigands and released a few
days ago have staid at Dresden. Banker
Papa has died in consequence of wounds
inflicted by the brigands.
The importation of opium from Persia
into the Tranacaspian districts hitherto
has been free. In consequence of this
the natives have become opium smokers
to a very large extent. A law has been
promulgated, therefore, prohibiting tlie
importation of opium in any part of tbe
Trauscaucasian region.
Belgian railway officials, after three
years of investigation, report, that nnder
ordinary circumstances the average rail
way train in passing over one mile nf
track wears from it two and one-fifth
pounds. This natural destruction of
track amounts for the whole world to
about l,330,0oV pounds daily.
The vigilance committee in London
Whitechapel has been reawakened to
activity by an undoubted warning in
the sliape of a letter, in which "Jack
the Ripper" announces that he is about
to perform another "operation." He
adds he has been nearly caught twice
but will never be taken alive. '
An nffinial disnntj,!, (mm
Chili, received at London, asserts the
revolt makes no progress, and that the
government's forces have taken posses
sion of the porta, without opposition, in
the provinces occupied bv the reliela.
The rebel army is asserted' to lie discon
tented because of bad food and lack of
Turkey that the Sultan, following the
Mohammedan law, has been enabled to
arrange forthecereuionyof circumcising
his three youngest sons. Five thousand
poor children, according to tlie habit
vtivr; WI ujHiraLiou uie same day
in different parts ot the city. Illumina
tions, rlist.rihnlirin nt auiaun...... - .,
. .... ...... u. nn.iiuram ailQ
festivities attended the event, which, in
all, cost $100,000.
Aeeordinv in t.l,A tola ,
H.IV ,,clu iimrimaj
the year 1802 should see the final solu
tion oi tne present ivuropean situation
and, the renewal of the Triple Alliance
is likely to provoke the orisis. It is
further alleged that Count von Moltke
submitted his views to the Emperor on
the occasion nf fit fnnn-nl.i. .
-- ---- v. "..'.Hi i. ii 0 visit so
Lubeck, and that tine is tb explanation
of tbe peuaimirt speech made by WitJ- i At tn vumv uiue.