The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 10, 1891, Image 6

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    H. T. KIKKFATRH'K, rabllsher.
Frost Lays Low Potato
Vines in Nevada.
Southern California Counties Adopt
Graduated Schedule for As
sessing Fruit Trees.
A ten-mile pipe line to Santa Monica
from the oil wells near Los Angeles is
The attendance of school children at
Spokane this vear is 3,721. Last year it
was 2,7t4.
Horsethieves are again committing
depredations in the eastern part of
More than 1.000 notaries public have
been appointed since Washington be
came a State.
The Ashland Tidings says that 60,000
boxes of neaches will be shipped from
that thriving locality this season. J
Various counties in Oregon are issuing
bonds for required improvements, and
these in every instance are sold at a pre
mium. The schooner Premier has arrived at
San Francisco from Pirate Cove. The
T6el was reported wrecked, with total
loss of the cargo.
J. M. Burke has won his suit against
the Snnker Hill and Sullivan Mining
Company of Wardner.Idaho. It involved
title to property valued at several mill
ion dollars.
Governor Toole of Nevada has ap
pointed thirtv delegates to the Arid Land
Convention, which meets in Salt Lake
City September 15 to discuss the irriga
tion question.
Workmen are employed in the Vir
ginia and Truckee railroad shops night
and day on machinery for river mills,
which are now running at fall blast on
Comstoek ores. .
Sixty men are at work on the Heniet
reservoir in the San Jacinto Mountains.
When completed it will create a lake of
three square miles, with an average
depth of thirty-live feet.
The Indians at Arriba, X. M., defy the
United States authorities, and a strong
force with HotchKiss guns win pmoa, .
In sent to make arrests ot Indians who
nave oeen aomg uauiagc
ing lives.
Warrants have been issued at San Di
ego for the members of the Seamen's
Union who assaulted the captain of the
steamer Hounslow and cruelly beat two
others who had assisted the captain in
securing a srew.
President Woodruff and George Q.
Cannon of tlie Mormon Church in an
interview have defined the position of
the church in regard to polities, which
they say will no longer attempt to seek
power in that way.
San Diego is delighted over the fact
that Prof. Karnes of Pittsburg, the well
kxown iron manufacturer, is prosrcting
at the former place with the view of es
tablishing an iron plant there of 100
tons daily capacity.
The Rrnditreet mercantile agency re
ports twentv-seven failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories for the past
week, as compared with fifteen for the
previous week and sixteen tor toe cor
'Feepondins week of 1800.
The proposition for an outfall to the
nf the sewerage of Los Angeles is
being discussed in the City Council of
that city. It is believed that the propo
sition, although twice defeated at the
polls, will eventually ue carneu.
A $100,000 endowment fund 1s being
raised for the Pacific Methodist Ollege.
Dr. Kelly of Nashville, the newly elected
President, win taxe cnarge oi uieoci-uui,
nmvialed the endowment is raised. Sev
eral Eastern professors have also been
Three Pint Indians one buck and
(it Hinaws convicted in the District
Court at Winnemucca, Nev., of killing
the Indian " witch," have been sentenced
.in ton vears each in the State prison. It
is the first conviction in Nevada for snch
an offense.
Rrnirhern California counties have
adopted a graduated schedule of rates
for assessing fruit trees, which they will
recommend to the Assessors of the State,
with the request that prior to the next
assessment the Assessors of fruit-producing
counties meet in convention to
discuss the same.
The San Antonio Electric Light and
Power Company has been formed to sup
ply Pomona with power for lighting and
manufacturing. Water wheels and gen
erators will be pnt in at the mouth of
San Antonio canvon, thirteen miles from
Pomona, whence" power will be conveyed
over a heavy copper wire. '
In the United States Circuit Court at
Los Angeles Judge Boss in the two cases
of the United State against the Sooth
cm Company, being suits to set aside
grant of land, bas dismissed both bills
without costs. On motion of counsel for
the government aa appeal was allowed
Id the United States Supreme Court,
Arleona IndluM Tkmlra to Kill the
White Populetion.
The Bum of $1 ,204,716,000 has been
paid to the survivors of the war of 1812,
the Mexican war and the war of the
Revolution, .
Acting Secretary Rpaulding has di
rected that the three Chinamen arrested
at Detroit for entering this country in
violation of law shall lie sent to Ban
Francisco for deportation to China.
The Chinese legation at Washington
has received advices slating that quiet
and that the Chinese government nasi
bag been restored at Woo Hoo, wima,
taken steps to prevent further outbreaks.
Captain Colton, Commissioner of the
Latin-American Department of the
World's Fair, and who is now m British
Honduras, renorta to the government
that the colonv has given him much en
couragement in regard to his mission
and agreed to accept the invitation irom
the United States at the next meeting of
the Council.
Commissioner Morgan of the Indian
Bureau has received a telegram horn Su
perintendent of the Moqui Pueblo In
dian School in Keam's Canvon, A. T., in
which he states that the Indians are
threatening to kill the whites and forci
bly take their children irom the school
The Commissioner referred the telegram
to the War Department, with a recom
mendation that additional reinforce
ments lie forwarded and the ringleaders
in the present trouble be arrested and
held pending the difficulty. The present
trouble has" grown out of the fact that
the Indians are opposed to having their
children attend school.
The Chilian insurgent commissioners,
it is said, have letters from Minister
Egan which will insure them a hearing
at the State Department. One thing the
commissioners want to explain is that
the failure oi Minister bgan's oner ot
mediation is not due to them, as the Bal
maceda partisans claim. They will ask
the United States to recognise them as
belligerents. France and other European
countries are ready to follow in the wake
of this country, it is said the Chilians
will ask the restoration of the arms taken
on board the Itata on the grounds that
the neutrality laws were not violated,
and that the only penalty to which the
vessel is subject is for a violation of port
The Department of State has been no
tified of the appointment by the British
government of Sir George Baden Powell
and Mr. Dawson as agents to visit Alaska
and collect information respecting the
seal fisheries. The statement coming
from London that these men had lieen
appointed arbiters is erroneous. The
negotiations looting to the arbitration of
the claims made by the United States
have not yet progressed to a point that
would permit the appointment of an li
tem, and in fart the nature of the arbi
tration itself has not been agreed upon.
It mav be that Powell and Dawson will
hereafter serve as representatives of the
British government upon the expert
commission, which the two nations are
bound to send to Alaska, hut it is alto
gether improbable that they will be ap
pointed their previous duties
. , . .nnnoaed to nnfit them io ,
,,,.,, ; ' matte. ,.here fo
- , rt , M Mrti8an expertB,
Ophthalmia Prevail to an Alarming- Ex
tent at the Causae of Cosier.
The Jesuits are abont to start a news
paper in Rome.
The British Parliament will be pro
rogued August 6.
General von Schallendorf, formerly
German Minister of War, is dead.
French engineers are discussing the
possibility of a railroad across the desert
of Sahara. '
The French Cabinet is discussing an
appropriation of $200,000 for the Chicago
The Arabs in Yemen have again de
feated the Turkish troops and cut the
telegraph lines.
Mrs. French-Sheldon, who started on
an exploring expedition in Africa, has
. Li ... '.....i,. u;nnaiv ;n
France will compel Hayti to pay an
indemnity to the widow of Rigaud, the
Frenchman recently shot by mppoiite.
Pern refuses to recognise the belliger
ent rights of the insurgents of Chili not
withstanding the promise of large terri
It is claimed that the Prince of Wales,
not being a newspaper reader, is unaware
ol uie storm oi journalistic uHiigDatiou
aroused by the baccarat anatr.
The French millers have been canvass
ing the wheat eituatio.i at home, and re
port that France will have to import at
the lowest hu,uw,iksj puBneis oi wueai,
There are 150 cases of ophthalmia
among the students of the College of
Goslar, Germany. The malady has taken
an almost epidemic form, and is causing
much alarm.
Sir John E. Gorst in the debate in the
British House of Commons on the Man-
inor massacre declared that Senapatty
was a manof brains ; that his real crimes
were independence and originality, and
that the government prefered amenable
The grand military maneuvers are pro
jected lor 1802 to take place in the pres
ence of the Ctar. They are to include
the investment of Moscow by an army
corps, the occupation of Vouiynia and
the repulse and pursuit of the corps to
the frontier.
A dispatch from Constantinople gives
an alarming account of an increase of
brigandage in various parts of the Turk
ish Empire. In the Turkish province
known as Old Servia the brigand chief,
Mihran, has established himself in the
mountains with about eighty followers,
and lives in princely fashion on bleak
mall txaaua xrom people uu viuagss,
The President Will Visit
The Export; of Breadstuff From the i
United StaViS Wheat Crop
: in Kansas.
President Harrison will visit Saratoga
in August.
There will be forty-four stars in the
national flag after.July 4.
A Philadelphia jurist has decided that
piano-playing is manual labor.
The Socialists and Hebrew unionists
of New York will go into politics.
Thev are beginning to talk about 00,
000,000 bushels of wheat in Kansas.
Brooklyn gas companies are not obey
ing the aw fixing gas at (1.25 per 1,000
The Methodist Episcopal Church will
hold its next quadrennial in May, 1802,
at Uuiaha.
The International Congress of Homeo
pathic l'hvsicians is to meet in Wash
ington, D. C, in im.
Since the 1st of Januarv 153 men in
positions of trust have Btolen $4,000,000,
aua nave oeen caugut ai it.
The Transcontinental Association is
considering the propriety of reducing
freight on Caulorma raisins.
The Supreme Lodge of the A. O V. W.
has decided to meet the second Tuesday
in Jane, 1802, at Helena, Mont,
Mrs. Samuel Mather of Cleveland, O.,
has given $75,0ttO to the Western Reserve
University for its college for women.
American tin on American public
buildings. This is likely to be the text
of the Treasury order at an early day.
Census Sunerintendent Porter save he
has not resigned and don't intend to un
til the work he has undertaken is com
pleted. The Indians are fighting among them
selves in the Indian Territory over cattle-stealing.
One Indian policeman has
been kilted. - ,
President Polk of the National Alli
ance predicts a terrible civil war unless
the money power is speedily controlled
in the interest ol the masses,
A shipment of Canadian cattle has
failed to pass inspection on arriving in
England, and great is the consternation
of our Canadian cousins in consequence.
It is stated that the Delaware. Lacka
wanna and Western will help itself to a
different rote on a basis of 20 cents on
tirst-class freight from New York to St.
pui ...
For about twenty-one vears General try village oi nigu aiuiuae m ioru iar
Butler, S. M.Allen and others have been ' olina. He drives a spanking team of
engaged in collecting subscriptions for a i horses, and when he has the spare time
monument to Miles Sundish, and $35,- I he puts it in on the new play he is wnt
mio haun raiuvl I ing for Stuart Robsun. Inalettertoa
. .:i u . ft v l
Business n Brazil is reported to be in
I Xy EZXrm
which is auspicious for the success of the
first year of reciprocity.
The First Massachusetts Cavalry As
sociation has erected a granite monu
ment in Virginia in memory of their
comrades who foil in battle with Moeby's
troopers near Aldice, Va.
Among the rumors in Philadelphia
about ex-i"resiueni fllarsn oi me r.ey
tone Bank is one that he has been taken
to Bea bv friends and is now bound for
California on a yacht.
St. Joseph. Mo., fears that it will soon
he left two miles from the river, owing
te the work of erosion by the water on
the neck of land which separate the
river north and south at Belmont.
The exports of breadstuns from the
United States in the last eleven months
had a value of (110,000,000. or (.10,000,-
000 less than the exports of the corre
sponding period of the preceding year.
Judge Bartlett at New 1 ork has hand
ed down a decision denying the second .
motion on behalf of the i'arnellitee to.
restrain Eugene Kelly from transmitting'
any more money to the McCarthyitee.
Several bove who were candidates for
a naval cadetahip from a district in Mich
igan were rejected because the examin
ing physician found that their hearts
had been affected by smoking cigarettes.
The State Department will probably
advise American Consuls to devote some
attention to profit-sharing corporations
on the co-operative plan formed in many
countries in Europe between capital and
labor. .
The collateral inheritance tax is a very
good thing for Connecticut, which will
profit to the extent of (04,000 by the
death of P. T. Bamum, that being the
amonnt of the State's dividend from his
The prospects are that there will be
something to eat in Great Britain next
fall. Fortv steamships have been char
tered in Baltimore to load with grain for
porta of the United Kingdom between
June and October.
The riot among laborers near 8t. Louis
was not a factional fight between Italians
as was at first represented. American
workmen drove the Italians from camp,
and confiscated their goods. Several
Americans implicated have been arrested,
and a rigid inquiry la being made.
Several of the widows of persons killed
in the wreck at Hagerstown, Ind., last
winter have been offered from (3,000 to
$5,000 each by way of a compromise, but
all have refused. They will bring suit
for $10,000 ach against tbs Pennirlvania
mad unless pester wnrs an maw,
The M etropnlltnn Mlehael of Servls Con
sent to Mllau'e Proposed Marrtaffe.
Donald fl. Mitchell was ono of the
class of 1X41 at Vale, and takos part in
the semi-centennial observance this
Kaiser William pitches the tnnes In
Fatherland. There is a Socialist song in
Germany called "A Free Man Am I." A
soldier sans it in barracks. He will be
locked up five years.
Mine. Adsm, the French anthor and
magazine m riter. is nearlv 110 vears old,
hut she has the spirit and enetvy of a
girl. - Her tirst book was published
thirty-two vears ago.
Out in Keokuk, where Mark Twain
was born, the old inhabitants remember
him fairly well, hut declare he never he
traved aiiv genius as a humorist while
he lived among thein.
Count Douglas, a member of the Gor
man Reichstag, who has become a great
favorite with the Emperor, is a descend
ant of the famous Scutch family. He is
now one of the wealthiest land proprie
tors of Prussia.
Judge George Hoadly, now a member
of the New York har.'is attending Su-
Ereme Court in Ohio. He is happier in
is practice and a great deal more pros
perous than when holding the office of
Chief Magistrate of Ohio.
The Metropolitan Michael of Servia
hue given his consent to the proposed
marriage of ex-King Milan. It is said
that Milan sent 40,000 francs to the tailor
of his mistrees after receiving the 1,000,
000 francs from the State.
A yonng daughter of Joachim, the fa
mous violinist, recently made her debut
as an opera singer at Elberfeldt, and
made such a brilliant success that Bhe
was immediately engaged for the winter
Beason at uiv iupeic open uuuo.
The Servian boy King Alexander is a
sturdy lad of 14, with keen eyes and an
intellectual face, but he is as self-willed
and stubborn as any royal child. He
has been well educated, and speaks Ger
man, French and English in addition to
his native tongue.
Dr. Bangh read a congratnlatorv dis
patch from the students of Midland Col
lege to the Evangelical Lutheran Gen
eral Svnod at Lelutnon, Pa., closing with
a classical quotation. When he had pnt
the latter phrase into English, he found
that it ran: " There are no Hies on us !"
One would think Stanley awed enough
black men in Africa to match just one
Pullman porter just one. But he
couldn't do it. A porter remarked in
San Francisco the other day that when
he finished a run with Stanley this stern
ruler of men yielded up to the potentate
of the Pullman just $100.
Rev. Dr. De Costa is left in a 'suffi
ciently humiliating position by the dis
covery that his Boston correspondent,
upon whose statements he based his cir
cular letter to the Bishops and standing
committees against Phillips Brooks, is
no other than Miss A. A. Chevaillier, a
woman who had a qnarrei with the new
Bill Nye is enjoying himself In a conn-
trieno n iiiiair. save can now iiiiaKiiir
KhakMotfuire'nHHd to feel about the
he was giving birth to a new play.
General Taliaferro, w ho has been tell
ing the people of Richmond some inter
esting reniiuisi-eiices of Stonewall Jack
son, says that the great Southern leader
never held a council of war. He was a
singularly devout man, with a tendency
toward fatalism, and in the early davs
of the war he was personally b.-ipopular
as well with his own staff as with the
general officers of the army.
Ellen Terry played for several vears
under the management of Charles Reade,
whom she characterises in one sentence
' dear, lovable, aggravating, childlike,
crafty, gentle, olietinate and entirely de-
Jightiul and interesting." During the
progress of a play Mr. Keaue would eit
and watch her, and between the acts
send her little notes pointing out what
he deemed the defects and merits o! her
An Epitome of the lolnae of the Kx-
eeedlnalr SV tened.
The general belief is that the soldiers
who are charged with the lynching of
Hunt will be acquitted.
John Mazue. aged 13, is charged with
the brutal murder of Annie Brunder of
the same age at Delano, Minn.
S. K. Smith and William Mason, who
robbed the depot safe atOceanside,Cal.,
tlie other night, have been arrested.
Sixteen hours after Antono Granado
was hung at Clifton, A. T., a respite for
ten days was received trom Solomon vine.
William B. Cook, late Police Clerk of
Toledo, O., pleaded guilty to the embes
slement of $5,000 city funds, and was
sentenced to five years in the ieniten
tiary and to pay a fine of $10,000.
The trial of Henry K. Long, the first
of those charged with the murder of Os
car Crandall, at Red Bluff, Cal., resulted
in a verdict of not guilty. It is probable
an early trial of Rube Mitchell, Charles
Hoyden ana t ran nugnes wui touow,
The well-known American specialist in
lnnacv. Dr. Walter Kempler, has arrived
in Wales, wjiere he will testify on
behalf of t. U. Duncan oi Washington,
D. (!.. who will then he placed on trial
for having attempted the murder of his
Steve Daly shot and killed John Mc
Carthy at Trinity College, Hartford,
Conn., the other night. Daly is a well
known athlete and trainer of the Trinity
students. He claims ha was assaulted
by a gang of toughs, and that he shot in
The Holy Coat to be Ex
hibited in August
Germany, Austria, Hungary.Ilaly and
Switzerland Form a Great
Customs League.
Hog cholera is on the increase in Great
Sermany will send two men-of-war to
Chinese waters.
Austria will build more forts to scare
off tlie Russians.
Emperor William will edit the biogra
phy oi Von Mollke.
Kaiser William will buy Carl Schurx'
brotlier-in-law's country seat.
Diamonds of the purest transparency
have been found in British Guiana.
French and German goods are driving
those of British make out of Russia.
Rndini says tlie dreihnnd compels
great armanenta on the partof members.
A choir of twenty natives of South
Africa has gone to London to give con
certs. A deficit ot $81,000 is shown in the
punlic accounts ol Prince Edward Inland
for the last year.
President Carnot in a letter to the
Pol expresses his high appreciation of .
the lat'.er'e encyclical on social questions.
Count Munster will lie retired from
the German diplomatic service at Paris,
and Count von Wedel is to be his suc
cessor. The sum collected in Germany for a
.church to be erected in memory of the
late Kaiser William amounts to about
720,0110 marks.
Another Manipur Prince, Sana, has
been sentenced to death for warring
against the Queen and for abetting the
massacre of her officers.
The French Chamber of Commen
Committee declines to consider request
tn obtain the government's assistance to
complete the Panama canal.
It it reorted that Sir Charles Topper
will lie offered the seat in the Ilouae of
Commons for Kingston made vucant by
the death of Sir John Macdouald.
William Walter Phelitt, the American
Minister, who has been quite ill itli in
fiuensa at Berlin, is still conKned to his
bed. He has undergone a paiuiul oei
The report of the Leprosy Committee
at Lowlon, composed of eminent physi
cians, gives hope for the discovery of a
cure for this hitlierto supposed irremedi
able disease.
The French Senate ejected the hill
recently lutpsed by the Chain tier o( Dep
uties remitting u.OtlO.iKHI francs of the
tax on hind sown in wheat in the past
spring season.
Official opinion in France generally
tends against the prosecution of le Les
seps, hut Constans says the public feel
ing demands that the famous engineer
be placed on trial. ,
Sailors are so scare in Eng'and that
it is doubtful whether the intend' d na
val maneuvers will be held unless a suf
ficient complement is obtained by the
detention of war ships destined for In
dia. A nugget of gold weighing thirty-five
pounds has been lound in the gold dis
trict recently discovered in British Gui
ana, and has been sent to England as a
specimen of the auriferous deposits in
tne colony.
The new model for the great national
monument to the late KaiBer William,
which is to lie erected in Berlin near the
old royal palace of Schloss, will lie ex
hibited in the royal arsenal filter den
Li ndeu in July.
A dispatch from Calcutta states that a
war is threatening in Asia between the
French and tlie Siamese Anamites, who
are tributary to France, and have already
come to blowe with the Siamese troops
on the banks of the Mekgon.
Comte de Montbello, who replaces De-
Laboulaye as French Ambassador at St.
Petersburg, will be specially charged to
obtain definite information from the
Csar aa to the action of Russia in the
event of war between France and Ger
The great event of the London season
will be the murriage of the Queen 'a
granddaughter, Princess Arihert of An
halt, which will be celebrated at Wind
sor Castle July 0, Tiie Queen lias con
tributed handsomely toward tlie bride's
Mr. Spurgeon, with a number of other
ministers, has signed a manifesto declar
ing for thorough Calvinism and accept
ing both Testaments, on inpiration and
Sabbath-keeping as the word of God,
saying the two must stand or fall to
gether, The Porte refuses to be intimidated by
the threats of the French Embassy into
hasty action in the matter of the recent
riots at Jerusalem between Greek and
Roman Catholic. The Porte ignores
French interference, and is going about
tlie investigation in a deliberate way.
The Home Rulers of Ireland expect
aid from the Queen. Tn one of her let
ters which she has permitted to be pub
lished it is intimated that she accepts
the verdict of the country on home rule
and will use all her power and personal
inflnence to prevent the Lords from op
posing it.