h ) . -1 Lebanon. Express. H.Y.KIRKPATRICK, Editor - and - Proprietor. Wesley L. Davis is the new rditor of the Newport Times. The next meeting of the National Editorial Association will be held in St. I'anl, July 14. "The total shipmant of gojd from the United Status to Europe from January 1 to May 30, i HoS,i$4r Blaine, Gladstone and Bismark are heing continually reported as Jn-ine each 'afflicted "with several dozen dangerous diseases. The democrat of Iowa Vnow a good thing when they see it, and for this reason have re-nominated r Governor Boise. He will be a favorite son if re-elected. ' The Oresron Seont, the well-prin-, twl and nioeiv made-up weekly, jiuUished at Union, by IS. Chaney, one of the most readible of ex ehanircs received at this office. Dr. E. V. Barnes, member of the last Oregon legislature from Wal lowa county, lias lately purchased the Border Signal, a newspaper in that county, and will editorially conduct the same. In Seattle there are 420 men en jraiied in the disposal of "corner lots'' or "'desirable acreage prop erty;" 289 representatives of liti gants, and 251 places to get drunk. ts a bald man who could -wsit this Sound -city and escape whole from this mind-and-jmrse- destroying combina ion. A roetlel juror has been found in the trial of the directors of the New York New Haven R. K. under indictment for using stoves in the cars run over a railway in New . York. The juror had never heard of Chauncey M. Depew. This for a man living'iu New York was ex ti.iordiiis.ry ignorance, and he was accepted. . , In Sing Sing prisen. New York, ( the four murderer, Slocum.Smiler, Wood and Jngiro, were electrocuted Julv 7. The execution was not at tended with hororible consequences f ' witnessed in the Klemmlsr scorch- . ,' " jug. The execution took place in presance of dotors, spirit ual ad vis-. - . . ors, and officers. By a prearrnnge- i nient of signals, it was understood that the raising of a white flag meant that Biocuni was dispatched ; a lda" flag the death of Smiler;and a black flag for the negro, Wood; ' and a red flag for the Jap. Jmiitob Lepasok iiiPKEas: Through tbe kindness of a friend tlie fullowing was directed to my uotlee: Aiidv T. Kiehote lias his bnuie finteb i I uppo from the way he is fixing up lie is going to get a bouse-kaepcr iK-fore Iouk. Some one lewhe cat ut f the Iceboat him and Miss Mealy. Kr Xicbois visits there pretty often tune will tell. I will say it a dastardly lie and R!iy man thai can m revel in slander to use a respectable woman's name in that manner is a low-lifcd hound. I bave my opinion of whom tbe writer is. and let me say here, that if repeat ed I will nut auswerftir tbecounetjuen ''Cea. '' ',",'.' ' J O. MEALET. Sweet Home Or. Lawk Sociable The Litl'" "f the M. K. cliiirf li wit! liive a luvit emialile at the nafiiirnee of J '.V. Men&io Fri day evening, July i. 1;. ;t4hu;tiiUi will In- served. - TH7. CHUflCH?.. KTUOiM-j- IP-tj' VI ( V wt I' Vv 11.11 r l i - r- -ri i- ' - 1 ' A omtTl'. X. aMtii -W X .1. V.. M;.;t mpo' tin- l.wifif u' ' '- i. Silver jri'rf tl!!- TiitirV.v evnin'it tr-f-n .$. .tijat IHIVI rr 1 fill r ' fc;r. lyrv!-.' H,,-r' :; ,i '.I'll Hf : . 21 jv-' " T il. t..'.i;-jh b: :' .1. M. i":t-r r..t, l:y lln-i evtjjiuw.HIT.'tiilnrU. All l f.m.c. . - riTkl.i'1' I" 1.,1-TIM "itp n . Y. "lti.nr ii ii it, ni n it il.th nl L it. :tl.(i'il 1Jfy M. lfiV.?r !,. --iv-K V..iliifJOV cKi't::i! ftt TsW. rtlllt '1 S--w -1 Cvv;fy sulilwib a; Id A. M. . t. CBlitfil. i"'l'l'l!-0. S. ItarWlT p U. i'n-ucl:Tit.'t -v'lllwstj 41 11 A. M. acd nclt iJ'Ihi'.a yv!l;lui( mXJ. MliirtnjrHrinilni: t'. !. 1 tiidU'? rti ,t nvstiutx ewili Frsly eteniii. liir';xfiy wfUsicie. y.K-T Uin-r cw'iKH-r r imn- j to . ih'ZU ln'M M: Hip Amdi-my. hwi.:l!ti!r f 'i"v tifi mid Mf'iitul iluiKJa IU4 f. M. Suiiduy Jk'mltfttUilWr.ll. EAST AND SOUTH " ;, VIA Southern Pacific Route. THK MOV NT R II A NT A EOI TE. Kirr.css Tjuis lkavi portlakd Tujvc: Tiip P. M. .8:lu A. U. AT Altwiy At 1 A. M. AbevetntinsiQuDonlyu the following stations imnliof Rt-biire: tut ronUittl, unuu ity, Wuutlbutn. 6ab?iQ, AHudt. Tuigtiut, Sliwlds. HaLy, ilutubuEg, J miction CUj , irvluf mid KoMbarc Mail Dmiif HUSH A. U. t Lt Ponlond , Ar I 40 P. 41. M. ! hf AliMUT Ar M. o:Hr. 31. 1 AT Kusebiiry lx 6S) A, M. "Albany LicJ DilyEeit Sunda;.) P. M. i Lv IVirtiHiid Ar S:C0 A. II. F. M. Af Aibauy Lv ftaK A. M. Local Paasouser Train llaily Kxoept 8uuday. I'. M. J.t Albany .':i 1'. M. AT Itwiiua A.M. ( IiT AliMUiy A- M. At U'bautm ATtflJS Ju LviK40 A. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Tourist SiaEKPiko Cars Vor accomfxlatioauf7L"oiMi-W lassc risers it- WEST SIDE DIVISION. BETWEEN POKTLA U akdCOK V A LLI8. Mall Train lalljti:x(iept Sunday.) 7.3) i. M. I LV Portland CurvnUia I 5.H A. H. f IXai p. M. At Albany and Corrallm couuect with trains of Ortgtm pwrilic Kailroul. sprH Train Dally (Pzimpt Sunday . 4 11' T. X. 1 LV ;. V. M. 1 AT Portland at a. m. NcNmvilh! lv 5.i a. x. WTbrmiirb frkRts to sll pntntc KaM md South Fur ;t:kt. and fall inform ahou rtpantmp rMvu ui?k. tc, tkU on Co' agent ax Ls!inm. Or. R.KOEHLER, E-P.ROCKKS, Manager. ask . t'. P. Agi. The Yaquina Route. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD, T. E. Hogg, Receiver AND Oregon DevelopsisTit Go's Stemslip line 225 MUm Shorter I 30 Honrs Leat Tlmel Than by any other Boute. FIRST-CJ.A66 THROUGH PASSENGER AND FREIGHT LINE From Portland aud all points in lite Willamette Valiey to and from tan f raucisoo, Cai. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. HUE PCHEUL'LE Except Suudays.) Lv Yttuina "SO A 31 C.'-;rfTi.iliiH!-A5 A M Ar Aliiaiiv lliw A M Lv Allmny 1: .-Ji' V M LvCorvaiiw i:ti 1' 51 Ar Ynutmia.... 4:.i F K O. 4l C trains eonneet at Albany and Curvanis. The tdMivp iistiM eonnpet at YBquiita with the Oregon Ifevclopoient Conipany'c line .of titt'iiia sltiptt betweec i, aijuiiuL and &tu FranciK-o. SAILING DATES. S. S. Willamette Valley. WILL tAIL -Frrrni Ya)iiina.......Jnne 4, June IS. -TtnwE. Frouj 6ml Tiieaco m.Usy ai, " &. lfe A J7. This ramiwiTy rewrvw the right to change tail iag date without iioucfc. ; WM. . ITOAO. C. C HOWE. (ieneral aiaimgar. G. J. P. AgBULCorvallis, or. Gild's Blessinc to Bnmantty. w So Sayfc an Orvgoii Pioneer Ninety Yeare Old. fw.ffT Gicovu, .. Marrh !8. Iha-ffeunfl the OHF.ON KIDNKY 7A and mitMintKi immtftliale ivlief. It w (rod bltm? io buajiiiji;v. I take nleaure in TOvonifsieudiiu.' loll uSlRt-d. Iain n-ivr neatly niiity yearn old. came ultKw in 1WJ in thr einfdoy of the Hudon Uttv fVjinpiiUT, and aim 1 tega; mng Iht HUMUS KIDNEY TEA I enjov bihhI Jwalth. IAV1JJ jk shoe. IRB. a H. C0VAXTH Emporium of Fashion Is Tepiptr with the late Btylw of lint, nonneb mad evezy toneiy w lw;atl-irfitr known lu tlie .iiiuliitukt wuriU. A Flrn-Hniw TireTOakilij! flhiwv in eommniati. w iilnji i.Tfde(i nvur !y Inill." lto mniie Culling and Fining a bjitiiiaUr. Ost Door SotTH OF nut ""ExpRErti" Ojthie LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. . Chaoded lively Week.J Wheat 88c. Oats "We. Hhv-MM.i ikmt ton. flnur H 4M iiil jicr Kick. C Imii tl 5iJ it-r c t. ltrun filii p;r owl. Midnliwrx SloOfirrcwt. Puttit.i. -ic. ' Apih rlf(l. R?wrlb. J'liiiiih Iril, 7c. OfSI'UlH till Tiff, no. JVirk lii'i'd. ot.fit:. -I.i.rtl !'- ' 14. Hiinw li'folK' jier Hi. hlltiUidfm lre.ilK.-. . I'tft .13ift lr In. Jwi H 1 per diz. Iui ki-7 SW pi-r Uw. Cliirkeiia 4 (Wfn S IN). TurkfVH mU rr lb. F(f" ltic per (lio. "Gutter k! per Ih. Hitles--r u, 2' if, i'y, 6c. AT COST! To aiake Rount for My SPRING & SUMMER STOCK, t OF DRY GOODS, FURHISHIHG GOODS, 1KB SOTIOHs, 1 WILL CLOSF OVT MY Entire Stock of Boots & Shoes ATCOST. Now is the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have . . TUB- ' Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F. READ, JLilmiiT, Oregon. . .$gffooUot MERCHANT TAILOR, CLEAKiye AXS EEPAIMXG Promptly and Smt'y Done. LebanoiijOregon G.T.G DEALER IS Groceries Proiision, Tobacco, Cig-arrst, rSmokers' Lr tieles, I3te. Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Confectionery QueollBware and Glamware, Lftui and Lump .Fixtures. ' Pays Cash For Eggs. Main St., LEBANON, OR. LEBANON in niwrr. . 1 Meat Market, EI. KELLEKBESQEE, Peji Prest & Salted Beet Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Bologna, and Ham. Baeorj ard Card lluiays or) flaijd. Uaia Street, Lebanon, Or. Glothiiig, BOOTS, SHOES and FURNISH ING GOODS. We wish to announce our good friends in Lebanon and vicinity that our Spring Stock is now all in, and is ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO HE THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE Ever Brought to the Willamette Valley. YOUNG MEN'S DRES SUITS We carry everything thatjs New anil Novel, 'guar anteed to fit equally as well as your Merchant Tailor can fit you. 5 Among other celebrated brands and makes, we carry a full line of the Highly-Tailored Clothing manufactured by A full and complete line of Men's Business Suits ranging in price from $7 50 to $14. Agents for Albany Woolen Goods, and a full line in stock. A full line of Shoes and Boots at Popular Trices. Latest Styles and Patterns in Furnishing Goods. Come and see us when in tlie city. T. JL. Wallace k Co., ALBANY'S LEADING CLOTHIERS.' "The Birthplace of Great and Honest Bargains." WILL & LINK, (Successors to Will Bros ,) DEAI.Elt in Pianos and Organs, Musical Merchandise & Sewing Machines,' Invite the peojile of Lebanon and vicinity to acquaint them selves with . VOSE i HONS' J laiiuo. PAI.AI-E. KtWMiX IIKOB-, Anil fcAKUlf Organs. Tbwte inatratneiit tlicy keep In slock, but solicit ordcra for "Stelnway" ami "Weber" PiaiKM. Our pries are tbe loweat. Kbeet Music, Uonkii and Bmull lnstrunit'iits a snei'litlt v. The best Hewing Macbinee in the market ou easy terms, N rite for euUilujrues. Second Street, Albany, Oregon. Mr- mi .00 7S V. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE notea, .ml so OMmiMMl on Ixlom. AtldDtt, C. C. HACKLEMAN. DEMVEH, Oiaah, Kansas City, Cliicai, 8T PAUL, ST. LOUIS. ; ' AKO ALL POINT East, North p South, UNION TICKET OFFICE, C. O. RAWLINCS, Agent,