7 9 TKE WORLD OLD QUESTION. Joy. Stonm. daoacr, pas-rioo. kv and trrief Pnny what amtHvwtotiim whotiuiitekKM Within tfee tfoert af luulowy world. Am. murks the sbiukw of fate own life feB Acnw tbe auifc ilua liokl no (oat print jHt To bun. tiat shadow is so (rival, it flirt Tb wkWt DunyiD of liheeartb iumI 7; And ywt he quttniom: fx lie grain of sand, Or sbadnw vafnie. amid the elkaiiowti liters Ami all tb tcrauw or mumI Dti.ttl A. Curtis iu Drake's UagulDlk A SILENT THREAT. T made ui mv mind twentv-five Tears -go that Private Gray would sometime lill Capt. Eoss. " When the war ended the two men drifted apart, but mv conviction re - mained unshaken. I knew as well as I knew anything that they would come to - gether at the proper time. The assassination of Capt. Rosa last week ma western town did not surprise me in the least It was just what 1 had looked for-just what he had expected! A detailed account of tlie murder appar - entlytlirowsnolishtuionit. Tlie news- papers merely suite that an unknown person fired at the captain through the window of his office at night and made rns escape. The inquest brought out no clew. It was in evidence that a stranger a stout,: quarely built man-had been seen in tlMvil asn tlial ft,Tnnnii and that ha bad not beeu visible after the killing, Thut. vru nil Tlmro ttraa T;"if iinr t-t mn. . .1 . ;.i .1.., . net t the stranger with the murder. b .ivunJr ,i,,Bn,i mii w,m the auisianceoi a inoubanuiunesrromine J auene of tlie tragedv, It was all very, r : , ... piainiome. ! The newsnanerdromied from mv band., . and mv thoughts traveled backward to ' do6! aud rarely m Jwd " wrJ ! " b boat Hold '"""T ge"'nn. plowed by the same shallow runnilig that night he bWcrlv critdoised the ar the last year of the war j ""P1688811 consequences recorded. But , t dreamed 'bout flat boat las' night plows, and produoing their steadily de-1 nu?nient of tlie pwasssion, His fa- rrivate Gray first attracted my atten-j fSHf1 toharms shown, , dffttllied j out m mj creasing little crops of corn or cotton there attempt to explain matters aVsM tt under very peculiar circumstances, i f 0,8 .'."f Ca' t"' reported v dan j, was in de cove, anchored. ! No manure has ever been applied since ' noth'nB. Other processions, he said, When 1 saw him he was in disgrace, and 1 LTtX!,?.6 "a Dat 0004 d two h"" du"ah. ' the land was first cleared. The same ' n mDoh J"' t)em "? was suffering the penalty. j iSTT,- Fit Ung to (ro fluiu' in. round of drudgerv ha, leu gone d,Bre ""i01,, , tlie Urand Army ' Between two poets a barrel was nailed ! repeated "f 80016 '"enty-four 1 p a blue strine V a throuch with vearlliter vear- the sam. "ld Uttl" bojr" "nd the" n"unn"'" m a slantm" Tuition It had no head hours after he became utterly prostrate faulted wwte.wid a blue stripe n a, Wirougl will year alter year, the same lo6e aI1ytllinSj by goiag bome irnTto4nZSinJ I""""' inter- wlllte v ulue W a cabin all com- cry of "Imrd times" hns always been 'y. Private Grav closelv guarded bv a sol 1 Tal9 he """Plahied of intense headache, ' P'ete. Ef dat boat had been real heard on this farm, and the same dole-1 i could have stood It," he said at last, flier, was haril at work shoveling Band "ith chmg. griping pains in his bowels. 1 Uncle Dcmpsy 'd been rich fob de rest ful expression has been seen on the j "if those old men hadn't made their into tliis bottomless barreL There was a very high fever and rapid ob his life." j farmers' face for years past Indeed, ; bands play over and over a tune that It , 1., .i,. j. i pulse, tongue dry and deeply furred,! The young men laughed and left this lugubrious expression seems to sounded like 'You've got to see ns! .unsatisfactory work. As fast as the sand' !. -was shoveled in it ran out. and the iob' h waaamiarcntlv endless. v I Peoplo stopped to look at the prisoner, ' -nd I joined the crowd. It struck me! tnen that frivate Oray was a dangerous JOnfcini-mfln HAVM ahnrt nnt at,. viKBaR-A . , ' ousit, ana iiau severe diarriiea; sue in- , . . . ' n. ajymiuiiuiwt, wiuca wore oiwavs re&ur iISSSaef- t ot ??'?'TV1' ,fc the bare forests aud old fields. : to go out to aU whom he believed to be dTwT " bloody mucus, mued with fine particles! The result was tliat one of them ran U it at all strange that boys should wronged and oppressed. lie was an Hedid not shirk hirt- .ll t ! of sulphur. Blood also appeared in the down b? tnun Xcw B1'0"1 tliat abandon this kind of sordid, wearisome ardent abolitionist Few men ever He went on steadX wSTt fook"' ' ! Charges from the kidneys. This pa-; afternoon. It was easy to find a boat life and flee to the city as soou as they labored more for the cause of the Irish either to the rk-ht or to the left Sj tient recovered after a short but painful answering the description which the. become of age? It would Indeed be people. His regard fur President Duvis Finallv I turned awav and walked off. i ia"fta- niB 01186 illustrates, what phy- j old man hud given, and to order her to ' strange if they remained there. j as of the same sort. It was sympathy Yr frimul f-.tf d,, nj I sicians are constantlv trying to impress be painted white and blue. But think of the hardships tlie poor ' 'or 'he one southern man who was dis ji iiuiwi, .iapt boss, iouowea me I -,i- ,u lj . u...i...u J.. , . I,,hii h,i f. . ,.iin..i "Wliatdo vou think of it? the captain1 asked. I : . . . . - ' u - "tvnowne, and what is it about?" I -inquired. "PrivateGray of my company be was Impertinent and I had hint punished," was tlie reply. He has a sullen, determined looking lace," I said. "Yes," responded the captain, "he will bear watching." Later in the day the soldier was re leased. I sat talking with Boss and a group of officers in front of their quar . - tors when Gray came in sight Tlie man did not stop, but he slack ened his pace and looked straight at the captain. A dead silence fell upon the group. That squatv. resolute face, with its deep aet, blarii:.' ryes, fascinated us. It was euiy a second or two, but the look that Gray darted at the captain was full of deadly meaning. --"Ahem! That was Gray, wasn't it?" aid a young lieutenant Boss did not answer. His face was very pale, and, muttering some excuse, be rose and went to his room. "Did you notice that fellow's look?" Y aud an officer. . "Yes," replied one of the party; "It ' : l was more than a look it was a silent t threat, and there was murder in it!" Tlie next day I spoke to Boss about ' ' Private Gray. , "Oh, that's all right," be answered. -with an air of relief, "I have had him traiisfexred-detailed' to work in tba! ichd not meet thecaptain again for .. - r I ' years. He talked very freely about old times, and then bis face clouded. "Do you remember Private Gray?" be '-vsud. ' j "What! has he turned up again?" I J queried. I "fjeveral times," replied the captain. "On three different occasions he has met me in out of the way places where he t was evidently, waiting for me. Eachj ' tune the sudden appearanceof other per- f sons prevented him from making any j demonstration. He did not even appear to recognize me, hut quietly passed on. "What do you thinki j "1 think," said the captain, "that be means to kill me. and 1 think that be w ill do it some day." -J We turned our conversation to more ' ers, but I did not forget i i pleasant matters, , what my friend had said. A long time after our meeting Boss ,. - wrote a business letter to me, and in a ieucript mentioned the fact he had l.-en allot at one dark night while he - was gumg home from his office. He bad I mied tliat a man resembling Gray ha'l 'n seen in tlie town that day. butnotb-. further could be ascertained. thought over the captains letter i j good deoT. It was true that Gray had j been punished by the captain's orders,' and that he had looked very strange!? afterwards, but all that was in war! times. The man had uttered u j threat. I so tar as anybody knew. It struok me as I thought about It that Boss was in a bad fix. If Gray should lay his plans well and secretly shoot him.! sometime, no jury would convict him on sucherideneewehad. The old war aftiTZlTAe whv thrX.uiui. nf irZZ , ,. , ( I Still, I do not expect everybody to jump to my conclusion that Private Gray ' "as the assassin. Possibly I would have some doubt about it myself if 1 had not . thai deadly look when Gray passed ,1,e fPta" just after he had been re- ! Ued from bis d.seraeeful punishment 1 The newspaper statement concerning the short, squarelv built stranger who , was seen in the town where Roes lived ! just before the trBedy is enough for me. I know 'bat the stranger was Gray.and 1 k""" 'hat he killed the captain. ; And yet all of this is too light and airy to rise to the dijnity of evencircumstan - ( tiai evuience. it wonia not jusniv an arrest, to say notning ot an indictment, out never nima aiiont uie evidence J a legal stanupuint 1 Know mat r-rivaie uray auieuuiM. noes: nauaoa, j p- Eeed '" Atlanta Constitution. : f Ktilnhnv saia namaul. t nuiaiisur mm m nnnwiji - .,.,,...,. . . .. j ... i - uuipu m u KiiujNr uuumuo ! n,A.lv h 1. 1J 1 : mel.v. much overrated, its medicinal - , . . . . . TT , "'"'"""-' than is commonly supposed. Generally u in k. im.,u. ;t 1. nrUn 1.1.. leuuanusnieiung strong lyor sui - Phu'ted hydrogen, pupils strongly con- trailed ana uisensible to light, skin: T. m a P"86 clammy perspiration, """""e" 6wlli wh 6 nd very ten - . ,, , , r r. , . - -uujikw a.iuua. wumuu- . 1 . 1 ... ... ' . "i"v" " " ; meuicine even l ) the simplest but wtuu capable of doing uarm if improperly Used. Boston Herald. To Pfavaat Conaumpllaa. ' It is now pretty certain that consump- I u B B r6 agiou uisease. i uiuenieu, tnougn we may in ner", itteuie consmuuons ana renaer lis attacks more certain. Dr. Chapen says: "ihecontagiou must be destroyed. For tunately, in this disease there is no need of isolation: disinfection is enough. The consumptive patient gives off tlie poison only iu the sputum, or perchance the other excreta, if tlie disease extends be yond the lungs. The virus is not given off from these while moist We must therefore disinfect all sputum at once with mercuric bichloride. Cloths must be used instead of hand kerchiefs, and then burned; or if the lat- ter are used they should be ofUicirole. Men lmd vked U)t chanced, and unmeuiatelv nut into a hi- .. . .. .. changed, and immediately put into a bi chloride solution and boiled. Bed linen tw.,.1,1 ....J : t. r WtU UliCU UUUWKHKUIIIIinHIIHWl, (IT quenUy disinfection of the entire person and fumigauon of the apartment would ... . be safe additions to the preventive mess- """B l, auupiuuauiy win w iucwuwi u. mo umi, nres." Of course, in addition to all this, ! he end of time. Hundreds of patents 1 ever saw was a huge, nngainly beast a wise physical culture must be given to ! have been granted for machines for the , without a hair upon it It was eut out our boys and girls. Corsets must be ' purpose, and the widespread and eon- j of a wild herd and roped in by a sta abandoned and a love for out door lift tinned existence of the fallacy is clearly tion hand, who sold it for a plug of to- encouraged. Herald of Health. Strangled by a Doc. By a most singular accident a baby f ' We in Kentucky. John Howard a larmer, liven auuut two nines oeiow Tjidlnw -nnn.ua Ifi.Hiiila tT,. .f. TTr ' -'i". -- while engaged in her household duties, set her l&month-old child on ths M, Th. iit.1. . t : with a puppy that happened to be! uvv. ' U...D vn km. uiaruiK In the room at the time. Fastened around the puppy's neck was a long, light chain that dragged on the floor. The baby and puppy were having a lively tune when- Mrs. Howard heard a bump. She looked around and saw the little playmates tangled up in a neap, the puppy having pulled tlie baby oves. The mother started to pick the' child up, when she was horrified to find and cannot speak a word, and my to middle life if nothing interferes with that its face was distorted and its body brother is serving a life term in Auburn, j its growth, and after that period it be limp. Bhe also found that during tlie j know you'll come." gins to lose its color. Graying after pUy tbe loo8e md of ,he cbam ,in i some way become wrapped around tbe Z1ZT; . ' P"" iother. Every effort waa Buw iw rawn nvpinuun, uiu u was too lata Cincinnati Enquirer. Stomal Vicilaaas Is ths Prion. Penelope Don't go away, Jack. They'll take ns for wall flowers. Jack Aw, nawl I never ouuremo with ladies unless another man is wound. I'd be engaired in a woek if dai Manser's Weekly. UNCLE DEMPSV'S DREAM. Tlurooxh tha Goad Naturo af Soma Col. mudeuu It Coraw Trao. On the waters of Bustard's bay plies busily from one fishbg ground to an - other a little boat which lias a peculiar history. Several years afro an old negro weut to tho shores of this bav to make a liv- mg ,or binuiol( wUe. Tue, cleaned Uncle Bemr-yw the most honeat and J"-v of fish". wi'h all , the kindly courtesy of his race. j He knew every foot of the shore, could tell by certain mysterious signs known only to himself just when the hluefish would go out or the sqne- leagues come in, and could guide the Alnetiy to ,4 wn6re -tn. Bilidel- . The who out m . BshenneB alwava seoured amatffl,r hshermen always aeoured W f Mr when they eould m- ori" " ha marvelou, Theypnidhim but a tnfle foi 1 1"8 services. ! The old couple did not grow rich, i Indeed, they had a hard struggle M uve. une summer iiempsy was uirea at a low rate by a boatman, who took out almost every day the same party, a jjj doIen Toung men bom Jinjapi .,; s on their vacation, The young fellows became fond ol , the patient, kindly old man to whom i 1 4 ,i,. owrt tlm iinaa rf tlwir fl.binii J o- fka line lluiv ua! tn lltm "What lln One day they said to him. "What do . . ., . .,, i,no - His eves twinkled. I 1 . 1 -.a . ". " ptuuipuy i impsy in ins camn. 'men one oJ them said: "We have plenty of money to waste 0D onrown ninuscment. We can afford ; to do this thing We owe mueh to the 1 old man, and this boat will give him a 1 uiniuuiiu lur ioib nm tu ulb iuivh. ' " urou ijcg n ; at daylight by a tremendous pounding on his dour. He came out No human I hin m in aioht. hntnnthahitv an. chored just in front of bis cabin, was a ! try or milk to aid her In her culinary big boat, painted white and blue, and cares. Is it not enough to run a seusi on the stern in gilt letters tlie namejtive woman crazy! There are thou Dempsy's Dream. I sands of just such dreary, monotonous. She still floats, a pleasant reminder cheerless farm homes in the west and of the kindly good will that gave and south, and perhaps elsewhere, the honest service that earned her. j Executive ability is not confined to Chicago Mail. j men by any means. I know plenty of i women who have more practical corn Man Are HUll at It. mnn uinu. in n imntita tl.,.., .hot. I.,... More than a century ago tlie Acade- mie Boyale des Sciences at Pans passed a resolution that they would no longer entertain communications about dis- eoveries of perpetual motion. They included in the same prohibition the duplication of the cube, the trisection of the angle and the quadrature of the on tlie theory that the discovery of I , .. ., , ,. , i uurueLuai uwuuu wan uunsiuie, HOT UIU ... , . . , , T , W I " "P"""" we con-, aU"' their T,ewa- And tn6v are I .!!! I- : .. ... .1 I 1. 1 :H shown by the scores of designs and in-; complete models in the patent office at Washington. Chicago Herald. 8ba Was Fanny, To. "Bcally," she said, after a mutual have taken fjUW.OOO, though he spent friend had introduced them, "you must it as fast as he got it I saw the ani eall on me, Mr. Duede. I shall be very ; null many times. It was rather well ni,, to see vnn P'easea to see yon. "u "H"" " . " 7 P,Ban' "V "", I tr7mg tobe , a"T' "tor WDat lrat6 ""'"- iimcuiug oniinent, aimciie ougs and inquisitive mothers, I am nearly worn out. "Then I know you wont object to can on me, sue said sweetly, "tor we never bad a dog; lather was shot while stealing chickens; mother is paralyzed But he didn't He went around ask- t ,.j u .... New York Evening Sun. Workmen are just finishing what is claimed will be the longest board fence in the country. It surrounds J. 0. Stuy vesant's new deer park at Tranquillity. N. J., and will be when completed twelve nnles long. The sawmill at Al- lamnchy has been rnnnmg continually outwng out .ue uoarus i lence is ten feet high, and is made of hemlock an inch and a half thick. PU.OQO. MONOTONY IN FARM LIFE. famara ThnatMlvaa Id Mam for Taatt Humdrnui Kxlalanaa. That "variatv la the anina of Ufa" is ' wry generally admitted. Vet fanners. aa a class, do not get us inuoh of the spice of varietv m Uiey should. Their lives are often monotonous almost be - yond endurance. It must be con - however, that fanners are thorn- ony. The isolation of the farmer's home one of the greatest obstacles in the way of aocial enjoynient be has to . deal with. It is our duty to one an - other to cultivate social habitat to visit each other's homes, compare notes and j make suggestions as to the best meth - ods of fanning, etc. Nor does our dnty end ttt thi8 neighborly intercourse. j 0ur nra, obiKRtiolllli m a hoIue. We lnake 0l, farm home hist aa attractive as our tann Home just aa attractive as our means wdl aUow. How many farm homes are utterly devoid of attractions! The house is onpuintcd and uninviting; the fences are dilapidated; the gates have sagged down to the ground; the entire but- rounuings are areary in uie extreme, , In the yard grow noxious weeds, where roses and other ornamental plants ouij Bcrubby bushes stand ' 1 1 ....... where a neat grass plat should bo. In - !, . M, i i,m k. i stead of an orchard of beautiful fruit trees we see here and there, at long In - - -"--a ' larvala a f hmkan limhari n.l - 1 - -.-f."-'" ttnnla nr. A nwih twuw nl m ilanu apple and peach trees and a dense ,i,:u, i...i. h.i i.. thicket of plum hushes hard by. The adjacent fields have been cult! vnted for yean in the same crops. ... ... - . have settled down to stay, and stay it idoubtless will nntil the grave shall close over his wearv form. j The work stock receives but a scanty and monotonous ration of corn and fodder, while the milch cows have to ; bliimimi niKtn wiini t'iT mn irinnn iwim . hub uiubi eimure upon suco aoiieeness farm as this! Oftentimes withouteven . tl, ,,ni,, iTnr f . ..,tKu 1 A.,., H i:.l. . I nat,!. husbands will have in a lifet Such women should hold the tiller and guide the agricultural ship. Had they fn control of things there would be f, r ,mltf. f fm, lif. nw ; woujd eppy both the spice of variety ,! tjie 8Ugar of ,weet contentment to tlte boys and girls of tlie household.- ZuL vuuuixy ueuueman. I . , . ,, naa. . , , .III . er, eunou. ect- men is found among the desert horses nf Ana.t:n Vt.n rAAi n .t .1...- bacco to some man riding along the road past tlie homestead. ' The latter tamed the hairless horse, taught it a few commonplace tricks, and showed it all over the colonies. He was said to shaped when it filled out, and having ; no mane, out e uigu neon ana orest, it ; had uomcuiuig of tne appearance of hoee in antique sculptures or bronzes. its sun was perfectly smootb aud shiny , and a dark mottled brown In color, and the poor thing seemed very intolli- gent and docile. Forest and Stream. Why Hair Turns Oray. The hair retains its natural shade up i that time cannot be checked, and no medicines sliuuld be taken to check the process. If before this period it changes it n probably due to some local or gen eral cause that should be removed. If tbe hair becomes gray In places and not In others it is due to tlw disturb ance of nutrition, and the best thing is to get tbe blood to circulate there mors j freely. Theonlv advice that can be I aen premature graying of the hair ,, to t toto Mthji AM iWZ i. L., iM. A i. i... ... " W1U "Mrmeral system is good. -Yankee Blade. '1 Advenlarn af a Soganlnos Hala. Mollie. an old piebald mala, bad a re markable adventure in Cincinnati. Ber owner, Charles Cole, bad led her into the table yard. Suddenly the treacherous eartb ed " " " - nmllf. " of h ,l""?,!Urt,ten,tJr ' """l ; J!!TwJ??Z j " ""J ' "T L"hi, ft dUrTrtSSta j lrf Her rough hid. waB tned and dotted with uumberleas 1 gashes from which the blood Sowed. j Great bruises appeared on her sides and abdomen, while her legs were so strained . that she conld hardly stand. 1 Nevertheless Mollie was very much alive, as she betrayed bya"Yee-haw-w!" ! of triumph and a nonchalant twirl of her short tail. Tlie .animal had emerged "a ravme OUbort Her np through the rock bound sewer was ,0,,,, ,uded by the downward slope , of bj stream of WMar wmch iubricated the masonry 0f the lower side. Nevertheless, Molliee escape was a most surprising one, and probably never equalled in the line of animal adventure. Cincinnati Ea qmrer. Ha Didn't Llka Hie Daad March. Among those who watched the Bher- uuui iuuuioi wuvimiiUH nnu aa uwv r . . u w ,iii..u i.-t - 1 ' ...... ; anything except a lot of tiresome old mm till V LIU UK twcrilw IVvVl UmiUUltJ UiU .n :u." iiu. I icuuwi wumc cuuibb una (rare bu 1. l.l. I. Ui in getting by that his mother took him !u it.. u. - u. i:i home before he had seen the glittering uniforms for which his soul hungered. This of course displeased the boy, and uu 1 :t:: A .1 i You've got to see os! You've got to see "!" That made me madr New York 1 Times. Mr. Itrtlpath'i Hyn pth Thetrnth it) James Redputh was a mnn nt ivit iinuu fuulimna nttA uwint ..1.:. i l i . r - ' ct in whic-u he had been engaged in common with many thousands of hi countrymen. Mr. Bedpatb in all he did was consistent with his own ardent nature and overpowering tenderness for the weak and the oppressed. He never violated its unities, no matter how strange his conduct in some instances may have appeared. He was trne to his own heart all the way through. New Orleans Picayune. Hants Foxes Thauca an Old Man. Brisbin Skill lives at the Gap, Lan- caster county. He is at least seventv- j fiTe Tea of n1 J'0 able to sit ' we" !n tne saddle, and when he goes fox ' hunting, which is almost daily at this ! Kamu ot thc 'ear' he eato but one meal and then dashes off with as light a heart as the next one and only eat again when he returns late in the evening. He always makes it a rule to never eat be tween meals. He has now twenty-seven foxes penned up. He usually catches I from thirty to forty in a season and then H""."""J W ; hu them out in the 8Dri He ,nCcessful this wiuteras in any winter past There are few who can ride bet ter or have a keener sense of the fun which fox hunters experience in a hunt or chase. West Cheater (Pa.) News. Marriage of Two Blind Paraon. The Rev. William G. Herbert, pastor of the High Street Methodist Episcopal church, was called upon Thursday night to unite a blind conple in wedlock. They were Mr. W. Tnck Levely, of Annapolis, and Miss Mary Lee, of Baltimore county. The marriage was performed at the bride's home, aud waa witnessed by sev eral relatives. Mr. Levely, the groom, is young and bus a beardless face. He is a piano tnner. The bride is young and handsome. She is nn accomplished per former on tbe piano and is well edu cated. Both were edncated at the Mary land School for tbe Blind, and it is said that the conrtship began while they were in that institution. -Baltimore Sub. Pity tha Blluil. A blind man who plays sacred music upon an acoordeon is perambulating the streets of Windsor. His affliction at tracted some time ago the attention of her majesty the queen, who while tak ing a drive saw him in the street and compassionately gave liiin a gratuity. He now bears upon his breast a placard with the rather ambiguously worded in scription: "Blind from Inflammation. Assisted by her majesty the queen." London Tit Bits. Professor"7oTm TI'yndallTThe famous Bnbah scientist did not marry until he was 68, when he wedded Lord Hamil- ton's aidant riamrhtar. U. 1. t. 1 , h-Ui year.