VOL. V. LEBANON, OREGON, JULY 10, 1891. NO. 18 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One ywr 9 00 fit' (uid In nJvmietf, $1 o0 pot jwnr.) Mx nimuttr, ..,... l on Tim1 months - iW) Silicic Cupit m M 0 PROFESSIONAL. 2M?..C. H. BUCKETT, DENTIST, L2BASOS.0EE00N.. J.K. M'E.itEERFORD, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. M'.R. 1ULYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LKIUNON. OKEOON. CEO. W. WRIOHT, Attorney-at-Law Alt W1V lU'lil.KJ, Albany, Oregon. Will itnu'lf-e lit nil tlie f mire nf tnh State. Oiulu, loon wunmovur bunk of ureaim. DR. W. C. NEGUS, l'hysiciaii and Surgeon. finulnnte nf Rnyal'College of Lotiiliin mid Bull ' vw S'cilirnl Cnll'fie. Mrt. UimiiiiPl'tt-w-t it seecially. ' . Cancers removed wltlimu sstn or the kntfe. Or'FU'B-Klrkitrick' building, U'banon. Or A. F. 8TOWE. Attorney -at - Law, TITLE8 EXAMINED. Colteftioiiw irivn prompt awl direful altcntion. . . Will jiracllee in all ho courts uf Hie mate. OFSlCK IN HASSAIin'SBUKTl, LmiAKON, OltKOOS. J.F.HYDE, Mary Public and Collflcting Agent, Juwiee t)f Hie Peace, Lab&wn Product. Lebanon, Oregon. Notary Public. RELIABLE , REAL ESTATE and LOAN BROKER. AOENT FOB TUB CflNTISESTAL FlKE INB. Co., o'New York. Real Estate ill all iti branches. ! arw .iinl raull Iracls of Fruit, Farming, and (inuiMK Ittiid. $50 OOO to loan on good real estate aecurity. LEBANON, OREGON. J. I,. COWAS, J. M. IIALKTON'. BANKlLEBANON, . LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a Gensral Banting Easiness. A CCOUNTS KEPT Sl'B'ECT TO CHECK. Kxi'linnire mM m Now Yurk.Hon Francis co, and Portland and Albany, Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. CRABTKKE. Base hall. Sunshine. Crops. Church. Porsonal notes taken at random : F. M. Smith looks like a fort)'- ninor, jovial and pleaBaut. L, A. Tueker will move to Salem in a few dayti. We are sorry to have him go, D. F. Crubtrec is an spry as n cricket. Mr, and Mrs. Moon is one of the blessings of our community. Mr. Jaspor Cralitree's baby is quite ill. Mr, J. P. Cmbtree has a new girl at his house to comfort hisoldugc. ,: Mr. James Crabirue left Wednesday, for California on business. F. M. Smith's now house Ufa beauty; it will be cumpli'ted shortly. ' J, K. P. Tate has the finest garden we have scon. ; Marion Cubtree is the best Judgoof a horse in tlie forks of the Santtam. Mr. Paul lias a petrified tree on his ranch also a fine pain! mine. . Frank Grabtnc was out looking ovor his much, Wednesday, , A strange way indeed, to put it but base ball is the rage, Himilay hall being the role and weekday the exception country hoys must keep up witli the city boys. Mothers and mthcra need concienro on this question, it is degrading to violate the Sabbath. 'l ' Sunshine The farmers are delighted and cxtectto begin harvesting buy in a few days. Crops are very promising, the forks of the Santtam can't lie excelL-d, for number-one producing land. Mr. Tucker set, lust fall, ten acres in prunes which look very line. : Church liev, G. 8, Ilunlciier has been ci inducting a scries of meetings at (Jrubtree school house. Last Sunday was au all-day niwting, banket dinner. They came from "Dan to Hursheba," big, little and indiffer ent. There was an excellent clnss-mecting at 8:9) a. a. ; at U o'clock liev. I, C. Mc 1'arutiKl J'. K.r preached ime of the most forcible and scriptural sermons we have ever listen to, on justification by faith, 2:9) p. K. Itev. U. rJ, Hauleiter preached to the young people; 8 km. closed the day's services. ' i Don't send your money uhrnnd, but patronize Louie Industry, by having j our printing done at the Exi-rems job office. A Witterlntry girl, who wutt unenn eiousfnr sixteen days during an at tack of the giipop, stoutly maintains Unit she went to heavnn in the inter vui. The average citi.-'ii who lilts expericno :d the grip will just ussloutly tnuinliiiu tltut the Watertmry young wotnuu in tiiitlukcu.il) tlio plauo slit visited.-Htolun. ., At a regular meeting of the board of directors of Lebanon A Hantlaiu Canal Co.licld Tuesday evetiing,Juiie30,lKl, a levy uf 1!0 per cent. uwicHsiiitiit was made on capital stock to be paid by July ldtft, same to be paid to the geo reUiry it. A. Miller at bis office In the City Drug store. L. Fotxv, Pres. M. A.' Milleb, Sec. A few days ago Mr. Thomas Large was engaged in riving hoards from a large tree. In one of the board bolts that come from near the eenter of the tree he found a nail Imbedded. Mr. Large's curiositv was aroused by bis discovery, and upon counting the growth from the nail lo the circumfer ence nf tlie tree he found tlietn to num ber 125. When watt It done and who did it? Will somebody mlvimco a theory us to how this occurs? -fido Press. , ' . . All partievi knowing themselves In debted to John Unger will now take notice Mint nil weotmts unpaid by Aug. 1st., itfftl, will be sued upon nt (but date. This is the lust notice to be given, I Iiu.'b wailed long enough. Pay all aceour.ts lo (Samuel M. Gar land. July 2, Io.ll. , JtiH.v Unokk. M. A. Miller will cln.emit bis stock of Went Virgiuiuund China nut oil nt cost. &ut gxrljastsf STntilc. Kir Charles Russel, counsel for de fniKlants in the baccarat case has a sister in Bnn Francisco who Is mother superior of the urder of Bisters of Mercy at the Ht. Mary's hospital In that City. Eugene Guard. Since Jos. Gill, formerly of this city, ceased publishing the Kansas Tom Cat, the Daily Pig, published at Bessemer, Ala., is the muat singular named news paper in the United States. Ex. A Philadelphia paper states that a phouoprapb lias twen employed lo cateh the utterances of monkeys lu the belief that they have some sort of langnnge that may be developed and Interpeted. When the phonograph repeutcd It, they clustered around and looked for the inch key that was talk ing. II Is expected to truce .the lan guage up through the dudes and dudlnes to rational speech, At a spiritual seaucee held in Link- vllle the other night, Iluruce Greeley was culled upon to talk about the principle on which our sugar-raisers arc allowed 2 per cent. For a dead man be was pretty warm. With cheeks and eyes Dglow he thundered: "If you plant that principle you'll raise cane!" Ho then vanished amid great applause. Klamath County Star. . A Newhurg j:lrl . within Fthree mouths has marrh d a farmer, burned down bis house and bum, incidentally roosting his son, Hole a livery team and eloped with a young man. As she did Hall while clad In the ordinary hubilumeiits of womankind, it doesn't seem that the need for a business woman's dress is very great. fierce County Review: ; fnUtical parties are In (he minds of some people like firmed revolutions; if successful they are right, if unsuccess ful they arc wrong. Kuch ieople are never worried about the priue'ples of either parties or individuals. Cheney Heutinel. Tlie new people's parly held a meet ing behind closed doors nt 8t. Louis Sutiirdr.y. It will not materially affect the welfare or the illfitre of the nation if tbey hold their elections the I same way. Astoria Bulletin. A Sure Cars tat fUn. Itching Piles are known by moisture like porspirutlou causing Intense Hell ing when warm. This form, ss well as blind, bleeding and protruding, yield at one to Dr. Jtnsunko's Pile itemed?, which acts directly on the narta affected, alworlw tumors, allays itouiuer and effects a permanent cure, oik:. Druggists or mail; treatise free. Dr. Bosankti, 112S Arch street, Pliiladel phlu, Pa. (Sold by M. A. Miller. fill cream rHr.ESE. Notice Is hereby given to the cheese putrons of the Lebanon factory, and to the general public, that we have se cured the services of Mr. M. P. Taylor, an old and experienced cheese-maker. The skill and despatch with which he conducts the business, give evidence o a thorough knowledge of what be Is doing. Ry June 20 we expect to have ou hand a quality of cheese unexcelled by any made elsewhere In the Btute. We hope (o extend our trade lo every tjwr. and city iu Oregon, nnd to fur nish an article which will be appreci ated by ooutinued patronage. All or ders, large and small, will lie promptly filled. With many thanks to our patrons of Lebanon, Albany, Solo and Corvallls, we cordially await all orders. J. M. Marks. The ExrRKSS is prepared to com pete with Portland or San Francisco In matter of style and finish lu busi ness and visiting curds. ,! Mr. W. C. Peterson went to Albany Wednesday evening, to participate In some lodge work of the I. 0. 0: F. Since the Incorporation of Lebanohf Messrs. C B Mnntugne, J L Cowan, C H Ralston, U WCruson, S. Andrews, M A Miller, L Elkins, W B Dnuaca, G W Crusen and J A Beard have been chosen President of the Board of Coun cil. By act of the last legislature the title of this effloer Is changed to that ot "Mayor." Members of the council have been A Erwin, A A Kces, J M Ralston, J W Uusic, J W Burkhart, J Settle, J E Elkins, J Bllck, J Bilyeu, A Parish, A F Conn, E E Montugue, II C Harkness, B M Donaca, F H Ros ooe, C C Huckleman J V Kocbler, G T Cotton, C H Harman, T C Feebler, J 8 Courtney, J J Swan, M Westfall, Jas, Matohott and several of the gentlemen named in list of presidents. As recor der: W Smith, 8 II Claughton, F M Miller, G W Cruson, J H P Hope, J A Roberts, R S Roberts, G W Rice and W C Peterson. The marshals have lieen JTsHlman, A Reed, Z T Bryant, Jos Nixon, G W Rice, F M Miller, Jos Mayors, N 8 Foil is, G D Feebler, Geo W Cheshlse, Phil Smith and S B Coyle $100 Reward. $100. . The readers sf the ExfRftsg will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dineuse that science litis been able to core in all its stages, and that is Catitrrli. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie the only pnsrtivecure now known to tlie medical fraternity. Catarrh isiiiig a constitutional disease." reduires a constitutional treatment. ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly itsii the blood and mucous suriccc of the systutn, thereby destroying the tbundiition ol tlie disease, and giving the patient trengtb hv building up the eonstit utiou Slid assisting nature In doing its work. The aroprictors have so much ioitli in its etiru pive (sowers that tbey ofier One Hundred llollurs for any cse that it fails to cure. tNend for Hst of testimonials. Address K. J Cheney V Co., Toledo, 0' Sold by Dmggis Dr. Laniboreon shipped on Tuesday, " tons of cascara burk. to four dif ferent firms, one shipment going to Windsor, Ontario. He has a contract on bauds of 79 tons of this bark, ami bus it over one-half filled and be In forms us that he will have no trouble in tilling bis contract Credit is due the Dr. fur working up this industry as it brings iu foreign capital and dis tributes it amotigthe needy people. He employs S men to handle the bark and pays Ibetn liberal wages and deals on the square wllh the people who gather tlie bark. A few days ago J. C. Gordon was arrested at Lebanon, charged with carrying coticealed wenpons. He was tried before Justice Hyde, attorneys Miller oud Garland appeared for the defense, and J. R. Wyatt, deputy dis trict attorney, for the prosecution. The defense took the ground that the law was uneiiiistltuliotiul, as it was in conflict with the provisions, of the statutes providing fur carrying aruiB In ease of war, mid the justice declared' the law unconstitutional and discharg ed the prisioner. This bents the Justice, who granted the .divorce, and places the Lebanon court above even Boise's court, for Judge Boise rarely pretends to declare a luw unconstitutional, that being the province of the nupreme court. Albany men wlio are arrested for carrying concealed weapons sb juld always appeal their eases, in case of conviction, to Justice Hyde's court, at Lebanon. Albany Democrat. Our neighbor dios Judge Hyde a gnat injustice In the above, ,". The luw reporter for the Democrat Is in error. The grounds for dismissing t!ii ease against Gordon were, that the slate hud failed to establish the fact that the defendant bad a weapon con cealed about his iwrsoii, though the evidence showed that defendant bad a weapon In his hand. It was claimed by the defense that to secure a convic tion it aiust be proven, as alleged, that the'defendan t had aooreeeaZetiweapou. Remember the Express Job office. Get your spectacles at G. E. Hardy's 2"icU. to $1.00 per pair. Rev. C. A. McElroy will preach at the Academy Sabbtttb at 11 a. M. ,Mr; Sam Mackcy is moving Into the Andrew bouse. , , We are glad to report Mr.' Alvln Williams better. - DiB-HtcAs-In Florida, Missouri, June 0, 1891. Jitsopb H,' Hickman, aged about &1 years. We need not culogiic the character, or speak of the moral or mental worth of the deceased, for Prof. Hickman was well known to the pooplci of Lebanon and those who were intimately connected with him can truly testify to bis ohnstian sincerity, his stnet honesty and intellectual ability, As one who profited by his in struction, we can say that he. accomplished much, and did it well although he worked tinder the greatest disabilities. He was to ns and many others, In tact all who met him, a kind and sympathizing friend, and always ready to vindicate and act on the right side, and we shall look back to the days when we wcro associated together as teacher and pupil, as the happiest and best spent days of all our sehool-hfc. . Omt orllis Pupils. Spring Frver. ' A t this season of the year the rorist," vigorous and hearty people often have . a feeling of weariness, tired and worn out, without ambition to do anything, and many breuk out in pimples and bolls. What you require is a mild tonic medicine that will act gently on the liver and blond, and for this, noth rng equals Dr. Gun's Improved Liver Pills. They give an activity to the liver, purify the blood and by their mild tonic action, new vitalitv and streglh to the entire system. Sold at 25 cents a box by M. A. Miller. Following is a comnlele list of all the nost-ohloes in tins county; Albany, isrowneviiie, vruwiornsviiie, f ox val ley, Halscy, Harrlsliurg, riolley, Jor dan, jjacoiuti, jjeuannn, i,voim, Millers Ottkville, Peoria, Plalnview, Hock J ( reek. Rowland. Siiiiliaiu. Relo. ShediL Hbeldburn, Kpiecr, Sweet Home, Tall- moil, Tangent, Waterloo, hitcomb. Since the Southern Pacific Compi- ': tiy lias taken charge of Ihe Oregoniuri railroad it has been uintle a standard guage. Quite a lnre force of hands have been engaged putting road bed iu repair -now camping near Talluian, We are Informed that about August 1st, thsy will begin runninp one p us seuger and one freight tram daily each way between Portlautand Sjirlngfii-Jd, -It will take iibotil thut lonj before iho new part of tlietoiui is ballasted and ' leveled..' :V; j "r Work dune nt (i. E. H.inly's at po . par cttit below Eastern prion." . ' ?-llr. . t All pofwm. kBowIng tb"mvelves to ; be In debted, to me will please cnt.V.: fowerd and settle tip. I can't run : business without money. On and after August first I will sell for cash on the block (no credit.) , , T-i'Mt. 1 0. T, C'TTiv:, . l r Kale. - The Albany Ice Co. have filled our. lee liouse, and nil parlim .trh-hliig' ke ' ran g"t It by enllinft on ns at 1 cent per i pound, : li,'y & Mav&'k. k - C. E, TTardy will mend jewelry at ; , ji eo, i of mMorinl. . .. . . . s. In almost every neiplvfioi hood there is some one or more jp sum vvhoss ;,i lives have been saved hv Coamber- : Iain's Colic, Cheleric and Diarrlnvij ,' Remedy, or who have been eurwl of , crhoulc diarrhott by It. Huch persons take epecinl pleasure in reeommew!-." . Ing the remedy to others. The prci. that follows the Iiitrwliietion unci use . makes it very nojittlar, 29 and f4 ocni, , :,. bottlcB for sale hy . M.A.Willtr. '( ; Call and examine new good at C. K,. I Hunly's jewelry stire: ;, , Notice. ; I Notice Is hereby given to all parties indebted to Harlxtur Bros, or to l!n,r bour & Dalglciah, of Lebciion, Oicjott. . tbotall deblsdue eithei of said' lirm must lie paid ai once, or satist'iietory .. srratigemenls made thesefor..' Oiiicr-; wise the undersigned will he foroed to institute suit for the collections of :iid debts.. Lebanon, Or., Juue R, Itwlt- .' N.S. DAj,iii,u;Kn, . -i - 1 1. .Aduiinisli'iilor. '-. Samuel. M. Oakland,' "; Ally. Rev. N. U New wait iu town one day this week visiting. He iM'jm.'j us that he will leave Monday, .Tori Tenn., hie old home. He has iunji;j' friends stilus place who deeply reg'ot seeing him leave.