The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 19, 1891, Image 1

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    He who thinks to please the World is dullest of his kind; for let him face which way he will, one-half is yet behind.
NO. 15.
Groceries and Provisions,
Cigars, Tobacco,
First Class Goods at
Countrv Produce Taken, in. Exchange for
Shingles. Posts, Boards and Pickets.
W. C. Petersox,
Notary Public
Real Estate Brokers
In Large and Small Farms. Best Fruit
tne woria. improvea ana tmmprovea iana, irom per Acre ana up.
Satisfact ion Guaranteed. Have on hand some CHOICE CITY
PROPERTY, Residence and Business. Bargains
in all Additions to the Town.
Houses Rented and Farms Leased.
London & Liverpool A Globe Insurance Co.
Guardian Assurance Co., of London.
Oakland Home Insurance Co., of Oakland, Cal.
State Insurance Co., of Salem. Oregon.
Farmers and Merchants' Ins. Co., of Salem
Collections Receive Prompt Attention. Notary Business a Specialty. We take
pleasure in giving our patrons all information desired in our line of business.
Office over First National Bank.
Bank of Lebanon,
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Exchange sold on New York, San
ratieiteo, Portland and Albany, Org
Collections made on favorable terms
Dealer in
Groceries and Provisions.
Tobacco and Cigars,
Smokers' Articles.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Oueunsware and Glassware, Lamps and
Lamp Fixtures.
Main Street. Lebanon, Oregon
Meat Market
Fresh & Salted Beep, Pork, Mut
ton, Sausage, Bologna & Ham.
Hate mm. f iniw. Ore
Furnishing Goods,
Reasonable Prices.
Bast M. Garlaxd,
Land in Valley. Finest Grain Ranches in
Southern Pacific Koutc.
7KP. ,Lv
10 rf3 P.M. I Lv
io as A.M. 1 AT
Portland Ar j 9;S A. m.
Albany Ar 6 -.15 a. w.
San Francisco Lv ) 9 :00 P. M.
Above trains stop only at the following stations
nortli of Rosehorg : East Portland. Oregon City,
Wood burn. Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds,
Halsey, Ham 9 burg, Junction CI; y, Irving and
Rosebara; Mail Daily.
8 :00 A. X. I Lv Portland
12 :20 p. H. Lv Albany
6 :40 P. K. f Ar Boseburg
Ar 4 :00 P.
AT J 12 KM It
Lv 6:20 A.
Albany Local Daily- (Except Sunday.)
Ar I 9:00 A. M.
Lv 5 .-00 A. II
Daily Kxcept
2 :36 P. M. Lv Albany Ar 1 9 :23 A. X
2:2b P. Be Ar Lebanon Lv j 8:40 A. M
7 :30 A. M. Lv Albany Ar 4 :26 P. H
8 :22 a. M. Ax Lebanon Lv j 3 :40 P. M
Tourist Sleeping Cars
For accommodation of Second-Class Passengers,
attached to Express trains.
Mail Train Daily (Except Sunday.)
At Albant-. and Corvallls connect with trains o
Oregon Pacific Railroad. . ,
(Express Train Daiiy Except Sunday.)
Lv 5:45 A. M.
y Through tickets to all points East and South.
For tickets and full information regarding
rates, maps, etc., call on Co'b agent atLebanon.
Manager. Asst G. F. tit P. Agt
Tonsorial Artist
A Good Shave, Shampoo, Hair
Cut, Cleaned or Dressed.
Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours.
Children Kindly treated. . Calland see me. .
(Successor lb C. H. Harmon.)
Barber : and : Hairdresser.
Lebanon. Oregon.
Shaving', Haircutting" and Shampoo
ing' in the latest and best style. Spec
ial attention paid to dressing Ladies'
hair. Your patronage respectfully so-icitad.
Farm Notes.
Pertinent Paragraphs.
The proposed dairymen's union was
formed at San Francisco June 1 with
B. H. Franklin of Cambria, San Luis
county, as president. Louis Tomassini
of Petal uma vice-president and C. P.
Marti secretary. A depot will be
established in San Francisco where
the members will send their butter
and it will be sold direct to retailers
without the aid of commission men.
The union will make war on oleo
margarine, which is largely sold
butter, and on the system of putting
up butter in rolls weighing less than
two pounds.
. To Poison Grasshoppers.
The grasshopper plague has been
more threatening in the early spring
on this coast this-year than ever be
fore. The Plural Press reproduces an
account of the most successful way of
combating it in vineyards, as follows :
" A mash composed of bran, arsenic,
sugar and water, the proportions
being one part of sugar, one and one
half parts of arsenic and four parts of
bran, to which is added a sufficient
quantity of water to make a wet mash.
A common washtubf ul of this mash is
sufficient for about fi ve acres of grape
vines. Fill the washtub about three-
fourths full of bran, add six pounds of
arsenic, and mix it thoroughly with
the bran ; put about four pounds of
coarse brown sugar in a pail, fill the
pail with water and stir until the
greater part of the sugar is dissolved.
Then pour this sugar-water into the
bran and arsenic, and again fill the
pail with water, and proceed as before
until all of the sugar in the pail has
been dissolved and added to the bran.
Now stir the latter thoroughly, and
add as much water as is necessary to
thoroughly saturate the mixture, and
it is ready for use.
"Throw about a tablespoonful of
this mixture upon the ground beneath
each vine infested with grasshoppers,
and in a short time the latter will
leave the vine and collect upon the
bran and soon commence feeding
upon it. Those which are upon the
ground six or eight feet from the bran
will soon find their way to it, appar
ently guided by the sence of smell, as
those to the leeward of the bran have
been observed to come to it from a
greater distance than those which
were upon the side of the bran from
which the wind was blowing. After
eating as much of the bran as they
desire, the grasshoppers usually crawl
off, and many hide themselves be
neath weeds, clods of earth, etc., and
in a few hours will be found to be
'The mixture costs from 35 to 40
cents per acre of vineyard, including
labor of mixing and applying it. In
orchards the cost will be considerable
less than this. One man can apply it
to eight or ten acres of vineyard in a
" The addition of sugar to this mix
ture is merely to cause the arsenic to
adhere to the particles of bran, and
not for the purpose of increasing its
attractiveness, since it was found that
the grasshoppers were not attracted
to pure sugar. Middlings or shorts
have beerused in the place of bran,
but are not so desirable, since in dry
ing they assume a solid mass which
the grasshoppers cannot eat, whereas
bran in drying never assumes a solid
There is some little difference of
opinion as to the proportion of arsenic
which is best; also as to the advisa
bility of using a little middlings to
make the mixture more compact. One
prescription is as follows :
Forty pounds of bum, lo pounds of
middlings, 2 gallons cheap syrup, 20
pounds arsenic, mixed soft with water.
Others reduce the arsenic to 15
pounds and others to 10 pounds, with
the same weights of other ingredients.
To enable one to gather up the
remnants of the poison after its work
is done, the practice is adopted of
placing the poison on shingles or
other thin pieces of wood which can be
easily seen and emptied. All such
surplus poison should be deeply
buried in the ground.
Naturally there was much appre
hension of evil from such free use of
arsenic when the remedy was first put
into practice. Very careful analyses
were made at the university labor
atory of the washings of vine leaves.
Srapes, and of the soil beneath the
vines, ana no dangerous amounra oi
arsenic were found, nor did there
appear any danger of contaminating
wells or other sources of water. Of
course domestic animals: and fowls
must be faithfully looked to while the
poison is exposed, and it is chiefly for
their protection that the use of
shiRgles in putting out the poison,
instead of throwing it on the ground,
is advocated.
No man need neglect his fruits or
his garden crops or his poultry be
cause he makes a special feature of
some class of stock, but he should
feel that some one thing which will
consume the raw material on the farm
is the leading business.
Some are holding that a cement
floor in a creamery is not the great
shakes it was once supposed to be,
for it absorbs the drippings of milk
and becomes foul. Brick floors do
the same. A flagstone floor that is
cemented at the ioints keeps sweetest
of the three kinds. But those who
put a tigtit plank floor laid on a thin
coating of cement with sills bedded in
the earth and cement, and paint it
well, find it is most easily kept sweet
and clean of them all.
The English or house sporrow of
Europe is in every way a nuisance,
and snould be destroyed at all times
and in all seasons in every possible
way that is safe to other life. One
good way to kill them by wholesale is.
to bait them with millet seed or other
small bright seed that they like for a
few days, and then toak a good big
feed of the same kind of seed in a
solution of arsenic and place it for
them. This will kill the little pests
by the wholesale. Great care should
be taken with the poisoned feed, and
any that is left after the sparrows are
aeaa snouiu u unstroywi.
Woman's World.
Current Comment.
The committee on temperance of
the Presbyterian general assembly
reported encouraging progress and
added ' the women's temperance
societies are the main factor in bring
ing about this result."
Progressive Women.
At a meeting of the executive Loard
of the Women's National Couneil at
Indianapolis a telegram was sent to
the General Assembly at Detroit ask
ing that Presbyterian women be al
lowed a voice in the ratification or
rejection of the creed. :- A committee
was appointed to ask that women be
admitted to the general conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church; to
ask the next triennial of Sunday
school workers of the United States
and Canada that they be placed upon
the committee on Sunday-school les
sons; that they be placed on the
National Reform Divorce League of
Boston, and to press upon the atten
tion of the next and each succeeding
congress a bill providing that all the
government employes be paid equal
wages with regard to work and in
viting the International Council of
Women to meet in Chicago during the
Columbian Exposition of 1893. The
National Council will assume the en
tertainment of all accredited foreign
delegates. No American delegates
will be recieved into the International
Council except from organizations
that have come into the National
Council of the United States.
A committee was appointed to pre
pare a symposium on dress to be
published under the auspices of the
National Council in one of the popular
magazines during the coming year
and to report to the conference of the
executive board of the council in May,
1892, its idea of a business dress. The
president was authorized to form a
committee to collect funds and secure
plans for the erection of a woman's
temple at Glen Echo. At the next
meeting of the National Council in :
1892 each state council may send two :
fraternal delegates, and in every state
where no council is organized the
local councils organized in cities may !
send one fraternity delegate. Where j
state councils are organized further j
steps will be taken to lead local organ- :
izations to aggregate themselves into :
a national organization. - j
Christian loans Womei
The Pacific coast committee of the
Young Women's Christian association
held a parlor conference June 2 at the
residence of Miss Mindora Berry, 1812
Van Ness avenue, San Francisco.
Mrs. Edward Thomson, chairman
of the executive committee of the
Young Women's Christian association
of the Pacifie coast, told of the need
of extending the work for young
women to every city and town west of
the Rocky mountains. It was not in
large cities alone that young women
needed help social, intellectual and
spiritual. There were already 10,000
members of the association, and there
were 3o0 branches in the United
States, but the speaker felt that the
work was scarcely begun.
Miss Berry spoke of the associations
lately organized in the State Normal
schools and young women's colleges.
Eight new associations had been
started in Sacramento, Chico, Los
Aageles, Pomona, Ontario and Irving-
ton. But the speaker thought that
the work for young women ought to
be carried just as far as it had been
already for young men.
H. J. McCoy, secretary of the Young
Men's Christian association, said that
he was impressed that both associa
tions ought to go together, shoulder
to shoulder. One of the saddest truths
of to-day was that, while ayoung man
might be easily forgiven for a down
fall, it was not so easy for a young
woman to win forgiveness. The time
had come to save and Christianize the
young women of California.
J. P. Fay of San Jose said that
people do not realize either the needs
of young girls or the power of the
association. The latter would put a
greater value upon a girl's service
and raise her in the social scale by
developing in her a higher type of
womanhood. The greatest need of
to-day iB sympathy.
The secretary of the executive com
mittee Is Miss M. Berry; treasurer,
Mrs. William O. Gould.
Before Von Clean House ";
Long before the calendar says it is
time to begin nousecleaning, says the
Ladies' Home Journal, you should
look over the magazines, papers, dis
abled furniture, discarded garments
and household ornaments which even
twelve months accumulate so wonder
fully. Be brave, and do not save an
indiscriminaie mass of articles against
the possible needs of the seventh year
of which we hear so much. Give away
the best of the old garments and sell
the remainder to the junk man. The
magazines and papers which you do
not intend to have bound or to utilize
in your scrap book will be eagerly
read in some hospital or other institu
tion. Even the furniture and orna
ments will greatly brighten the dreary
surroundings of some poor family.
Have the courage of your convictions
in dealing with the contents of trunks
and boxes. Dispense ' with non
essentials and systematize the re
mainder and your reward will be a
delightful sense of space and a feeling
of almost physical relief. .
The striking miners at Franklin
have appealed to the courts to disarm
the guards who protect the non-union
miners. - .
John Allen, who keeps a house of
ill-repute over Sol Wood's saloon at
Spokane, shot Wood four times June
7, perhaps fatally. Both are colored.
General News.
The Nicaraqua canal is being pushed
vy uu men ana a areager.
John A. McDonald is dead.
Jjebel, inventor of the rifle which
oears ms name, is dead.
John and Henry von Bremen were
Kuiea oy tneir orotner Jaice in a quar
rel near Watervllle June 3.
f The attempt to prohibit, on the
ground of fraud, the sending through
the mails of paper which spiritualist
aidto oi xtoston was selling as mag
netized paper which developed spirit
ualistic Dower in the believer. failed.
The UnitedStatescourtoommlasloner
lield that as Albro s customers be
lieved they had got what they paid
lor me cnarge oi iraua wouia not noiu.
imair ago constituted tne uutinam
Equipment company in New York,
dealt in railroad patents and was
worth $150,000. drank his Dropertv all
away and died In an inebriate asylum
June 2. --
The People's oartv has nut a ticket
in me neia in lowa.
The police raided the rooms of the
Aipna lseita ni ciud at Harvard
June 2 and seized beer, brandies,
champagnes, whiskies and wines
enough to stock a hotel.
Mayor Shakespeare of New Orlaaris
received an infernal machine through
the mail the other day. but it failed to
explode wnen opened and He escaped
The largest number of immigrants
ever landed at New York in one day
was wau, i une a.
All the oatmeal mills of the country
have been gobbled up by a trust.
Valentine Beck s house near Beaver
City, Neb., was burned June 1 with a
noy oi ana a gin oi I in it wnue ikh-k
and his wife were absent.
The Bath iron works of Bath. Me..
got the contract for cruiser 13 for
,6w.u(J0. The union iron works or
San Francisco bid $2,793,000 and the
Cramps $2,745,000.
Massachusetts has repealed the law
compelling persons drinking at
saloons to do so only while sitting at
A rthjir W SfA-l n olorlr in thp rtnftrt
letter office at Washington, has been
arrested for robbing letters which
passed through his hands.
Young's hotel and the Parker house.
two of the best-known hotels of Bos
ton, have announced that on account
oi tne riotous conduct or Harvard
at those houses.
The Miehiiran Women's Christian
Temperance Union re pledges its in
fluence to the political party which
shall, by its platform, demand the
abolition of the liquor traffic, and
urges vigorous efforts in pushing the
woman franchise question and exhort
ing women to closely follow legisla
tive proceedings and statutes relating
to schools, ana to avail themselves of
every opportunity to vote at the
school elections.
Sawtelle, convicted of the murder of
his brother in New Hampshire, who
has always insisted that he did not
commit the crime, confesses that his
brother was killed in his presence.
Three steers bitten by a mad doer in
Atchison county, Kas., bit three Van
derburg brothers, all of whom have
died of hydrophobia.
Archbishop Corrlgan interprets the
pope's latest encyclical letter as con
demning the single-tax proposition.
A tiger escaped from a menagerie a
couple of years ago in Fulton county,
111., and is now killing horses and
cattle for the farmers, who occasion
ally hunt it but run when they see it.
A large number of Chinese birds
were broughtoveron the bark Colo ma
to be turned loose in the woods.
The imported European songbirds
are multiplying fast. A man has been
arrested near McMinnville for shoot
ing skylarks.
A hurricane in Susa valley, Italy,
June 3, wrecked many houses, killed
nine people and injured many.
Pope Leo has willed all his property
to the holy see.
The czar declares his determination
not to mitigate the vigor of the ex
pulsion of the Jews.
There was a riot at Savonia, Italy,
June 1, in which the police killed two
The New York lumber-trade associ
ation has made the lumberyards non
union yards.
The population of Ireland Is 2,706,
IC2 males and 2,317,076 females, a de
crease of 468,674 since the previous
The czarowitz at Vladivosfoek June
1 broke ground for the overland rail
road. "
The Japanese policeman who cut
the czarowitz has been sentenced to
life imprisonment. , -
Brigands tore up the track and
wrecked a railroad trait near Tche
reskei, Turkey, robbed the passengers
and held the engineer of the train and
four Engligh and German tourists,
including a Berlin banker, until the
German government paid $40,000 ran
som. -
Tcheng Ki Tong, formerly secretary
of the Chinese legations in London
and Paris, swindled a large number
oi creaitors oeiore ne went Dome, ana
now he has been condemned to death
for it. -
Gold has reached 325 per cent pre
mium at Buenos Ayres.
The government stipend to Catholic
Sriests in Germany, withdrawn under
is mare k, has been restored.
The population of London is 4.211.-
056 according to the new census.
A famine is imminent in Madras.
Aberdeen is to have water works
costing 29,209. -
To the committee on the new busi
ness dress at the Woman's Council,
Miss Willard furnished the following
unique suggestion : Arrange for and
build tne dress around one dozen
pockets. "
A man who has practiced medicine for 40 Tears
ought to know salt from sugar; read what he
TOLEDO. O., Jan. 10, 1887.
Messrs. P. J. Chenev & Co. Gentlemen : I
have been In the general practice of medicine
for most 40 years, aad would say that In all my
practice and experience have never seen a pre
paration that I eould prescribe with as much
confidence of success as I can Hail's Catarrh
Cure; manufactured by you. Have prescribed it
a great many times and Its effect is wonderful,
and would say In conclusion that Z bave yet to
find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure. If
they would take it according to directions.
i ours truiy,
Office, 215 Summit St.
c e will give $100 for any case of Catarrh that
nnnot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Taken Internally.
T. J. CHENEY CO., Props,, Toledo, O.
4VSol4 by Druggists. 75c
Coast News.
The state controller refuses to draw
a warrant for the $5000 appropriated
by the legislature for the relief of the
sunerers Dy tne xia Juan a floods,
claiming the act was unconstitutional.
Berkeley licenses saloons at $50 a
quarter ana allows tnem to remain
open ounuays.
Pool rooms are licensed in Oakland
at $600 a year.
Li Rabolt, a Sutter Creek brewer,
hanged himself June 6.
The San Ramon and Martinez rail
road is completed and trains running.
Mrs. Calwell. acred 60. was burned
to death in her son's barn at Lotus
May 31 while she was alone on the
Daniel Murray got drunk at Eureka
Tune 4 and fired a shotgun into the
faces and necks of James Craig and
Mrs. Z'iok Graff. Craig's wounds
were serious.
Jackson Rhoades, who murdered
Principal Shull near Greenwood, has
been arretted.
Fruit bankers have itist mimhnsed
of C. A. Maul, near Bakersneld, all of
his ore ne:e eliner peacHes of this year's
crop at $40 per ton, but will take no
peaches that measure less than two
and a half inches in diameter. The
orange clings ripen in August, and
tnev exoect to cret at least two car
loads that come within the contract.'
Ihey will be pnt up m glass jars for
me zancy eastern maricec :
Mrs. Elizabeth Hollenbeek of Los
Angeles, who last year gave $750,000
for a home for aced ueoDle. has
donated ten acres on Boyle nights to
tne city lor a parte.
Preacher Fleniiner of Los Angeles
has been sentenced to three years in
the state prison for indecent assault
on his servant girl. He appeals.
George Miles, arrested for the mur
der of his partner in the saloon busi
ness, Oeorge All tier, at Los Angeles,
was examined and discharged.
A company has been incorporated
to build an electric railroad from Pasa
dena up mount Wilson.
Los Angeles' school census shows
an increase of 203 for the year.
George W. Howard of Santa Monica
was drowned while bathing at the
Deacn j une 4.
Deputy Sheriff Seoulveda h is been
discharged for attempting to make
arrangements with the chief of police
to let fifteen tan games run in China
town for $200 a week.
The supervisors have fixed county
liquor licenses at $15 a month.
Committees of taxpayers have been
appointed in Los Angeles to examine
the books of the city officers and the
county officers and to look up the cost
of governing eastern cities of the
same size.
I. I. Boak of Denver has organized
camps of the Order .of Woodmen and
collected about $1000 which he now
firomises to return if not prosecuted
or obtaining money under false pre
tenses. The order his camps were
attached to is claimed to be only a
seceded faction from the Modern
Woodmen of America which the
members of his camps thought they
were joining.
Mrs. Harriet Slosson's 13-veftr-old
daughter has been given in charge of
a brother and sister by the courts on
the ground that the mother leads an
evil life at Los Angeles, and has tried
to force the little girl to do the same.
A woman of the town has been ar
rested foi poisoning ex-Policeman
Dan Lynch with a dose of morphine '
which she is supposed to have pre
pared ior anotner visitor to ner nouse ,
wuom sne mtenoea to roo.
D. E. Shull. principal of theCuffev's
Cove public school, was shot and
Killed Dy a stage a river named
Rhoades, who wanted to marry a
teacher named May Thurston and
when she refused thought Shull was
the cause of the refusal.
The Junipero Serra monument at
Monterey, made and placed at the
expense of Mrs. Leland Stanford at a
cost oi spiu,uoo, was unvaiied J une 3.
It is a statue of the old priest and
stands near the spot where he landed
in ivyu.
Lou Davis and Eugene Kidd fired
shots at each other on the street at
Salinas June 4 but hit nobody. Then
tney cuncnea ana iougnt ana Dotn
were arrested.
Joseph Road house, aged 22. has
been arrested for arson at Salinas.
He was caught in the act.
Burglars bored four holes in Frank
Piercers safe at Monterey on the night
of June 4 but failed to open it.
Three white men. two of them young
and the other about 45. tortured a
Chinese miner near Grass Valley to
uia& liiui KvtI L,p muuwy ne was sup
posed to have. They then ran a broom
stick into his body and broke it off
and disappeared. His life may be
Ninety-five ostriches were sold for
debt at the Anaheim ostrich farm
June 1, for $1600. They are3under
stood to have been bidden in for the
Anaheim has voted $150,000 im
provement bonds.
The directors of the Anaheim irriga
tion district will go into court and
fight the Southern Pacific's effort to
escape the irrigation tax.
Beruice Kinder of Gold Run. aged
12, and her 11-year-old sister got hold
of a giant powder cartridge and tried
to take the cap off it, first pouring
cold water on it. It exploded and
took off one girl's right hand and in
jured her left and slightly injured the
otner gin in tne lace.
Chinese are killing many fish in the
American river with gunpowder.
The Sacramento school trustee elec
tion is being contested on the ground
mat il was neia in a saloon.
Miss Mock of the "Fakir" theatri
cal company came down with small
pox while in the capital.
A Mrs. Spill man. who had separated
from her husband, was assaulted by
two men who broke into her house
and beat her head into a jelly and
then disappeared, June 5, after she
had retired for the night. She is likely
to die. -There is no known cause for
the assault.
An old man named Peyran, sleeping
in the house of John Olsen at Sacra
mento, was murdered in bed June 5
and the house set on fire. It is sup
posed the murderers were after Olsen's
The supervisors and the Anti-debris
association have secured injunctions
wnicn nave closed a number oi mines
on the forks of the American river.
Reservoirs will be built in the
mountains north of San Bernardino to
irrigate 120,000 acres between San
xseraaratno and Pomona and tmeio.
James McGowan was killed and
Edward Moran and Thomas Eisler
severely injured by a cave in the
w atenoo mine at (jauco i une u.
C. H. Dvar, an Ontario insurance
man, has disappeared, leaving a letter
telling nis wue mat ne nas gone to
make money. His accounts are
The Carlsbad land and water com
pany has donated the Carlsbad hotel
and forty acres of land for a Methodist
seaside resort.
The superior eourt upholds the new
charter of San Diego.
A Sunday school institute for train
ing teachers has been founded.
James W. Kerr, who killed Edward
Coogan by a shot fired at a crowd of
siriKing moioers wno naa assaulted
Kerr and one of the employes of Kerr's
foundry, has had his trial and it took
the jury five minutes to acquit him.
The fire commissioners deposed
Charles E. Broad, clerk of the corpor
ation yara, out ne reiusea to go ana
u'w tj(Jiieu w uie courts 1AJ restrain
the board from dischartrincr him.
alleging that that act is beyond the
Doaru s legal powers.
Dr. Samuel H. Hall has been held
for trial for the murder through crim
inal malpractice of Miss Ida Shaddock
of Sites. -
The Pacifie bank has paid the
$18,250 23 taxes which the city sued
John Roberts, who lives in an ark
on the river with his fifteen-year-old
daughter, has been arrested at Stock
ton on her complaint for an unnatural
crime. The girl has been taken in
charge by the society for the preven
tion of cruelty to children.
Walter Antoine of San Jose was
drowned while bathing near the Lick
Mills June 7.
William Coleman left a gun stand
ing where some children were playing
near Selma June 3 and they knocked
it down and it was discharged as it
fell, killing 5-year-old Fred Lin son.
A break in the Fresno canal June 3
flooded the city. A gopher hole
started it and it grew so fast it eould
not be stopped until many acres of
land and much of the city had been
flooded and great damage done.
J. F. Blanchard has been arrested
for penury alleged to have been com
mitted in support of Olsen's alibi in
the murder case.
The Indians in Alaska are d vine- off
of the grip.
The schooner Sadie F. Caller was
wrecked on the Alaskan coast May 2.
All on board escaped.
Frank Cathem has been killed bv
Apaches fifteen miles from Arispe,
Mex., and the Mexicans have chased
the redskins toward Arizona.
The contract is let for the build inc
of the railroad from San Diego to San
Quintin, Mex., and again we are
promised that it will be pushed to
Jeremiah Gibbons cut his throat
and then drowned himself in a tank
of water at Tucson June 1.
Four men have been convicted of
the assault on the juryman who hung
out and prevented the acquittal of
Shankland in the murder trial at
The Tombstone and Bisbee stage
was robbed June 2 by two Mexicans
who got $40.
The irrigating pumps at Yuma,
which are to put water on a large tract
west of Yuma with water from the
Colorado river, are completed and at
Frank Bunting and Gordon, con
tracting painters, collected about
$2000 due them at Boise City and de
camped without paying their bills,
but they were caught at Pocatello and
made to disgorge.
T. D. Edwards, district attorney of
Ormsby county, committed suicide at
Carson June 3.
H. R. Barker of Oklahoma City fell
from a train in a fit of apoplexy at
Laguna June 2 and was picked up
A rock fell on Joseph Foscala in a
mine at Gallup and killed him.
Santa Fe has voted to incorporate.
A beet sugar factory is to be built
near Albuquerque.
The wool clip is immense this year.
An effort is being made to improve
the wagon road between Eugene and
Florence and secure a daily mail to
John B. Raub of Tacoma has got a
verdict against the Southern Pacific
for damages sustained in the lake
Labish disaster. The company will :
appeal. . j
A. K. Belden and a man named i
Loftus quarreled about 50 cents at
Johnson & Butler's sawmill on the
Grande Rondo river June 2 and Bel
den was stabbed and killed.
E. Laybourne fell from a log and
was drowned in the pond near Hoyt's
mill, Powell valley, June 2.
Consolidation has been voted by
Portland, East Portland and Albina.
L. H. McMahon, editor of the Wood
burn Independent, was assaulted
June 5 by James Mento on account of
something he had published. He put
a bullet through Mento 's hand.
What will be the largest salmon
cannery on the Columbia is being
built at Portland.
Portland will issue $50,000 bonds
and buy the bridges in the city and
do away with tolls.
Seattle has shipped to the Chicago
fair a fir tree 52 inches in diameter at
the but and 113 feet long.
The war with Italy seems to be all
write. Washington Star.
Where there's a will there's a way
to bast it. Boston Herald.
A bad boy Is often hand-cuffed by his
parents. Brake's Magazine.
The auctioneer is a thorough "go
;ng" man. Washington tost.
A lazy man has to work bard to find
an easy place. Barn's Horn.
It is the men who pay compliments;
the women pay for them. Atchison
A good man or a good woman with
out tact becomes a terror. Hartford
When the girl breaks a match off
somebody is pretty sure to,-le fired.
Pittsburg Post.
A reporter's Hying is his commission
on the notes he collects for the public
Du Bois Courier.
Beauty is only skin deep, bat it will
fet a seat in a horse-ear every time.
'inghamton Leader.
Switzerland ought to be a free .
country. There are so many passes in
it, Tankers Statesman.
The distant relative is the one who is
afraid that yon are going to borrow $5
from him; Texas Sifting.
The pussy-willow forees the season,
but she's prudent; she always wears
her furs. Binghamton Republican.
It is a curious fact that when one is
seized with a ennsnming passion one1!
appetite fails miserably. St. Joseph
There is one business industry that
has some snap to it even in doll times
the whip : manufacture. Lowell
The bright lexicon of youth is una
bridged. Nothing is too, big for hope to
tackle and climb over. New Orleans
He "So Jack isn't devoted to Kate
any more. Did they tight?" She
"Yes; they had an engagement."
Tale Record.
When the plnmber sends in his bill
the dancing and paying the piper hi
done by the same person. Philadel
phia Times.
If some men had the nine lives of a
eaV they would waste them in folly and
then hare nine death-bed repentances.
.V. T. Herald.
When two girls meet they k isa.
When two men meet they don't. This
shows plainly who want kissing.
Pottsville Republican.
When a fellow has spent half an hour
in a dentist's oater office he has had
some experience in bearing a wait of
woe. Buffalo Express.
"So your miners have wrecked your
property, Air. Baron?" i es. li s my
fault. I didn't starve them long
enougn." js. i. leecoraer.
The farmer who undertakes to earn
his bread by the sweat of a hired man's
brow had better make np his mind to
do without pie. --flaw's Horn.
It takes U3 years to learn what little
we do know and twice as long to un
learn the great deal that we think we
know, but don't. jV. Y. Herald.
Briggs- 'Watts considers his wife a
very superior person." Potts ' Yes;
he takes himself as the standard of
comparison." Indianapolis Journal.
The man who is prond because his
name is not Brown. Smith or Jones
usual iy has nothing else in the world
to be proud of. Somerville Journal.
So many young men are promising
young men until the age comes wnen
they should be fulfil iiog some of the
promises of their youth. Atchison
"I have tried many ways of e4fcfrrg
ahead, writes a subscriber. "Can
yon give some advice?" Why don't
you try mixing yoar drinks?" N. T.
Women do. not suffer as much as
they used to in olden times from con
traction of the chest. Jnst look at the
size of the Saratoga trunks. Texas
This may be a highly moral Nation,
bat honesty mast become more preval
ent before it will be safe to jadge a
man by the umbrella he carries. JV.
Y. Recorder .
"Is he really your rival?" "Yes."
"Great Scott! If I bad a rival that
looked like that, do you know what I
would do?" "No." "IM give np the
girl." Harper's Bazar. .
Bridges "Do yoa suppose a man's
evil deeds are written in indelible ink?"
Brooks "I hope so." Bridges--Why?"
Brooks ""Twon't last over
six weeks." N T. Herald.
"How did Toar soiree aro off. Mr.
Von Woile?" "Simply magnificent;
nobody but gentleman of the first
society. Their clothes were all of
genuine wool." Fliegende Blatter.
SMdious Boy "Jerry Jndd asked.
Which is the safest, ice yachting or
summer sailing?' Is that correct?"
Father "No. He should have said, -Which
is the more dangerous?"
Good News.
Jip I call the policeman who
promptly arrests a drunkard when he -sees
him the right man in the right -place.
Snip-And the drunkard
would you call him a tight man in a
tight place?
'Why is it that you write yoar bills
on rose paper with perfumed en
velopes?" "Because," answered the
tailor, tbe young fellows will imagine
it's a love letter and are sure to open
it." Fliegende Blatter.
"I liked yoar sermon so much to
day," said the old lady to the clergy
man. "Indeed?" said he evidently
pleased. "Yes," she went on; it re
minded me so much of one I read when
I was a girl." Boston Post.
Tommy "What's the difference be
tween an independent and a mugwump
paw?' Mr. Figg "He's d independ
ent when he agrees with our party and
a mugwump wnen ne agrees witn tn
other fellow's." Indianapolis Journal.
It is reported that a Yankee has in
vented "a safety seamless trousers
pocket." His glory will, be eclipsed
only by that man who will invent a
trousers pocket wfrlch will elude the
search of the wife after small change.
Cum so (reading) "A ship which re
cently sailed for Africa had on board
seven missionaries and 5,000 barrels of
whisky." Mrs. Cuomo (indignantly)
"Well, I do think they ought to send -missionaries
who don't drink." Nl -
X. Sun.
Mr. Newbridge "Flight's rich wife
intends to sue hiin for obtaining""
money on false pretenses." Mrs. New
bridge -"Why, how is that?" Mr.
Newbridge He told her he loved ftiVr
before she married himv" H'htf '